UNIVERSITY Of PENNSYLVANIA Other Commencement Programs
MONDAY, MAY 19, 2008
THE CLASS OF 2008 continued a 135-year University of Pennsylvania tradition by unveiling its Ivy Day stone (above) at 37th and Locust Walk during a ceremony on May 17, 2008.
In the words of one elegiac tribute, "Great men have two lives: one which occurs while they work on this earth; a second which begins at the day of their death and continues as long as their ideas and conceptions remain powerful." These words befit the great Benjamin Franklin, whose inventions, innovations, ideas, writings, and public works continue to shape our thinking and renew the Republic he helped to create and the institutions he founded, including the University of Pennsylvania. Nowhere does Franklin feel more contemporary, more revolutionary, and more alive than at the University of Pennsylvania. His startling vision of a secular, nonsectarian Academy that would foster an "Inclination join'd with an Ability to serve Mankind, one's Country, Friends and Family" has never ceased to challenge Penn to redefine the scope and mission of the modern American university. When pursued vigorously and simultaneously, the two missions — developing the inclination to do good and the ability to do well — merge to help form a more perfect university that educates more capable citizens for our democracy. Penn has embodied and advanced Franklin's revolutionary vision for more than 268 years. Throughout its history, Penn has extended the frontiers of higher learning and research to produce graduates and scholars whose work has enriched the nation and all of humanity. The modern liberal arts curriculum as we know it can trace its roots to Franklin's innovation to have Penn students study international commerce and foreign languages. The first medical and business schools in the United States were launched here. And the first general-purpose electronic, digital computer — ENIAC — was invented right here at the University of Pennsylvania. At Penn, the never-ending quest for innovation and academic distinction has found perfect Franklinian expression in "The Penn Compact," President Amy Gutmann's bold vision for propelling our University from excellence to eminence in all our core endeavors. Fulfilling the goals of the Compact — increasing access for talented students of all backgrounds, integrating knowledge across multiple disciplines, and engaging our knowledge with communities locally and globally — is the focus of Penn's current $3.5 billion Making History campaign, and will position the University to make the greatest possible contribution to our society and our world. Today, Penn proudly graduates a class of men and women who have shown the intelligence, drive, integrity, and character to become engaged citizens who will serve humanity with distinction. Our Penn graduates are poised to take their place as productive democratic citizens and as just and humane stewards of our world. In these challenging and perilous times, a world in need of young men and women who are willing to shoulder the moral responsibilities of leadership can look to Penn. Franklin wrote: "We may make these times better if we bestir ourselves. The noblest question in the world is 'What good may I do in it?" The answer to this question will be furnished by Franklin's newest heirs, the graduates of 2008.
Guests will find this diagram helpful in locating the approximate seating of the degree candidates. The sequence in which the candidates are presented for degrees is shown on the next page. The list on page 13, detailing the colors of the candidates' hoods according to their fields of study, may further assist guests in identifying the locations of the various schools. In case of emergency, evacuation procedures will be announced.
Keeping Franklin's Promise
Franklin Field Commencement Seating
The Commencement Ceremony
Historical Notes
Academic Ceremony and Regalia
The Schools of the University
Honorary Degree Citations
Degrees in Course
18 18
The School of Arts and Sciences The College of Arts and Sciences
The Graduate Division
The College of General Studies
The School of Engineering and Applied Science.
The Wharton School
The Wharton Undergraduate Division The Wharton Graduate Division
. . .
32 35
The School of Nursing
The School of Medicine
The Law School
The School of Design
The School of Dental Medicine
The School of Veterinary Medicine
The Graduate School of Education
The School of Social Policy & Practice
The Annenberg School for Communication
The Graduate Faculties
ROTC Commissions
Principal Academic Honor Societies
Prizes and Awards
Faculty Honors
Alumni Representatives
Commencement Marshals
Trustees of the University
Officers of the University
School Ceremonies
THE COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY The audience is requested to stand during the Academic Procession, the singing of the National Anthem, the Invocation, the Dismissal and the singing of "The Red and Blue," and to remain in place until the Academic Procession has left the field. MUSIC
Westminster Brass James W. Hala, Director STUDENT PROCESSION ALUMNI PROCESSION
Procession of the Alumni Class Representatives Procession of the Class of 1983 Procession of the Class of 1958 ACADEMIC PROCESSION OPENING PROCLAMATION
James S. Riepe, Chair of the Board of Trustees THE NATIONAL ANTHEM
Donna Pia Budica, C'08 Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? INVOCATION
Charles L. Howard, Interim Chaplain GREETINGS
Amy Gutmann, President Presentation of the 25th and 50th Reunion Classes Remarks ACADEMIC HONORS
Ronald J. Daniels, Provost GREETINGS
Sherrill L. Adams, Chair, Faculty Senate CONFERRAL OF HONORARY DEGREES
The President Michael R. Bloomberg Mayor, City of New York Paquito D'Rivera Musician and Composer Drew Gilpin Faust, Ph.D., G'71 Gr'75 President, Harvard University Lila R. Gleitman, Ph.D., Gr'67 Professor Emerita of Psychology School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania
Doctor of Laws Doctor of Music Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Science
Bert W. O'Malley, M D Tom Thompson Professor and Chair, Molecular and Cellular Biology Baylor College of Medicine Cyril Ramaphosa Founder and Executive Chairman of Shanduka Group Former Secretary General, African National Congress Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ph.D. Frederick P. Rose Director, Hayden Planetarium American Museum of Natural History INTRODUCTION OF THE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER
Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor, City of New York CONFERRAL OF DEGREES IN COURSE
The President Candidates are presented by the Deans and the Associate Provost CLOSING REMARKS
The President DISMISSAL
By William J. Goeckel, Class of 1896, and Harry E. Westervelt, Class of 1898 Come all ye loyal classmates now, in hall and campus through, Lift up your hearts and voices for the royal Red and Blue. Fair Harvard has her crimson, old Yale her colors too, But for dear Pennsylvania, we wear the Red and Blue. (Chorus) Hurrah! Hurrah! Pennsylvania! Hurrah for the Red and the Blue; Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah for the Red and the Blue. RECESSIONAL
Doctor of Science
Doctor of Laws
Doctor of Science
Penn in 1758
In the space of about 4 years, from the first opening, it was found that many youths, having gone through their course of Grammar-Learning, would be desirous of proceeding to Philosophy and the Sciences, and must depart to other Seminaries unless provision was made for completing their studies here. ... In consideration of this, the Trustees determined to complete the remainder of their plan, and applied for an Addition to their charter, by which a power of conferring degrees and appointing Professors in the various branches of the arts and sciences, was granted to them. By this means, a COLLEGE was added to and ingrafted upon the former Academy [and] a joint government agreed upon for both. ... This charter was obtained May 14th 1755. What further relates to the government of this institution shall be mentioned, after giving a view of the plans of education pursued in it, which I am to do under two heads. The first shall be the plan of education in the college or higher part of the institution, including the Latin and Greek schools, which shows the course gone through by those intended for the learned professions. The second shall be what is properly called the Academy, showing the course of learning intended for those who are bred for the mechanic arts and other professions. A VIEW of the LATIN and GREEK SCHOOLS
1st STAGE. Grammar. Vocabulary. Sententiae Pueriles. Cordery. Aesop. Erasmus. N.B. To be exact in declining and conjugating. To begin to write Exercises for the better understanding of Syntax. Writing and Reading of English to be continued if necessary 2nd STAGE. Selectae e veteri Testamento. Selectae e profanis Authoribus. Eutropius. Nepos. Metamorphosis. Latin Exercises and Writing continued. Rev. Dr. William Smith (1727-1803), Penn's Provost from 1754 to 1779. 250 YEARS AGO:
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
A seminary, on so extensive a plan, is no where else to be found in this new world, nor in many parts of the old; ...
