Unusually Low Price Fake vape devices are usually underpriced. If you run into a product with a price tag that seems too good to be true, you will know it is likely to be a counterfeit item. Genuine products usually have a specific market price range.
Poor Packaging Quality Genuine vape products always come in a well-designed and printed package. Pay attention to the printing quality, color vibrancy, and packaging detail. Counterfeit products almost always feature abnormal colors, blurred printing, or incorrect markings.
No Serial Number or Authentication Code Check the packaging of your rainbow candy puff vape device for security labels. If this information is missing, it means the device is counterfeit. Also, the presence of an anti-fake label on the packaging does not make it legal.
Incorrect or Missing Logos Fake rainbow candy puff vape products may get the logo wrong. Sometimes, the difference is too obvious, and at other times, there is a slight mismatch in the colors or font.
Off-Tasting or Harsh Vapor Finally, the flavor of a counterfeit product is not going to remotely match the flavor of the original variant. Additionally, the vapor may seem way too harsh than the original. If you watch out for the signs discussed here, you should be able to spot fake products and avoid them.
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Common Signs That Your Vape Might Be Fake
Common Signs That Your Vape Might Be Fake
Unusually Low Price Fake vape devices are usually underpriced. If you run into a product with a price tag ...