commonwealth of Australia Gazette Published by the Australian Government Publishing S e
Canberra, Tuesday, 2 4 April 1979
2 Legislation 2 Government departments 43 Defence force appointments, etc. 44 Commonwealth teaching service 44 Bankruptcy Act 61 Private notices 67 Tenders invited 75 Contracts arranged Special Gazettes Nos S 68, S^9 and S 70 are herewith Commonwealth of Australia Gazette is published sectionally in accordance with the arrangements set out below: Public Service issues contain notices concerning administrative matters, including examinations, vacancies, transfers and promotions within the Australian Public Service. These issues are published weekly at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, and are sold at $1.60 each plus postage or on subscription of $86.50 (50 issues), $44.00 (25 issues), or $22.75 (12 issues). General issues contain notices under the following headings: Special information (i.e. notices in connection with the Office of the Governor-General; the Federal Executive Council; the Parliament; the Judiciary; the Executive Government; and honours, decorations and awards); Proclamations\ Legislation (Acts of Parliament assented to; Statutory Rules; Ordinances; Regulations); Customs; Government departments (i.e. notices not placed in other categories, alphabetically listed under departments administering particular legislation or functions); Defence Force appointments, promotionsy etc.; Commonwealth Teaching Service vacancies; promotions, etc.\ Bankruptcy Act; Private notices; Tenders invited; Contracts arranged. Copies of each week's Special issues are supplied with General issues which are published weekly at 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday and are sold at 95c each plus postage or on subscription of $60.50 (50 issues), $31.00 (25 issues), or $17.25 (12 issues). Annual subscription includes quarterly index issues. Special issues are made on urgent matters as required. Single copies are available on the day of issue at various prices according to size, and they are also provided at no extra charge with weekly General issues. Special issues are not available on separate subscription. Periodic issues contain lengthy notices of a non-urgent nature, including the following: Certificates of Australian Citizenship; Registered Tax Agents; Authorised Celebrants; Unclaimed deposits and moneys; Australian Public Service—Conditions of Entry and Advancement; Appointments to the Australian Public Service; Holders of Import Licences and Tariff Quotas. Issues are made at irregular intervals as required, at individual prices according to size. Advice of availability is given in the General and Public Service issues immediately following the day of publication. Periodic issues are not available on subscription, but standing orders are accepted for all or selected issues. Index issues contain an index of a limited number of entries in certain sections of Public Service issues, and all entries in the General issues except names in the Bankruptcy Act section. Index issues are published quarterly and are sold at 20c each plus postage. They are supplied without charge to annual subscribers to the General issues, but are not otherwise available on subscription. SUBSCRIPTIONS are payable in advance. Rates include surface postage in Australia and overseas. Other carriage rates are available on application. AVAILABILITY. The Gazette may be purchased by mail from: Mail Order Sales, Australian Government Publishing Service, P.O. Box 84. Canberra, A.C.T. 2600
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^isir^ia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
LEGISLATION A c t s of Parliament assented to IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor-General, in the name of Her Majesty, assented on 5 April 1979 to the undermentioned Act passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives in Parliament assembled, viz.: No. 23 of 1979—An Act to amend the Family Law Act 1975. J. R. ODGERS Clerk of the Senate
Statutes NOTIFICATION OF T H E MAKING OF A STATUTE NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Statute has been made under the Canberra College of Advance d Education Act 1967. Copies of the Statute may be purchased at the Office of the Registrar, Canberra College of Advanced Education, Bruce, A.C.T. Number
Title of Statute
Courses and Awards Statute 1979
Dated this fifth day of April 1979.
Department of Administrative Services
By His Excellency's Command,
Electoral Office Act
ZELMAN COWEN Governor-General
APPOINTMENT OF ACTING AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL OFFICER FOR NEW SOUTH WALES I, SIR ZELMAN COWEN, the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, in pursuance of section 14 of the Australian Electoral Office Act 1973, hereby— (a) appoint Ralph John Charles Whalen to act in the office of Australian Electoral Officer for New South Wales during the absence of Charles Ivor White, the occupant of that office, from 13 April 1979 and ending when Charles Ivor White returns to duty; and (b) determine that the said Ralph John Charles Whalen shall, while he so acts in the office of Australian Electoral Officer for New South Wales, perform the duties of that office upon the same terms and conditions as the person at present occupying the office of Australian Electoral Officer for New South Wales.
J. E. McLEAY Minister of State for Administrative Services (Ex. Min. No. 17)
Attorney - Gen era 1 's Department COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 APPOINTMENT OF SENIOR NON-PRESIDENTIAL MEMBER I, SIR ZELMAN COWEN, the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and in pursuance of sections 6, 8 and 19 of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, hereby— (a) appoint Keith Stacey Edmunds to be a parttime non-presidential member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for the period commencing on 12 April 1979 and ending on 30 June 1980 and declare him to be a senior nonpresidential member; and
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 (b) assign Keith Stacey Edmunds to the General Administrative Division and to the Valuation and Compensation Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Dated this fifth day of April <1979. ZELMAN COWEN Governor-General By His Excellency's Command, P. DURACK Attorney-General (Ex. Min. No. 22)
Department of Business and Consumer Affairs AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Companies Ordinance 1962 I, WALLACE CLYDE FIFE, Minister of State for Business and Consumer Affairs hereby terminate the appointment of John Arthur Afford as Deputy Registrar of Companies. Dated this twenty-eighth day of March 1979. WAL. FIFE Minister of State for Business and Consumer Affairs AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Companies Ordinance 1962 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO STRIKE OFF REGISTER NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of Subsection 308 (2) of the Companies Ordinance 1962 that, at the expiration of three months from the date of this notice, the names of the following companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies will be dissolved: Supreme Painters Pty Limited Jindi Pty Limited Australasian Automat (Sydney) Pty Ltd Geo. J. Phillips Sales & Service Pty Limited Roger Manfred Holdings Pty Limited Roger Manfred Pty Limited G. J. Dennis Pty Limited Technical Consultants Pty Limited Kenart Enterprises Pty Limited M.C.U. Furniture Pty Limited Dated this twenty-seventh day of March '1979. 1. E. ASTOLFI Deputy Registrar of Companies
Government departments 3 unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies will be dissolved: Andromeda Promotions Pty Ltd Point Superb Pty Limited Alinga-Douglas Homes Pty Limited Crescent Sales Pty Limited Snow Blue Pty Limited A.J.P. Installations Pty Limited Howfield Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd Wm. A. Harris and Co. Pty Limited Cottage Erectors Pty Limited Bill Musial Pty Limited Dated this twenty-eighth day of March 1979. I. E. ASTOLFI Deputy Registrar of Companies AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Companies Ordinance 1962 NOTICE OF STRIKING OFF REGISTER IN pursuance of Sub-section 308 (4) of the Companies Ordinance 1962, I, Ivo Ernesto Astolfi, Deputy Registrar of Companies, have this day struck off the Register the names of the following companies: Leconte Investments Pty Ltd Stewart Investments Pty Ltd Mafor (Canberra) Pty Limited Fersfield Pty Limited Lingcroft Pty Limited G. J. Dennis (Holdings) Pty Limited Steel Traders Pty Limited Australian Provident Properties Pty Limited Argentum Pty Limited Cuando Pty Limited Dated this eighteenth day of April 1979. I. E. ASTOLFI Deputy Registrar of Companies
AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Companies Ordinance 1962 NOTICE OF STRIKING OFF REGISTER IN pursuance of Sub-section 308 (4) of the Companies Ordinance 1962, I, Ivo Ernesto Astolfi, Deputy Registrar of Companies, have this day struck off the Register the names of the following companies: Thermal Traders (Vic.) Pty Limited G. & Y. Investments Pty Limited Realty Development Limited Linamben Pty Limited Robertson Investments Pty Limited Deck Distributors Pty Limited Belgrade Nominees Pty Limited AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Candra Pty Ltd Companies Ordinance 1962 Walter June Investments Pty Limited NOTICE OF INTENTION TO STRIKE OFF Cruachan Investments Pty Limited REGISTER NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of Sub-section Dated this 18th day of April 1979. 308 (2) of the Companies Ordinance 1962 that, at 1. E. ASTOLFI the expiration of three months from the date of this Deputy Registrar of Companies notice, the names of the following companies will,
4 Government departments Customs Act 1901
NOTICE OF DETERMINATIONS UNDER PART XVI—303452-303612; 303617-303708.
THE Minister of State for Business and Consumer Affairs, the Honourable Wal. Fife, in pursuance of Section 273B of the Customs Act 1901 notifies that determinations have been made under Part XVI of that Act in respect of the goods indicated in the table appended hereto and limited to the quantities set out in the respective determinations. Except where an amendment or revocation of an earlier determination is concerned, the table lists, in the following order, the file number, the kind of goods, the date on or before which the goods shall be entered for home consumption, if such is a condition of the determination, further conditions, if any, and the item of Schedules 1 or 2 to the Customs Tariff applying to the goods. Where a seven figure item is shown it is an item of Schedule 1 to the Customs Tariff and where a two figure item is shown it is an item of Schedule 2. All goods, being machines, machinery or machine tools are, unless otherwise indicated, subject to the provisions of Separate Articles Directions given under paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Tariff. Wherever appearing in the table PVC means polyvinyl chloride and TV means television. C79/53041. High speed drilling heads. 4.81. 19. C79/51083. Photo-electric lighting controls. 4.81. 19. C79/52806. Foaming machine of a kind used to manufacture flexible polyurethane. 4.81. 19. C79/52829. 20 channel communications/voice logging/ retrieval system. 4.-81. 19. C79/52564. Automatic foam cup moulding machine using expanded polystyrene beads capable of making two (2) cups at a time. 4.81. 19. C79/52607. Writing pen kits for circular and strip chart recorders, inking components, disposable felt tipped pens, being parts for use with recording instruments. 4.81. 19. C79/52521. Spare parts for roller grinding machine. 4.81. 19. C79/51702. Miniature power screwdrivers and nut runners with integral automatic vacuum pick-up and adjustable torque control up to a maximum of 0.6 N.m torque. 4.80. 19. C79/52259. Electric impact wrenches, H in. square drive. 4.81. 19. C79/52255. Measuring cutting bending machine of a kind used in the preparation of transistors, capacitors. 4.81. 19. C79/53113. TV signal digital standards converters. 4.81. 19. C79/51866. Wheel nuts suitable for the manufacture of fork lift trucks. 3.81. 19. C79/51664. 1.2 mm or 1.6 mm MIG welding wire having the following analysis~C 0.10%, Mn 1.5/1.7%, Si 0.4/0.6%, S & P 0.015%, Cr 0.2/0.4%, Mo 0.2/0.3%, V 0.1%, Ni 1.2/1.6%. 6.79. 19. C79/52093. Revocation of Determination No. 303051. C79/52093. Amendment to MD303051. 6.79. 19. C79/51511. Locomotive remote control systems. 4.81. 19. C79/53059. Maneanese steel rail having a centre groove of a kind used to guide conveyor chain. 6.79. 19. C79/53108. Precision drill guides. 3.81. 19. C79/50^^89. Graphitised alumina or fused silica submerged entry nozzles. 6.79. 19. C79/50271. Paging receivers. 4.81. 19.
weaiin oj /Australia Lrazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
C76/58003. 2 mm thickness plain clear sheet glass for use in the manufacture of light fittings, under security. 3.78. 19. C79/52851. Saws, specially designed for use with head rounding cooperage machines, under security. 5.79. 19. C78/62447. Alumina fibre paper and paperboard for high temperature insulating purposes for hot face linings capable of withstanding 1600° C. 3.81. 19. C79/52767. Solid drawn seamless tubing to Spec. SA210-A1, 1.75 in. O D x 0.200 in. MWT, 2,375 in. OD X 0.436 in. M W T . 3.81. 19. C79/52810. Lift pipe in duel metal material 650.875 mm ID and 655.6375 mm ID being for use as catlyst elevation duct in a cracking unit. 3.80. 19. C79/52109. Automatic mouse traps, 3.81. 19. C78/05328. Japanese museum pieces. 4.79. 27. C79/52529. Hydraulic motors, pressure is greater than 10335 kPa for incorporation into tamper machines, under security. 12.81. 19. C79/51534. Steel strip 0.75 mm x 14.2875 mm. 3.81. 19. C79/52827. Capscrews being spares for slab scarfer. 3.81. 19. C79/52760. Rollers, chamfering, specially designed for use with gear chamfering machines. 5.79. 19. C79/52839. Parts for marine compression ignition internal combustion engines with a power output not exceeding 25 k W to which paragraph 84.06.920 applies. 4.81. 19. C79/52932. Battery power pack for cash registers. 12.79. 19. C79/52962. Electro-galvanised annealed steel strip in coil form, caliper 0.15 mm thickness, 55 mm and 6 4 m m width, E l l 2 coating matt finish. 3.81. 19. C79/50377. Submerged arcwelded line pipe to API 5LX grade X65 in accordance with spec. 8489-50-501 as follows: 762 mm OD x 12.7 mm WT, 762 mm O D x 15.88 mm WT, and 406.4 mm OD x 9.52 mm WT. 12.79. -19. C79/52975. Electric resistance welded carbon steel line pipe to API specification 5LX grade X52 lengths 18 metres, 12^ in. O D x 0.344 in. WT, lOJ in. OD x 0.307 in. WT, 85/8 in. O D x 0.277 in. WT, 65.5 in. O D x 0.250 in. WT. 12.79. 19. C78/61631. Base welding irons of a kind used to apply repair materials to the base of damaged skis. 4.81. 19. C79/51258. Shackles, stainless steel, captive pin, marine. 6.79. 19. C79/52956. Metal seals, scored on the inside surface, of a kind used for sealing flat nylon strapping after tensioning around packages. 3.81. 19. C 7 9 / 5 n 2 6 . Dateline controlled relay units. 4.81, 19. C79/53023. Tweeter speakers. 4.81. 19. C79/52903. High speed steel cutters being replacement parts for an automatic recessing tool. 4.81. 19. C79/50349. Antenna tuning units. 4,81. 19. C79/52077. Limited distance modems. 4.81. 19. C79/52999. Steel impression embossing mills in roll form. 4.80. 19. C78/57167. Amendment to MD299048 of .14.'11.78. 11.80. 19. C78/60935. Revocation of Determination No. 302007. C78/60935. Replacement for MD301717 of 9.2.79. 2.81. 19. C78/62147. Digital multiloop controllers. 4.81. 19. C78/60085. Linear integrated circuits. 10.80. 19. C79/53115. Hall effect push button switches. 4.»I. 19. C79/53176. Computerised sound mixing consoles. 4.81. 19. C77/53894, C74/57247, C78/52527, C78/56088, C77/62731, C78/59444, C74/56727, C78/54470, C77/52668. Components for use in the manufacture or assembly of motor vehicles, under security. 3.80. 24.
^ommonweafif^^^usira^ No. G 16, 24 April 1979 C74/63724. Components for use as original equipment in the assembly or manufacture of motor vehicles, under security. 3.80. 24. €79/53037. Filling and sealing machines, automatic, for tubes or buckets of ice cream. 4.80. 19. C79/52518. Valves, specifically designed for use with hydraulic motors. 12/81. 19. C79/53019. Continuous pressure filter of the band type, with pressures up to 1.5 MPa. 4.80. 19. C79/52356. Precision ground ball bearings. 12.81. 19. C79/52270, Gear driven diesel engine oil pumps. 4.81. 119. C79/53045. Combined washer/dryers with built in heated forced air drying for glassware or plasticware in laboratories, etc. 4.81. 19. C79/53027. Filtration modules for use in reverse osmosis systems. 4.81. 19. €78/59656. Rough terrain hydraulic crane for use in lifting operations at the Aust. Iron & Steel plant at Port Kembla, N.S.W., under security. '12.79. 19. €79/51979. Cast steel bowl liner for foundry sand mulling machine. 3.80. 19. €79/53011. Automatic muffin splitters. 4.81. 19. €79/52924. Small piece and gown folders incorporating French/Quarter fold with one or two crossfolds. 4.81. 19. €79/52609. Automatic hot condensate pumps, capacity to 5728 L/h, head to 26 m. 3.81. 19. €79/53020. Centrifugally cast primary- reformer furnace outlet headers in cast 20/32 Nb material. 4.81. 19. €79/52828. Wax pastillating machine. 4.81. 19. €78/61892. Kevocation of Determination No. 299846. €78/61448. Revocation of Determination No. 299450. €79/51285. Revocation of Determination No. 302412. €78/59578. Revocation of Determination No. 298315. €78/60944. Revocation of Determination No. 299304. €79/52563. '100% dry copiers for producing textile industry patterns on plain paper. 4.80. 19. €79/52580. Commercial waste disposal machines of between 0.7 kW and 4.5 kW. 4.81. 19. €79/51870. Spares for 362 kV circuit breakers. 4.81. 19. €78/61936. Revocation of Determination No. 300699. €72/69785. Parts for local manufacture of commercial motor vehicle steering equipment. 6.79. 19. €79/50737, €79/52732. Frozen blueberries to be processed into edible foodstuffs on or before 31.12.79, under security. .12.79. 19. €78/54652. Surface active agent for use in the powderless etching of presensitized magnesium plates. 10.79. 19. €79/52661. Negative/positive film separations for reproduction of record covers. 4.80. 19. €79/53029. Expandable polystyrene bead for use in the manufacture of disposable hot drink cups, under security. 4.80. 19. €79/52850. Cleaning preparations based on methanol and sodium hydroxide. 3.81. 19. €79/52849. Urethane prepolymers, for use in joining of sewer pipes, under security. 3.81. 19. C79/53103. Micro-film company records. 4.80. 19. €79/50669. Light density latex foam pads having a porosity of greater than 90% open cells for inclusion in childrens toys, under security. 4.81. 19. €79/52821. Cast acrylic sheets for use in the manufacture of boat windscreens and car weathershields, under security. 6.79. 19. €79/53112. Model engines, other than gloplugs for further manufacture in a factory or for use in a factory in conjunction with Australian raw materials or manufactured goods and labour, other than merely labour in packaging, in the production of other goods, under security. 4.81. 19. C79/52854. Fishing creels. 4.80. 19 .
Government departments
€79/52743, Tricyclohexyl hydroxytin, to which Tariff Item 29.34 applies, for use in the formulation of ariciles for the control of plant breeding mites. 4.80. 19. €79/52728. Diallyl phthalate copolymer. 6.78. 19. €79/52825. Distilled monoglyceride of minimum 90% purity, for use as an emulsifier for sponge cake manufacture, under security. 3.80. 19. €79/53014. Amino acids, synthetic. 4.80. -19. €78/58596. Diamond laps of a kind used in the manufacture of ophthalmic lenses. 3.81. 19. C79/51321. Ferrite permanent magnets with metal casings of a kind used in the manufacture of stationery holders. 4.81. 19. €79/53159. Parts for marine compression ignition internal combustion engines not exceeding 25 kW, to which Tariff Item 84.06.920 applies, under security. 4.80. 19. €79/52852. Cutters, specially designed for use with head rounding cooperage machine, under security. 5.79. 19. €79/53116. Boom outlet boxes of a kind used in television studios. 4.81. 19. €79/52877. Air pots, being pneumatic dispensing liquid vacuum containers. 3.81. 19. €78/60162. Hand weaving looms. 3.81. 19, €78/50605. Polyester/polypropylene towing ropes for luj? winches. 10.77. 19, €79/52791. Pencil leads. 3.80. 19. €77/53785. Amendment to MD176498. 12.79. 48.07.100. €79/52041. Six pack break-apart can carriers. 3.81. 19. €79/52942. Contact lens cases. 6.79. 19. €78/59897. Revocation of Determination No. 300231. C78/59897. Polyester/cotton twill downproof sheeting. 8.79. 19. €79/52811. Waxed paper for use in the manufacturint^ of ^ereal foodstuffs, under security. 9.79. 48.07.1. C79/52184. Milk sampling containers of a kind used for sampling of milk for thermo duric and tuberculosis testing. 3.80. 19. €79/51889. Plastic slide mounts. 4.80. 19. €79/52491. Jacquard loom boards or cards. 3.81. 19. €79/52333. Iso-propyl alcohol for use as a dampening agent in a high speed roland offset lithographic printing press, under security. 3.81. 19. C79/52738. Woven acetate taffeta, coated both sides with polyurethane, for use in the manufacture of printed labels, under security. 3.81. 19. €79/50893. PVC resin for use in the coating of fibreglass yarn, under security. 12.78. 19. €79/52581. Wheaten starch of crystalline appearance. 3.81. 19. €79/52735. Glass marbles, 15 mm to 17 mm dia., for use as agitators in aerosol cans and/or as stoppers in wet cell batteries, under security. 3.80. 19. €79/51917. PTFE sheets, etched one side, 915 mm wide, having a thickness of 0.38 mm. 1.81. 19. €79/52320. Polyoxypropylene butyl ethers for use in the manufacture of cathiodic electropaint, under security. 3.81. 19. C79/52026. Irgazin yellow 5GT. for use in the colouration of automotive acrylic coatings, under security. 6.79. 19. €78/54846. Equipment, 24 volt, for tourist coach entertainment svstems, under security. 3.81. 19. €79/53038. Hydroxy end blocked polvdimethvlsiloxane for use in the manufacture of one part seahnts that vulcanise at less than 40° €., under security. 10.79. 19. €77/63382. Revocation of Determination No. 186477. €77/63382. Locking assemblies. 11.79. 19. €79/53133. Muffin pre-scorers and pre-sUtters. 4.80. 19. €79/52487. C79/52497. Log forwarders. 6.79. 19.
Commonwealth No.
C79/53015. 12 k V 2000 A oil circuit breakers. 4.80. 19. C79/51020. Revocation cf D e t e r m i n a t i o n N o . 302475. C79/52495. Dit.^hers, rotary. 6.79. 19. C79/53124. Corn dough feeder for use in conjunction with tortilla oven. 4.81. 19. C79/52986. P u m p s , air hydrauhc power, capable of continuous automatic operation at 70 000 k P a for the activation of hydraulic cylinders and w o r k h o l d i n g lifting tools. 4.80. 19. C79/50411. Bladeless p u m p for p u m p i n g of abrasive slurries. 12.79. 19. C79/53050. B l o o d p u m p s for use with hemodialysis machines. 4.81. 19. C79/52300. E q u i p m e n t specially designed for lifting cameras. 6.79. 19. C79/52624. Reserve and a u t o m a t i c card feeder liners. 12.81. 19. C79/52898. M o u l d i n g machines. 12.81. 19. C 7 8 / 5 ^ 3 7 3 . R e v o c a t i o n of D e t e r m i n a t i o n N o . 294557. C78/54893. G e a r driven oil, water and fuel p u m p s for diesel engines u n d e r 100 h p . 4.81. 19. C79/50089. H a n d windlass a n d overload protection units. 3.81. 19. C79/51186. Planters, grass, of a kind used to automatically plant sprigs or plugs of grass or turf. 6.79. 19. C79''50122. A m e n d m e n t to M D 3 0 0 9 3 6 of 19.1.79. 1.81. 19. C79/53010. Ice m a k e r kits for incorporation in domestic refrigerators. 4.80. 19. C79/52700. Joints, constant velocity, for i n c o r p o r a t i o n in steering/driving axles used with underground m i n i n g machinery. 6.79. 19. C79/53190. Interface circuits. 12.81. 19. C76/5Q983. R a d i a t o r level indicators. 3.80. 19. C77/53988. C o m p o n e n t s for use in the m a n u f a c t u r e or assembly of m o t o r vehicles, under security. 12.78. 39. C78/59084. 12 volt car v a c u u m cleaners. 3.80. 19. C79/50569. Stereo octave equalizers. 4.81. 19. C79/51857. Concentrated raspberry juice to be processed into edible foodstuffs on or before 3'1 December 1979. 12.79. 19. C79/53192. J o g fitness machine. 4.81. Il9. C79/53156. Insert sheets of a k i n d used in the manufacture of chocolate confectionery. 4.81. 19. C 7 6 / 5 6 7 6 6 . C l a y coated paper with heat activated adhesive underside in rolls or reels of a k i n d used for the m a n u f a c t u r e of labels suitable for labelling plastic film packaged goods. 7.79. 19. C79/52921. Disposable lenses. 4.81. 19.
€ 7 9 / 5 1 0 8 1 . Polystyrene foils of a k i n d used i n the m a n u f a c t u r e of m o u l d e d plastic housewares. 9.79. 19. C79/53168. A m i n o acids, synthetic. 4.80. 19. C78/60175. Polypropylene plastic pipe fittings to a total f.o.b. value n o t S150 000. 4.80. 19.
and pipe exceeding
C 7 9 / 5 2 9 I 4 . H o t melt adhesive. 4.80. 19. C79/5!I650, C 7 9 / 5 2 9 9 6 . Train, tram and bus destination and route n u m b e r e q u i p m e n t , b u t not includi n g the following: junction b o x units; connecting cables with end plugs fitted; cables a n d plugs; inverters. 7.79. 19. C 7 8 / 5 8 6 1 5 . R e v o c a t i o n of D e t e r m i n a t i o n C76/61199. R e v o c a t i o n of D e t e r m i n a t i o n €78/55689. Revocation of Determination € 7 8 / 6 0 3 2 9 . Revocation of D e t e r m i n a t i o n €79/53165. Time division multiplexers digital line drivers therefor. 4.81. 19.
N o . 296763. N o . 176105. No. 2961M. N o . 303136. cards and
of Australia (Jazette G 16, 24 April 1979
€79/51458, €78/62024, €78/60240, €79/50490. Impact drivers, being hand tools capable of removing and replacing nuts or nuts a n d screws. 6.79. 19. €79/53077. M e c h a n i c a l b a n d pass filters h a v i n g a frequency not exceeding 30 M H z , 6.79. 19. € 7 9 / 5 3 1 9 4 . Electrical heating units for the sterilization of contact lenses. 4.81. 19. € 7 9 / 5 3 0 0 0 . Steel impression embossing mills in roll f o r m . 4.8'1. 19. € 7 8 / 5 4 5 5 7 . Electric orbital sanders. 1.79. 19. €79/52853. Cutters, specially designed for use with cask chiming, crozing and howelling machine, under security. 5.79. 19. € 7 9 / 5 3 0 4 4 . Refractory tiles. 3.80. 19. €78/61872. Air depolarized and water activated batteries for use in beacons, u n d e r security. 4.81. 19. € 7 9 / 5 3 1 2 5 . T V digital framestore processors. 4.81. 19. €79/52296. Concentrated b l a c k c u r r a n t juice to be processed into edible foodstuffs on or before 31.12.79. 12.79. 19. € 7 7 / 5 2 0 3 3 . Revocation of Determination No. 294474. € 7 7 / 5 2 0 3 3 . Replacement for M D 2 9 4 4 7 4 of 6.7.78. 9.78. 19. € 7 9 / 5 2 4 5 4 . V a c u u m s w i m m i n g p o o l cleaners, 4.81. 19. €79/50585. 36 k V , 5 k A surge diverters. 4.81. 19. € 7 8 / 5 8 1 3 3 . Relays for use in the repair a n d maintenance o f photocopy apparatus b u t n o t i n c l u d i n g reed relays. 3.80. 19. € 7 9 / 5 2 4 1 2 . Conversion parts for sanitary napkin machine. 4 . 8 1 . 1 9 . €79/52496. Airways for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. 4 . 8 1 . 1 9 . € 7 9 / 5 2 7 5 6 . H i g h voUage type resistors. 4.81. 19. € 7 7 / 5 9 4 2 1 . P r o g r a m m a b l e active filters. 4 . a i . 19. €79/52675. Computerised glass cutting machines. 4.81. 19. € 7 9 / 5 2 6 2 5 . Cooling d r u m flaker for epoxy resin. 4.81. 19. € 7 9 / 5 2 6 8 7 . Silicon darlington power transistors. 4.81. 19. €79/52654. Screw-cap l i n i n g machine. 4.81. 19. € 7 9 / 5 2 6 9 9 . Master c a m sets for grinding machines. 4.81. 19. € 7 9 / 5 2 9 4 8 . Patient monitoring cable for medical apparatus. 4.81. '19. € 7 9 / 5 2 7 5 8 . Metalglaze resistors 43 k ^ . 3.81. 19. €78/04967. Tungsten carbide powder. 12.79. 32. €78/55106. C o m p o n e n t s for use in the m a n u f a c t u r e or assembly of m o t o r vehicles, under security. 4.80. 24. €78/04967. Tungsten carbide powder. 12.79. 32. C78/52043. C o m p o n e n t s for use in the m a n u f a c t u r e or assembly of m o t o r vehicles, under security. 4.80. 24. €79/52642. C o m p o n e n t s for use as original e q u i p m e n t in the assembly or m a n u f a c t u r e of m o t o r vehicles, under security. 3.80. 24. €79/50874. i in. drive deepwall sockets sizes ranging f r o m 3 / 1 6 in. to ^ in. (both inclusive) in A F , and 4 m m to 1 9 m m (both inclusive) in metric. 4.81. 19. €79/50873. i in. drive deepwall sockets sizes ranging 3 / 1 6 in. to i \n. (both inclusive) in A F , and 4 m m to 19 m m (both inclusive) in metric. 4.81. 19. €78/60085. R e v o c a t i o n of D e t e r m i n a t i o n N o . 298537. C78/60085. R e v o c a t i o n of D e t e r m i n a t i o n N o . 303528. C78/60671. L o c k collet chucks for turret lathe. 4.81. 19. €78/53371. Remote webb alignment controls shaftless mill roll stands. 4.80. 19. €77/59438. R o u t i n g machines. 12.79. 19.
Coninionwealdi of Australia Mo. G 16, 24 April 1979
Gazette Government
C78/60806. Linear amplifiers, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter band, 1200 watt. 4.81. 19. C78/59038. Tools of a kind used in the repair or service of typewriters. 4.81. 19. C79/51688. Glass tubes for use in the m a n u f a c t u r e of semiconductors, under security. 4.81. 19. C79/51535. Battery bonding cord for use in the manufacture of dry cell batteries, under security. 4.81. 19. C79/52318. Aerial tuning unit. 6.79. 19. C79/51316. Parts for solar gas generators (engines) as manufactured by Solar-International, San Diego, U.S.A. 7.79. 19. C77/57379. Amendments to MD302228 of 26.2.79. 3.80. 19. C79/52972. Veneer strip ioining machine widths 20-60 mm, length 200 m. 4.81. 19. C79/5297'l. Strip finger joint cutter for veneer strips uD to maximum width of ^ 0 mm. 4.81. 19. C79/52773. Signal circuit thermostats of a kind used in refrigerators. 4.81. 19. C79/51110. D C electri" motors for use in the manufacture of zinc/aluminium alloy coated sheet steel. 1.81. 19. C79/51108. Mill DC motors 30 kW, 53 k W and 22-4 k W for use in the manufacture of zinc/aluminium ailov coated sheet steel. 1.81. 19. C78/52685. Heated mixer a n d cooling screw conveyor for use in the manufacture of chocolate. 2 81. 19. C78/59799, C78/59800. Oil burner station and remote control unit for use in construction of lime kiln. 9.80. 19. C78/59798. Burner pipe assemblies. 9.80. 19. C78/59797. Oil and coal firing equipment for use in construction of lime plant. 6.80. 19. C78/59721. Compressed air equipment for cyclone preheater. 9.80. 19. C79/52686. Twin paddle mixing machine for use in the manufacture of chocolate. 3.81. 19.
PUBLIC HEARING SHAFT COUPLINGS, GEARBOXES AND GEARS THEREFOR—SHORT T E R M ASSISTANCE SHAFT COUPLINGS, GEARBOXES A N D GEARS T H E R E F O R — L O N G T E R M ASSISTANCE T H E Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs has referred the above subjects to the Industries Assistance Commission f o r inquiry and report concurrently. Public hearings on these matters will be held at the times and locations indicated below: Location—Public Inquiry Room, Industries Assistance Commission, 16th Floor, 59 Goulburn Street, Sydney, N.S.-W. Time—Commencing 1979.
Location—Public Inquiry Room, Industries Assistance Commission, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic. Time—Commencing 1979.
Interested persons who have not yet notified the Commission of their interest in this inquiry are requested to write to the Secretary, Industries Assistance Commission, P.O. Box 80, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600, or telephone either M r Ron Sidnell or M r JeremySalvage on Canberra (062) 73 0429. You may telex the Commission on 62283.
INDUSTRIES ASSISTANCE COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING SPANNERS A N D W R E N C H E S T H E Industries Assistance Commission has released a draft of its report on spanners and wrenches. This draft has been released to give interested parties an opportunity to examine and comment on it within the Commission's public inquiry system before the report is finally settled. In order to receive submissions on the d r a f t the Commission will hold a further public hearing as follows: Location—Public Inquiry Room, Industries Assistance Commission, Kings Avenue, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600. Time—Commencing 1979.
10.00 a.m., Wednesday, 30 May
Anyone who intends to appear as a witness a t the above hearing, and who has not previously notified the Commission of h i s / h e r intention to give evidence, should complete and return the attached f o r m as soon as possible. This will facilitate scheduling of the hearing and will minimise inconvenience to other witnesses. Interested persons who have not yet notified the Commission of their interest in this inquiry are requested to write to the Secretary, Industries Assistance Commission, P.O. Box 80, Canberra, or telephone Mr V. Konovalov on C a n b e r r a (062) 73 0429, ext 213. You may also telex the Commission on 62283. Prices Justification
W H E R E A S by sub-section (8) of Section 18 of the Prices Justification Act 1973 the Tribunal has by resolution authorised me to exempt E L D E R S M I T H G O L D S B R O U G H M O R T L I M I T E D f r o m the provisions of Section 18 of the Act, N O W , I, C O L I N W I L L I A M C O N R O N , Chairman of the Prices Justification Tribunal, HEREBY,' A N D U N T I L F U R T H E R NOTICE, EXEMPT the said E L D E R SMITH G O L D S B R O U G H M O R T L I M I T E D f r o m the application of Section 18 of the Prices Justification Act 1973, in relation to charges and levies collected on behalf of other organisations in the course of its woolbroking business. Dated this fifth day of April 1979. C. W. C O N R O N Chairman
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Trade Practices Act 1974 TRADE PRACTICES COMMISSION RECEIPTS THE Trade Practices Commission notifies that it has received the following Applications for Authorization and Exclusive Dealing Notifications: Reference
Person or corporation
Section of Act
APPLICATIONS FOR AUTHORIZATION A90252 . . . The Federation of Terminating 88 (8) Housing Societies of Victoria A90255 . . . The Federation of Terminating 88 (8) Housing Societies of Victoria A90256 . . . The Federation of Terminating 88 (8) Housing Societies of Victoria A90257, A90258 The Federation of Terminating 88 (8) Housing Societies of Victoria A90259 . . . The Federation of Terminating 88 (8) Housing Societies of Victoria EXCLUSIVE DEALING NOTIFICATIONS N40091 . . . Bunge (Australia) Pty Ltd . . .
93 (1)
Date of receipt
Brief particulars
Insurance arrangements
Insurance arrangements
Insurance arrangements
Insurance arrangements
Insurance arrangements
Tied trading agreement with Terence Cooley Pty Ltd
DECISIONS THE Trade Practices Commission notifies that it has taken the following decisions on Applications for Authorization and Exclusive Dealing Notifications: Reference
Person or corporation
Section of Act
AUTHORIZATION G R A N T E D C15487 . . . . Queensland Wolfram Pty Ltd . . 88 (1) A6058 . . . . J. Sneddon o.b.o., S.A. Mixed 88 (1) Business Association Inc. A6003 . . . . J. G. Laverty Pty Ltd o.b.o. Mas- 88 (I) ter Painters, Decorators & Signwriters Association of S.A. Inc. A90222 . . . The Motor Traders Association of 88 (I) N.S.W. A5034 . . . . Tasmanian Automobile Chamber 88 (I) of Commerce
Date notified
Brief particulars
9.4.79 9.4,79
Joint mining venture Recommended price lists
Hourly charge rate
Recommended labour times
Times manual
WITHDRAWALS THE following Applications for Authorization and Exclusive Dealing Notifications have been withdrawn by the person or corporation specified hereunder: Reference
Person or corporation
APPLICATIONS FOR AUTHORIZATION A62, A65, A66 Chrysler Credit Australia Ltd, Chrysler Credit (Wholesale) Pty Ltd A4449-A4452 . Australian Motor Industi Limited A14260-A14261,1 Prestige Motors Pty Ltd . . . . A6794-A7730 A3583, A3584,^ . . . A3587, A3588 •Yorkstar Motors Pty Ltd A805, A806, A882, A883 A4727 . . . .
Australian Limited cottish Ar Society
Section of Act
Date of withdrawal Brief particulars
88 (1)
Bailment plan and loan agreements
88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
Various agreements
Dealer agreements
Dealer agreements
Dealer agreements
Agreement Institute
(1) (8) (I) (8) (I) (8) (I) (8) (8)
Further information about these Applications for Authorization and Exclusive Dealing Notifications may be obtained from the public register maintained by the Trade Practices Commission by applying to the Secretary, Trade Practices Commission, P.O. Box 1851, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601 (telephone 48 1211) or to the Commission's Ofilice in any capital city. S. MALOUF Secretary
Commonwean^^us^ No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Department of Health National Health Act 1953 PHARMACEUTICAL BENEFITS DETERMINATION FOR THE PURPOSES OF SECTIONS 85 AND 85A OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH ACT FOR the purposes of sections 85 and 85A of ihe National Health Act 1953 and the National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Regulations made under that Act, I, David de Souza, First Assistant DirectorGeneral of Health (Therapeutics Divi ion) and Delegate of the Minister of State for Health, hereby make the following Determination: This Determination shall come into effect on the first day of May 1979. The Determination made on 30 March 1979 with effect from 1 April 1979 is, in this Determination, referred to as the Principal Determination. Paragraph 9 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the letters NE and the manufacturer Norgine Pty Ltd. The First Schedule, Part 1 of the Principal Determination is amended as set out in the Schedule to this Determination. THE SCHEDULE Amendments of the First ScheduIe-^Part 1 Name of Pharmaceutical Benefit Amendment Betamethasone Valerate Before the brand SH, B.P. add the brand GL referring to the Cream 0.02%, lOOg tube. Lithium Carbonate Tablets Before the brand PT, B.P. add the brand NE referring to the 250mg strength. Dated this 12th day of April 1979. D. de SOUZA First Assistant Director General (Therapeutics Division) Delegate of the Minister of State for Health
Department of Housing and Construction HOUSING LOANS INSURANCE CORPORATION NOTICE is hereby given under section 5 (3) of the Housing Loans Insurance Act 1965 that the following persons have been approved by the Housing Loans Insurance Corporation as lenders for the purposes of that Act: David Napier Aitken John Howard Hastings Robert William Borland John Frederick William Hill Peter Douglas McLachlan (Solicitors of the firm Aitken &, 'Pluck, Sydney, N.S.W.) Barclays Australia (Finance) Limited Chelsea & District Credit Co-operative Limited
Government departments 9 Michael Edward Erskine Cleland Richard Wyke Evans Dean Charles Davies David John Tucker Louis Ramon Crotti Anthony James Vanstone Grant Darcey O'Neill Edwards Susan Claire Biggs Peter John Haskett Martin David Robinson Penelope Anne Eldridge Gary Francis Watts Ann Marie Vanstone (Solicitors of the firm Cleland & Co., Adelaide, S.A.) County & Federal 'Holdings Limited Thomas Sidney Curran Kenneth James Austin John Francis Heazlewood (Solicitors of the firm Gates, Moffitt & Co., Eastwood, N.S.W.) Robert Francis Giles Leonard Shipton Payne Joseph John Gilles (Solicitors of the firm R. F. Giles, Payne & Co., Matraville, N.S.W.) William Albert Kosky (Solicitor of the firm William Kosky & Associates, Bentleigh, Vic.) Kimberley Building Society Mortgage Administrators Limited P.A. Credit Union Co-operative Limited Relimass Pty Ltd. State Government Insurance Commission Bryan Seymour Small (Solicitor of the firm George Small & Son, Sydney) The Belmont Government Transport Credit Union Limited The Perpetual Executors & Trustees Association of Australia Limited The Starr-Bowkett Co-operative Home Loans Society Limited The Starr-Bowkett Co-operative Home Loans Society No. 2 Limited The Starr-Bowkett Co-operative Home Loans Society No. 3 Limited The Starr-Bowkett Co-operative Home Loans Society No. 4 Limited The Starr-Bowkett Co-operative Home Loans Society No. 5 Limited Dated this sixth day of April 1979. J. M. B. FITZPATRICK Chairman
Department of Industrial Relations Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 Principal Registry 451 Little Bourke Street Melbourne, Vic. 3000 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO A CHANGE IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THE INDUSTRY IN CONNEXION WITH WHICH AN ORGANIZATION IS REGISTERED (R No. 56 of 1979) NOTICE is given that application has been made to me under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 for consent to an alteration of the rules of Commonwealtii Foremen's Association of Australia (Australian Public Service) insofar as those rules relate to the description of the industry in connexion with which it is registered. The alteration is sought from the following: It shall be an organization of persons in the industry of the calling of Foremen within the Australian Public Service, and Australian Government undertakings, to the following: The Industry of the calling of foremen and employees carrying out the work of foremen witiiin the Commonwealth Public Service, within the Northern Territory Public Service and within Commonwealth Goveinment undertakings. Any organization registered under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act or any person interested who desires to object to the application may do so by lodging with me a notice of objection in the prescribed form and a statutory declaration in support thereof within thirty-five (35) days after the publication of this advertisement and by serving on the organization (whose address for service is: C/o Walker Gibbs and Donald, 5 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000) within seven (7) days after the notice of objection has been lodged, copies of the notice of objection and statutory declaration so lodged. K. D. MARSHALL Industrial Registrar Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 Principal Registry 451 Little Bourke Street Melbourne, Vic. 3000 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO A CHANGE IN THE CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP OF AN ORGANIZATION (R No. 57 of 1979) NOTICE is given that application has been made to me under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act for consent to an alteration of the rules of Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers' Association insofar as those rules relate to the conditions of eligibility for membership of the organization. The alteration is sought from the following: CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY 4. Any employee of the Australian Telecommunications Commission or Australian Postal Com-
No. G 16, 24 April 1979 mission classified as Supervisor (Telephone), Supervisor (Phonogram), Supervisor (Phonogram V.D.U.), Supervisor (Telex), Telephonist, Phonogram Operator, Phonogram Operator (V.D.U.), Telex Service Operator, Teleprinter Switchboard Attendant together with such persons who are employees of the Association who are qualified to be employed in or in connection with the industry of the Association shall, upon payment of the prescribed subscription be entitled to be a member of the Association. Telephonists (adult and junior) who, in the ordinary course of duties perform work other than telephone switchboard or other than telephone traffic work shall not be admitted to membeiship. to the following: CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY 4. Any employee of the Australian Telecommunications Commission or Australian Postal Commission classified as Supervisor (Telephone), Supervisor (Phonogram), Supervisor (Phonogram V.D.U.), Supervisor (Telex), Telephonist, Switchboard Attendant, Phonogram Operator (V.D.U.), Telex Service Operator, Teleprinter Switchboard Attendant together with such persons who are employees of the Association who are qualified to be employed in or in connection with the industry of the Association shall, upon payment of the prescribed subscription be entitled to be a member of the Association. Telephonists (adult and junior) who, in the ordinary course of duties perform work other than telephone switchboard or other than telephone traffic work shall not be admitted to membership. Any organization registered under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act or any person interested who desires to object to the application may do so by lodging with me a notice of objection in the prescribed form and a statutory declaration in support thereof within thirty-five (35) days after the publication of this advertisement and by serving on the organization (whose address for service is: Box 2346, G.P.O., Melbourne, Vic. 3001) within seven (7) days after the notice of objection has been lodged, copies of the notice of objection and statutory declaration so lodged. K. D. MARSHALL Industrial Registrar
Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 Principal Registry 451 Little Bourke Street Melbourne, Vic. 3000 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO A CHANGE IN THE CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP OF AN ORGANIZATION (R No. 16 of 1979) NOTICE is given that application has been made to me under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 for consent to an alteration of the rules of Ths Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia insofar as those rules relate to the conditions of eligibility for membership of the organization.
Commomvealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 The alteration sought is from the following: 2. CONSTITUTION (a) The conditions of eligibility for membership are as follows:— (i) The Union shall consist of an unlimited number of persons who are employed or usually employed to perform work in or in connection with any one or more of the following industries and/or industrial pursuits, namely:— Airbush artist; asbestos and/or asbestos cement products (except in Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia); animal welfare establishment (except animal husbandry and research establishments in connection with pastoral pursuits—provided that this exception shall not include the Northern Territory—and excepting animal health stations and experimental farms in Queensland and New South Wales); bag and sack; basketware; bill posting; broom or brush (except in Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia); carbon paper makers; caretaking; cemetery; chemical (other than persons engaged principally in or in connection with the making, preparation, handling, putting up, reception, sale demonstration and/or delivery of drugs, pharmaceutical goods- and medicinal chemicals); chemical workers; child minding centre (other than qualified teachers in Victoria and other than in hospitals in New South Wales and within universities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory); cork or cork product (except in Victoria and Queensland); crematorium; cleaners; cleaning and pollution control (excluding persons employed full-time by employers in the metal industry within their establishments); commissionaire; dance instruction; day nursery (other than in hospitals in New South Wales and within universities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory); dentists; dental mechanics; dental assistants and attendants; domestic work; domestic workers (except domestic servants employed in Queensland, in the Pastoral Industry such as gardeners, chauffeurs, grooms, stablemen, kitchenmen, cooks, waitresses, laundresses, housemaids, nurse girls and general servants); domestic staff, groundsman or yardman of denominational schools; emergency and safety employees of the Melbourne and Geelong Harbour Trusts; the manufacture of engine packing (except where made in the rubber industry with rubber or with any rubber substitutes); ferry workers; fibrolite (except in (^eensland, Tasmania and Western Australia); gardening, gatekeeping, greenkeeping (except in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania and also except in Western Australia as regards golf links, bowling greens, tennis courts and all gardens, lawns and greens in connection therewith); gypsum plasterboard and similar products; health or physical culture; ice cream makers; insulwool, slagwool or other insulation material; jury keepers (in the State of Victoria only); labora-
Government departments 11 tory assistant, attendant or tester in or in connection with the oil industry; laundry workers; and/or laundrettes; librarian not principally engaged in clerical duties (in Queensland only); library attendants (except those employed by universities in Western AustraUa); lift attending; linoleum; porters; manufacture of photographic supplies or materials; manufacture of Sisalkraft, Duk-Bak and similar products; margarine (except in the States of New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania); messengers; motor car cleaning, washing or greasing; motor garage, including service station (other than chauffeurs and workers in the iron trades and coachmaking trades and their assistants); oilskin (but not the manufacture of goods from fabrics which have been so treated); paint, parking attendant (except municipal and shire council employees and those employed in any kind of amusement, whether outdoor or indoor, or in or about theatres, halls, racecourses, sports, exhibition and agriculture shows); pearlite and/or vermiculite products; pest control (except in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia, provided that this exception shall not relate to domestic pest control services in Western Australia); photographic estabUshments; plaster of paris; plastics or substitutes thereof and/or goods made therefrom and/or goods in the manufacture of which plastics or substitutes therefor are used (other than engineers and persons eligible to be members of the Federated Rubber and Allied Workers' Union of Australia and coming within the award of the Court known as the Rubber Workers' Award 1947); port hostesses; pre-school kindergarten; pyrotechnic; sealing, sanding, treating and/or otherwise processing floor coverings and floor surfaces, excepting the sanding of floors in buildings under construction or in the course of structural alteration or structural repair; security or watching (in either case other than employees employed in a shop by the operator thereof during ordinary trading hours in areas intended for public access); stramit and similar boards; sugar refineries (except in Queensland, South Australia and Victoria); synthetic resins and/or moulding powders; tea attendants (other than in hospitals in New South Wales and in the Universities of Macquarie, Sydney and New England); teacher aides; toy makers and assemblers (except in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia) using substantially non-metallic materials; typewriter ribbon; undertaking; varnish, white and red lead; zoological and/or aquatic exhibition, garden or reserve (excepting ticket takers and ticket sellers in aquatic exhibition, garden or reserve) but not including persons other than watchmen employed by the Taronga Zoological Park Trust; persons designated as attendants and/or assistants and performing work which is otherwise covered by this
present rule 2 (a) (i); together with such other persons whether employed in the industry or not, as have been appointed officers of the Union or its branches and admitted as members thereof. The generality of description of any of the foregoing industries or industrial pursuits is not to be hmited by reference to any other industry or industrial pursuit. Provided that notwithanding anything contained herein persons employed in the rubber industry in the State of Queensland and eligible for membership of the Australian Workers' Union shall not be eligible for membership. Provided further that notwithstanding anything contained herein no person shall be eligible for membership who is principally engaged in clerical duties in the following industries and/or industrial pursuits:— asbestos and/or asbestos cement products; bag and sack; basketware; billposting; broom or brush; chemical; cleaning and pollution control; cork or cork products; fibrolite; gypsum plaster board and similar products; ice cream makers; insulwool slagwool or other insulation material; manufacture of photographic supplies and materials; manufacture of Sisalkraft, Duk-Bak and similar products; margarine; motor garage including service station; paint, pearlite and/or vermiculite products; plaster of paris, plastics or substitutes therefor and/or goods made therefrom and/or goods in the manufacture of which plastics or substitutes therefor are used; sealing, sanding; treating and/or otherwise processing flcx)r coverings and floor surfaces; stramit and similar boards; sugar refineries; synthetic resins and/or moulding powders; typewriter ribbon; undertaking; varnish, white and red lead. Provided further that persons (a) principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons by motor vehicle upon public roads and (b) who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia as at the first day of September, -1973, had remained in force shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Provided further that tradesman's assistants, riggers and metal workers employed in maintenance sections of any establishment in the foregoing industries and/or industrial pursuits shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Provided further that persons principally engaged in selling, receiving, handling, demonstrating and/or delivery of goods in and for any shop (other
No. G 16, 24 April 1979
than photographic shops), or wholesaler's warehouse (other than photographic establishments and manufacturers' establishments) and employees principally engaged in the sale or demonstration of goods other than in or for any shop or wholesaler's warehouse (except such employees employed in or in connection with manufacturers' establishments) shall not be eligible pursuant to the foregoing provisions, (ii) Without in any way limiting and without being in any way limited by the conditions of eligibility for membership elsewhere in this rule, the Union shall also consist of employees engaged in or in connection with any one or more of the following, viz.: The tanning and leather dressing industry, handling, bagging or grinding bark, the manufacture of bark and other tanning extracts, the classing or sorting of leather (finished or unfinished) where such is done on tannery premises, the manufacture of agar-agar, glue and gelatine and by-products, adhesives, pastes, fertilizer constituents, dextrine, calciners or other like materials, the washing or other treatment of animal hair, with tanning, dressing, dyeing or other treatment of fur or other skins, including woolled lambs or sheep-skins, the manufacture of articles made from leather, woolled lamb or sheep-skins, furred skins, such as spindle polishing mops, paint roller sleeves, dusters (other than establishments covered by The Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia), playsuits, woolskins and furskin toys, soft toys of all descriptions (excluding furred garments and toys made in clothing factories), clicking, cutting by hand or machine, or in the making or repairing saddles, saddle trees, harness, collars and rugs for horses and other animals, bridles, fly-veils and strapping, whips, whip-thongs, machine belting, respirators or gas masks of leather, canvas, fabric or other like materials, welders' masks, trunks, bags, portmanteaux, travel goods, suit or attache cases, braces of all descriptions, belts, razor strops, watch straps, suspenders, sporting goods of canvas, leather or like material, travellers' sample cases of all descriptions, slither cans, musical, gramophone, wireless, surgical and spectacle cases of all descriptions, ladies' evening bags, ladies' handbags, handbags of all descriptions, making and/or fltting zippers, wallets, purses, pouches, folio or folio covers of all descriptions, leather or fabric gloves and mitts of all descriptions, leggings, hat leathers, designing, leather coats, leather hats or caps, play suits of leather or fabric, artificial limb and appliances including surgical belts and surgical supports of leather, canvas, webbing or other like material, sails, tents, tarpaulins, rigging, flags, nose bags, water bags, weather cloths, dodgers, canvas, duck or calico bags of ali descriptions, blinds of all descriptions, inside or out, mast coats, awnings, sail covers, canvas, duck, fabric
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 or calico covers of all descriptions, canvas or coir save-all, slings of all descriptions, wind sails, hose of all descriptions, covers for wings of aeroplanes, or component parts of aeroplanes of canvas, fabric, or other like material, parachutes, parachute harness, car safety harness of leather, canvas, webbing, or other like material, aeroplane hangars, sheds (Belman and others), components of aeroplane hangars, sheds or houses of canvas, fabric or other like material, mail bags, fenders; cargo nets, ships' gear, marquees, skillions, binding and conveyor aprons, gaskets and washers of leather, canvas or other like material, industrial mops, camp beds, deck chairs, camp furniture, rope or wire splicing and all classes of goods other than boots, shoes and slippers, made from leather, pelts, fabric, canvas, fibre or vulcanised fibre, .webbing and/or all substitutes (including plastics) for leather, pelts, fabric, canvas, fibre or vulcanised fibre, webbing, used in the industries also machining in all sections and on spraying. (iii) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the conditions of eligibility for membership elsewhere in this rule, the Union shall also consist, in the Northern Territory, of persons employed to perform work in or in connection with any one or more of the following industries and/or industrial pursuits: Pastoral, Agricultural, Horticultural, Viticultural. Dairying, Fruitgrowing, Sugargrowing, Canecutting, Cotton-growing, Rabbit-trapping, Timber-getting, Sawmilling, Building Industry, Butchering •and Meat Industry, Brick-making Industry; manufacture of concrete products; Cotton Industry, industry of searching, boring for, extracting, storing, transmitting, processing of water, oil, hydrocarbons and/or any other mineral or element (excepting persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon private roads by motor vehicle and who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, as at the 1st day of July 1977 had remained in force); oil industry, hydrocarbon industry (excepting persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon private roads by motor vehicle and who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, as at the 1st day of July 1977 had remained in force); Mining Industry, Milling, Smelting and refining of Ores, quarrying, crushing and/or processing industry of quarry materials; Construction and Maintenance of Rivers and Harbours, Diving, Waterside-Workers, Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Aerodromes, Water and Sewerage Works, Public Works and Services, Hospitals, Construction and Maintenance of Fuel Oil and Petrol Tanks, and Pipelines, Municipal Works and Services, Con-
Go ver?tme«/rfepar/me^i/5 13 struction and Maintenance and Operation of Railways, Surveying, the industry of harvesting and/or processing of finfish (wet fish), crustacea, molluscs and/or plankton (whether for commercial or for game purposes) i:nd whether on water or on land; iNet-making, Clerical Work, Brewing, Motor Driving, Shipping, Saddlemaking, Baking, including bread manufacturing, pastry cooking, biscuit making, industry; Cordial manufactures, the industry of hairdressing and scalp treatment and/or beauty care and/or body care/massage; all workers engaged in the conduct of Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, motels, boarding establishments, guest houses, hostels and/or any other type of accommodation and/or catering, food preparation and/or processing industry; shops, stores, laundries, picture theatres, sporting and amusement establishments; persons employed to perform work in the service of any port authority whether or not the port authority is included within the definition of 'the Public Service Arbitration Act, 19201973 (except persons employed to perform work for Nabalco Pty. Limited or any subsidiary or successor thereof at Gove of any kind referred to in the definition of 'waterside worker' as defined in the Stevedoring Industry Act 1956 to 1973); and all kinds of general labour. Provided that in the Northern Territory, unless eligible otherwise under these rules, apart from this sub-rule (iii). the following shall not be eligible for membership:— a. any boilermaker or any of the following persons engaged or employed in the engineering industry, viz.: Fitters, Turners, Machinists, Blacksmiths, Plumbers, Electrical Fitters, Pattern-makers and Engineers generally; b. any person or class of persons who are eligible to become members of the Australasian Meat Employees Union; c. persons employed under the provisions of the Commonwealth Public Service Act and eligible for membership pursuant to the existing conditions of eligibility for membership in the Federated Public Service Assistants Association of Australia, the Electrical Trades Union, the Commonwealth Public Service Artisans Association, the Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australia, The Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, the Commonwealth Public Service Clerical Association, the Storemen and Packers' Union; d. persons employed under the provisions of the Commonwealth Railways Act 1917-1950 in the Commonwealth Railways from Alice Springs to Quorn, eligible
for membership pursuant to the existing conditions of eligibility for membership in the Australian Workers' Union; e. persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon public roads by motor vehicle except in or in connection with the following industries: Pastoral; Construction and Maintenance and Operation of Railways; Municipal Works and Services; Mining (except employees at Groote Eyiandt Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. at Groote 'Eyiandt, and employees engaged in the mining or treating bauxite at Gove); Milling, Smelting and Refining of Ores; Quarrying; Building and Construction Works; Public Works and Services; Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Aerodromes, Water and Sewerage; f.
Clerks (other than storemanclerks, station book-keepers, and shipping clerks).
(iv) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the conditions of eligibility for membership elsewhere in this rule, the Union shall also consist of persons who are employed or usually employed in or in connection with any one or more of the following industries and/or industrial pursuits, namely: In the State of New South Wales artists' model; billiard marker; manufacture of pytram aircraft and industrial components therefor; manufacture of window display models (otherwise than in a shop or wholesale warehouse) excepting such articles made of metal; trained, trainee and untrained make-up artist, (excluding persons employed in a shop or in or in connection with the sale or demonstration of cosmetics perfumes and toilet preparations); persons employed in or in connection with the manufacture, processing warehousing and despatch of refined sugar, refined sugar products, carbon dioxide, alcohol and other distillery products and/or of building and associated materials in the establishments of the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd. and Hardboards Australia Ltd. at Pyrmont or any establishment operated in lieu thereof, persons employed or usually employed in or in connection with experimental research and pilot plant work at the establishment of C.S.R. Research Pty. Ltd., but excluding in respect of each of the said establishments persons who are Staff employees employed at a yearly rate of pay and tradesmen's assistants and metal workers (but not riggers) but excluding persons principally engaged at clerical duties in the foregoing industries and/or industrial pursuits.
^Commonweali^^Ai^^^^Ga^t^ No. G 16, 24 April
In the State of Queensland manufacture of compressed fibre board and similar products, beauty treatment, hairdVessing, scalp treatment, wigmaking including barber, beautician, hairdresser, hairworker, manicurist, maxilio-facial technician, wigmaker, oil extracting and processing; manufacture of ship or boat fenders; modelling, compering, including mannequins and mannequins' comperes (excluding persons employed in a shop); pharmaceutical chemist or unregistered pharmaceutical chemist; industrial chemist; laboratory assistant; dental technologist; radiographer; attendant, assistant and/or receptionist in dentists', doctors' and optometrists' surgeries and/or consulting rooms; ambulance transport brigade and first aid duty attendants other than Superintendent, General Secretary or Secretary of the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigades; swimming baths and/or pools; libraries (except library attendant principally engaged in clerical duties); teacher aide; used car yards; tow truck operating; sportsgrounds; laundrettes and/or laundromats; accommodation industry including all employees employed in domestic work in boarding houses, accommodation houses, motels (other than motels licensed to sell intoxicating liquor), flats, clubs, hostels (but in respect of hostels excluding employees of the Commonwealth in the Department of Supply or in or in connection with the Armed Services), residential colleges and similar types of establishments; biscuit manufacture including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing biscuits in biscuit manufacturing establishments; bread baking including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing bread and bread crumbs in bread bakeries and/or bread bakery depots; catering including all employees (other' than Commonwealth employees in the Department of Supply or in or in connection with the Armed Services and other than persons engaged for two hours or more per shift in mixing and dispensing intoxicating liquor, and drink waiters and drink waitresses and cellarmen in clubs and/ or restaurants) employed in establishments, businesses, clubs, canteens and institutions or sections thereof which cater for and/or prepare and serve food or food and drinks excluding persons employed in or in connection with airports; confectionery manufacture, including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing and distributing confectionery; flour milling including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing flour in flour mills and/or flour mill depots; pastrycooking, including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing cakes, pastrycooks goods, and cheese-cakes and/or similar products in pastrycooking, cake making and/or any establishment wherein such goods are made but
No. G 16, 24 April
excluding persons principally engaged at clerical duties in the foregoing industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits but this exclusion shall not apply to restaurant receptionists a n d / o r cashiers; assistants a n d / o r receptionists in dentists' surgeries; and shop assistants employed in pastrycooks and cake shops; provided that, except where the context otherwise indicates, persons principally engaged in selling or distributing goods or in selling or demonstrating cosmetics, perfumes and toilet preparations shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this part of this paragraph.
suant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, provided further that any person— (i) principally engaged as a hardware shop assistant, or a salesman, or who is a registered pharmaceutical chemist employed as a manager or managing assistant of a retail pharmacy, and (ii) who was, as at 31 August, 1973, a member of the (S.A. Registered) F.M.W.U. of Australia shall be eligible for membership.
Ir the State of South Australia cycle building, assembling and repairing; milk or cream depots; manufacture of products f r o m milk or cream; motoi tyre retreading or repairing; rubbe? worker; jeweller; watchmaker; optical mechanic; preparation for sale of poultry (poultry catchers at poultryraising establishments only); stonemason, including, without limiting the meaning of the foregoing term, persons employed in or in connection with the work of cutting or dressing or preparing or setting of all kinds of stone, marble, slate, terrazzo or similar compositions used for in or in connection with building or monumental work; registered pharmaceutical chemist employed as a manager or a managing assistant of a hospital dispensary, the dispensary of a medical practitioner or public institution or as:— assistant who is a qualified ceutical chemist, or as:—
departmo us
Apprentice to a pharmaceutical chemist who is serving under Articles of Apprenticeship duly registered with the Pharmacy Board of South Australia or as:— unregistered assistant who has not served an apprenticeship to a pharmaceutical chemist or as:— unregistered assistants who have served a prescribed term of apprenticeship under any Pharmacy Act, with a pharmaceutical chemist, and who are proceeding to registration as a pharmaceutical chemist, and who are engaged in or in connection with dispensaries connected with friendly societies or hospitals or public institutions or conducted as part of the practice of duly qualified medical practitioners, in the compounding, dispensing, preparation, manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs, medicines, chemicals, medicinal substances and admixtures thereof; but excluding persons principally engaged at clerical duties in the foregoing industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits; provided that persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling shall not be eligible for membership pur-
In (he State of Western Australia manufacture, preparation or processing of butter, casein, cheese milk or yoghurt; production a n d / o r processing (by total environment methods) of game and poultry; manufacture of records, rolls, tapes, or any such like article used for reproducing purposes, manufacture, preparation, processing or treatment of coated abrasives; candles; cotton; felt or felt products; glycerine; soap or soda; tobacco or tobacco products; teacher aide (however described at the place of employment); ambulance and first aid attendants; rag picking; flock or cotton waste maker; rope and twine (excluding persons engaged principally in or in connection with the wholesale a n d / o r retail industry); wool scouring (excluding persons employed in sorting and classing) or fellmongery; mounter, setter, chainmaker, swivelmaker, belt ring maker, repairer, ring maker, polisher, lapper, melter, refiner, bracelet and bangle maker, stamper, silversmith, spinner, goldsmith, gilder, chaser or engraver, watch, clock, clockwork, electric and spring dial clock maker, repairer, attendant and winder, jewellers' tool maker and optical technician, lapidaries' spectacle maker, maker and renovator of electroplated ware, (when working for jewellers or watchmakers other than persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling), metal badge maker, jewel case maker, and all persons engaged wholly or partly in manufacturing or repairing jewellery, watches or clocks in any of the above branches (other than persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling); drying and refining of salt; handling of scrap metals, or wrecking or dismantling of plant or machinery for scrap salvage other than in an establishment engaged principally in the production of iron and steel; reclamation of drums; and (excluding persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling and persons engaged principally in or in connection with the making preparation handling putting up reception sale demonstration and/or delivery of drugs, pharmaceutical goods and medicinal chemicals and cosmetics and perfumes), artificial fertilisers, acids, bonemill.
immuimminu) ijmm
No. G 16, 24 April 1979 16 Government departments motor vehicles upon public roads animal manure, phosphate, super{excepting in the State of New phosphate, compost, bird manure, fish South Wales, persons employed fertiliser, sea-weed, lime or other mineral by the Colonial Sugar Refining processing, and/or other chemical Co. Ltd., Hardboards Australia industries including potash, arsenicalLtd. or C.S.R. Research Pty. Ltd., compound, sodium, sodium-sulphate, in the State of Queensland, saltpetre, antimony-ore, woodmeal, borax, persons employed in ambulance potassium-chloride, potash-muriate, transport brigades, and in the potassium-nitrate, ammonium-nitrate, State of Western Australia, perplden-sulphide-of-antimony, sulphate-ofsons employed in ambulance iron, trisodium phosphate, didalcicservices) and phosphate, formalin, phosphoric-acid, acetic-acid, muriatic-acid, sulphurous
^ommonweattf^^u^ral^ No. G 16, 24 April J 979 principally in or in connection with the making, preparation, handling, putting up, reception, sale demonstration and/or delivery of drugs, pharmaceutical goods -and medicinal chemicals); chemical workers; child minding centre (other than qualified teachers in Victoria and other than in hospitals in New South Wales and within universities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory); cork or cork product (except in Victoria and Queensland); crematorium; cleaners; cleaning and pollution control (excluding persons employed full-time by employers in the metal industry within their establishments); commissionaire; dance instruction; day nursery (other than in hospitals in New South Wales and within universities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory); dentists; dental mechanics; dental therapists; dental assistants and attendants; domestic work; domestic workers (except domestic servants employed in Queensland, in the Pastoral Industry such as gardeners, chauffeurs, grooms, stablemen, kitchenmen, cooks, waitresses, laundresses, housemaids, nurse girls and general servants); domestic staff, groundsman or yardman of denominational schools; emergency and safety employees of the Melbourne and Geelong Harbour Trusts; the manufacture of engine packing (except where made in the rubber industry with rubber or with any rubber substitutes); ferry workers; fibrolite (except in Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia); gardening; gatekeeping; greenkeeping (except in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania and also except in Western Australia as regards golf links, bowling greens, tennis courts and all gardens, lawns and greens in connection therewith); gypsum plasterboard and similar products; health or physical culture; ice cream makers; insulwool, slagwool or other insulation material; jury keepers (in the State of Victoria only); laboratory assistant, attendant or tester in or in connection with the oil industry; laundry workers; and/or laundrettes; librarian not principally engaged in clerical duties (in Queensland only); library attendants (except those employed by universities in Western Australia); lift attending; linoleum; porters; manufacture of photographic supplies or materials; manufacture of Sisalkraft, Duk-Bak and similar products; margarine (except in the States of New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania); messengers; motor car cleaning, washing or greasing; motor garage, including service station (other than chauffeurs and workers in the iron trades and coachmaking trades and their assistants); oilskin (but not the manufacture of goods from fabrics which have been so treated); paint, parking attendant (except municipal and shire council employees and those employed in any kind of amusement, whether outdoor or indoor, or in or about theatres, halls,
Government departments
racecourses, sports, exhibition and agriculture shows); pearlite and/or vermiculite products; pest control (except in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia, provided that this exception shall not relate to domestic pest control services in Western Australia); photographic establishments; plaster of paris; plastics or substitutes therefor and/or goods made therefrom and/or goods in the manufacture of which plastics or substitutes therefor are used (other than engineers and persons eligible to be members of the Federated Rubber and Alh'ed Workers' Union of Australia and coming within the award of the Court known as the Rubber Workers' Award 1947); port hostesses; pre-school kindergarten; pyrotechnic; sealing, sanding, treating and/or otherwise processing floor coverings and floor surfaces, excepting the sanding of floors in buildings under construction or in the course of structural alteration or structural repair; security or watching (in either case other than employees employed in a shop by the operator thereof during ordinary trading hours in areas intended for public access); stramit and similar boards; sugar refineries (except in Queensland, South Australia and Victoria); synthetic resins and/or moulding powders; tea attendants (other than in hospitals in New South Wales and in the Universities of Macquarie, Sydney and New England); teacher aides; toy makers and assemblers (except in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia) using substantially non-metallic materials; typewriter ribbon; undertaking; varnish; white and red lead; zoological and/or aquatic exhibition, garden or reserve (excepting ticket takers and ticket sellers in aquatic exhibition, garden or reserve) but not including persons other than watchmen employed by the Taronga Zoological Park Trust; persons designated as attendants and/or assistants and performing work which is otherwise covered by this present rule 2 ( a ) (i); together with such other persons whether employed in the industry or not, as have been appointed officers of the Union or its branches and admitted as members thereof. The generality of description of any of the foregoing industries or industrial pursuits is not to be limited by reference to any other industry or industrial pursuit. Provided that notwithstanding anything contained herein persons employed in the rubber industry in the State of Queensland and eligible for membership of the Australian Workers' Union shall not be eligible for membership. Provided further that notwithstanding anything contained herein no person shall be eligible for membership who is principally engaged in clerical duties in
the following industries and/or industrial pursuits: asbestos and/or asbestos cement products; bag and sack; basketware; billposting; broom or brush; chemical; cleaning and pollution control; cork or cork products; fibrolite; gypsum plaster board and similar products; ice cream makers; insulwool slagwool or other insulation material; manufacture of photographic supplies and materials; manufacture of Sisalkraft, Duk-Bak and similar products; margarine; motor garage including service station; paint, pearlite and/or vermiculite products; plaster of paris, plastics or substitutes therefor and/or goods made therefrom and/or goods in the manufacture of which plastics or substitutes therefor are used; sealing, sanding; treating and/or otherwise processing floor coverings and floor surfaces; stramit and similar boards; sugar refineries; synthetic resins and/or moulding powders; typewriter ribbon; under taking; varnish, white and red lead. Provided further that persons (a) principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons by motor vehicle upon public roads and (b) who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia as at the first day of September, 1973, had remained in force shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Provided further that tradesman's assistants, riggers and metal workers employed in maintenance sections of any establisihment in the foregoing industries and/or industrial pursuits shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Provided further that persons principally engaged in selling, receiving, handling, demonstrating and/or delivery of goods in and for any shop (other than photographic ships), or wholesaler's waTehouse (other than photographic establishments and manufacturers' establishments) and employees principally engaged in the sale or demonstration of goods other than in or for any shop or wholesaler's warehouse
No, G 16, 24 April 1979 the manufacture of bark and other tanning extracts, the classing or sorting of leather (finished or unfinished) where such is done on tannery premises, the manufacture of agar-agar, glue and gelatine and by-products, adhesivss, pastes, fertilizer constituents, dextrine, calciners or other like materials, the washing or other treatment of animal hair, with tanning, dressing, dyeing or other treatment of fur or other skins, including woolled lambs or sheep-skins, the manufacture of articles made from leather, woolled lamb or sheep-skins, furred skins, such as spindle polishing mops, paint roller sleeves, dusters (other than establishments covered by The Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia), playsuits, woolskins and furskin toys, soft toys of all descriptions (excluding furred garments and toys made in clothing factories), clicking, cutting by hand or machine, or in the making or repairing saddles, saddle trees, harness, collars and rugs for horses and other animals, bridles, fl!y-veils and strapping, whips, whipthongs, machine belting, respirators or gas masks of leather, canvas, fabric or other like materials, welders' masks, trunks, bags, portmanteaux, travel goods, suit or attache cases, braces of all descriptions, belts, razor strops, watch straps, suspenders, sporting goods of canvas, leather or like material, travellers' sample cases of all descriptions, slither cans, musical, gramophone, wireless, surgical and spectacle cases of all decriptions, ladies' evening bags, ladies' handbags, handbags of all descriptions, making and/or fitting zippers, wallets, purses, pouches, folio or folio covers of all descriptions, leather or fabric gloves and mitts of all descriptions, leggings, hat leathers, designing, leather coats, leather hats or caps, play suits of leather or fabric, artificial limb and appliances including surgical belts and surgical supports of leather, canvas, webbing or other like material, sails, tents, tarpaulins, rigging, flags, nose bags, water bags, weather cloths, dodgers, canvas, duck or cahco bags of all descriptions, blinds of all descriptions, inside or out, mast coats, awnings, sail covers, canvas, duck, fabric or calico covers of all descriptions, canvas or coir saye-alls, slings of all descriptions, wind sails, hose of all descriptions, covers for wings of aeroplanes, or component parts of aeroplanes of canvas, fabric, or other like material, parachutes, parachute harness, car safety harness of leather, canvas, webbing, or other like material, aeroplane hangars, sheds (Belman and others), components of aeroplane hangars, sheds or houses of canvas, fabric or other like material, mail bags, fenders; cargo nets, ships' gear, marquees, skillions; binding and conveyor aprons, gaskets and washers of leather, canvas or other like material, industrial mops, camp beds, deck chairs.
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April J979
camp furniture, rope or wire splicing and all classes of goods other ihan boots, shoes and slippers, made f r o m leather, pelts, fabric, canvas, fibre or vulcanised fibre, webbing a n d / o r all substitutes (including plastics) for leather, pelts, fabric, canvas, fibre or vulcaniscd fibre, webbing, used in the industries also machining in all sections and on spraying. (iii) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the conditions of eligibility for membership elsewhere in this rule, the Union shall also consist, in the Northern Territory, of persons employed to perform work in or in connection with any one or more of the following industries and/or industrial pursuits: Pastoral, Agricultural, Horticultural,Viticultural, Dairying, Fruitgrowing, Sugargrowing, Canecutting, Cotton-growing, Rabbit-trapping, Timber-getting, Sawmilling, Building industry, Butchering and Meat Industry, Brick-making Industry; manufacture of concrete products; Cotton Industry, industry of searching, boring for, extracting, storing, transmitting, processing of water, oil, hydrocarbons and/or any other mineral or element (excepting persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon private roads by motor vehicle and who would be ineligible f o r membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, as at the 1st day of July 1977 had remained in f o r c e ) ; oil industry, hydrocarbon industry (excepting persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon private roads by motor vehicle and who would fbe ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, as at the 1st day of July 1977 had remained in force); Mining Industry, milling. Smelting and refining of Ores, quarrying, crushing and/or processing industry of quarry materials; Construction and Maintenance of Rivers and Harbours, Diving, Waterside-Workers, Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Aerodromes, Water and Sewerage Works, Public Works and Services, prevention, suppression and extinguishment of fires, hospitals, Construction and Maintenance of Fuel Oil and Petrol Tanks, and Pipelines, Municipal Works and Services, Construction and Maintenance and operation of Railways, Surveying, the industry of harvesting a n d / o r processing of finfish (wet fish), crustacea, molluscs and/or plankton (whether for commercial or for game purposes) and whether on water or on land; Net-making, Clerical Work, Brewing, Motor Driving, Shipping, Saddle-making, Baking, including bread manufacturing, pastry cooking, biscuit making, industry; Cordial manufactures, the industry of hairdressing and scalp treatment a n d / o r beauty care a n d / o r body care/massage; all
workers engaged in the conduct of Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, motels, boarding establishments, guest houses, hostels and/or any other type of accommodation a n d / o r catering, food preparation a n d / o r processing industry; Shops, Stores, Laundries, Picture Theatres, sporting and amusement establishments; persons employed to perform work in the service of any port authority whether or not the port authority is included within the definition of "the Public Service" in Section 3 of the Public Service Arbitration Act, 1920-1973 (except persons employed to perform work for Nabalco Pty. Limited or any subsidiary or successor thereof at Gove of any kind referred to in the definition of 'waterside worker' as defined in the Stevedoring Industry Act 1956 to 1973); and all kinds of general labour. Provided that in the Northern Territory, unless eligible otherwise under these rules, apart f r o m this sub-rule (iii), the following shall not be eligible for membership:— a. any boilermaker or any of the following persons engaged or employed in the engineering industry, viz.: Fitters, Turners, Machinists, Blacksmiths, Plumbers, Electrical Fitters, Pattern-makers and Engineers generally; b. any person or classes of persons who are eligible to become members of the Australasian Meat Employees Union; c. persons employed under the provisions of the Commonwealth Public Service Act and eligible for membership pursuant to the existing conditions of eligibility for membership in the Federated Public Service Assistants Association of Austraha, the Electrical Trades Union, the Commonwealth Public Service Artisans Association, the Amalgamated Postal Workers* Union of Australia, The Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, the Commonwealth Public Service Clerical Association, the Storemen and Packers' Union; d. persons employed under the provisions of the Commonwealth Railways Act 1917-1950 in the Commonwealth Railways from Alice Springs to Chiom, eligible for membership pursuant to the existing conditions of eligibility for membership in the Australian Workers' Union; e. persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon public roads by motor vehicle except in or in connection with the following industries: Pastoral; Construction and Maintenance and Operation of Railways; Municipal Works and Services; Mining (except employees at Groote Eyland Mining Co. Pty.
Government departments Ltd. at Groote Eylandt, and employees engaged in the mining or treating bauxite at Gove); Milling, Smelting and Refining of Ores; Quarrying; Building and Construction Works; Public Works and Services; Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Aerodromes, Water and Sewerage; f. Clerks (other than storemanclerks, station book-keepers, and shipping clerks). (iv) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the conditions of eligibility for membership elsewhere in this rule, the Union shall also consist of persons who are employed or usually employed in or in connection with any one or more of the following industries and/or industrial pursuits, namely:— In the State of New South Wales artists' model; billiard marker; manufacture of pytram aircraft and industrial components therefor; manufacture of window display models (otherwise than in a shop or wholesale warehouse) excepting such articles made of metal; trained, trainee and untrained make-up artist, (excluding persons employed in a shop or in or in connection with the sale or demonstration of cosmetics perfumes and toilet preparations); persons employed in or in connection with the manufacture, processing warehousing and dispatch of refined sugar, refined sugar products, carbon dioxide, alcohol and other distillery products and/or of building and associated materials in the establishments of the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd. and Hardboards Australia Ltd. at Pyrmont or any establishment operated in lieu thereof, persons employed or usually employed in or in connection with experimental research and pilot plant work at the establishment of C.S.R. Research Pty. Ltd., but excluding in respect of each of the said establishments persons who are Staff employees employed at a yearly rate of pay and tradesmen's assistants and metal workers (but not riggers) but excluding persons principally engaged at clerical duties in the foregoing industries and/or industrial pursuits; In the State of Queensland manufacture of compressed fibre board and similar products, beauty treatment, hairdressing, scalp treatment, wigmaking including barber, beautician, hairdresser, hairworker, manicurist, maxilio-facial technician, wigmaker, oil extracting and processing; manufacture of ship or boat fenders; modelling, compering, including mannequins and mannequins' comperes (excluding persons employed in a shop); pharmaceutical chemist or unregistered pharmaceutical chemist; industrial chemist; laboratory assistant; dental technologist; radiographer; attendant, assistant and/or receptionist in dentists', doctors' and optometrists' surgeries and/ or consulting rooms; ambulance trans-
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No, G 16, 24 April 1979 port brigade and first aid duty attendants other than Superintendent, General Secretary or Secretary of the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigades; swimming baths and/or pools; libraries (except library attendant principally engaged in clerical duties); teacher aide; used car yards; tow truck operating; sportsgrounds; laundrettes and/or laundromats; accommodation industry including all employees employed in domestic work in boarding houses, accommodation houses, motels (other than motels licensed to sell intoxicating liquor), flats, clubs, hostels (but in respect of hostels excluding employees of the Commonwealth in the Department of Supply or in or in connection with the Armed Services), residential colleges and similar types of establishments; biscuit manufacture including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing biscuits in biscuit manufacturing establishments; bread baking including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing bread and bread crumbs in bread bakeries and/or bread bakery depots; catering including all employees (other than Commonwealth employees in the Department of Supply or in or in connection with the Armed Services and other than persons engaged for two hours or more per shift in mixing and dispensing intoxicating liquor, and drink waiters and drink waitresses and cellarmen in clubs and/or restaurants) employed in establishments, businesses, clubs, canteens and institutions or sections thereof which cater for and/or prepare and serve food or food and drinks excluding persons employed in or in connection with airports; confectionery manufacture, including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing and distributing confectionery; flour milling including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing flour in flour mills and/or flour mill depots; pastrycooking, including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing cakes, pastrycooks goods, and cheesecakes and/or similar products in pastrycooking, cake making and/or any establishment wherein such goods are made but excluding persons principally engaged at clerical duties in the foregoing industries and/or industrial pursuits but this exclusion shall not apply to restaurant receptionists and/or cashiers; assistants and/or receptionists in dentists' surgeries; and shop assistants employed in pastrycooks and cake shops; provided that, except where the context otherwise indicates, persons principally engaged in selling or distributing goods or in selling or demonstrating cosmetics, perfumes and toilet preparations shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this part of this paragraph. In (he State of South Australia cycle building, assembling and repairing; milk or cream depots; manufacture
UnimiWallh cfAuslralia Uazel^e No. G 16, 24 April 1979 of products from milk or cream; motor tyre retreading or repairing; rubber worker; jeweller; watchmaker; optical mechanic; preparation for sale of poultry (poultry catchers at poultry-raising establishments only); stonemason, including, without limiting the meaning of the foregoing term, persons employed in or in connection with the work of cutting or dressing or preparing or setting of all kinds of stone, marble, slate, terrazzo or similar compositions used for in or in connection with building or monumental work; registered pharmaceutical chemist employed as a manager or a managing assistant of a hospital dispensary, the dispensary of a medical practitioner or public institution or as:— Assistant who is a qualified pharmaceutical chemist, or as:— Apprentice to a pharmaceutical chemist who is serving under Articles of Apprenticeship duly registered with the Pharmacy Board of South Australia or as:— unregistered assistant who has not served an apprenticeship to a pharmaceutical chemist or as:— unregistered assistants who have served a prescribed term of of apprenticeship under any Pharmacy Act, with a pharmaceutical chemist, and who are proceeding to registration as a pharmaceutical chemist, and who are engaged in or in connection with dispensaries connected with friendly societies or hospitals or public institutions or conducted as part of the practice of duly qualified medical practitioners, in the compounding, dispensing, preparation, manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs, medicines, chemicals, medicinal substances and admixtures thereof; but excluding persons principally engaged at clerical duties in the foregoing industries and/or industrial pursuits; provided that persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, provided further that any person— (i) principally engaged as a hardware shop assistant, or a salesman, or who is a registered pharmaceutical chemist employed as a manager or managing assistant of a retail pharmacy, and (ii) who was, as at 31st August, 1973, a member of the (S.A. Registered) F.M.W.U. of Australia shall be eligible for membership.
In the State of Western Australia
manufacture, preparation or processing of butter, casein, cheese milk or
Government departments 21 yoghurt; production and/or processing (by total environment methods) of game and poultry; manufacture of records, rolls, tapes, or any such like article used for reproducing purposes, manufacture, preparation, processing or treatment of coated abrasives; candles; cotton; felt or felt products; glycerine; soap or soda; tobacco or tobacco products; teacher aide (however described at the place of employment); ambulance and first aid attendants; rag picking; flock or cotton waste maker; rope and twine (excluding persons engaged principally in or in connection with the wholesale and/or retail industry); wool scouring (excluding l>ersons employed in sorting and classing) or fellmongery; mounter, setter, chainmaker, swivelmaker, belt ring maker, repairer, ring maker, polisher, lapper, melter, refiner, bracelet and bangle maker, stamper, silversmith, spinner, goldsmith, gilder, chaser or engraver, watch, clock, clockwork, electric and spring dial clock maker, repairer, attendant and winder, jewellers' tool maker and optical technician, lapidaries' spectacle maker, maker and renovator of electroplated ware, (when working for jewellers or watchmakers other than persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling), metal badge maker, jewel case maker, and all persons engaged wholly or partly in manufacturing or repairing jewellery, watches or clocks in any of the above branches (other than persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling); drying and refining of salt; handling of scrap metals, or wrecking or dismantling of plant or machinery for scrap salvage other than in an establishment engaged principally in the production of iron and steel; reclamation of drums; and (excluding persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling and persons engaged principally in or connection with the making preparation handling putting-up reception sale demonstration and/or delivery of drugs, pharmaceutical goods and medicinal chemicals and cosmetics and perfumes), artificial fertilisers, acids, bonemill, animal manure, phosphate, superphosphate, compost, bird manure, fish fertiliser, sea-weed, lime or other mineral processing, and/or other chemical industries including potash, arsenicalcompound, sodium, sodium-sulphate, saltpetre, antimony-ore, woodmeal, borax, potassium-chloride, potashmuriate, potassium-nitrate, ammoniumnitrate, golden-sulphide-of-antimony, sulphate-of-iron, trisodium phosphate, didalcic-phosphate, formalin, phosphoricacid, acetic-acid, muriatic-acid, sulphurous-acid, puritic-acid, lime-sulphur, hyposulphite-of-soda, limil, caustic-soda, sulphate-of-copper, carbon-tetra-chloride, black-hypo, derris-products, mineralwool, manganese sulphate, agrosan, copper-carbonate, copper-oxy-chloride, carbon-bi-sulphide, nicotine-sulphate, copper-sulphate, arsenate of lead, arsenate-of-calcium alunite, glauconite,
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
silica-products, alkali chlorites, chlorine, soluble-alkali silicates, stannic-chloride, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric-acid, nitric acid, arsenic pentoxide, arsenic-acid, phenol-processing, beta naphthol, ammonium-chloride, ammonium-sulphate, ether-andethyl-chloride, calcium, aluminium and zinc sterrates, phthalicanhyride, sodium-bi-sulphite, sodium arsenate, lactic acid, sulphanilamide, phosphate-compounds, sulphur dioxide, carbon-dioxide, carbolic-acid, formaldehyde, fungicides, insecticides, veterinary medicines, synthetic hormones, solvents, power alcohol, alkali, synthetic ammonia, bleaching powder or liquid, liquid cattle dips, stock licks, marking fluid, speddo, milk oil fluid, branding liquid, tricalos, stock food, itch fluid, foot rot paste, blow fly repellant, molasses manufacture or processing and also food processing works within the Kimberley Land Division, but excluding persons principally engaged at clerical duties in the foregoing industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits; provided that persons who are tradesmen's assistants riggers and metal workers employed in a maintenance section of an establishment in the foregoing industries shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph; water and sewerage including the construction and maintenance of water and sewerage works and the constructing and maintaining of metropolitan water supply, sewerage and drainage works and performing construction and maintenance work carried out under, or for the purposes of, any Act of the Western Australian Parliament which the Water Supply, Sewerage and E>rainage Act 1912, as amended, directs be administered by the Minister of Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage. In the State of Tasmania attendant, assistant or receptionist in dentists' doctors' and optometrists' surgeries or consulting rooms; domestic staff, groundsman or yardman in schools and colleges; industrial chemist; industrial chemists' assistant; hairdresser; manicurist; manufacture of products from milk or cream; radiographer; traffic warden; x-ray technician; but excluding persons principally engaged at clerical duties in the foregoing industries and/or industrial pursuits but this exclusion shall not apply to attendants, assistants or receptionists in dentists' surgeries.
(b) who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia as at the first day of September, 1973, had remained in force shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph (paragraph iv). Provided that any person employed as an argicultural scientist, bacteriologist, biochemist, biologist, botanist, chemist (other than a pharmacist in a dispensary and/or retail pharmacy or a chemical assistant or laboratory technician employed by the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd., Hardboards Australia Ltd., or C.S.R. Research Pty. Ltd. or a leather chemist in the tanning industry) chemical engineer, entomologist, geologist, mathematician, metallurgist, microbiologist, mycologist, pathologist, pharmacologist (other than a pharmacologist employed in a dispensary and/or a retail pharmacy), physicist, physiologist or zoologist (other than a zooligist employed at a zoological garden in one of the States of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia or Western Australia) and who possesses or is qualified to possess a degree, tertiary diploma or equivalent professional educational or technical qualification shall not be eligible for membership. Any organization registered under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act or any person interested who desires to object to the application may do so by lodging with me a notice of objection in the prescribed form and a statutory declaration in support thereof within thirty-five (35) days after the publication of this advertisement and by serving on the organization (whose address for service is: Suite 1, 1st Floor, 377-383 Sussex Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000) within seven (7) days after the notice of objection has been lodged, copies of the notice of objection and statutory declaration so lodged. K. D. MARSHALL Industrial Registrar Conciliation
and Arbitration
Provided that persons
(R No. 15 of 1979)
(a) principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons by motor vehicles upon public roads (excepting in the State of New South Wales, persons employed by the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd., Hardboards Australia Ltd. or C.S.R. Research Pty. Ltd., in the State of Queensland, persons employed in ambulance transport brigades, and in the State of Western Australia, persons employed in ambulance services) and
N O T I C E is given that application has been made to me under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 for consent to an alteration of the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia insofar as those rules relate to the description of the industry in connexion with which it is registered. The alteration sought is from the following: (b) The description of the industries and/or industrial pursuits in or in connection with which the Union is registered is as follows: (i) The industries and air brush artists,
industrial pursuits of in the photographic
Commonwealih of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
industry; manufacture of asbestos and/or asbestos cement products (except in Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia); animal welfare establishments (except animal husbandry and research establishments in connection with pastoral pursuits—^provided that this exception shall not include the Northern Territory— and excepting animal health stations and experimental farms in Queensland and New South Wales); manufacture and repair of bags and sacks; broom and brush making (except in Victoria, New South Wales. Tasmania and South Australia); manufacture of carbon paper; caretaking; cemetery and undertaking; chemical (other than persons engaged principally in or in connection with the making, preparation, handling, putting up, reception, sale demonstation and/or delivery of drugs, pharmaceutical goods and medicinal chemicals); chemical workers; child minding centre (other than qualified teachers in Victoria and other than in hospitals in New South Wales and within universities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory); manufacture and treatment of cork and cork products (except in Victoria and Queensland); crematorium; cleaners; cleaning and pollution control (excluding persons employed full-time by employers in the metal industry within their establishments); commissionaire; dance instruction; day nursery (other than in hospitals in New South Wales and within universities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory); dentists; dental mechanical work; assistant and attending dentists; domestic work; domestic workers (except domestic servants employed in Queensland in the Pastoral Industry such as gardeners, chauffeurs, grooms, stablemen, kitchenmen, cooks, waitresses, laundresses, housemaids, nurse girls and general servants); domestic staff or groundsmen or yardmen of denominational schools; emergency and safety employees of the Melbourne and Geelong Harbour Trusts; manufacture of engine packing (except where made in the rubber industry with rubber or with any rubber substitutes); carrying by ferry boats; making of fibrolite (except in Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia); gardening, gatekeeping; greenkeeping (except in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania and also except in Western Australia as regards golf links, bowling greens, tennis courts and all gardens, lawns and greens in connection therewith); gypsum plasterboaid and similar products; health and physical culture; making of ice cream; insulwool, slagwool or other insulation material; jury keepers (in the State of Victoria only); laboratory assistant, attendant or tester in or in connection with the oil industry; washing, cleaning, ironing, sorting and packing of laundry; industry of laundering and laundrettes; libraries and library services; library workers (not principally engaged at clerical duties); lift attending; manufacture of linoleum; porterage; rnanufacture of lead; manufacture of photographic supplies or materials; manufac-
Government departments
ture of Sisalkraft, Duk-Bak and similar products; margarine making and packing (except in the States of New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania); carrying of messages; motor car washing, greasing, cleaning and attending; motor garage, including service station (other than chauffeurs and workers in the iron trades and coachmaking trades and their assistants); making of oilskins (but not the manufacture of goods from fabrics which have been so treated); making paint, varnish, white and red lead; parking attendants (except municipal and shire council employees and those employed in any kind of amusement, whether outdoor or indoor or in or about theatres, halls, racecourses, sports, exhibition and agriculture shows); manufacture or preparation of pearlite and/or vermiculite products; pest control (except in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia, provided that this exception shall not relate to domestic pest control services); photographic establishments; manufacture of plaster of paris; plastics or substitutes therefor and/or goods made therefrom and/or goods in the manufacture of which plastics or substitutes therefor are used (other than engineers and persons eligible to be members of the Federated Rubber and Allied Workers' Union of Australia and coming within the award of the Court known as the Rubber Workers' Award, 1947); port hostesses; pre-school kindergartens; manufacture and assembling of pyrotechnics; sealing, sanding, treating and/ or otherwise processing floor coverings and floor surfaces excepting the sanding of floors in buildings under construction or in the course of structural alteration or structural repair; security or watching (in either case other than employees employed in a shop by the operator thereof during ordinary trading hours in areas intended for public access); spruiking; manufacture of stramit and similar boards; stonemasons, marble masons, polishers, machinists, sawyers and all other persons engaged in the dressing and preparation and/or erection of terrazzo or similar compositions (excluding persons employed in a clerical capacity); sugar refineries (except in Queensland, South Australia and Victoria); manufacture of synthetic resins and/or moulding powders; tea attendants (other than in hospitals in New South Wales and in the Universities of Macquarie, Sydney and New England); teacher aide; making and assembling of toys (except in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia) using substantially non-metallic materials; manufacture of typewriter ribbons; zoological and/or aquatic exhibition, garden or reserve (excepting ticket takers and ticket sellers in aquatic exhibition, garden or reserve); performance of work as attendants and/or assistants in industries otherwise covered by this present rule, including the industry of 'The Public Service' as defined in Section 3 of the Public Service Arbitration Act, 1920-1973; provided that nothing herein shall be construed as applying to
Corn mo^wea/z/i of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
the rubber Queensland.