In 1749 Benjamin Franklin published his "Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania" and called together Penn's first Trustees. In 1751 the Trustees opened the "Public Academy in the City of Philadelphia" with three masters, one for the Latin School, one for the Mathematical School, and one for the English School. In 1753 the Trustees obtained Penn's first corporate charter and paid off the Academy's outstanding debt. In 1754 the Trustees hired Penn's first Provost, Rev. Dr. William Smith, and in 1755 they obtained a second charter, this one granting them the right to confer academic degrees. In 1757 the "College of Philadelphia" graduated its first class and a year later Provost Smith published 'An Account of the College and Academy of Philadelphia" in The American Magazine, OR Monthly Chronicle for the British Colonies. Smith's description of Penn two hundred and fifty
years ago should be celebrated at today's Commencement. It is historical documentation of a colonial American college coming of age. 6
3rd STAGE. Metamorphosis continued. Virgil with Prosody. Caesar's Comment. Sallust. Greek Grammar. Greek Testament. Elements of Geography and Chronology. Exercises and Writing continued. 4th STAGE. Horace. Terence. Virgil reviewed. Livy. Lucian. Xenophon or Homer begun. N.B. This Year to make Themes; write Letters; give Descriptions and Characters. To turn Latin into English, with great Regard to Punctuation and Choice of Words. Some English and Latin Orations to be delivered, with proper Grace both of Elocution and Gesture. Arithmetic begun. Probably some youths will go through these stages in three years, many will require four years, and many more may require five years, especially if they begin under nine or ten years of age. The masters must exercise their best discretion in this respect. Those who can acquit themselves to satisfaction in the books laid down for the fourth stage, after public examination, are to proceed to the study of the sciences, and to be admitted into the College as Freshmen, with the privilege of being distinguished with an under graduate's gown. The method of study to be prosecuted in the college for the term of three years, follows in one general view.
the rudiments of education here to fit them for various sorts of business and mechanic arts, is unspeakable. For though the number of Boys was only intended to be 60, yet it is generally near 80, and would be much greater if they could be received. The whole in one VIEW
250 YEARS AGO: View of the Philosophy Schools, parts one and two of the College curriculum in 1758. Courtesy of the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image.
Collections of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania Libraries.
I go on to the next branch of this institution, which is properly an English Academy, and consists of two parts: an English and Writing School and a school for the Practical branches of the Mathematics. In the former, besides Writing, the children are taught the Mothertongue Grammatically, together with a correct and just pronunciation. And for attaining this, a small rostrum or oratory is erected in one end of the school, and the children are frequently exercised in reading aloud from it, or delivering short orations; while the Professor of English and Oratory stands by to correct whatever may be amiss, either in their Speech or Gesture. This part of the institution is of singular benefit. It corrects unbecoming bashfulness, &c., gives the youth presence of mind, habituates them to appearing in public, and has been the means of producing many excellent young Orators, that have occasionally charmed vast audiences, and it is hoped will soon become an honour and ornament to their country, in the various stations to which they may be called. ... The last branch of this institution consists of two charity schools; in one of which 40 Girls are taught Reading, Writing, and Sewing, and in the other 60 Boys are taught Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. This is a very noble and generous part of the design, and the benefit done by it to a vast number of poor children, who have received
Thus, besides 5 Professors that constitute the Faculty, and have the immediate inspection of the whole, 6 other persons are continually employed in this institution, making 11 in all; by whom 266 students and scholars, often more, are instructed, and all the branches of education carried on that are necessary, either for the learned professions, or merchandise, or the mechanic arts and inferior callings. A seminary, on so extensive a plan, is no where else to be found in this new world, nor in many parts of the old; ... William Smith was Provost of the colonial College for 25 years, the longest tenure of any Provost in Penn's history. His plan of preparatory school and college curricula remained fully in place until the 1850s, when the Trustees closed the Academy and altered the collegiate curriculum to provide for the degree of Bachelor of Science. It remained partly in place until the second decade of the 20th century, when the College faculty finally agreed to drop Greek as one of the required courses for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Smith's influence on the College at Penn was therefore felt for more than 150 years, a record unmatched in University history. His 1758 'Account" — now published online — should be read in its entirety by those with a contemplative interest in Penn and in the history of higher education in America. 250 YEARS AGO: An idealized view of the 18th century campus, which was located on the west side of 4th Street, between Market and Arch Streets. College Hall at the center; the University's first dormitory at the right. Painting by the New York artist, Charles M. Lefferts (1913).
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.. 7
Penn in 1858
An idealized view of the mid 19th century campus, which was located on the west side of 9th Street, between Chestnut and Market Streets. The School of Medicine building stands on the left and the College on the right. In addition to the undergraduates, the College building also accommodated the Law School and the School of Engineering. Water color on paper by W.G. Caldclaugh, December 1830. Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
In 1858, a little more than a century after its founding, the College continued at the center of University life, but Penn was rapidly becoming an institution for educating the professions. The Trustees had established a School of Medicine in 1765 the first school of medicine in the American colonies and it became, in the early 19th century, the national leader in American medical education. In the academic year 1857 1858 there were 111 students enrolled in the College and 435 in the School of Medicine. While the great majority of the students in the College were from Philadelphia, the students in the School of Medicine represented 27 U.S. states and eight foreign countries. In the same year, there were 60 students enrolled in Penn's two new professional schools: 53 in the Law School (founded in 1850) and seven in the predecessor to the School of Engineering and Applied Science (founded in 1852). In subsequent decades, the Trustees established the School of Dental Medicine (1878), the Wharton School (1881), the School of Veterinary Medicine (1884), the Graduate School of Education (1914), the School of Design (1920), the School of Social Policy & Practice (1948), and the School of Nursing (1950), all of which trained candidates for the professions. Penn's professional schools, led by the School of Medicine, very much overshadowed the College throughout the 19th century and the first half of the 20th. Perhaps the most telling indication of this era in Penn's history is to note that the Bachelor of Arts degree was Penn's most popular degree only until 1797, when it was surpassed by the M.D. The Bachelor of Arts degree did not re-emerge as Penn's most popular until 1959. In that year it overtook the Wharton School's undergraduate degree, the Bachelor of Science in Economics, which had been the leading degree since 1920. In one of the major changes of the late 20th century at Penn, the College, since 1959, has been restored to the center of University life.
150 YEARS AGO: Commencement program for 1858, with the "Order of Exercises" and names of the graduating students. The Commencement procession of Trustees, faculty, and students paraded four blocks through the city streets, beginning at the College building on 9th Street, near Market Street, and continuing to Musical Fund Hall, at 8th and Locust Streets. Handbill.
