10 Years of TRIMET Hamburg
TRIMET Aluminium SE
At a glance 2016/17
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Interest result
Net income
Total assets
Ratio of equity to total assets in percent Net debt to banks Capex
EMPLOYEES Employees at year end (number) – thereof trainees (number) Personnel expenses
The closing date is June 30. Unlike in previous years, the above figures for 2017 no longer include the Automotive Division at the Harzgerode location. This division was spun off with economic effect as of July 1, 2016.
DEAR READER, TRIMET is a family business and will remain so in the future. As a family business, TRIMET stands for independence, sustainable growth, job security at all locations, and successful economic activity. Heinz-Peter Schlüter founded our company on these principles, consistently shaping and running it for more than 30 years. Continuing the legacy of the founder is, therefore, far more than just a commitment. It is part of our conviction, as well as our self-conception, to develop TRIMET in this spirit. We – my entire family and I – stand for this together. TRIMET is dependable. Our customers appreciate and trust us, because we know their needs and offer solutions – and because we keep our word. We also expect dependability from political policies, for as a company, we must be able to rely on a valid regulatory framework. Dependability also characterizes collaboration within our company. TRIMET’s success is essentially the success of all employees, who with their performance, ideas, and commitment contribute to the TRIMET “spirit.” On the following pages, this report will look back at the development of TRIMET’s Hamburg plant, which started ten years ago. This has succeeded mainly thanks to our employees’ experience, energy, and dedication. In this respect, Hamburg serves as an example, and represents all of TRIMET’s locations. Dependability, cooperation, and trust are values that are also important to us beyond the factory gates. It is a matter of course for the TRIMET family to take on responsibility at our plants as good neighbors and demonstrate social commitment. We are hard at work advancing the training initiatives for refugees that were launched two years ago by Heinz-Peter Schlüter. Meanwhile, twelve young people have started their professional careers at TRIMET, accompanied by qualification measures and a mentoring program supported by various staff members working as volunteers. More will follow in the coming years.
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TRIMET can look back on a successful year. Economic success forms the basis of our actions. In a dynamic market with rising demands, we are positioning ourselves well by orienting ourselves on our values. Success has come, above all, thanks to the Management Board and to all our employees. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you very much for your commitment and loyalty. Warm regards,
Karin Schlüter, owner and member of the Management Board of TRIMET SE
Karin Schlüter Owner and member of the Management Board of TRIMET SE
ALUMINUM MAKES LIFE EASIER TRIMET’s production locations look back on a long industrial history. Yet aluminum is a fairly recent material. Thanks to its versatility and its material properties, it has enjoyed a rapid rise in recent decades. Aluminum has enabled the development of many modern products. And in the future, there will be many more products that would not have seen the light of day without aluminum. The metal also owes its growing importance to its sustainability: With minimum resources, aluminum can be melted down again any number of times without quality losses and used for new applications. Dr. Martin Iffert, CEO of TRIMET Aluminium SE
The transport sector is therefore one of the most important growth and innovation drivers in the aluminum industry. More stringent climate protection requirements are advancing the lightweight construction of vehicles and opening up new application fields for aluminum. Electric drives are the future of mobility. With a heavy battery unit, lightweight engineering is a key success factor in e-mobility’s popularity. Aluminum is the material of choice here: for battery casings – but also for structural and bodywork components and other parts. Its share in the automotive material mix will continue to increase. Innovative products can only be created by using innovative materials. Therefore, it will remain important in the future to develop and manufacture aluminum alloys in Germany. In addition to modern plants, employee expertise and qualifications are decisive for ensuring sustainable and successful value creation in Europe as an industrial location. This is particularly true when it comes to the foreseeable developments in digitization and demography. TRIMET relies on the quality of its workforce. Not only do we formally instruct many young people in various training professions each year, we also ensure the continuous training of our employees and grant them a large scope of responsibility. They repay the company for this freedom with exceptional commitment and many clever ideas that support process optimization. Thanks to a structured use of Kaizen methods, we are increasingly able to exploit this potential across all locations. In this way, many improvements are based on considerable efficiency enhancements arising out of employee initiatives. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our employees for their outstanding commitment and dedication.
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At TRIMET, promoting and encouraging employees means granting them the freedom to implement their own ideas and thus determine their own career paths. We prefer to recruit executives and experts from our own pool of young talent. In the TRIMET Academy, we systematically promote young employees who have shown potential for future management positions. This not only includes tailored supplementary qualifications, but also mentoring and further academic training. We offer them clear career perspectives in this way, ensuring their long-term loyalty. TRIMET stands by Germany and Europe as industrial locations. Industrial production plays a significant role in safeguarding the level of prosperity and also protects society from social upheavals. Industrial work also offers opportunities for integration, societal participation, and social advancement. We would like to take advantage of this integrative force. As the legacy of Heinz-Peter Schlüter, entrepreneurial responsibility for the company’s workforce is firmly anchored in TRIMET’s DNA. It is a key reason for the high level of identification that our employees show to the company and guarantees our economic success. This social conscience also led our founder to organize a refugee initiative that now offers 66 refugees training and professional prospects at TRIMET. We plan and act for the long term. That is why, as with all junior staff, we look far beyond the end of the training period. Our goal is to turn apprentices into new employees. For TRIMET continues to focus on sustainable growth.
Dr. Martin Iffert CEO of TRIMET Aluminium SE
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10 Y E A R S O F T R I M E T H A M B U R G
Richard Meier | Director of Electrolysis
10 YEARS OF TRIMET HAMBURG INDUSTRIAL LOCATION AT THE GATEWAY TO THE WORLD The aluminum smelter in Hamburg is one of four locations in which TRIMET produces primary aluminum. This location has been part of the TRIMET family for ten years. Some 340 employees annually produce 133,000 tons of aluminum and up to 120,000 tons of carbon anodes for the electrolysis process here. The plant at the port in Finkenwerder has helped shape the recent industrial history of the Hanseatic city and will continue to shape its future.
I have been with TRIMET Hamburg since May 2012. Since 2015, I have been the Director of Electrolysis. The upbeat mood of 2007 still characterizes the working atmosphere at our location, and can be felt in the daily work routine here. Many colleagues who faced the closure of their workplace more than ten years ago are still employed here now and have rebuilt the location. The plant is characterized by this special “spirit.” The idea of family is very present here. I already sensed this during my internship here in 2011. I was given a very friendly welcome and was fully integrated into the team. This idea is also reflected in the shared activities that take place across all departments and functional levels. For example, group sports involve not only apprentices, but also senior engineers. Or groups cook together for the Ronald McDonald House. And from a technical point of view, we are not standing still here either. TRIMET has invested a lot in optimizing the production facilities, with a new anode furnace, the high-rack storage system for the anodes, and the modernization of the electrolysis process.
The history of the site began more than 40 years ago. In the early 1970s, the industrial region of the Hamburg metropolitan area experienced a major boost. In Stade, 30 kilometers west of the Hanseatic city, a large power station was connected to the grid. A chemical plant in the neighborhood produced sodium hydroxide as a by-product. This compound is needed to obtain aluminum oxide from bauxite. For this reason, Vereinigte Aluminiumwerke AG (VAW) and Reynolds, an American company, constructed a production site for this raw material used in aluminum production directly next to the chemical plant. The Reynolds Metal Company was already firmly established in Germany with a production plant in North Rhine-Westphalia. Now the world’s third-largest aluminum producer wanted to build an aluminum smelter with connected rolling mill in the booming northern region. The choice was made for Hamburg. The metropolis and its port have always been the “gateway to the world” and offered a good infrastructure. The Elbe Tunnel had just been completed, and the arrival of workers from southern Europe meant that there was an abundant source of labor. Prestige project at the Port of Hamburg At the end of 1969, a project office in Hamburg started planning the aluminum smelter in Finkenwerder. Kurt Ehrke was part of that project team. Ehrke, later a member of the TRIMET Management Board, started out in 1967 as an engineer at Reynolds (incidentally, he was its first German employee). In Hamburg, he built a model for the aluminum plant that would be constructed near the port. The company’s boss, J. Louis Reynolds, traveled from the USA for the groundbreaking ceremony on September 22, 1970. The industrial plant was a prestige project for both the global corporation and the Hanseatic city. The electrolysis halls, anode factory, foundry, and rolling mill were all constructed in just three years with state-of-the-art systems. Reynolds had a good reputation as a developer of electrolytic furnaces. The new P19 furnace type was ultimately installed in Hamburg, and a total of 270 furnaces
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Karsten Bösch | Foreman, Process Control were installed in three halls. They were designed for an annual production of 100,000 tons of primary aluminum, which would be further processed in the neighboring foundry and the rolling mill. A difficult start In 1973, the first phase of the plant was completed, enabling the foundry and the rolling mill to go into operation. In February 1974, electrolysis halls 1 and 2 were commissioned, as was the anode furnace. The start of operations in hall 3, on the other hand, had to wait: gladioli growers complained that their flowers would suffer and farmers also protested. The death of Berta the cow made headlines in the newspapers. The aluminum plant was said to be the cause – but in reality it wasn’t. Only in 1976 were these accusations dispelled and the real cause discovered. In the meantime, the plant’s ownership structure had changed. Energy costs had risen dramatically as a result of the oil crisis; the expected profits could no longer be attained through energy-intensive aluminum production. Reynolds planned its withdrawal from Europe and wanted to give up the location. The city of Hamburg got involved to save its flagship project. At the end of lengthy talks, a new operating company was found in the autumn of 1975 to secure the continuation of the production site. Reynolds held onto the rolling mill. The aluminum smelter, foundry, and anode factory, on the other hand, were transferred to a new company, Hamburger Aluminiumwerk GmbH (HAW). Reynolds, VAW, and Austria Metall AG (AMAG) each had a one-third stake in the company. In 1976, HAW was granted permission to start operations in the third electrolysis hall, ensuring the planned annual production of 100,000 tons of primary aluminum. In the following years, the systems would be technically enhanced, and the plant increased its production output to 125,000 tons of primary aluminum. Uphill struggle to preserve the site Meanwhile, the global aluminum production market was on the move. In 2000, Reynolds was taken over by Alcoa, the global market leader in aluminum production, which also assumed Reynolds’s stake in HAW and transferred the rolling mill to VAW. Like the VAW stake in HAW, this would later come into the possession of Norsk Hydro. Aluminum
I was here in 2007 when the smelter was once again fired up. To start a plant from zero was something I had never experienced before. But I was well acquainted with the plant, because I had been working here for 13 years before it was decommissioned. So it was a no-brainer for me to say yes when the call came in 2006 as to whether I’d like to work here again. I wasn’t familiar with TRIMET, but I told myself that if a medium-sized company wants to take over the plant and get it up and running again, it also plans on doing something with the location. And this is exactly what happened. It was exciting to come back to my old job and start working again with old and new colleagues. TRIMET is more family-oriented than the previous owners. You can sense that; it’s a medium-sized company. Over the past ten years, a lot has been done to improve the facility and keep it up to date. It is important to keep the entrepreneurial spirit. Because if too much routine sets in, things become dangerous. One can always improve something, and we put this attitude into practice here every day. My hope for the future is that TRIMET will continue investing in the location. It would be a nice prospect to work here until my retirement.
10 J A H R E T R I M E T H A M B U R G
Carsten Schur | Foreman, Furnace Construction production is an energy-intensive process, as the fused-salt electrolysis process requires large amounts of electrical current. Electricity prices are thus a significant cost factor. For corporations following a global strategy involving production sites around the world, rising electricity prices in Germany increasingly became a locational disadvantage. The demand for aluminum was increasing, but its production was becoming less profitable. By early 2005, the new shareholders planned to give up the location. Negotiations with potential buyers failed, ultimately leading to the decision to shut down the Hamburg aluminum smelter. Only the foundry would continue to produce on-site for the rolling mill.