The generality of description of any of the foregoing industries or industrial pursuits is not to be limited by reference to any other industry or industrial pursuit. Provided further that persons— (a) principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons by motor vehicle upon public roads and (b) who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia as at the first day of September 1973, had remained in force shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Provided further that tradesman's assistants, riggers and metal workers employed in maintenance sections of any establishments in the foregoing industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits shall not be eligible f o r membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Provided further that persons principally engaged in selling, receiving, handling, demonstrating a n d / o r delivery of goods in and for any shop (other than photographic shops), or wholesaler's warehouse (other than photographic establishments and manufacturers' establishments) and employees principally engaged in the sale or demonstration of goods other than in or for any shop or wholesaler's warehouse (except such employees employed in or in connection with manufacturers' establishments) shall not be eligible pursuant to the foregoing provisions. (ii) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the description of industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits elsewhere in this rule, the description of the industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits in or in connection with wh ch the Union is registered shall also include the following industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits, namely:— The tanning and leather dressing industry, handling bagging or grinding bark, the manufacture of bark and other tanning extracts, the classing o r sorting of leather (finished or unfinished) where such is done o n tannery premises, the manufacture of agar-agar, glues and gelatine and by-products, adhesives, pastes, fertilizer constituents, dextrine, calciners or other like materials, the washing or other treatment of animal hair, with tanning, dressing, dyeing, or other treatment of fur or other skins, including woolled lambs or sheep-skins, the manufacture of articles made f r o m leather, woolled Iamb or sheep-skins, furred skins, such as spindle polishing mops, paint roller sleeves, dusters (other than establishments covered by T h e Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia), playsuits, wool-skins and furskin toys, soft toys of all descriptions (excluding furred garments and toys made in clothing factories), click-
ing, cutting by hand or machine, or in the making or repairing saddles, saddle trees, harness, collars and rugs f o r horses and other animals, bridles, flyveils and strapping, whips, whip-thongs, machine belting, respirators or gas masks of leather, canvas, fabric or other like materials, welders' masks, trunks, bags, portmanteaux, travel goods, suit o r attache cases, braces of all descriptions, belts, razor strops, watch straps, suspenders, sporting goods of canvas, leathei or like material, travellers' sample cases of all descriptions, slither cans, musical, gramophone, wireless, surgical and spectacle cases of all descriptions, ladies' evening bags, ladies' handbags, handbags of all descriptions, making a n d / o r fitting zippers, wallets, purses, pouches, folio or folio covers of all descriptions, leather or fabric gloves and mitts of all descriptions, leggings, hat leathers, designing, leather coats, leather hats or caps, playsuits of leather or fabric, artificial limb and appliances including surgical belts and surgical supports of leather, canvas, webbing or other like material, sails, tents, tarpaulins, rigging, flags, nose bags, water bags, weather cloths, dodgers, canvas, duck or calico bags of all descriptions, blinds of all descriptions, inside or out, mast coats, awnings, sail covers, canvas, duck, fabric or calico covers of all descriptions, canvas or coir save-alls, slings of all descriptions, wind sails, hose of all descriptions, covers for wings of aeroplanes, or component parts of aeroplanes of canvas, fabric, or other like material, parachute, parachute harness, car safety harness of leather, canvas, webbing, or other like material, aeroplane hangars, sheds (Belman or others), components of aeroplane hangars, sheds or houses of canvas, fabric or other like material, mail bags, fenders, cargo nets, ships' gear, marquees, skillions, binding and conveyor aprons, gaskets and washers of leather, canvas or other like material, industrial mops, camp beds, deck chairs, camp furniture, rope or wire splicing and all classes of goods other than boots, shoes and slippers, made from leather, pelts, fabric, canvas, fibre or vulcanised fibre, webbing, a n d / o r all substitutes (including plastics) for leather, pelts, fabric, canvas, fibre or vulcanised fibre, webbing, used in the industries also machining in all sections and on spraying. (iii) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the description of industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits elsewhere in this rule, the description of the industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits in or in conection with which the Union is registered shall also include the following industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits in the Northern Territory: Pastoral, Agricultural, Horticultural, Viticultural. Dairying, Fruitgrowing, Sugargrowing, Cane-cutting, Cotton-growing, Rabbit-trapping, Tiniber-getting, Sawmilling, Building Industry, Butchering
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 and Meat Industry, Brick-making Industry; manufacture of concrete products; Cotton Industry; industry of searching, boring for, extracting, storing, transmitting, processing of water, oil, hydrocarbons and/or any other mineral or element (excepting persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon private roads by motor vehicle and who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, as at the 1st day of July, 1977, had remained in force); oil industry, hydrocarbon industry (excepting persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon private roads by motor vehicle and who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, as at the 1st day of July, 1977, had remained in force); Mining Industry, Milling, Smelting and refining of Ores, quarrying, crushing and/or processing industry of quarry materials; construction and maintenance of Rivers and Harbours, Diving, Waterside Workers, Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Aerodromes, Water and Sewerage Works, I\iblic Works and Services, hospitals. Construction and Maintenance of Fuel Oil and Petrol Tanks, and Pipelines, Municipal Works and Services, Construction and Maintenance and Operation of Railways, Surveying, the industry of harvesting and/or processing of finfish (wet fish), crustacea, molluscs and/or plankton ((whether for commercial or for game purposes) and whether on water or on land; Net-making, Clerical work, Brewing, Motor Driving, Shipping, Saddlemaking, Baking, including bread manufacturing, pastry cooking biscuit making, industry; Cordial manufactures, the industry of hairdressing and scalp treatment and/or beauty care and/or body care/massage; all workers engaged in the conduct of Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, nwtels, boarding establishments, guest houses, hostels and/or any other type of accommodation and/or catering, food preparation and/or processing industry; Shops, Stores, Laundries, Picture Theatres, sporting and amusement establishments, persons employed to perform work in the service of any port authority whether or not the port authority is included within the definition of "the Public Service" in Section 3 of the Public Service Arbitration Act, 1920-1973 (except persons employed to perform work for Nabalco Pty. Limited or any subsidiary or successor thereof at Gove of any kind referred to in the definition of 'waterside worker' as defined in the Stevedoring Industry Act 1956 to 1973), and all kinds of general labour. Provided that in the Northern Territory, unless eligible otherwise under these rules, apart from this sub-rule (iii), the
Government departments 25 following shall not be eligible for membership:— a. any boilermaker or any of the following persons engaged or employed in the engineering industry, viz.: Fitters, Turners, Machinists, Blacksmiths, Plunders, Electrical Fitters, Pattern-makers and Engineers generally; b. any person or classes of persons who are eligible to become members of the Australasian Meat Employees Union; c. persons employed under the provisions of the Commonwealth Public Service Act and eligible for membership pursuant to the existing conditions of eligibility for membership in the Commonwealth Public Service Association (Fourth Division Officers), the Electrical Trades Union, the Commonwealth Public Service Artisans Association, The Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australia, The Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, the Commonwealth Public Service Clerical Association, the Storemen and Packers' Union; d. persons employed under the provisions of the Commonwealth Railways Act 1917-1950 in the Commonwealth Railways from Alice Springs to Quorn, eligible for membership pursuant to the existing conditions of eligibility for membership in the Australian Workers' Union; e. persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon public roads by motor vehicle except in or in connection with the following industries: Pastoral; Construction and Maintenance and Operation of Railways; Municipal Works and Services; Mining (except employees of Groote EyIandt Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. at Groote EyIandt, and employees engaged in mining or treating bauxite at Gove); Milling, Smelting and Refining of Ores; Quarrying; Building and Construction Works; Public Works and Services; Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Aerodromes, Water and Sewerage. f. clerks (other than storeman-clerks, station book-keepers, and shipping clerks). (iv) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the description of industries and/or industrial pursuits elsewhere in this rule the description of the industries and/or industrial pursuits in or in connection with which the Union is registered shall also include the following industries and/or industrial pursuits, namely:—
Government departments In the State of New South Wales artists' model; billiard marker, manufacture of pytram aircraft and industrial components therefor; manufacture of window display models (otherwise than in a shop or wholesale warehouse) excepting such articles made of metal; trained, trainee and untrained make-up artist (excluding persons employed in a shop or in or in connection with the sale or demonstration of cosmetics perfumes and toilet preparations); persons employed in or in connection with the manufacture, processing, warehousing and despatch of refined sugar, refined sugar products, carbon dioxide, alcohol and other distillery products and/or of building and associated materials in the establishments of the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd. and Hardboards Australia Ltd. at Pyrmont or in establishments operated in lieu thereof, persons employed or usually employed in or in connection with experimental research and pilot plant work at the establishment of C.S.R. Research Pty. Ltd., but excluding in respect of each of the said establishments persons who are Staff employees employed at a yearly rate of pay and tradesmen's assistants and metal workers (but not riggers). In the State of Queensland manufacturer of compressed fibre board and similar products; beauty treatment, hairdressing, scalp treatment, wigmaking including barber, beautician, hairdresser, hairworkers, manicurist, maxillofacial technician, wigmaker; oil extracting and processing; manufacture of ship or boat fenders; modelling, compering, including mannequins and mannequins' comperes (excluding persons employed in a shop); pharmaceutical chemist or unregistered pharmaceutical chemist; industrial chemist; laboratory assistant; dental technologist; radiographer; attendant, assistant and/or receptionist in dentists/doctors' and optometrists' surgeries and/or consulting rooms; ambulance transport brigade and first aid duty attendants' other than Superintendent, General Secretary or Secretary of the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigades; swimming baths and/or pools; libraries (except library attendant principally engaged in clerical duties); teacher aide; used car yards; tow truck operating; sportsgrounds; laundrettes and/or laundromats; accommodation industry including al! employees employed in domestic work in boarding houses, accommodation houses, motels (other than motels licensed to sell intoxicating liquor), flats, clubs, hostels (but in respect of hostels excluding employees of the Commonwealth in the Department of Supply or in or in connection with the Armed Services), residential colleges and similar types of establishments; biscuit manufacture including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing biscuits in biscuit manufacturing establishments; bread
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No, G 16. 24 April J 979 baking including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing bread and bread crumbs in bread bakeries and/or bread bakery depots; catering including all employees employed in establishments (other than Commonwealth employees in the Department of Supply or in or in connect on with the Armed Services and other than persons engaged for two hours or more per shift in mixing and dispensing intoxicating liquor, and drink waiters and drink waitresses and cellarmen in clubs and/or restaurants), businesses, clubs, canteens and institutions or sections thereof which cater for and/or prepare and serve food or food and drinks excluding persons employed in or in connection with airports; confectionery manufacture, including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing and distributing confectionery; flour milling including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing flour in flour mills and/or flour mill depots; pastrycooking, including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing cakes, pastrycooks goods, and cheesecakes and/or similar products in pastrycooking, cake making and/or any establishment wherein such goods are made and shop assistants employed in pastrycook's and cake shops; provided that, except where the context otherwise indicates, persons principally engaged in selling or distributing goods or in selling or demonstrating cosmetics, perfumes and toilet preparations shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this part of this paragraph. In the State of South Australia cycle building, assembling and repairing; milk or cream depots; manufacture of products from milk or cream; motor tyre retreading or repairing, rubber worker; jeweller; watchmaker; optical mechanic; preparation for sale of poultry {poultry catchers at poultry raising establishments only); stonemason, including, without limiting the meaning of the foregoing term, persons employed in or in connection with the work of cutting or dressing or preparing or setting of all kinds of stone, marble, slate, terrazzo or similar compositions used for or in connection with building or monumental work; registered pharmaceutical chemist employed as a manager or a managing assistant of a hospital dispensary, the dispensary of a medical practitioner or public institution or as:— assistant who is a qualified pharmaceutical chemist, or as:— apprentice to a pharmaceutical chemist who is serving under Articles of Apprenticeship duly registered with the Pharmacy Board of South Australia or as:— oinregistered assistant who has not served an apprenticeship to a pharmaceutical chemist or as:— unregistered assistants who have served a prescribed term
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
of apprenticeship under any Pharmacy Act, with a pharmaceutical chemist, and who are proceeding to registration as a pharmaceutical chemist, and who are engaged in or in connection with dispensaries connected with friendly societies or hospitals or public institutions or conducted as part of the practice of duly qualified medical practitioners; in the compounding, dispensing, preparation, manufacture, distri'bution and sale of drugs, medicines, chemicals, medicinal substances and admixtures thereof; provided that persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, provided further that any person— (i) principally engaged as a hardware shop assistant, or a salesman, or who is a registered pharmaceutical chemist employed as a manager or managing assistant of a retail pharmacy, and (ii) who was, as at 31st August, 1973, a member of the (S.A. Registered) F.M.W.U. of Australia shall be eligible for membership. In the State of Western Australia manufacture, preparation or processing of butter, casein, cheese, milk or yoghurt; production a n d / o r processing (by total environment methods) of game and poultry; manufacture of records, rolls, tapes, or any such like article used for reeproducing purposes; manufacture, preparation, processing or treatment of coated abrasives; candles; cotton; felt or felt products; glycerine; soap, or soda; tobacco or tobacco products; teacher aide; ambulance and •first aid attendant; rag picking; flock or cotton waste maker; rope and twine (excluding persons engaged principally in or in connection with the wholesale a n d / o r retail industry); wool scouring (excluding persons employed in sorting and classing) or fellmongery; mounter; setter, chainmaker, swivelmaker, belt ring maker, repairer, ring maker, polisher, lapper, melter, refiner, bracelet and bangle maker, stamper, silversmith, spinner, goldsmith, gilder, chaser or engraver, watch, clock, clcKkwork, electric and spring dial clock maker, repairer, attendant and winder, jewellers' tool maker and optical technician, lapidaries' spectacle maker, maker and renovator of electroplated ware, (when working for jewellers or watchmakers other than persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling), metal 'badge maker, jewel case maker, and all persons engaged wholly or partly in manufacturing or repairing jewellery,
watches or clocks in any of the above branches (other than persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling); drying and refining of salt; handling of scrap metals, or wrecking or dismantling of plant or machinery for scrap salvage other than in an establishment engaged principally in the production of iron and steel; reclamation of drums; and (excluding persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling and persons engaged principally in or in connection with the making preparation handling putting up reception sale demonstration a n d / o r delivery of drugs, pharmaceutical goods and medicinal chemicals and cosmetics and perfumes), artificial fertilisers, acids, bonemill animal manure, phosphate, superphosphate, compost, bird manure, fish fertiliser, sea-weed, lime or other mineral processing, and/or other chemical industries including potash, arsenicalcompound, sodium, sodium-sulphate, saltpetre, antimony-ore, woodmeal, borax, potassium-chloride, potash-muriate, potassium-nitrate, ammonium-nitrate, golden-sulphide-of-antimony, sulphate-ofiron, trisodium phosphate, didalcicphosphate, formalin, phosphoric-acid, acetic-acid, muriatic-acid, sulphurousacid, puritic-acid, lime-sulphur, hyposulphite of-soda, limil, caustic-soda, sulphate-of-copper, carbon-tetra-chloride, black-hypo, derris-products, mineral wool, manganese sulphate, agrosan, copper-carbonate, copper-oxy-chloride, carbon-bi-sulphide, nicotine-sulphate, • copper-sulphate, arsenate of lead, arsenate-of-calcium alunite, glauconite, silica-products, alkali chlorites, chlorine, soluble-alkali silicates, stannic-chloride, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric-acid, nitric acid, arsenic pentoxide, arsenic-acid, phenol-processing, beta naphthol, ammonium - chloride, ammonium sulphate, ether - andethyl - chloride, calcium, aluminium and zinc sterrates, phthalic-anhydride, sodium-bi-sulphite, sodium arsenate, lactic acid, sulphanilamide, phosphate-compounds, sulphur dioxide, carbon di-oxide. carbolic-acid, formaldehyde, fungicides, insecticides, veterinary medicines, synthetic hormones, solvents, power alcohol, alkali, synthetic ammonia, bleaching powder or liquid, liquid cattle dips, stock licks, marking fluid, speddo, milk oil fluid, branding liquid, tricalos, stock food, itch fluid, foot rot paste, blow fly repellant, molasses manufacture or processing and also food processing works within the Kimberley Land Division; provided that persons who are tradesmen's assistants riggers and metal workers employed in a maintenance section of an establishment in the foregoing industries shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph. In the State of Tasmania attendant, assistant or receptionist in dentists', doctors' and optometrists' surgeries or consulting rooms; industrial
Government departments chemist; industrial chemists' assistant; hairdresser; manicurist; manufacture of products from milk or cream; radiographer; traffic warden; x-ray technician. Provided that persons— (a) principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons by motor vehicles upon public roads {excepting in the State of New South Wales, persons employed by the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd., Hardboards Australia Ltd. or C.S.R. Research Pty Ltd., in the State of Queensland, persons employed in ambulance transport brigades, and in the State of Western Australia, persons employed in ambulance services) and (b) who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia as at the first day of September, 1973, had remained in force shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph (paragraph (iv)).
to the following: (b) The description of the industries and/or industrial pursuits in or in connection with which the Union is registered is as follows:— (i) The industries and industrial pursuits of air brush artists, in the photographic industry; manufacture of asbestos and/or asbestos cement products (except in Queensland, Tasmania and Western Austraha); animal welfare establishments (except animal husbandry and research establishments in connection with pastoral pursuits—provided that this exception shall not include the Northern Territory—and excepting animal health stations and experimental farms in Queensland and New South Wales); manufacture and repair of bags and sacks; broom and brush making (except in Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia); manufacture of carbon paper; caretaking; cemetery and undertaking; chemical (other than persons engaged principally in or in connection with the making, preparation, handling, putting up, reception, sale demonstration and/or delivery of drugs, pharmaceutical goods and medicinal chemicals); chemical workers; child minding centre (other than qualified teachers in Victoria and other than in hospitals in New South Wales and within universities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory); manufacture and treatment of cork and cork products (except in Victoria and Queensland); crematorium; cleaners; cleaning and pollution control (excluding persons employed full-time by employers in the metal industry within their establishments); commissionaire; dance instruction; day nursery (other than in hospitals in New South Wales and within universities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory); dentists; dental mechanical work;
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 dental therapy; assistant and attending dentists; domestic work; domestic workers (except domestic servants employed in Queensland in the Pastoral Industry such as gardeners, chauffeurs, grooms, stablemen, kitchenmen, cooks, waitresses, laundresses, housemaids, nurse girls and general servants); domestic staff or groundsmen or yardmen of denominational schools; emergency and safety employees of the Melbourne and Geelong Harbour Trusts; manufacture of engine packing (except where made in the rubber industry with rubber or with any rubber substitutes); carrying by ferry boats; making of fibrolite (except in Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia); gardening; gatekeeping; greenkeeping (except in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania and also except in Western Australia as regards golf links, bowling greens, tennis courts and all gardens, lawns and greens in connection therewith); gypsum plasterboard and similar products; health and physical culture; making of ice cream; insulwool, slagwool or other insulation material; jury keepers (in the State of Victoria only); laboratory assistant, attendant or tester in or in connection with the oil industry; washing, cleaning, ironing, sorting and packing of laundry; industry of laundering and laundrettes; libraries and library services; library workers (not principally engaged at clerical duties); lift attending; manufacture of linoleum; porterage; manufacture of lead; manufacture of photographic supplies or materials; manufacture of Sisalkraft, Duk-Bak and similar products; margarine making and packing (except in the States of New South Wales, Victoria, Western . Australia and Tasmania); carrying of messages; motor car washing, greasing, cleaning and attending; motor garage, including service station (other than chauffeurs and workers in the iron trades and coachmaking trades and their assistants); making of oilskins (but not the manufacture of goods from fabrics which have been so treated); making paint, varnish; white and red lead; parking attendants (except municipal and shire council employees and those employed in any kind of amusement, whether outdoor or indoor or in or about theatres, halls, racecourses, sports, exhibition and agriculture shows); manufacture or preparation of pearlite and/or vermiculite products; pest control (except in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia, provided that this exception shall not relate to domestic pest control services); photographic establishments; manufacture of plaster of paris; plastics or substitutes therefor and/or goods made therefrom and/or goods in the manufacture of which plastics or substitutes therefor are used (other than engineers and persons eligible to be members of the Federated Rubber and Allied Workers' Union of Australia and coming within the award of the Court known as the Rubber Workers' Award 1947); port hostesses; pre-school kindergartens; manufacture and assembling of pyrotechnics; sealing, sanding, treating and/or otherwise processing floor coverings and floor surfaces excepting the sanding of
^Commonweaftl^^Aust^^ No. G 16, 24 April 1979 floors in buildings under construction or in th€ course of structural alteration or structural repair; security or watching (in either case other than employees employed in a shop by the operator thereof during ordinary trading hours in areas intended for public access); spruiking; manufacture of stramit and similar boards; stonemasons, marble masons, polishers, machinists, sawyers and all other persons engaged in the dressing and preparation and/or erection of terrazzo or similar compositions (excluding persons employed in a clerical capacity); sugar refineries (except in Queensland, South Australia and Victoria); manufacture of synthetic resins and/or moulding powders; tea attendants (other than in hospitals, in New South Wales and in the Universities of Macquarie, Sydney and New England); teacher aide; making and assembling of toys (except in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia) using substantially non-metallic materials; manufacture of typewriter ribbons; zoological and/or aquatic exhibition, garden or reserve (excepting ticket takers and ticket sellers in aquatic exhibition, garden or reserve); performance of work as attendants and/or assistants in industries otherwise covered by this present rule, including the industry of "The Public Service" as defined in Section 3 of the Public Service Arbitration Act, 1920-1973; provided that nothing herein shall be construed as applying to the rubber industry in the State of Queensland. The generality of description of any of the foregoing industries or industrial pursuits is not to be limited by reference to any other industry or industrial pursuit. Provided further that persons— (a) principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons by motor vehicle upon public roads and (b) who would be ineligible for meiribership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia as at the first day of September, 1973, had remained in force shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Provided further that tradesman's assistants, riggers, and metal workers employed in maintenance sections of any establishments in the foregoing industries and/or industrial pursuits shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Provided further that persons principally engaged in selling, receiving, handling, demonstrating and/or delivery of goods in and for any shop (other than photographic shops), or wholesaler's warehouse (other than photographic establishments and manufacturers' establishments) and employees principally engaged in the sale or demonstration of goods other than in or for any shop or wholesaler's warehouse (except such employees employed in or in connection with manufacturers'
Government departments
establishments) shall not be eligible pursuant to the foregoing provisions. (ii) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the description of industries and/or industrial pursuits elsewhere in this rule, the description of the industries and/or industrial pursuits in or in connection with which the Union is registered shall also include the following industries and/or industrial pursuits, namely:— The tanning and leather dressing industry, handling bagging or grinding bark, the manufacture of bark and other tanning extracts, the classing or sorting of leather (finished or unfinished) where such is done on tannery premises, the manufacture of agar-agar, ^ u e s and gelatine and by-products, adhesives, pastes, fertilizer constituents, dextrine, calciners or other like materials, the washing or other treatment of animal hair, with tanning, dressing, dyeing, or other treatment of fur or other skins, including woolled lambs or sheep-skins, the manufacture of articles made from leather, woolled lamb or sheep-skins, furred skins, such as spindle polishing mops, paint roller sleeves, dusters (other than establishments covered by The Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia), playguits, wool-skins and furskin toys, soft toys of all descriptions (excluding furred garments and toys made in clothing factories), clicking, cutting by hand or machine, or in the making or repairing saddles, saddle trees, harness, collars and rugs for horses and other animals, bridles, flyveils and strapping, whips, whip-thongs, machine belting, respirators or gas masks of leather, canvas, fabric or other like materials, welders* masks, trunks, bags, portmanteaux, travel goods, suit or attache cases, braces of all descriptions, belts, razor strops, watch straps, suspenders, sporting goods of canvas, leather or like material, travellers' sample cases of all descriptions, slither cans, musical, gramophone, wireless, surgical and spectacle cases of all descriptions, ladies' evening bags, ladies' handbags, handbags of all descriptions, making and/or fitting zippers, wallets, purses, pouches, folio or folio covers of all descriptions, leather or fabric gloves and mitts of all descriptions, leggings, hat leathers, designing, leather coats, leather hats or caps, play suits of leather or fabric, artificial limb and appliances including surgical belts and surgical supports of leather, canvas, webbing or other like material, sails, tents, tarpaulins, rigging, flags, nose bags, water bags, weather cloths, dodgers, canvas, duck or calico bags of all descriptions, blinds of all descriptions, inside or out, mast coats, awnings, sail covers, canvas, duck, fabric or calico covers of all descriptions, canvas or coir save-alls, slings of all descriptions, wind sails, hose of all descriptions, covers for wings of aeroplanes, or component parts of aeroplanes of canvas, fabric, or other like material, parachute.
parachute harness, car safety harness of leather, canvas, webbing, or other like material, aeroplane hangars, sheds (Belman or others), components of aeroplane hangars, sheds or houses of canvas, fabric or other like material, mail bags, fenders, cargo nets, ships' gear, marquees, skillions, binding and conveyor aprons, gaskets and washers of leather, canvas or other like material, industrial mops, camp beds, deck chairs, camp furniture, rope or wire splicing and all classes of goods other than boots, shoes and slippers, made from leather, pelts, fabric, canvas, fibre or vulcanized fibre, webbing, and/or all substitutes (including plastics) for leather, pelts, fabric, canvas, fibre or vulcanized fibre, webbing, used in the industries also machining in all sections and on spraying. (iii) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the description of industries and/or industrial pursuits elsewhere in this rule, the description of the industries and/or industrial pursuits in or in connection with which the Union is registered shall also include the following industries and/or industrial pursuits in tihe Northern Territory;— Pastoral, Agricultural, Horticultural, Viticultural, Dairying, Fruitgrowing, Sugargrowing, Cane-cutting, Cotton-growing, Rabbit-trapping, Timber-getting, Sawmilling, Building Industry, Butchering and Meat Industry, 'Brick-making Industry; manufacture of concrete products; Cotton Industry; industry of searching, boring for, extracting, storing, transmitting, processing of water, oil, hydrocarbons and/or any other mineral or element (excepting persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon private roads by motor vehicle and who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, as at the 1st day of July, 1977, had remained in force); oil industry, hydrocarbon industry (excepting persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon private roads by motor vehicle and who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia, as at the 1st day of July, 1977, had remained in force); Mining Industry, Milling, Smelting and refining of Ores, quarrying, crushing and/or processing industry of quarry materials; construction and maintenance of Rivers and Harbours, Diving, Waterside Workers, Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Aerodromes, Water and Sewerage Works; Public Works and Services, prevention, suppression and extinguishment of fires, hospitals. Construction and Maintenance of Fuel Oil and Petrol Tanks, and Pipelines, Municip^ Works and Services, Construction and Maintenance and Operation of Railways, Surveying, the industry of harvesting and/or processing of finfish (wet fish),
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 cmstacea, molluscs and/or plankton (whether for commercial or for game purposes (and whether on water or on land; Net-making, Clerical work, Brewing, Motor Driving, Shipping, Saddlemaking, Baking, including bread manufacturing, pastry cooking, biscuit making, industry; Cordial manufactures, the industry of hairdressing and scalp treatment and/or beauty care and/or body care/massage; all workers engaged in the conduct of Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, motels, boarding establishments, guest houses, hostels and/or any other type of accommodation and/or catering, food preparation and/or processing industry; Shops, Stores, Laundries, Picture Theatres, sporting and amusement establishments, persons employed to perform work in the service of any port authority whether or not the port authority is included within the definition of "the Public Service" in Section 3 of the Public Service Arbitration Act, 1920-1973 (except persons employed to perform work for Nabalco Pty. Limited or any subsidiary or successor thereof at Gove of any kind referred to in the definition of 'waterside worker' as defined in the Stevedoring Industry Act 1956 to 1973), and all kinds of general labour. Provided that in the Northern Territory, unless eligible otherwise under these rules, apart from this sub-rule (iii), the following shall not be eiigible for membership:— a. any boilermaker or any of the following persons engaged or employed in the engineering industry, viz.: Fitters, Turners, Machinists, Blacksmiths, Plimiibers, Electrical Filters, Pattern-makers and Engineers generally; b. any person or classes of persons who are eligible to become m:mbers of the Australasian Meat Employees Union; c. persons employed under the provisions of the Commonwealth Public Service Act and eligible for membership pursuant to the existing conditions of efigibility for membership in the Commonwealth Public Service Association (Fourth Division Officers), the Electrical Trades Union, the Commonwealth Public Service Artisans Association, The Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australia, The Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, the Commonwealth Public Service Clerical Association, the Storemen and Packers' Union; d. persons employed under the provisions of the Commonwealth Railways Act 1917-1950 in the Commonwealth Railways from Alice Springs to Quorn, eligible for membership pursuant to the existing conditions of eligibility for membership in the Australian Workers' Union;
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 76. 24 April 1979
(e) persons principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons upon public roads by motor vehicle except in or in connection with the following industries: Pastoral; Construction and Maintenance and Operation of Railways; Municipal Works and Services; Mining (except employees of Groote Eylandt Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. at G r o o t e Eylandt, and employees engaged in mining or treating bauxite at Gove); Milling, Smelting and Refining of Ores; Quarrying; Building and Construction Works; Public W o r k s and Services; Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Aerodromes, Water and Sewerage. f. clerks (other than storeman-clerks, station book-keepers, and shipping clerks). (iv) Without in any way limiting and without in any way being limited by the description of industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits elsewhere in this rule the description of the industries a n d / o r industrial pursuits in or in connection with which the Union is registered shall also include the following industries and/or industrial pursuits, namely:— In the State of New South Wales artists' model; billiard marker, m a n u f a c ture of pytram aircraft and industrial components therefor; m a n u f a c t u r e of window display models (otherwise than in a shop or wholesale warehouse) e x c e p f n g such articles made of metal; trained, trainee and untrained make-up artist (excluding persons employed in a shop or in or in connection with the sale or demonstration of cosmetics perfumes and toilet preparations); persons employed in or in connection with the m a n u f a c t u r e , processing, warehousing and dispatch of refined sugar, refined sugar products, carbon dioxide, alcohol and other distillery products a n d / o r of building and associated materials in the establishments of the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd. and H a r d b o a r d s Australia Ltd. at Pyrmont or in establishments operated in lieu thereof, persons employed or usually employed in or in connection with experimental research and pilot plant work at the establishment of C.S.R. Research Pty. Ltd., but excluding in respect of each of the said establishments persons who are Staff employees employed at a yearly rate of pay and tradesmen's assistants and metal workers (but not riggers). In the State of Queensland manufacture of compressed fibre board and similar products; beauty treatment, hairdressing, scalp treatment, wigmaking including barber, beautician, hairdresser, hairworkers, manicurist, maxiliofacial technician, wigmaker; oil extracting and processing; manufacture of ship or boat fenders; modelling, compering, including
mannequins and mannequins' comperes (excluding persons employed in a shop); pharmaceutical chemist or unregistered pharmaceutical chemist; industrial chemist; laboratory assistant; dental technologist; radiographer; attendant, assistant a n d / o r receptionist in dentists' doctors' and optometrists' surgeries and/or consulting rooms; ambulance transport brigade and first aid duty attendants other than Superintendent, General Secretary or Secretary of the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigades; swimming baths a n d / o r pools; libraries (except library attendant principally engaged in clerical duties); teacher aide; used car yards; tow truck operating; sportsgrounds; laundrettes a n d / o r laundromats; acconmiodation industry including all emplovees employed in domestic work in boarding houses, accommodation houses, motels (other than motels licensed to sell intoxiacting liquor), flats, clubs, hostels (but in respect of hostels excluding employees of the Commonwealth in the Department of Supply or in or in connection with the Armed Services), residential colleges and similar types of establishments; biscuit manufacture including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing biscuits in biscuit manufacturing establishments; bread baking including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing bread and broad c n i m b s in bread bakeries a n d / o r bread bakery depots; catering including all employees employed in establishments (other than Commonwealth employees in the Department of Supply or in or in connection with the Armed Services and other than persons engaged for two hours or more per shift in mixing and dispensing intoxicating liquor, and drink waiters and drink waitresses and cellarmen in clubs and/or restaurants), businesses, clubs, canteens and institutions or sections thereof which cater for a n d / o r prepare and serve food or food and drinks excluding persons employed in or in connection with airports; confectionery manufacture, including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing and distributing confectionery; flour milling including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing flour in flour mills a n d / o r flour mill depots; pastrycooking, including all employees employed in handling, manufacturing, packing and distributing cakes, pastrycooks goods, and cheesecakes a n d / o r similar products in pastrycooking, cake making and/or any establishment wherein such goods are made and shop assistants employed in pastrycook's and cake shops; provided that, except where the context otherwise indicates, persons principally engaged in selling or distributing goods or in selling or demonstrating cosmetics, p e r f u m e s and toilet preparations shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this part of this paragraph.
In the State of South Australia cycle building, assembling and repairing; milk or cream depots; manufacture of products from milk or cream; motor tyre retreading or repairing, rubber worker; jeweller; watchmaker; optical mechanic; preparation for sale of poultry (poultry catchers at poultry raising establishments only); stonemason, including, without limiting the meaning of the foregoing term, persons employed in or in connection with the work of cutting or dressing or preparing or setting of all kinds of stone, marble, slate, terrazzo or similar compositions used for or in connection with building or monumental work; registered pharmaceutical chemist employed as a manager or a managing assistant of a hospital dispensary, the dispensary of a medical practitioner or public institution or as:— assistant who is a qualified pharmaceutical chemist, or as:— apprentice to a pharmaceutical chemist who is serving under Articles of Apprenticeship duly registered with the Pharmacy Board of South Australia or as:— unregistered assistant who has not served an apprenticeship to a pharmaceutical chemist or as:— unregistered assistants who have served a prescribed term of apprenticeship under any Pharmacy Act, with a pharmaceutical chemist, and who are proceeding to registration as a pharmaceutical chemist, and who are engaged in or in connection with dispensaries connected with friendly societies or hospitals or public institutions or conducted as part of the practice of duly qualified medical practitioners; in the compounding, dispensing, preparation, manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs, medicines, chemicals, medicinal substances and admixtures thereof; provided that persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, provided further that any person'— (i) principally engaged as a hardware shop assistant, or a salesman, or who is a registered pharmaceutical chemist employed as a manager or managing assistant of a retail pharmacy, and (ii) who was, as at 3
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 yoghurt; production and/or processing (by total environment methods) of game and poultry; manufacture of records, rolls, tapes, or any such like article used for reproducing purposes; manufacture, preparation, processing or treatment of coated abrasives; candles; cotton; felt or felt products; glycerine; soap or soda; tobacco or tobacco products; teacher aide; ambulance and first aid attendant; rag picking; flock or cotton waste maker; rope and twine (excluding persons engaged principally in or in connection with the wholesale and/or retail industry); wool scouring (excluding persons employed in sorting and classing) or fellmongery; mounter; setter, chainmaker, swivelmaker, belt ring maker, repairer, ring maker, polisher, lapper, melter, refiner, bracelet and bangle maker, stamper, silversmith, spinner, goldsmith, gilder, chaser or engraver, watch, clock, clockwork, electric and spring dial clock maker, repairer, attendant and winder, jewellers' tool maker and optical technician, lapidaries' spectacle maker, maker and renovator of electroplated ware, (when working for jewellers or watchmakers other than persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling), metal badge maker, jewel case maker, and all persons engaged wholly or partly in manufacturing or repairing jewellery, watches or clocks in any of the above branches (other than persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling); drying and refining of salt; handling of scrap metals, or wrecking or dismantling of plant or machinery for scrap salvage other than in an establishment engaged principally in the production of iron and steel; reclamation of drums; and (excluding persons employed in a shop principally engaged in selling and persons engaged principally in or in connection with the making preparation handling putting up reception sale demonstration and/or delivery of drugs, pharmaceutical goods and medicinal chemicals and cosmetics and perfumes), artificial fertilisers, acids, bonemill, animal manure, phosphate, superphosphate, compost, bird manure, fish fertiliser, sea-weed, lime or other mineral processing, and/or other chemical industries including potash, arsenicalcompound, sodium, sodium-sulphate, saltpetre, antimony-ore, woodmeal, borax, potassium-chloride, potashmuriate, potassium nitrate, ammoniumnitrate, golden-sulphide-of-antimony. sulphate-of-iron, trisodium phosphate, didalcic-phospate, formalin, phosphoricacid, acetic-acid, muriatic-acid, sulphurous-acid, puritic-acid, limesulphur, hyposulphite-of-soda, limil, caustic-soda, sulphate-of-copper, carbontetra-chloride, black-hypo, derrisproducts, mineral wool, manganese sulphate, argrosan, • copper-carbonate, copper-oxy-chloride, carbon-bi-sulphide, nicotine-sulphate, copper-sulphate, arsenate of lead, arsenate-of-calcium alunite, glauconite, silica-products, alkali chlorites, chlorine, soluble-alkali sili-
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 cates, stannic-chloride, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric-acid, nitric acid, arsenic pentoxide, arsenic-acid, phenol-processing, beta naphthol, ammonium-chloride, ammonium-sulphate, ether-andethylchloride, calcium, aluminium and zinc sterrates, phthalic-anhydride, sodiumbi-sulphite, sodium arsenate, lactic acid, sulphanilamide, phosphate-compounds, sulphur dioxide, carbon di-oxide, carbolic-acid, formaldehyde, fungicides, insecticides, veterinary medicines, synthetic hormones, solvents, power alcohol, alkali, synthetic ammonia, bleaching powder or liquid, liquid cattle dips, stock licks, marking fluid, speddo, milk oil fluid, branding liquid, tricalos, stock food, itch fluid, foot rot paste, blow fly repellant, molasses manufacture or processing and also food processing works within the Kimbertey Land Division; provided that persons who are tradesmen's assistants riggers and metal workers employed in a maintenance section of an establishment in the foregoing industries shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph; water and sewerage including the construction and maintenance of water and sewerage works and the constructing and maintaining of metropolitan water supply, sewerage and drainage works and performing construction and maintenance work carried out under, or for the purposes of, any Act of the Western Australian Parliament which the Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Act 1912, as amended, directs be administered by the Minister of Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage. In the State of Tasmania attendant, assistant or receptionist in dentists', doctors' and optometrists' surgeries or consulting rooms; domestic staff, groundsman or yardman in schools and colleges; industrial chemist; industrial chemists' assistant; hairdresser; manicurist; manufacture of products from milk or cream; radiographer; traffic warden; x-ray technician. Provided that persons— (a) principally engaged in the transportation of goods or persons by motor vehicles upon public roads (excepting in the State of New South Wales, persons employed by the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd., Hardboards Australia Ltd. or C.S.R. Research Pty. Ltd., in the State of Queensland, persons employed in ambulance transport brigades, and in the State of Western Australia, persons employed in ambulance services) and (b) who would be ineligible for membership if the rules of The Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia as at the first day of September, 1973, had remained in force 10066/79—2
Government departments 33 shall not be eligible for membership pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph (paragraph (iv)). Any organization registered under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act or any person interested who desires to object to the application may do so by lodging with me a notice of objection in the prescribed form and a statutory declaration in support thereof within thirty-five (35) days after the publication of this advertisement and by serving on the organization (whose address for service is: Suite 1, 1st Floor, 377-383 Sussex Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000) within seven (7) days after the notice of objection has been lodged, copies of the notice of objection and statutory declaration so lodged. K. D. MARSHALL Industrial Registrar
Department of Primary Industry Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation Act 1977 IN pursuance of sub-section (3) of Section 10 of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation Act 1977, it is hereby notified that a licence to export live-stock from Australia has been granted by the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation under sub-section (2) of that Section to the following: Fares Rural Co. Pty Ltd, 16 Mouat Street, Fremantle, W.A. 6160. Dated this 21st day of March 1979. R. S. JORDAN General Manager Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation Act 1977 IN pursuance of sub-section (3) of Section 10 of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation Act 1977, it is hereby notified that a licence to export live-stock from Australia has been granted by the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation under sub-section (2) of that Section to the following: Springer Australia Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 666, Fremantle, W.A. 6160. Dated this 2nd day of April 1979. R. S. JORDAN ^ General Manager
azette 34 Government departments No. G 16, 24 April 1979 Loan {Drought Bonds) Act 1969 REVOCATION OF DECLARATIONS OF DROUGHT AREAS IN pursuance of sub-section (2) of Section 18 of the Loan {Drought Bonds) Act 1969, 1, Ian McCahon Sinclair, the Minister of State for Primary Industry, being satisfied that the areas in the State of Queensland described in an item in the Schedule to this Instrument have ceased to be experiencing drought, revoke the declarations under sub-section (1) of that section described in an item in the Schedule in relation to the areas described in the item. THE SCHEDULE
Item No. Description of Declaration Declaration published in 1 4 July 1978 Declaration published in 2 24 October 1978 Declaration published in 3 24 October 1978 Declaration published in 4 24 October 1978 Declaration published in 5 10 January 1978 Declaration published in 6 13 June 1978 7 Declaration published in 28 February 1978
the Gazette of
Declaration of Area in the State of Queensland The area comprising the Shire of Burke
the Gazette of
The area comprising the Shire of Carpentaria
the Gazette of
TTie area comprising the Shire of Cook
the Gazette of
The area comprising the Shire of Croydon
the Gazette of
The area comprising the Shire of Etheridge
the Gazette of
The area comprising the Shire of Flinders
the Gazette of
The area comprising the Shire of Mareeba
Dated this fourth day of April 1979.
IAN SINCLAIR Minister of State for Primary Industry
Department of Transport
Department of the Treasury
Navigation Act 1912 APPOINTMENT OF ASSESSORS IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by section 360 of the Navigation Act 1912 and in pursuance of regulations 30 and 31 of the Navigation (Courts of Marine Inquiry) Regulations, I, Peter James Nixon, Minister of State for Transport, hereby appoint, for the period ending 5 April 1980, to assist Courts of Marine Inquiry established under that Act, each of the following persons to be an assessor of nautical skill, classified as 'Assessors, Class 1—Masters': Allen George BRADSHAW I Michael John GUSTERSON tlated this 29th day of March 1979. P. J. NIXON Minister of State for Transport
Issued in pursuance of Section 41 of the Reserve Bank Act 1959
Denomination SI $2 $5 SIO $20 $50 SI00 (£50) §200 (£100) Total Notes held by: Banks Public K. F. THOMPSON For the General Manager, Note Issue Department
62 609 804 62 609 804 68 722 473 137 444 946 26 257 132 131 285 660 58 670 701 586 707 010 85 754 348 1 715 086 960 27 058 961 1 352 948 050 20 2 000 54 10 800 329 073 493 3 986 095 230 $ 490 570 224 3 495 525 006 3 986 095 230 H. M. KNIGHT Governor
Trading B a n k s
Australian Banking Statistics S T A T E M E N T S P R E P A R E D F R O M R E T U R N S D E L I V E R E D T O T H E S T A T I S T I C I A N U N D E R S E C T I O N 52 O F T H E B A N K I N G A C T 1959 1. L I A B I L I T I E S — 1 9 7 8 LIABILITIES O F E A C H B A N K AS A T D A T E O F B A L A N C E - S H E E T S H O W N BELOW
Date of balancesheet
Issued capital
Authorised capital
Uncalled capital
Paid-up capital
Reserve funds (used in the business of the bank)
Final dividend proposed
Total shareholders funds
Balances due to other banks
Deposits, bills payable and all other liabilities including provisions for contingencies
933 440 307 521 179 315
62 167 254 123 54 273 394 640 150441 140 952 272 663
346 436 673 712 97 493 403 831 490 296 184 126 157 568
5 596 550 5 866 935 437 133 6 224 550 2271801 2 087 699 3 492 208
6005153 6 794 770 588 899 7 023 021 2 9 1 2 538 2 412 777 3 922 439
103 695
1 329 259
2 353 462
25 976 876
29 659 597
Balance of profit and loss account
Total liabilities
MAJOR BANKS— r l f ^ JJ-S-y National
6 78 9 78 9 78 9 78 6 78 6 78 111
n R
10 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 6 78 30:9:78
125 000 50000 135 700 00000 00 000 200 000
101 3 135 62 42 124
397 505 665 540 952 148
710 700
498 207
10 000
2 750
500 957
7 000
858 397 505 665 540 952 148
513 065
.. ~
C . T . B . — C o m m o n w e a l t h Trading Bank o f Australia. A . N . Z . — A u s t r a l i a and N e w Zealand Banking G r o u p Limited. A d e l a i d e — T h e Bank o f Adelaide. N . S . W . — B a n k o f N e w South Wales. C . B . A . — T h e Commercial Bank o f Australia Limited. C . B . C . — T h e Commercial Banking C o m p a n y o f Sydney Limited. N a t i o n a l — T h e National Bank o f Australasia Limited. Queensland—Bank o f Queensland Limited. C . D . B . — C o m m o n w e a l t h D e v e l o p m e n t Bank o f Australia. A . R . D . B . — A u s t r a l i a n Resources D e v e l o p m e n t Bank.
(a) 14 101 31 135 62 42 124
47 123 15 217 59 89 117
309 640 965 136 631 029 268
669 978
11 2 11 4 2 9
.. 154 363 532 749 792 932
4 2 522
17 4 30 23 6 21
2 750
2 650
5 965
1 204
43 693
50 862
515 815
672 628
4 2 673
104 109
1 335 224
2 354 666
26 020 569
29 710 459
( f l )61 714 7 000
50918 3 700
~ 700
T 64
112 632 11 464
153 836 57 505
171 399 633 298
437 867 702 267
(a) A m o u n t s specified as Capital in the Commonwealth
Banks Act 1959.
Ci o
Australian Public Securities
Money at short call overseas
62 630 79 959 6 665 95 108 25 276 28 361 32 612
22 277 20 542 7 366 39 434 12 571 1 786 40 325
330 611
144 301
169 873 (o)248
(o)2 605
144 301
170 121
3 544 348
29 532
Other securities
Other public securities
(c)23 474 (g)l 502
(<7)478 (g)225 391
Other securities
Loans to authorised dealers in the short-term money market
Statutory Reserve Deposit Account with Reserve Bank
57 000 113 750
168 876 122 397 11 070 150 470 63 579 65 343 83 658
Bills Bank receivable premises and furniture remittances and sites in transit
All other assets
Total assets
ia)9 291 (6)848 289 ig)33 850 (g)727 337 (g)6 000 (6)51 821 (fl)86 490 (j)946 930 (^)l 550 (m)260 192 1 500 (w)274 157 (o)31 192 (w)433 017 3 541 743
4 452 29 428
(c)23 723 (^)154 799 (//)45 454 (^)160 390 (/)152 013 im)52 683 (/)73 657 in)94 196 (^)1796 (m)133 587 440 738
677 429
11 600
117 300 2 200
13 000
60 700 375 550
665 394
310 300 428 803 25 744 291 735 288 391 113 106 42 756
3 088 933 3 938 542 318 239 4 171 682 1 736 198 1 351 875 2 331 614
1 500 835
(/)60 (/)68 (/)10 139 (027 f/)39 (/)66
962 812 142 193 475 500 225
946 924 231 003 9 475 539 872 57 744 177 049 86 048
381 996 648 083 85 323 132 404 311 022 252 905 574 457
6 005 153 6 794 770 588 899 7 023 021 2 912 538 2 412 777 3 922 439
16 937 083
412 309
2 048 115
2 386 190 29 659 597
. . . .
331 087
Treasury bills and Treasury notes
Local and semigo ver nmental authorities
C.T.B. . A.N.Z. . Adelaide N.S.W. . C.B.A. . CB.C . National
Australian and State Governments
Coin, bullion, notes and cash at bankers
Loans {other than loans to authorised dealers in the short-term money market). advances Cheques and bills and bills discounted of other {after banks and deducting provisions balances with and for debts due from considered other bad or doubtful) banks
2 458 7
t For legend on abbreviations of Bank names see footnote on page 35.
440 738
(o)6 85I
3 550
1 188
7 086
27 066
(p)l 103
684 280
379 100
666 582
1 507 921
16 964 149
413 412
2 048 120
10 (/)256
5 639 450 193
426 830 218 993
(/)586 (P)143
50 862
2 386 770 29 710 459 2 344 32 426
437 867 702 267
(a) At face value less unearned discount/interest. (6) At cost or amortised value. (c) At cost, face value or amortised value. (d) At face value less unearned discount/interest or at cost. () At face value less unearned discount/interest or at cost less provisions for contingencies. ( / ) At cost less amounts written off. At face value. (//) At cost or valuation. (/) At cost or valuation less amounts written off. (y) At adjusted cost. {k) At adjusted cost or lower of cost and redemption value. (/) At cost or under cost. (m) At amortised value. (n) At cost less provision for diminution in value. (o) Lower of cost or market value. (p) Written down value. () At valuation. (r) At cost.
O ;
. - I a vo ^ VO "i
Year ended
Discount, interest and other earnings: less interest paid, amounts written off assets, etcXa)
Expenses {included directors' fees)
272 432 29 382 135 143 237
593 076 198 784 489 255 116
5 Directors' fees (including in previous column)
Income, land and other taxes and payments in lieu of taxes
Balance, being net profit for year carried down
236 735 349 666 20 897 290 075 108 680 127 865 185 739
20 123 60 112 113 40 99
19 398 33 798 1 670 40 318 11 147 7 531 21 750
16 460 48 613 6 631 52 391 15 662 7 859 29 627
1 632 511
1 319 657
135 612
177 243
3 620
2 807
3 620
135 914
177 754
1 636 131
72 948
177 754
250 702
385 248
4 854 1 179
36 242 3 758
4 854 1 179
4 854 1 264
Net balance brought forward
Net profit for the year
272 593 432 076 29 198 382 784 135 489 143 255 237 116
10 585 3 377 21 453 16 660 3 903 16 592
16 460 48 613 6 631 52 391 15 662 7 859 29 627
16 460 59 198 10 008 73 844 32 322 11 762 46 219
1 632 511
72 570
177 243
249 813
C.T.B. A.N.Z. Adelaide N.S.W. C.B.A. C.B.C. National
. .
30,6.78 30.9.78 30.9.78 30.9.78 30.6.78 30.6.78 30.9.78
. . .
30.6.78 30.9.78
1 636 131
1 322 464
36 242 3 758
31 003 2 332
O o t For legend on abbreviations of Bank names see footnote on page 35.
(a) Discount and interest earned, net exchange, commissions and other items (including transfers from contingencies accounts), after deducting interest paid and accrued on deposits, rebate on bills current at balance date, amounts written-off assets and losses on realisation of assets and transfers to the credit of contingencies accounts (out of which accounts provisions for all bad and doubtful debts have been made).
T3 3. P R O F I T A N D
LOSS—1978~con/muei/ s
Transfers to reserve funds
Amounts written-off bank premises
Other appropriation
Interim paid
Final proposed payable
Balance carried forward
Rate of dividend for year
Gross amount of dividends
C Net amount of dividends payable to shareholders (.a)
8 lii 2 205 10 174 4 052 2 792 8 690
11 154 2 363 11 532 4 749 2 792 9 932
17 933 4 440 30 307 23 521 6 179 21 315
16 460 59 198 10 008 73 844 32 322 11 762 46 219
20 14.5 15 16 13 15
19 265 4 568 21706 8 801 5 584 18 622
19 265 4568 21 706 8 801 5 584 18 622
8 512
36 025
42 522
103 695
249 813
78 546
78 546
8 512
36 149
42 673
104 109
250 702
4 854 1 264
A.N.Z Adelaide N.S.W C.B.A C.B.C National TOTAL, MAJOR
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
8230 22000 KMX) 21831
. . . .
59 061
. . . .
6 000
(6)8 230
Queensland TOTAL, A L L BANKS C.D.B A.R.D.B
. . . . . . . .
4854 500
t For legend on abbreviations of Bank names see footnote on page 35.
(a) As shown in profit and loss account.
78 821
78 821
2 5 o ?
(6) Commonwealth of Australia.
' c N)
^ a
Date of balance sheet
Savings Bankt
Authorised capital
Issued capital
Uncalled capital
Paid-up capital
Reserve funds {used in the business of the bank)
Final dividend proposed
Balance of profit Total and loss shareholders' account funds
Depositors' balances
(fl)95 819
6 563 864
Bills payable and all other liabilities Balances including due to other provisions J or contingencies banks
Total liabilities
12 462
257 910
6 930 055
95 819
31.8.78 31.8.78
5 955 6 172
189 117
6 144 6 289
149 278 143 150
2 515 2 624
157 937 152 141
12 127
12 433
292 428
5 139
310 078
4 926 485 6 458 1 242 4 643 1 831
55 626 5 235 62 418 15 242 22 143 28 331
1 771 899 162 496 2 567 760 699 324 820 195 1 107 958
91 157 5 789 96 627 23 916 22 250 61 558
1 918 682 173 520 2 726 805 738 482 864 587 1 197 847
S.B. of Tas Launceston Bk S TOTAL, TRUSTEE.
. . .
30.9.78 30.9.78 30.9.78 30.6.78 30.6.78 30.9.78
A . N . Z . S.B
Adelaide S.B Wales S.B Commercial S.B C.B.C. S.B National Bk S.B TOTAL, PRIVATE TOTAL, A L L BANKS
. . . .
14 000 2 000 20 000 15 000 10 000
20 000
7 500 1 500 20 000 10 000 7 000 14 000
7 500 1 500 20 000 10 000 7 000 14 000
28 200
15 000
3 250 35 960 4 000 10 500 12 500
81 000
60 000
60 000
94 410
15 000
19 585
188 995
7 129 632
81 000
60 000
60 000
202 356
15 000
19 891
297 247
13 985 924
• C.S.B.—Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia. S.B. of Tas.—The Hobart Savings Bank (trading as Tlie Savings Bank of Tasmania). Launceston Bk. S.—Launceston Bank for Savings. A.N.Z. S.B.—Australia and New Zealand Savings Bank Limited. Adelaide S.B.—^The Bank of Adelaide Savings Bank Limited. Wales S.B,—Bank of New South Wales Savings Bank Limited. Commercial S.B.—^The Commercial Savings Bank of Australia Limited. C.B.C, S.B.—C.B.C. Savings Bank Limited. National Bk. S.B.—The National Bank Savings Bank Limited.
(a) Total Reserve Funds.
12 540
301 297
7 619 923
564 346
14 860 056 o
f Ia
2. ASSETS—1978 ASSETS O F E A C H S A V I N G S B A N K AS A T D A T E O F B A L A N C E S H O W N O N P R E V I O U S P A G E <8-000)
Australian Public
Australian and State Governments
Coin, bullion and notes
Deposits with Reserve Bank
Deposits in Australia with trading banks
5 526
483 010
1 138 545
Loans {other than loans to authorised dealers in the short-term money market) advances Cheques and bills and bills discounted Loans to of other {after authorised banks and deducting dealers balances provisions in the with and for debts short-term due from considered Other money bad or other securities market banks doubtful)
2 §
Local and semigovernmental authorities
Other public securities
43 335
(fl)lO 678 (6)1 255 643 (c)l 693 537
(rf)4 665
82 603
20 010 13 833
( / ) 9 831 ( / ) 1 2 272
(/)31 255 (/)43 815
900 1 500
10 579 7 678
76 424 63 004
{d)2 544 (g)3 522
1 683
33 843
22 103
75 070
2 000
2 400
18 257
139 428
6 066
116 500 12 750 187 200 40 000 60 000 60 600
(/)19 080 (^)50 0 ) 6 798 0 ) 1 235
14 000
(e)3 519
1 500
6 603 2 500 23 698 500 10 800 7 400
908 306 89 361 1 392 196 355 119 451 338 657 865
Money at short call overseas
Treasury bills and Treasury notes
Other securities
(e)7 504
159 577
Bills Bank receivable premises and remittances furniture and sites in transit
All other assets
Total assets
86 042
6 930 055
2019 46
3 155 3 323
157 937 152 141
2 065
6 478
310 078
3 037 438 (^/)143 100
S.B. o f T a s Launceston Bk. S.
A.N.Z. S.B. Adelaidfj S.B. Wales S. B. Commercial S.B C.B.C. S.B. National Bk. S.B. T O T A L , PRIVATE TOTAL, A L L BANKS
8 2 17 3 2 9
186 094 402 848 167 383
(/)17 200 (/)233 482 1 000 (;i)24 787 (fl)23 581 (1)258 771 ( / ) 1 3 600 65 927 (/)2 000 (/7)90 711 (a)22 231 (;j)90 274
(/)567 708 (h)3S 392 0)751 544 247 654 (h)234 291 0 ) 3 3 4 489
477 050
43 080
79 612
763 952
2 174 078
7 393
960 745
120 258
90 290
2 041 698
3 942 685
t For legend on abbreviations of Bank names see page 39.