Collections of the University Archives
and Records Center.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment to attend the Commencement and having adjourned for the purpose proceeded to the Musical Fund Hall where the degrees were with appropriate ceremonies conferred by the Provost after prayer by the Rev. Dr. Morton and Orations from Members of the graduating Class. ... The Exercises were concluded by a Valedictory Oration by a Member of the Graduating Class. Minutes of the Trustees Adjourned Meeting 2 July 1858 18th and 19th century commencements in Anglo-American colleges and universities were primarily exhibitions of learning on the part of the graduating students. 1858 was no exception. In that year there were eight student orations at Penn's commencement, on subjects ranging from "Carthage" to "The Poetry of Wordsworth" to "Self Government" and including the Salutatory and Valedictory addresses. In contrast, there were no addresses by the Provost, Trustees, or honorary degree recipients. The Trustees granted 16 degrees of Bachelor of Arts; 17 semi-honorary degrees of Master of Arts; 10 degrees of Bachelor of Laws; and 147 degrees of Doctor of Medicine. With little fanfare, the Trustees granted two honorary degrees, one to an alumnus of the School of Medicine who had become a medical missionary in China and the other to a young Episcopal clergyman who was becoming distinguished for "his writing on ecclesiastical and literary subjects." Commencement was the day for the graduating students, a tradition which did not end until the final decade of the 19th century.
Henry Vethake (1790-1866), eighth Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. Vethake was Professor of Mathematics at Penn from 1836 to 1854 and the University's Provost from 1854 to 1859. He was only the second Provost in Penn's history to that point who was not an ordained clergyman. An undated photograph, by an unknown photographer.
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
Expansion Unlimited
Penn in 1958
Alumni who went home from Alumni Day rubbing their eyes in disbelief over the recent physical changes on the Pennsylvania campus will think Aladdin himself has come to West Philadelphia when they return twenty years hence. Even a cursory glance at the $78 million expansion program planned for the years 1960 to 1975 will reveal some kind of genie at work. But there's nothing the least bit supernatural about him. Planning, hard work, the cooperation of governmental authorities and above all an unbounded faith in Pennsylvania's destiny, are the sources of his strength. —
The recent decision of the University to ask the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority to take title to two more West Philadelphia blocks brought with it an announcement of tremendous importance by the Authority's chairman, Michael von Moschzisker, '47 L. The University's plans, he said, tie in with the City's long range proposal for a new "University City," stretching from 32nd Street to 40th and from Baltimore Avenue on the south to Mantua Avenue on the north. Drexel Institute of Technology and other educational, civic and church groups will help develop a great new cultural community in the University area. 50 YEARS AGO: Founder's Day Ceremony marking the closing of Woodland Avenue, 11 January 1958. With the Woodland Avenue trolleys safely underground, the City of Philadelphia formally closed the street on 14 June 1957. The University named Ian L. McHarg, Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture, to draw plans for converting the abandoned street into a campus green. Photograph by Jules Schick Photography, 1958.
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
End of an Era They had come to bury Woodland Avenue, not to praise it. Dignified, hammer-wielding gentlemen banged away happily at the nails in a spanking-new barricade. ... There was much nostalgia, but few kind words for the old avenue. ... Thus came to pass the official demise of Woodland Avenue between 34th and 37th Streets as a thoroughfare for vehicular traffic. The date: Founder's Day, January 11, 1958. The time: 12:15 p.m. For 86 years, ever since the University moved to West Philadelphia, this section of Woodland Avenue has bisected the campus — has prevented the University, in fact, from having one. Now 'tis gone or will be shortly. —
The Pennsylvania Gazette for February 1958
SO YEARS AGO: Gaylord Probasco Harnwell (1903-1982), fourth President of the University of Pennsylvania. Harnwell was Professor of Physics at Penn from 1938 to 1953 and the University's President from 1953 to 1970. Photograph by Fabian Bachrach, ca. 1958. Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
The Pennsylvania Gazette for June 1958 The closing of Woodland Avenue made possible by placing the surface trolley-car lines underground was a brilliant example of urban re-design. It created a great campus square, bounded by 34th, Spruce, 36th, and Walnut Street's, the first in Penn's history. College Green became the model for subsequent development, beginning with Hill Square (created in 1959), continuing with the Annenberg School (1960), the Social Sciences quadrangle (1962), and Sansom Place (1966), and culminating in Super Block (1968). By 1970, Penn's share of "University City" did indeed extend from 32nd Street on the east to 40th Street on the west to Baltimore Avenue on the south and to Chestnut Street on the north. It was an era of expansion unmatched in Penn's history. —
The rapid growth of Penn's campus and the construction of dozens of new buildings were only two aspects of the University's advancement in the 1950s and 1960s. Gaylord P. Harnwell, President of the University from 1953 through 1970, was extraordinarily successful as Penn's first modem president. A distinguished physicist, Harnwell came to Penn in 1938 from the faculty of Princeton University. He performed government service in World War II which earned him military honors and national recognition. As a faculty leader, he championed the construction of a new Physical Sciences building (now the David Rittenhouse Laboratory) and as President, he dedicated the completed facility in 1954. He also won major funding from the Ford Foundation to conduct a comprehensive self-study of the University, which came to be known as the Educational Survey. The Educational Survey laid the academic foundation for the decade that followed. In 1959 Harnwell established the University's Office of Planning and through it he built Penn's case for academic and physical plant expansion. An early result was the Integrated Development Plan of 1962, one of the milestones of 20th century planning at Penn. Finally, he capitalized on the national economic expansion of the 1960s, mounting a successful, five-year, capi9
tal campaign, the Development Program of 1964 — 1969. Fifty years ago, Penn was fortunate to have the first of a succession of great presidents.
Penn in 2008
SO YEARS AGO: University ceremony to mark the beginning of demolition for Hill House Square, 5 February 1958. Less than a month after the closing of Woodland Avenue, Penn embarked on its first major urban renewal project. Under the direction of the City of Philadelphia and its Redevelopment Authority and with funding from the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency, the University acquired the two city blocks bounded by Chestnut Street on the north, 32nd Street on the east, Walnut Street on the south, and 34th Street on the west. Hill House, the first building on this land, was completed and occupied in November 1960. Photograph by Lillian Burns, 1958.
Collections of the University Archives and Records Center.