I have been working in the aluminum smelter in Hamburg since 1991, and I was also active in the shutdown and decommissioning in 2005. To shut down the electrolysis area in an orderly manner, we had to break open the furnaces to retrieve all the metal and coal scraps from the cells. After TRIMET took over the plant, we started firing up the furnaces again. This required a lot of weekend work. But I liked doing it, because you finally knew where you were going to go in the morning. I knew that TRIMET ran an aluminum smelter in Essen, so I had confidence that the company was very familiar with the process. I immediately sensed the familiar atmosphere that prevails here – and I still have a good gut feeling today. I wasn’t allowed to look beyond my furnace before – what was out of my reach had nothing to do with me. At TRIMET, all that has changed. Collaboration with other departments works well, as does the exchange with colleagues from other locations. You’re able to gain new impressions and pass on experience. We’re doing a lot together to make things even better. My hope for the future is that TRIMET will continue to stay in business for a long time, and that my colleagues will stay a long time, too.
TRIMET saw an opportunity to expand its own production capacities for primary aluminum at the Hamburg aluminum smelter. The family business had taken over the aluminum smelter in Essen ten years earlier, entering the field of primary production. The Essen location was operating successfully, the order books were full, and there was sufficient expertise in the areas of operation, raw material procurement, and product sales. In addition, the company has just signed a power supply agreement that broke new ground, flexibly adapting the electricity price to prices on the aluminum, exchange, and power markets. Taking over the Hamburg smelter was thus a very interesting prospect for TRIMET, especially as the site also included an anode factory, which the company did not yet have in its possession. In-house anode production would make TRIMET less dependent on imports. Aluminum summit in the German Federal Chancellery Pre-acquisition negotiations would go on for more than a year. Once again, the government intervened to prevent the permanent closure of the site. Even the federal government got involved to retain jobs in Hamburg-Finkenwerder. German Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder invited key stakeholders to the Chancellery for an aluminum summit. However, an agreement could not be reached, and the decommissioning of the aluminum smelter and anode factory continued. The employees were forced to shut down the electrolysis furnaces. At the end of 2005, all 270 furnaces were powered down, and the aluminum and anode production stopped. Hamburg’s aluminum smelter was “cold.” However, the efforts of city authorities and politicians hadn’t ended – after all, it was still unclear how HAW could be held liable for environmental damage occurring in the future, for example. The dismantling
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Oliver Walter | Production Manager, Anode Factory of a plant to establish new enterprises often necessitates complex environmental remediation. The Hanseatic city called on the shareholders to take unlimited liability for the costs of the site’s environmental rehabilitation. However, the corporations involved were keen to avoid such a risk to their balance sheets. They transferred the environmental risks to the city by paying a double-digit million-euro sum, simultaneously agreeing to the sale of the installations. The precondition for TRIMET to take over the site was thus fulfilled, leading to the plant’s rescue. At the end of September 2006, the business media reported: “TRIMET will take over the Hamburg aluminum plant.” On November 10, 2006, TRIMET’s founder Heinz-Peter Schlüter signed the purchase contract at Hamburg City Hall. On December 1, the handover took place on the plant premises: the HAW flag was lowered, and three apprentices from Essen raised the flag emblazoned with the TRIMET logo. Old new employees rebuild their plant TRIMET now possessed the aluminum smelter with three electrolysis halls and the anode factory. But the production facilities had been completely shut down, and the plant had no workers. TRIMET now made efforts to fill the staff, especially with those who had worked there before and knew the location well. After all, experience counts! And the workers came back. Many employees who had found new positions even quit their jobs and returned to their old workplace. They were joined by the former workers of the aluminum smelter in Stade, which had also been shut down. Now the important milestone was to restart aluminum and anode production. Starting up cold electrolysis cells is one of the most challenging tasks in the industry. Only a handful of experts around the world have the knowledge to oversee this difficult process. But in Hamburg, TRIMET relied on its own expertise. It was the morning of March 5, 2007, in front of furnace 130 in hall 1. To restart the production process. the team gathered around Dr. Martin Iffert, then plant manager, and head of electrolysis Dr. Jörg Prepeneit, who had already worked in Hamburg during the HAW period and is now plant manager of the site. They proceeded to preheat the cell for three entire days. Afterwards, they added a few grams of cryolite to the furnace. The material melted after many hours, but there were still problems. After midnight, electricity distribution to the 18 anodes of the electrolysis furnace deteriorated
In 1984, I began an apprenticeship here as a process mechanic in non-ferrous metallurgy, which was a rare discipline then. Afterwards, I completed a three-year on-the-job training course. From 1990, I had a full-time job at the anode furnace; nine years later, I became a qualified foreman. I have supplied the entire world from this location, including anodes to Rotterdam, Russia, and Brazil. When the plant was shut down, I was part of the decommissioning team, so I was on-site throughout this period. We serviced, repaired, and inspected all the machines. During this phase, sometimes it was really difficult to come to work. But I never lost hope. In the years before, there had always been rumors about a plant closure. At the anode furnace, we’re a large, multicultural family, all pulling together. I feel at home here, so sometimes my supervisor has to make sure that I don’t stay too long. A lot has happened in the past ten years. We have a new furnace and are now able to deliver better anode quality. But the outstanding collaboration that has always characterized us has remained. There are no complicated hierarchies at TRIMET. Good ideas can be implemented by every employee, after a short coordination period.
10 J A H R E T R I M E T H A M B U R G
Helge Friedrich | Division Manager, Electrolysis dramatically, and the cast iron on some anode blocks began to melt – at a melting point of over 1,300 degrees. The experienced shift manager Ralf Plagge boldly attempted to avert disaster, cooling the anodes with an air lance. Too late: the power of thousands of amps discharged itself, causing an explosion that hurled Plagge backwards. Iffert yelled “emergency shutdown,” and the power was immediately switched off.
Thirty years ago, I started my apprenticeship here as a process mechanic. I got to know the entire plant and finally wound up in electrolysis. That was a good fit. When the plant was closed down in 2005, I helped to shut down the last furnace. It was an emotional rollercoaster. Then I was at Airbus for a year in production control. I gained a lot from that experience, and I wouldn’t want to have missed it. But when the call came from TRIMET as to whether I could imagine helping to getting the plant up and running again, I didn’t hesitate for a moment. We sealed the contract with a handshake, and in early January 2007 I was back here in the aluminum smelter. I came in and saw many old colleagues and companions. We were given the unique opportunity to bring a factory back to life. It was a very moving time for all of us. We put a lot of heart and soul into the effort, and this hasn’t changed right up to the present day. Today I can still sense the same ambition, the same spirit. I can develop my skills here; decision-making processes are short. And it remains exciting. We want to shape the future to ensure that our younger colleagues also have the opportunity to earn a living here for a long time.
The shock was felt deeply, and the team thought about giving up. But they rallied around Iffert, came up with a new strategy, and ventured a new attempt. This time, it was possible to maintain stable electricity distribution and to melt more cryolite. At about 3:30 in the morning, their mission was ultimately successful. The men embraced one another. Furnace 130 was now in operation, and the most difficult hurdle had been surmounted. Before the end of the year, all 270 electrolysis furnaces would once again be fired up. This event bonded the team, and memories of the sweet moment of success still linger today – especially as there were many who believed it would never happen. The slogan on a sign in the shift manager’s office puts it all in a nutshell: “A matter of honor.” A clear course in difficult waters TRIMET invested some 50 million euros in recommissioning the site. Only a year after being taken over, the aluminum smelter and anode factory were again producing at full capacity. But in 2008, the company and its employees faced the next challenge. The international financial crisis slowed the economy, leading to a collapse in demand and reducing production. Half of the electrolysis furnaces were shut down; the workers agreed to reduced hours and worried about their jobs. However, the management of the family business made sure to set a clear course. Kurt Ehrke, who had returned to the TRIMET Management Board from retirement in early 2007, assured workers that no one would be laid off. What’s more, the company turned all existing temporary contracts into permanent contracts in the midst of the crisis. As in the other TRIMET locations, the Hamburg team was retained in full force, and the phase of reduced working hours was used for advanced training programs. Soon the economy recovered, demand picked up, and the aluminum smelter was again producing at full capacity.
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Lars Sylvester | Master Electrician The efficiency of the production process was steadily improved in the following years. TRIMET’s investments included 25 million euros in a new anode furnace. That way, annual production could be increased to 120,000 tons of fired anodes and the specific energy consumption of the firing process could be reduced by more than 40 percent. An innovative high-rack storage system was also installed, in which the hot anodes could harden and cool without utilizing additional energy. The effect: less scrap and more energy efficiency. A new furnace control system also increased production efficiency in the aluminum electrolysis process and, above all, reduced emissions from the anode effect. TRIMET continued to work closely with the foundry at the shared plant, which is hydro-powered, like the adjacent rolling mill. Most of the TRIMET aluminum produced in Hamburg is cast here before being processed further in the rolling mill. TRIMET helps shape the future of Hamburg The sense of togetherness from this dramatic period still characterizes the location, befitting TRIMET as a family business. Today, on many levels, a close exchange is maintained with the other production locations. In this way, good ideas and best practices quickly gain a foothold. The basic understanding of TRIMET as a family business also unfolds its integrative force outside the factory gates. Great importance is attached to social commitment, and many employees are involved in community initiatives with the company’s support. The TRIMET aluminum smelter in Hamburg is actively playing a part in shaping the future of the industrial location. The production plant is adapting itself to the transition of the energy supply. Grid operators are stabilizing the power supply by aligning the electrolysis process to switch-off capability and more flexible models. TRIMET is also an active participant in the Northern Germany Energy Transition 4.0 (NEW 4.0), an initiative of some 60 partners from the worlds of business, science, and politics in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein who want to achieve a sustainable energy supply while strengthening the region’s future viability. As a visible sign of this commitment, three wind turbines with a combined height of 199 meters from Hamburg Energie have been operating on the TRIMET site since February 2017. They produce electricity for around 10,000 households, clearly showing that the primary industry and renewable energy go hand in hand in the Hanseatic city.
I have been familiar with the aluminum plant in Finkenwerder since my childhood, because my father had been working here since 1973 as a master metalworker. So I started my apprenticeship at Blohm & Voss here as well in 1993. The closure of the smelter in 2005 was a sad moment. Although I found a job in the neighboring foundry, I didn’t really feel comfortable there and felt like a nameless person among many. So I immediately seized the opportunity to return, although I wasn’t familiar with TRIMET at all. Today I am still happy that I took this step. I like the familiar way we deal with one another here, and you can bring in your own ideas and implement them. The recommissioning of the smelter was exciting and exhausting, but it was also a lot of fun. I was able to recruit some former colleagues, but I also gained new ones. We have modernized the systems in recent years. My hope for the future is that TRIMET will continue to invest here in order to safeguard the future of the site. I still enjoy working here. I was particularly happy when TRIMET started to train here again. Recently, one of my apprentices was honored as the best electrician in Hamburg. That makes me feel proud.
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CHRONICLE 2016/17 Looking back over the past financial year, many highlights should be included that frequently advanced the company beyond the short term. In this chronicle, we’ll take a look back at investments and new products, as well as at civic and social activities that accompanied our economic success during the reporting period.
JULY 2016
01.07.2016 At the French TRIMET plant in Saint-Jean-deMaurienne, 19 young people are awarded certificates for the successful completion of an internally developed training program. TRIMET has continuously expanded production at the plant since acquiring it in 2013.
01.08.2016 At the start of the new training year, TRIMET welcomes 51 young people at the various plants in which they will now start their careers. The development of inhouse talent is one of the founding principles of the family business.
03.09.2016 With a total of six boats, the TRIMET locations in Harzgerode and Sömmerda participate in the 25th Sömmerda rafting race.
26.10.2016 For the sixth time, the Long Night of Industry draws Essen residents to industrial companies, including to the local TRIMET plant. At the Hamburg edition two weeks later, around 100 people visit the TRIMET aluminum smelter in Finkenwerder.
10.11.2016 Ten years of TRIMET Hamburg! On November 10, 2006, TRIMET’s founder Heinz-Peter Schlüter signed the purchase contract for the Hamburg aluminum smelter.
