Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, Property Twins learned the real estate business from his dad, an owner of a local construction company. The basics of building provided a solid foundation and Property Twins launched his own business – rehabilitating homes – while enrolled at the University of Cincinnati.
CASH HOME BUYERS IN CINCINNATI • Selling your house can cost you plenty. For example, suppose you bought your home for $100,000. If you sell it for $150,000, think you’ll make a $50,000 profit? Think again. Before you even start the selling process, you’ve got expenses to consider. We buy houses Cincinnati even if it’s in foreclosure – but we have different costs we have to consider.
• Repairs and improvements: Repairs can prevent the devaluation of your home, and the right improvements can increase the selling price or decrease taxes if you make a profit. 3
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Prepayment Penalty: Even when you pay off the entire mortgage balance on the home you’re selling, the mortgage holder may charge you a “prepayment” penalty. Moving Costs: You could sell or donate everything and start fresh, to avoid what could be hefty moving costs. But that can be rather pricey. On top of all this are the costs relating to the actual sale of the property. Fees vary, depending on your location. Whether you or the buyer pays may be decided by negotiation. In general, though, here’s what you can expect: Professional house inspection provides you with a report of the physical condition of the house. Buyers usually have their inspection performed as well.
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M AT T @ C I N C Y P R O P E R T Y T W I N S . C O M W W W. T H E CI NC Y H O U S E B U Y E R . C OM
Trusted Cash Home Buyers in Cincinnati
Trusted Cash Home Buyers in Cincinnati
Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, Property Twins learned...