Discovering New Territory
Nowhere are signs of our progress more visible than in the changes to our campus. We already are beginning to implement the first phase of our Penn Connects campus development plan by building and renovating facilities that will inspire the creation of knowledge and encourage the exchange of ideas. You may have noticed the new green roof on English House, external and internal improvements to Civic House, and upgrades in Harnwell College House. Construction of our new Annenberg Public Policy Center is underway. In 2008 expect to see the opening of our Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, and the completion of renovations to Harnwell and Penn Nursing's Fagin Hall. We also will begin renovations to Rodin College House, the Music Building, and facilities at Franklin Field. Penn Connects calls for the creation of a strong commercial, residential, and recreational neighborhood along the Schuylkill River that will strengthen connections between University City and Center City. Later this year, we will begin converting parking lots along the river into our new 24-acre Penn Park, whose athletic fields, recreational green spaces, and river views will transform the landscape. In November, Penn's development partner 10
Brandywine Realty Trust began demolition of the Post Office Truck Terminal Annex on 30th Street between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Brandywine will redevelop the site as Cira Centre South, a new office and retail complex that will spark economic growth and will house some of Penn's administrative services, thereby allowing us to continue strengthening our academic core. Along the western edge of the park lands we are building what may be the first truly translational biomedical research facility in the country. Designed to foster interactivity, this complex will integrate the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine's state-of-the-art outpatient cancer and cardiac care with the Roberts Proton Therapy Center (opening in 2009) and a clinical research tower (opening in 2010). While our building and renovation plans to enhance academic and residential life at Penn span the next 30 years, the changes now taking shape give us much to anticipate in coming months. Our momentum in all of these areas is matched by the progress of our Making History campaign. More than 7,500 alumni parents, faculty, staff, students and friends joined together in October for twin launch celebrations on campus. We have raised $1.72 billion toward our $3.5 billion goal. Enthusiastic participants have turned out for regional events in Boston and Washington, DC, and this month we will carry our message to Asia before returning home for trips to the West Coast, South, and midWest. ... I look forward to discovering new territory with you in 2008 as we continue on our journey toward even greater eminence. President Amy Gutmann "Discovering New Territory" Almanac
for 15 January 2008 President Gutmann formally announced Penn Connects: A Vision for the Future in January 2007 and she followed in October with the opening of the public phase of Making History, the five-year capital campaign which will support, in part, the Penn Connects campus plan. She and the Trustees are advancing on excellent precedent. Penn's historic campus expansion of the 1950s and 1960s was rooted in the Educational Survey of 1954 1959, conceptualized in the Integrated Development Plan of 1962 and funded, in part, by the $93 million Development Program of 1964 1969. The Educational Survey established Penn's academic priorities. The Integrated Development Plan established land use and physical plant expansion priorities. The Development Program, which went over the top at more than $100 million, underwrote much of what was projected in the campus plan. Not until 1969, when the national economy stalled, did the fifteen-year boom at Penn come to a close. At the present time, the Penn Compact, Penn Connects, and Making History together promise a similar, long-term expansion of historic proportions. —
A new eastern extension of campus is at the heart of Penn Connects. Like the University's expansion in the 1950s and 1960s, the planning, acquisition of real estate, and re-development of Penn's eastern extension are the work of more than a decade of steady progress. It began in earnest in 1996, with the purchase of a six-acre city block, bounded by Chestnut Street on the north, 31st Street on the east, Walnut
An idealized view of the new eastern extension of campus, with the Schuylkill River
in the foreground, the twenty-four acre Penn Park at the center and the new Health System facilities along Civic Center Boulevard above the Park. Illustration taken from the "Penn Connects"
planning study by Sasaki Associates, Inc. 1 Michael McCann, of Watertown, Massachusetts, 2006.
athletic fields, into "Penn Park," a twentyfour acre tract of land stretching from Walnut Street on the north to the South Street bridge. Phase One of Penn Park will feature accommodations for both recreational sports activities and formal athletic facilities. The University has selected a distinguished landscape architect for Penn Park and design is underway.
Street on the south, and 32nd Street on the west. Here the University re-developed the award-winning "Left Bank" building, converting it into a mixed-use facility of office, retail, and residential spaces. It gathered momentum with the Trustees' adoption of the "Campus Development Plan 2001," which called for the construction of a "gateway to the east." The University took a hugely important step in this direction in 2003 and 2004, when it re-developed the building and property at 3025 Walnut Street (on the northeast corner of 31st and Walnut Streets) to house the University-owned radio station, WXPN, and the celebrated World Café Live. President Gutmann presided at the opening of this facility, which took place in October 2004. Pushing farther east, the University next bought more than an acre of ground at 126 South 30th Street and re-developed it as the "Translational Research Laboratory" serving Penn's School of Medicine. The President and Trustees opened the Translational Research Laboratory in November 2005. By this time, Penn was deeply committed to realizing its dream of a new eastern extension of campus, a gateway to Philadelphia's center city. Penn's planners and senior management saw that the keystone to the eastern extension was the property of the U.S. Postal Service. It extended from 30th and Market Streets on the north to Penn's athletic fields on the south and from 31st Street on the west to the rails of Amtrak's BostonWashington corridor on the east. In an urban setting, it represented a once-in-a-century opportunity. In June 2003, shortly after the property became available, Penn's Trustees authorized a purchase agreement for the entire tract of land. Four years intervened (while the USPS constructed a new mail processing facility in southwest Philadelphia), but finally, in July 2007, Penn acquired nearly 16 acres of space in which to expand. It is a dream come true. Penn immediately leased the northernmost parcel to Brandywine Realty Trust, which will develop the site as Cira Centre South, with mixeduse office towers, a parking garage, and street-level retail. Brandywine has already cleared the site of its USPS buildings and construction will begin soon. Penn will incorporate the remainder of this massive acquisition, along with existing
South of South Street the most impressive aspects of Penn Connects are the major new buildings of the University's Health System. They are being constructed on a 19 acre tract on the southeast side of the 3400 block of Civic Center Boulevard. The Philadelphia Commercial Museum, the Municipal Auditorium (also known as Convention Hall), and the Philadelphia Civic Center formerly occupied this site. When the new Pennsylvania Convention Center opened in center city Philadelphia in June 1993, these buildings became obsolete. Penn has since worked in partnership with the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to acquire and develop this property. The two institutions jointly purchased two acres in 1999 and in 2002 completed construction of a much needed parking garage at 3499 Civic Center Boulevard. Additional purchases of eight acres, three and a half acres, and five and a half acres were made in 2001, 2005, and 2006, respectively. In 2006 Children's Hospital announced the construction of a new advanced research facility on its eight acres. In 2008 the University is in the midst of construction on three projects: the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, the Roberts Proton Therapy Center, and a new medical research center located adjacent to the other two. The Perelman Center is scheduled for opening in late 2008. The openings of the other two buildings will follow closely behind. These facilities will transform the practice of medicine at Penn and they will help fulfill the promise of Penn Connects. The Penn Compact, Penn Connects, and Making History are Penn's signature programs for the 21st century. They are as worthy of celebration today as Provost Smith's 'Account" of the College of Philadelphia 250 years ago. Mark Frazier Lloyd Director University Archives and Records Center May, 2008
ACADEMIC CEREMONY AND REGALIA Today — May 19, 2008 — is the University of Pennsylvania's 252nd Commencement. Penn traces its origins to a deed of trust executed in 1740 and is celebrating its 268th birthday this year. President Amy Gutmann will confer bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees upon some 6,000 graduates of the University's 12 schools. Honorary degrees will be awarded to seven individuals of distinction in varied fields, as you will note on pages 16 and 17 in this program.
he practice of sporting signs on caps and gowns as a form of public proclamation at Commencement dates to the early 1760s and recalls an even more ancient tradition, originating in the practice of medieval universities. Penn's archives contain several 18th century broadsides, printed in Latin, which were distributed to Commencement guests along with the regular programs. The broadsides contain a series of propositions classified under various academic headings. Presumably, the graduating students were willing to defend these theses against any assertions to the contrary. On the eve of the Revolution, however, statements such as "the rights of the people are as divine as the rights of their rulers" must have met with widespread sympathy.
Academic Ceremony and Regalia Commencement exercises at American universities and colleges traditionally are composed of three essential elements: the Academic Procession, the conferring of degrees, and the Commencement address. This practice has been codified since 1895, when a national conference on academic costume and ceremony was proposed and a plan known initially as the "Intercollegiate System" was formally adopted. The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania incorporated this code in the Statutes of the University in November 1896. Now under the aegis of the American Council on Education, the 'Academic Costume Code and Academic Ceremony Guide" was revised in 1932 and 1960.* Throughout the 20th century Commencement at Penn has, with minor modifications, followed the dictates of the code and its revisions.