01.12.2016 The innovation alliance NEW 4.0 (Northern Germany Energy Transition) wants to ensure that the region of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein is supplied with renewable energy by 2035. With its flex-electrolysis process, TRIMET Hamburg is a project partner.
04.07.2016 At the TRIMET plant in Harzgerode, partner company Elrec GmbH is responsible for blasting and plastering work on aluminum castings prior to shipment to the customer. TRIMET and Elrec announce a joint expansion of these production steps, thereby providing a clear signal on safeguarding the future of the location.
27.08.2016 TRIMET participates in the joint pavilion of the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce and other economic associations at the large citizens’ fair on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf. 31.08.2016 As a light metal, aluminum is a natural fit for electro-mobility. This connection has become visible through the eStation in front of the TRIMET headquarters in Essen. There, visitors can recharge their vehicles while inside the building.
12.09.2016 In the cross-location Apprenticeship Camp, new TRIMET trainees learn about the workflows in various departments and given insights into processing for long-term customers. In addition, a range of exercises is used to strengthen camaraderie and team spirit, thereby facilitating integration within the company. 14.09.2016 At the annual press conference, TRIMET Aluminium SE reports on its results for the past financial year. With group sales of 1.7 billion euros and an increase in earnings to EUR 63 million, the company continues on its sustainable path of growth.
14.11.2016 Dr. Martin Iffert, CEO of TRIMET, is voted in as the new President of the metal trade association WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle e.V. (WVMetalle). As part of his mandate, he intends to set focal points on energy and climate policy in addition to representing the interests of the primary industry. 29.11.2016 At the leading international trade fair ALUMINIUM, TRIMET presents itself as a reliable and innovative partner, particularly to the automotive industry, and also presents a new alloy.
24.12.2016 Once again this year, TRIMET dispenses with gifts for customers and business partners. Instead, it supports social initiatives at the production locations. These organizations can look forward to receiving a total of 25,000 euros.
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MARCH 2017
APRIL 2017
MAY 2017
JUNE 2017
13.01.2017 For its innovative virtual battery concept and the outstanding potential it shows in fostering the energy transition, TRIMET officially becomes part of the competitive exhibition “KlimaExpo.NRW.”
09.02.2017 The TRIMET plant in Harzgerode celebrates the successful completion of a large-scale project. Since 2009, more than five million high-quality cast nodes have been produced for its client BMW.
04.04.2017 At the Health Days 2017, organized by the local occupational health management team, well over 100 employees at TRIMET’s Hamburg plant take part in measures to promote health and prevent disease and injuries.
27.01.2017 At the annual “TRIMET Metal Breakfast,” long-standing customers and business partners discuss the developments and trends on the aluminum market with TRIMET experts.
23.02.2017 Essen’s Mayor Thomas Kufen and Project Director Simone Raskob welcome TRIMET as a sponsor of urban activities at the “European Green Capital 2017.” In particular, the thematic areas of climate change and the energy transition will be part of the cooperation with TRIMET.
07.03.2017 The TRIMET plant in Sömmerda supports the local city administration’s initiative “Sömmerda drives electric!” with sponsorship activities. Together with other local and regional stakeholders, TRIMET helps the city administration to utilize climate-friendly electro-mobility on journeys in the local area.
04.05.2017 The annual Works Council Conference of Innovationsforum Energiewende (If.E) is held at TRIMET Essen. At the If.E conference, held by the industrial trade union IG BCE, company representatives and works councils search together for sensible contributions to the energy transition. TRIMET CEO Dr. Martin Iffert, North Rhine-Westphalian State Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Garrelt Duin, and IG BCE Chairman Michael Vassiliadis take part in the discussion.
30.06.2017 At the TRIMET plant in Harzgerode, three apprentices successfully complete their training, including Unai Usin Bengoa. The Spaniard was persuaded to move to the Harz region as part of a TRIMET employee recruitment initiative in Spain, becoming its first graduate. Like his two fellow apprentices, he will continue his professional career at TRIMET.
24.02.2017 Overseen by Hamburg’s Mayor Olaf Scholz, the three largest wind turbines in the urban area are put into operation at the TRIMET plant. TRIMET thus inaugurates a widely visible symbol of the compatibility between industrial production and renewable energies.
29.03.2017 In the presence of Saxony-Anhalt Minister President Dr. Reiner Haseloff, the groundbreaking ceremony is held for a significant expansion of the TRIMET plant in Harzgerode. By 2019, TRIMET and its partner company Schlote will create some 100 new jobs.
27.04.2017 On the occasion of Future Day 2017, schoolchildren visit several TRIMET production plants to gain insights into the production processes and the daily work routine.
11.05.2017 Dr.-Ing. Marcel Rosenfort becomes the new head of TRIMET’s Research & Development department. He assumes the position of Dr. Hubert Koch, who retires after many years of very successful work – but retains a secondary position, providing assistance to the company.
2,245 190,462 78,612 271,319
1,831 208,677 27,884 238,392
140,350 128,059 28,324 296,733 1,339
134,568 128,583 36,422 299,573 1,034
15,000 47,915 219,607 282,522
15,000 47,915 191,705 254,620
40,455 11,778 35,658 87,891
35,842 17,454 36,056 89,352
77,890 71,114
82,700 75,323
4,992 0 40,572 194,568 277
4,067 2,690 21,323 186,103 5,273
FIXED ASSETS Intangible assets Tangible assets Financial assets
CURRENT ASSETS Inventories Receivables and other assets Cash on hand and bank balances
LIABILITIES IN € THOUSAND EQUITY Subscribed capital Capital reserves Net earnings
ACCRUALS AND PROVISIONS Pension provisions and similar obligations Tax provisions Other provisions
LIABILITIES Liabilities to banks Trade payables Accounts payable to affiliated companies Amounts due to invested companies Other liabilities
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Sales Increase/decrease in finished goods and work in progress Other company-produced additions to plant and equipment Other operating income Cost of materials Personnel expenses Depreciation Other operating expenses Financial result
11,877 7,794
–5,266 6,186
10,765 –989,178 –106,557 –31,377 –101,496 3,589
18,605 –1.038,291 –124,330 –36,075 –121,534 –5,723
185,705 219,607
160,489 191,705
THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTED TO THE COMPANY’S SUCCESS David Abaccuccio Abdelkader Abaddar Kathrin Abel Isa Abi Raci Abi Hassan Abo Shakra Hussam Abo Shakra Dorgam Abu-Hantash Cetin Acar Fatih Acar Muhammed Acar Özgür Acar Yasin Acar Jose Acebedo Candil Jens Achenbach Jörg Ackermann Roy Ackermann Gunnar Adamczyk Sebastian Adamek Eik Adebahr Birte Aden Kai Affelt Mustafa Agarmis Hasan-Hüseyin Agca Osman Agrali Said Aharchi Ralf Ahlemeier Steffen Ahlig Mohamed Ahmed Andreas Ahrens Ralf Ahrens Dominique Aili Cengiz Akbasli Özcan Akbasli Peter Akelbein Hakan Akin Evgeni Akkermann Hakan Akmese Halil Akmese Metin Alan Anatoli Albert Guido Alberts Christian Albrecht Renè Albrecht Steffen Albrecht Michael Albrieux Roberto Aleo Guillaume Alex Raphael Alfonsi Fabian Alfs Ibrahim Ali Madi Fatih Alkan Marco Alken Zakaria Allawa Mario Alpers Stilianos Amanatidis Mohamed Amine Frank Amtag Marco Andersch Pierre Andersch Joel Andre Georgios Andreadakis Nico Andreadakis Johann Andronow Mark Andrzejczak Holger Andrzejewski Fernando Angelo Viktor Anner David Anskat Patrick Anskat Paul Kwasi Antwi Mark Apel Sezgin Arabaci Nicolas Archenault Romain Argentier Philippe Arle Michele Armati
Emmanuel Arnaud Alexander Arndt Michael Arndt Sven Arndt Kornelia Arnemann Aurelie Arneodo Angelina Arnold Rebecca Arntzen Christopher Arrouge Ramazan Asik Engin Aslan Cihat Aslar Jean Luc Assier Uwe Aßmann Christine Aubry Sebastien Aubry Christian Auge Pierre Augrit Richard Aurran Dirk Auth Florian Avrillier Guy Avrillier Djamel Ay Melik Ayadi Hüseyin Aycil Taner Aydin Karl-Heinz Babel Maxime Bacaria Yannick Bacaria Matthias Bachmajer Dirk Backoff Günter Bade Bünyamin Baduroglu Enes Baduroglu Mark Baginski Joachim Baier Bernd Baierl Thomas Bajohr Nazif Balci Nihat Balci Zbigniew Balda Nicolas Baldi Joel Bana Klaus Jürgen Bange Michael Banko Carla Banzhaf Richard Barbera Michel Barbier Mickael Barbier Anthony Barbon Eric Bard Stephane Bard Nicky Bärhold Matthias Barnebeck Christian Bärnt Philipp Baron Philipp Baron David Barreau Franck Barrena Roland Barsch Uwe Bartczak Sascha Bartels Tobias Bartels Nicole Bartelt Frank Barthel Thorsten Barthel Thomas Barthold Dominik Bartl Bodo Bartosik Hans-Joachim Bartosik Marcus Bartosik Abdulkadir Barut Alexandra Basa Bayram Basaran Serdal Basaran Paul Basile Christophe Bastaert
