CLARIFIERS in Pune, India – Global Enviro Clarifiers are settling tanks built with mechanical means for continuous removal of solids being deposited by sedimentation. A clarifier is generally used to remove solid particulates or suspended solids from liquid for clarification and (or) thickening. A clarification step is the first part of conventional treatment for waste and surfacewater treatment. It usually consist in: – Screening. – Physical chemical treatmentis a generic term for Coagulation-Flocculation. – Sedimentation or Flotation, upon particles properties, and water type.
Features of a Clarifier 1. Clarifiers can be installed by modifying existing infrastructure, such as a primary sedimentation tank or rainwater tank. 2. The treatment process employs the natural flow down method, allowing for consistent operation despite fluctuating flow rates. 3. Because of the availability of the non-flocculation method, the only costs for power are maintenance and management. 4. There is no need for an auxiliary tank because the washing period for filter media is only about 1 minute. 5. Operations management is more accessible. This is because neither a pretreatment screen nor a bottom screen are required to impede the flow of filter media.
APPLICATIONS: 1.Pretreatment 2.Potable water treatment 3.Waste water treatment 4.Mining
Clarifier types: In a wastewater treatment facility, clarifier designs vary based on the application and purpose. Clarifiers are classified as primary, secondary, circular, rectangular, lamella, and solid contact clarifiers. Clarifiers are divided into two types: primary and secondary. Primary clarifiers
Primary clarifiers separate settleable materials from raw incoming wastewater.This process involves sedimentation & is facilitated by Sedimentation tanks. These are
located downstream from the plant. The primary clarifier’s main role is to remove all settleable and floating solid waste with a high oxygen demand – BOD. The entire process is known as primary clarification, sometimes known as sedimentation. Secondary clarifiers
Secondary clarifiers, on the other hand, are positioned near biological treatment facilities, such as aeration basins or filters.These clarifiers are used to remove treated wastewater from the primary treatment stage. The major goal is to segregate treated wastewater from natural material. The main purpose is to return the activated sludge. The entire process is referred to as secondary clarification. The performance of a wastewater treatment plant is determined by how well primary and secondary clarifiers work.
CLARIFIERS in Pune, India – Global Enviro
CLARIFIERS in Pune, India – Global Enviro Clarifiers are settling tanks built with mechanical means for continuous removal of solids being deposited b...