( / ) 6 167 0 ) 3 469 ..
9 636 16 301
30 682
16 000
38 186
18 400
506 27 008 id)AlS (d)\ 210
21 2 35 9
267 080 138 623
12 069 10 586
1 918 682 173 520 2 726 805 738 482 864 587 1 197 847
51 501
3 854 185
29 199
12 069
78 694
7 619 923
229 335
7 031 051
178 365
14 134
171 214
14 860 056
(a) At face value less unearned discount. (6) At cost or amortised value, (c) At cost, face value or amortised value. () At cost less amounts written off. (e) At cost. ( / ) At face value, (g) At current value. ih) At amortised value. (/) At adjusted cost. (;) At lower of cost or redemption value.
o i
Year ended
Savings Bank-f C.S.B
Discount, interest and other earnings: less interest paid, amounts written off assets, etc.(a)
1 Expenses {including directors* fees)
Directors^ fees {included in previous column)
Income, land and other taxes and payments in lieu of taxes
Balance, being net profit for year carried down
Net balance brought forward
Net profit for the year
52 208
52 208
258 810
201 074
5 528
52 208
258 810
31.8.78 31.8.78
5 109 4 638
4 123 3 375
13 19
150 140
836 1 123
5 109 4 638
189 159
836 1 123
1 025 1 282
9 747
7 498
1 959
9 747
1 959
2 307
65 127 5 638 92 683 23 990 32 128 38 619
36 298 3 521 60 877 17 036 24 621 24 338
15 328 966 14418 3 280 2 899 7 785
13 502 1 151 17 388 3 675 4 608 6 496
65 127 5 638 92 683 23 990 32 128 38 619
3 675 284 6 178 1 567 3 135 1 135
13 502 1 151 17 388 3 675 4 608 6 496
17 176 1435 23 566 5 242 7 743 7 631
258 185
166 691
S.B. of Tas Launceston Bk. S.
A.N.Z Adelaide . Wales Commercial S.B. C.B.C. S.B . . National Bk. S.B. T O T A L , PRIVATE TOTAL, A L L BANKS
. .
. .
30.9.78 30.9.78 30.9.78 30.6.78 30.6.78 30.9.78
526 742
t For legend on abbreviations of Bank names see page 39.
375 263
44 676
46 820
258 185
15 974
46 820
62 793
50 494
100 987
526 742
16 322
100 987
117 308
(a) Discount and interest earned, net exchange, commissions and other items (including transfers froai contingencies accounts), after deducting interest paid and accrued on deposits, rebate on bills current at balance date, amounts written off assets and losses on realisation of assets and transfers to the credit of conUngencies accounts (out of which accounts provisions for all bad and doubtful debts have been made).
o O «
f 3 s
o o
3. P R O F I T A N D
S Dividends
Transfers to reserve funds
Savings Bank-\
$'000 19 997
Amounts written off bank premises $'000
Dividends Other appropriations
Interim paid
Final proposed payable
Balance carried forward
$'000 (6)32 211
S'OOO 52 208
Rate of dividend for year
Gross amount of dividends
C Net amount of dividends payable to shareholders (o)
63.33 30.00 40.00 20.00 30.00 20.00
19 750 450 8 000 2 000 2 100 2 800
19 750 450 8 000 2 000 2 100 2 800
S.B. of Tas Launccston Bk. S.
730 1 100
106 65
189 117
I 025 1 282
1 830
2 307
15 000
4 926 485 6 458 1 242 4 643 1 831
17 176 1 435 23 566 5 242 7 743 7 631
20 100
15 000
19 585
62 793
35 100
35 100
20 100
15 000
19 891
117 308
35 100
35 100
A.N.Z. S.B Adelaide S.B. . . . Wales S.B Commercial S.B. . . C.B.C. S.B National Bk. S.B. T O T A L , PRIVATE TOTAL. A L L BANKS
( ~ ) 7 500 500 9 108 2 000 1 000 3 000
4 750 450 8 000 2000 2 100 2 800
8 108 29 935
32 382
o t For legend on abbreviations of Bank names see page 39.
(a) As shown in profit and loss account. (b) Provisions for Settlements under Savings Bank Amalgamation Agreements SI2 214 000 and Commonwealth of Australia, $19 997 000.
a sc <5 'Ti
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
D E F E N C E FORCE APPOINTMENTS. ETC. Royal Australian Navy RESIGNATIONS ACCEPTED BY CNS UNDER THE NAVAL DEFENCE ACT 1910 PURSUANT to Section 13 of the Naval Defence Act 1910, the resignations of the following officers have been approved from the dates shown. PERMANENT NAVAL FORCES The resignation of Captain Francis Roy McMillan of his appointment is accepted to date 18 June 1979. The resignation of Commander • Robert Stanley Barrel! of his appointment is accepted to date 24 April 1979. The resignation of Commander Colin John Patterson, M.B.E., of his appointment is accepted to date 9 July 1979. The resignation of Instructor Lieutenant-Commander Gerald Michael Edmunds of his appointment is accepted to date 7 May 1979. The resignation of Lieutenant Peter Howard Moore of his appointment is accepted to date 6 May 1979The resignation of Engineer Lieutenant Peter Howard Watt of his appointment is accepted to date 7 July 1979. The resignation of Midshipman Paul Marcus Gray of his appointment is accepted to date 22 March 1979. The resignation of Midshipman John James Walter Gleeson of his appointment is accepted to date 14 March 1979. The resignation of Midshipman Kevin James Payne of his appointment is accepted to date 14 March 1979. A. M. SYNNOT Vice-Admiral Chief of Naval Staff
Australian Military Forces THE following have been discharged from the Corps of Staff Cadets under Royal Military Regulation 33 (1) (A) on the dates indicated: 22 March 1979—227655 S/C A. R. Morris. 26 March 1979—341617 S/C D. P. West, 180042 S/C K. Christiansen.
Royal Australian Air Force PERMANENT AIR FORCE Special Duties Branch The notification regarding the acceptance of the resignation of Flight Lieutenant B. Barbie 0224374 of his air force office with effect from 14 May 1979 appearing in Commonwealth of Australia Gazette
Defence force appointments, etc. 43 No. G i l , dated 20 March 1979 is withdrawn and the following entry is authorised in lieu: The resignation of Flight Lieutenant B. Barbie 0224374 of his air force office is accepted, 11 May 1979. H. K. PARKER Air Vice-Marshal Chief of Air Force Personnel Delegate of the Chief of the Air Staff 9 April 1979. IN pursuance of Air Force (Regulations 59A (il), 59A (2) and 59A (7) the grant of acting rank be confirmed, as indicated, to each of the following officers: PERMANENT AIR FORCE General Duties Branch (Group Captain) Wing Commander J. P. H. Trinder 036170, 6 March 1979; (Flight Lieutenant) Flying Offi cers R, B. Smejlis 058924, 19 January 1979; G. A. Gibbins 0227115, 11 March 1979; D. A, McLeod C227574, 11 March 1979; B. A. Johnson 059374, 20 March 1979; A. D. Morris 0228245, 20 March 1979; S. J. Shirley 0320516, 20 March 1979; B. T. Davidson C228256, 20 March 1979; G. C. Standen 0228252, 20 March 1979. Engineer Branch (Flight Lieutenant) Flying Officers G. F. Ryan 0316516, 19 January 1979; T. J. MacKay 0216394, 19 January 1979. Equipment Branch (Flight Lieutenant) Flying Officers A. J. Moy 061186, 3 March 1979; J. M. J. McGrath 0321723, 13 March 1979; R. M. Jackson 059673, 21 March 1979; C. A. Barrass 059676, 26 March 1979. Medical Branch (Flight Lieutenant) Flying Officer C. Brennan N230476, 8 March 1979. Special Duties Branch (Flying Officer) Pilot Officer D, M. Gunson 0230799, 1 March 1979; (Flight Lieutenant) Flying Officers R. J. Palmer 0321102, 26 March 1979; P. R, Whittlesey 0124174, 26 March 1979. CITIZEN AIR FORCE ACTIVE CITIZEN AIR FORCE Special Duties Branch (Flight Lieutenant) Flying Officer A. A. Wise 017179, 19 January 1979. J. E. McLEAY Minister of State for Administrative Services for and on behalf of the Minister of State for Defence (Ex. Min. No. 137—Approved 5 April 1979)
teaching service
No. G 16, 24 April 1979
PERMANENT AIR FORCE Special Duties Branch In accordance with Air Force Regulation 88 (2) the due date for retirement of Flight Lieutenant W. Middlemiss 051083 be further extended to 28 May 1980 and in accordance with Air Force Regulation 86 to place him on the Retired List on that date. J. E. McLEAY Minister of State for Administrative Services for and on behalf of the Minister of State for Defence (Ex. Min. No. 136—Approved 5 April 1979)
IN accordance with Air Force Regulation 47 the appointments of the following officers, each of whom is currently appointed for a specified period, be extended to the date specified in relation to each officer: PERMANENT AIR FORCE
IN accordance with Air Force Regulations 73 (1), 73 (3) {b) and 73(5) the resignation of Air Vice-Marshal J. G. Cornish, A,0., C.B.E., M.V.O., A.F.C., General Duties Branch, Permanent Air Force, of his air force office be accepted -6 July 1979 and in accordance with Air iForce Regulation 86 to place him on the Retired List 7 July 1979. D . J. KILLEN Minister of State for Defence (Ex. Min. No. 119—Approved 5 April 1979) PERMANENT AIR FORCE Equipment Branch The notification regarding the acceptance of the resignation of Squadron Leader R. J. Blissett 014418 of his air force office with effect from 27 April 1979 appearing in Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 6, dated 13 February 1979 is withdrawn and the following entry is authorised in lieu: The resignation of Squadron Leader R. J. Blissett 014418 of his air force office is accepted, 30 January 1980. H. K. PARKER Air Vice-Marshal Chief of Air Force Personnel Delegate of the Chief of the Air Staff
General Duties Branch Flight Lieutenant C. J. Bird 0225919, 17 June 1982. Engineer Branch Flying Officer R. Pizzato 0124298, 6 July 1982.
10 April 1979.
Equipment Branch Flight Lieutenants A. E. Marmont 037577, 18 January 1983; D. J. McLeod L229493, 14 March 1983. Special Duties Branch -Flying Officer J. T. Reardon 0321191, 1 June 1982. J. E. McLEAY Minister of State for Administrative Services for and on behalf of the Minister of State for Defence
COMMONWEALTH TEACHING SERVICE THE following provisional promotions have now been confirmed: In Gazette No. G 1 2 of 27 March 1979: Robert James Gladwin and Paul Thomas Baker.
(Ex. Min. No. 135—Approved 5 April 1979)
BANKRUPTCY A C T IN pursuance of Air Force Regulation 47 the appointments of the following officers, each of whom is currently appointed for a specified period, be converted to permanent apointments:
PERMANENT AIR FORCE General Duties Branch Flight Lieutenant V. W. Crosby 057939.
DEBTORS' PETITIONS The date of bankruptcy appears in parentheses following the name and particulars. 23l/19~Re Maurice Giles Hotson, 3/28 Clarence Street, Dee Why, sales representative (27.3.79).
Engineer Branch Flight Lieutenant B. Ford 017073. Equipment Branch Flight -Lieutenant J. R. Brooks Officer R. P. Lewis 0229237. Special Duties Branch
The following notices received from the Registrar, Official Receiver and Trustees in each Bankruptcy District appear under their respective Districts and appropriate sectional headings.
Flight Lieutenant B. J. Drake 0229358. J. E. McLEAY Minister of State for Administrative Services for and on behalf of the Minister of State for Defence (Ex. Min. No. 134--Approved 5 April 1979)
232/79—/?^ Reginald John Davies, 130 Northcote Street, Kurri Kurri, car detailer (27.3.79). lAl/19—Re David Charles Raddatz, 4 Henderson Avenue, Mittagong, trucking contractor (28.3.79). 2 4 4 / 7 9 — D o u g l a s James Ford, 6 Miller Place, Tahmoor, plant operator (30.3.79). 2 4 5 / 7 9 — L e a n n a Deloris Penny, 1 Christina Street, Rydalmere, packer (30.3.79). 2 4 6 / 7 9 — C h a r l e s Robert Laurie, 1 Christina Street, Rydalmere (30.3.79).
LommonWMiti 6} Ammm LrilZ^lW No. G 16, 24 April 1979 241/19—Re Terrence Medhurst, 208 Chisholm Road, Auburn, hawker (30.3.79). 2 4 8 / 7 9 — C o l l e e n Elizabeth Miller, 122 Dawn Street, Greystanes, housewife (30.3.79). 249/19—Re Robert James Miller, 122 Dawn Street, Greystanes, sailor, R.A.N. (30.3.79). SEQUESTRATION ORDERS 232/19—Re Klemems Bachman, 15 Georges River Road, Croydon Park, distributor (26.3.79). 234/19—Re Sam Scarcella, 128 Smithfield Road, St Johns Park, fruiterer (26.3.79). 235/19—Re Christine Moscos, 110 Bruce Street, Brighton-Le-Sands, home duties (26.3.79). 236/79—Re Dennis Magnay, 146 Tamar Street, Ballina, builder (27.3.79). 231/19—Re Nash Azzopardi, 13 Denison Street, Hamilton, self-employed butcher (27.3.79). 23S/19—Re George William Nelson, 1 Hope Street, Mosman Park, W.A., driver (27.3.79). 239/79—Re Raymond Adrian Farrell, 7 Thompson Street, Belmont (27.3.79). 240/19—Re Milton Sherman, 4/33 Malvern Towers, Malvern Avenue, Manly, company director (27.3.79) 241/79—/?e Stan Nicolaidis, The Racecourse, Darlington Point (27.3.79). 243/19—Re Leslie Senty, 12 Benelong Crescent, Bellevue Hill (29.3.79). DISCHARGES UNDER SECTION il49 The effective date of discharge appears in parentheses following the name and particulars. 431/59—Re Michael Roger Langdon Bett, 25 Gordon Avenue, Griffith, commission agent and carrier (5.3.71). 23A-/13—Re Heather Ann Morley, 12 Akora Street, Toronto (6.7.78). 23S/13—Re John Stephen Morley, 12 Akora Street, Toronto (6.7.78). 25/74—Re Harry Raymond Montague, 29 Janet Street, Merrylands, bread van salesman (14.2.79). 42/14—Re Oldrich Joseph Vaclav Plihal, 10 Edward Street, North Wollongong, building contractor (23.2.79). 50/74—/^e David William Edwards, 166 Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill, parking inspector (28,2.79). DEBTORS' PETITIONS 250/79—Re David John Fitzgerald and June Fitzgerald, Kentucky Stud, Woolgoolga Road, South Grafton, farm hand and married woman (2.4.79). 251/19—Re Robert George Ashby, 231A Miller Road, Villawood, taxi driver (3.4.79). 268/79—Re Patricia Janet McCrohon, 108 Suzanne Street, Tamworth, bookkeeper (7.3.79). 269/19—Re Peter Graham McCrohon, 108 Suzanne Street, Tamworth, transport operator (7.3.79). 210/19—Re Alan Bruce Patridge, 39 York Street, Teralba, labourer (4.4.79). 271/79—Re Jeffrey Laurence and Gwendoleen Mary Winningham, 82 Henry Lawson Avenue, Werrington (4.4.79). 212/19—Re Betty Norma Jeffrey, 2/18 Sudbury Street, Belmore (4.4.79).
Bankruptcy Act 45 212/19—Re Dawn Maree Ricketts, Unit 13, 103 Homer Street, Earlwood, housewife (5.4.79). 274/79—Re Valmai Joy Davis, Myall Lodge, Nymboida (5.4.79). 215/19—Re Glen Allan Davis, Myall Lodge, Nymboida (5.4.79). 276/79—Re Judith Ann Crane, Training and Detention Centre, P.O. Box 115, Ermington, prisoner (22.3.79). 2 7 7 / 7 9 — W a y n e Dallas Wilson, Unit 22, 56 Park Avenue, Kingswood, salesman (22.3.79). 278/79—Re Michael Francis Downes, 132 O'Sullivan Road, Leumeah, pensioner (6,4.79). SEQUESTRATION ORDERS 252/19—Re Kelvin Wilson Alexander, 6 Boylson Place, Cromer, surveyor (2.4.79). 253/19—Re Robert J. A. Dunn, 10 Brassey Street, Deakin, A.C.T., solicitor (2.4.79). 254/19—Re Anthony C. Harris, 23 Wood Street, Riverstone, truck driver (2.4.79). 255/19—Re Allan J. Patterson, 55 Clement Street, Forbes, painter (2.4.79). 256/19—Re Raymond D. Ditterick, 141B Banksia Road, Botany, taxi driver (2.4.79). 257/79—Re Keith Leon and Stephanie Adele Chivers, 31 Callaghan Street, Ashmont (2.4.79). 258/79—Re Mervyn Hall, 'Braeside', Pilliga, sleeper cutter (2.4.79). 259/19—Re Sandra Fay Kalms, 44 Jones Avenue, Moree (3.4.79). 260/79—Re Cornelia Maria Smith, 47 Belmore Road, Peakhurst (3.4.79). 261/79—Re Peter Maltezos, 127 Henrietta Street, Waverley (3.4.79). 262/79—Re Ronald George Sinclair Squires, 31 Dryden Avenue, Carlingford, real estate agent (3.4.79). 263/19—Re Dou^glas John Coombes, Suite 1, 2A Bent Street, Chester Hill, former business proprietor (3.4.79). 264/19—Re Cecil B. Lang, 2 North Street, Casino, bricklayer (3.4.79). 265/19—Re Michael N. Ramsey, 18 Princess Street, Brighton-Le-Sands, bootmaker (3.4.79). 266/19—Re Bill Kokontis, 12 England Avenue, Marrickville, process worker (3.4.79). 267/79—Re James Evans, 14 Matthews Avenue, Orange, painter (3.4.79). V. D. SUMMERHAYS Registrar in Bankruptcy FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on the date and at the time ^hown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. 707/78—Re Donald C. Landers, 40 Hyman Street, Tamworth, unemployed, contract painter (27.4.79 at 10.30 a.m.). 56/79—Re Alistair Michael Bow den Macdonald and Judith Ann Macdonald, Holloways Road, Woolgoolga, shop proprietors, formerly trading as 'Garden Pet Centre', administration officer and housewife (2.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.).
46 Bankruptcy Act 5 8 / 7 9 — T h o m a s Walter man Wolds, Sawtell Fashions, First Avenue, Sawtell. invalid pensioner (3.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 1 4 5 / 7 8 — K e v i n Francis Barley, 23 Samara Street, Sunnybank, Qld (30.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 179/79—Re Graham Frank Jesberg, 1 Eastern Avenue, Tarro, contract caterer, unemployed (3.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.). U9/19~Re James Anthony Silk, 329 Park Road, Auburn, private carrier (4.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). 195/19—Re Francis John Lummis, 90 Wandobah Road, Gumiedah, mine deputy (1.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). \91/19~Re Raymond Jack Dureau, c/o Brookfield Afforestation, Mannus, prisoner (2.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.). 199/19—Re Litdwig Podbreznik, 24 Buckley Circuit, Kambah, A.CT., driver (3.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). 2 1 4 / 7 9 — H o r s t Rohloff, 69 Margaret Street, Orange, van salesman (4.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS A N D PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Court 20B, 20th Level, Law Courts Building, cnr Macquarie and King Streets, Sydney, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. 151/18—Re Elizabeth Ann Parker, 1 Patrick Road, Campbelltown, medical practitioner (meeting 26.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 25,6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 61/19—Re Lindsay Stuart MacCallum, 1044 Holbeche Road, Blacktown, sub-contract carrier (meeting 27.4.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 19.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). \01/19—R€ Warwick Desmond Tait, 25 Innes Road, Greenwich, insurance agent (meeting 4.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 6.9.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 116/79—Re Esther M. Warden, 3 Forest Glen Crescent, Belrose, kindergarten proprietor (meeting I.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 25.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 120/19—Re A. Zambon (male), 32 Tasker Avenue, Campsie, concretor (meeting 30.4.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 19.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 169/79—Re Alan Jones and Lorraine Jones, 16 Collins Street, Pagewood, contract cleaner and home duties (meeting 3.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 25.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 172/79—Re Martin Joseph Stevens and Julie May Stevens, 19 Aminya Crescent, Bradbury, retailers, formerly trading as 'Stevens Glass and Glazing', unemployed and home duties (meeting 27.4.79 at II.00 a.m.; examination 19.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 1 7 7 / 7 9 — N i c h o l a s Roudeff. 19 Midson Road, Eppin,g, unemployed (meeting 2.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 21.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 180/79—Re Ronald Clive Bourke, 50 Marie Avenue, Revesby (meeting 1.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 25.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 182/79—Re Terence John Bryne, 604 Terrigal Drive, Erina (meeting 2.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 21.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.).
^onwionwealtn^^^^^^^^^z^Tte No. G 16, 24 April 1979 183/79—Re Stuart Leslie Peacock Williams, 16 De Glovett Place, Bathurst, real estate agent (meeting 26.4.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 19.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 194/79^Re Barbara Constance Townsend, Lot 1, Empire Bay Drive, Kincumber South, part-time nurse (meeting 27.4.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 19.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 198/79—Re Dudley Lovelock, 2,/l Bridge Street, Cabramatta, truck driver, trading as 'Hillview Takeaway' (meeting 1.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 7.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 225/79—Re Gustan Julius Thomas, 13 Love Street, Blacktown, station assistant (meeting 30.4.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 14.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Hearing Room, 19th Floor, 294 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 -Phillip Street, Sydney. 815/77—Re Haydn Bruce White, 23 Bittern Avenue, Burleigh Waters, Qld, marketing consultant (9.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). 879/77—Re Pete/ John Marland, 2/40 Moloney Street, North Rockhampton, chef (2.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). 56/78—Re James Henry Barker, 1 Emu Court, Sorrento, Surfers Paradise, Qld (4.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). 188/78—Re Anthony Zagami, 14 Brook Street, Highgate Hill, unemployed (18.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). D. J. N. BLUETT Official Receiver 29.3.79. INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDENDS Dividends are intended to be declared in the following estates. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on or before the 3rd day of May 1979 will be excluded from dividend. 109/68—Re Geoffrey Clarke, 13 Birch Street, St Marys (first). 451/70—Re Kevin George Went, 98 Launceston Street, Lyons, A.C.T., trading as 'Wents Butchery', Bombala Street, Delegate (third). 143/74—Re Garry John Kennerson, 9 Stratton Road, Edgeworth (first). 144/74—Re Paul Nouwens, 5/70 Colin Street, Lakemba (first). 147/74—Re Charles Henry Whiteside, 5/42 McCourt Street, Lakemba (second). 148/74—Re Nigel Gould and Rosina Beatrice Gould, and in the separate estate of Nigel Gould, 203 Spencer Street, Mount Druitt, carrying on business as 'N. & R. Home Lighting' and 'N. & R. Cleaning' (third). 154/74—Re Terrance Noel Blackford and William John Carter, 1 Lamond Street, Stockton, and 100 Pacific Highway, Belmont, trading as 'Wialite Doors and Hunter Alum' (fourth). 339/75—Re Terry Ho, 6 Farran Street, Lane Cove, restaurateur, formerly carrying on business as 'Shanghai Terrace Chinese Restaurant', 356 Homer Street, Earlwood (first).
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
3 6 3 / 7 8 — L i i c i o Remedi, ton (first).
11 Helena Avenue, Emer-
3 7 4 / 7 8 — F r a n k Arthur Slater, 32 Fuller Street, Collaroy Plateau, plumber (second). 74/79—/?^ Foster Herbert IVatHng, 37 Folding Street, Fairfield, truck owner/driver, interstate haulage contractor (first). D. J. N. BLUETT Official Receiver 2.4.79. FIRST M E E T I N G S OF CREDITORS Meetings to be held at the Offkial Receiver's Office, Sscond Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to Ihe estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. ] 05/79—/?^ Ross Bertram PouUon, 7 Crum Avenue, West Dubbo, painter and decorator (17.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). [[\/19—Re Walter Thomas Bennett and Shirley Grace Bennett, 76 Pieisley Street, Orange, truck operators (7.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). ( 8 6 / 7 9 — R o n a l d Richard Payne, Heathsleigh Road, Kelly's Plains, via Armidale (7.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). PUBLIC E X A M I N A T I O N Public examination to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Registrar's Court, 2nd Floor, High Court Building, 450 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate to be paid to the Official Receiver, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney. 599/76—Re John Frederick Hilbert, 1/6 Broomfield Road, Hawthorn, Victoria, investor (27.4.79 at 10.15 a.m.). FIRST M E E T I N G S OF CREDITORS A N D PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Court 20B, 20th Level, Law Courts Building, cnr Macquarie and King Streets, Sydney, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. 761/78—/?^ Terranee August Pfafflin, 4 Battle Boulevard, Seaforth, advertising executive (meeting 14.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 27.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 14/19—Re Foster Herbert Watling, 37 Polding Street, Fairfield, trading as T . H. & Y. K. WatUng', truck owner/driver (meeting 14.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 21.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 151/79—Re Ross Humphries and Shirley May Humphries, 10 Old Farm Road, Helensburgh (meeting 7.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 28.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 156/79—Re Ronald James Matthews, 18 Morobe Street, Whalan, Mount Druitt, service advisor (meeting 4.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 2.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 1 6 4 / 7 9 — B r i a n Malcolm Easterbrook, 1/16 Foothills Road, Balgownie, mutton labourer (meeting 14.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 27.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 173/79—Re George William Woods, 9 Stevenson Street, Punchbowl, developer, tally clerk (meeting 16.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 27.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.).
191/79—Re James Patrick Noonan, 19 Maranta Street, Hornsby, company director, pensioner (meeting 16.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 27.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 200/79—Re Francis John Kavanagh, 16 Westminister Road, Monash Park, haulage contractor (meeting 16.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 27.6.79" at 10.00 a.m.). 216/79—Re Kevin John Tiyce, 10 Beaconsfield Road, Moss Vale (meeting 16.5.79 at 2,30 p.m.; examination 18.7.79 at 10,00 a.m.), 227/79—Re Adrian Leonard Alexander and Yolande Alexander, 30/15 Wallis Parade, North Bondi, trading as 'Bountiful Book Bargains', at shop at 3/40 Wiaroa Street, Bondi, bookseller (meeting 30.4.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 13.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 228/79—Re Peter John Banks, Lot 43, 15th Avenue, West Hoxton (meeting 14.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 21.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). D. J. N. B L U E T T Official Receiver 3.4.79. I N T E N T I O N T O DECLARE
Dividends are intended to be declared in the following estates. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on or before the 26th day of April 1979 will be excluded from dividend. 157/77—Re Ronald Henry Brewer, Short Street, Boggabilla, carrier, trading as 'All Roads Transport* and 'Boggabilla Trucking Terminal' (second). Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on or before the 10th day cf May 1979 will be excluded from dividend. 442/63—Re William Bingara (second).
210/73—Re William Douglas Markerison, trading as 'Sureguard Security Services', Franklin Street, Manuka (second). 165/74—Re Ronald Peter Greenwood, 2 / 5 5 Derby Street, Vaucluse, trading as 'Dickson Preys' (second). 167/74—Re Keith Stanley Cornford, 41 Hardie Street, Mascot, barman (third). 179/74—Re Albert Oliver Palm, trading as 'Lavina Agencies', 91 Whylandra Street, Dubbo (second). 144/76—Re Paul James Miranda (second).
5 Anzac
167/76—Re Malcolm Anthony Hector Kenneth Street, Macquarie Fields (first).
604/76—Re Peter Indari, 29 Lloyd George Avenue, Concord, builder (first). 817/77—Re Tony Guiffrey (also known as Tony Jeffrey), 1 Burwood Road, Concord (first). 865/78—Re Doreen Elaine Smith, 7 Wakeland Road, Moonee, office assistant (first). 951/78—Re Anne-Marie Pirkko Holland, 39 Abbott Street, Cammeray, branch officer, formerly carrying on bu iness as 'The Eureka-Gulgong' at Herbert Street, Gulgoag, old wares and souvenirs shop (first). 146/79—Re Sam Saba, 15 Adelaide Street, West Ryde, mechanic (first). D. J. N. BLUETT Official Receiver 6.4.79.
48 Bankruptcy Act FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. 8 7 8 / 7 8 — J o h n Edward Riles, Brial Street, Boorowa, farmer, invalid pensioner (18.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 899/78—i^e Anne Catherine Noonan, 120 Goodoon Street, Gladstone, shop proprietor, trading as 'Stag's Men.wear', housewife (18.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). \n/19~Re Jennifer Faye Jones, 'Eden Valley', Woodward Street, Parkes, housewife (22.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 Phillip Street, Sydney, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Court 20B, 20th Level, Law Courts Building, cnr Macquarie and King Streets, Sydney, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. 3 8 / 7 9 — N o r m a n Millicent Glass, 15 View Street, Woollahra, home duties (meeting 21.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 4.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 8 3 / 7 9 — N e v i l l e William Biber, 62 Lamrock Avenue, Bondi, salesman (meeting 21.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 28.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.), 1 1 0 / 7 9 — E d w a r d Charles Yeomans, 24 Carrirbrook Avenue, Punchbowl, real estate salesman (meeting 15.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 4.10.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 119/79—Re George Montague Jeffrey, 63A Hudson Parade, Clareville, television technician, invalid pensioner (meeting 22.5,79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 3.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 171/79—Re John Zarocastas, 238 Old South Head Road, Bellevue Hill, trading as 'J. Costas' (meeting 15.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 4.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 20S/19—Re Murray B. Busch, 'Brigadoon', Running Stream (meeting 15.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 28.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 209/79—i?^ Keith Arndell, 9 Priory Court, Baulkham Hills, plant supervisor (meeting 15.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 28.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 211/19~Re Edna Nielsen, 3/65 Lawson Street, Bondi Junction, housewife (meeting 24.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 20.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 2\5/19—Re Phillip Boyd Gennings, Lot 182, Snowy Mountains Highway, Cooma, spray painter (meeting 21.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 28.6.79 at •10.00 a.m.). 2X9/19—Re Walter Peter Souhrada, 28 Prindle Street, Dundas, concretor (meeting 22.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 13.6.79 at ilO.OO a.m.). 220/19—Re Colin Dennis, 102 Edward Street, Orange, trading as 'Esso Park Service Station', service station proprietor (meeting 17.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 3.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 224/19—Re Brian Ross Hillier, IS Garrett Street, Maroubra, formerly trading as 'Matraville Auto Parts', 521 Bunnerong Road, Matraville, casual salesman (meeting 18.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 13.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.).
No. G 16, 24 April 1979 240/79—Re Milton Murray Sherman, 4/33 Malvern Towers, Malvern Avenue, Manly, company director, trading as 'Dubbo Truck Sales' (meeting 22.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 9.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 242/19—Re David Charles Raddatz, 1 Henderson Avenue, Mittagong, trucking operator, unemployed (meeting 7.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 13.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 244/19—Re Douglas James Ford, 6 Miller Place, Tahmoor (meeting 18.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 18.7.79 at ilO.OO a.m.). 246/19—Re Charles Robert Laurie, 1 Christina Street, Rydalmere (meeting 17.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.; examination 18.7.79 ataO.OO a.m.). 2 4 8 / 7 9 — C o l e e n Elizabeth Miller, 122 Dawn Street, Greystanes, housewife (meeting 17.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 3.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 249/19—Re Robert James Miller, 122 Dawn Street, Greystanes, sailor (R.A.N.) (meeting 17.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.; examination 3.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 25\/19—Re Robert George Ashby, 231A Miller Road, Villawood, taxi driver, formerly milk vendor (meeting 21.5.79 at l!l.30 a.m.; examination 13.6.79 at 10.00 a.m.). 271/79—Re Jeffrey Laurence Winningham and Gwendoleen Mary Winningham, 82 Henry Lawson Avenue, Werrington, both unemployed (meeting 23.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.; examination 3.7.79 at 10.00 a.m.). D. J. N. BLUETT Official Receiver 10.4.79. PUBLIC EXAMINATION An examination to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Second Floor Court, High Court Building, 450 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate to be paid to the Official Receiver, Second Floor, Phillip House, 119 PhilUp Street, Sydney. 52\/lS—Re Kenneth William Rickerby, Landale Avenue, Croydon, Vic., retailer, trading as 'K.D. Distributors', salesman (27.4.79 at 10.15 a.m.). D. J. N. BLUETT Official Receiver 10.4.79. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A FIRST DIVIDEND No. 6 of \919/X—Re Donna Maria Batiste, trading as 'Import Bazaar', Balmain. A first dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. Creditors who have not proved their debt by the 7th day of May 1979 will be excluded from the dividend. Dated this 12th day of April 1979. DOUGLAS GRAHAM DAVIDSON and THOMAS WILLIAM FREDERICK DIXON Trustees 40-50 Clarence Street, Sydney 2000.
^ommonweaUJ^^^ust^^ No. G 16, 24 April 1979 Bankruptcy Act 1^66, Part X NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND In the matter of Ralph Woodward and Lyle Ruth Woodward, both of 2 The Crest, Belrose, N.S.W. and formerly trading as 'Crestwood Book Supplies', Frenchs Forest, N.S.W. NOTICE is hereby given that a first and final dividend is intended to be declared in the abovementioned matter. Creditors who have not lodged their proofs of debt on or before 8th day of May 1979 will be excluded from this dividend. Dated this 9th day of April 1979. PEGLER, ELLIS & CO. Agents for the Trustees 50 Bridge Street, Sydney. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND No. of 19 —Re Jan Erik Larsen and Marie Renee Florence Larsen, of Narrandera. TAKE notice that, as trustee of the property of the abovenamed debtors, I, Brian Henry Kahlefeldt of B. H. Kahlefeldt & Co., Chartered Accountants, 202 Hoskins Street, Temora, N.S.W., intend to declare a first and final dividend in this matter. Any person wishing their debt to be considered for inclusion in this dividend must lodge their proof of debt with me on or before the 7th day of May 1979. The date of the Deed of Assignment was the 14th day of February 1978. Dated this 9th day of April 1979. B. H. KAHLEFELDT Trustee Bankruptcy Act 1966-1973 NOTICE OF MEETING No. 63/19/X—Re Michael Dennis Allan and Myra Irene Allan, of 5 Centenary Road, Albion Park. TAKE notice that Michael Dennis Allan and Myra Irene Allan, of 5 Centenary Road, Albion Park, has on the third day of April 1979, signed an authority under sub-section (1) of Section 188 of the Bankruptcy Act .1966 authorising Colin George Ward, of 10th Floor, 80 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, to call a meeting of their creditors (and to take over control of their property) and that, in pursuance of Section 194 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, a meeting of the creditors of the abovementioned debtors will be held at the Town Hall, Wollongong, on Monday, 23rd day of April 1979 at 12.45 p.m. Dated this third day of April 1979. C. G. WARD Controlling Trustee Bankruptcy Act 1966-1973 NOTICE OF MEETING No. 66/19/X—Re Marjorie Mullan and Edward Michael Mullan, of 9 Kanahooka Road, Dapto. TAKE notice that Marjorie Mullan and Edward Michael Mullan, of 9 Kanahooka Road, Dapto, has on the third day of April 1979 signed an authority unler sub-section (1) of Section 188 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 authorising Colin George Ward, of
Bankruptcy Act 49 10th Floor, 80 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, to call a meeting of their creditors (and to take over control of their property) and that, in the pursuance of Section 194 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, a meeting of the creditors of the abovementioned debtors will be held at the Town Hall, Wollongong, on Monday, 23rd day of April 1979 at 11.45 a.m. Dated this third day of April 1979. C. G. WARD Controlling Trustee Bankruptcy Act 1966-1973 NOTICE OF MEETING No. 6 0 / 7 9 / X — B r i d g e t Francis Cooper, of 85 Devonshire Crescent, Oak Flats. TAKE notice that Bridget Francis Cooper, of 85 Devonshire Crescent, Oak Flats, has on the third day of April 1979 signed an authority under subsection (I) of Section 188 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 authorising Colin George Ward, of 10th Floor, 80 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, to call a meeting of her creditors (and to take over control of her property) and that, in pursuance of Section 194 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 a meeting of the creditors of the abovementioned debtor will be held at the Town Hall, Wollongong, on Monday, 23rd day of April at 10.00 a.m. Dated this third day of April 1979. C. G. WARD Controlling Trustee NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND No. of 19 —Re Edvins Teodors Birzenieks, formerly of 21 Ferdinand Street, Campbell, A.C.T., who traded as 'Birchland Delicatessen'. TAKE notice that, as trustee of the property of the abovenamed debtor, I, Brian Henry Kahlefeldt, of B. H. Kahlefeldt & Co., Chartered Accountants, 202 Koskins Street, Temora, N.S.W., intend to declare a final dividend in this matter. Any person wishing their debt to be considered for inclusion in this dividend must lodge their proof of debt with me on or before the 2nd day of May 1979. The date of the Deed of Composition was the 6th day of January 1979. Dated this 4th day of April 1979. B. H. KAHLEFELDT Trustee NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A FIRST AND FINAL DIVIDEND No. 340 of \9ie~~Re Neville Walter Barrs and Marie Ann Barrs, of Goodooga. A first and final dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. Creditors who have not proved their debt by the '15th day of May 1979 will be excluded from the dividend. Dated this 12th day of April 1979. THOMAS WILLIAM FREDERICK DIXON Trustee 40-50 Clarence Street, Sydney 2000,
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A FIRST DIVIDEND No. 48 of 1 9 7 8 / X — J a n e t Elizabeth Shackletou, formerly trading as 'Looking Forward', Mona Vale. A first dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. Creditors who have not proved their debt by the 21st day of May 1979 will be excluded from the dividend. Dated this 12th day of April 1979. DOUGLAS GRAHAM DAVIDSON and THOMAS WILLIAM FREDERICK DiXON Trustees 40-50 Clarence Street, Sydney 2000.
NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF COMPOSITION UNDER PART X Re David Dale Vibert. TAKE notice that pursuant to a special resolution passed at a meeting of creditors of the abovenamed held on 5th day of April 1979 it was resolved that a Composition be accepted in accordance with Part X of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, appointing Bruce Henry Smith as Trustee. Creditors of the said debtor are requested to submit details of their claims to the Trustee. Dated this 5th day of April 1979. BRUCE HENRY SMITH Trustee 68 Pitt Street, Sydney.
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A FIRST AND FINAL DIVIDEND No. 19/<1916/X—Re Peter John Scarcella and Celeste Bortolin, formerly trading as 'Red Barrel Restaurant', Liverpool. A first and final divided is intended to be declared in the above matter. Creditors who have not proved their debt by the 27th day of April 1979 will be excluded from the dividend. Dated this 6th day of April 1979. DOUGLAS GRAHAM DAVIDSON and THOMAS WILLIAM FREDERICK DIXON Trustees
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G J6, 24 April 1979 BANKRUPTCY DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF VICTORIA BANKRUPTCIES ON DEBTORS' PETITIONS The date of bankruptcy appears in parentheses after the name and particulars. 1 9 0 / 7 9 — M a r i o James Romei. Flat 7, Glen Park Road, Bayswater, cleaner (3.4.79). \9\/19—Re Peter Walter David Hall, F.2/419 Lygon Street, East Brunswick, pitman (3.4.79). • 1 9 5 / 7 9 — Z v o n i m i r Balazic, 29 Garner Parade, Upfield, truck driver, previously carried on business at 29 Garner Parade, Upfield, as a truck driver (4.4.79). 1 9 6 / 7 9 — G r e g o r y Donald Davis, 5 Pitman Street, Newcomb, unemployed, previously carried on business at 19 Washington Street, Corio, as a transport operator, under the unregistered business name of 'G. Davis Transport' (4.4.79). 1 9 8 / 7 9 — M a r i o Robutti, don, storeman (6.4.79).
2/16 Violet Street, Essen-
SEQUESTRATION ORDERS The date of the order appears in parentheses after the name and particulars. 1 9 2 / 7 9 — G r a e m e Mahady, trading as 'Mahady Fabricating and Engineering', 5 Percy Street, Brunswick (4.4,79). 1 9 3 / 7 9 — J o h n Lionel Whisson, 10 Caroline Street, Clifton Hill (4.4.79). 194/19—Re Itzchak Segman, 7/8 Burke Road, East Malvern, truck driver (4.4.79). 197/79—Re Leslie John Thomas Shelton and Joan Marie Shelton, 'Miltagong', Lambing Gully Road, Avenel, grazier and home duties respectively (5.4.79). DISCHARGES PURSUANT TO SECTION 149 The effective date of the discharge appears in parentheses after the name and particulars. 65/74—Re Ronald James McGinnes, 144/140 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, taxi driver (2.4.79). 66/14—Re Walter Richard Hill, 5 Dion Street, Burwood, clerk (3.4.79). 67/74—Re Luigi Veca, previously carried on business at 12 Pucker Street, Northcote as a driver, under the business name of 'Sartori Transport' (5.4.79). 68/74—Re Ronald James Peake, 15 Owen Street, Mitcham (8.4.79).
40-50 Clarence Street, Sydney 2000.
61/64~Re Robert Vernon Milesi, Flat 2, St Margarets, cnr Toorak and Park Streets, South Yarra, carrying on business at 10 Patrick Street, Melbourne, clothing manufacturer (5.4.79).
Form A22
T. H. WEEKES Deputy Registrar in Bankruptcy 450 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic. 3000.
Section 218(1) (a) (i), (2) (a); Rule 81 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF EXECUTION OF DEED—PART X Re George Lusis. TAKE notice that George Lusis, of Lot 3IS, The Ridgeway, Queanbeyan, N.S.W., marketing manager, has executed a Deed of Assignment with me as Trustee on the 3rd day of April 1979 and that I executed the Deed on the 3rd day of Ai^il 1979. Dated this 5th day of April 1979. P. W. GOTTSCHALD Trustee Suite 4307, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney.
PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Second Floor Court, High Court Building, 450 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the e tates should be paid to the Official Receiver, 5th Floor, 99 Queen Street, Melbourne. 1>6\/U—Re Robert James Taylor, Unit 2, 6-8 William Street, Hawthorn, unemployed (formerly butcher), previous business 34 Bay Road, Sandringham, butcher, business name, 'R. J. & M. S. Taylor' (3.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.).
Cotnnionwealih of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 6 1 1 / 7 8 — F r e d e r i c k Henry Berry and Olive Margaret Berry, The Acacias', Trawool, unemployed and housewife, previous business above address, transport operator, business name 'F. H. & O. M. Berry' (9.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). 464/78—Re Laurence Shane Splatt and Margaret Joanne Linda Splatt, 6 Glengarwyn Road, Leopold, casual labourer and unemployed, previous business 51 Plantation Road, Corio, cartage contractors, business name 'L. & M. Splatt' (9.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). 241/IS—Re Brian Simmons, 4/44 Roy ton Street, East Burwood, manager BA Projects, previous business above address, contract cleaner, business name 'B. & K. Cleaning Services' (15.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). 551/IS—Re Noel Arthur Rawson, 608 Thompson Road, Norlane, unemployed, previous business above address, tran port operator, business name 'N. A. Rawson' (17.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). 3 9 8 / 7 8 — W i l l i a m John Thome, Lot 51, Caroline Avenue, Cockatoo (24.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). 470/78~/?e William John Delmo, 61 Alamein Road, West Heidelberg, driver, previous business above address, owner-driver, business name 'W. J. Delmo' (25.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). 4 6 5 / 7 8 — P e t e r Darrell Williams and Margaret Mary Genevieve Williams, 28 Palmerston Street, Drysdale, unemployed, previous business 75D The Terrace, Ocean Grove, business name 'Belmont Heating' (29.5.79). 3 5 6 / 7 8 — A l b e r t Simmonds, 6 Suemar Street, Mulgrave, trader (29.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). 478/78—Re George Christou Dionyssiou (also known as George Christou), 2 Maxweld Street, Ardeer, unemployed, previous business 130 Hampshire Road, Sunshine, and corner Millers and May Streets, Altona, service station proprietor and cartage contractor, business name 'George Christou' (30.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). 3 6 8 / 7 8 — R o b i n Wentworth Smith, 396 Main Street, Bairnsdale, spare parts manager, previous business Sturt Highway, Buronga, N.S.W., roadhouse proprietor, business name 'Shell Roadhouse', Buronga (30.5.79 at 10.15 a.m.). FIRST MEETINGS First meetings of creditors to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 6th Floor, 99 Queen Street, Melbourne, on the date and at the time shown. 1 1 4 / 7 9 — H a y d e n Barrie Beasley, formerly of 442 Collins Street, Melbourne and 28 Hornby Street, Bzaumaris, now at 16 Valane Street, East Brighton, company director, present business Factory 12, 23 Capella Crescent, Moorabbin (27.4.79 at 2.30 p.m.). X5S/19—Re Adrian M. Dallow, trading as 'A. M. Aquarium Supplies of Australia', 259 Humphries Road, Mount Eliza (1.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). \6\/19—Re David P. O'Connell, 59 Coolavin Road, Noble Park (2.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). \90/19—Re Mario James Romei, Flat 7, Glen Park Road, Bayswater, cleaner (2.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). 19\/19—Re Peter Walter David Hall, Flat 2, 419 Lygon Street, East Brunswick, pitman (2.5.79 at 2.30 p.m.). \95/19—Re Zvonimir Balazic, 29 Garner Parade, Upfield, truck driver, previous business above address, truck driver (3.5.79 at HO.30 a.m.). m/19—Re Clive James Brownlees, 11/66 Claremont Avenue, Malvern, taxi driver (3.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.).
Bankruptcy Act 51 INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDENDS Dividends are intended to be declared in the following estates. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, 5th Floor, 99 Queen Street, Melbourne on or before the 22nd day of May 1979 will be excluded from dividend. 194/76—Re Kenneth Noel Thompson, 24 Dunstan Street, Macleod, labourer, previous business above address, cartage contractor, trading as 'K. N. Thompson' (fir£t and final dividend). 121/ie—Re Rodney Erskine McMillan, Flat 4, 8 Simpson Road, Ferntree Gully, sub-contractor, previous business above address, electrical contractor, business name 'Rodney E. McMillan' (second dividend). 156/77—Re Harold Ernest Parry and Valda Irene Parry, both of 41 Austin Street, Newtown, transport operators (first and final dividend). 156/77—Re reparate estate of Valda Irene Parry, curtain maker, previous business 16 Beauford Avenue, Bell Post Hill, Geelong, business name 'Val Parry's Soft Furnishings & Haberdashery' (first and final dividend). 237/76—Re Joseph Szmekura, previous business 37 Hancock Street, South Melbourne, busine-s name 'Art Knitwear' (second and final dividend). R. P. COLBY Official Receiver Bankruptcy Act 1966, as amended In the matter of an application by Robert Molesworth Hobill Cole to be registered as a person qualified to act as a Trustee under the Bankruptcy Act 1966. TAKE notice that Robert Molesworth Hobill Cole, of 14 Parslow Street, Malvern in the State of Victoria, Chartered Accountant, has applied to the Federal Court of Australia for an Order that he be registered as qualified to act as a Trustee. The adjourned application has been set down for hearing by the Court at No. 3 Court, 450 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, on Thursday, the 26th day of April 1979 at 10.30 a.m. Dated this 29th day of March 1979. CORNWALL STODART & CO. Solicitors for the Applicant Bankruptcy Act 1966-1973—Part X NOTICE OF EXECUTION OF DEED OF ARRANGEMENT Re Attila Polat and Sevil Polat, formerly trading as 'Kismet Restaurant', 132 Smith Street, Collingwood. NOTICE is hereby given that the abovenamed executed a Deed of Arrangement to Dennis John Cougle, of 545 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, on the nth day of April 1979. Dated this 11th day of April 1979. D. J. COUGLE Trustee Bent & Cougle, Public Accountants, Suite 18, 545 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Vic. 3004.
Coryimonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
EXECUTION O F D E E D U N D E R PART X 46/79—Re John Mullen and Margaret Philomena Mathieson, of 23 Illuka Avenue, Aspendale, pipeline consultants, builders.
Chartered Accountant, 3 Bowen Crescent, Melbourne 3004, on the twenty-seventh day of March 1979. Dated this 4th day of April 1979. NEVILLE BIRD Trustee
Deed of Assignment: 2nd day of April 1979. T O U C H E ROSS & CO. Chartered Accountants 440 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000.
Neville Bird, Chartered Accountant, 3 Bowen Crescent, Melbourne 3004. Telephone 267 5111. Bankruptcy
Act 1966—Part X
1966-1973—Part X
N O T I C E OF EXECUTION O F D E E D O F ARRANGEMENT Re John Barry Davis and Beverley Jean Davis, 78 Regent Street, Springvale, builders.
TAKE notice that Peter Graeme Taylor, of Buangor Hotel, Buangor has executed a Deed of Assignment to me as Trustee on the 29th day of March 1979. M A X W E L L G E O R G E GEE
N O T I C E is hereby given that the abovenamed executed a Deed of Arrangement to Dennis John Cougle, of 545 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, on the 9th day of April 1979.
Max Gee & Co., cnr Bacchus Marsh 3340.
Trustee Streets,
Dated this 10th day. of April 1979. D. J. C O U G L E Trustee Bent & Cougle, Public Accountants, Suite St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Vic. 3004.
18, 545
Date and number of bankruptcy: 9th day of April 1979, N.Q. 28 of 1979.
M. H. S H A N N O N Deputy Registrar in Bankruptcy
Re Douglas
NOTICE is executed a Cougle, of 10th day of
hereby given that the abovenamed debtor Deed of Assignment to Dennis John 545 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, on the April 1979.
NOTICE is also given that a first dividend is intended to be declared. Creditors who do not lodge proof of debt in the prescribed f o r m by the 31st day of May 1979 will be excluded. Dated this 10th day of April 1979. D. J. C O U G L E Trustee Bent & Cougle, Public Accountants, Suite St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Vic. 3004.
Re Antonius Franciscus Johannus Peters, Cook Highway, Smithfield, poultry farmer.