By 1896, however, Penn had been granting degrees for nearly 140 years. Like other American colonial colleges, Penn borrowed its 18th century Commencement rituals directly from the English universities. In England the history of academic dress reaches back to the early days of the oldest schools. As early as the second half of the 14th century, the statutes of certain colleges prohibited "excess in apparel" and required the wearing of a long gown. It is still an open question as to whether academic dress finds its sources chiefly in ecclesiastical or in civilian dress. It is often suggested that gowns and hoods were the simplest, most effective method of staying warm in the unheated, stone buildings which housed medieval scholars. In any case, academic regalia had evolved to contemporary familiarity by the time Benjamin Franklin was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by the University of St. Andrews in 1759.
Traditions and Current Practice at Penn In April 1887, on the recommendation of a committee of the faculty, the Trustees adopted the "'Pennsylvania' System of Academic Costume." The colors and trimmings of hoods and caps were regularized according to faculty and degree. Beginning with the Commencement of 1887, the "'Pennsylvania' System" was published in each year's program and adherence to its rules was expected of trustees, faculty, and students alike. Beginning in 1896, the "'Pennsylvania' System" was superseded by the "Intercollegiate System," which has continued in effect to the present time. The gowns used in American academic ceremonies vary according to the highest degree awarded to the wearer.
The gown for the bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves; it is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the masters degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut and the front has an arc cut away. The masters gown may be worn open or closed. The doctoral gown is a more elaborate costume faced down the front with black velvet and across the sleeves with three bars of the same; these facings and crossbars may be of velvet of the color distinctive to the field of study to which the degree pertains. The doctoral gown has bell-shaped sleeves and may be worn open or closed. Some institutions have authorized doctoral gowns in colors other than the customary black; holders of the University of Pennsylvania doctorate may wear red and blue gowns. The hoods are lined in silk with the official color or colors of the college or university which granted the highest degree held by the wearer; more than one color is shown by division of the field color in a variety of ways, such as by chevron or chevrons. The binding or edging of the hood is in velvet, with widths of two inches, three inches, and five inches for the bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees, respectively. The color of the border indicates the field of study to which the degree pertains. University of Pennsylvania graduates wear a hood lined in red with a blue chevron. The mortarboard cap is standard, though soft squaretopped caps are permissible. Recipients of doctorates may wear a gold tassel fastened to the middle point of the top of the cap; all others wear black.
*This and additional material which follows is taken from An Academic Costume Code and Academic Ceremony Guide" in American Council on Education, American Universities and Colleges, 14th ed. (New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992). 12
Degrees shall be conferred today according to the following order: Arts & Letters, white Science, golden yellow Business Administration, mustard Nursing, apricot Medicine, green Law, purple Fine Arts, brown Dental Medicine, lilac Veterinary Medicine, gray Education, light blue Social Work, citron Philosophy, dark blue
Deans Trustees Officers of the University Faculty Overseers Visiting Dignitaries
The Mace The Secretary of the University carries the University mace, the symbol of authority of the University, at the head of the Academic Procession. It was a gift of the family of William Murray Gordon, M.D. 1910. It is adorned with the seal and arms of the University, the Penn and Franklin coats-of-arms, a depiction of the Rittenhouse orrery, and a thistle symbolizing the early ties of the University with Scotland.
The Academic Procession The order for today's Academic Procession is as follows: Mace Bearer President and Provost Chairman of the Board of Trustees Commencement Speaker Candidates for Honorary Degrees
the University seal. The obverse of the President's medal bears the "orrery seal," designed in 1782 by Francis Hopkinson, A.B. 1757, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. The medal, suspended on a chain composed of silver links, was given by the late Trustee Thomas Sovereign Gates, Jr., A.B. 1928, LL.D. 1956, on the occasion of Sheldon Hackney's inauguration as President in October 1981.
The President's Badge of Office The President wears as a badge of office a silver medallion of which one face is engraved, like the mace, with
UNIVERSITY SEAL AND SYMBOLS The Seal of the Corporation The Trustees of the University have an [-el- N-A; official seal that is, in / 4.. , ..,., J- .,— ,I.. ....,./.• t effect, the signature ;-. ......• of the corporation. It ,4 ua z 7 w 'c... -....,„„,-----.11/Z' had its origin at a \\77 x2c,3w,--t)/ meeting of the Board s<4, ...-7-"'; of Trustees in 1755 with ,-,)*_,--Benjamin Franklin as Chairman. Though the seal underwent changes over the years, the most recent design, approved in 1932 and adopted in 1933, returned it to virtually its original form. - ,,,
The seal is composed of seven books stacked on a slanted desk top with the books bearing the following titles, representing the curricula of the day: Theolog, Astronom, Philosoph, Mathemat, Logica, Rhetorica, Grammatica. On the Periphery of the stack of books appears the University motto, Leges Sine Moribus Vanae, and the whole is encircled with the inscription Universitatis
\\ .
Penn Coat of Arms -
The Penn coat-of-arms was
derived by FIN combining the coat-of-arms of Benjamin 1111111111" — % Franklin and that of William Penn's family. The dolphin on the red chief was part of Franklin's coat-of-arms and the three silver plates on a blue chevron were a part of Penn's. The two were combined on a white shield along with two open volumes representing Pennsylvania's educational purpose. 41
Motto: Leges Sine Moribus Vanae The motto of the University, Leges Sine Moribus Vanae, means "Laws without morals are useless." It comes from the longer quotation from Horace, "Quid leges sine moribus vane proficiunt?" the sense of which is "of what avail are empty laws without (good) morals?"
School Colors Eighteenth century American academic institutions did not have colors. The earliest knovvn representation of the combined Penn colors, red and blue, is on the incised lid of the 1871 College Hall cornerstone. One legend traces their origins to an early track meet at Saratoga, New York, between Penn, Harvard, and Yale. When asked by the officials what colors would be representing the Penn team, the Pennsylvania captain reportedly replied, "We're going to be wearing the colors of the teams we beat," i.e. Harvard Crimson and Yale Blue. We shall assume that Penn was victorious and thus remained loyal to the Red and Blue.
THE SCHOOLS OF THE UNIVERSITY The School of Arts and Sciences (1755)
The School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) is the direct descendant of the College of Philadelphia, where Benjamin Franklin established the first modern arts and sciences curriculum in the English colonies. Undergraduate programs for men date to the chartering of the College in 1755; the College of Liberal Arts for Women was founded in 1933. The Graduate School was established in 1882 with the appointment of a Faculty of Philosophy. The College of General Studies (lifelong learning) traces its roots to 1892. The School of Arts and Sciences was born in 1974 with the merger of the College of Arts and Sciences, the College for Women, the Graduate School, and four social science departments from Wharton. Today SAS is the largest of the University's 12 schools, providing a liberal arts education for all Penn undergraduates and supporting graduate studies, basic research, and continuing education across the full range of the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. The School has 26 departments with 493 standing faculty, 25 research centers, five interschool institutes, and 10,000 students. The School of Medicine (1765)
The first medical school in the English colonies was established at Penn in 1765, and it has set the academic tone and direction of American medical education since that time. Today, the School of Medicine, a leader among the nation's medical schools, is committed to the highest standards in education, research, and patient care. It is continuously engaged in long-range strategic planning and implementation, focusing on programs and facilities that will take it well into the 21st century. In the current academic year, the School has 28 departments, 22 interdepartmental centers and institutes, and 1,701 full-time faculty members. It educates 571 M.D. students, 148 M.D./Ph.D. students, and 546 Ph.D. students, and trains more than a thousand residents and fellows. The School ranks third in the nation in research monies granted by the National Institutes of Health. The Law School (1790)
Legal education at Penn began in 1790 with a series of lectures on law by its first law professor, James Wilson, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and one of the original six justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. After a long hiatus, instruction in law was reinstituted in 1850 by George 14
Sharswood; in 1852 the Bachelor of Laws degree was conferred for the first time, and in 1888 the course of study was extended from two to three years. Today Penn Law's pervasive cross-disciplinary program sets the standard in legal education with an unparalleled program that starts at the Law School and extends throughout the University. More than 75 percent of our faculty hold advanced degrees beyond law and more than one-third have joint appointments and affiliations, adding a broader perspective to the classroom. Our students augment their legal education with classes throughout the University, and earn certificates and joint degrees from many of the graduate and professional programs. In the 2007-2008 academic year the Law School has 878 students; 57 standing faculty including 10 associated faculty and clinicians, one senior fellow, and one senior lecturer; and 93 practitioners/lecturers. The School awards four degrees: Juris Doctor; Master of Laws; Master of Comparative Laws; and Doctor of the Science of Law.
