We offer a our landlords a hassle free solution to the leasing of their properties
If you're interested in an apartment in Dublin for a short or long stay just drop us
on a short term basis.
an email and we're sure to be able to arrange something suitable in any part of
We handle everything from general repairs and upkeep to the running of your
Each year we welcome private groups from many different cultures, intent on seeing Ireland with the Irish. We cater for a lot of business travelers who are in Ireland for extended work purposes. Whether it's an executive coming to stay while looking for a longer term place or a larger house for a crew of workers who are only in the country for a few weeks or months, we'll be able to provide a solution for your housing needs.
short term rental property, with your best interests to the fore whether it's maximising your revenue or simply keeping your home working for you while you're away. We'll take things from start to finish giving you peace of mind and confidence that you're making the right moves. Click on the Contact us link below to begin your journey to short term hosting.
Contact Us now, click here
Cleaning Services Excellent Customer Service: We are so confident in our cleaners that we don’t need to tie you to a contract. Use us as long as you are happy with us! Our goal is that you will be 100% satisfied. However, in the event that our service falls below the high standards we set ourselves we will give you your money back. All of our cleaners are fully insured to give you peace of mind. Full replacement cover for holidays and illness. Differing cleaning services on offer Window cleaning: 60 ft water fed pole window cleaning Oven Deep cleaning Daily light clean Carpet stain removal Property turnover deep cleans Exterior power hosing After builders micro-fiber dust cleaning Office cleaning
At ShortStayIreland you'll get unbeatable corporate rates. Enjoy savings of up to 30%. All the travel info you need, right at your fingertips. Say goodbye to infinite email threads. Get 24/7 support from real travel experts, 365 days a year. Simply click the contact link to get in touch and book your trip or if it's management of a property that you need we'll have a specialist call you back to run through our service offering.
Short Term Rental Management
We offer a our landlords a hassle free solution to the leasing of their properties
If you're interested in an ...