Everything You Should Know About Chronic Heartburn Home / Blogs / Everyt hing You Should Know About Chronic Heart burn
Latest Blogs Everything You Should Know About Chronic Heartburn 30/09/2024
Dr. Bhushan Chittawadagi
Why You Should Track How Often You Experience
Heartburn? 02/09/2024
Do you ever feel like t here’s somet hing st uck in your t hroat while eat ing or just before bedt ime? If so, you might be familiar wit h heart burn. While
healt h complicat ions, as highlight ed by a renowned gastro surgeon in
9 Effective Lifestyle Changes for Heartburn Relief Managing Acid Reflux Tips
Bangalore Dr. Bhushan Chittawadagi. In t his blog, we’ll explore everyt hing
occasional heart burn is common, experiencing it regularly could indicat e chronic heartburn. In India, 15.6% of t he populat ion suffers from GERD, a t ype of heart burn t hat demands medical at t ent ion. Chronic heart burn can significant ly disrupt daily life and, if left unt reat ed, may lead t o serious
you need t o know about chronic heart burn, including it s sympt oms, causes,
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and effect ive t reat ment s t o help you find relief.
What Are the Common Symptoms of Chronic Heartburn?
Chronic heart burn occurs when st omach acid flows back int o t he esophagus, irrit at ing. Common sympt oms include:
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Burning sensat ion in t he chest , frequent ly aft er eat ing or when lying down. 09/07/2024
Sour or bit t er t ast e in t he mout h. Regurgit at ion of food or sour liquid. Difficult y swallowing or t he feeling of food being st uck in t he t hroat . Habit ual cough or hoarseness, especially in t he morning. These sympt oms can be cat egorized from mild t o aust ere and generally last for weeks or mont hs, significant ly affect ing your qualit y of life.
What Makes Heartburn Worse? Several fact ors can t rigger or worsen chronic heart burn. Underst anding t hese can help you avoid unnecessary discomfort : Certain foods: Spicy dishes, cit rus, chocolat e, caffeine, and fat t y or fried foods. Large meals: Especially before bedt ime. Smoking and alcohol consumption: Bot h weaken t he esophageal sphinct er. Being fat: Excess body weight increases pressure on t he st omach. Stress: Can cont ribut e t o boost ed st omach acid product ion. Making small adjust ment s t o your lifest yle can play a significant part in managing heart burn effect ively.
How is it Diagnosed? Diagnosis t ypically st art s wit h a visit t o your doct or, who will review your sympt oms and medical hist ory. They may recommend some t est s, including: Endoscopy: A t hin pipe wit h a camera is ut ilized t o view t he esophagus and check for damage. pH monitoring: This measures acid levels in t he esophagus over 24 hours. X-rays
punct uat e
abnormalit ies in your digest ive t ract . Get t ing a proper diagnosis is pivot al t o prevent ing long-t erm damage t o your esophagus.
What Are the Treatment Options for Chronic Heartburn? Managing chronic heart burn effect ively depends on t he severit y of your sympt oms. According t o Dr. Bhushan Chit t awadagi, a GERD specialist in Bangalore, t reat ment generally involves a combinat ion of lifest yle changes, medicines, and, in hard cases, surgery: Lifestyle changes: Eat ing smaller meals, avoiding t rigger foods, and elevat ing t he head during sleep. Medications: Over-t he-count er ant acids, H2 blockers, or prot on pump inhibit ors( PPIs) can reduce st omach acid and give relief. Prescription medicines: St ronger performances of PPIs or prokinet ic agent s may be required for more persist ent sympt oms. Surgery: In aust ere cases, when t he drug isn’t operat ive, procedures like fundoplicat ion can t oughen t he esophageal sphinct er and prevent reflux. Your doct or will help you decide on t he best t reat ment based on your sympt oms and lifest yle.
What Are the Potential Complications of Chronic Heartburn? If left unt reat ed, chronic heart burn can lead t o serious complicat ions, including: Esophagitis: Inflammat ion of t he esophagus caused by regular acid exposure. Barrett’s esophagus: A condit ion where t he cells in t he esophageal filling change, boost ing t he t rouble of esophageal cancer. Strictures: Narrowing of t he esophagus due t o scar t issue from acid damage, making swallowing t ough. Addressing heart burn early can help avert t hese complicat ions and enhance your overall healt h.
Conclusion: Chronic heart burn can great ly impact your qualit y of life, but help is available. Dr. Bhushan Chittawadagi, a renowned gast roent erologist , specializes in operat ive GERD treatment in Bangalore. Don’t let heart burn hold you back—book an appointment t oday t o regain cont rol of your healt h!
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