Pennsylvania in 1869, making Penn' s
The School of Engineering and Applied Science (1852)
architeupogmscnd°ie in the United States. In 1921, the Department of Architecture joined 1958 the Department of Music and Fine A rt to create an independent undergraduate School of Fine Arts modeled on the French Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 1958, the School was renamed the Graduate School of Fine Arts, reflecting the shift to graduate degree offerings in architec ture, city and regional planning, landscape architecture and fine arts. The triumvirate of architecture, landscape architecture and city planning shaped the core of the School in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1980s, a program in historic preservation was added. Today, the School provides a rich environment for the study of the arts, architecture, landscapes and urbanism. Its opportunities now include undergraduate study in fine arts, architecture and digital media design. As a more accurate description of the School's major concerns and advancements made across a variety of fields, the School was renamed, in 2003, the School of Design. The School has a standing faculty of 30, approximately 130 lecturers and associated faculty, and more than 500 students.
The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) is one of the oldest in the United States, tracing its beginnings to the establishment of the School of Mines, Arts and Manufactures in 1852. The first graduate of the School received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1854. Since that time, the School has grown into a center of excellence in the creation of technology and in technology education. Its spirit of innovation led to the creation in 1946 of ENIAC, the first all-electronic, large-scale, general-purpose digital computer, making SEAS the birthplace of the computer age. Today, Penn Engineering offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, including the first alternative liberal arts program based in an engineering school. SEAS is particularly distinguished by its inter-disciplinary, cross-school programs such as Management and Technology, Digital Media Design, Biotechnology, and the Executive Masters in Technology Management. Penn Engineering currently has 105 standing faculty, approximately 1,500 undergraduate students, 1,000 graduate students, four research institutes, seven research centers, and one regional institute.
The School of Dental Medicine (1878) The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania established a faculty of dentistry in March 1878 making Penn Dental the third oldest university-affiliated dental school in the nation. The School's first decades were remarkable for the diversity of its students, for even in the 1880s, nearly every state in the Union and many foreign countries were well represented. The School was endowed by Thomas W. Evans, a native Philadelphian and an extraordinary den tist, whose legacy made possible the construction of the School's Evans Institute in 1915, which remains the sits of much of the School's clinical and classroom instruction. Penn Dental's educational, research and patient care facilities reached a new level of excellence with the construction of the stateof-the-art Robert Schattner Center. As a major provider of dental care to the West Philadelphia neighborhood, the School has also established innovative community outreach programs servicing the area. In the 2007-2008 academic year there were 375 faculty, including 5( standing faculty and 516 students.
The School of Design (1869) Although the School of Design dates its founding from 1890, architecture courses were first offered at the University of
The Wharton School (1881) The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania — founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school — is rec-
ognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. The most comprehensive source of business knowledge in the world, Wharton bridges research and practice through its broad engagement with the global business community. The school has more than 4,700 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students; more than 8,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and an alumni network of more than 81,000 graduates. The School of Veterinary Medicine (1884)
Penn's School of Veterinary Medicine is one of the world's premier veterinary schools. Founded in 1884, the School was built on the concept of Many Species, One MedicineTM. A pioneer since its inception, the School has led the way in such areas as infectious disease research, germ cell biology, animal transgenesis, comparative oncology, and comparative medical genetics. It has also successfully integrated scholarship and research with all aspects of veterinary medical education. The School's strength in basic sciences, immunology, and mathematical modeling are valuable assets for developing strategies to rapidly detect and control the spread of new infections, and improving and developing vaccines that effectively protect animals. In Philadelphia, on Penn's campus, are the Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital for companion animals, as well as classrooms, research laboratories and the School's administrative offices. The Vernon and Shirley Hill Pavilion is home to state-of-the-art classrooms and research facilities for the School. The large animal facility at New Bolton Center, in Kennett Square, Pa., encompasses hospital facilities for the care of horses and food animals, diagnostic laboratories serving the agricultural industry and research facilities to determine new treatment and diagnostic measures for large animal diseases. The School has 141 standing faculty and accepts approximately 110 students per year for the four-year program. The Graduate School of Education (1914)
The Graduate School of Education (GSE) is nationally distinguished as a leader in the production of education research and in the preparation of education practitioners. GSE is unique among schools of education in its emphasis on the interactive relationships of education theory, research, and
practice. The School is organized into four divisions, has 41 standing faculty, various research centers, and approximately 1,000 students. Originally an undergraduate education school and, for many years, a five-year professional school, GSE now provides advanced professional qualifications for educators across the lifespan and offers courses that lead to practice- and researchfocused masters and doctoral degrees. The School also offers executive doctoral degree programs and a broad schedule of continuing education courses. The School of Nursing (1935)
Nursing Education at Penn began in 1886 when the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania started a nurse training program. In 1935, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania established a nursing degree program within the School of Education, and in 1950 the School of Nursing was established. The Master of Science in Nursing program was instituted in 1961, the Doctor of Nursing Science program in 1978, and the Doctoi of Philosophy program in 1984. These innovations and a curriculum which progressively reflects changing health care delivery patterns have advanced the School into the first rank of American schools of nursing. The School is widely recognized for its leadership in nursing research and its innovations in nursemanaged clinical practice. It is a World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Nursing and Midwifery Leadership. The School of Nursing has 53 standing faculty and 936 students. The School of Social Policy & Practice (1948)
The School of Social Policy & Practice began in 1908 as a private school that opened its doors to five students in the field of child welfare. The School affiliated itself with the University in 1935 and became a formal school in 1948. In 2005, it changed its name from the School of Social Work to the School of Social Policy & Practice. The School offers the Master of Social Work, Master of Science in Nonprofit/Non-Governmental Leadership, Master of Science in Social Policy, and Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare degrees. This year, the School launched the clinical Doctor of Social Work degree program, and will graduate the first cohort in 2010. The School is devoted to advancing human welfare, promoting social justice, and developing effective societal responses to global human need. Building on the School's near century-long commitment to social
work and social change, the School educates clinicians, policymakers, scholars, researchers, and leaders who work to advance the human welfare of local, national, and global communities. The School houses a number of research centers and programs, including: the Field Center for Children's Policy Practice, and Research; the Center for Research on Youth and Social Policy; the Cartographic Modeling Lab; the Social Work Mental Health Research Center; the Social Impact of the Arts Project; the Program for Religion and Social Policy Research; and the Ortner-Unity Center on Family Violence. The School has 19 standing faculty and 370 students. The Annenberg School for Communication (1959) Founded in 1958 through the generosity
and vision of diplomat and philanthropist Walter Annenberg, the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania is devoted to furthering our understanding of the role of communication in public life through research, education and service. At the School's founding, Ambassador Annenberg identified its unique mission. "Every human advancement or reversal can be understood through communication," he said. "The right to free communication carries with it responsibility to respect the dignity of others — and this must be recognized as irreversible. Educating students to effectively communicate this message and to be of service to all people is the enduring mission of this school." Nationally ranked as the best graduate program in mass communication, health communication, political communication, and culture, society and communication, the Annenberg School has 17 standing faculty, 5 secondary faculty, over 80 graduate students and more than 200 undergraduate students. The school offers the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and runs an undergraduate program through the College of Arts and Sciences. The School is home to the Annenberg Public Policy Center, the Center of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research, the Center for Global Communication Studies, the Scholars Program in Culture & Communication, and the Institute for Public Service, among many additional projects pursuing innovative communication research and services.