18, 545
9.4.79. INTENTION TO D E C L A R E D I V I D E N D Dividend is intended to be declared in the following estate. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, 27-35 Turbot Street, Brisbane, on or before 2nd day of May 1979 will be excluded from dividend. [9/61—Re Neil Birch Braithwaite, of 57 Philp Street, Hermit Park, Townsville, formerly trading in partnership as 'Crana Restaurant' at 140B Charters Towers Road, Townsville (first and final). H. A. R I C H A R D S Official Receiver
Bankrup icy Act 1966-1973 A second and final dividend is intended to be declared in the undermentioned estate. Creditors who have not proved their debts by the 5th day of May 1979 will be excluded from the dividend. Nos 100 and 101 of 1974—i?^ M. J. and Coiitts, of 28 Spring Road, Highett.
Dated this 6th day of April 1979. R. D. W I D D O W S Trustee 703 South Road, Moorabbin.
NOTICE O F FIRST M E E T I N G O F CREDITORS 24/79 and 25/19—Re Victor James and Tina Rose Dahler, of 13 China Street, Mundingburra, Townsville, truck driver and housewife (3.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 26/79 and 11 f 19—Re Arthur William Haggarty and Jeanette May Haggarty, of Phillips Street, Bluewater, via Townsville, formerly trading as 'Hagnick Transport', interstate road hauliers (9.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). Meetings are to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Melton Terrace, Townsville on the date and at the time shown.
Bankruptcy Act 1966, as amended—Part X NOTICE OF EXECUTION O F D E E D O F ASSIGNMENT No. 41 of \919~Re
NOTICE is hereby given that the abovenamed debtor executed a Deed of Assignment to Neville Bird,
W. S H O N H A N Assistant Official Receiver 4.4.79.
No. G 16, 24 April 1979 NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS 16/79—/?^ Arthur John Morris, of 1 RAR, Milpo, Townsville, medical assistant (9.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). A meeting will be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Melton Terrace, Townsville, on the date and at the time shown. W. SHONHAN 5.4.79. BANKRUPTCY DISTRICT OF THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND The date of bankruptcy appears in parentheses following the date and particulars. BANKRUPTCIES ON DEBTORS' PETITIONS \19/19—Re Belinda Jane Parkinson, 171 Stuart Street, Goodna, housewife (27.3.79). UQ/19—Re Graeme Arthur Hall, 14 Menkira Street, Mansfield, company director (27,3.79). m/19—Re Lyndall Elizabeth Hall, 14 Menkira Street, Mansfield, company director (27.3.79). 1 3 2 / 7 9 — D a v i d Brian Callard, 38 Garden Grove, Carrara, unemployed (27.3.79). 1 3 3 / 7 9 — Y v o n n e Stewart Callard, 38 Garden Grove, Carrara, housewife (27.3.79). 1 3 4 / 7 9 — T h o m a s Green, 40 Geelong Street, East Brisbane, casual taxi driver (27.3.79). \35/19~Re Michael Thomas MacDonald, 27 Kiers Road, Miami, spray painter (27.3.79). 136/79—Re Sharon Dianne MacDonald, 27 Kiers Road, Miami, home duties (27.3.79). 1 4 0 / 7 9 — W i l l i a m Henry Morris, 517 Gregory Terrace, Fortitude Valley, retired (27.3.79). 1 4 1 / 7 9 — E d w a r d Keith Sydes, 20 Highlands Street, Wavell Height?, clerk (28.3.79). SEQUESTRATION ORDERS 1 3 7 / 7 9 — I a n Charles Blair, 81 Lewis Street, Buranda, labourer (27.3.79). 13S/19—Re Allan Nash, 67 Woogaroo Street, Goodna, fitter (27.3.79). 139/19—Re Gunther Hans Robl, 17 Tupia Road, Taigum, Brisbane (27.3.79). U2/19—Re Wallace Houston, 108 Merthyr Road, New Farm (29.3.79). 1 4 3 / 7 9 — J o h n Miles Gaffney, 'Gaffney's Casket Shop', Pacific Highway, Surfers Paradise, real estate salesman (29.3.79). U4/19~Re Grace Bajrambic, Lighthouse, Civic Centre, Sheridan Street, Cairns (29.3,79). R. A. ALLEN Registrar in Bankruptcy 30.3.79. BANKRUPTCIES ON DEBTORS' PETITIONS The date of bankruptcy appears in parentheses following the date and particulars. 1 4 5 / 7 9 — S t e p h e n James Sydenham, 16 Domain Road, Currumbin, boat builder (2.4.79). U6/19--Re Garry Willie Gorke, Flat 1/4, Flint Street, North Ipswich, painter (2.4.79). 147/79—Re Peter Bruce Knight, cnr Rhoda and Dianne Street, Loganlea, painter and decorator (2.4.79).
Bankruptcy Act
148/79—Re Terry Clive Everingham, Flat 2, 3 Winston Street, Kirra, steward (2.4,79). 150/19—Re Neville Jang, 102 Crompton Road, Underwood, labourer (3.4.79), 151/19—Re Dorothy Minnie Jang, 102 Crompton Road, Underwood, cleaner (3.4.79). 152/19—Re Paul Michael Regan, 57 Willow Street, Burleigh Park, landscaper (3.4.79). 153/19~Re Sandra Helen Regan, 57 Willow Street, Burleigh Park, home duties (3.4.79). 154/79—Re Robert Arthur Findlay and Robert Harry Peterson, Yaun House, Pacific Highway, Coomera, interior decorators (3.4.79). 155/19—Re David Joseph Reid, 3/25 Oak Avenue, Surfers Paradise, salesman (4.4.79). 156/19—Re Olive Lillian Ellis, 37 Little Jenner Street, Nundah, proprietor (4.4.79). SEQUESTRATION ORDERS 149/79—Re Trevor Hellyer, 6 Harrowby Street, Corinda (3.4.79). 158/79—Re Donald Lynn Dingey and Patricia Ann Dingey, A1 Trade Winds Avenue, Coolum (5.4.79). 159/79—Re Ronald Outram, 152 Evans Street, Mackay, proprietor of a business (5.4.79). 160/79—Re William Robert Leed, 139 Russell Street, Edge Hill, Cairns (5.4.79). ADMINISTRATION ORDER 161/79—Re Brian Cyril Grimes (deceased), 77 Boss Road, Inala, builder (5.4.79). R. A. ALLEN Registrar in Bankruptcy FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATION Meeting to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Ninth Floor, 27-35 Turbot Street, Brisbane, on the date and at the time shown. Public examination to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, 19th Floor, 294 Adelaide Street, Brisbane on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate to be paid to the Official Receiver. 101/79—Re Geoffrey Donald Bauer, 43 Rowland Terrace, Ipswich, building contractor (meeting 9.5.79, 3.00 p.m.; examination 25.6.79, 10.30 a.m.). H. A. RICHARDS Official Receiver FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS Meeting to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Ninth Floor, 27-35 Turbot Street, Brisbane, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate should be paid to the Official Receiver. 352/78—Re Dennis Allen, Mclnlay Street, Cloncurry, public servant (30.5.79 at 11 a.m.). INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDENDS Dividends are intended to be declared in the following estates. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, 27-35 Turbot Street, Brisbane, on or before 9th day of May 1979 will be excluded from dividend. 57/77—Re Roland Lance Hughes, of 26 Kingaroy Street, Stafford Heights, formerly carrying on business at 43 Kedron Park Road, Wooloowin,
Bankruptcy Act and then at 171 Eildon Road, Windsor, under the names of 'Brisbane Sound Centre' and 'Roley Hughes Car Radio' (first and final). 1 4 4 / 7 6 — P h y l l i s Shirley Kaye, of 16 Mayflower Street, Geebung, formerly carrying on business at Toombul Shoppingtown, Toombul, and then at cnr Robinson Road and Wilmah Street, Aspley, as a retailer and manufacturer's agent of caravan annexes and accessories, under the name of 'K'r> Karavan Kanvas' (first and final). H. A. RICHARDS Official Receiver
SEQUESTRATION ORDER The date of the order appears in parentheses following the name and particulars. 240/79—Re Ivan Marakovic, of Coober Pedy, manager (6.4.79). 2 4 1 / 7 9 ~ / ? e Peter Mansfield Brumby, of 24 Torrens Avenue, Flinders Park, entrepreneur (6.4.79). 242/79—Re Carol Ann Baldwin (now known as Carol Ann Lister), of Lot 225, Sunnyside Drive, Maslins Beach (6.4.79). 243/79—Kc Allan Bruce Haines, of 24 Highfield Avenue, St Georges, unemployed (6.4.79). 244/19—Re Ronald Neil Linfoot, of Westland Shopping Centre, Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie (6.4.79). BANKRUPTCIES ON DEBTORS' PETITIONS The date of bankruptcy appears in parentheses following the name and particulars. 2 3 1 / 7 9 — R o g e r Keith Brock, of Lot 120, Main Road, Littlehampton, painter and decorator, previously carrying on business at above address as a building contractor (2.4.79). 2 3 2 / 7 9 — F r a s e r Clarance Angus and Raelene Joy Angus, of 32 Ronald Drive, Salisbury East, previously carrying on business in partnership at above address as transport operators (3.4.79). 233/79_7?c Cyril James Holland, of 3 Jervis Street, South Plympton, linesman (3.4.79). 2 3 4 / 7 9 — A n t h o n y Ronald Bur ford, of 146 Mcintosh Street, Nangwarry, pine faller (3.4.79). 2 3 5 / 7 9 ~ i ? e Heather Elaine Bur ford, of 146 Mcintosh Street, Nangwarry, home duties (3.4.79). 2 3 6 / 7 9 — F r a n k Reid, of Flat 1, 77 Carlton Parade, Port Augusta, labourer (part-time) (4.4.79). 237/79—-Re Peter John McKee, of 12 Combine Avenue, Salisbury North, unemployed baker (4.4.79). 2 3 8 / 7 9 — W i l l i a m Thomas Rogers, of Unit 5/31 Parkmore Avenue, Sturt, unemployed (5.4.79). 27,9/19—Re Jean Mary Rogers, of Unit 5/31 Parkmore Avenue, Sturt, home duties (5.4.79). 245/19—Re Jhor Storoszczuk, of 23 Selth Street, Albert Park, driver, previously carrying on business at 1 Tobruk Drive, Salisbury Heights, as a cartage contractor in partnership, under the name of 'J. S. Przybylo & I. Storoszczuk' (6.4.79). R. W. O'CONNOR Registrar
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Eighth Floor, A.M.P. Building, 1 King William Street, Adelaide, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Eighth floor, A.M.P. Building, 1 King William Street, Adelaide, on the date and at the time shown. 5 7 0 / 7 8 — M a t t e o Mosca, of 60 Euston Terrace, West Croydon, barman (meeting 23.4.79, 10.15 a.m.; examination 28.6.79, 3.00 p.m.). 210/79—Re Maurice Dennis Thiele and Lynette Mary Thiele, of 16 Sixth Avenue, Murray Bridge (meeting 23.4.79, 10.45 a.m.; examination 28.6.79, 10.30 a.m.). 2\5/19—Re Kevin Leslie McKenzie, of Unit 17, 167 Main North East Road, Manningham, salesman, carrying on business at above address as a sales representative, self employed (meeting 23.4.79, 11.15 a.m.; examination 28.6.79, 2.30 p.m.). 2 1 6 / 7 9 — L e o n a r d Stanley Home, of Flat 4/38 Welby Avenue, Salisbury East, unemployed (meeting 23.4.79, 11.45 a.m.; examination 26.6.79, 12 noon). 111/19—Re Frederick Bishop Holmes, of Flat 1, 129 Flinders Terrace, Port Augusta, mechanic/manager, previously carrying on business at 'Beach Haven', Port Augusta (meeting 24.4.79, 10.15 a.m.; examination 20.6.79, 11.45 a.m.). 2 1 8 / 7 9 — G e o f f r e y David Gurr, of 2/10 Golflands Terrace, Glenelg North, labourer, previously carrying on business at above address as a floor laying sub-contractor (meeting 24.4.79, 11.15 a.m.; examination 28.6.79, 12 noon). 220/19—Re Rodney John Tozer, of 18 Nyora Crescent, Taperoo, unemployed (meeting 23.4.79, 12 noon). 221/79—Re Trevor James Clark, sales representative and Gillian Diane Clark, housewife, both of 43A Harold Lea Way, Hackham, previously carrying on business in partnership at 249 Seacombe Road, South Brighton, as delicatessen proprietors (meeting 24.4.79, 10.45 a.m.; examination 26.6.79, 2.30 p.m.). 222/19~Re Janice Alma Reid, of 41 Prince Street, Alberton, home duties (meeting 24.4.79, 11.45 a.m.). 2 2 3 / 7 9 — A r t h u r George William Moss, of 16 Ridgeway Avenue, Enfield, spray painler (meeting 24.4.79, 12 noon). 224/79—Re Bryan Kenneth Hope, of 11 Roy Terrace, Christies Beach, plumber, carrying on business at above address as a plumber (meeting 26.4.79, 10.15 a.m.; examination 26.6.79, 3.30 p.m.). 225/19—Re Rowland Frederick Jones, of 1 Lelta Court, Salisbury North, labourer (meeting 26.4.79, 11.15 a.m.; examination 21.6.79, 3.30 p.m.). 226/79—Re Anne McGrath (formerly Dianne Margaret Morris), of 2/203 Prospect Road, Prospect, unemployed (meeting 26.4.79, 11.45 a.m.). 2 3 0 / 7 9 — M i c h a e l David Mattey, drainlayer and Dorothy Anne Mattey, housewife, of 17 Albany Avenue, Port Noarlunga, carrying on business in partnership at above address as drainlaying contractors (meeting 26.4.79, 10.45 a.m.; examination 3.7.79, 10.30 a.m.). INTENTION TO DECLARE D I V I D E N D Dividends are intended to be declared in the following estates. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, 1 King William Street, Adelaide, on or before the 15th day of May 1979 will be excluded from such dividend.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Bankruptcy Act
392/73—Re Leslie Fred Kemp and Patricia Lorna Kemp, of Rhvnie (first and final dividend in separate estate of L. F, Kemp). 112/74—Re Stephen Ralph Saunders and Jennifer May Saunders, both of c/o 32 Solero Avenue, Reynella, formerly carrying on business in partnership at Traralgon, Victoria, as carpet laying contractors (third and final dividend in separate estate of S. R. Saunders). 652/78—Re Brian John Lockyer, of 258 Findon Road, Findon, labourer (first and final dividend). MeeHngs to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Eighth floor, A.M.P. Building, 1 King William Street, Adelaide, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Eighth floor, A.M.P. Building, 1 King William Street, Adelaide, on the date and at the time shown. 7 1 0 / 7 8 — J o h n Clifford Adam, of 1 Brand Avenue, Victor Harbor (meeting 30.4.79, 10.15 a.m.; examination 5.7.79, 11.30 a.m.). 121/19—Re Kevin David Harding, of 52 Burton Road, Salisbury Downs, milk vendor (meeting 1,5.79, 10.15 a.m.; examination 3.7.79, 11.30 a.m.). 22^/19—Re Yvonne Lorraine Harding, of 52 Burton Road, Salisbury Downs, milk vendor (meeting 1.5.79, 10.15 a.m.; examination 3.7.79, 11.30 a.m.). 219/19—Re Peter Kevin Aitkin, of 39 Ridgehaven Drive, Bellevue Heights (meeting 30.4.79, 10.45 a.m.; examination 3.7.79, 2.30 p.m.). 231/79—i?^ Roger Keith Brock, of Lot 120, Main Road Littlehampton, painter and decorator, previously carrying on business at above address as a building contractor (meeting 30.4.79, 11.15 a.m.; examination 3.7.79, 3,15 p.m.). 232/79—Re Fraser Clarance Angus and Raelene Joy Angus, of 32 Ronald Drive, Salisbury East, previously carrying on business in partnership at above address as transport operators (meeting 30.4.79, 11.45 a.m.; examination 5.7.79, 10.30 a.m.). lM/19~Re Anthony Ronald Burford, of 146 Mcintosh Street, Nangwarry, pine faller (meeting 1.5.79, 10.45 a.m.; examination 5.7.79, 2.30 p.m.). 135/19~Re Heather Elaine Burford, of 146 Mcintosh Street, Nangwarry, home duties (meeting 1.5.79, 10.45 a.m.). INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND Dividends are intended to be declared in the following estates. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, 1 King William Street, Adelaide, on or before the 22nd day of May 1979 will be excluded from such dividend. 2 4 3 / 7 0 — M u r r a y John Hean, of 298 Kensington Road, Leabrook, driver, formerly carrying on business at Playford Avenue, Whyalla, as a cartage contractor (first and final dividend). 46/74—Re John Norman Lueders, of 15 Vincent Avenue, Somerton Park, driver (first and final dividend). 299/IS—Re Lafos Jozsef Debreceni, of 39 Cardigan Avenue, Felixstow, builder, previously carrying on business at 55 Wilpena Terrace, Kilkenny, under my own name (first and final dividend). F. J. PEARCE Official Receiver
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Bankruptcy Act 1966 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPOSITION No, of 1979 Part X~Re Ian Richard Watt, debtor. NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of Ian Richard Watt, of Aldgate Valley Road, Aldgate in the State of South Australia, second hand dealer, did on the 28th day of March 1979 accept a proposal for a Composition of his debts in pursuance of the provisions of Part X of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, the particulars of which are available for inspection in the offices of Wilson, 'Bishop, Bowes & Craig, Third Floor, Stafford House, 23 Leigh Street, Adelaide, South Australia. Dated this ninth day of April 1979. JOHN H. JACKSON Trustee Wilson, Bishop, Bowes & Craig, Chartered Accountants, Stafford House, 23 Leigh Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 212 3877. BANKRUPTCY DISTRICT OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 8th Floor, A.M.P. Building, 1 King William Street, Adelaide, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held at the Supreme Court, Law Court Building, Mitchell Street, Darwin, on the date and at the time shown. 1/79—Re Kevin James Kelso, of 5 Hickory Street, Nightcliff, aircraft refueller (meeting 23.4.79, 10.00 a.m.; examination 23.4.79, 2.00 p.m.). 1/19—Re Dorothy May Kelso, of 5 Hickory Street, Nightcliff, home duties (meeting 23.4.79 at 10.00 a.m.; examination 23.4.79, 2.00 p.m.). INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND Dividends are intended to be declared in the following estates. 12/78—Re Graeme Louis Buhler, of Lot 606, Ryland Read, Rapid Creek, N.T., electrician. 1 3 / 7 8 — J a m e s Fields, of 33 Grevillea Circuit, Nightcliff, N.T., electrician (first dividend in consolidated estate). Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, 1 King William Street, Adelaide, on or before the 22nd day of May 1979 will be excluded from such dividend. F. J. PEARCE Official Receiver
56 Bankruptcy Act Bankruptcy Act 1966-1973 NOTICE TO PERSONS CLAIMING TO BE CREDITORS OF TREVOR J O H N HUTTON INTENTION TO D E C L A R E A FIRST DIVIDEND No. 1 of \919—Re Trevor John Hut ton, debtor. NOTICE is hereby given that a first dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. The dividend will be payable to those creditors who have proved their claims on or before the 7th day of May 1979. The date of acceptance of the Composition was the 8th day of January 1979. Dated at Darwin this 10th day of April 1979. GARY R. MONCK Trustee Wilson, Bishop, Bowes & Craig, Chartered Accountants, 62 Cavenagh Street, Darwin, N.T. 5790. Telephone 81 8077. Bankruptcy Act 1966-1973—Part X NOTICE OF EXECUTION O F DEED OF ASSIGNMENT Re C. De Grandi, debtor. NOTICE is hereby given that Carmelo De Grandi, of Lot 6216, Martin Crescent, Nightcliff, in the Northern Territory, did on the 2nd day of April 1979 execute a Deed of Assignment pursuant to the provisions of Part X of the Bankruptcy Act 19661973 in favour of Gary Raymond Monck, Registered Trustee, and that the same is lying for inspection in the offices of Wilson, Bishop, Bowes & Craig, 62 Cavenagh Street, Darwin, Northern Territory. Dated this 2nd day of April 1979. GARY R. MONCK Trustee Wilson, Bishop, Bowes & Craig, Chartered Accountants, 62 Cavenagh Street, Darwin, N.T. 5790. Telephone 81 8077.
BANKRUPTCIES ON DEBTORS' PETITIONS The date of bankruptcy appears in parentheses following the name and particulars. 114/79—Re Cyril Henry Woolhead, unemployed, and Barbara Lesley Woolhead, home duties, both of 41 Waratah Drive, Kelmscott, formerly carrying on business as 'Waratah Smash Repairs' at 9 Kitson Road, Maddington (2.4.79). 115/79—Re Aaron James Duncan, and Diane Veronica Duncan, both of 125 Broadway, Nedland , bakers and pastrycooks, carrying on business as 'Nedlands Bakers 1973' (3.4.79). 116/79—Re Gregory Stephen Pye, labourer, and Maree Susan Pye, home duties, both of 27 Dural Way, Armadale, formerly carrying on business as cartage contractors (3.4.79). \\l/19~Re Chris Robert Strauch, of Flat 1, 269 Main Street, Osborne Park, unemployed (4.4.79). \n/19—Re Robert Thomas Bateson, of 9 Molloy Street, Bunbury, sheet metal worker, formerly carrying on business as a furniture retailer, trading as 'Bunbury United Home Planning Centre' at 4 and 5 Albert Road, Bunbury (4.4.79).
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 119/79—Re Angelo Musca (also known as Jim Musca), c/o Fremantle Jail, unemployed, formerly carrying on business as a rubber and battery retailer, trading as 'Bayswater Tyre Service' at 17 River Road, Bayswater (5.4.79). 120/19—Re Owen Vincent McGlone, of 21 Campion Crescent, Attadale, proof-reader (5.4.79). 111/19—Re Harry Lofts, of 64c Hainsworth Lane, Girrawheen, tiler, carrying on business as a wall and floor tiler (5.4.79). 122/79—Re John William Mullins, machine operator, and Brenda Ann Mullins, home duties, both of 15 Antill Street, Willagee, formerly carrying on business as steel fabricators, trading as 'Varnells Steel Fabs' at Lot 13, Stockdale Road, O'Connor (5.4.79). 123/19—Re Carol Wills (also known as Helen Ruth Pollard), c/o Bandyup Training Centre, Middle Swan Road, Guildford, home duties (6.4.79). \2A/19—Re Maxwell Francis Kinnane, of 23B Topeka Place, Wanneroo, real estate representative, formerly carrying on business as a delicatessen proprietor, trading as 'Edgewater Deli' at Lot 5, Edgewater Drive, Edgewater (6.4.79). AH debts due to the above estates should be paid to W. A. Smith, Official Receiver, 7th Floor, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth. DISCHARGE PURSUANT TO SECTION 149 The effective date of discharge appears in parentheses after the name and particulars. 62/74—Re Winston John Hough, of 5 Rhonda Avenue, Willetton, clerk (3.4.79). M. JAN Registrar in Bankruptcy FIRST M E E T I N G O F CREDITORS Meeting to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 7th Floor, Lombard House, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate to be paid to the Official Receiver. \\0/19—Re Christopher Lawrence Smith, of 238 Carrington Street, Hilton Park, unemployed (meeting 11.5.79, 11.00 a.m.). FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 7th Floor, Lombard House, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, 8th Floor, Lombard House, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth (except where otherwise shown) on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. %9/19—Re Terrence George De Jussin^g, of 11 Hermione Way, Coolbellup, painter (meeting 8.5.79, 11.30 a.m.; examination 22.8.79, 10.30 a.m.). 103/19—Re Patrick McMurray, of 59 View Street, North Perth, driver, formerly carrying on business as a furniture designer manufacturer, trading as 'KIA Design' at Unit 15, 10 Gibb Street, Cannington (meeting 10.5.79, 12 noon; examination 24.8.79, 10.30 a.m.). 106/79—Re Guido Domenico Patino (also known as Dean Patino), of 75 Arkana Road, Balga, unemployed (meeting 15.5.79, 11.00 a.m.; examination 24.8.79, 10.30 a.m.).
Contmofiweahh of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 1 0 8 / 7 9 — I a n Leslie Smart i, of 33 Hamersley Street, Esperance, contractor (meeting 20.8.79, 12 noon; examination 20.8.79, 2.00 p.m.). INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND A dividend is intended to be declared in the following estate. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, 7th Floor, Lombard House, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, on or before the 15th day of May 1979 will be excluded from a dividend. 120/IS—Re Richard John Dixon, of 167 Keymer Street, Belmont, W.A. 6104, woodcutter, formerly carrying on busine s on own account and with another, as a fencing contractor, trading as 'Dixon Fencing Supplies* (first). W. A. SMITH Official Receiver Ail correspondence to: G.P.O. Box H 536, Perth, W.A. 6001. FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS Meeting to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 7th Floor, Lombard House, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate to be paid to the Official Receiver. 120/79—Re Owen Vincent McGlone, of 21 Campion Crescent, Attadale, proof-reader (meeting 17.5.79, 10.30 a.m.). FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 7th Floor, Lombard House, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, 8th -Floor, Lombard House, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth (except where otherwise shown) on the date and at the time 'hown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. %%/19—Re Murray Dickson Gell, of 25 Stockton Crescent, Wembley Downs, business proprietor (meeting 17.5.79, 11.00 a.m.; examination 29.8.79, 10.30 a.m.). 1 0 5 / 7 9 — W i l l i a m Francis Metcalfe, of 27A St John's Court, Great Eastern Highway, Rivervale, butcher, carrying on business a^ a retail butcher with another, at corner of Kalara and Jinda Roads, Koongamia (meeting 10.5.79, 11.00 a.m.; examination 15.8.79, 10.30 a.m.). 1 0 7 / 7 9 — A l a n Bain, of 21 Gemini Way, Carlisle, bus driver (meeting 15.5.79, 10.00 a.m.; examination 10.8.79, 10.30 a.m.). m/19—Re Kenneth Barry Insley, of 38 Parker Street, Albany, invalid pensioner, formerly carrying on business with another and then on own account, as 'K. B. R. Burger Bar' at 35 Albany Highway, Albany, also formerly carrying on business as a concrete mould maker, trading as 'K. B. Contractors' at 26 Graham Street, Albany (meeting 22.5.79, 2.30 p.m.; examination 3.9.79, 2.00 p.m.), ni/19—Re Michael James Cross, of 18 Dandaloo Crescent, Wanneroo, landscape gardener, carrving on business as 'Cross Landscaping' (meeting 17,5.79, 12 noon; examination 29.8.79, 10.30 a.m.). \\2/19~Re Murray Edward Bascombe, of 83 Epsom Avenue, Redcliffe, unemployed, formerly carrying on business as a spray painter and panel beater, trading as 'Gemini Smash Repairs' at 396 Scar-
Bankruptcy Act 57 borough Beach Road, Osborne Park (meeting 24.5.79, 11.00 a.m.; examination 5.9.79, 10.30 a.m.). 113/79—/?e Alfred Lacey Sing, plasterer, and Susan Peta Sing, home duties, both of 69 Casserley Avenue, Girrawheen, foimerly carrying on business as 'Statewide Drilling Company' (meeting 22.5.79, 11.00 a.m.; examination 31.8.79, 10.30 a.m.). 114/79—Re Cyril Henry Woolhead, unemployed, and Barbara Lesley Woolhead, home duties, both of 41 Waratah Drive, Kelmscott, formerly carrying on business as 'Waratah Smash Repairs' at 9 Kitson Road, Maddington (meeting 24.5.79, 12 noon; examination 12.9,79, 10.30 a.m.). 115/79—Re Aaron James Duncan and Diane Veronica Duncan, both of 125 Broadway, Nedlands, bakers and pastrycooks, carrying on business as 'Nedlands Bakery 1973' (meeting 31.5.79, 11.00 a.m.; examination 7.9.79, 10.30 a.m.). 1 1 8 / 7 9 — R o b e r t Thomas Bateson, of 9 Molloy Street, Bunbury, sheet metal worker, formerly carrying on business as a furniture retailer, trading ai 'Bunbury United Home Planning Centre' at 4 and 5 Albert Road, Bunbury (meeting 25.5.79, 11.00 a.m.; examination 27.8.79, 2.00 p.m.). INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND A dividend is intended to be declared in the following estate. Creditors who have not lodged proofs of debt with the Official Receiver, 7th Floor, Lombard House, 251 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, on or before the 22nd day of May 1979 will be excluded from a dividend. 129/75—Re Alan James Wann, fisherman, and Sylvia Amelia Wann, housewife, of 65 Loch Street Derby, formerly carrying on business as 'A. J. & S. A. Wann', general shopkeepers at 4 Loch Street, Derby (sixth). W. A. SMITH Official Receiver All correspondence to: G.P.O. Box H 536, Perth, W.A. 6001. Bankruptcy Act 1966—Part X NOTICE OF EXECUTION OF DEED No. 86 of 191S/X—Re Andrew Bywater and Anne Mary Helen Bywater, of 6 Greenwell Street, Scarborough, previously trading as 'Rural Painting Service'. NOTICE is hereby given that the abovenamed debtors have executed a Deed of Arrangement and Deed of Assignment respectively to Allen Hugh Lafferty, Chartered Accountant, 18 Howard Street, Perth 6000 in the State of Western Australia and the same are now lying for inspection at the offices of Moiler & Lafi'erty, Chartered Accountants. Dated at Perth this 10th day of April 1979. A. H. LAFFERTY Trustee Moiler & Lafferty, 18 Howard Street, Perth, W.A. 6000. 322 3163.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Act 1966—Part X
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A FIRST AND FINAL DIVIDEND No. 17 of 1919/X—Re Berend Eric Jan Kaaks, business manager, residing at 1 Waterloo Crescent, Lesmurdie 6076. N O T I C E is hereby given that as Trustee of the property of the abovenamed debtor, I, Maurice Hodgson Lyford, Chartered Accountant, 11th Floor, T. & G. Building, 37 8t George's Terrace, Perth 6000, intend to declare a first and final dividend in this matter. Creditors must prove their debts by the il2th day of May 1979. Dated at Perth this twelfth day of April 1979. M. H. L Y F O R D Trustee Melsom Wilson & Partners, M t h Floor, T. & G. Building, 37 St George's Terrace, Perth 6000.
1966—Part X
No. 17 of \919/X—Re Berend Eric Jan Kaaks, business manager, residing at 1 Waterloo Crescent, Lesmurdie 6076. T A K E notice that by a special resolution passed at a meeting of creditors of Berend Eric Jan Kaaks, of 1 Waterloo Crescent, Lesmurdie 6076, held on Wednesday, the 11th day of April 1979, a Composition was accepted.
wishing to be considered for inclusion in this dividend must lodge his proof of debt with me on or before the 8th day of May 1979. Dated this twelfth day of April 1979. P. M. M E L S O M Joint Trustee Collinson Melsom & Co., Chartered Accountants, 'Colmel House', 241 Stirling Street. Perth, W.A. 6000.
1966-1970—Part X
No. 10 of 1919/X—'Re Ronald Edward Green, business proprietor, of 62 Bandalong Way, High Wycombe, and trading as 'Translucent Industries' at 6 Church Road, Maddington. N O T I C E is hereby given that the abovenamed debtor on the 4th day of April 1979, executed a Deed of Arrangement pursuant to Part X of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, as amended, to Terence John Collinson and Peter Michael Melsom, Chartered Accountants and Registered Trustees in the State of Western Australia, as joint and several trustees and the same is now lying for inspection at the offices of Collinson Melsom & Co., 'Colmel House', 241 Stirling Street, Perth. T. J. C O L L I N S O N Joint Trustee Collinson Melsom & Co., Chartered Accountants, 'Colmel House', 241 Stirling Street, Perth, W.A. 6000.
The Composition provides that the creditors accept the debtors offer of the sum of $3000 together with all costs of the administration (including C o u r t fees. Advertising costs and Trustee fees and out of pocket expenses) providing such sum is received by the Trustees within a period of seven days herefrom as in full and complete satisfaction of all claims against the debtor and that Section 109 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 shall apply.
Dated at Perth this twelfth day of April 1979.
N O T I C E is hereby given that as property of the abovenamed debtor, Lafferty, Chartered Accountant, 18 Perth 6000, intend to declare a first dend in this matter.
M. H. L Y F O R D Trustee Melsom Wilson & Partners, 11th Floor, T. & G. Building, 37 St George's Terrace, Perth 6000.
Act 1966—Part X
NOTICE OF I N T E N T I O N TO D E C L A R E A FIRST AND FINAL DIVIDEND No. 86 of 1 9 7 8 / X — s e p a r a t e estate of Anne Mary Helen Bywater, home duties, trading as 'Rural Painting Service', of 6 Greenwell Street, Scarborough 6019, and now residing at 68 Corbett Street, Scarborough 6019. trustees of the I, Allan Hugh Howard Street, and final divi-
Creditors must prove their debts by the 14th day of May 1979. Dated at Perth this 10th day of April il979.
Bankruptcy Act 1966—Part X NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF A COMPOSITION No. 3 of \919/X—Re Robert Alexander Solomon, business proprietor, of 39 Eric Street, Cottesloe, trading as 'R. A. Solomon', cartage contractor and as 'Solomon Transport'. N O T I C E is passed at a debtor held position was
hereby given that by a special resolution meeting of creditors of the abovenamed on the 29th day of March 1979 a Comaccepted.
The Composition is founded upon: (a) The payment of S6000 to the Trustees by the 30th day of April 1979. (b) The proceeds of all accounts receivable due to the Debtor as at the 29th day of M a r c h 1979. Notice is also given that I intend to declare a Composition dividend in this matter and any creditor
A. H . L A F F E R T Y Trustee Moiler & Lafferty, 18 H o w a r d 6000. Telephone 322 3163. Bankruptcy
Street, Perth,
NOTICE OF MEETING Form 34 Re John Thorpe Pelham, trading as Carpets', of 205 Hay Street, Subiaco.
T A K E notice that John Thorpe Pelham, of 205 Hay Street, Subiaco, has on the 4th day of April 1979, signed an authority under Sub-section (1) of Section 188 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, authorising John Graham Morris, of 3 Ord Street, West Perth, to call a meeting of his creditors (and take over control of his property) and that, in pursuance of Section 194
Commonwealih of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, a meeting of the creditors of the abovenamed debtor will be held at 3 Ord Street, West Perth, on Tuesday, the 17th day of April 1979 at 11.00 a.m. Dated this 4th day of April 1979. J. G. MORRIS Controlling Trustee Soutar Watson & Stowe, Chartered Accountants, 3 Ord Street, West Perth, W.A. 6005. Bankruptcy Act 1966 NOTICE OF MEETING Form 42, Rule 93 No. 22 of 1978 Part X—Re David John Van Dal and Jhansi May Van Dal, of 59-63 Norma Road, Myaree, trading as 'D. J. Van Dal & Co.', of 59-63 Norma Road, Myaree. TAKE notice that a meeting of creditors will be held at the offices of Soutar Watson & Stowe, Chartered Accountants, 3 Ord Street, West Perth at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, the 12th day of April 11979, AGENDA 1. Trustee's report on progress of administration to date. 2. Determination regarding disposal of remaining assets, including the residence of Mr & Mrs Van Dal. Dated this 3rd day of April 1979. J. G. MORRIS Trustee Soutar Watson & Stowe, Chartered Accountants, 3 Ord Street, West Perth, W.A. 6005. Bankruptcy Act 1966—Part X NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF A DEED OF ARRANGEMENT—PART X Form A22 Re Andrew Ernest Hearn, of Flat 2, 299 Toorak Road, South Yarra, Vic., having traded as 'Roebuck's' and 'Furnishing Forum 1975'. and also having traded as a partner in 'Slumberland Bedding Di counters', all of 915 Hay Street, Perth, W.A., business proprietor. TAKE notice that Andrew Ernest Hearn, of Flat 2, 299 Toorak Road, South Yarra, Victoria, having traded as 'Roebuck's' and 'Furnishing Forum 1975' and also having traded as a partner in 'Slumberland Bedding Discounters', all of 915 Hay Street, Perth, W.A., executed a Deed of Arrangement with me as trustee on the 30th day of March 1979. Dated this 2nd day of April 1979. B. PUTNIN Trustee B. Putnin & Associates, Public Accountants, 12 Parliament Place, West Perth 6005. Bankruptcy Act 1966—Part X NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ACCEPTANCE OF A COMPOSITION—PART X Form A22 Re Robert Jeffrey Thornton, business broker/pros pector, of 7 Ward Crescent, Kelmscott, W.A. TAKE notice that by a special resolution passed at a meeting of creditors of Robert Jeffrey Thornton,
Bankruptcy Act 59 business broker/prospector, of 7 Ward Crescent Kelmscott, W.A., held on the 28th day of March 1979, a Composition was accepted. The Composition provides for: (1) that an amount of $6500 be paid to the trustee within a period of six months for distribution to the creditors. (2) That the debtor make available all his equity, if any, in the property owned at Jurien Bay in partnership with others, and the equity, if any, in the block of land at Russell Island, Queensland, described as Lot 274 RP 128020, County Stanley, Parish of Russell, C.T. Volume 4568 Folio 108. Dated this 2nd day of April 1979. B. PUTNIN Trustee B. Putnin & Associates, Public Accountants, 12 Parliament Place, West Perth 6005. BANKRUPTCY DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF TASMANIA BANKRUPTCIES ON DEBTORS' PETITIONS The date of bankruptcy appears in parentheses following the name and particulars. 62/19—Re Peter Wayne Hyde, c/o P.O. Port Sorell, restaurateur carrying on business at Stones Hotel, Ulverstone, trading under the name 'Golden Phoenix Chinese Restaurant' and formerly as a Chinese restaurant proprietor at 156 William Street, Devonport, trading under the name of 'Kam Ching Chinese Restaurant' (5.4.79). 63/19—Re Anthony Paul Tokowenko, 431 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy, unemployed (5.4.79). 6A/19—Re Jeffrey John White, 6 Viney Street, Acton, Burnie, labourer (underground) (9.4.79). 65/19—Re Caroline Ann White, 6 Viney Street, Acton, Burnie, home duties (9.4.79). 66/79—Re Stephen Lawrence Harrison, 21 Duntroon Drive, Rokeby, unemployed (9.4.79). DISCHARGE PURSUANT TO SECTION 149 The date of discharge appears in parentheses following the name and particulars. 1 / 7 0 — B a r r y Donald Crowe, 36 Madden Street, Acton Estate, Burnie, service station proprietor, formerly carrying on business at the Caltex Service Station, Cooee (9.4.79). 14/15—Re Donald Bruce Lipscombe, 88 Rialannah Road, Mount Nelson, hotel manager (9.4.79). BANKRUPTCIES ON DEBTORS' PETITIONS The date of bankruptcy appears in parentheses following the name and particulars. 55/19—Re Russell Wallace Clifford, 9 Wattle Avenue, Burnie, unemployed (28.3.79). 56/79—Re Leon Roger Kaye, c/o 9 Viney Street, Burnie, millhand (28.3.79). 51/19—Re Bryan Leslie White, Flat 2/24, Corby Avenue, West Hobart (28.3.79). 5 8 / 7 9 — D u d l e y John Foster, c/o 20 Ashburner Street, Carrick, sub-contractor, brickboard fixer, formerly carrying on business in partnership with K. E. Field (also known as K. E. Burke), as a builder at 20 Ashburner Street, Carrick, trading under the name of 'K. & D. Builders' (30.3.79).
60 Bankruptcy Act 59/19—Re John Bonner Veasey, 120 Summerleas Road, Kingston, unemployed, formerly carrying on business as a self employed fisherman at 16 Romilly Street, South Hobart (2.4.79). 60/19~-Re John Leonard Stokes, J nr., 31 Annabelle Street, Rokeby, car detailer, carrying on business at Leonard Nettlefold's Pavilion, Royal Showgrounds, Glenorchy, trading under the name 'Clean Machine' (2.4.79). 6 1 / 7 9 — D a v i d George Reynolds, 1 Colville Street, Battery Point, ABC liaison officer (2.4.79). PAUL GRIFFITHS Registrar in Bankruptcy FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 11th Floor, 188 CoUins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. 4 8 / 7 9 — R o b e r t Noel Cowen, 35 Albion Road, Bridgewater, millman (meeting 19.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 13.6.79 at 2.15 p.m.). 5 3 / 7 9 — R a y m o n d Charles Mathews, 75 Bachelor Street, Queenstown, linesman, formerly subcontracting as a truck driver for 'Brambles', Devonport (meeting 20.4.79 at 11.(X) a.m.; examination 13.6.79 at 3.15 p.m.). 5 4 / 7 9 — V i c k i Pauline Mathews, 21 Clarke Street, Ulverstone, cleaner (meeting 20.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 13.6.79 at 3.15 p.m.). 51/19—Re Bryan Uslie White, Flat 2, 24 Corby Avenue, West Hobart, truck driver (meeting 24.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 14.6.79 at 10.30 a.m.). FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS A meeting to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate should be paid to the Official Receiver. 56/19~~Re Leon Roger Kaye, 9 Viney Street, Burnie, millhand (23.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.). PUBLIC EXAMINATION Examination to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Court Room, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate should be paid to the Official Receiver. 4 2 / 7 8 — J u d i t h Anne Roberts, 12 Garden Grove, Launceston, home duties, trading as 'United Press Publications' at 46 Brisbane Street, Launceston, and formerly in partnership as a 'Four Square Store Proprietor' at George Town (24.7.79 at 10.30 a.m.). FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS A meeting to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate should be paid to the Official Receiver. 5 8 / 7 9 — D u d l e y John Foster, c/o 20 Ashburner Street, Carrick, sub-contractor, brickboard fixer, formerly carrying on business in partnership with K. E. Field (also known as K. E. Burke), as a builder at 20 Ashburner Street, Carrick, trading under the name of 'K. & D. Builders' (26.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.).
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. 59/79—Re John Bonner Veasey, 120 Summerleas Road, Kingston, unemployed, formerly carrying on business as a self-employed fisherman at 16 Romilly Street, South Hobart (meeting 27.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 14.6.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 60/19-~Re John Leonard Stokes, Jnr, 31 Annabelle Street, Rokeby, car detailer, carrying on business at Leonard Nettleford's Pavilion, Royal Showgrounds, Glenorchy, trading under the name 'Clean Machine' (meeting 27.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 14.6.79 at 11.45 a.m.). 61/19—Re David George Reynolds, 1 Colville Street, Battery Point, ABC liaison officer (meeting 26.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 14.6.79 at 2.15 p.m.). C. DANN Official Receiver FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. Public examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estates to be paid to the Official Receiver. 49/79—Re Graeme Stanley Flakemore, 5 Serre Road, Kingston, cartage contractor (meeting 1.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 25.7.79 at 2.15 p.m.). 63/19—Re Anthony Paul Tokowenko, 431 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy, unemployed (meeting 2.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 24.7.79 at 12 noon). 10/19—Re Glen Robert Davies, 35 Sugarloaf Road, Risdon Vale, self-employed musician (meeting 8.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.; examination 25.7.79 at 12 noon). FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS Meetings to be held at the Official Receiver's Office, n t h Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. All debt, due to the estates should be paid to the Official Receiver. 62/19—Re Peter Wayne Hyde, c/o P.O. Port Sorell, restaurateur, carrying on business at Stones Hotel, Ulverstone, trading under the name of 'Golden Phoenix Chinese Restaurant' and formerly as a Chinese restaurant proprietor at 156 William Street, Devonport, trading under the name of 'Kam Ching Chinese Restaurant' (30.4.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 64/19—Re Jeffrey John White, 6 Viney Street, Acton, Burnie, labourer (underground) (3.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 65/19—Re Caroline Ann White, 6 Viney Street, Acton, Burnie, home duties (3.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 67/79—Re Michael Anthony Fagan, 14 Bathurst Street, Burnie, hotel employee (4.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.). 69/19—Re Garth Henry Sheean, 10 Manus Court, Lalor, Victoria, unemployed (7.5.79 at 11.00 a.m.).
Cotnmonwealih of Australia Gazette No. G 16. 24 April 1979 PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS Examinations to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Supreme Court Building, Cameron Street, Launce ton, on the date and at the time shown. AH debts due to the estates should be paid to the Official Receiver, 188 Collins Street, Hobart. 1 4 4 / 7 8 — W e r n e r Caminada, 67 Salisbury Crescent, West Launceston, reinforcing and prestressing contractor (21.5.79 at 2.15 p.m.). [22/IS—Re Ronald William Devlin, 34 Dover Street, Mowbray, Launceston, unemployed (21.5.79 at 3.30 p.m.). 138/78—Re Peter James Roles, Conara, labourer (22.5.79 at 9.15 a.m.). \55/lS—Re Donald Clement Weldon, Dilston, East Tamar, labourer (22.5.79 at 12 noon). 3 8 / 7 9 — H e a t h e r Rose Kelly, 33 Spotswood Drive, Scottsdale, home duties (22.5.79 at 2.15 p.m.). 31/19—Re Garry Wayne Kelly, 33 Spotswood Drive, Scottsdale, invalid pensioner (22.5.79 at 2.15 p.m.). \S/19—Re Wayne John Brown, Minestone Street, Scottsdale, pine worker (23.5.79 at 12 noon). 150/78—/?e Barry Charles Padgett and Katherine Padgett, c/o Post Office, Sidmouth, Point Rapid, Rowella, machinery salesman, housewife and part time cosmetic saleswoman respectively, formerly carrying on business in partnership as logging contractors at Abies Hill Road, St Leonards, trading under the name 'B. C. & K. Padgett' and also on his own account, as a car salesman at 19 Gleadow Street, Launceston, trading under the name 'Jeepo' and in partnership with another at Nunamara, trading under the name 'Nunamara Logging Co.' (23.5.79 at 2.15 p.m.). 1 5 8 / 7 8 — D a v i d Andrew Bramich, 293 Wellington Street, Launceston, restaurant and take-away food shop manager, formerly carrying on business in partner hip as a newsagent proprietor at 210 Hobart Road, Launceston, trading under the name 'D. A. and Y. M. Bramich' (24.5.79 at 9.15 a.m.). 1/79—Re Kenneth John Pinner, 32 Amy Road, Launceston, salesman, formerly carrying on business at 67 Elizabeth Street, Launceston, as a manufacturer's agent and merchant, trading under the name of 'Atlas Agencies (Tas.)' (24.5.79 at 10.30 a.m.). 28/79—Re Marion lola Joyce McKenzie, 46 Box Street, Mayfield, housewife (24.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). 29/19~Re Donald Alexander McKenzie, 46 Box Street, Mayfield, pensioner (24.5.79 at 11.30 a.m.). 45/19—Re Joseph Patrick Brown, 18 Forster Street, Launceston, pensioner (24.5.79 at 12 noon). 149/78—Ke Wayne Eric Dalco, 9 Donald Street, Invermay, Launceston, unemployed (24.5.79 at 2.15 p.m.). Examination to be held before the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Court Room, 11th Floor, 188 Collins Street, Hobart, on the date and at the time shown. All debts due to the estate should be paid to the Official Receiver, 188 Collins Street, Hobart 8/79—Re Maxwell Charles Davey and Irene Marie Davey, 12 Alanvale Road, Newnham, Launceston, cartage contractors, carrying on business at 12 Alanvale Road, Newnham, Launceston, trading under the name of 'M. C. & I. M. Davey' (25.7.79 at 10.30 a.m.). C. DANN Official Receiver
Private notices
PRIVATE NOTICES IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY No. S.C. 654 of 1979. IN the matter of an application by CHRISTOS MICHALIS and MARIA MICHALIS to vary the provisions of the Crown Lease relating to Block 3, Section 46, Mawson in the Australian Capital Territory and in the matter of the City Area Leases Ordinance, as amended. Section 11A. NOTICE OF MOTION TAKE notice that this Court will be moved on the first day of June 1979 at ten o'clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as counsel can be heard on behalf of Christos Michalis and Maria Michalis the registered proprietors as joint tenants of Block 3, Section 46, Mawson, being the whole of the land contained in Crown Lease registered under the provisions of the Real Property Ordinance, as amended, Volume 336 Folio 51 for an order pursuant to the City Area Leases Ordinance, as amended, Section MA, that the covenant contained in clause 1 (g) of the said Crown Lease namely: 'To use the said land for the purpose of retail shops (other than food) banking personal services commercial and non-retail businesses;' be varied by the deletion of the words '(other than food)' appearing in the first line of the said clause. And for such further or other order as to the Court may seem meet upon the grounds appearing in the Affidavit of Christos Michalis and Maria Michalis sworn on the 29th day of March 1979. Dated this 18th day of April 1979. GALLANS Solicitors for the Applicants ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION FOR REDUCTION OF SHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY No. S.C. 647 of 1979 In the matter of SOUTHERN PACIFIC HOTEL CORPORATION LIMITED and in the matter of the Companies Ordinance 1962. NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition has been presented to the Supreme Court on the 17th day of April 1979 to confirm a resolution of the above Company to reduce its share premium account. Such resolution is in the following terms: 'That the sum of $16 300 000 standing to the credit of the share premium account in the books of the Company be reduced by the sum of $6 000 000 to the sum of $10 300 000 by applying such sum of $6 000 000 by which the credit of the share premium account is so reduced to the payment to the holders of each of the 10 000 fully paid shares of the company the sum of $600 per share'. The Petition is set down to be heard before The Chief Judge, the Honourable Mr Justice Richard Arthur Blackburn, O.B.E., at the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, on the 4th day of May =1979 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the course of business will permit and any creditor or contributory of the said Company desiring to support or oppose the
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
making of an order on the said Petition may appear at the time of the hearing by himself or his Counsel or Solicitor for that purpose; and a copy of the Petition will be furnished to any creditor or contributory of the said C o m p a n y requiring the same by the undersigned on payment of the regulated charge. JOHN
Solicitor for the Petitioner Davies, Bailey & Cater, Solicitors, 6th Floor, Canberra House, 40 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601.
wick, Mitchell & Co., Tower Building, Australia Squ?.re, Sydney, be appointed Liquidator at a fee to be determined, (ii) that the Liquidator be empowered to compromise with debtors a n d / o r creditors, (iii) that the Liquidator be empowered to divide among the members in specie or kind the whole or any part of the assets of the company. Dated this 30th day of March
1979. J. R O W L E Y Secretary
Note: 1. Persons intending to appear at the hearing must notify Mr John Desmond Button by post or personally served notice. 2. Such notice should state the name and address of the person (or where appropriate the name and address of the firm or company) intending to appear. 3. Such notice should be signed personally (or by authorised representatives of firms or companies) or by a Solicitor. 4. Notices whether post or personally served must reach Mr John Desmond Button not later than 1.00 p.m. on the 3rd day of May 1979. In the matter of the Companies In the matter LIQUIDATION)
1962 and LTD
In the matter of the Companies In the matter of MARIS LIMITED (IN V O U N T A R Y
A first and final dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. If persons claiming to be creditors have not proved their debts or had their debts admitted by the liquidator by the 31st day of May 1979, they will be excluded f r o m this dividend. Dated this 4th day of April 1979. A. R. M. M A C I N T O S H Liquidator C / o Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000.
