Inappropriate Themes -Diseases. -Crimes. -Intrigues. -Criticism. -Sarcasm. -Domestic disputes. -Other people's maladjustments. Sexual conflicts. -Divorce. -Depressing notes about individuals considered foreigners. Racism. -Social prejudice. -Political differences. -Religious friction. -Self-praise. -The dearth of life. -Personal woes. -Lamentations. -Pejorative comparisons. -Unhappy memories. -Disapproval of public services.
-Scandals. -Marital infidelity. -Pornography. -Unflattering comments about other people's homes. -Inconvenient anecdotes. -Dirty stories. * There are certainly no subjects unworthy of the word, and all of them can be reasons for understanding and education, but whenever inappropriate or difficult topics are brought up in any conversation, balance and prudence must be used so that respect for others is not harmed.