You have much in common with our founder, Benjamin Franklin. A brilliant businessman, generous philanthropist, and selfless champion for the public good, you have improved lives while keeping a watchful eye for posterity. Raised in a family of modest means, from an early age you embraced Franklin's notion that every American deserves opportunity. You worked your way through college, earning a B.S. in electrical engineering from Johns Hopkins and an MBA from Harvard. Like Franklin, you rose to prominence in business: he as a printer, you as investment banker at Salomon Brothers. In 1981 you hit on your first great invention: a technologically efficient financial news service. Today, Bloomberg LP boasts more than 250,000 subscribers and 9,500 employees in more than 130 cities worldwide. Having accumulated wealth, you embarked on your second enterprise: philanthropy. Your support transformed Johns Hopkins' Bloomberg School of Public Health into one of the world's leading institutions of public health research and training. Soon after the devastation of September 11, 2001, you defied all odds by seeking and winning the "second toughest job in the country" the mayoralty of New York City. There you not only reinvented government; you also redefined our understanding of what government can accomplish. You literally took down the walls that separated mayors from their staffs, replacing separate offices with an open "bullpen." You have engineered improvements in housing, employment, and education for the people of New York. Your lifelong devotion to public health has driven you to propose congestion pricing, to lower carbon emissions by retrofitting New York's cab fleet, and to take the subway to work. For a token annual salary of $1, you are giving the City of New York your two most valuable resources: your time and expertise. For making America's largest city cleaner and safer, for fearlessly proving that good policy is good politics, and for your visionary contributions to society that cannot be measured in election cycles, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania are honored and pleased to confer upon you, Michael R. Bloomberg, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. Paquito D'Rivera
Towering master of Latin jazz and world music, you have transcended genres and cultures for more than a half century. As a composer, bandleader, and musical magician, you lift the human spirit with music that celebrates freedom and bewitches the soul. A child prodigy who began performing on the saxophone and clarinet in your native 6
Cuba at age 6, you learned from your musician father that Mozart and Monk both sprang from one great Source. You affirmed this credo in 1973 when you joined pianist Chucho Valdes and trumpeter Arturo Sandoval to found and co-direct Irakere, the path-breaking Cuban band that fearlessly and joyously mixed disco and funk grooves with salsa, AfroCuban, classical, and jazz, often at blinding speed. Hailed in America and Europe, you won the first of your nine Grammy awards in 1979. Leaving home and family to escape Fidel Castro's regime in 1981, you settled in New York and teamed up with greats like Dizzy Gillespie. You earned your first solo Grammy in 1996 for Portraits of Cuba; in 2003 you became the first artist to win both jazz and classical Latin Grammies. You branched out into composing, writing chamber music and concerti. In 2004 your Merengue, performed by cellist Yo-Yo Ma, earned you a Grammy for Best Instrumental Composition. In your earthy memoir, appropriately titled My Sax Life, you write "Cubans can switch directly and without notice from a flood of tears to dissolute and licentious laughter." Having experienced the anguish of exile, the joy of reuniting with your family, and heights of achievement marked by multiple honors including the 2007 Living Jazz Legend Award, you speak from experience. You based your 2005 wind quintet, Kites over Havana, on a poem that reads, "When once you have tested flight, you will forever walk the Earth with your eyes turned skyward..." For pushing the boundaries of artistic possibility with graceful virtuosity, and for your magnificent musical kite that has raised all the world's eyes skyward, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania are honored and pleased to confer upon you, Paquito D'Rivera, the degree of Doctor of Music, honoris causa. Drew Gilpin Faust
One of the foremost historians of the antebellum South and a daughter of the University of Pennsylvania, you have reshaped our understanding of Southern intellectual and social history. Eminent scholar, unconventional feminist, and unifying leader, you have won universal esteem among your peers in higher education. Raised in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley, you wrote a letter at age 7 to President Eisenhower protesting school segregation. You disobeyed your native culture's directive to be "ladylike" by joining the quintessential young boys' network: the 4H club. Raising cattle and sheep with the boys, you showed "Drew Grit." After earning a B.A. in history from Bryn Mawr, you completed your M.A. and PhD
in American Civilization at Penn before joining our then male-dominated history faculty in 1975. When you left Penn 25 years later, nearly half of our history faculty members were women, while the Penn Women's Studies program you directed was widely respected throughout the academy. Your scholarship has illuminated the Civil War's enduring impact on American life. Your prizewinning book, Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War, probes the war's effects on privileged Confederate women. This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War, published this year to
critical acclaim, describes the rituals Americans created to cope with unprecedented war-induced suffering and loss. Appointed Founding Dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study in 2001, you transformed the renowned women's college into one of the world's most formidable sciences and humanities research institutes. In 2007 you smashed a 370-year-old glass ceiling to become the first woman president of Harvard, where you have become a champion of socioeconomic equity in higher education. For your sterling integrity as an historian and an agent of academic reinvention, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania are honored and pleased to confer upon you, Drew Gilpin Faust, the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa. Lila R. Gleitman
Your stellar academic career proves Katharine Hepburn right: "If you obey all of the rules, you miss all of the fun." By rewriting the rules for studying language, you made seminal contributions to linguistics. When your research transcended your field, you teamed with your husband, eminent psychologist Henry Gleitman, to joyfully integrate linguistics with psychology. Your career did not unfold "by the book." You worked briefly in publishing after earning a B.A. in Literature from Antioch College. You took graduate courses in Classics at Penn, where your passion for translating Greek caused your professor, Henry Hoenigswald, to steer you toward Penn's linguistics department. There you thrived among other talented protégés of Zellig Harris, among them Noam Chomsky. After completing your PhD in linguistics in 1967, you became associate professor of linguistics at Swarthmore. You joined Penn's psychology department as professor in 1970; you currently are Professor Emerita and visiting professor at Rutgers University. As a young mother you broke new ground with your observations of "Motherese," the sing-song speech mothers use to teach language to their babies. Further work with
deaf and blind children led to your bold hypothesis that children can "bootstrap" their way into learning language using their surprisingly sophisticated knowledge of grammar to learn the meaning of unfamiliar words. Your first joint paper with your husband in 1970 launched a lifelong professional partnership. Graduate students relished the weekly graduate seminar you co-led both for its richness of debate and the French cheese you served. An array of collaborative projects sprouted from this fertile soil. In 1990 you co-founded Penn's interdisciplinary Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, which you co-directed until 2000. A former president of the Linguistic Society of America, you have been recognized with many prestigious awards and fellowships. For your pioneering discoveries at the nexus of language and thought and for inspiring and mentoring a generation of accomplished scholars, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania are honored and pleased to confer upon you, Lila R. Gleitman, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa. Bert W. O'Malley