Marcel Bathke Marco Batke Philippe Battard Fabien Battistella Fernand Battistella Patrice Battistella Eric Baudin Anton Bauer Detlef Bauer Dominik Bauer Roland Bauer Stanislaw Bauer Viktor Bauer Uwe Baumbach Mustafa Bayraktar Önder Bayram Michel Beccaud Alexander Beck Holger Beck Andreas Becker Kai Becker Marlit Becker Martin Becker Reinhard Becker Ronny Becker Steffen Becker Jürgen Beckfeld Michael Beckmann Michael Becks Patrick Begalke Robin Begemann Dennis Behn Denise Behne Tom-Niklas Behnstedt Andre Behr Michael Behrend Manfred Behrendt Markus Behrendt Mathias Behrendt Michael Behrendt Falk-Uwe Behrens Faouzi Bejaoui Orhan Bektas Farid Belemrabet Farid Belghazi Youssef Belhadi Bernhard Belker Pascal Bellemin Patrice Bellet Fernand Bellina Nicolas Bellissimo Anthony Bellot Laurent Bellot Christopher Belusa Omar Ben Said Hassen Ben Smida Noreddine Benaissa Bouasria Benbernou Toufir Benchina Gerald Benedetto Baptiste Benedittini Ali Benmaiza Merwan Benmansour Werner Benninghoff Jean-Marc Bensadi Thierry Bensadi Houcine Bensatti Arezig Bentata Carolin Bente Jana Bentzius Rainer Berg Andreas Berger Jens Berger Marcel Bergeron Antje Berghoff Stephan Bergkemper Marc Bergmann
Philipp Bergmann Gzim Berisha Abdelsalem Berkoukech Detlef Berliner Julien Bernard Maxime Bernard Jean-Louis Bernardini Daniel Bernd Wolfgang Bernd Frank Berndt Mathias Berndt Uwe Berndt Xavier Berne Maximilian Bernicker Damien Beroud Christian Berrens Michel Berthelot Thomas Berthold Thierry Bertolo Klaus Bertram Lars Besser Marco Bessermann Michael Beste Yves Betemps Matthias Bethge Hans Betke Jan Betkierowicz Marco Bettger Cevin Bettinger Ute Betz Sebastian Beudel Steffen Beuers Jeremy Beytout Martine Beytout Pierre Beytout Jens Bezucha Samet Bicak Thorge Biederer Eric Bieganski Susann Bielert Lars Bierend Harald Bierwirth Heidrun Bierwirth Daniel Biewald André Biglewski Thierry Bignon Ümit Bilgin Mario Bilke Andy Binia Dennis Binia Verena Binia Adam Bireche Cedric Bireche Alexander Bitter Eric Bizoux Patrice Blaix Benjamin Blanck Geoffrey Blanquaert Michael Blasch Philipp Blaschczok Heiko Blasczyk Wolfgang Blass Reiner Blasse Andreas Blesser Ingo Blohm Maik Blohm Andy Bloßfeld Frank Blossfeld Ramona Blum Marko Blümel Thorsten-Otto Bobkowski Damian-Jan Bobrowski Mark Bobrowski Pascal Boch Georg Böckhorst Lars Böckmann Holger Boden
Thorsten Boehlke Andy Boesler Tayfun Bogatekin Hans Böhm Stephan Böhme Frank Böhmer Franz Heinrich Böhmer Monika Böhmer Michael Bohne Volker Böhnstedt Stéphane Boilevin Marco Boin Florian Bois Georges Pierre Bois Gilles Bois Noel Bois Pascal Bois Andreas Bojarzyn Andreas Bolinsky Lukas Bolinsky Franziska Bolle Andrea Bollow Nils Bolze Eric Bontrond Marko Boras Christopher Borgemeister David Borjon Lukas Borkowitz Dr. Dirk Bormann Jens Bormann Ralf Bormann Carlo Born Reinhard Born Thomas Born Francois Bornand Andreas Borowski Tim Borowski Christian Bösch Karsten Bösch Ralf Bösch Norbert Bösel Thomas Bosse Gerald Bothen Stefan Böttger Kevin Böttner Nadim Boubkar Mickaël Bouche Gregory Boudinet Chahid Boukich Noureddine Boukich Rachid Boukich Mohamed Boulamjouj Aziza Boulemnakher Michel Bourdeau Malek Bousba Guillaume Boussarie Nicolas Boussarie Radouane Boutaoui Sofiane Boutaoui Bruno Bouttaz Claude Bouvier Melanie Boxberg Ismail Boyunduruk Hüseyin Böyütmen Ekrem Bozkurt Freddy Bozon Hans-Dieter Braack Horst Braack Ingo Braeuer Kai Lasse Brahmann Dr. Dietmar Bramhoff Larissa Bramhoff Torben Bramhoff Andreas Brandes Horst Brandt Matthias Brandt Matthias Brandt
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Michael Brandt Oliver Brandt Michael Braune Markus Brauner Tobias Brauner Toni Braz Daniel Bregand Frank Brehme Jutta Brehme Marcel Brehme Martin Brehme Philipp Brehme Michael Breidenbach Gerald Breitenhofer Hermann Breitung Raphael Bremicker Franz-Rudolf Brenk Michael Bretzke Dagmar Anna Breuer Dominique Breuer Julia Breuer Detlef Breuing Carsten Brey Raphael Brin Sophie Brin Werner Brinkmann Jaroslaw Brisch Claude Brochier Julian Brockhaus Kai Brockmann Beate Brodesser Tanja Brohm Sebastian Brokamp Mario Bröker David Broquin Volker Broßeit Lydie Brousse Felix Maximilian Brückner Guillaume Brun Philippe Brunatto Alexander Bruner Peter Brüninghoff Marco Brunkhorst Christian Bruno Franco Michael Bruns Jörg Bruska Tim Bruß Rebecca Bruttel Norbert Buchholz Norman Buchholz Florian Buchmann Heiko Buchmann Michael Buchmann Nils Buchmann Matthias Buchmüller Carsten Buck Eric Bückemeyer Patrick Bucki Mesut Budak Maik Budzinski Reiner Budzinski Melanie Buffard Frank Bühl Karin Buhr Carsten Buhse Christoph Bülow Ralf Bundschuss Florian Bunge Oswin Bunge Zeki Burak Ralf Buretschek Heiko Bürgelt Oliver Bürk Christian Burkert Franck Burlon Martin Busch Achim Busche
Horst Buschenhenke Veronika Buschke Jerome Buttard Dirk Büttner Lutz Byrenheid Steve Cabras Andrea Cacko Franck Cadoux Alexandre Caffo Fatih Cakmak Gérard Campergue Dominique Cance Gregory Canzano Yoan Canzano Armand Capello Mario Carballeda Anaelle Carlos Ursula Carlson Anne Marie Carrasquer Jean-Christophe Castrignano Irfan Cavusoglu Kemal Cavusoglu Yusuf Cavusoglu Andre Cazalbou Silke Ceballos Manuel Ceballos Tejero Andrzej Cecot Kagan Cekic Bünyamin Oguz Celen Tamer Celen Halit Celik Stephanie Cendre Yasar Ceran Cyril Chabert Cedric Chaix Florian Chaix Romain Chamberod Philippe Chambier Benjamin Chamorand Kevin Chamorand Lilian Champey Anthony Chappellaz Stephane Chappellaz Sebastien Charkoff Frederic Charvoz Guy Chateau Xavier Chateau David Chatel Pascal Chaumaz Toufik Chenah Alain Chianale Thomas Chomiak Lukas Choragwicki Flavien Christin Loic Christin Kevin Cibis Servet Cicek Fabrice Cifani Necmettin Cimen Teyhan Cinar Simon Claraz Bonnel Axel Clasen Patrice Claustres Gabriel Clavel Jean-Marie Clement Hans-Jürgen Cloeren Jeremy Cognet Patrick Cohendet Raphael Cohendet Joel Collombier Olivier Colse Jean-Claude Combaz Marc Combe Romain Combet Musa Cömez Paul Compassi
Daniel Conrads Charlie Constant Kevin Constant Gaetan Constantin Gregory Constantin Herve Constantin Patrick Cordonatto Carlos Correia Laurent Couronne Christophe Courtaud Laurent Courtes Philippe Cousin Thierry Coutaz Marco Creutzberg Philippe Croce Torsten Cruse Fabrice Cugno Erkan Culha Aurelien Curcio Markus Cyron Bartosz Czora Franz Czora Daniel Da Costa Jean Da Costa Jose Da Costa Ferreira Emmanuel Da Silva Pedro Da Silva Heinz Dahlhuis Hans-Uwe Dahlke Melanie Dahlke Olaf Dahlmann Marlene Dalge Patrick Dalla-Costa Francois Damiani Markus Dammaschk Denis Dams Volker Dams Andre Damuszis Vu Chi Thien Dang Daniel Ahrens Dennis Dannat Dirk Dannowski Mouad Daoudi Satilmis Darakci Gregor Darga Cedric Darmezin Jamal Darwiche Muhamad Darwiche Aikaterini Daskalaki-Prösch Norman Dathe David Ecke Etienne Dax Carlos De Almeida Moreira Baudel Guillaume De Boissier Denis De Bona Sebastien De Bona Philippe De Carvalho Alexandre De Faria Coito Iolando De Fazio Diego De Las Heras Santos Eric De Ruffray Manuel De Sousa Loic Dechalou Alexander Dechand Matthias Dechent Heiko Deckwart Abdelmalek Deffaf Kemal Degirmenci Haouas Dehil Patrick Deiana Andreas Deister Andreas Dej Maurice Delean David Deleglise Gilles Deleglise Jerome Deleglise
Joel Deleglise Engin Deliaci Mustafa Deliaci Francois Dell Olio Jacques Dellacha Iksan Demir Yüksel Demir Cengiz Demirbas Devrim Demirbas Ahmet Demirci Mert Demirci Deniz Demiroglu Imam Demirok Ali Demirtas Dmitry Denisov Liesa Dennhardt Ferhat Derebas Seref Dereli Thomas Deren Mehmet Derin Alexander Deringer Stephane Deroo Hermann Desoye Roland Desoye Mike Dettmann Hermann Dettmering Benoit Deville Duc Helge Dewing Matthieu Dhenaut Laurent Di Donfrancesco Philippe Di Giacomo José Dias Manuel Dias Mathias Dickmann Nicolas Didier Romain Didier Christian Diepenbruck Andreas Dierberger Christoph Dierkes Michel Diernaz Frank Dietrich Kai Dietrich Alexander Dietzel Engin Dikici Melih Dilaver Jan-Ole Dilger Peter Dirks Christian Dirszus Daniel Dirszus Holger Dirszus Jens Dittmar Uwe Frank Dittmar Jonas Dittrich Pedro Do Nascimento Steve Dobras Mike Doerne Ertekin Dogan Nazmi Dogan Ismail Dogru Mike Dohle Dominique Dolce Andreas Domagala Rene Domel Richard Dompnier Martine Donazzolo Ralf Dondrup Rolf Dörken Matthias Dorloff Jörg Dorn Cesario Dos Santos Michael Dötze Farouk Douak Fahim Doudou Rabah Doudou Mohamed Douiri Olivier Dour Daniel Dovetta
Sophie Doyennel Steven Draeger Hans-Peter Dräger Jörg Drechsler Hendrik Dreesen Oliver Dreesen Philip Dreier Andreas Dreistein Katrien Dreistein Hans-Jürgen Drescher Thomas Dresselmann Andreas Drewes Jörg Dreyer Michael Dreyer Albert Drosd Werner Drost Artur Drozd Andreas Dubb Anton Dubrovin Gerd-Uwe Dubzyk Werner Dubzyk Martine Duc Stephane Duc Yoann Duc Cecile Dufreney Henri Dufreney Jean Michel Dufreney Dirk Dullin Marius Dung Steffen Dunte Sebastien Dupraz Gilles Durand Jean-Paul Durand Yves Durando Romain Durieux Sylvain Durieux Özcan Durmaz Hüseyin Durmus Ferdi Dursun Kai-Uwe Duscha Dr. Roman Düssel Cedric Dussuel Nicolas Duval Maximilian Georg Düwel Christoph Ebeling Klaus-Dieter Ebeling Patrick Eberhard Frank Eberhardt Edmond Eberlin Alexander Ebermann Sebastian Ebert Heiko Eckardt Siegmund Eckardt Klaus Ecke Pascal Ecke Vicky Eckert Peter Eckhoff Peter Christian Eckhoff Dieter Ecks Karen Ecolivet Ludovic Eduardo-Pedone Björn Effenberger Andreas Ehrentraut Lars Ehrig Dirk Ehrke Jana Heike Ehrke Sebastian Ehrlich Lars Eichler Mario Eichler Oliver Eichler Philipp Eichler Alexander Eichmann Pascal Eichmeyer Sebastian Eichner-Helk Hartmut Einecke Robert Einecke Andrè Einfeld
THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTED TO THE COMPANY’S SUCCESS Lena Einicke Uwe Eisenblätter Özgür Ekici Ayoub El Houmairi Marzouk El Messaoudi Mustapha El Messaoudi Herbert Elbers Hans-Jürgen Elmer Andreas Elsen Sabrina EmmerichMalchow Fabian Horst Enge Andre Engel Daniel Engelmann Philipp Enger Neo Engler Reiko Engler Dietmar Englicht Hakan Erbas Kurt Erbe Fatih Ercim Talip Erciyas Fuat Erdem Lütfi Erdem Jan Erdmann Ibrahim Erdogan Kemal Ergören Christian Erkes Hasan Erkurt Mustafa Ermis Harri Ernst Yves Ernst Cenk-Cemil Eroglu Göksel Eroglu Nihat Eser Giuseppe Esposito Vitalij Esterle Benjamin Etienne Hans-Günther Eue Benjamin Excoffier Enzo Excoffier Eric Excoffier Baptiste Extrassiaz Alain Eychenne Karsten Faak Michel Facin Norbert Falkenberg Roland Falquet Morris Fandrey Dominique Farago Sylvain Fardeau Marc Fasani Alain Fauquette Lionel Favergeat Stephane Favier Didier Favre David Fay-Chatelard Frederic Feaz Oceane Feaz Justin Federsel Roland Federsel Dirk Fehrmann Hans-Joachim Feige Andrè Felgenhauer Andreas Felgentreff Reinhold Felka William Fenaroli Aljoscha Fendauer Jürgen Feuerstab Mariusz Fialek Christian Fick Peter Fieber Andreas Fiedler Franziska Fiedler Jörg Fiedler Ralf-Uwe Fiedler Torsten Fiedler
Tim Fieseler Didier Figarol Klaus-Dieter Filtgen Norbert Filtgen Bruno Fis Diethard Fischer Enrico Fischer Alexander Fitzel Gerard Fivel Thomas Flesch Morgan Fleuet Marec Fleury Maxime Fleury Aris Christopher Flohr Guido Floreck Lars Floreck Jean Floricic Kevin Flügel Thilo Fockenberg Hans-Friedrich Fohrmann Maik Fohrmann Stefan Folde Johann Folgmann Franck Forato Pierre Fossoux Andreas Föste Michael Föste Denis Fournier Kevin Fox Philippe Francisco Andre Frank Mario Frank Martin Frank Mario Franke Mike Franke Olaf Franke Silvio Franke Torsten Frankenberg Dieter Franz Susann Franz Thomas Franzke Thierry Frasse-Sombet Bernd Frechen Reno Fredrich Eric Fregona Katrin Freitag Florent Frety Christoph Fricke Klaus-Dieter Friebe Thomas Friedel Helge Friedrich Joachim Friedrich Kai Friedrich Lucas Friemel Dietmar Friese Sven Frimmel Thorsten Fritsche Klaus-Dieter Frohschammer Rolf Dieter Frömmel Dennis Fuchs Peter Fuchs Ulrich Füchtner Timo Fuhrmann Niclas Funke Ingo Fürstenau Susanne Fürstenau Pavel Gaas Andreas Gabrisch Herbert Gabrisch Manfred Gaca Stephanie Gaden William Gaden Marc-André Gaertner Vito Gagliardi Eric Gailliard Detlef Galefski Christian Galle
Martin Galler Jacky Gallice Franck Gallonnier Gregoire Galloro Maurice Galuska Francois Galy Bruno Gandon Jörg Gänselein Udo Gänselein Manuel Ganß Regina Ganther Josef Garbas Jean-Claude Garcia Philipp Garnatz Kevin Garthof Benjamin Gasparini Günter Gasse Tobias Gath Angelika Gathmann Franck Gaudin Christophe Gauthier Philippe Gautier Tobias Gawehn Andreas Gawellek Silke Gawellek Raphael Gay Philippe Gayrard Tomasz Gdawiec Oktay Gebes Daniel Gebhardt Gerald Gebhardt Sven Geh Nick Gehrmann Jennifer Geier Adam Gembarowski Piotr Gembarowski Ibrahim Gemec Denis Genin Jacqueline Gericke André Gerlach Frank Gerlach Viktor Gerlein Christy Germain Florian Germain Andrew Gertitschke Patrick Gertzen Christophe Gervasoni Melanie Gessert Christian Ghio Gerard Giambra Peter Giehne Roland Gierlatzek Erk Giesa Johann Giesbrecht Sascha Gieseler Werner Gieshoidt Lilian Gilbert-Collet Herve Gilet Christian Gille Charles-Paul Girard Kevin Girard Philippe Girard Jeremy Giraud Pascal Giraud Klaus Gladosch Ronni Glaser Sabine Glasson Hugues Glatigny Martin Gleffe Eugen Gleich Andreas Glesman Günter Glock Christoph Josef Glomb Jörn Glomb Andreas Glowacki Rainer Glowacki Silke Glowacki-Ramm
Meik Gluhovic Friedhelm Goch Herve Godet Gerd Goemann Thomas Goffloo Udo Gojny Ayhan Gökce Osman Gökmen Dirk Golisch Felix Gomoll Anatoly Goncharov Michael Gondolf Lothar Gonschen Alice Gonthier Fabien Gonthier Raphael Gonthier Eugen Gordeew Ahmet Gören Ömer Gören Werner-Heinz Goronzy Lothar Gorsler Sebastian Gorsler Dirk Göthlich Bastian Götting Christian Gouagout Ginette Governali Hidayet Göztepe Mehmet Göztepe Giulia Grädtke Heike Grädtke Thomas Grädtke Jürgen Grafen Michael Grahl Olivier Granacher Silvio Grande Raphael Grange Tobias Grau Tim Graubach Michael Graubner Harro Graupeter Nico Rolando Grazio Oleg Greev Jürgen Grell Nicolas Grenouiller Geraldine Gricourt Wladimir Gridin Frank Griese Andreas Gritzan Przemyslaw Gromke Sophie Gröper Thomas Gröschler Christopher Groß Jens-Peter Grosse Jörg Große Renè Großmann Norbert Grube Daniel Grundmann Maria Grünewald Pascal Grunitz Frank Grünow Viktor Grünwald Lukasz Gruszka Detlef Grützke Veronika Grützke Sven Grützmacher Janusz Gucia Ertan Güclü Yacine Gueffaf Fabrice Guenard Thierry Guerente Coraline Guerinet Herve Guglielmi Dirk Gühnemann Anthony Guichard Magali Guizard Engin Gül Jürgen Güldner
Markus Güldner Tobias Güldner Yasin Gülhan Aykut Gülyaz Diana Gümüs-Haupt Imdat Gündüz Yunus Günes Hasan Güney Annette Günther Jörg Günther Marco Günther Mario Günther Tobias Günther Uwe Günther Manuel Günzler Paul Gusikow Pascal Gustke Timmy Gutbier Ralf Gutounik Ralf Gutrath Klaus-Peter Gutsche Oliver Gutsche Andy Güttler Fabrice Guygniec Michael Haag David Haarkötter Tim Haarstark Detlef Haase Marcus Haberkorn Dieter Haberscheidt Peter Hablitschek Christoph Hackstein Stefan Hagdorn Benjamin Hagen Melanie Häger Dietmar Hahn Patrick Hahn Sebastian Hahn Tino Hahn Uwe Hahn Patrick Hainisch Henry Hake Martin Halagura Lars Halfar Nedzad Halilbasic Ahmet Haliloglu Romain Hallak Alexander Hammermeister Sebastian Hammermeister Enrico Handrock Lothar Hankel Manuel Hankel Michael Hanken Kevin Hansch Michael Hanschke Ahmed Haouli Elke Happacher Johannes Harbs Roman Harder Steffen Harms Tobias Harms Doreen Hartmann Hans-Peter Hartmann Thomas Hartschen Thorsten Hartung Udo Härtwich Jens Haseley Ralf Hasseln Manfred Hassenrück Heribert Hauck Michael Haupt Annerose Hauptmann Waldemar Haus John Philipp Hecke Frank Hubert Heckenberger Jörg Heer Sebastian Hegmanns
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Mike Heiber Peter Heiber Kerstin Heidrich Johann Heidt Dr. Joachim Heil Michael Heimbach Frank Heine Jürgen Heine Frank Heinicke Marc Heinig Niklas Heinrich Klaus-Dieter Heinrichs Christian Heinz Dirk Heinze Joel Heisterkamp Dmitry Heit Andreas Helbig Björn Heldt Maximilian Helfensteller Thorsten Hellmund Dennis Heltmann Dieter Hempel Lars Hempel Rolf Hempelmann Sebastian Hendel Heiko Hendrich Jens Henneberg Stephan Hennig Bernd Eckehard Henniger Marco Stefan Henrich Marcel Hensel Matthias Herboth Benjamin Herbst Christian Hergault Laura Hergault Sebastian Herger Felix Hermenau Thomas Hermenau Hans Hermsen Jürgen Herold Dominique Heron Hendrik Herre Marcus Herrmann Maximilian Herrmann Joachim Hesse Lars Hesse Olaf Hesseler Thomas Hesselmann Lukas Hetzel Bernd Heydecke Marcel Heymann Dirk Hilgert Michael Hillebrand Ronny Hillmer Christoph Hilscher Kristin Himmelreich Knut Hinke Ruben Hartmut Hinz Michael Hinzmann Marc Hirrschoff Georg Hirsch Georg Hochheim Bruno Höchst Frédéric Hoeppe Andreas Hof Alexander Hoffmann Andre Hoffmann Bernd Hoffmann Christian Hoffmann Edda Hoffmann Ellen Hoffmann Klaus Hoffmann Martin Hoffmann Martina Hoffmann Stefan Hoffmann Uwe Hoffmann Werner Hoffmann jun
Alfred Hofmann Carsten Hofmann Björn Höft Juliane Hohensee André Hohl Christian Hohmann Christoph Hohmann Hans-Jürgen Hohmann Frank-Michael Höhne Frank Holdermann Kai Hollack Thomas Hollmann Detlef Hollwurtel Detlef Hölter Andreas Höpfner Delia Hopp Justin Hoppe Martin Hoppe Frank Horbach Thierry Horn Edgar Hörold Armin Horstkamp Ferenc Horvath Christian Hosang Dunur Hotalak Joachim-Uwe Hötzel Markus Hoven Kubilay Hoyur Volodymyr Hrykalovskyi Daniel Hube Frank Huben Ralf Huben Thomas Hubert Jan Hubrig Andreas Hügen Theodor Hügen Julian Hüser Mufazzal Hussain Jörg Hüttl Stefan Hutwelker Kirsten Hutzler Mahmoud Ibrahem Kevin Ide Dr. Martin Iffert Manuel Ihnken Svetlina Ilieva Christophe Iltis Veysel Ince Rudy Infanti Olivier Ingelaere Hermann Ingenleuf Graham Inglis Zelemkhan Isayev Claudia Iserhardt Nurettin Itmis Chafik Izziani Rolf-Eckhard Jablonski Nicolas Jackowiak Jean-Michel Jacob Patrice Jacob Tobias Jacobs Stephan Jaeger Marco Jäger Thomas Jahn Robin Jahnke Melanie Jäkel Norman Jakob Thomas Jakob Alexander Jakobi Maik Jänecke Michael Janko Thomas Jankovich Phil Jankowski Antonin Janoty Maximilian Jansen Michael Jansen Kai Simon Janzen
