How Colours Affect Brand Marketing?
Every day, we’re exposed to countless brand ads, whether it’s a billboard on our commute, a pop-up after visiting a site, or a quick scroll through social media. Yet, one thing often goes unnoticed: how quickly we identify the industry behind these brands. Sure, the words on the ads matter, but something else shapes how we perceive these brands just as they intend. The secret? Colours!
Irrespective of the colour, a certain emotion gets attached to it when you first lay your eyes on it. This is called The Psychology Of Colours, & it plays a vital role in Brand Development. Let’s understand in more detail how colours can help how your brand is perceived by the audience. Colours Affect Your Brand: Colours affect everything! They make what was previously colourless, shine brighter & enhance the appearance of something which was previously good into something beautiful. Just like that, colours when added in brand design, leads to a much better response from your customers.
As per the colour theory, each colour is associated with a set of emotions, enabling us to identify the various sets of emotional responses one might get from others upon seeing, let’s say, blue, green, red, purple, black or even white. As a matter of fact, colours play such a vital role in brand marketing that simply by employing the use of right colours in your marketing efforts can increase your brand recognition by 80%. Tips For Picking Brand Colour:
During the development of your brand strategy taking into account the message it will convey & how it will be perceived by your audience is an extremely sensitive issue. Simply by picking wrong colours or using them in a wrong context can completely render your digital marketing efforts ineffective.
Therefore, it is crucial to think of the message your brand wants to communicate with the rest of the world. Some important tips that you should consider during this stage are:
1. Brand Authenticity 2. Embodying your Brand Personality 3. Audience Appeal
4. Brand Differentiation
Conclusion: Colours can help make or break your brand, therefore, choosing the right colour is important. Thoroughly understand the Psychology of Colours & research before settling for a colour.