N O T I C E is hereby given in accordance with Section 254 (2) of the Companies Ordinance 1962 that at an extraordinary general meeting of the abovenamed company, duly convened and held at 520 Swift Street, Albury, New South Wales on the 6th day of April 1979 the following special and ordinary resolutions were passed respectively. 'That the company be wound up voluntarily' and 'that Mr John James Ashton of 520 Swift Street, Albury, New South Wales, be and is hereby appointed liquidator of the company.' Dated this 6th day of April
1979. J. S. C O U G H L A N Director
In the estate of Alan Richard John Hobday, late of 59 Strzelecki Crescent, Narrabundah, who died on the 6th day of November 1978. N O T I C E is hereby given that pursuant to Section 87B of the Administration and Probate Ordinance 1929, the Curator of Estates of Deceased Persons in and for the Australian Capital Territory INTENDS TO ADMINISTER the estate of the abovenamed deceased. All persons having any claim against or to the estate of the said deceased are requested to submit their claim in writing to the Curator of Estates of Deceased Persons, Post Office Box 515, C a n b e r r a City on or before the 31st day of May 1979 after which date the Curator will distribute the assets of the said deceased to the persons entitled having regard only to those claims of which he then has notice. E CALVERT
AT an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Thylacine Pty Limited, held at 9 Trimmer Place, Kambah, on the 6th day of April 1979, the following resolution was duly passed as a special resolution: T h a t the company be wound up voluntarily and that Mr Laurence McCreath be appointed liquidator for the purpose of such winding up.' LAURENCE
McCREATH Liquidator
NOTICE O F RESOLl^TION AT an extraordinary general meeting of the members of Maris (Canberra) Pty Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation), duly convened and held at Sydney on 30lh day of March 1979 the resolutions set out below were passed as special resolutions: 1. That the company be wound up voluntarily and (i) that Alexander Robert Mackay Macintosh, a partner in the firm of Messrs Peat, Mar-
Curator of Estates of Deceased Persons, A.C.T. IN THE S U P R E M E C O U R T OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY PROBATE JURISDICTION In the will of Glendon James Wheatley, late of 13 Slater Place, Evatt in the Australian Capital Territory, but formerly of 3 Castieau Street, Higgins in the said Territory, concrete batchman, who died on the 3rd day of March 1979. N O T I C E is hereby given that an ELECTION TO ADMINISTER the estate of the abovenamed deceased has been filed in the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory by the Curator of Estates of Deceased Persons in and for the said Territory and pursuant to the Administration and Probate Ordinance 1929, the Family Provision Ordinance 1969 and the Trustee Ordinance 1957, creditors and others having any claim against or to the estate of the abovenamed deceased are required to send particulars of their
ConiDionwcalih of^Australia Gazelle No. G 16, 24 April 1979 claim to the Curator of Estates of Deceased Persons, Post Office Box 515, Canberra City on or before the ilth day of May 1979 at the expiration of which time the said Curator will distribute the assets of the said deceased to the persons entitled having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. E. CALVERT Curator of Estates of Deceased Persons, A.C.T. In the matter of GEMMEC PTY LTD and The Companies Ordinance 1962-1974, as amended NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING OF CONTRIBUTORIES GEMMEC PTY LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of contributories of Gemmec Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) will be held at the offices of Fell & Starkey, on the 16th day of May 1979, at 12 noon. AGENDA 1. To lay before the meeting the Liquidator's account showing how the winding up has been conducted and the property of the Company has been disposed of, and to give any explanation of the account which may be required. 2. To agree that the Liquidator be authorised, at his discretion, to destroy the books of account, records and documents of the Company, and the Liquidator's accounts and records, within a period of five years after dissolution of the Company. Dated this 9th day of April 1979. S. G. EAST Liquidator In the matter of H. W. WOODS PTY LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) AT an extraordinary general meeting of members duly convened and held at 30 Ada Street, Bexley, on Wednesday, 4 April 1979, the following special resolution was passed. 'That the company be wound up voluntarily and that Lindsay Reginald Harrison be appointed liquidator.' Dated this 4th day of April 1979. L. R. HARRISON Liquidator 2 Fetherstone Street, Bankstown, N.S.W. 2200. NOTICE OF SALE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY No. Fi Fa 188 of 1978, S.C. 1593 of 1979 Sheriffs Office, Canberra, A.C.T. RUDOLF JOACHIM KOCH -v- HARRY VAN DER STERREN and JOHN COYLE ON Friday the 11th day of May, One thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine at noon, unless the Writ of Fieri Facias herein be previously satisfied, I will cause to be sold by Public Auction at the Office of the Sheriff, The Law Courts of the Australian Capital Territory all the right title and interest of the defendant, Harry Van der Sterren, in that piece or
Private notices 63 parcel of land situate at Block 13, Section 51, Curtin and being the land comprised in the Certificate of Title Registered Volume 469 Folio 75. Terms: Cash. R. G. HARDIMAN Sheriff Plaintiff's Solicitors, Snedden Hall & Gallup, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601. In the matter of the Companies Ordinance and In the matter of LENA COURT PTY LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the abovenamed Company duly convened and held at the offices of Messrs Freyer & Resler, Chartered Accountants, 164 Pitt Street, Sydney, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon on the twenty-seventh day of March 1979 the following special resolution was duly passed, viz.: 'That.the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Oscar Freyer, Chartered Accountant, of 164 Pitt Street, Sydney, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding up.' Dated the 27th day of March 1979. M. SCHWARZBAUM Chairman In the matter of the Companies Ordinance and In the matter of HACKETT CORNER PTY LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the abovenamed Company duly convened and held at the offices of Freyer & Resler, Chartered Accountants, 164 Pitt Street, Sydney, at 12.30 o'clock in the afternoon on the twenty-seventh day of March 1979 the following special resolution was duly passed, viz.: 'That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Oscar Freyer Chartered Accountant of 164 Pitt Street, Sydney, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding up.' Dated the 27th day of March 1979. M. SCHWARZBAUM Chairman In the matter of the Companies Ordinance and In the matter of EVA'S FASHIONS PTY LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the abovenamed Company duly convened and held at the offices of Freyer & Resler, Chartered Accountants, 164 Pitt Street, Sydney, at twelve noon on the twenty-seventh day of March 1979 the following special resolution was duly passed, viz.: 'That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Oscar Freyer, Chartered Accountant, of 164 Pitt Street, Sydney, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding up.' Dated the 27th day of March 1979. M. SCHWARZBAUM Chairman
64 Private notices In the matter of the Companies Ordinance and In the matter of EVA COURT PTY LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the abovenamed Company duly convened and held at the offices of Messrs Freyer & Resler, Chartered Accountants, 164 Pitt Street, Sydney, at eleven-thirty o'clock in the forenoon on the twenty-seventh day of March 1979 the following special resolution was duly passed, viz.: That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Oscar Freyer, Chartered Accountant, of 164 Pitt Street, Sydney, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding up.' Dated the 27th day of March 1979. M. SCHWARZBAUM Chairman
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY No. 33 (Rule 50) NOTICE OF WINDING UP ORDER AN order of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory for the winding up of MARIE GEORGE PTY LIMITED was made on the 30th day of March 1979 and the undersigned was appointed Official Liquidator of the company. ROBERT JOHN YEOMANS Official Liquidator C/o Duesbury Johnston & Marks, CJVI.L. Building, University Avenue, Canberra City, A.C.T.
The Companies Ordinance 1962 1974 COACH HOUSE MOTOR INNS (COWRA) PTY LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) SALISBURY PTY LIMITED AT an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Coach House Motor Inns (Cowra) Pty Limited, CHARTERHOUSE PTY LIMITED and held at 29 Nyrang Street, iLidcombe, THE final meeting for the liquidation of the above- convened on the 30th day of March 1979 the following named companies will be held at the offices of Messrs N.S.W. James C. Hayward & Co., 13th Level, 115 Pitt Street, special resolution was duly passed: 'That the company be wound up voluntarily as a Sydney, on the 8th day of May 1979, at 10.00 a.m. members' voluntary liquidation and that Alfred FREDERICK GEORGE THOMAS Barclay Cleland be appointed as liquidator.' Liquidator A. B. CLELAND Liquidator In the matter of the Companies Act 1961-1975 and In the matter of EDWIN BUTLER & CO. PTY LTD The Companies Ordinance 1962-1974 (IN LIQUIDATION) COACH HOUSE INVESTMENTS PTY LIMITED NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING OF MEMBERS (IN LIQUIDATION) NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of Section AT an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders 272 of the Companies Act 1961-1975, a final meeting of Coach House Investments Pty Limited convened of members of the abovenamed company will be held and held at 29 Nyrang Street, Lidcombe, N.S.W. on in the office of D. Jones & Co., Public Accountants, the 30th day of March 1979 the following special 9th Floor, 349 Queen Street, Brisbane, on Friday, resolution was duly passed: the nth day of May 1979, at 10.00 a.m. 'That the company be wound up -voluntarily as a AGENDA members' voluntary liquidation .and that Alfred Barclay Cleland be appointed as liquidator.' To receive an account made up by the liquidators showing how the winding up has been conducted A. B. CLELAND and the property of the Company has been disposed Liquidator of, and to receive any explanation required hereof. Dated this 2nd day of April 1979. D. GRIFFIN In the matter of the Companies Ordinance 1961 and BELMORE STREET PTY LIMITED (IN Joint Liquidator NINE VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) NOTICE is hereby given that the final meeting of of the abovenamed company will be held In the matter of the Companies Act 1961-1975 and members at the offices of Yarwood Vane & Co., 2nd Floor, In the matter of EDWIN BUTLER & CO. PTY LTD 15-19 Bent Street, Sydney, on Friday, the 20th day of April 1979, at 10.00 a.m. (IN LIQUIDATION) BUSINESS NOTICE OF RESOLUTION To receive an account of how the winding up of AT a general meeting of members of Edwin Butler the company has been completed. & Co. Pty Ltd, duly convened and held at Brisbane on the 2nd day of April 1979 the special resolution Dated this 28th day of March 1979. set out below was duly passed: W. A. H. DAVENPORT 'It was hereby resolved that the company, Edwin Butler & Co. Pty Ltd be -wound up in accordance Liquidator with the Companies Act 1961-1975 and that proceedings should commence immediately.' Dated this 2nd day of April 1979. W. E. McCALLUM Director
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979 Companies
Act 1961, as amended
Section 254(2) In the matter of K E N I L W O R T H ( R I V E R I N A ) P T Y L I M I T E D (IN L I Q U I D A T I O N ) N O T I C E is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of the abovenamed company held on the 18th day of April 1979 the following special resolution was passed: 'That the c o m p a n y be wound up voluntarily and that M r Alan Tasman Tudor of Wilson Bishop Bowes & Craig 271 William Street, Melbourne be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding up.'
Private notices
N O T I C E is also given that after 21 days f r o m this date I shall proceed to distribute the assets of the Company. All creditors having any claims against the company should furnish particulars of such claims to the undersigned, by that date, otherwise I shall proceed to distribute the assets without regard to their claim. Dated this 18th day of April 1978. A. T. T U D O R Liquidator Wilson Bishop Bowes & Craig, Chartered ants, 271 William Street, Melbourne.
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Gazette Tenders invited
of goods or services
Tenders close at 2 p.m. on—
DEPARTMENT O F ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AUSTRALIAN G O V E R N M E N T PUBLISHING SERVICE AUSTRAII.IAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Production of Australian Standard Industrial Classifi- 7.5.79 cation 1978 Revised Edition, Volume 2 (R78/1365) Production of National Health Scheme Repeat Authoris- 14.5.79 ation Pads (R78/1269) Production of Posters, 'Basic Five Food G r o u p ' , three 15.5.79 kinds (R78/1093) AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING C O M M I S S I O N NEW SOUTH WALES Electronic test equipment (Sch. E463) . . . . . . . . 19 m m (i-in) videotape cassettes (Sch. E461) Video magnetic recording tape (Sch. E462)
9.5.79 16.5.79
AUSTRALIAN P O S T A L C O M M I S S I O N HEADQUARTERS Ordinary pattern envelopes (CP1305) Printing of project sheet for national stamp week (CP1304) Printing of aerogrammes for Christmas 1979 (CP1285) . Printed forms P P and PX series (CP1303) Window face, use again and non-standard envelopes (CP 1206) Printed forms FAP300-399 series (CP1307) Printed forms FAP200-299 series (CP1308)
24.4.79 26.4.79
VICTORIA Extension of canopy in yard area of Central Mai! Exchange (VP1161) Gas operated chairs for mail sorters (VPl 163)
WESTERN AUSTRALIA Cleaning of Palmyra Post Office—Period 1.7.79 to 30.6.82 (Sch. WAP103)
Forms, specifications,
etc., available
Australian Government Publishing Service Offices in the A.C.T., N.S.W, and Vic. AG PS Bookshop (Qld), Australian Telecommunications Commission in all other States
Australian Broadcasting Commission, 145 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, N.S.W. (P.O. Box E504, St James, N.S.W.) (Telephone: Sydney 31 0211, ext. 557)
Supply Branch, 71 Rathdowne Street, Carlton, Vic.
1.5.79 26.5.79
AUSTRALIAN T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S C O M M I S S I O N HEADQUARTERS New design operators headset (C9430) 24.4.79 Wire, steel, galvanised and stainless, single and stranded (C9495) Trailers, general (C9496) Mounting frames for coin telephone No. 3 (C9502) Photographic film and accessories (C9504) 26.4.79 Transmission test instruments, frequency counters (C9501) Electronic microbalance for the research laboratories (C9508) Solid state ring and tone generators (C9517) Radio frequency screen room (C9469) 1.5.79 Winches (C9471) High-frequency portable oscilloscope for the research laboratories (C9510) Nibbling and punching machine for the research laboratories (C9511) Experimental synchronous data circuit terminating equip- 3.5.79 ment for the research laboratories (C9512) High-power U H F television transmitters a n d associated 8.5.79 internal plant (C9488)
Manager, Supply Branch, 10th Floor, 191 Queen Street, Melbourne, Vic., or Manager, Supply Branch, G.P.O. Box 2020s, Melbourne, Vic. (Telephone (03) 609 4462) Manager, Supply Branch, Australia Post, 202 Pier Street, Perth, W.A. or Postmaster, Palmyra, W.A.
Supply Branch, all States
Supply Branch, Victoria Supply Branch, ail States
^Commonweattf^^Sust^^ No. G 16, 24 April
Description of goods or services
Tenders close at 1 p.m. on—
FormSy specifications, etc., available at—
AUSTRALIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION—continued AC calibrator for the research laboratories (C9519) Measuring projector for the research laboratories (C9520) Antennas for V H F television stations (C9509) 10.5.79 Television translators and associated internal plant 17.5.79 (C9462) Electronic microbalance for the research laboratories (C9508) Paper for telephone directories, information pages (C9514) Radio frequency screen room (C9469) 1.5.79 Winches (C9471) High-frequency portable oscilloscope for the research laboratories (C9510) Nibbling and punching machine for the research laboratories (C9511) Experimental synchronous data circuit terminating 3.5.79 equipment for the research laboratories (C9512) Coaxial cable jointing tools (C9513) Sealing rings for large screw-type openable joints (C9521) High-power U H F television transmitters and associated 8.5.79 internal plant (C9488) Secondary batteries and accessories (C9494) AC calibrator for the research laboratories (C9519) Measuring projector for the research laboratories (C9520) Antennas for V H F television stations (C9509) 10.5.79 Wire, bare and insulated (two) (C9516)* Coil winding wire (C9524) Group pilot r e f l a t i o n equipment (C9534) Jointing material for plastic insulated and sheathed cable 15.5.79 (C9522) Cleaning of windows, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne (C9523) Telephone cable, external, coaxial, large tube (C9472) . Wire, bare and insulated (C9515)* Television translators and associated internal plant (C9462) 17.5.79 Utilities and vans, light commercial (C9525) 29.5.79 120-channel pair cable supergroup translating line and 5.6.79 repeater equipment (C9518) Portable microwave equipment for telephony (120-2 700 21.6.79 channels) or television (C9254) Solid-state ring and tone generators (C9517)*
VICTORIA Photographic and plan printing material for Drafting 27.4.79 Section (VI641) Spheroidal graphitic iron casting for public telephone cabinets (VI644) Wheelbarrows (V1650) Trenching shovels (VI651) Prefabricated manhole slabs and roofs (VI654) Precast manholes, country areas (previously advertised as closing 18.4.79) (V1645) Cleaning windows and blinds, Telecom School, Wendouree 2.5.79 (VI569) Road and underdrive crossings, Geelong District (including Colac) (VI555) Ready-mixed concrete, Geelong (VI652) Basalt dust and crushed rock, Geelong (VI653) High density polythene pipe and accessories (VI657) Cement (VI659) Concrete bases for aluminium public telephone cabinets 4.5.79 (V1541) Pedestrian operated forklifts (VI662) Prefabricated pillar bases (V1665) Control console (VI672) • Closing date extended
Supply Branch, Victoria Supply Branch, all States
Supply Branch, 199 William Street, Melbourne Supply Branch, all States
Supply Branch, all States; Official Secretary, London; and Australian Embassy, Washington Supply Branch, all States
Manager, Supply, Telecom Australia, 917 Princes M i d w a y , Springvale, Vic. (Telephone: (03) 544 9011; ext. 256)
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Gazette Tenders invited Tenders close at 2 p.m. on—
Description of goods or services
Forms, specifications,
etc., available at—
Cleaning Warrnambool Telecom Business Office (previously advertised as closing 20.4.79) (VI655) Cleaning Hamilton Drafting Section (previously advertised as closing 20.4.79) (VI656) Galvanised iron pipe posts (VI660) First aid material (VI671) Industrial gloves and safety spectacles (V1673) Trench guards and wall and slab formwork systems (VI674)
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE QUEENSLATVD Urgent repairs and maintenance Brisbane Army Establishments, Urgent repairs and maintenance Brisbane Army Establishments,
Chief Engineer, Building D2, 1st Military District, Victoria Barracks, Brisbane, Qld
Department of Health, P.O. Box 100, Woden, A.C.T.
National Acoustic Laboratories, 5 Hickson Road, Millers Point, N.S.W. (Telephone (02) 20537; ext 154; Telex: 21655)
'plumbing' to various Area A 'plumbing' to various Area B
DEPARTMENT O F HEALTH AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Vesicular duplicating film (T112) N A T I O N A L A C O U S T I C LABORATORIES NEW SOUTH WALES Secondary operations on moulded plastic hearing aid case parts (4118) Supply of earphones for use in behind-the-ear hearing aids (4119) Supply of integrated circuit chips, for use in hearing aids (4120)
D E P A R T M E N T O F H O U S I N G AND C O N S T R U C T I O N AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Kingston Stores—Supply and erection of chainwire 24.4.79 storage shed (A8219) Government House, Yarralumla—Demolition of three garages (A8220) R A A F Fairbairn, Building 131—Replace ceramic tiling (A8221) Bruce TAFE, School of Electrical Studies—Extension of partitioning (A8222) Griffith Primary School—Modify the electrical installation (A8223) H M A S ' H a r m a n ' and 'Belconnen'—Provision of foam cabinets and fire hydrants (A8226) Bruce TAFE, School of Horticulture, Weston—Provision of windbreaker screen fencing (A8228) Spence 44/19—Improvements to stormwater drainage (A8229) Canberra Women's Bowling Club, Kingston—Installation of stormwater drainage (A8230) Bruce Hostel, Heydon Drive—Provision of awnings (A8231) Bruce Hostel, Heydon Drive—Provision of curtains and tracks (A8232) Supply and delivery of 90 tonnes of sodium silicofluoride FIS Zetland, N.S,W./Mt Stromlo, A.C.T. during 1979-80 (AT4087) Henderson Airfield, Honiara, Solomon Islands—Reseal- 1.5.79 ing of runway of approx. 117 000 square metres (A8224) Canberra T A F E School, F o o d School—Provision of smoke stove (A8227) Supply, delivery, installation, testing and maintenance of one oil electric passenger/goods lift in the new accommodation for the Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO (AT4086)
Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Furzer Street, Phillip, A.C.T.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16. 24 April 1979
of goods or services
Tenders close at 2 p.m. on—
Forms, specificationsy etc., available
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION—continued Cameron Offices, Unit 2—Provision of steel security grilles (A8235) Canberra College of T A P E , Reid—Provision of shelving and wallboards (A8236) Canberra College of T A P E , Building P, Reid—Partitioning (A8237) Ainslie, Section 38, Majura Oval—Construction of separate irrigation main (A8238) A r a n d a Primary School—Provision of stormwater drainage (A8239) Australian War Memorial—Tiling to ladies toilets (A8240) Queen Elizabeth II Home—Erection of wooden fencing (A8241) Campbell 5/49 — Provision of stormwater drainage (A8242) Curtin 2/60—Construction of concrete footpaths (A8243) C S I R O , Black Mountain—Redevelopment of plant room for computer installation (A8245) C S I R O , Division of Soils—Prevention of dust extractor (A8246) K a m b a h High School—Modifications to sawdust extractor (A8247) National Library—Supply chemicals and labour to remove alkaline deposits from chilled water units (A8248) Parliament House, Parkes — Replacement of airconditioning pneumatic controlboard (A8249) Supply and delivery of approx, 200 tonnes of aluminium sulphate (AT4089) Provision of automatic fire sprinkler system for 1947 East and West Wings at Parliament House (AT4090) Comprehensive maintenance of air-filtration equipment in various Commonwealth buildings (AT4091) Mechanical maintenance of schools, Tuggeranong/South Woden (AT4092) NEW SOUTH WALES N o r t h Ryde (CSIRO, Food Research)—Provision of automatic dosing, ph control equipment, associated sewer and building works ( N T I 6 6 ) Orange—Erection and completion of a two-storey Commonwealth Government office building ( N T 167)
Wagga Wagga—Erection and completion of a two-storey Commonwealth Government ofilice building (NT168)
Villawood (Westbridge Hostel, Education Centre)— Erection of a single-storey building of brick and tile construction, comprising five classrooms, offices, staff rooms and amenities, including all services ( N T 169) G a r d e n Island (Naval Dockyard)—Construction of the F F G Workshop Building and additions to Building 52 Amenities (NT 170) Unanderra (Telecom Australia)—Construction of a steel framed store building including services and associated site works (NT171) Penrith (Telecom Australia)—Erection and completion of Telecom Operations Depot (NT172)
Garden Island (Naval Dockyard)—Erection and completion of new West Amenities Building and Frequency Changer Building (NT173)
Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, N.S.W. Documents are also available from Department of Housing and Construction, Bathurst (063) 31 2399 Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, N.S.W. Documents are also available f r o m Department of Housing and Construction, Wagga Wagga (069) 21 2173 and Canberra (062) 81 9111 Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, N.S.W.
Documents are also available f r o m Department of Housing and Construction, Nowra (044) 25011 Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, N.S.W,
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Description of goods or services
Tenders invited Tenders close at 2 p,m. on—
Sydney, Telecom House (Teiecom Australia)—Supply and installation of mechanical services, electrical services and service hoise (NSC) (NT174) Gore Hill (ABC Studios)—Supply and installation of a 24.4.79 1050 kW water chiller (NT 176) Nowra (HMAS 'Albatross')—Construction of a new 1.5.79 water supply reticulation system (NTl 77) Culgoora-Narrabri—Construction of two-storey reinforced concrete and brick extensions to provide offices, library, dark room, toilets, etc., including airconditioning, all necessary services and a car parking area (NT 178) Neutral Bay (HMAS Tlatypus*, Building 10)—Upgrading toilets, wash rooms and locker rooms (NTl 79) Balmoral (HMAS 'Penguin*, Building 47)—Extension of mezzanine floor and associated works (NTl 80) Cockatoo Island—Replacement of horizontal timbers and vertical ladder in Sutherland Dock (NTl82) Sydney University (SPH and TM)—External painting and repairs (NTl 83) Ingleburn (Telecom Australia)—Fire alarm installation in Telecom Depot (NSC) (NTl 84) Ingleburn (Telecom Australia)—Electrical services in the Telecom Operations Depot (NSC) (NTl85) Lithgow (Small Arms Factory)—Fire isolation of stairs to Buildings 52 and 71 (NTl86) Garden Island (Building 67)—Air-conditioning and 8.5.79 improved lighting to drawing office (NTl87) Newtown (Telecom Australia)—Electrical installation at Telephone Exchange (NSC) (NTl 88) Newtown (Telecom Australia)-Automatic fire alarm system and wet pipe sprinkler installation at Telephone Exchange (NSC) (NT 189) Newtown (Telecom Australia)—Lift installation at Telephone Exchange (NSC) (NT190) Newtown (Telecom Australia)—Supply and installation of 400 kVA emergency power plant at Telephone Exchange (NSC) (NT191) Newtown (Telecom Australia)—Air-conditioning and ventilation system at Telephone Exchange (NSC) (NT192) Wagga Wagga (New Commonwealth Government Office)—Supply, delivery, installation, testing and maintenance of one electric service lift (NSC) (NTl 93) Orange (New Commonwealth Government Office)— Supply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system (NSC) (NT194) Orange (New Commonwealth Government Office)— Supply, delivery, installation, testing and maintenance of one electric service lift (NSC) (NT195) Chowder Bay—Modification and upgrading of the existing 15.5.79 foam protection system for two fuel tanks and hydrants (NT181) VICTORIA Williamstown Naval Dockyard (Defence—Navy)—Crane 15.5.79 magnet beam (VT314)
Forms, specifications, etc., available at—
Documents also available from Department of Housing and Construction, Nowra (044) 25011 Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. Documents also available from Department of Housing and Construction, Bathurst (063) 31 2399 Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, N.S.W.
Documents also available from Department of Housing and Construction, Bathurst (063) 31 2399 and Lithgow (0635) 13294 Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, N.S.W.
Documents also available from Department of Housing and Construction; Wagga Wagga (069) 21 2173 and Canberra (062) 81 9111 Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square, Sydney, N.S.W. Documents also available from Department of Housing and Construction, Bathurst Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, Tower Building, Australia Square Sydney, N.S.W. Director of Housing and Construction, Department of Housing and Construction, 7th Floor, Tivoli Court, 239-241 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Tenders invited
Description of goods or services
Tenders close at 2 p.m. on—
Forms, specificationsy etc., available at—
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION-^contiimed Mount Dundas (Telecom Commission)—Television trans- 8.5.79 also at Hamilton District Telecom Office, mitter station (VT317) 36 Gray Street, Hamilton, Vic. Melbourne City, West Telephone Exchange (Telecom 15.5.79 Australia)—Renovation of mechanical services (VT3I8) Albion Explosives Factory (Productivity)—Boiler feed- 1.5.79 water system and de-aerator (VT302) Maribyrnong Engineering Establishment, Vehicle Equip- 15.5.79 ment (Science and Technology)—Installation and electro-magnetic testing facility (VT303) Maribyrnong Engineering Establishment, Vehicle Equipment (Science and Technology)—Design and construction of electro-magnetic screened rooms NSC (VT304) SOUTH AUSTRALIA Woomera/Port Augusta Pipeline—Replacement of 1.5.79 selected reinforced concrete anchor blocks from Hesso Pumping Station to the 41.79 Mile Valve Pooraka Aircraft Engineering Workshops—Supply, deliver, install and test Underslung Bridge Crane RAAF Edinburgh (Hangars 592, 593, 594, 595 and Associated Buildings)—Outside floodlighting Daw Park (RGH)—Building works to upgrade Dispensary and Pharmacy Buildings Prospect East Post Office—Supply, deliver and installation of evaporative air-conditioning system Brooklyn Park (Radio Service Inspection Centre)— Construction of sealed pavement WESTERN AUSTRALIA Carnarvon—Repairs and painting to buildings for OTC
Carnarvon—Cyclone shutters and screens South Hedland—Erection of office building
1.5.79 8.5.79
South Hedland—Fire detection and alarm systems for above South Hedland—Electrical services for above NORTHERN TERRITORY Berry Springs—Erection and completion of one 'C19' residence Darwin—Supply and delivery of three fixed and one mobile generator set—30 kVA Alice Springs (Sadadeen High School)—Landscaping . .
The Director, Department of Housing and Construction, 68 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. also Port Augusta Post Office
Department of Housing and Construction, Sheraton Court, 207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, W.A. also Postmasters, Carnarvon and Geraldton also Postmaster, Carnarvon also Postmasters, South Hedland, Port Hedland and Geraldton Department of Housing and Construction, Sheraton Court, 207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, W.A. also Postmasters, South rtedland, Port Hedland and Geraldton
Department of Housing and Construction, Darwin, N.T.
also Alice Springs, N.T.
DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE NEW SOUTH WALES Shipbuilders are invited to register their interest in 30.5.79 tendering for the design and construction of one 40 m Stern/Twin Boom Trawler for Lombardo Marine Group Pty Ltd, of the following principal dimensions: Length overall, 40 m approx; beam moulded, 7 m approx; draft design, 3 m approx. The vessel is to have an approximate speed of 10^ knots, accommodation for 15 persons and be driven by Yanmar 6G-DT main engines or similar. It is to be built to the requirements of the Western Australian Harbour and Light Department, the Department of Transport and classed by Norske Veritas. A fee of $25 payable to Lombardo Marine Group Pty Ltd, is required to be lodged with the Department of Industry and Commerce against supply of tender documents. This fee is refundable on return of the tender documents in good condition. Requests for tender documents from overseas shipbuilders are not required.
Department of Industry and Commerce, Shipbuilding Branch, 68 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, N.S.W. (P.O. Box 451)
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979 Description of goods or services
Tenders invited Tenders close at 2 p.m. on—
Forms, specifications, etc., available at—
Tenders are invited for the supply of a 200 m long by 4.5.79 300 mm NB by-pass pipe system in accordance with the Pipeline Authority's Specification (Spec.14-300 mm NB By-pass Piping). The by-pass system is for use with natural gas at pressures up to 6900 kPa. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS SOUTH AUSTRALIA 700 roller bearing axlebox bodies (Spec. ME.1980)
The Pipeline Authority, 4 Help Street, Chatswood. N.S.W. (Telephone (02) 411 1922). (At cost of $10, refundable on submission of tender)
Marketing Officer, Melbourne and Sydney; Stores Superintendent, Kilburn S.A.
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16. 24 April 1979
Gazette Contracts
CONTRACTS ARRANGED Description of supplies
Value (S)
DEPARTMENT O F ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 79/1 Curtains 79/3 Cigarette butt containers 78/41 Visidex, Stripdex and lateral file unit . 78/63 Vending machines 78/2 Curtain linings and curtains . . . . 78/13 Office mobile units 78/22 Lounge chairs
3 075.76 1 264.05 1 420.00 4 715.10 1 649.55 3 449.65 4 785.00
78/12 78/42
Conference r o o m chairs. Conference room tables
2 403.84 1 264.00
78/15 79/34
Conference r o o m chairs. . . . Chairs, tablet a r m ; chairs, side.
4 807.68 1 616.17
Cleaning of premises, 4-6 Russell Street, Essendon—Period three years Cleaning of premises, 240 High Street, Northcote—Period three years Cleaning of premises, Combine Coburg —Period three years
3 564.00
Electrolux Utility Services, Collingwood, Vic.
2 880,00
Stewart Craig Assoc., Rosanna, Vic.
15 126,00
Stewart Craig Assoc, Rosanna, Vic.
Fort Interiors Pty Ltd, Braddon, A.C.T, Alro Timber Prods, Homsby, N.S.W. Roneo Vickers, Fyshwick, A.C.T. A.F. Foods Pty Ltd, Dee Why, N.S.W. Fort Interiors Pty Ltd, Braddon, A.C.T. Brownbuilt Ltd, Manuka, A.C.T. M. O'Connor Lounges, Moonee Ponds, Vic. Graham Ladd, Fyshwick, A.C.T. E. W. Watts & Son Pty Ltd, Earlwood, N.S.W. Graham Ladd, Fyshwick, A.C.T. Sebel Operations Pty Ltd, Fyshwick, A.C.T,
VICTORIA V79/02 , . V79/03 . . V79/04 . . QUEENSLAND SlO/79 . . . . Q78/37
. . . .
Supply of survey pegs to the Australian Survey Office Contract cleaning, Commonwealth Offices, cnr East and South Streets, Ipswich
3 800,00 10 512.43§
AUSTRALIAN G O V E R N M E N T PUBLISHING SERVICE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY R78/939 . . . Production of two-part, two-to-view 7 836.40 carbon interleaved continuous stationery, Adjustment Sheet, Form CA 3.3.79 R78/1119 . . . Production of paper bags for AGPS 1 768.00 bookshops RM78/30169 . Printing of 'Observing the Weather— 2 750.00 (The Australian Co-operative Observers Guide)' 13 196.08 R78/1211 . . . Production of envelopes, Mailing of Return F o r m s 1978 RM78/30130 . Production of 'Job Guide for South 15 888.00 Australia'
P U R C H A S I N G DIVISION AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 678/2/386 . . Project definition study for an electronic 176 000.00 warfare environment simulator, Air Investigation of Australian industry 4 248.00 5845/2/5 . . participation in the production of Mulloka transducer Provision of long lead items for Mul323 165.00 78/227 . . . loka sonar system Boeing 707-338c aircraft and associated 11 807 842.00 78/323 . . . supplies Cleaning of Lyneham High School— 189 943.89 65-9990/79/7 Period ending 31.11.81 Cleaning of NBSL, Acton and Institute 4 224.33 65-9990/79/18 of Anatomy Flats, Acton—Period ending 31.11.80 § Per annum
D. A. Thurecht & Sons, Oxley Avenue, Redcliffe, Qld Kennedy Cleaning Services (Qld) Pty Ltd, 160 Edward Street, Brisbane, Qld
Docket Book Company (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Morley, W,A. National Paper Vuepak Pty Ltd, c/o Advertiser Group, Phillip, A.C.T. Hedges and Bell Limited, Clifton Hill, Vic. Besley & Pike Pty Ltd, Rocklea, Qld Progress Printers & Stationers Pty Ltd, Moorabbin, Vic.
Georgia Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. E.M.I. (Australia) Limited, Elizabeth, S.A. E.M.I. (Australia) Limited, S.A. Qantas Airways Ltd
Woden Valley and Canberra Enterprises, Fisher, A.C.T. Keir Cleaning, Canberra City, A.C.T.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No, G 16, 24 April 1979
Value (S)
of supplies
Cleaning of the Commonwealth Archives—Period ending 5.9.79 Cleaning of Qantas House—Period ending 31.1.82 Cleaning of the Albermarle Building a n d Woden Cafeteria—Period ending 31.1.82 Cleaning of the Phillip M o t o r Registry a n d Civil Defence D e p o t — P e r i o d ending 31.12.81 Cleaning of the L u n a r Lasor Range, Orroral Valley, A . C . T . Cleaning of Belconnen High School— Period ending 29.1.82 Cleaning of T o r r e n s Primary a n d Infants School—Period ending 31.1.82 Cleaning of Casey House—Period ending 1.2.82 Cleaning of Benjamin Offices, Stage 2A—Period ending 30.7.80 Cleaning of Kaleen High School— Period ending 29.1.82 Minor maintenance, works a n d services u n d e r SlOO.OO in G o v e r n m e n t - o w n e d premises—Period ending 31.12.79 Hire and maintenance of indoor plants for the D e p a r t m e n t of T r a d e a n d Resources—Period ending 31.12.80
65-9990/79/22 65-9990/79/23
65-9990/79/27 65-9990/79/28 65-9990/79/29
65-9990/79/31 65-9990/79/32 65-9990/79/33 65-9990/79/40
1 962.42 75 120.00 53 486.00
27 106.60
7 800.00 154 094.13 50 640.00
7 800.00
55 000.00*
38 652.00*
01-2530/78/3. . 01-2540/79/1. . 02-3110/79/2. .
Dual-cab utility, Administrative Services Wheels, solid r u b b e r tyred. Army . . Guides, shift rod, A r m y Ball bearings. Air
02-3110/78/12. 02-3461/78/1. .
Bearings Hold-down clamps, Navy
02-3695/79/2. . 02-3940/78/8. .
Drilling machines, Defence Block and tackle, Army
6 920.00 2 396.00
Motor-driven p u m p s . Navy
126 075.00
111 899.00 4 533.00 322 829.00 1 558.00 2 025.00 1 250.00 13 380.00
Ignitor assemblies, Air
Gear and shaft assemblies, A i r .
33 187.00 25 953.00 7 536.00 122 400.00*§
4 806.00 6 633.00
. . .
7 442.00
03-4820/79/13 . 04-5826/79/6. .
Bleed valve assemblies. Air Airborne Tacan equipment, Air . . .
6 272.00 2 995.00
Spares for direct recording instrumentation tape recorder, Science Electronic valves, Air
04-5995/79/1. . 04-6625/78/133.
C o r d assemblies, A r m y Electric wall clocks, A r m y
* Estimate
§ Per annum
J. Dempsey, Y a r r a l u m l a , A . C . T .
Universal Office Cleaners, Weetangera, A.C.T. Mall Maintenance Service, Canberra City, A . C . T .
03-1630/79/8. . 03-1660/79/10 . 03-1680/79/2. .
N . & K . Teys, N a a s Homestead, T h a r w a , A.C.T. Universal Office Cleaners, Weetangera, A.C.T. (Mrs) M . Makris, Kaleen, A . C . T .
102 995.76
F o u r litter ambulances, Air
Equipsient f o r electrodeposition of paint. Productivity Aircraft parts, Air Air duct hose. Air Repair and overhaul of airborne components for R A N a i r c r a f t — D a t e of acceptance to 30.11.80 Filter elements. A i r .
M. Piponski, C h a r n w o o d , A . C . T .
Gold Star Cleaning C o . , Red Hill, A . C . T .
City Cleaning Service Pty Ltd, Weetangera, A . C . T . A. L u o n g o and Partner, Weetangera, A.C.T.
92 449.38
VICTORIA 01-2310/77/1.
Keir Cleaning, C a n b e r r a City, A . C . T .
18 527.00 2 323.00 5 496.00
Capital I n d o o r Plant Hire Pty Ltd, Duffy, A.C.T.
F o r d Sales Co. of Aust. Ltd, Campbellfield, Vic. Thiess T o y o t a P/L, Caringbah, N.S.W. Mytton R o d d Ltd, South Melbourne, Vic. Olma Engineering Co. P/L, Clayton Vic. Bell Helicopter Aust., Brisbane Airport, Qld Bearing Services P/L, Clayton, Vic. Industrial Engineering Ltd, West Footscray, Vic. Royston Electronics, Doncaster, Vic. The American Wire R o p e Products Co., Marrickville, N . S . W . M o n o Pumps (Aust.) P/L, Mordialloc, Vic. Austral Process Equipment P/L, Kilsyth, Vic. Dunlop Aviation Aust., Bayswater, Vic. G r a n t h a m P/L, Adelaide, S.A. Ansett Airlines of Australia, Tullamarine, Vic. American Machine &. F o u n d r y Co. (Aust.) P/L, A r t a r m o n , N . S . W . Smiths Industries P/L, South Melbourne, Vic. Normalair-Garrett M a n u f a c t u r i n g P/L, Airport West, Vic. D u n l o p Aviation A u s t . , Bayswater, Vic. Rockwell-Collins (A'asia) P/L, Lilydale, Vic. Bell & Howell Aust. P/L, Pyrmont, N.S.W. Smiths Industries P/L, South Melbourne, Vic. Bly's Industries P/L, Liverpool, N.S.W. E - C o m m Aust. P/L, Caringbah, N.S.W.
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Gazette Contracts arranged Value (S)
Description of supplies
05-9990/79/26 .
Repair and maintenance of grass cutting equipment, Army Units in Victoria and New South Wales—Period 1.2.79 to 31.1.81 Hire of exhibition space, Defence . .
05-9990/79/111. 05-9990/79/118.
Bulleen Mower Service, Bulleen, Vic. Ziebell & Clark P/L, Wodonga, Vic.
6 600.00
Australian Innovation Corporation Ltd, Melbourne, Vic. Ian Hall Design P/L, Melbourne, Vic.
07-8305/79/15 . 07-8305/79/33 .
Woollen flannel cloth, Productivity
07-8405/79/40 . 07-8405/78/42 . 07-8430/79/2. . 07-8430/79/3. . 07-8440/79/7. . 07-8455/79/12 . 07-8465/78/13.
Berets, Army Protective shirts, Primary Industry— Date of acceptance to 30.9.80 General purpose boots, Air General purpose boots, Air Wool/nylon socks, Navy Insignia, Army Webbing belts, Army
116 035.00 11 509.00 20 471.00 1 620.00 13 440.00
Webbing belts. Army
71 440.00
07-9990/79/80 .
12 800.00*
3 800.00* 55 000.00*
Dunmunkle Printers, Murtoa, Vic.
17 867.00
Morris Woollen Mills (Ipswich) P/L, Redbank, Qld Morris Woollen Mills (Ipswich) P/L, Redbank, Qld Latiners, Montmorency, Vic. Hallmark-Mitex Co., Wynnum, Qld
19 110.00 1 393.00 32 725.00*
08-1005/78/3 08-3020/79/2
. .
Laundry and dry cleaning services, Naval Storehouse, Port Melbourne and Naval Dockyard, Williamstown—Date of acceptance to 31.1.81 Clamp assemblies, Army Gears, cluster spur, Air
Hydraulic cylinder, Productivity . . .
15 319.00
08-4010/79/5 08-4010/78/6
. .
Lugless joining shackles, Navy . . . . Steel chain, Army
1164.00 2 114.00
08-4210/79/11 .
3 368.00 4 808.00 4 191.00
2 044.00 7 633.00
Tags, inspection, fire fighting equipment. Army Heaters, oil base, Air
Light markers, Army
08-6230/78/2 09-5340/79/4 09-5340/78/11 09-5975/79/1
. . , .
17 715.00 12 870.00 38 610.00 12 015.00
Fire detection system. Navy Luggage locks, Army Luggage locks. Army Fill-in strips and spare insert blocks, Navy Printed circuit board processing equipment. Defence Body assembly generator, Army . . . Engineering maintenance spares. Army Battery chargers. Army Lampholders, Army Gas liquid chromatograph. Science . Optical circular table. Navy Counters, reciprocating. Army . . . Drafting templates. Army Lettering pens, Army Printing and binding equipment. Printing Office Cash boxes—Date of acceptance to 31.12.79 Paper bins—Date of acceptance to 31.12.79 Desk trays—Date of acceptance to 31.12.79
28 094.00 4 560.00 10 500.00 9 763,00 3 575.00 4 247.00 5 425.00 54 268.00
09-6115/79/3 . 09-6115/78/13, 09-6130/76/20 09-6145/78/16 09-6630/79/3 09-6635/79/6 09-6675/79/3
. . . . .
09-6675/79/5 . 10-77/601. . . 10-77/1134
' Estimate
, .
5 000.00 •
Design of an exhibition stand, Productivity Printing of auction catalogues, Administrative Services—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.82 Cloth, broadcloth, wool. Productivity
06-7610/79/3. .
49 289.00 1 232.00 8 040.00
L.M. Shoes P/L, Northcote, Vic. L.M. Shoes P/L, Northcote, Vic. Interknit Hosiery Co. Ltd, Clunes, Vic. Perkal Embroidery P/L, Elsternwick, Vic. C.M.L.A. Co-Operative Ltd, St Peters, N.S.W. C.M.L.A. Co-Operative Ltd, St Peters, N.S.W. Princes Fabricare Services P/L, Mentone, Vic. Bruce Birnie P/L, Melbourne, Vic. Smiths Industries P/L, South Melbourne, Vic. Archer Hydraulics P/L, Stanmore, N.S.W. A. Beaver Sales P/L, Mortlake, N.S.W. Pitt Waddel Bennett Chains Ltd, Bundoora, Vic. Graviner (Aust.) P/L, Moorabbin, Vic. Luke-Nettlefold (A Division of Luke Ltd), North Fitzroy, Vic. Artcraft Engineering P/L, Nunawading, Vic. Smokescan P/L, Melbourne, Vic. Orb Lock Company, South Yarra, Vic. Orb Lock Company, South Yarra, Vic. Sola Basic Aust. P/L, Clayton, Vic. Lawrence Smith & Canning P/L, Thomastown, Vic. Dave>-Dunlite P/L, Hindmarsh, S.A. Master Instruments P/L, Marrickville, N.S.W. F. R. Mayfield P/L, Adelaide, S.A. A. J. Ferguson & Co. P/L, Carlton, Vic. Varian P/L, Nedlands, W.A. Fred Small & Son P/L, Cheltenham, Vic. McPhersons Ltd, Mulgrave, Vic. Plasprint, Richmond, Vic. Liquid Paper Aust., Dee Why, N.S.W. Sidney Cooke Ltd, Mascot, N.S.W.
43 000.00*
General Stationers P/L, South Melbourne, Vic. Willow Ware P/L, Alexandria, N.S.W.
10 500.00*
A.R.C. Dynes P/L, Kingsgrove, N.S.W.
19 500.00*
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Contracts arranged
Description of supplies
Value ($)
10-3610/78/13 . Automatic microfiche enlarger printer, 30 980.00 Productivity 10-3610/79/95 . Maintenance of printing press at Army 1 000.00* Survey Regiment, Bendigo—Period two years 10-7420/79/29 . Calculators, Defence 9 711.00 10-7490/79/50 . Library cataloguing system. Primary 58 000.00* Industry 10-7510/78/16 . Paper fasteners, Defence 8 748.00 10-ATB78/297 . Maintenance and overhaul of manual 31 000.00* typewriters in Victoria—Date of acceptance to 31.12.80 10-ATB78/297 . Maintenance and overhaul of type2 500.00* writers in Victoria—Date of acceptance to 31.12.80 10-ATB77/1092 Supply and installation of offset print7 960.00 ing press, Transport and Works 11-ATB77/1293 Plates and inks for offset printing 4 500.00* machines—Date of acceptance to 28.2.80 11-6715/77/1334 Telegraph and computer paper tape— 283 500.00* Date of acceptance to 31.5.80 12-7035/79/9. . Graphics terminal and digitising tablet, 25 025.00 Defence 12-7035/78/21 . Word processing equipment, Adminis- 40 885.00 trative Services 12-7025/79/8. . Computer output printer, Defence . . 3 230.00 12-7430/79/12 . Word processing system, Australian 26 926.00 Electoral Office 12-9990/79/64 . Maintenance of data logger and 13 463.00* associated equipment. Army—Period 5.2.79 to 4.2.80 12-9990/78/206. Computer services network, Navy— 62 500.00* Period 1.4.79 to 30.6.80 78/91 . . . . Paper collating machines—Date of 10000.00* acceptance to 31.12.80 50 000.00* 02-3456/79/1. . Maintenance spares for use on machine, 2 842.00 Peddinghaus, Army 03-1670/76/37 . Parachute maintenance spares, Army . 11 212.00 03-1670/76/39 . Parachute maintenance spares, Army 9 910.00 03-2925/79/2. . Gear assemblies, Air 1 352.00 03-5330/79/13. Washers and packing. Air 10 932.00 04-5820/75/35 . Electronic spares. Air 18 566.00 04-5830/79/6. . Telecommunication sets, Army . . . 5 312.00 04-5895/78/20 . Omnidirectional antenna, Army . . . 14 914.00 04-6625/78/35 . Oscilloscopes, Air 9 608.00 04-6625/78/97 . Signal generators, Army 26 140.00 06-9990/79/46 . Hire of 16 mm movie films, Science— 16 000.00* Period 1.1.79 to 31.12.81 07-8305/79/30 . Coated cloth, Air 5 617.00 07-8410/78/19. Women's cardigans, Army 87 993.00 07-8415/79/8. . Wire rope searcher leather gloves, Navy 70 000.00* —Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.80 07-8420/79/5. . Men's cotton undershirts. Navy . . . 5 683.00 07-8455/77/22 . Qualification badges, Army 1 200.00 08-2040/79/1. . Extruded rubber tubing, Navy . . . 36 768.00 08-4210/79/3. . Fire extinguishers. Air 56 500.00 08-4210/78/12 . Fire extinguishers, Army 09-6115/79/3. . Engineering maintenance spares, Army * Estimate
Contractor Addressograph Multigraph of Aust. P/L, Mulgrave, Vic. Seligson and Clare Aust., Melbourne, Vic. Hewlett-Packard Aust. P/L, Fyshwick, A.C.T. Libramatic Systems P/L, St Kilda, Vic. John Withers & Son P/L, Brunswick, Vic. Geo. Raitt & Co. P/L, Fitzroy, Vic. Ceilings & Co. P/L, South Melbourne, Vic. Seligson and Clare Aust., Forestville, S.A. Howson Algraphy, Nunawading, Vic.