Alexander Jarkulisch Dr. Benjamin Jaroni Marco Jarosinski Laurence Jasbinschek Gesa Jauck Marek Jaworek Fabrice Jeacomine Jivake Jeacomine Olivier Jeacomine Dieter Jeche Patrick Jentsch Jürgen Jeske Raphael Jobert Andre Jobst Ines Jobst Karl-Heinz Johannsmann Andreas Johnson Frank-Ulrich Joithe Andreas Jöllerichs Marcus Jonczick Marcel Jonischkies Jeremy Jontzeck Tim Jorissen Claude Julliard Dominique Junet Alexander Jung Stefan Jung Gerald Junge Marcus Junge Simon Junge Rüdiger Jungkurth Erich Jürgens Dirk Justenhofen Fatih Kabacali Hasan Kacar Christian Käfer Katja Käfer Wahid Kahhoudi Karim Kahia Petra Kahl Holm Kahlenberg Vacit Kalembasi Muharrem Kaleoglu Benjamin Kallinowski Alfons Kalvelage Eva-Maria Kalwar Tobias Kammer Mehmet Kanal Sergej Kandybko Viktor Kandybko Harald Kapica Özcan Kara Ercan Karademir Ekrem Karakullukcu Erhan Karakullukcu Hakan Karakullukcu Mustafa Karakullukcu Sami Karakullukcu Ali Karazor Ramazan Karga Suat Karga Andreas Kärrner Mario Karsten Sven Karsten Norbert Karthäuser Michel Nils Karwel Mario Kaschner Thomas Kassen Fabian Kaßner Florian Kastien Robert Kather Thomas Kaufmann Gerd Kaulitz Frank Kausch Andreas Kauschat Kathleen Kautz Anna-Lena Kauws
Adem Kaya Huseyin Kaya Ramazan Kaya Yildiz Kaya Cetin Kayabasi Hüseyin Kayali Ouaheb Kecheroud Raouf Kecheroud Jan Kegel André Kehr Henri Keil Lutz Keil Steffen Keil Sefettin Kekec Benjamin Kepke Volker Kerkhof Torsten Kerstan Turgut Keskin Michael Kess Kay Kessel Dirk Keßler Jana Keßler Andy Keßner Thorsten Kestel Reinhard Ketter Olaf Keune George Keurentjes Steven-Dusty Kexel Andreas Kiebel Andreas Alexander Kiefert Sven Kiesel Fabian Kiesow Lars Kijek Yasar Kilic Jürg Kintzel Marc Kinze Karsten Kiparski Kevin Kiparski Christian Kirchberg Klaus Kircher Barnet Kirchner Axel Kirschner Michael Kirstein Sven Kittel Tolga Kivrak Jörg Kizyna Claudia Kladnik Mirco Kladnik Vanessa Eileen Klar Isabell Klauke Marcus Klaus Birgit Klebe Michael Klehm Dennis Klein Markus Klein Udo Kleindienst Dr. Andreas Kleine Oxana Kleine Rico Cederic Kleinhardt Jörg Kleinloh Viktor Klejonkin Timo Klemens Markus Klenk Steven Kley Thomas Klimek Fabian Klimmek Christoph Klindworth Markus Klingeberg Dirk Klinke Denis Klocihin Markus Klose Ralf Kloske Susanne Klossek Pascal Kluge Werner Kluge Marcus Klumpe Jürgen Knabe
Thomas Knaup Andreas Knicza Kai Knoblich Niklas Knöfel Loreen Knop Maurice Knop Falko Knospe Sebastian Kny Michael Kobienia Kurt Kobler Frank Kobus Nina Kobüssen Dr. Hubert Koch Günter Koch Ronald Koch Sebastian Koch Silvia Koch Torsten Koch Elke Beate Koch-Kanzler Michele Kocks Paul Koenig Timo Koesling Hoss Kohl Eberhard Kohla Andreas Köhler Jan-Peter Köhler Thomas Köhler Rene Kohlruss Oliver Kolb Siegfried Kolbe Klaus-Dieter Kolberg Uwe Kolditz Andrzej Kolinski Klaus Kolinski Thomas Kollenda Sabine Koller Annette Kollex Lars Köllner Lothar Kolodziej Karin Kolok Jan Komorowski Torsten Konen Wolfgang Konen Adrian Konietzny Alexander König Axel König Frank-Peter König Franziska König Roland-Josef König Stefan König Ulrich König Frank Königsmann Stefan Koop Cengiz Kop Mehmet Kop Stefan Köpnick Jesse Korcenietz Olcay Korkmaz Selahattin Korkmaz Bernd Korn Marco Körner Roy Körner Florian Körner-du Hamél Jörg Korsmeier Thomas Korte Nicolai Kosel Kai Koslik Ralf Koslowski Klaus Köster Adam Kostorz David Kotarski Andreas Kötter Gregor Kottmann Michael Kotz Lothar Kotzbach Udo Kowalsky Heinrich Koza
THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTED TO THE COMPANY’S SUCCESS Enrico Kraatz Remi Krachewski Dennis Kraft Ingmar Kraft Stefan Krakau Stefan Krall Andreas Krämer Holger Krämer Tassilo Kramm Steffen Kranich Kathrin Kraska Karl Krasmik Wieslaw Kraszewski Dirk Kratz Alexander Kraus Norbert Kraus Rene Kraus Stefan Kraus Andreas Krause Christian Krause Uwe Krause Diana Krause Marcel Kräuter Torsten Krautwurst Guido Krebber Eckhardt Krebs Jörg Krebs Karl-Hermann Krebs Gerd Kreisel Rustam Kremer Uwe Kremer Rainer Kremkau Peter Kremling Helmut Kresimon Phil Kretschmer Marcel Kreutz Dieter Krey Martin Krey Michael Krey Linda Krieger Sebastian Krieger Kerstin Krnjajic Marco Kroezemann Thomas Kröger Dirk Kröhnert Steffen Krokowski Alexander Kroll Michael Kroll Thomas Kroll Rene Krone Martin Krones Andre Krosch Thorsten Krosch Rudolf Krpan Christian Krug Ronny Krug Georg Krüger Ronny Krüger Matthias Krull Christian Krupp Sebastian Kruschyna Waldemar Kubina Sascha Kübler Jens Kuck Petra Kuck Torsten Kucza Adrian Kuczma Sven Kühler Michel Kuhn Marc Andre Kühn Angelika Kühne Rüdiger Kühne Uwe Kühne Frank Kühnemann Klaus-Dieter Kühnemund Pascal Kühnemund
Maik Kuhnmünch Claude Kujawa Christopher Kulbach Carolin Kulczak Jens Kulik Ralf Kullik Peter Kumor Markus Künkel Michael Künstner Rene Kunze Daniel Küpper Manfred Kurka Peter Kurowski Norman Kürschner Deniz Kursun Thomas Kurth Lutz Kurze Mesut Kus Manfred Kusenberg Gerrit Kustos Klaus Kutscher Peter Kutzig Erdem Kuzören Roman Kwiotek Cyril La Russa Werner Labermaier Jérome Labro Johan Labro Mario Lachmann Werner Lachnicht Francois Lacoste Sebastien Lacotte Frederic Lacroix Claus Ladda Gilbert Laffitte-Rigaud Christoph Lagocki Jörg-Dieter Lahme René Lahmer Hassan Lamallam Said Lamallam Detlef Lamp Nelly Lampre Yannick Landais Uwe Landgraf Jochen Lange Malte Lange Peter Lange Stanislav Lange Thomas Lange Viktor Lange Ralf Langemann Dominik Langen Jörg Langer Martin Langer Philippe Lanu Martin Lanzke Yves Largeron Brahim Larguet Djamel Larguet Christophe Larquemin Gilles Lartigue Jordan Lascar Didier Lascurettes Fabrice Latard Patrick Latour Joachim Laub Maik Laube Maurice Laubinger Rüdiger Laue Claudia Lauerburg Christian Laurent Christo Lazarow Mario Lazic Francois Lazzaro Claire Le Meur Rudolf Lebeda Uwe Lechleitner
Philippe Leclerqc Arne Lederer Pascal Legrand Marc Lehmann Andreas Lehne Detlef Lehne Stefan Leifer Jean-Paul Lemaire Mike Lemmnitz Paulo Lemos Marvin Lenski Thomas Lenski Holger Lenz Kevin-Lee Lerch Philipp Lerche Laurent Lesaunier Ortwin Letonja Oliver Leu Jeremie Lhuissier Joachim Liebau Marcus Liebau Daniel Liebst Mario Liedtke Julia Lienig Jose Manuel Lierhaus Detlef Liese Florian Liesenberg Nicolas Ligonesche Steffen Limke Stefan Linde Birgit Lindekamp Eddi Lindert Stefan Lindner Tobias Lindner Max Lingemann Markus Linzner Nicolas Liothaud Stefan Lipka Ivica Lipovac Sven Lippert Fabienne Lisa Marian Lison Janus Litwitz Denis Liverneaux Marlis Löbel-Schmidtke Niels Löbling Hans-Hermann Loebel Philipp Loeffen Sandra Loffeld Reiner Löffelmann Andreas Löffler Norman LöfflerKolodzig Michael Lohkämper Andy Lommatzsch Philippe Longuet Nadege Lopez Marco Lourenco Martins Andreas Louven Mathias Louven Isabelle Louvion Fabien Lovato Peter Löwe Antonio Lozano Zedda Klaus Lübcke Frank Lubinetzki Patrick Lucas Dominique Lucia Joseph Lucia Fabian Ludwig Heinz Ludwig Henry Ludwig Thomas Ludwig Jens Lüer Thomas Luft Kathrin Lukas
Jörg Lungershausen Judicael Lussiez Dr. Andreas Lützerath Thomas Lux Stephane Madoe Loic Maenner Robert Magedanz Arsene Magnin Jean-Marc Magnin Matteo Magunia Fred Mähl Lars Mahler Marco Bernd Mahler Christian Maier Christian Maikath Michael Mainhardt Roger Maire Rafal Maiwald Rainer Majak Günter Maleika Abdeljebbar Mallahi Mustapha Mallahi Walter Maltoni Ludowic Mandara Christian Manderfeld Hasan Mangal Julia Mangels Christoph Manko Gabriel Mann Marcus Manneck Ellen Manns Lukas Manusé Max Marar Murat Maras Laurent Marchand Alexis Marchetti Alexandre Marcotti Bert Marczeski Etienne Marivingt Frederic Marmi Thorsten Maron Bo Marquard Michael Marquard Christa Marquash Bryan Marques Lutz Marschhausen Anthony Martin Jean Jacques Martin Sebastien Martin Dominique Martinez Joseph Martino Udo Maruhn Alexander März Oliver Marzin Dr. Luisa Marzoli Loris Masciotti William Massamba Christophe Massat Eric Massat Thomas Matern Nicolas Mathieu Slim Mathlouthi Johannes Mattedi Thomas Matthews Christiane Matthies Michel Matthies Tim Bjarne Matthiesen Luigi Mattina Christof Matuszczyk Jens Mätzel Christian Maurer Ulrich May Thorsten Mecking Klaus Meenke Richard Meier Jens Meinecke Mathias Meinen
Maria Meissel Heiko Meissner Oliver Melzer Karlheinz Mems Frank Mendel Mickael Menegazzi Daniel Menzel Ömer Mercan Fabrice Mercuri Cedric Merloz Andreas Mertens Thomas Mertens Mesut Mese Hrvoje Mesin Cedric Mestrallet Jean-Francois Metral Andreas Mett Marcel Meyer Timo Meyer Torsten Meyer Werner Meyer Boris Meyers Frederic Mezouar Adrian Michalski Stefan Michalsky Tobias Michalzick Sascha Michel Pascal Mieta Marco Mietzelfeldt Jean Milan Ivo Milanovic Uwe Milewski Jens Miller Patrick Milleret Jean-Michel Million Torsten Milszewski Jürgen Mingerzahn Christophe Minguet Sebastian Minney Justin Mirt Rudolf Misch Stephan Missal Ralf Mittelstraß Mohamad Mizied Thomas Mockenhaupt Mark Möhlen Michael Mohr Nora Mohra Marcus MohrbacherBasista Karine Moisson Rufin Moj Pierre-Laurent Molbert Ioan Eugen Moldovan Ralf Mölken Dennis Möller Matthias Molnar Joseph Monacis Franck Mondet Stephane Mondet Marc Mongellaz Christian Monski Franck Morales Luc Morales Christian Morczinek Denny Mosdzien Rainer Möser Martin Mothes Holger Mücke Friedrich Muelenz Albert Mulder Alexander Müller Andreas Müller Christine Müller Frank Müller Hans-Jürgen Müller Jürgen Müller
