Why You Should Take the Big 5 Personality Test Have you heard about the Big Five test? it is a test developed by expert psychologists especially for HR professionals and job placement specialists. The Big 5 Personality Test comprises of five key traits including 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Openness To Experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
Each of these traits are further divided into two sub-categories that explore that trait from a more specific angle, with percentile scores assigned to both the larger category and the subcategories. Upon finishing the test which consists of 55 questions and which takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, you will receive complimentary basic results showcasing your scores across the 5 personality dimensions. Big 5 test comprising of 5 dimensions represent five broad domains of personality traits that capture fundamental aspects of human behaviour and individual differences. These dimensions, are also known as the Five-Factor Model. Together, these dimensions provide a comprehensive framework for understanding and describing the various aspects of personality that contribute to individual differences in behaviour, cognition, and emotion. It is found that The Big Five personality test is very accurate. It is widely regarded as a reliable and valid assessment tool for measuring personality traits. Big 5 test free has been extensively researched and validated across diverse populations and cultures, indicating robust psychometric properties. To take the Big 5 Personality Test you are required to mark each statement based on how well it describes your personality. First question about openness to experience, measures eagerness to explore new ideas and artistic experiences; it is generally correlated to high degrees of creativity and originality. Furthermore, it has two subcategories: intellect and openness. While intellect is not a measurement of IQ, but of interest in abstract or complex ideas and concepts. Openness is about highly open people who are exceptionally imaginative, inspired and moved by art, literature, music, nature, and beauty. Next category is Conscientiousness which is the factor that measures a person’s adherence to duty, organization, responsibility, careful planning, and achievement. It is subdivided into industriousness and orderliness. While industriousness is reflected in people who are hardworking, reliable, and on target with their schedules and deadlines. They are trustworthy and get work done on time. When you are answering the question about orderliness it evaluates whether the person is upset by disorder or chaos, is detail oriented, and abides by rules and procedures. Big 5 test can help employers and recruiters select the right employee. Since today employers and recruiters are looking for staff who can offer more than technical skills this test comes to their rescue. You can take the Big 5 Test Free at Testuity online.