Percy Boyden Ltd, Liverpool, N.S.W. Tektronix Aust. P/L, Hawthorn, Vic. Wang Computer P/L, South Melbourne, Vic. Australian Datronics Ltd, Crows Nest, N.S.W. Sigma Data Corp. (Aust.) P/L, Fyshwick, A.C.T. Hewlett-Packard (Aust.) P/L, Blackburn, Vic. International Computers (Aust.) P/L, Melbourne, Vic. Business Aids P/L, West Ryde, N.S.W. Sydney Cooke Ltd, East Brunswick, Vic. Norman N. Benson & Co. P/L. Coburg, Vic. Beaufort Air-Sea Equipment P/L, Lansvale, N.S.W. Beaufort Air-Sea Equipment P/L, Lansvale, N.S.W. Hawker Pacific P/L, Condell Park, N.S.W. Dunlop Aviation Aust., Bayswater, Vic. Rockwell Collins (A'asia) P/L, Lilydale, Vic. Fairey A'asia P/L, Elizabeth, S.A. Antenna Engineering Aust. P/L, Kilsyth, Vic. Tektronix Aust. P/L, Hawthorn, Vic. Kenelec (Aust.) P/L, Burwood, Vic. Australasian Film Hire, West Melbourne, Vic. Dermide Clayton P/L, Smithfield, N.S.W. John Brown Industry Ltd, Abbotsford, Vic. A. S. Home Consolidated P/L, Prospect, S.A. High Title Group, North Fitzroy, Vic. L. T. Little P/L, Hobart, Tas. Firestone Aust. P/L, Sunshine, Vic, Wormald International (Aust.) P/L, Crows Nest, N.S.W. 163 850.00 Wormald International (Aust.) P/L, Crows Nest, N.S.W. 1 382.00 Cannon Electric Aust., Moorabbin, Vic.
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16. 24 April 1979
Description of supplies
Contracts Value (S)
QUEENSLAND 31-9990/79/44 . 32-8920/79/22 . 31-5530/79/1
32-9990/79/57 . 32-8905/79/51 . 31-7230/79/2
32-9990/79/75 . 32-9990/79/58 . 31-9990/79/48 . 32-7220/79/2
Repair, overhaul and refit of Naval 1 800 000.00* patrol boats and other vessels at Cairns—Period 1.4.79 to 31.1.81 Bread and yeast, R A A F , Amberley— 12 080.00* Period 1.5.79 to 30.4.80 Plywood, Administrative Services, Can14 200.00 non Hill—Period 1.5.79 to 30.4.81 Cleaning services, Army District Sup15 580.00* port Unit, Rockhampton—Period 1,4.79 to 31.3.81 Meat, Rehabilitation Centre, Bris4 140.00* bane—Period 1.4.79 to 30.6.79 Installation of curtains, Army, Enogerra 9 960.00 Longlife U H T milk, Army, Rockhampton Dry garbage service, Defence—Army, Townsville Grass cutting services, R A A F Kangaroo Point—Period 1.5,79 to 30.4.81 Mats, tufted nylon, Army, Enoggera Timber and plywood, R A A F Amberley —Period 1.4.79 t o 31.3.81
1 441.00 77 920,00 4 250.00 19 475.00 42 000.00* 16 200.00* 23 500.00* 71 100.00* 25 300.00*
North Queensland Engineers and Agents Pty Ltd, Cairns, Qld Tip Top Bakeries, Dutton Park, Qld Foxwood Ltd, Wangan, Qld Mitchell's Cleaning Service, North Rockhampton, Qld Tancred Brothers Pty Ltd, Morningside, Qld Contract Manufacturing Pty Ltd, Yerongpilly, Qld Q . U . F . Industries Ltd, South Brisbane, Qld Townsville Trade Wastes Pty Ltd, Railway Estate, Townsville Savco Services, East Ipswich, Qld Jeldi Manufacturing Pty Ltd, Punchbowl, N.S.W. Hoffmans Enterprises, Dinmore, Qld Robb and Brown Ltd, Kangaroo Point, Qld M . M . K . Holdings Pty Ltd, Yeronga, Qld Austral Plywoods Pty Ltd, Tennyson, Qld Hancock & Gore Ltd, Colmslie, Qld
5440/79/1 . . . 4841/79/3 . ,
Refit of H M A S 'Moresby', 1979 refit. Navy Scaffolding, Navy Supply and laying of carpet, Navy . .
4841/79/2 . .
Supply and laying of carpet, Telecom
12 967.00
Butter and cheese. Air—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.80 Bacon and ham, Air—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.80 Icecream, Air—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.80 Meat, Army—Period 1.4.79 to 30.6.79
12 368.00*
1905/79/2 . . .
. .
8910/79/22 8905/79/28
. . . .
2 388.87 6 348.00
21 044.00* 5 838.00* 13 565.00* 1 149.00*
CHES Engine Reconditioning, Fremantle, W.A. Acrow (W.A.) Pty Ltd, Kewdale, W.A. Barrett Carpet Co. Pty Ltd, Osborne Park, W.A. Maico Floorcoverings, Scarborough, W.A. Watsons Foods (W.A.), Spearwood, W.A. Watsons Foods (W.A.), Spearwood, W.A. Peters Ice Cream (W.A.) Ltd, Perth, W.A. Anchorage Butchers (W.A.), Coogee, W.A. Watsons Foods (W.A.), Spearwood, W.A.
. . ,
79/333 . . . 79/334 . . . 79/336 . . . . 79/338 . . . 79/340 . . . 79/341
. , .
79/342 . . . . 79/343 . . . 79/396 . . . Estimate
Bacon and ham, A N L ships, Hobart— Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.80 Groceries, A N L ships, Hobart— Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.80 Fish and poultry, A N L ships, Hobart— Period 1.4.79 to 30,6.79 Meat, A N L ships, Hobart—Period 1.4.79 to 30.6,79 Bacon and ham, A N L ships, Launceston—Period 1.4.79 to 31,3.80 Groceries, A N L ships, Launceston— Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.80 Fish and poultry, A N L ships, Launceston—Period 1.4.79 to 30.6.79 Fruit and vegetables, A N L ships, Launceston—Period 1.4.79 to 30.6.79 Meat, A N L ships, Launceston—Period 1.4.79 t o 30.6.79 Cleaning, 5-7 Rooke Street, Devonport—Period 2.4.79 to 31.3.82
1 167.50*
R . M . I . Ltd, Derwent Park, Tas.
6 596.73*
Webster Ltd, Hobart, Tas.
1 348.30*
Clements & Marshall P/L, Hobart, Tas.
7 757.50*
R . M . I . Ltd, Derwent Park, Tas.
1 752.26*
R. A. Liebmann, East T a m a r , Tas.
7 249.08*
R. A. Liebmann, East Tamar, Tas.
1 779.90*
R. A. Liebmann, East Tamar, Tas.
1 881.09*
R . A. Liebmann, East Tamar, Tas.
9 263.55*
R . A. Liebmann, East Tamar, Tas.
7 566.00
W. and R. M. Rodgers, Ulverstone, Tas.
^ommonweaftf^^ustra^ No. G 16, 24 April
Description of supplies
AUSTRALIAN P O S T A L C O M M I S S I O N HEADQUARTERS CP225 . . . Neco display murals CP353 . , . Bookcase display units CP1254 . . Cash boxes CP369 . . Stamp vending machine (collation, delivery, etc.) CP1263 . . Delivery vans Printed forms, 'R' series CP1293 . , Mail vans CP305 . . CP1207 . . Letter boxes Parcel rewrap bags Cash boxes CP1254 . Forms, C & CP series CP363 . . . Typesetting Post Office Guide . . . . CP1289 . Printed forms, *R' series CP1293 .
Value ($)
39 9 22 98
Group Colour W.A. Pty Ltd B.M.L. Forme Casting Trafalgar Products Pty Ltd Sprintpak
690.00 480.00 430.00 000.00
19 580.00 13 813.00 6 764.00 94 617.00 44 686.00 24 950.00 5 000.00 13 000.00 9 724.00 9 550.00
AUSTRALIAN T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S C O M M I S S I O N NEW SOUTH WALES 15 950,00* NSW3649 . . Cleaning, Northgate House—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.81 27 235.00* NSW3661 . . Illuminated push-button keys—Period ending 30,11.79 46 765.00* 43 596.00 NSW3796 . . Mesh modules 9 570.00 of diesel alternator, NSW3843 . . Installation Campbelltown Telephone Exchange . . . . 23 286.00 NSW3898 . . Traffic assessment equipment NSW39n
. .
. .
Q965 Q900 Q927 Q978
Supply and installation of boiler at Telecom House Replacement test equipment . . . .
Cleaning of public telephone cabinets, Townsville—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3,81 Cleaning of public telephone cabinets, Toowoomba—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.81 Plastic envelopes—Period 1.8.79 to 31.7.80 Towing of vehicles, Brisbane—Period ending 29.2.80 Cleaning of public telephone cabinets, Ipswich—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.81 Hire of light ditchers without operators, Brisbane—Period ending 29.2.80
WESTERN AUSIRALIA Qtn2004 . . . Guard service for Wellington Exchange —Period 14.7.78 to 28.2.79 Noise level analyser and associated Qtn20I5 equipment Qtn2016 Olivetti TES401 electronic memory typewriter Qtn2017 Fifty-tonne, four-axle low-loader trailer Qtn2018 * Estimate
Generator sets for east-west microwave system
17 950.00 18 844.00
9 880.00 11 648.00
Mazda Motor Sales Paterson Press Pty Ltd F o r d Sales Company Speedie Engineering Services Pty Ltd Joyce Bros Industries Trafalgar Products Government Printer, Hobart Leigh-Mardon Pty Ltd Leedon Printing Company Pty Ltd G . W. Robinson & Co. Limited
Bayton Cleaning Co., Camperdown, N.S.W. E. S. Rubin & Co. Pty Ltd, Artarmon, N.S.W. Rifa Pty Ltd, Preston, Vic. A.R.C. Engineering, Homebush, N.S.W. J & K Electronics Pty Ltd, Coogee, N.S.W. Transmission Products, Regents Park, N.S.W. Armstrong Burner Service, Clareville, N.S.W. Tektronix Aust. Pty Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Busy Bees Cleaning, Townsville Rose Cleaning Service, Toowoomba
5 927.50
Plastics (Aust.)
5 500.00*
Century Towing, Brisbane Barnes Auto, Brisbane Ipswich Cleaning Services, Ipswich
9 491.00 10 000.00*
5 107.00 9 166.00 5 760.00 27 942.00 43 030.00
Jeff Dawson Trencher Hire, Brisbane Coates Hire Service, Brisbane
Wormald International Security, East Perth, W.A. Bruel & Kjaer Aust. Pty Ltd, Concord, N.S.W. Warren Business Systems, Ciaremont, W.A. Boomerang Engineering (1971), Belmont, W.A. Stone Piatt McColl, Springvale, Vic.
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979 Description
Reference Qtn2020
. . .
. . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
WA22552 WA22554
. . . .
. .
Gazette Contracts of
Value (S)
Delivery of fuel f r o m T o m Price to Radio T e l e p h o n e Station, M o u n t Shiela Answer t i m e recorder
9 400.00
B. Magill, T o m Price, W . A .
5 856.00
Clearing c o i n receptacles a n d cleaning of public telephone cabinets, T o m Price—Period ending 30.11.80 Clearing a n d cleaning of public telephone cabinets at D a m p i e r , Roebourne/Wickham and Karratha— Period e n d i n g 30.11.80 Galvanised iron water pipe (approx. qty)—Period 1.3.79 t o 29.2.80 Galvanised iron water pipe (approx. q t y ) ^ P e r i o d 1.3.79 to 29.2.80 Cleaning a d m i n , buildings, A u t o Plant, Wembley—Period e n d i n g 31.12.80 Bricks ( a p p r o x . qty)—Period 1.2.79 to 31.1.80 Cement slabs (approx. qty)—Period 1.2.79 t o 31.1.80 Cleaning o f D a t e l H o u s e , 99 Wellington Street, Perth—Period 1,2.79 t o 31.1.81 Forklift
12 678.00
Transmission P r o d u c t s Pty Ltd, Regents Park, N . S . W . C. J. Facer, T o m Price, W.A.
7 345.00
PCS Cleaning Service, R o e b o u r n e , W . A .
13 985.00
Steelmark Ltd, H a m i l t o n Hill, W . A .
7 176.00
Tubemakers W.A.
6 189.00
Willow W i n d o w Cleaners, Warwick, W . A ,
38 450.00
C a r d u p M e t r o Bricks, West Perth, W . A .
5 374.00 23 080.00 18 380.00
Buffing a n d cleaning of telephone parts —Period 1.3,79 to 31,12.79 Buffing a n d cleaning of telephone parts —Period 1.3.79 to 31.12.79 Clearing a n d cleaning of public telep h o n e cabinets, north-west localities —Period ending 31.12.80 Excavating tools Jointing material for plastic and insulated s h e a t h e d cables Security service for Wellington Exchange —Period ending 31.1.80
61 688.00 7 768.00
Delta Concrete, H e m e Hill, W.A. Airlite Cleaning Pty Ltd, Subiaco, W . A . William A d a m s Engineering, F r e m a n t l e , W.A. Berkeley Cleaning Co., M o u n t Lawley, W.A. Activ Industries, West Perth, W.A.
12 015.00
T. J. Petit, R o e b o u r n e , W.A.
5 059.00 12 570.00
M H W , M o u n t H a w t h o r n , W.A. Metal West Consolidated, O s b o r n e Park, W.A. M e t r o p o l i t a n Security Services, Subiaco, W.A.
14 069.00
2 200.00
C e m a c Interiors, M e l b o u r n e , Vic.
1 416.00
Philips T . M . C . Ltd, Fyshwick, A . C . T .
3 614.00 1 716.00
Weeks Trailers Ltd, F o r t i t u d e Valley, Qld Selby Scientific Ltd, N o r t h Ryde, N . S . W .
1 093.00 1 548.20 1 180.00 2 034.60
C . Jefferies Pty Ltd, A i r p o r t West, Vic. D r a g e r (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Botany, N . S . W . Collbind Pty Ltd, Alexandria, N . S . W . Pro Diving Services, Coogee, N . S . W ,
3 574.80 3 582.00
Supply of mobile radio transceiver, c o m p l e t e with installation kit Supply of hydraulic tipping trailer . . Supply of alcometer, PST screening devices a n d fuel cells Supply of traffic cones Supply of rescue lifting bags . . . . Supply of b i t u m e n spray unit . . . . Supply of s c u b a cylinder, cylinder boot and w e i g h t belt Supply of heavy-duty hose Printing of Application f o r Renewal of Registration f o r m s Supply of grass seed
Q A l 34/79
Supply of g a r b a g e bins
1 345,00
Q A l 39/79
Supply of nuts a n d bolts—Period 1.11.78 t o 30.6.79 Supply of l a w n mower engines . . .
2 000.00
A . C . L Nylex, Fyshwick, A . C . T . C a n b e r r a Publishing & Printing C o . Pty Ltd, Fyshwick, A . C . T , Wright Stephenson & Co. (Aust,), Flemington, Vic. J. W. T o m l i n Pty Ltd, Alexandria, N.S.W. J. Blackwood & Son, Fyshwick, A . C . T .
Hire, deliver, assemble, dismantling and return of marquee, feet stage, chairs
1 450.00
Acoustic ( r o o m dividing) screens
D E P A R T M E N T O F THE CAPITAL TERRITORY AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY QA782/78 QA971/78 QA1026/78 QA21/79 . QA61/79 . QA75/79 . QA76/79 . QA116/79 QA122/79
Q A l 86/79 O/N192322 .
3 200.00
1 197.60
T h e L a w n M o w e r Centre, Fyshwick, A.C.T. Stewart Barlin Pty Ltd, Fyshwick, A . C . T .
Commonwealth No.
arranged of
Value (S)
of Australia Gazette G 16, 24 April 1979
D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E C A P I T A L T E R R I T O R Y — continued 1 095.00
. .
Hire of graders
. .
Supply of facsimile m a c h i n e
. . . .
1 179.00
TBI2/78 TB26/78
. . . . .
Supply of tipper t r u c k Supply of fibreglass or a l u m i n i u m b o a t
21 580.00 9 591.00
. . .
Supply of twin-hull fibreglass w o r k b o a t
19 356.00
. .
Supply of c a r a v a n
3 801.20
Colless Bros Holdings Pty Ltd, F>shwick, A.C.T. Voca C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Pty Ltd, Phillip, A.C.T. J n t e r m o t o r s Pty Ltd, Q u e a n b e y a n , N . S . W . Tobler Bros C a n b e r r a M a r i n e Centre, Fyshwick, A . C . T . Divemaster Sport & C o m m e r c i a l Diving Centre, T a r e n Point, N . S . W . Franklin C a r a v a n s Australia, W e n d o u r e e , Vic.
D E P A R T M E N T OF D E F E N C E AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Defence Co-operation Materiel Section 30758
. . . .
Scribing kits
1 740.00
. . .
Life raft, eight-man, type 8 r , complete with emergency p a c k , fitted into fibreglass container, to solar requirements
1 627.50
Seligson & Clare Australia, Box 4727, G . P . O . , M e l b o u r n e , Vic. Beaufort Air Sea E q u i p m e n t Pty Ltd, 1 Cross Street, Brookvale, N . S . W .
NEW SOUTH WALES Materials Research Laboratories 0/N78180
. .
Calibration of testing e q u i p m e n t . . .
Supply Manager (Armament) 0035-79-J-l27435 Supply one each system p e r f o r m a n c e m o n i t o r ; one each logic analyser 0035-79-J-l27448 Supply 300each bearing, F a f n i r F 2 ; ten each seal, oil 0035-79-J-l27453 Supply twenty each British filter elements, size 100 0140-79-J-126114 Supply of pulse generator, p r o b e , dip clip and bread b o a r d 128656 . . . . Packing, preformed, to drawing MS29561; packing, p r e f o r m e d , t o drawing 2574737; m o u l d s
2 475.00 1 065.50 4 360.00 1 114.00 1 378.00
Australian C a l i b r a t i n g Services (A'asia) Pty Ltd, 466 Liverpool R o a d , South Strathfield, N . S . W . M o t o r o l a Australia Pty Ltd, 37-43 Alexander Street, C r o w s Nest, N . S . W . W. M . N e w n h a m Pty Ltd, 54 C h a n d o s Street, St L e o n a r d s , N . S . W . Tecalemit (A/sia) Pty Ltd, 12 W o o r a n g Street, Milperra, N . S . W . Hewlett-Packard A u s t . Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 147, G o r d o n , N . S . W . D u n l o p Flexhide Pty L t d , Alexandria, N.S.W.
Supply Manager (Machinery) 103867 . . . .
Element filter fluid
2 220.00
103901 104136 104237 104390 104398 104414 104430 104555 104576 104607
Filter coalescer s e p a r a t o r Element, 3 k W , 230 V A C r a n g e . . G e a r b o x , reverse assembly . . . . T h e r m o m e t e r , indicating, exhaust . End cover, suction circulating p u m p Packing, main feed p u m p T u b e , stack cooler, diesel Steam cleaner Bearing, sleeve, air p u m p impeller, battery vent fan
1 472.00 1 205.00 I 137.00 1 980.00 1 046.00 1 789.00 2 250.00 I 225.00 1 458.00 1 904.00
Ball pins, steering linkages
2 063.00
Carriage, blast gun
I 919.00
O u t b o a r d m o t o r , 40 h p
I 670.00
Slipper t u r b i n e .
4 820.00
104237 104390
G e a r b o x reverse assembly T h e r m o m e t e r , indicating .
1 137.00 1 980.00
104398 104414
End cover, main circulating p u m p Packing, c a r b o n assembly . . .
1 046.00 1 789.00
. .
D . C . E . Vokes A u s t . Pty Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. Gilbarco Aust. Ltd, Sydney, N . S . W . C . O'Brien & C o . , Sydney, N . S . W . Borg W a r n e r Pty Ltd, Sydney, N . S . W . Clae Detroit Ltd, Sydney, N . S . W . P u m p Seal Pty L t d , Sydney, N . S . W . Weir E n g . Pty Ltd, Sydney, N . S . W . Serck A u d c o Pty Ltd, Sydney, N . S . W . Clyde Westeels Ltd, Sydney, N . S . W . Weir E n g . Pty L t d , Sydney, N . S . W . Hall T h e r m o t a n k Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Vic. W o r m a l d International Ltd, M e l b o u r n e , Vic. G o d f r e y Engineering Pty Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. O u t b o a r d M a r i n e A u s t . (Ltd), Sydney, N.S.W. Weir Engineering Pty Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. Borg W a r n e r , Sydney, N . S . W . Clae D e t r o i t Diesel Allison, Sydney, N.S.W. P u m p Seal Pty Ltd, Sydney, N . S . W . Weir Engineering Pty Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16. 24 April 1979
Contracts arranged
Description of supplies
Value (8)
104430 . 104689 .
Tube, stack cooler . . . Ball pin, steering linkages
2 250.00 2 065.00
Serck Audco Pty Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. Wormald International, Port Melbourne, Vic,
1 494.00 3 928.00 I 397.{K) 1 177.00 1 512.00 1 317.00
Nightingale Chemicals, Waterloo, N.S.W. Clyde Westeels Ltd, Granville, N.S.W. Southpack Distributors, Camden, N.S.W. Celcast, Artarmon, N.S.W. Wirecraft Pty Ltd, Sefton, N.S.W. Tutt Bryant Spares Pty Ltd, Rydalmere, N.S.W. 3M (Aust.) Pty Ltd, St Leonards, N.S.W. Union-Carbide Aust, Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W.
21 Supply Battalion, Mocrebank 245262 . Disinfectant, germicidal 245294 . Rivet, blind 245295 . Bags, plastic 245299 . Plastic sheet 245301 . Tie, metal strip, bag . . 232968 . Brush assembly, nylon . 282162 . Paper, copying, thermographic 245307 . Plastic sheet, polyethylene 232 Supply Company, Kmgsford 232/6510/79/15. Pack gauze, abdominal, opaque insert H Q 2 EME Group . . Repairs to LARC V SJP1258 . . Repairs to LARC V SJP4338
1 108,10 2 714.40 w/radio
Defence Indiistry 20224 . . . 20228 . . . 20230 . . . 20231 . . . 20234 . . . 20237 . . . 20239 . 20241 . 20245 . 20246 20254 20264 20268 20272
. . . . .
20275. 20276. 20277. 20278.
. . . .
20279. . 20283. . 20284. . 20285. .
Development Branch Maxi-bins ' Option kit Rack and bench and laurred racks . Heat sealing equipment Melts and tooling charges to develop casting techniques Stacker . . Consumable recording paper . . . . . . Production lathe . . Featherweight tubular pallets . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sine wave inverter Study of time/temperature envelopes of ceramics Recording tape Fibre optic components Financial assistance for US/UK visit on offsets for printed circuit boards Financial assistance for transceiver performance and function tests Heat exchanger Microlab attenuator Power supplies Digital multimeter Statistics pack and additional memory Add-in core memory board Tensometer testing machine
I 419.00
Johnson & Johnson Pty Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W.
1 155.00 1 155.00
Highgate Engineers, 2 Pine Yennora, N.S.W. Highgate Engineers, 2 Pine . Yennora, N.S.W.
1 475.00 1 275.00 4 554.00 2 545.00 4 400.00 1 875.00 1 504.00 3 888.00 2 081.00
Dexion (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Seven Hills, N.S.W. Hewlett-Packard Aust. Pty Ltd, Gordon, N.S.W. Dexion (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Seven Hills, N.S.W. Helix Electrical Products Pty Ltd, Rosebery, N.S.W. Hycast Metals Pty Ltd, Granville, N.S.W. Crown Controls Pty Ltd, Smithfield, N.S.W. Hewlett-Packard Aust. Pty Ltd, Gordon, N.S.W. Hardinge Pty Ltd, Mount Waverley, Vic. Tubemakers of Aust. Ltd, Granville, N.S.W. Invertech Equipment Co. Pty Ltd, North Coburg, Vic. Plessey Aust. Pty Ltd, Meadowbank, N.S.W. Sony (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. Amtron Tyree Pty Ltd, Waterloo, N.S.W. Morris Productions Pty Ltd, Campsie, N.S.W. Codan Pty Ltd, Chatswood, N.S.W.
1 200.00 1 000.00 2 409.00 1 655.00 1 965.00 2 296.00 1 430.00 1 127.00 3 713 .00 3 394.00 1 013.00 1 640.00 2 765.00 4 750.00
20290. .
. . Investigation of 'Craig* type air transportable shelters . . Report on Sonobuoy recovery methods
20298. .
. . Nine-track tape unit
5 000.00
20288. .
1 000.00
Road, Road,
Everitt Highfield Pty Ltd, Kogarah, N.S.W. AWA Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Perini & Scott (A'asia) Pty Ltd, Waitara, N.S.W. Elmeasco Instruments Pty Ltd, Mortlake, N.S.W. Rank Industries Ltd, East Roseville, N.S.W. Anderson Digital Equipment Pty Ltd, Ryde, N.S.W. Selby's Scientific Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Racai Electronics Pty Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Lawrie Diving & Marine Pty Ltd, Birkenhead, S.A. NCR Aust. Pty Ltd, North Sydney, N.S.W.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Contracts arranged Value (8)
2 257.00 2 436.00
AWA Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Digital Equipment Aust. Pty Ltd, St Leonards, N.S.W.
Supply Manager (Air), Sydney 0477/79 J130754 Hylomar sealing compound
1 113.00
Supply Manager (General) 144393 . . . . 144649 . . . . Wrench 143897 . . . . Valves 144111 . . . . Grain, abrasive 144148 . . . . Heating element 144191 . . . . Pins 144208 . . . . Paint 144210 . . . . Strippers, wire, plier type 144357 . . . . Punch 144369 . . . . Boiler water additive 144493 . . . . Plastic strip 144634 . . . . Door closer and hinge 170272 . . . . Oscilloscope 162702 . . . . Socket, plug and connectors . . . . 162710 . . . . Resistor 162773 . . . . Circuit card assembly and axle turning assembly 162796 . . . . Transformer, part No. 1LB59195, coil for 10 kW transmitter 162798 . . . . Transformer, power, coil radio frequency 162818 . . . . Gears, spares for teletype 162828 . . . . Battery, dry, 1,35 V 162831 . . . . Telephone 162834 . . . . Battery, dry type, S4B 732.2 . . . . 162838 . . . . Paper, dyeline 162848 . . . . Megohmeter 162849 . . . . Transformer, power, stepdown . . . 170263 . . . . Circuit breakers, circuit breaker board
Bennett & Wood Pty Ltd, Zetland, N.S.W.
4 013.00 1 016.00 2 426.00 2 950.00 1 023.00 1 862.00 4 914.00 I 054.00 1 223.00 1 080.00 1 800.00 1 152.00 2 285.00 1 649.00 I 010.00 2 679.00 2 156.00 2 086.00 1 900.00 1 784.00 1 440.00 1 719.00 1 116.00 I 229.00 2 875.00 1 247.00
Bennett and Wood Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. David Piper Pty Ltd, Ultimo, N.S.W, Australian Divers (Spiro) Pty Ltd, North Melbourne, Vic. Alan H. Reid Pty Ltd, Clyde, N.S.W. Royston Electronics Pty Ltd, Punchbowl, N.S.W. Small Arms Factory, Lithgow, N.S.W. British Paints Ltd, Bankstown, N.S.W. Pauls Merchants, Bankstown, N.S.W. Sidchrome Tool Pty Ltd, Belfield, N.S.W. Maxwell Chemicals Pty Ltd, Botany, N.S.W. Polaroid (Aust.) Pty Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Pauls Merchants Pty Ltd, Bankstown, N.S.W. Amalgamated Wireless A'asia Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Anglo-American Aviation Co., Niddrie, VirVIC. Morganite Aust. Pty Ltd, Alexandria, N.S.W. Amalgamated Wireless A'asia Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W, Amalgamated Wireless A'asia Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Standard Telephone & Cables Pty Ltd, Alexandria, N.S.W. Kenelec Systems Pty Ltd, Artarmon, N.S.W. Mallory Batteries A'asia Pty Ltd, Thornleigh, N.S.W. Standard Telephones & Cables Pty Ltd, Liverpool, N.S.W. Mallory Batteries Pty Ltd, North Ryde, N.S.W. Crosby Sensitising Pty Ltd, Artarmon, N.S.W, H. Rowe & Co. Pty Ltd, Moorebank, N.S.W. Electronic Instrument & Lighting Co. Pty Ltd, Newton, S.A. Heineman Sales (N.S.W.), QTO^S Nest, N.S.W.
No. 2 Stores Depot, RAAF, Regents Park G161274 . . . Screen, protective G161278 . . . Hand tools G161306 . . . Sealing compound G161343 . . . Bunting G161462 . . . Castor G161495 . . . Shears, tailors' G161543 . . . Calico G161567 . . . Tester, electrical Gi61779 . . . Cloth, laminated
1 261.00 1 725.00 I 350.00 2 067,00 3 872.00 2 056.00 1 010.00 1 096.00 1 025.00
Murax Pty Ltd, Silverwater, N.S.W. Anglo American Aviation Co., Essendon Airport, Vic. Van Dusen Aircraft Supplies (VDS), Niddrie, Vic. Bradmill Industries, Camperdown, N.S.W. Handy Angle Pty Ltd, Arncliffe, N.S.W. Paul's (Merchants) Pty Ltd, Bankstown, N.S.W. A.C.T.LL., Woodville, S.A. H. Rowe SL CO., Moorebank, N . S . W . Nolan O'Rourke & Co. Pty Ltd, Alexandria, N.S.W.
Description of supplies
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE—contioued 20309 20312
Display material for Technology Resources Exchange Fair, Sydney Maintenance of PDPII computer and peripherals
Commonwealth of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Contracts Value (S)
Description of supplies
G161780 G161781 G161141
Box, self-locking . . . Board, food chopping Hand tools
2 100.00 1 040.00 2 908.00
Power tools
1 130.00
Grease, aircraft
. , . .
2 313.00
Carton, cardboard . . .
3 115.00
G161170 G161171 G161175
Insecticide Inhibitor, corrosion Can, bench
. .
4 375,00 1 328.00 1 258.00
Rope, polyester
. . . .
1 125.00
G161178 G161179 G161272 G161037 G161045
Cushioning material Aluminium putty . Handle, socket . . Valve, stop-check . File, hand
3 135.00
G161062 G161063
Shelving Shelving
4 046.00 4 349.00
G161082 G161096
Lamp, incandescent Tube, steel
. .
2 700.00 1 764.00
Cabinet, storage . . . .
3 426.00
Pliers, diagonal
1 404.00
G161137 G16n38 G160678 G160794 G160800
Solvent Rod, welding Steel sheet Filter pad Drill, electric
G160808 G160866 G160960 G160963
Drill, hand Regulator, oxygen . . . Battery Silver and gold solution
4 590.00 3 138.00 2 250.00 1 070.00
G160964 G160965 G160966
Cloth, polishing . . . . Cleaning compound . . Dry chlorine
2 357.00 2 145.00 4 830.00
Cloth, bunting
. . . .
2 232.00
Aluminium foil
. . . .
4 785.00
G158763 G159480 G159555
Tri-wall containers . . . Welding machine . . . Wire, electrical . . . .
4 319.00 1 139.00 2 873.00
Connector, plug
2 194.00
2 150.00
G160379 G160619 G160623
Soldering tool Tape, pressure-sensitive Aluminium sheet. . . .
2 674.00 4 996.00 1 451.00
Set, weight lifting
. . .
1 057.00
G160670 G161806 G161809
Mower, lawn Plastic sheet Wipers, industrial
. . .
1 444.00 1 073.00 1 186.00
Pad, floor polishing
. .
3 564.00
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
1 1 1 1 1
310.00 158.00 761.00 600.00 678.00
I 518.00 3 200.00 1 316.00 . 1 329.00 1 622.00
. . .
Contractor P. J. Firth Ltd, Enfield, N.S.W. Grace Bros, Broadway, N.S.W. J. Blackwood & Sons Ltd, Lidcombe, N.S.W. Hawker Richardson Pty Ltd, Villawood, N.S.W. Bell Helicopter Aust. (BEL), Eagle Farm, Qld Cardboard Containers Manufacturing Co. Pty Ltd, Broadmeadows, Vic. Lane Ltd, Bankstown, N.S.W, Catoleum Pty Ltd, Botany, N.S.W. Protector Safety Products, Guildford, N.S.W. Downs & Son Pty Ltd, Marrickville, N.S.W. Rheem Aust. Ltd, Alexandria, N.S.W. J. Blackwood & Sons, Lidcombe, N.S.W. Sidchrome Pty Ltd, Belfield, N.S.W. Graviner Pty Ltd, Moorabbin, Vic. Eliza Tinsley (N.S.W.) Pty Ltd, Broadway, N.S.W. Australian A M P Pty Ltd, Northmead, N.S.W. Handy Angle Pty Ltd, Arncliff'e, N.S.W. Dexion (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Blacktown, N.S.W. GEC-AEI Aust. Pty Ltd, Auburn, N.S.W. Tubemakers of Aust. Pty Ltd, St Leonards, N.S.W. Dexion (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Blacktown, N.S.W. Broughton Industrial Agencies, Burwood, Vic. Royston Electronics, Punchbowl, N.S.W. Eutectic, Bankstown, N.S.W. Steelmark Ltd, Auburn, N.S.W. C . I . G . Pty Ltd, Alexandria, N.S.W. Black & Decker (A'Asia) Pty Ltd, Granville, N . S . W . The Stanley Works, Balmain, N.S.W. C . L G . Pty Ltd, Alexandria, N.S.W. Dunlop Aust. Ltd, Canterbury, N.S.W. Coltronics Trading Co., Greystanes, N.S.W. Cooper Airmotive (COO), Niddrie, Vic. Turco Pty Ltd, Granville, N.S.W. Chlorine Discounters, Bankstown, N.S.W. Bradmill Industries, Camperdown, N.S.W. Chemos Industries Pty Ltd, Paddington, Qld Chep Handling Systems, Botany, N.S.W. C . L G . Limited, Alexandria, N.S.W. Cablemakers (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Liverpool, N.S.W. GEC-AEI Aust. Pty Ltd, Silverwater, N.S.W. Union Carbide (Aust.) Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. Royston Electronics, Punchbowl, N.S.W. 3M Aust. Pty Ltd, St Leonards, N.S.W. William Adams Metals Ltd, Chester Hill, N.S.W. N.S.W. Sports Store Pty Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. Nayjon Pty Ltd, Greenacre, N.S.W. 3M (Aust.) Pty Ltd, St Marys, N.S.W. Kimberley Clark of Aust., Milsons Point, N . S . W . Peerless Emulsion, Marrickville, N.S.W.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. G 16, 24 April 1979
arranged Description of supplies
Value ($)
G161865 . . . Polyurethane coating . . . . G161880 Plating solution G162033 Connector, plug VICTORIA 32 Supply Battalion RPN67176 . . Valise fabric
1 025.00 1 567.00
Triton Paints (N.S.W.) Pty Ltd, Mascot, N.S.W. Levco-Dalic Co., Beaumaris, Vic. Hella-Aust. Pty Ltd, Annandale, N.S.W.
1 806.00
Evan Evans, Brunswick, Vic.
DEPARTMENT O F EDUCATION CENTRAL OFFICE 5142 Cardboard cartons . 5206 Critical point dryer
1 925.00 1 703.82
United Packages, Mulgrave, Vic. C. Berney & Co. Pty Ltd, Sydney South, N.S.W. C.A.A. Timber Ltd, Queanbeyan, N.S.W. EMI Sound Recording Studio, North Sydney, N.S.W. Admark Pty Ltd, Perth, W.A.
1 388.00
5235 5259 5274
Timber Record master tape Recording of master tapes for 'Origin'
DEPARTMENT VICTORIA 78/5994 1190/78.79 78/6050 1053/78.79 72/1716 1076/78.79
75/5291 1107/78.79 75/5291 . 1106/78.79 79/5270 1173/78.79 77/578 . . 1 175/78.79
Printing of 1660 Pads form 2-32-22, SYTEP Training Agreement Printing of 25 000 How to Get a Job Kit folder Printing of 150 000 form 2-1-91, Request to Call at Employment Office Printing of 375 000 form 2-1-5, CES Vacancy Cards Printing of 1112 pads, Form 2-1-5c, Agents Record Card books Form 2-1-276, Job Seeker Statistical Card, size A5, printed on 199 gsm system board Form 2-32-20, NEAT Variation Advice, size A4 + four-part set, printed on NCR paper
2 169.95 2 708.75 1 276.00
1 750.00 1 046.00
Paterson Press, 1 -9 Doonside Street, Richmond, Vic, Tudor Printery, 63-67 Rouse Street, Port Melbourne, Vic. McPherson and Morison Pty Ltd, 8-14 Malrina Place, Carlton, Vic.
2 949.00 1 782.00 2 258.00
Paterson Press Pty Ltd, 1-9 Doonsdie Street, Richmond, Vic. Jones Printing Service, 2-20 Russell Street, Hawthorn, Vic. McPherson & Morison, Printers
4 907.00
West End Press
4 998.00
DEPARTMENT O F HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION CENTRAL OFFICE H309/659 . . . Flammable liquid storage cabinets— 45 834.00* Period ending 31.3.80 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY AT3949 . . . Provision of one 300 kVA uninterrupt- 235 803,00 ible power supply for Department of Defence AT4046 . . . Mechanical repairs and maintenance to 6 000.00* Barber Coleman Aust. Pty Ltd and Sch. of rates Johnston Controls Ltd, at various government establishments AT4035 . . . Mechanical repairs and maintenance to 30 000.00* Satchwell Controls Pty Ltd refrigera- Sch, of rates tion and air-conditioning control equipment at various government establishments 266469X1 . . Investigation of vibration problems, 1 400.00 Woolclassing Building, Bruce TAFE College NEW SOUTH WALES NT92 Badgerys Creek, CSIRO, Division of 129 987.00 Animal Production—The provision of cattle pens and irrigation systems ' Estimate
Vertiplan Pty Ltd, Oakleigh South, Vic Thycon Systems Pty Ltd, Coburg, Vic. Brooks Marchant Industries (A.C.T.) Pty Ltd, Fyshwick, A.C.T. S. H. Goodhew, Hughes, A.C.T. Mark Eisner and Associates, Narrabundah, A.C.T. G. R. & F. E. Thorby (trading as Inglebum Farm Services), Ingleburn
^om^nweaft^o^^usTrBia No. G 16, 24 April
(Jazette Contracts
1979 Value (S)
NT113 . . .
Williamtown, R A A F Base—Provision 80 450.00 of sewage treatment infiltration basins Bathurst, 21 Battalion ( R a c e Course)— 82 200.00 C o n s t r u c t i o n of a reinforced concrete fire reserve tank (570 cu m capacity) with m e t a l roof Spectacle I s l a n d — R e m o v a l and re35 304.00 installation of crane a n d reconstruction of c r a n e f o u n d a t i o n at the back wharf 180 328.00 Sydney, Sydney University—Alterations t o existing main building of the School of Public Health a n d Tropical Medicine 811 574.00 B a n k s t o w n , G o v e r n m e n t Aircraft Plant —Design and construction of a machine s h o p building, together with all associated services Concord Depot—Modulating valve 1 552.00 spares C o n c o r d D e p o t — W a s h e r sanitiser . . 1 495.00 Concord Depot—Pump 4 556.00 C o n c o r d Depot—Plastic laminate . . 1 430.00 C o n c o r d D e p o t — D i s t r i b u t i o n pillar . 1 698.00 C o n c o r d D e p o t — D i s t r i b u t i o n pillar . 1 669.00 Concord Depot—Condenser . . . . 2 408.00 C o n c o r d D e p o t — W a s h i n g machine 2 710.00 spare p a r t s C o n c o r d D e p o t — A l u m i n i u m track . 1 685.00 Richmond, RAAF—Vandal proof 1 245.92 fluorescent fittings, 1 x 20 W Richmond, RAAF—Fluorescent fit1 407.42 tings, various Concord, RGH—Plastic road marking 2 699.28 domes Nowra, H M A S 'Albatross'—External 3 153.00 and internal painting to building N o s 1-5 Falls C r e e k , Greenpatch C a m p — T i l i n g 4 980.00 of twelve shower recesses at c a m p i n g ground B a n k s t o w n , A I S / M E T , Briefing Oflfice 20 000.00 — D e s i g n development and working drawings N o r t h R y d e , N M H B , T e s t i n g Facility— 6 200.00 Sketch plans and preliminary estimates Sydney, Customs House—Architec16 000.00 tural a n d historical report, and repairs a n d maintenance working drawings C h a t s w o o d , National Acoustics L a b o r 4 200.00 atory a n d Ultrasonics Institute— C o n s t r u c t i o n advice Bathurst, Supply Building, Bant Street, 3 240.00 — S t o r m w a t e r drainage m a i n t e n a n c e Bathurst—Linoleum 1 024.00 Lithgow, S A F — P a i n t 1 759.72
NT114 . . .
NT123 . . .
NT125 . . .
NT135 . . .
C D 198/78
CD4/79 . C D 16/79 . C D 174/78 CD9/79 . C D 10/79 . CD27/79 . C D l 55/78 CD40/79 . . 0/N35653/79 0/N35657/79 0/N35663/79 MC7550/79 .
MC7551/79 .
. ,
. .
. .
. .
MC6586/79-21 8390/79 8365/79
. .
VICTORIA VT170 . . VT185
. .
. .
VQ250 . . VQ253 . .
T a s m a n i a , Bell B a y — T u b u l a r steel piling (Housing a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n ) B r o a d m e a d o w s , T e l e p h o n e Exchange— Alterations and additions CTelecom Commission) Williamstown, Naval D o c k y a r d — O v e r head travelling cranes (Defence— Navy Colac, Line D e p o t — R e p a i r s and maintenance (Telecom C o m m i s s i o n ) S p o t s w o o d , Animal Q u a r a n t i n e Station —Provision of g r o o m s ' quarters (Science and Technology)
42 060.00
Contractor R . A. Gilford Pty Ltd, Wallsend D a l l a n d Civil Bathurst
F . Jenkins & Sons Pty Ltd, T a r e n Point
M c K e n z i e Building C o . Pty L t d , Brookvale
Leighton C o n t r a c t o r s Pty Ltd, S u m m e r Hill
Bestobell Eng. Products Turella Industries Ltd W e a r Engineering Pty Ltd F o r m i c a Plastics Pty L t d , C o r m i t e Div. Hazemeyer Holec A u s t . Pty Ltd Hazemeyer Holec Aust. Pty L t d T r a n e Service Pty L t d Baker Perkins G o r d o n Pty Ltd Sylon International L t d Philips Lighting Industries, Brookvale Philips Lighting Industries, Brookvale Linemarking Services, C a r i n g b a h R . Pratt, N o w r a
P. E. & S. M . Walker, Falls Creek
Peddle T h o r p & Walker, Sydney W. L . M e i n h a r d t & Partners Pty L t d , Sydney Fowell Mansfield Jarvis & M a c L u r c a n Pty L t d , N e u t r a l Bay Junction
Concrete Constructions L t d , Sydney
P. Smith, Raglan M . N . A . Floors, A u b u r n Pioneer Chemicals, P a d s t o w
Steel Mains Pty Ltd, South M e l b o u r n e
151 948.00
M . G . K . Design and C o n s t r u c t i o n s Ltd, A r m a d a l e
181 160.00
Hoisting Services, Brunswick
10 391.00
Paul Lyons, Colac
21 078.00
R . M , Brown, Caulfield
arranged Description of supplies
No. G 16, 24 April Value (S)
VQ256 . . .
VQ257 . . . .
. . .
. . .
. . ,
. .
. .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. .
. .
. . .
. . .
. .
. .
. . .
VQ265 . . . S1371
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . . .
SI 384
. . .
. . . .
Maribyrnong, Stores and Transport Building N o . 93—Replacement of and associated plumbing (Administrative Services) Mount Tanybryn, Repeater Station— Repairs and maintenance (Telecom Commission) Nhill, Line Depot and Telephone Exchange—Repairs and painting (Telecom Commission) Highett, CSIRO—Breakout concrete, etc. (CSIRO) Williamstown, Naval D o c k y a r d — N e w entrance to dockyard (Defence— Navy) Midway and Eastbridge Hostels— Power supply (Immigration and Ethnic Affairs) Documentation of landscaping, Stage II, Geelong A N A H L Design and documentation of fire escape stairs, Bendigo ' F o r t u n a ' Advice on the structure of building N o . 41, Essendon Airport Electrical drafting services. Trade Union Training Authority, Carlton Architectural drafting services, Williamstown Naval Depot Architectural drafting services, Exhibition Exchange Architectural drafting services, Exhibition Exchange Architectural drafting services, Antarctic Base, Casey Architectural drafting services, Antarctic Base, Casey Architectural drafting services, Antarctic Base, Davis Civil drafting services, Williamstown Naval Depot Electrical drafting services, Williamstown Naval Depot Architectural drafting services, Victoria Barracks, C o m m . Building Specification for repairs of ' G ' Block, Victoria Barracks Documentation and advice for restoration of stone work, Geelong Customs House Structural drafting services, minor works at various locations East Sale, R A A F — S h e d s ( D e f e n c e Air) Fishermens Bend, G A F — E x t e n d fire sprinkler system (Productivity) Canterbury, R A A F Frognall—Replace wooden poles (Defence—Air) Laverton, R A A F , Building N o . I S O Lighting installation (Defence—Air) Maribyrnong, Explosives Factory— Steam line supports (Productivity) East Sale, R A A F Building N o . 116— Repairs and maintenance to lights, switchboard and power points (Defence—Air) Melbourne Airport—Surface enrichment trials (Transport—Air) East Sale, R A A F , Building N o . 254— Electrical installation (Defence—Air)
29 650.00
3 264.00
12 923.00
Geelong Installations North Geelong
A & B Builders (Vic.) Pty Ltd, Melbourne
J. G, Mulhallen and Sons Pty Ltd, Nhill
2 320.00
D. Mandarano, T h o r n b u r y
2 378.00
Negri Contractors Pty Ltd, Fairfield
5 347.00
John C. Turner, Doncaster East
4 200.00
1 800.00
Gutteridge Hasking & Davey P/L, Melbourne D. M . Landy & Associates P/L, South Joiimont Parkhill Freeman, Melbourne
1 800.00
Entec Pty Ltd, Melbourne
10 500.00
Entec Pty Ltd, Melbourne
1 000.00
3 200.00
Staff Aid Pty Ltd, Melbourne
3 200.00
Entec Pty Ltd, Melbourne
2 800.00
Mahiab Avdiev Recruitment, Melbourne
2 800.00
K. J. Duffy Pty Ltd, Donvale
3 200.00
Armstrong Design and Technical Services, South Melbourne Staff Aid Pty Ltd, Melbourne
6 500.00 10 000.00
Entec Pty Ltd, Melbourne
4 600.00
Entec Pty Ltd, Melbourne
2 700.00
Hooks and Saunders Pty Ltd, Albert Park A . I. Willingham, North Fitzroy
1 500.00
1 600.00 9 860.55 1 100.00 2 800.00 3 931.00
Technican International Pty Ltd, Melbourne C. A. & W. H . Hobson, Sale Central Automatic Sprinkler Co. Pty Ltd, South Melbourne R. & V. Power & Lighting Co. Pty Ltd, Avondale Heights Alan C. Hirst & Co. Ply Ltd, Essendon
2 108.98
V. P. Hawthorne Nominees Sunshine E. J. & A. L. G r a h a m , Sale
1 121.95
Boral Resources Vic Ply Ltd, Hawthorn
4 350.00
10 602.69
Jack Darby Ply Ltd, Sale
eaiin uj ^usiraiia G 16, 24 April 1979
. .
. .
. .
. .
S1398. .
. .
S1399. .
S1400. .
S1401. .
. .
SI408. .
. .
S1409. .
. .
S1416. .
S1419. .
. .
S1420. .
. .
S1427. .
. .
S1429. .
. .
S1430. .
. .
SI431. .
. .
. . .
, ,
, . .
, . .
. .
. .
. .
. . . .
SI 446
. .