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Klaus Müller Marco Müller Michael Müller Mike Müller Olaf Müller Oliver Müller Sebastian Müller Thomas Müller Timo Müller Tobias Müller Tobias Müller Ute Müller Karl Heinz Müllers Dirk Münch Boris Münchow Heiko Mundt Maik Munzert Guy Muscara Nicolas Muscara Hakan Muslu Vincent Musolino Philippe Mussini Georges Mussio Pierre Mussio Ajay Muthreja Gregor Mysliwietz Luis Paul Nabakowski Sascha Nabakowski David Frank Horst Nachtigall Reinhold Nachtigall Bärbel Nachtweide Jörg Nagel Stephane Nagi Philippe Nahim Andreas Najwer Mathieu Nar Jeremie Natale Dustin Nattermann Philipp Natzel Mario Nauendorf Antoine Navarro Klaus Nebe Verena Neitzel Christian Nelle Fabian Dominik Nelz Ralf Neuber Ivo Neuendorf Hartmut Neugebauer Hans-Walter Neukäter Patrick Neukirchen Lars Neumann Matthias Neumann Michel Neumann Veit Neumann Michael Neuwirth Duc Ngo Huy Sabrina Nickel Volker Nickolai Christophe Nicolle Sebastian Nies Thomas Niesenhaus Bernhard Niestroj Robert Nikielski Dimitri Nikolaev-Spirer Martin Nimmergut Manuel Matthias Nissel Robert Nisser Christian Nitsch Sascha Nitsche Thomas Nixdorf Jan Nonnenmacher Kai Nonnenmacher Alain Rene Noraz David Noraz Mirko Nordhausen Dietmar Nowacki
Tobias Nowaczek Georg Nowak Boguslaw Noworzyn Heinrich Noworzyn Brigitte Nuer Jörg Nullet Christoph Nycz Roman Nycz Daniel Obal Kai Obal Reinhold Obbink Martin Oberländer Hüseyin Obi Engin Öcal Ersin Öcal Tim Moritz Ochmann Emre Odabas Mustafa Ödemis Sylvia Oeft Arnfried Oeftger Lars Oehlmann Dario Oellrich Heiko Oellrich Fabian Oertel Renè Oertel Sascha OesterschmidtArera Tim Okelmann Hüseyin Okumus Miroslaw Olczyk Manfred Olejniczak Michael Olejniczak Andreas Olejnik Martin Oleksik Daniele Olia Claude Olivetto Gerard Olivetto Claude Olivier Pascal Olivier Edgar Ollenburg Rafal Olschewski Dominik Opgen-Rhein Petra Opgen-Rhein Stefanie Opgen-Rhein Mario Oppelt Murat Ören Taruk Ören Tugay Ören Emrah Orhan Gerhard Orthen Seref Oruc Pawel Orzechowski Paul Oster Heiko Osterland Marcel Osthoff Claudia O‘Sullivan Michal Oszek Robert Otero Yilmaz Ötgün Abid Othman Andreas Otolski Andreas Otte Philipp Otto Eric Oustry Pascale Oustry Ilhan Öz Eyyup-Kaan Özbay Oguzkan Özbay Asker Özcan Yüksel Özcan Caner Özen Tolga Öztürk Eike Pabst Jean-Francois Pacchiotti Marcel Pahnke Frederic Paillet Halil Palaz
Özcan Palaz Mario Palermo Mickael Pallares Martin Paluch Patrice Panini Stefan Pantel Ilias Papadopoulos Karl-Heinz Pape Carsten Papenfuss Albert Papoz Dirk Parnieske Sebastian Parusel Andre Paschertz Marcel Paschertz Rudolf Paschiller René Pasler Ali Pasli Eric Pasquier Nicolas Pasquier Dennis Pass Holger Pastucha Dursun Patan Mathias Paterok Nicolas Patusso Volkmar Pätz Robby Paucke Katja Paul Pascal Marco Paul Sebastian Paul Mario Paulin Frank Paustian Julien Pavon Hernandez Alexander Pazay Frank Peeters Jörg Peetz Marcus Peetz Karine Pellegrini Gilbert Peraldo Eric Perbellini Patrick Perceval Didier Perinet Kevin Perinet Bernd Perkuhn Marcel Perl Jean-Louis Perriere Nicolas Perrin Sebastian Pertack Luciano Pesce Pascal Peschel Dietrich Peschke Dominik Peters Olga Peters Pascal Petoud Thierry Petraccaro Vincent Petraccaro Anton Petrich Artur Petrich Bürgit Petz Michael Petzold-Hitzwebel Andreas Peveling Dirk Pfeifer Michael Pfeifer Pascal Dominik Pfennig Daniel Pfrieme Frederic Picton Marc-Andre Piecha Pauline Pieron Viktor Piersina Andreas Pilewska German Pinedo Fernandez Christian Pinel Stephane Pinet Eric Pinot Rafael Piontkowski Wolfgang Piorek Marius Piotrowski Melanie Piotrowski
Dennis Pipiale Bernard Pischka Christian Pithoud Claudette Pizzanelli Ralf Plagge Frank Plaschke Heike Platt Daniel Platzköster Guido Plaul Joerg Plauschinn Markus Plettau Matthias Plock Miroslaw-Robert Plonowski Philipp Plötzner Bernd Plückelmann Dominique Podevin Maxime Podigora Marcel Poeplau Robert Pohl Sebastian Pohl Marcel Pohle-Kühne Gregory Poirier Dirk Polak Manfred Polke Jean-Michel Pommier Laurent Pommier Serge Pommier Harald Pompalla Carsten Pönicke Tim Ponndorf Mirko Poot Serge Popa Nicole Pöpping Matthias Porep Marten Poschadel Marcus Pöschl Ronny Pöschl Andreas Posenau Alexander Pospiech Peter Pospiech Christian Pössel Kerstin Posselt Werner Posselt Claas Posser Tim Pöter Jens Praetsch Nikola Franjo Pranjic Claudine Prat Thierry Prat Thomas Prazeus Patricia Preis Dr. Jörg Prepeneit Ronny Pretschendörfer Erick Prianon Michael Pribil Nikolai Primuschkin Roman Primuschkin Torsten Prinzen Hartmut Probst Michael Probst Bernd Pröbster Christian Proft Norbert Prudlik Christian Pruvost Xavier Pruvot Armand Przibilla Andreas Puff Heiner Puhl Sylvia Pupke Thomas Puthe Klaus Pytlik Wolfgang Quadt Christian Quandt Nico Quast Georges Quentin Renaud Quentin
Denis Quezel-Guerraz Benjamin Quindeau Emeric Rabartin Christian Radlach Norbert Rädler Alexandre Raffi Hassan Raftani Damien Rageade Gilbert Rageade Ulf Rahn Klaus Raika Christian Rakob Labinot Ramanaj Nico Ramm Anette Rappe Manuel Rasch Nils Raschke Thomas Rasehorn Benoit Ratel Felix Ratel Nicolas Ratel Olivier Ratel Patrick Ratel Sebastien Ratel Matthias Raubuch Dennis Rauh Mario Rauhöft Jean-Jacques Ravasio Anthony Raùl Ravello Cortez Anja Rechenberger Sandra Reck Dennis Reddig Dr. Till Carsten Reek Laurent Reffet Jörg Regeniter Klaus Peter Reich Heiko Reichardt Sven Reichenbach Marcel Reichert Roland Reichwald Sebastian Reif Martina Reifer Matthias Reihl Manuel Reimann Nina Reimer Dirk Reinardy Dr. Elke ReinboldWeuster Martin Reinert Markus Reinhardt Alexander Reinhold Fredi Reinholz Oliver Reinke Alexander Reintanz Hakan Reis Hans-Joachim Remus Sylvain Renaux Markus Rennecke Stefanie Rennecke Michel Reshöft Damien Ressant Peter Reuter Thomas Reuther Simon Rexin Francois Rey Jerome Rey Paulo Ribeiro Matos André Ribeiro Monteiro Martin Richard Nathan Richard Teddy Richard David Richter Erika Richter Joachim Richter Marcus Richter Tobias Richter
THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTED TO THE COMPANY’S SUCCESS Detlef Riebenstahl Marcel Riedel Thomas Riedel Jürgen Riegel Gerd Rienäcker Marcel Rienäcker Peter Rienäcker Uwe Riesche Andy Riese Andre Rieve Wolfgang Rilk Andreas Rindermann Matthias Rindermann Mathias Ringewald Carsten Rink Tanja Rinsche Theo Riondet Gros Alexandre Riot Lothar Ripkens Manfred Ripkens Kader Riri Markus Rissel Eugen Rjabov Jörg Rochelmeyer Andreas Rockmann Evelyn Rodemann Mario Rödiger Maxime Rodrigues Jose RodriguezChoclan Dirk Rogahn Jürgen Rogalla Dennis Rohde Henry Rohde Ulrich Rohde Yves Röhkel Henrik Rohland Henrik Rohrmoser Claudio Rojas Zamora Yves Rol Carsten Rolle Genevieve Rollet Gilles Rollet Jean Pierre Rollet Evgenij Roman Horst Römer Michael Ronci Ellen Ronden Franck Roose Mario Roosen Franck Rosa Jens Rose Dr. Marcel Rosefort Alexander Rosental Jörg Roskoth Sebastien Rossat Eric Rossero Frederic Rossero Steve Rossi Dominik Rößler Claudia Roßmeyer Maik Roßmeyer Heinrich Rotaermel Andreas Rothe Jens Rothe Michael Rothe Lutz Rothenbücher Denise Rother Peter Rottmann Celine Roudet Joseph-Victor Rouzaud Delphine Royer Heiko Rübke Harald Ruck Rolf Ruckelshauß Anne Rücker Michael Rückrieme
Chris Rückriemen Tristan Rückriemen Uwe Rückriemen Michael Rudnick Tim Rudolf Markus Rudolph Gabriel Ruggieri Stefan Rühlemann André Ruland Daniel Rumpf Antoine Russo Tino Rust Stefan Rustenbach Patric Rutert Matthias Ruthe Zdzislaw Rutkowski Michael Saalfeld Sebastian Saar Morgan Saccomandi Olga Sachenbacher Daniel Sachse Manuel Sager Hüseyin Sahin Efthymios Saisanas Yvan Salamito Malik Saleh Andreas Salfer Stefan Salge Michel Salliere Karl-Heinz Salm Bernard Salomon Luisa Salomon Matthias Salomon Torsten Salomon Michael Sandow Franco Sanfilippo Mario Sanftleben Stefan Sänger Michel Santarelli Vincent Santos Aydin Sari Selim Sarikaya Herve Sarret Anthony Sasso Pascal Sasso Christoph Sauerbier Frank Sauermann Ina Sauerzapf Renè Sauerzapf Matthias Saul Wolfgang Saul Claude Savoye Ömer Savran Enrico Schaar Thomas Schachner Gerald Schade Marco Schade Bernd Schädel Matthias Schadt Hans-Jürgen Schael Chris Michel Schäfer Holger Schäfer Norbert Schäfer Jochen Schaffeld Benjamin Schaffranek Frank Schallop Fabian Schapfeld Ronny Scharf Michael Scharpf Karsten Schebesta Martin Schechinger Thomas Schechinger Dr. Georg Scheele Christian Scheelhaas Birgit Scheffler Peter Scheidt Markus Scheikowski
Alexandra Schelomkow Enrico Schelzer Steffen Mario Schemel Klaus-Dieter Schenk Jörg Schepermann Daniel Scherinski Erhard Scherinski Michael Scheufen Ines Schiecke Karsten Schiecke Marcus Schiemann Enrico Schiergott Wolfram Schiller Stefan Schimanski Sven Schimke Jens Schindewolf Eckhard Schindler Andreas Schindowsky Sven Schittko Rolf Schivella Joachim Schlahs Karl Heinz Schlarp Kamil Schlechter Manfred Schlensok Sebastian Schlesier Dennis Schlichting Joachim Schliefke Steffen Schlücke Karin Schlüter Marius Schlüter Philipp Schlüter Philipp Schmal Claus Schmedtje Andre Schmeis Björn Schmelt Christoph Schmelzer Dominik Schmelzer Maximilian Schmelzer Michael Schmelzer Sven Schmelzer Achmed Schmeyers Rudolf Schmidl Andrea Schmidt Axel Schmidt Clemens Schmidt Daniel Schmidt Dirk Schmidt Erwin Schmidt Eugen Schmidt Ilona Schmidt Jens Schmidt Jens Schmidt Marek Schmidt Michael Schmidt Norbert Mikel Schmidt Sandra Schmidt Stefan Schmidt Steven Schmidt Björn Schmidtke Alexander Schneider Andreas Schneider Christian Schneider Karl Schneider Tino Schneider Viktor Schneider Mike Schneidewind Andreas Schnelle Sandra Schnelle Christian Schnepp Hans Schnur Janusz Schnura Björn Schnurre Udo Schnurre Ellen Schoch Michael Schoch Thomas Scholl Elmar Schöll
Christoph Scholle Björn Scholt Alfons Scholten Carsten Scholz Katrin Scholz Markus Scholz Matthias Scholz Stefan Schomacker Frank Schönfeld Kerstin Schönfeld Bastian Schöning Christian Schöntag Markus Schönwitz Philipp Schoof Marc Schophaus Axel Schorg Robert Schorg Sven Schössow Steffen Schrader Thomas Schradiek Tobias Schreck Thomas Schreiber Klaus Schröder Matthias Schröder Ronny Schröder Thomas Schröder Bernd Schrödter Glenn Schröpfer Jürgen Schröpfer Ronny Schröter Torsten Schubbert Christoph Schubert Detlef Schuff Erika Schuff Michael Schuff Maximilian Schulenburg Günter Schüler Fred Schuller Hans-Werner Schulte Oliver Schulte-Werflinghoff Bernhard Schulz Cäsar Schulz Christian Schulz Mathias Schulz Matthias Schulz Oliver Schulz Reinhard Schulz Stefan Schulz Thomas Schulz Jens Schulze Rüdiger Schulze Patrick Schumann Jose Schummertz Marcel Schunke Vitali Schuprowitsch Carsten Schur Florian Schütt Siegfried Schütz Jan Niclas Schwab Andre Schwarz Friedel Schwätter Thomas Schweda André Joel Schwefer Klaus Schweininger Daniel Schwermer Mirko Schwitzki Marcel-Daniel Schwulerra Benjamin Seckel Bernd Seckel Steve Sefzyk Remi Sehier Ralf Seidenath Detlef Seifert Michael Seifert
Dirk Seiffert Jürgen Seiler Helga Sekulak Thomas Sellmann Simon Manuel Selm Christoph Semaneck Alexander Semke Mithat Sen Osman Sen Andreas Senft Gerd Senft Bilgin Senol Jörg Sepp Christophe Serain Georges Serain Lionel Sergent Stephanie Sermet Humberto Serrano Eberhard Severin Norbert Severin Arian Seyffarth Nils Seyffarth Metin Seylan Andrii Shchepyns‘kyi Yevgen Shenderovych Patrick Sibue Peter Sichwart Frank Siebenhüner Tobias Siebert Holger Siebrandt Thomas Siecke Kai Sieg Maik Sieler Bernd-Dieter Siemon Gerhard Siepker Toni Siggel Robert Sildatke Sven Singendonk Mustafa Sipahi Adem Sis Ireneusz Jacek Sitarski Marcin Sitarz Dirk Sittner Jörg Skaletz Michael Skaletz Sven Skibak Daniell Sklenar Hans Skubicki Jürgen Slamberger Marc Slamberger David Smeilus Jakob Smit Danny Smolarczyk Lars Sobolewski Marcel Sobolewski Steven Sobolewski Guido Sobottka Richard Sodenkamp Wolfgang Soemers Martin Söffge Axel Sollberger Dirk Somfleth Marco Sommer Kai Sommerfeld Rene Sonnenberg Nadine Sonzogni Abdelghani Souici Jean Luc Sovy Wilfried Sowa Tobias Spangemacher Daniel Spangenberg Thomas Speier Udo Sperandio Dirk Sperling Jürgen Sperling Martina Spille Anthony Spinelli
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Joseph Spinelli Frank Spörl Jürgen Spretz Mark Springer Uwe Springer Frank Spriwald Michael Staat Marc-André Stachura Mike Stadtfeld Annett Stange Maik Stange Lennart Stanienda Thomas Stapel Uwe Stark Fabien Stasia Jean-Francois Stawiarski Dieter Steckel Niko Steden Rainer Steden Frank Stedtler Mathias Steffen Jan Steglich Dirk Steigerwald Damien Steilen Frank Stein Heinz Uwe Stein Marius Stein Waldemar Stein Sebastian Steinecke Alexander Steingens Ernst Steinike Peter Steinkraus Alexander Steinmetz Markus Steinmetz Sebastian Steinmetz Thomas Stelling Dariusz Stelmaszyk Jürgen Stenk Andreas Stepien Günter Stepputat Kai Stets Mario Stetten Michael Steuer Henning Stick Waldfried Stieler Hans-Jürgen Stingl Krystian Stochniol Thomas Stöhr Roman Stolze Holger Stoppacher Reinhardt Straubel Matthias Strauchmann Siegfried Strauß Uwe Strauß Santino Strazzanti Andreas Streeck Claudine Strippoli Sophie-Maureen Ströhl Michael Strube Lorenz Struck Anika Strümpel Alfons Strupat Amra Studenovic Thomas Sturm Klaus Stürmer Andreas Jan Stüven Stefan Herbert Stüven Olcay Subasi Hendrik Suermann Tobias Suhr Rene Sulimma Aicha Suppo Marcel Sürig Matthias Swidurski Eduard Swientek Ralf Sydow Bodo Sylla Lars Sylvester
Cord Synowzik Detlef Sypitzki Lukas Syrylo Victor Tabenyang Tabot Damir Tadic Yilmaz Tagay Hocine Tair Melanie Tanguy Thomas Tannigel Norbert Tänzer Petrik Tarara Antoine Tarsitano Cetin Taskin Metin Taskin Tekin Taskin Urs Tatzki Frank te Pas Martin Teepe Marcel Teetz Dirk Teistler Erkan Tekin Tanyer Telli Thomas Tellmann Valentin Tenbergen Heinz-Peter Tenbrün Klaus Tenorth Jessica Teodoro Andre Tepaß Peter Tepper Stefan Teske Philippe Tessitore Jürgen Teuscher Benjamin Theessen Niklas Theil Frank Theissen Arne Theuerkauf Karsten Theuner Eva Thiekötter Georg Thiel Jens Thiel Klaus Thiel Tobias Thiel Rüdiger Thiele Sandra Thielecke-Siegmann Rene Thieme Francois-Xavier Thimel Alexandre Thomas Cedric Thomas Jean-Gabriel Thomas Klinger Thomas Robin Thomasius Tom Thomasius Gerard Thomasset Christian Thormann Roman Thuar Andreas Thurau Rene Thyssen Harry Tibelius Markus Tibke Ronny Tiedemann Agnes Tiedtke Torsten Tiedtke Marcel Tietjen Tim Timpe Peter Tinsley Johann Tissen Bernhard Willem Toebes Mikael Tognet Ramazan Tokses Thierry Tomasino Pascal Tomczak Dennis Tonhäuser Francois Toniolo David Topp Cevat Toprak Frederic Torri Jean-Francois Tosi
Pierre Tournet Nicholas Grant Towsey Patrick Toye Christel Trenkel Christian Trenkel Mike Trenkel Marc Trepper David Treppschuh Gunter Trespe Adrian Triemer Pierre-Louis Troccaz Arlind Trolli Armin Trost Cedric Truchet Frederic Truchet Jean-Jacques Truchet Patrick Truchet Pierre-Yves Truchet Xaver Tryjanowski Bastian Tschechne Christos Tselekis Evgenij Tumanez Dennis Tumm Tuncay Türkoglu Murat Türkyilmaz Reinhold Turnau Olaf Turtschan Patrick Twardy Ali Ucar Bärbel Uhlmann Rainer Uhrich Thomas Uhrich Aykut Ulas Ahmet Ülger Jürgen Harald Ulinsky Enrico Ulmer Waldemar Ulrich Stefan Ulzenheimer Recep Ünal Mario Unrein Maik Urbainczyk Frank Urbanek Mark Uschmann Yasin Ustaoglu Michael Valentini Andy Valet Jean-Louis Valet Heike Valka Vincent van den Bos Patrick van der Mond Hendrik van Dijken Thorsten van Husen Tobias van Laak Christine Vandi Olivier Vanoni Antoine Vanuxem Tom Varchmin Jimmy Varesano Gilles Vasseur Torsten Velden Hermann Vengels Ulrich Vengels Thomas Venn Michael Vennemann Aurelien Verdet Vasyl Vereschahin René Verhoeven Luca Verna Elie Vernay Marlene Vernier Pascal Vestweber Vincent Viallet Patrick Viard Gaspard Vieux Marc Villa Celestin Villalon Nicolas Villard
Pascal Vincent Damien Vinit Andre Virgino Thierry Vivarat Paraskevi Vlachou Hanno Vogel Jan Vogel Lutz-Dieter Vogler Constantin Vogt Dennis Vogt Holger Vogt Rene Voigt Tobias Voigt Andreas Völker Antonia Völker Silvio Volkmann Roman Volmer Susanne Vomhof Malte von Lewinski Marcus Vondryska Michael Voß Tobias Voß Udo Voss Alain Votta Franko Wagener Alexander Wagner Andreas Wagner Chris Wagner Jakob Wagner Reiner Wagner Detlef Wahl Horst Wahlen Karin Wahlmann Malta Pagliuso Felix Waldheim Dorothée Wallenfels Cedric Walpurgis Armin Walter Oliver Walter Peter Waniek Thierry Wantelet Yoann Wantelet Uwe Wawra Daniel Wawriza Matthäus Wawzinek Christoph Wayszczak Matthias Weber Yvette Weber Steve Weckerlei Wolfgang Weddeler Gregor Wedekin Marcel Wegener Alexander Wegner Dieter Wehling Maxemilian Weidemann Manuela Weidhaus Jörg Weidlich Jonas Weidner Daniel Weiland Ronny Weilert Harald Weinert Roland Weiser Anja Weisheit Andreas Weiss Guido Weiss Nicky Weiß Philipp Weiß Alexander Weißenbacher Christian Weißflog Sönke Wellbrock Norbert Welzel Matthias Wenisch Bastian Wenk Frank Wenzel Maik Wenzel Mario Wenzlowski Andre Werner
Burkhard Werner Ina Werner Klaus Michael Werner Max Werner Barbara Wesse Helge Wessel Michael Westendorp Christian Westfal Ludger Westfal Sebastian Westkamp Filip Westphal Torsten Westphal Thomas Wetzel Eike Weyers André Wichter Hans-Peter Wickfeld Detlef Wickhorst Patrick Widowski Josef Wiebe Christian Wiechardt Detlef Wieczorek Elke Wiedel Heiko Wiedel Marvin Wiehle Martin Wiesner Klaus Wilckens Markus Wild Stefan Wilinski Simon Wilke Uwe Wilkens Bernd Wilker Benjamin Will Mario Will Andi Willomitzer Vincent Wilting Peter Windrich Johannes Wink Sören Winkel Frank Winkler Martin Winkler Fritz Winter Kai Winter Karsten Winters Martin Wirth Peter Wirth Joel Wirtz Peter Wirtz Carsten Witkowski Carsten Witt Guido Witte Karin Wittke Michael Robert Wittneben Christoph Wochnik Uwe Wodrig Ronald Woelky Johannes Wohlfahrt Volker Wohlfahrt Michael Wojciechowski Andreas Wolf Klaus-Dieter Wolf Ingmar Wölfer Tobias Wölke Andreas Woller Marco Wöllner Bernd Wollny Alexander Wolter Lothar Wolters Ralf Wondracek Laura Ann Woodward Jörg Worscheck Joscha Wortmann Dirk Wresch Piotr Wroblik Jens Wunschel Robert Würtzler Heiko Wuttke Mirko Wylezich Dennis Wytrykus
Arkadius Wyzgolik Nadir Yagcioglu Mohamed Yakhlaf Hasan Yalcin Hamza Yavuz Muammer Yazici Dieudonne Yenge Ismail Yetisen Ramazan Yetisen Erol Yildiz Ahmet Yilmaz Ali Yilmaz Ayhan Yilmaz Murat Yilmaz Sadet Yilmaz Christian Yoccoz Cem Yokaribas Ramazan Yüce Kemal Yurdakul Eike Zacharias Ottokar Zacharias Walter Zago Michael Zander Benedikt Zapietz Jürgen Zauner Patrick Zavaglia Dirk Zawinell Igor Zaytsev Marco Zehnpfund Robert Zehnpfund Tobias Willi Zehnpfund Ines Zerbin Sebastien Zerla Benjamin Zern Florian Zern Jörg Zeugner Maik Zeunert Tim David Zick Leszek Zieminski Horst Zierold Rainer Zierold Patrick Ziervogel Stefan Zigann Angelika Zilcher Bernd Zimmer Frank Zimmer Klaus Zimmer Dennis Zimmermann Herbert Zimmermann Jan Zimmermann Werner Zimmermann Marc Zinant Michael Zinke Tobias Zinke Ehrenfried Zinn Pierre Zitschke Rene Zobel Loic Zoeller Driss Zouiti Jean-Luc Zucchiatti Klaus Zugwurst Peter Zutkowski Paul Zuziak
TRIMET Aluminium SE Aluminiumallee 1 • 45356 Essen • Germany Telephone: +49 201 3660 • Telefax: +49 201 366506
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