• Estimate
Kjazeiie Contracts of supplies
East Sale, R A A F Base, Fuel S t o r a g e A r e a — I n t e r n a l cleaning of t a n k s (Defence—Air) Bonegilla, Buildings N o s 24, 25, 29, 28 and 3 1 — F l o o r tiles ( D e f e n c e — A r m y ) Mulwala, Explosives F a c t o r y , Buildings N o s 240B and c—Service to g o o d s lifts (Productivity) Portsea, O C S , Buildings N o s 5 a n d 2 — Washing machines ( D e f e n c e — A r m y ) Albury, Post Office—Vinyl skirting a n d kick plates to doors (Australia Post) Cobram, Line Depot, Telecom Australia—Painting (Telecom C o m mission) C o b r a m , 14 Boorin S t r e e t — E x t e r n a l painting (Australia Post) Castlemaine, Post Office—Carpet tiles (Australia Post) Red Cliffs, Postmaster's Residence— External repairs and p a i n t i n g (Australia Post) Red Cliffs, Post Office—Internal repairs a n d painting (Australia Post) H M A S 'Cerberus', I n d o o r Pool— Mobile platform over p o o l ( D e f e n c e —Navy) Bairnsdale, Drill H a l l — R e p a i r s a n d m a i n t e n a n c e to light a n d s w i t c h b o a r d (Defence—Army) Essendon Airport, H a n g a r N o . 4 Annexe—Trunking (Transport—Air) B r o a d m e a d o w s , Army C a m p , Building No. 153—New accommodation (Defence—-Army) H M A S 'Cerberus', P o w e r HouseRemoval of overhead steam reticulation ( D e f e n c e — N a v y ) Mulwala, Explosives F a c t o r y , Building N o . 604A—Painting (Productivity) M a r i b y r n o n g , M R L , Materials Research L a b o r a t o r y — R e p l a c e m e n t of valve sets and steam t r a p s , and repair steam line supports (Science a n d Technology) T o t t e n h a m , T r a n s p o r t Storage D e p o t , Building N o . 33—Rewire building (Administrative Services) Sale, 34 Buckley Street—Fence (Employment and Y o u t h Affairs) K y n e t o n , Telephone E x c h a n g e — A i r conditioners (Telecom C o m m i s s i o n ) Highett, C S I R O , Building N o . 104— Epoxy resin to stairs, landing and foyers ( C S I R O ) H M A S 'Cerberus', N o . 1 G a l l e y Renew condensate a n d steam lines t o bain-maries ( D e f e n c e — N a v y ) Bundoora, Repatriation Hospital, Ward N o . 5—Grassing of exercise area (Veterans' Affairs) Heidelberg, R G H — L i g h t i n g t o balconies (Veterans' Affairs) Ascot Vale, Line D e p o t — B i t u m i n o u s concrete to carpark (Telecom C o m mission) T o o r o n g a , Telecom T r a i n i n g S c h o o l — Partition (Telecom C o m m i s s i o n ) M e l b o u r n e , City West Telephone Exchange—Fire doorleaves and frame (Telecom C o m m i s s i o n )
Value (S)
1 950.00
Peter H a l l a m & Associates, S a n d r i n g h a m
8 950.00
T r u - F I o o r Service, A l b u r y
1 890.00
J o h n s Perry-Johns & W a y g o o d Division, S o u t h M e l b o u r n e
1 958.00
Jesam Services, M o m i n g t o n
1 089.00
T r u F l o o r Services, A l b u r y
2 450.00
Ballerini & Fantig, C o b r a m
1 400.00
B. & J . Baxa, C o b r a m
2 368.75 1 350.00
Perma-Tred C a r p e t Tile Pty Ltd, Collingwood C . E. Krieger, Mildura
1 650.00
S. Knez, Mildura
1 378.00*
G . K . N . Mills Building Services C o . , Tullamarine
3 650.00
E . J . & A . L. G r a h a m , Sale
1 494.00
C a t c h p o l e & Brockie Pty L t d , Park Orchards A . D . C . Piercy Pty L t d , B e a u m a r i s
22 000.00
7 000.00
Aquaduct Martha
17 097.00
N . G . & N . M . Stephens, W a n g a r a t t a
13 200.00
P.I.E.S. Australia, Brunswick
2 386.00
R a y k o l Electrics Pty L t d , M e l t o n South
I 363.72
P. A . & S. E . Rowley, Sale
3 150.00
Bendigo A i r c o n d i t i o n i n g Service, Bendigo
1 120.00
Epiflor P r o d u c t s Pty L t d , M u r r u m b e e n a
3 865.00
Aquaduct Martha
3 640.00
Devon Garden Constructions, Glenroy
3 980 00
R . & E . Lowenstein Pty L t d , N o r t h c o t e
1 430.00*
Boral Resources (Vic.) Pty Ltd, H a w t h o r n
1 970.00
C . S. Allen, South Oakleigh
15 401.00
Masterbilt Industries N e t t i n g Hill
(Aust.) Pty
mm 90
No. G 16, 24 April
arranged Description
of supplies
Value ($)
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
VM144 . . . . V308 V778 . . . .
Melbourne, 30 Collins Street—Mechanical alterations (Administrative Services) Melbourne, Lonsdale Street Telephone Exchange—Replacement of fire detectors (Telecom Commission) Melbourne, 255 Bourke Street, Ninth Floor—Electrical alterations (Telecom Commission) Tullamarine—Power pack units . . . Albury, Bandiana, Bonegilla—Supply of aggregates and sand—Period ending 29.2.80 Bandiana—Supply and delivery of bagged cement—Period 1.4.79 to 31.3.80
SOUTH AUSTRALIA F06595 . . . Port Adelaide—Erection and dismantling of scaffolding SQ4375 . . . Beverley (Telecom Australia)—Erection of a primary works depot SQ4404 . . . Marree (Telecom Australia)—General and mechanical repairs and maintenance to residence and repeater station SQ4408 . . . Kadina—Landscaping to new Commonwealth Offices SQ4409 . . . Salisbury—Landscaping to new Commonwealth Offices SQ4402 . . . Kidman Park (Telecom Australia)— Modify air-conditioning to workshops SQ4405 . . . Salisbury, D R C , Laboratory A r e a Replace stainless steel exhaust duct SQ4417 . . . Netley Depot—Provide accordian doors in amenities area SQ4406 . . . Salisbury, DRC—Provision of fume cupboard to building No. 135 SQ4364 . . . Edinburgh, R A A F Base—Erect new physical fitness centre SQ4365 . . . Edinburgh, R A A F Base—Improvements to officers' quarters SQ4382 . . . Edinburgh, RAAF—Erection of new C M I facility SQ4367 . . . Torrens Island—Ancillary work associated with waste disposal system SQ44I2 . . . Adelaide, Hindmarsh Centre—Alterations to air-conditioning WESTERN AUSTRALIA WT44 . . . . Kununurra—Repairs and maintenance to residences WT45 . . . . Cocos Island—Labour to erect brickwork WT46 . . . . Various—Construction and/or repairs to pavements S3095 . . . . Perth, Commonwealth Centre—Replace existing worn top track and trolley system P3099 . . . . N o r t h a m , Army Camp—Painting to buildings P3883 . . . . Welshpool—Steam cleaner for Cocos Island A1144 . . . . Welshpool—Frames, braces, joining pins for Cocos Island S3100 . . . . Kununurra—Maintenance of refrigeration and air-conditioning plants P4361 . . . . Welshpool—Mesh Ringlock, tie-fast cyclone and barbed wire, high-tensile Estimate
3 638.00
A. G. Coombs Contracting, Moorabbin
1 088.00
Prahwin Electrics, Prahran
2 523.00
Warrenknox bourne
6 656.00 3 000.00
Middendorp Electric Co., Melbourne Velcrete, Lavington, N.S.W.
3 5W,00
Australian Portland Cement Ltd, South Melbourne
2 329.00
Cyclone Scaff'olding
164 993.00 13 260.00
3 374.00 4 241.00 8 387.00
10 772 00 1 548.00 6 060.00
B. & C. Constructions, Plympton, S.A. A. & D. Jones, Whyalla Norrie, S.A.
Lewis Landscaping Service, Lockleys, S.A. Lewis Landscaping Service, Lockeys, S.A. Marinaire Engineering Pty Ltd, Wingfield, S.A. Marinaire Engineering Pty Ltd, Wingfield, S.A. Industrial Engineering Ltd, Kilkenny, S.A. Selbys Scientific Ltd, Adelaide, S.A.
468 884.00
A. J. Chappell Pty Ltd, Prospect, S.A.
294 725.00
R. A ; Minns & Co., Belair, S.A.
251 299.00
A. J. Chappell Pty Ltd, Prospect, S.A.
149 761.00
McEntee & Williams Pty Ltd, Edwardstown, S.A. Frigrite Contracting, Welland, S.A.
1 640.00
93 472.00
J. Nylander & Co., Daglish, W.A.
73 239.00
Bertoldo & Bertolini, Nollamara, W.A.
100 000.00*
C. E. Brown & Son, Gosnells, W.A.
I 460.00
Bollinger & Co., Daglish, W.A.
5 890.(K)
P. R. Paul & Co., Subiaco, W.A.
1 925.00
Steamaster, Queens Park, W.A.
2 180.00
JEB Scaffolding, Osborne Park, W.A.
24 386.00 1 449.12
Modernair Ply Ltd, Cannington, W.A. CycloneK-M Products, Mount Hawthorn, W.A.
d) AUmaM No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Contracts arranged
Description of supplies
Value (S)
S3043 .
Maddington, Telecom Australia— Supply and deliver, installation, maintenance of emergency power room Kewdale—Modification to steelwork .
4 987.00
JAKO Industries, Hamilton Hill, W.A.
2 456.00
Kewdale—Fabricate, galvanise and deliver to DHC sheathing to 2-4 off columns Cocos Island—Payment of extra accommodation Welshpool—Carrier air-conditioning unit, model 50RQ066 and control station Beagle Bay—Custom Orb Zincalum 0.48 Colourbond, panel rib Welshpool—Hycraft, Summit I, colours, peppers Lombadina—Custom Orb Zincalum Colourbond, rib (white) Karrakatta—Concrete, premixed, grade 30/30 Kewdale—Manufacture and deliver switchboard Perth—Repairs to roofs of University Regiment drill hall HMAS 'Stirling', Garden Island— Two-metre high industrial fence at east end of Building No. B18 Kewdale—Hazemeyer Holac switching unit, type MD433, for Cocos Island Swanbourne—Security door, class B .
11 522.00
Fremantle Steel Fabrications, Jandakot, W.A. Fremantle Steel Fabrications, Jandakot, W.A. J, & I. & G. E. Newton, Exmouth, W.A.
Northam, Army—Ten stainless steel sinks Kewdale—Rota Cota type paint covers Welshpool—Assorted plywoods and timber Fremantle—Supply concrete aggregates Fremantle—Bitumen emulsion . . . Floreat Park, CSIRO—Overhaul control valves associated with 'Permufit Deminrolit' Perth, Commonwealth Centre—Supply, installation of complete emergency warning and communication systems Preston Point—Replace switchboard and upgrade security lighting, power HMAS 'Leeuwin'—Electrical work, various buildings Fremantle Barracks—Replace corroded luminaires, reinstate power supply Kewdale—High tension cable incline splicing kit East Fremantle—Supply and deliver rail piles and connected work, HMAS 'Leeuwin' boat shed Kewdale—Diesel-driven generating set for Cocos Island Forrest—Constant-pressure water pumping unit Kewdale—Canvas tarpaulin with eyelets Bakers Hill—Painting of shearers' quarters barge boards at CSIRO Donnybrook, Telecom Australia—Repairs and painting to telephone exchange Kewdale—Supply and delivery of two cool-rooms and one hot-room Perth, Government Printing Office, Telecom Australia—Replace all timber sills
S3059 , S3058 S3071 P4053 A1080 A1073 A1082 AllOl A2944 S2956 S2967 . P3986 , P4162 . P4197 . P4200 P4213 P4139 , P4140 , S3024 , S3019 . 53022 . S3021 . 53023 . P4230 . S3077 . AI142 . P4243A . P4256 . 53089 . 53090 . 53091 . S3097 .
1 727.00
2 740.00
Packaged Air Distributors, Belmont, W.A.
5 851.51 1 077.00 3 490.23
J. Lysaght Australia, Applecross, W.A. Hycraft Carpet Manufacturers, Osborne Park, W.A. J. Lysaght Australia, Applecross, W.A.
1 200.00
Bellcrete, East Victoria Park, W.A.
3 657.00
Ray Brookes, Osborne Park, W.A.
1 260.00 1 167.00
Decorvent Products, Bayswater, W.A. Cyclone KM Products, Osborne Park, W.A.
5 652.00
Hazemeyer Holac, Subiaco, W.A.
I 539.60 4 690.00
Wormald Safe and Vault, East Perth, W.A. Brisbane & Wunderlich, Perth, W.A.
1 447.00 4 087.44
'N' Paints, Bayswater, W.A. Cullity Timbers, Cloverdale, W.A.
5 936.00 12 030.00 1 221.00
Readymix Group, Bentley, W.A, Bell Basic, South Guildford, W.A. Sandovers O'Connor, Cloverdale, W.A.
25 158.00
Honeywell, Victoria Park, W.A.
2 420.00
Neville McWaters, Doubleview, W.A.
1 566.00
Neville McWaters, Doubleview, W.A.
1 050.00
Neville McWaters, Doubleview, W.A.
1 164.16
G.E.C. Wholesales, Cloverdale, W.A.
3 797.00
Ball & Son, North Fremantle, W.A.
21 565.00 1 096.55 1 380.00
G.M.C. Diesels Aust., Belmont, W.A. Southern Cross Machinery, Maylands, W.A. Jaylon Industries, Osborne Park, W.A.
2 426.00 1 570.00
P. R. Paul & Co., Subiaco, W.A. Doro Painting Contractors, Subiaco, W.A.
19 480.00
Jako Industries, Jandakot, W.A.
12 492.00
G. & M. Parri, Inglewood. W.A.
Contracts arranged
Description of supplies
No. G 16, 24 April 1979 Value (S)
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION^ontinued WT41 . . . . Pearce—Reroofing of building No. 84 40240.00 D.J. Roofing (1976) Contractors, at RAAF Base Welshpool, W.A. WT43 . . . . Morley, Telecom Australia—Altera93 590.00 Weslake Constructions, City Beach, W.A. tions and additions to telephone exchange NORTHERN TERRITORY DP788 . . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of one electrical motor DTI2112 . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of one steam cleaner DT5240. . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of five water coolers DP682 . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of six inflammable cabinets DTI0064 . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of one road broom DP716 . . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of ten air-conditioners DP720 . . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of one coplematic compressor DP745 . . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of 100 packs of sensitised paper DT12124 . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of one Lincoln welder, diesel DP758 . . . . Darwin—Supply and delivery of one compressor D Q 2 1 2 7 4 . . . . DelissavilleSchool—Repairs and painting to Education House DQ20821 . . . Darwin, RAAF Base—Reroofing and electrical repairs to twenty-eight residences DQ21272 . . . Hodgson River and Malapunyah Springs, Educational BuildingsRepairs, maintenance and fencing DQ21020 . . . Darwin, Larrakeyah Barracks, Building No. 2—Sanding and sealing floors DQ2I275 . . . Hooker Creek, School and Residences—Repairs and maintenance DQ21276 . . . Lake Evella, Main School Building— Upgrade and rewire DQ21024 . . . Darwin, RAAF Base, Various Accommodation Blocks—Repair hardboard underlay and vinyl sheeting DQ13401 . . . Bamyili—Construct 70 m of kerbing, including two reinforced doorway slabs DQ21021 . . . DQ210I4 . . . DQ20824 . . . DQ21267 . . .
DQ20818 . . .
DT55I . . . . DT582 . . . . DT59I . . . .
Darwin, RAAF Base, Three Accommodation Blocks—Repair hardboard underlay and vinyl sheeting Darwin, HMAS 'Coonawarra'—Internal/external painting and repairs to building No. 6 Darwin, Administrative Services Storage Depot—Provision of security store, fence and amenities room Batchelor, Education Village Complex—General repairs and maintenance, internal/external painting and electrical repairs Darwin, Various Commonwealth Residences—Remedial work to bathrooms Jindalee—Provision of diesel generator sets Alice Springs, Ross Park Primary School—Redevelopment, stage 1 Willowra—Transportable school buildings and associated works
1 574.00
Crompton Parkinson, Sydney, N.S.W.
1 866.00
Darwin Steam Cleaning Services, Darwin, N.T. Australian General Electric Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W. Wharington International Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Vic. Agricultural Services Pty Ltd, Darwin, N.T.
1 430.00 2 888.76 7 600.00 2 860.00 1 613.00 1 651.20 2 333.00 I 774.00 5 270.00 59 284.00 10 756.20 2 000.00 28 850.00 2 100.00 11 977.20
Bradlaw Agencies, Darwin, N.T. Industrial Wholesalers, Darwin, N.T. Crosby Sensitizing Pty Ltd, Milton, Qld Delta Electrics, Darwin, N.T. Gordon Bros, Melbourne, Vic. J. Tsataros, Darwin, N.T. 1. F. & J. A. Hose, Howard Springs, N.T. Construction Technical Services Pty Ltd, Casuarina, N.T. M. & C. Materazzo, Darwin, N.T. J, Tsataros, Darwin, N.T. R. F. Pile & J. Makrillos, Darwin, N.T. Alex Ferro and N.T.
2 880.00
Katherine Builders Pty Ltd, Katherine, N.T.
8 900.00
Samko Floor Coverings, Winnellie, N.T.
21 360.00
Dorcon Construction, Winnellie, N.T.
11 800.00
Demar Constructions, Winnellie, N.T.
66 800.00
K. Tsoukalis, Darwin, N.T.
26 850.00
C. J. List, Winnellie, N.T.
547432.00 487 825.00 106 000.00
T.S.F. Engineering Pty Ltd, Mona Vale, N.S.W. Universal Constructions Pty Ltd, Osborne Park, W.A. Cato Builders, Alice Springs, N.T.
No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Contracts arranged
Description of supplies
Value (8)
DQ21284 . . . Goulburn Island, School—Repairs, plumbing and painting to various buildings DQ21266 . . . Maningridga—General repairs and maintenance DQ20840 . . . Darwin, Administrative Building, Stuart Highway—Supply and install Gold Star carpet DQ21013 . , . Darwin, RAAF Base, Officers'MessReplacement of timber decking and strengthening of balcony DQ22855 . . . Darwin—Demolition of house remains to fifteen sites in Darwin suburbs DQI7046 . . . Darwin, Larrakeyah Barracks Military Area—Supply and install cyclone doors
55 120.00
Warrabri Housing Association, Goulburn Island, N.T.
92 380,00
E.M,G. Painting, Darwin, N.T.
DEPARTMENT O F PRIMARY INDUSTRY AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 790960 . . . . Copier 790965 . . . . Relocation of base station 790992 . . . . Copier paper 790996 . . . . Management kits 791012 . . . . Shoes 791021 . . . . Pumps 791027 . . . . Word processing equipment 791028 . . . . Word processing equipment 791029 . . . . Word processing equipment 791036 . . . . Disc catridges and flexi discs . . . . 791048 . . . . Modify amend computer programme . 791050 . . . . Chain bells 791059 . . . . Shorts 791085 . . . . Coveralls 791092 . . . . Security seals 791097 . . . . Relocation of computer equipment . . 791105 . . . . Grain sieves 791123 . . . . Convention cases
2 180.42
Carpetworld (N.T.) Pty Ltd, Winnellie, N.T.
7 592.00
Dorcon Construction, Winnellie, N.T.
2 475.00
K. W. Strachan, Winnellie, N.T.
7 300,00
G. H. Dean & Co. Pty Ltd, Jingili, N.T.
2 160.00 1 140.00 2 490.00 1 040.00 2 395.00 1 520.00 1 350.00 24 939.00 31 188.00 2 120.00 I 625,00 2 508.00 2 009.00 I 081.50 4 774.00 1 198.00
Rank Xerox (Australia) Pty Ltd, A.C.T. Moree Electronics, N.S.W. Apeco of Australia Pty Ltd, N.S.W. Xerox Learning Systems, N.S.W. Niblick Cherub Pty Ltd, Vic. All Pumps Sales & Service, N.S.W. Wang Computer Pty Ltd, A.C.T. Wang Computer Pty Ltd, A.C.T. Wang Computer Pty Ltd, A.C.T. BASF Australia Ltd, N.S.W. Dingley Computer Services, Vic. Miller Chain Co., N.S.W. John Sugars & Son, Qld Jones Workwear (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Vic. Harcor Pty Ltd, N.S.W. Digital Equipment Australia Pty Ltd, A.C.T. Eastwar Wireworks Pty Ltd, N.S.W. Design Binders & Office Supplies, A.C.T.
1 190.00 1 630.00
DEPARTMENT O F THE P R I M E MINISTER AND CABINET JOINT HOUSE D E P A R T M E N T AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Cutting of Cypress hedges surrounding I 600.00 Parliamentary Gardens, Canberra Supply of butcher's meat to the Parlia10 000.00* mentary Refreshment Rooms, Canberra—Period 1.4.79 to 30.6.79 Supply of poultry to the Parliamentary 9 OOO.OO* Refreshment Rooms, C a n b e r r a Period 1.4.79 to 30.9.79 DEPARTMENT O F PRODUCTIVITY VICTORIA Ordnance Factory, Bendigo 6005 Strip
1 138.00
249423 . . . .
Profiling machine
I 122.00
233563 . . . .
Air pollution control unit
2 980.00
249420 . . . .
Motor, tachogenerator, filter . . . .
3 353.00
5983 233560 . . . . 202714 . . . .
Inserts Drilling heads Castings
11618.00 704.00 4674.00
R. Kukurudza, Duffy, A.C.T. Tillmans Butchery, Queanbeyan, N.S.W. Capital Fisheries Pty Ltd, Queanbeyan, N.S.W.
Bohler Steels Pty Ltd, South Melbourne, Vic. Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd, Preston, Vic. Meyer Precision Grinding (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Huntingdale, Vic. Reliance Automation Pty Ltd, Preston, Vic. Sandvik (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Dandenong, Vic, Sandvik (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Dandenong, Vic. Steel Castings Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Vic.
No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Contracts arranged
Description of supplies
Value ($)
DEPARTMENT 233564 . . 202851 . . 6021 . . . 6020 . . . 202725-29
! 318.00 1 757.00
H. G. Thornthwaite Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Vic, James Walker & Co. (A'asia) Pty Ltd, West Melbourne, Vic. Welding Industries of Australia Pty Ltd, Thomastown, Vic. Welding Industries of Australia Pty Ltd, Thomastown, Vic, West Footscray Engineering Works Pty Ltd, West Footscray, Vic. S. Keable &. Co. Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Vic. Wheatley & Williams Pty Ltd, Bowden, S.A.
202709 . .
Bolts, nuts, etc.
2 745,00 1 700.00 1 519.00
Washers, bolts, etc., Casting
1 093,00 3 959.00
Albion Explosives Factory AP656/9 . . . Alloy twenty plug cocks Teflon sheet AP657/9 AP661/9 AP665/9 AP668/9 AP676/9
Rotary seal . . . . Silicon iron castings Sulphuric acid . . Silicon iron castings
QVF glassware
AS949/9 AS502/9
Globe valves . . Stainless steel tube
Explosives Factory, Maribyrnong EP1080/9 . . . Aluminium sheet Adiprene EP1102/9 Voranol EPn43/9 Manufacture of stainless steel pins EP1146/9 Mineral turpentine ES675/9 Resin ES679/9 ES703/9 ES712/9
Alloprene . . . Alcohol, absolute
Government Aircraft Factories Bearings R . . . Wire wrap module . MSG4271 Maintenance service R . . . Gloves . . Q6515 . Anchor nut Q5396 . Q7516 . R . . .
Men's cover-all . Lower turret rack
Angle Supply and install fire doors Supply and install awnings . Repair Letraset sheet Tape, electrical, Scotch . . . Naptha cleaner liquid. . . . Broom heads Connectors Servicemen
Q5703 . R . . . Q6025 . Q65I7 . VCMC/12 Q6536 . Q1974, 1985 R . . . .
3 528.00 1 729.00 1 553.00 2 632.00 6 731.24 3 969.00 1 830.00 1 125.00 1 519.00
Automatic Accessories Pty Ltd, Hawthorn East, Vic. Dotmar Products Pty Ltd, Mount Waverley, Vic. Flexibox Pty Ltd, Altona, Vic. W. L. Allen Foundry Co. Pty Ltd, Sunshine, Vic. I.C.I. Operations Pty Ltd, Deer Park, Vic. W. L. Allen Foundry Co. Pty Ltd, Sunshine, Vic. Laboratory Supply (Vic.) Pty Ltd, Clayton, Vic. Ross Robbins Pty Ltd, Carlton, Vic. Sandvik Aust Pty Ltd, Dandenong, Vic.
1 152.00 1 624.00 1 999.00 1 087.00 3 410.00 1 397.00 1 416.00
Frank Hook Products, North Altona, Vic. Du Pont (Aust.) Pty Ltd, South Yarra, Vic. Dow Chemical (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Vic. Hargo Engineering, Bayswater, Vic. Ampol Petroleum Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Vic. A. C. Hatrick Chemicals Pty Ltd, Springvale, Vic. I.C.I. Petrochemicals Ltd, Melbourne, Vic. C.S.R. Distillery Ltd, South Melbourne, Vic.
3 048.00 1 581.00 1 361.00 2 440.00 1 620,00 2 345.00 3 501.00 2 300.00 2 508.00 1 212.00 1 454.00 1 558,00 1 955.00 1 444.00 1 090.00 I 274.00 1 917.00 1 000.00
Computer Numerical Control, Burwood, Vic. General Electronic Services, Crows Nest, N.S.W. Addressograph Multigraph of Aust., Springvale, Vic. Sureguard Safety, Abbotsford, Vic. Anglo American Aviation Co., Essendon, Vic. Cushen Clothing, Reservoir, Vic. Macson Machine Tools, South Melbourne, Vic. J. Murraymore, Richmond, Vic. Cemac Merchandising, East Bentleigh, Vic, Sowermatic Sunblinds, St Kilda, Vic. EMI Electronics, Elizabeth, S.A. Antistcare, South Melbourne, Vic. National Paper Products, Caulfield, Vic. Shell Chemical. Melbourne, Vic. T. Mitchell & Co., Brunswick. Vic. S.T.C. Cannon, Moorabbin, Vic. Ray Johnson Refrigeration, Westgarth, Vic.
^^mTT^iwealtn of Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
(Jazette Contracts Value (S)
Description of supplies
1013 . 6566 . R . . Q6521 Q6449 Q6782 R . .
Transport cases . . . . Alloy cerrobend . . . Overseas publications Coats Hearth trolley Bolt Connector
3 360.00 4 522.00 5 000.00 2 502.00 2 865.00 2 633.00 2 055.00
1 512.00
Q6554 Q6530
Digital converter Paper
1 743.00
Q6525 Q6547 Q6544,Q6543 R .
Box Tubing Trousers Repair of N o m a d
. . .
I 575.00 1 590.00 4 426.00 4 545.00
Marketing demonstrator
1 919.00
1 099.00
Q6572 Q6560
Metal tool boxes Overalls
Q6557 R . . Q6520 Q6539 Q6140, Q6629 . Q6634 R . . R . . QV323
Timber Magnetic castings Jackets Coveralls Screws Fuel tank Motor Key punching PE, engraved
Q1214 R . . Q6784 Q6597 Q6558 R . .
Model Hose Rivet Paper Plywood Cable
3 978.00 4 609.00 1 540.00 1 897.00 4 575.00 1 904.00
Q6568 R
I 105.00 I 000.00
. . .
. . .
. . .
1 625.00 6 022.00
2 374.00 3 320.00 1 558.00 2 767.00 4 441.00 1 944.00 4 695.00 1 286.00 2 170.00 4 900.00 1 187.00
Supplies I 500.00 Tyres
Q6595 Q6715
Files Carpet
D E P A R T M E N T O F S O C I A L SECURITY AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY C 0 1 7 5 6 . . . Typing carbon, carbon ribbons and towelletes Stationery C O 1787
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT CENTRAL OFFICE CI/77/28 . . . Teleprinter equipment Cl/77/83 . . . D C power supplies C1/77/I51
Collapsible approach light masts
1 860.00 2 951.00
Contractor Chep Packaging, Fitzroy, Vic. Bruckner Holdings P/L, N.S.W. James Bennett P/L, Collaroy, N.S.W. Cushen Clothing, Reservoir, Vic. Industrial Heating, Thornbury, Vic. Avdel P/L, South Yarra, Vic. Victoria Fittings & Valves P/L, East Brunswick, Vic. Precision Gasket & Washer Co. P/L, Richmond, Vic. Parameters P/L, Mordialloc, Vic. Moore Paragon Aust, Ltd, Richmond, Vic. General Electric Service, Crows Nest, N.S.W. United Packages P/L, Mulgrave, Vic. Joyce Bros, Yarraville, Vic. Protector Safety Products, Fawkner, Vic. Executive Air Maintenance P/L, Essendon, Vic. Executive Air Maintenance, Essendon, Vic. Anglo American Aviation Co., Essendon, Vic. Sinclair & Powell P/L, Huntingdale, Vic. Protector Safety Products P/L, Fawkner, Vic. Mathews Timber P/L, Vermont, Vic. N I C Instruments Co., Airport West, Vic. Protector Safety Products, Fawkner, Vic. Jones Coats P/L, Ascot Vale, Vic. L. Binns Engineering, Moorabbin, Vic. Girlock (Sales) P/L, Moorabbin, Vic. Maddrell Bros, Kensington, Vic. Keydata, Melbourne, Vic. Australian Solenoid Co. P/L, Collingwood, Vic. M. B. & K . J. Davidson, Oakleigh, Vic. Anglo American Aviation, Essendon, Vic. Audel P/L, South Yarra, Vic. Wiggins Teape, Cheltenham, Vic. A. A. Swallow, East Preston, Vic. Patons Brakes Replacements, Carlton, Vic. Tubemakers of Aust., Melbourne, Vic. Magdon Corporation, South Melbourne, Vic. Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co., Brunswick, Vic. GES Pty Ltd, Richmond, Vic. G. Kennon & Co. Pty Ltd, H a w t h o r n , Vic.
I 649.50
Dataprint, Fyshwick, A.C.T.
I 652.28
Swains Pty Ltd, Fyshwick, A.C.T.
79 570.00 2 414.00 33 625.15
Siemens Industries Ltd, Richmond, Vic. Scientific Devices Australia Pty L t d , Elwood, Vic. Societe Anonyme A D B NV, Belgium
^ommonweQi No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Description of supplies
DEPARTMENT OF TRAN!a>ORT—contimred Circuit modules—Period ending Cl/78/21 . 31.12.81
Value ($)
Email Ltd, Relays Division, Huntingdale, Vic. Macron Electronics Pty Ltd, Chadstone, Vic. Communitron (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Gladesville, N.S.W. 1 972.80 Tektronix (Aust.) Pty Ltd, Hawthorn, Waveform monitor and rack adaptor CI/78/81 . . Vic. 15 541.53 Australian Video Engineering, MoorabVideo production equipment . . . . bin, Vic. Macron Electronics Pty Ltd, Chadstone, 24 435.00 Flight service consoles and tables . . Cl/78/84 . . Vic. 3 877.(K) Macron Electronics Pty Ltd, Chadstone, Consolette Vic. 13 299.05 Seel Pty Ltd, Airport West, Vic. Flight information display consoles . . Cl/78/110 . VOR signal generators and phase 32 878.00 Amalgamated Wireless (A'Asia) Ltd, Cl/78/123 . North Ryde, N.S.W. meters 6 718.00 Hawker Pacific Pty Ltd, Barton, A.C.T. Omega navigation receivers Cl/78/145 . 3 830.00 Amalgamated Wireless (A'asia) Ltd, Leichhardt, N.S.W. 7 489.00 Hewlett-Packard (Aust.) Pty Ltd, BlackSignal generator Cl/79/7 . . burn, Vic. Wind indicators—Period ending 31.8,81 48 225.00* Hugo Fischer Pty Ltd, Kewdaie, W.A. C2/77/103 . 17 936.00 Falkiner Chains Pty Ltd, Morningside, Buoy moorings C2/78/17 . . Qld M. J. Meehan (Shipping Chandlers) Pty 4 800.00 Shackles Ltd, South Melbourne, Vic. 24 004.00 Brimarco Industries, Ballarat, Vic. Mobile air traffic control vans . . . . C2/78/31 . . 8 891.07 K. H. and P. J. Hordenhorf, Wantirna Line marking machine C2/78/35 . . South, Vic. Acetylene cylinders—Period ending 1 101 000.00* Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd, C2/78/48 . . Marayong, N.S.W. 30.6.82 39 780.00 Evans Deakin Marketing Group, CheltenSweeper collectors C2/78/69 . . ham, Vic. Hire of aircraft for coastal surveillance 1 550 000.00 Transwest Air Charter (W.A.) Pty Ltd, C2/78/71 . . Jandakot, W.A. 2 160 000.00 Executive Airlines Pty Ltd, Essendon, Vic. General Motors-Holden's Sales Pty Ltd, Large panel vans, station wagons and 365 422.77 C2/78/104 . South Melbourne, Vic. utilites 6 960.00 J. Swift Diecasters Pty Ltd, Clayton, Vic. Foam pump casing C2/78/125 . I 110.00 Management Information Systems Pty Hire and maintenance of visual display DPB37 . . . Ltd, Melbourne, Vic. unit 1 900.00 Automated Data Services, Mount WaverFlexowriter repair EPS107 . . ley, Vic. 1 028.20 Decca Constructors Pty Ltd, Artarmon, Aerials and handbooks LP2741 . . N.S.W. 1 080.00 Collins Radio (A'asia) Pty Ltd, Lilydale, Transistors LP2748 . . Vic. 2 480.00 Racal Electronics Pty Ltd, Windsor, Vic. Electron tubes LP3216 . . 1 398.25 Hewlett-Packard (Aust.) Pty Ltd, BlackElectron tubes LP3256 . . burn, Vic. 2 650.00 Philips Electronics Systems, Clayton, Vic. Intercom system LP3384 . . 1 028.75 Scalar Industries, Kilsyth, Vic. Aerials LP3388 . 4 628.00 Texas Instruments (Aust.) Ltd, South Electronic data terminal LP3403 . . Melbourne, Vic. M. J. Meehan (Shipping Chandlers) P/L, 2 960.00 Shackles LP3415 . . South Melbourne, Vic. 3 125.00 Navmar, Brighton, Vic. Flashers LP3416 . . 3 944.00 Data General (Aust.) P/L, Box Hili, Vic. Computer programmes LP3427 . . 1 512.00 Ronald J. T. Payne P/L, Richmond, Vic. LP3433 . . . Searchlight accessories 1 348.43 R.F.D. Co. (Aust.) P/L, Moorabbin, Vic. Search and rescue equipment . . . . LP3436 . . 1 030.00 Antenna Engineering Aust. P/L, Kilsyth, Resonators LP3439 . . Vic. 1 235.00 M. Brodribb P/L, Heidelberg, Vic. Sinewave DC/AC inverter LP3454 . . 1 140.50 3M Australia P/L, Mount Waverley, Vic. Video cassettes LP3458 . . 3 937.50 Texas Instruments Ltd, South MelVideo display terminal kit LP3465 . . bourne, Vic. 2 095.00 Tektronix Australia Ltd, Hawthorn, Vic. LP3466 . . . Universal counter/timer ' Estimate 120 000.00*
LoifbudfiWealih o) Australia No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Contracts arranged
Description of supplies
Value (8)
Underwater breathing apparatus . .
2 012.40
LP3470 LP3474 LP3488 LP3491
Fibreglass repair kits Flags Oil separator spares Electronics components
2 353.45 4 947.50 4 000.00 1 743.70
LP3505 LP35I0
Flags Capacitors
3 023.90 I 464.00
Solar panel carriers
1 620.00
Solar cell panels
3 760.00
Hire of Sikorsky S61 helicopter . . .
2 100.00
Voltage regulator machines
1 040.00
LP351I LP3528 LP353I LP3547 LP3556 LP3565 LP3574
Vehicle plates Control compliance motors Time display unit
PTB22 . PTB23 . PTB31 . Q4/89/18 Q4/89/20 RS18 . RS25
. . . .
51198 .
Hire of D H C 6 aircraft Hire of DC9 simulator time . . . . Kire of B747 simulator time . . . . Uniform commodity classification project Development research on nationwide drink-driving campaign Road safety film research project . . Road safety report printing Franking machine
11 090.00 680.00 I 599.00 1 455.00 1 725.00 12600.00 16 800.00 39 030.00 14 095.00 1 242.00 1 460.00
Departmental forms
2 920.00
Road safety posters
2 133.00
Departmental forms
4 092.00
Departmental forms
2 992.00
51226 51227 .. S1229 .
Departmental forms Posters Departmental forms
950.00 21 085.00 1 180.38
S1231 . 51233 . 51234 .
Folders Ink rollers Binders
4 480.00 1 510.00 2 896.00
51236 . 51237 .
Binders PVC binders
2 408.25 2 794.31
S1240 .
1 361.50
51245 .
Departmental forms
3 964.95
51246 .
Departmental forms
3 564.00
51254 51255 51256 51257 S1259 S1288 5/1/305 5/1/312
Road safety posters Road safety posters Road safety posters Road safety posters Road safety posters Road safety posters Procedural console sector Periodicals subscriptions Lamp changers Propane flashers and mantles . . . .
51199 . S1217 . SI 224 51225 .
.. . . . . . .
5/1/313 . 5/1/316 .
4 820.00 1 798.00 2 086.00 1 798.00 4 260.00 2 190.00 116 951.00 67 698.47 6 230.00 7166.00
Contractor James North Aust. P/L, West Heidelberg, Vic. Reinforced Plastics P/L, Clayton, Vic. Evan Evans Flags, Melbourne, Vic. Alfa Lavel P/L, Lidcombe, Vic. Standard Telephones and Cables P/L, Thornbury, Vic. Evan Evans Flags, Melbourne, Vic. General Electric Co. of Australia, Milperra, N.S.W. Amalgamated Fibreglass P/L, Doveton, Vic. Philips Elcoma Division, Lane Cove, N.S.W. Ansett Airlines of Australia, Melbourne, Vic. Stone Piatt Electrical (McColl) P/L, Springvale, Vic. Adcal P/L, Blackburn, Vic. Ronald J. T. Payne P/L, Richmond, Vic. General Electronic Developments P/L, Ryde, N.S.W. Trans Australia Airlines, Melbourne, Vic. Trans Australia Airlines, Melbourne, Vic. Qantas Airways Ltd, Mascot, N.S.W. R. G. Walker, Faulconbridge, N.S.W. B. & J. Elliott & Associates, Melbourne, Vic. Caulfield Institute of Technology, Caulfield East, Vic. University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. Postalia Franking Machine Co., West Melbourne, Vic. Victoria Printing Works P/L, Blackburn, Vic. W. C. Lane Publications P/L, Middle Park, Vic. Sands & McDougall Aust. P/L, North Melbourne, Vic. W. J. Cryer & Co Ltd, Dulwich Hill, N.S.W. Dominion Press, North Melbourne, Vic. A. E. Keating P/L, North Melbourne, Vic. Leedon Printing Co. P/L, North Fitzroy, Vic, Alexander Bros P/L, Men tone, Vic. Siemens Industries Ltd, Richmond, Vic. Eraser & Jenkinson P/L, West Heidelberg, Vic. Enterprise Plastics P/L, Richmond, Vic. Grange Printing Office Supplies P/L, North Melbourne, Vic. Grange Printing & Office Supplies P/L, North Melbourne, Vic. Leedon Printing Co. P/L, North Fitzroy, Vic. Leedon Printing Co. P/L, North Fitzroy, Vic. Alexander Bros P/L, Mentone, Vic. Alexander Bros P/L, Mentone, Vic. Alexander Bros P/L, Mentone, Vic. Alexander Bros P/L, Mentone, Vic. Alexander Bros P/L, Mentone, Vic. Alexander Bros P/L, Mentone, Vic. Seel P/L, Airport West, Vic. McGills Authorized Newsagency P/L, Melbourne, Vic. AGA Products P/L, St Kilda, Vic. AGA Products P/L, St Kilda, Vic.
No. G 16, 24 April 1979
Contracts arranged Description of supplies
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT—continued 31/2/399 . . . Hire of B727 simulator time NEW
Value (S)
4 572.00
Ansett Airlines of Australia, Melbourne, Vic. Ferguson Transformers P/L, West Melbourne, Vic. Hewlett-Packard Aust. P/L, Pymble, N.S.W. Philips Scientific & Industrial Equip., North Ryde, N.S.W. Raychem P/L, Rydalmere, N.S.W. Protector Safety Products P/L, Guildford, N.S.W. Mrs D. Simpson, Lord Howe Island
1 302.00
4 250.00
2 479.50
NQ79/567 NQ79/48 .
Thermofit sleeves . . . . Safety harness and jackets
1 418.00 I 095.40
NQ79/C4 .
1 768.00
Cleaning department premises. Lord Howe Island Transceivers
NQ79/587 NQ79/571
Coaxial cable Fuse units .
1 162.30 1 018.70
1 590.00
11 864.00
Dominant Cleaning Services Pty Ltd, Croydon Park, S.A.
12 759.00
M. T. Rodriguez and James Cleaning Service, Tennant Creek, N.T. Warburton Franki Pty Ltd, Kidman Park, S.A. Graphic Electronic Industries, Kent Town, S.A. F. R. Mayfield Pty Ltd, Adelaide H. Rowe & Co., Hindmarsh, S.A. Tekpro Pty Ltd, Alberton, S.A. Elmeasco Instrument Pty Ltd, Adelaide Tekpro Pty Ltd, Alberton, S.A. Burns Philp & Co. Pty Ltd, Darwin
. . . .
Cleaning of buildings at Adelaide Airport, S.A.—Date of acceptance until 31.10.79 Cleaning of buildings at Tennant Creek Airport, N.T.—Period two years Meters and stroboscope
. . . .
Power supplies
1 476.00
S79/4 S4303 S4321 S4327 S4321 DN14
. . . . . .
Kits, jointing Ammeter, module and tester . . . . Boards, printed circuit Stroboscopes Boards, printed circuit Timber, bondwood and asbestos . .
1 049.00 1 847.00 3 530.00 1 416.00 1 116.00 1 092.00
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Combined Communication Equip, of Aust., West End, Qld Andrews Antennas, Reservoir, Vic. GEC Distribution Equip. Div., Regents Park, N.S.W.
1 250.00
0/N5832 . . .
Publicity display panels, seven sets
4 200.00
APG Constructa Pty Ltd, Miles Street, Mulgrave, Vic.
Printed by C. J. THOMPSON, Commonwealth Govemment Printer, Canberra
commonwealth of Australia Gazette V M ^ Published by the Australian Government Publishing Service
No. S 6 8
C a n b e r r a , W e d n e s d a y , 18 A p r i l
N O T I C E is hereby given t h a t the undermentioned S t a t u t o r y Rules have been made. Copies of them can be purchased at the A u s t r a l i a n G o v e r n m e n t Publishing Service B o o k s h o p , 113 L o n d o n Circuit, C a n b e r r a City, Australian Capital Territory.
Act under which the Statutory Rules were made
Tribunals Act 1973
Air Force Act
of the Statutory
A m e n d m e n t s of the R e m u n e r a t i o n T r i b u n a l s ( M e m b e r s ' Fees and Allowances) Regulations A m e n d m e n t of the Air F o r c e Regulations , . .
Number and year of the Statutory Rules
Price of the Statutory Rules
N o . 62, 1979
s 0.10
N o . 63, 1979
N O T I C E is hereby given t h a t the undermentioned O r d i n a n c e of the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands h a s been m a d e . Copies of the O r d i n a n c e can be purchased f r o m the D e p a r t m e n t of H o m e Affairs, C M L Building, c n r University A v e n u e and M a r c u s Clarke Street, C a n b e r r a City, A u s t r a l i a n Capital Territory.
Number and year of Ordinance
Short title of
I of 1979 . .
Price of Ordinance
Printed by C. J. THOMPSON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra 11759/79
C a t . No. 79 6107 2 — R e c o m m e n d e d
retail price 10c (plus postage)
s 0.10
commonwealth of Australia C a i e t t e p p e Published by the Australian Government Publishing Service
No. S 6 9
Canberra, Thursday, 19 April 1979
Government House Canberra 9 April 1979 IT is notified for general information that the Governor-General has awarded the National Medal and Clasps where indicated to the following persons: AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY AMBULANCE SERVICE Awarded the National Medal 'Brodie Charles DEANS Terence Michael FITZPATRICK John A. OYSTON Awarded a Clasp to the National Medal Milton Manning ANDERSON Noel Bryant WEBSTER AUSTRALIAN ARMY Awarded the National Medal Lieutenant-Colonel F542 Hazel WOODEHOUSE Majors 47052 Adrian Gordon CRAIG 1201008 Alan James CUNNINGHAM 4668 Colin George EDWARDS 215568 Phillip John GOULD 19994 Thomas William GUIVARRA 31010 George Riches LANCASTER 19966 Paul Slacey O'SULLIVAN 58730 James Munro SPENCE 335176 Peter John WATSON Chaplain Third Class 18086 Raymond John QUIRK, A.M. M.B.E. Captain 2237170 Kevin David FLANAGAN Warrant Officers Class One 215675 Eric Campbell MILLER Jan POSTEMA 43010 3148474 Ernest Charles SCHRIEBER Warrant Officers Class Two 2 4950 Raymond George CURTIS 54277 Henry William HICKSON 43422 John Kingsley SCHARBER 2278052 Leroy Thomas WOOD Staff Sergeants 14403 Lesleigh David HENDERSON 215034 Ian Daniel HUGHES 19952 Robert Howarth MILLS 3173117 Douglas Harold ROBERTSON
Sergeants 18275 John Victor BARNES 215557 Warren Leslie COLES 518668 John Edward GRAY 215390 Bruce Charles McKENZIE 397708 William John MOUNTFORD 18427 Guy George SANDIFORD 37957 Brian George SWAIN 215486 Dennis Alan TRAVERS Corporals 17779 Henry Eric FORNO 215119 John Robert GRAYDON 41854 Leonard James HART 2 89775 Cyril James LAW 163180 Ronald PROCTOR 18449 Terrance Joseph RYAN 43424 Peter John WILLIAMS Lance-Corporal 2238579 Ian Alexander McPHAIL Sapper 2158245 Neil Barry HEAD Awarded a Clasp to the National Medal Lieutenant-Colonels 335098 Guy Francis BOILEAU 1118 William Neville HATTON 35455 Murray Stanley METHERALL Warrant Officer Class Two 310383 Thomas Lee DAWSON Staff Sergeant 52434 Clarence James DAY Corporal 414854 Leonard James HART Awarded a Second Clasp to the National Medal Major-General 3477 John Dennis STEVENSON, C.B.E. Lieutenant-Colonel 3905061 Ian Charles HALLIDAY Major 337623 Francis Thomas CONNELLAN By His Excellency's Command, S. J. CAMPBELL Registrar of Awards
Printed by C. J . THOMPSON, CommonweaUh Government Printer, Canberra 11824/79 Cat. No. 79 6108 4—Recommended retail price 10c (plus postage)
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette W U M
Published by the Australian Government Publishing Service
^ H j
l ^ ^ k A M H
Jk, A U ST HA 1.1A
No. S 70
Canberra, Friday, 20 April 1979
AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY NOTIFICATION O F M A K I N G OF REGULATIONS NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Regulations of the Australian Capital Territory have been made Copies of the Regulations may be purchased at the Australian Government Publishing Service Bookshop 113 London Circuit, Canberra City, Australian Capital Territory.
Ordinance under which Regulations
Description of
Number and year of Regulations
Schools Authority Ordinance 1976
Amendment of Regulations
7 of 1979
Motor Traffic Ordinance 1936 . .
Amendments of the Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Regulations
8 of 1979
Price of Regulations
Printed by C. J. THOMPSON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra Cat. 'No. 79 6061 6—Recommended retail price 10c (plus postage)
commonwealth of Australia Gazette e p e Published by the Australian G o v e r n m e n t Publishing Service
No. S 71
Canberra, M o n d a y , 2 3
A ^ ^ i m ^ l ^ l
NOTIFICATION OF THE MAKING OF AN ORDINANCE NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Ordinance of the Australian Capital Territory has been made. Copies of the Ordinance can be purchased at the Australian Government Publishing Service Bookshop, 113 London Circuit, Canberra City, Australian Capital Territory. Number and year of Ordinance
Short title of Ordinance
9 of 1979 . . House of Assembly Ordinance 1979
Printed by C. J. THOMPSON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra 11870/79 Cat. No. 79 6115 3—Recommended retail price 10c (plus postage)
Price of Ordinance
commonwealth of Australia Gazette Published by the Australian Government Publishing Service
No. S 7 2
Canberra, Tuesday, 2 4 April 1979
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 APPOINTMENT OF DISTRIBUTION COMMISSIONERS STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA HIS Excellency the Governor-General in Council has been pleased to appoint the following persons to be Distribution Commissioners to redistribute the State of Western Australia into Electoral Divisions for the election of Members of the House of Representatives in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. Bobbie Sydenham NICHQLLS (Chairman) John Frank MORGAN Francis West STATHAM Dated this 22nd day of April 1979. J. E. McLEAY Minister of State for Administrative Services (Ex. Min. Nos 24, 25)
Printed by C. J. THOMPSON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra 11853/79 Cat. No. 79 6II1 6—Recommended retail price 10c (plus postage)
cofflmonwealth of Australia Cvntte Published by the Australian Government Publishing Service
No. S 73
Canberra, Tuesday, 2 4 April 1979
AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY NOTIFICATION OF MAKING OF REGULATIONS NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Regulations of the Australian Capital Territory have been made. Copies of the Regulations may be purchased at the Australian Government Publishing Service Bookshop, 113 London Circuit, Canberra City, Australian Capital Territory. Ordinance under which Regulations made
Description of Regulations
House of Assembly Ordinance 1936 .
Amendments of the Legislative Assembly (Election) Regulations
Number and year of Regulations
Price of Regulations
9 of 1979
Printed by C. J . THOMPSON, Commonwealih Government Printer, Canberra 11871/79 Cat. No. 79 6116 5—Recommended retail price 10c (plus postage)
Cofflfflonwealth of Australia Gazette Published by the Australian G o v e r n m e n t Publishing Service
No. S 7 4
Canberra, Tuesday, 2 4 April 1979
Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 Principal Registry, 451 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic. 3000 NOTICE OF A DAY FIXED AS THE DAY ON WHICH AN AMALGAMATION OF ORGANIZATIONS IS TO TAKE EFFECT (R No. 213 of 1978) WHEREAS an application was made under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 for approval of the amalgamation of The Graziers Association of Victoria and Victorian Farmers' Union Employers' Association. AND WHEREAS I consider that the requirements of the said Act have now been satisfied in respect of the proposed amalgamation NOW THEREFORE I give notice that I have fixed 1 July 1979 as the day on which the amalgamation is to take effect. K. D. MARSHALL Industrial Registrar
Printed by C. J. THOMPSON, Commonwealth Oovermncnt Printer. Canberra 11867/79 Cat. No. 79 6114 1—Recommended retail price 10c (plus postage)
commonwealth of Australia Gazette Published by the Australian G o v e r n m e n t Publishing Service
No. S75
Canberra, Friday, 2 7 April 1979
NOTIFICATION OF THE MAKING OF STATUTORY RULES N O T I C E is hereby given that the undermentioned Statutory Rules have been made. Copies of them can be purchased at the Australian Government Publishing Service Bookshop, 113 London Circuit, Canberra City, Australian Capital Territory. Act under which the Statutory Rules were made Quarantine Act Weights and Measures {National Standards) Act 1960 Health Insurance Act \91'S . . . . Audit Act
Description of the Statutory
Amendments of the Quarantine (Animals) Regulations Amendments of the Weights and Measures (National Standards) Regulations Amendments of the Health Insurance (Pathology Services) Regulations Audit (Exempt Accounts) Regulations . . . .
Number and year of the Statutory Rules
Price of the Statutory Rules
No. 64, 1979
S 0.20
No. 65, 1979
No. 66, 1979
No. 67, 1979
Printed by C. J. THOMPSON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra 11886/79 Cat. No. 79 6117 7—Recommended retail price 10c (plus postage)