Medicine and humanity have been most fortunate to have a visionary scientist of your genius and courage enhance our fundamental understanding of steroid hormone actions and thereby revolutionize the treatment of endocrine diseases and cancer. Recognized as the father of molecular reproductive biology, you have been praised as a pioneering giant in medicine and a preeminent mentor of young scientists. In 1969, after having served as Head of the Molecular Biology Section of the National Cancer Institute, you launched an illustrious 40-year academic career by accepting an endowed professorship at Vanderbilt University's School of Medicine and the directorship of the Reproductive Biology Center. Three years later, you would make your first seminal discovery about the effect of sex hormones on gene transcription. You began your experiments by injecting unruly chickens with estrogen around the clock for six days. By proving that estrogen and progesterone activate their receptors, you pioneered the nascent field of molecular endocrinology. In 1973, you joined the faculty at Baylor College of Medicine to chair its Molecular and Cellular Biology Department. You also became the director of the Reproductive Biology Center, which you transformed into the premier laboratory of its kind in the nation. During the 1980s, you and your colleagues cloned the receptor for progesterone, followed shortly thereafter by the Vitamin D Receptor, which led to the discovery of a link between a nuclear
receptor mutation and Vitamin D-resistant rickets. Your third pioneering breakthrough came in 1995 when you became the first scientist to clone and describe the coactivator for nuclear receptors, which led to the discovery of many other potential coactivators. By showing how master genes account for temporal, spatial, developmental, and metabolic integration processes, you have accelerated advances in clinical medicine, particularly in oncology, that have benefited millions throughout the world. For uncovering the action of the female sex steroids and launching one of the great revolutions in medical science, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania are honored and pleased to confer upon you, Bert W. O'Malley, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa. Cyril Ramaphosa
Revered as a patriot and architect for freedom in South Africa, you are one of the world's most influential, skilled, and respected political leaders, statesmen, and business entrepreneurs. Your ascent to eminent global stature has been an inspiring journey. Born and raised in the black township of Soweto, you were jailed as a university student for joining the political resistance movement against apartheid, and spent nearly a year in solitary confinement. After earning your law degree from the University of South Africa and serving as a legal adviser to the Council of Unions of South Africa, you founded the National Union of Mineworkers, which grew quickly into one of the world's most powerful trade unions. As General Secretary, you led the mineworkers on a nationwide strike that would deal a heavy blow to South Africa's racist regime and catapult you to election in 1991 as Secretary General of the African National Congress. You represented the ANC and its leader Nelson Mandela in negotiating the dismantling of apartheid. Despite outbreaks of political violence and threats of civil war throughout the country, you and your National Party negotiating counterpart Roelf Meyer united competing factions and engineered the transition to a multi-racial democracy. During the mid-1990s, you became a leading figure in South Africa's first national unity government and joined Meyer in mediating peace talks in Northern [reland. While you have retreated from the political Limelight, you have made the world a stage for innovative business ventures and bold humanitarian endeavors, earning you the distinction from Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. In 1997, you launched the Shanduka Group, an investment firm to promote black economic empowerment. And as Vice
Chairman of the Global Business Coalition, you are leading the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. For courageously opposing apartheid and then skillfully helping to build a new, truly democratic South Africa, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania are honored and pleased to confer upon you, Cyril Ramaphosa, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. Neil deGrasse Tyson
As a boy you became star-struck by the night sky in New York's Hayden Planetarium. As a distinguished astrophysicist, best-selling author and essayist, winning television host, and director of that same planetarium, you have introduced countless young people to the majesty and mystery of the cosmos. You overcame the many hurdles that confronted you as a gifted student from the inner city. With your parents' unswerving support and your own determination to excel, you followed your passion for astrophysics. Upon graduating from the Bronx High School of Science, you earned a B.A. in physics from Harvard and a PhD in astrophysics from Columbia. Your next stop was Princeton, for postdoctoral research in astrophysics. Joining the American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium in 1993, you rose in three years from research associate to assume the planetarium's first Frederick P. Rose Directorship. Your research on star formation, dwarf galaxies, and the structure of our Milky Way led to your appointment to Presidential and NASA advisory commissions. Your scientific principles propelled you to challenge Pluto's planetary status and to question the theory of intelligent design. Yet it is your gift for "bringing the universe down to earth" through monthly essays in Natural History magazine, nine best-selling books, and engaging television appearances that sparks frequent comparisons to your mentor, the late Carl Sagan, and earned you NASA's Distinguished Public Service Medal in 2004. Who would not be drawn to your most recent book, Death by Black Hole — and Other Cosmic Quandaries and its subtitle: Or How the Cosmos Intends to Dismember You Slowly in IttyBitty Pieces?
For research in astrophysics that has expanded significantly our knowledge of our universe, for piloting inquiring minds of all ages to the edge of the unknown while wearing planetary (astronomical) neckties, and for inspiring young scientists from all backgrounds to follow their dreams, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania are honored and pleased to confer upon you, Neil deGrasse Tyson, the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.
Rebecca W Bushnell, Dean
The College of Art: and Sciences Bachelor of Arts August 10, 2007 Daanish All Ahmed Alexis Paula Alagem Meredith Lee Albert Jack Frank Altura Amrita Kaur Arneja Jesse Alan Barnes Nicholas A. Beck Ruth Thevathana Benjamin Mary R. Boies Zachary Morgan Browning Lauren R. Carelli Suma Chennubhotla Amy Addavail Coslett Antoniette Andrea Costa Kayla Joy Crawley Soham Ujjval Dave Jennifer Jill Dwyer Andrew Fink Laura Elena Fortes Nabeel Gadit Kory Renald Gedin Henry J. Goldblum Ajay Gupta Zainab Hashmi Linda Lee Hwang Samuel Jesselson Patricia Young Eun Joo Andrew Kiracofe Meirav Levy Nina Elisheva Lior Samuel Jerome Mathews Jason Cole Mowery Tania Mohd Nor Mana Nakagawa Kristin Danelle Nkechi Nwobu Caroline Hyun Jung Oh Kelechi A. Okereke Ishaan Krishan Puri Alex Baron Raiffe Frances D. Ramirez Schuyler Shearson Reece Prabesh Regmi Megan R. Richardson Zev Benjamin Rosen
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Micol Sara Sabbadini Shubhra Saxena Kriti Sehgal Ryan Leslie James Shand Shakirah Monique Simley Jonathan Colt Snyder Nicole Adeyinka Spigner Lily Beth Stone Mehar Sultan Ahmad Talmage Wesley Sykes III Ayodale Castillo Tan William Michael Wames Alexander Wolf Weinstein Alexis Sage Wiener Kyle Brandon Alexander Williams Peggy Pei-Yin Yang Hannah G. Yevick Debbie Peiwen Yong Eugene Zannetti III Carly B. Ziegler Michael Zubrow Vladimir Zykov December 19, 2007 Selin Meryem Alkan Seema Auluck Ilana Barach Ian Joseph Barrett John Brandon Blake Alexander E. Braylan Maria Cirasa Briseno Tera Elizabeth Brostoff Dylan D. Brown Daphne H. Chang Clara Mihee Choo Brian Cohen Cindy Lou Ciervo Cuesta Michael Philip Thomas Donatucci Trelford Owen Matthew Douglas Courtney Sebastian Edwards Kristine Nicole Eiman Andrea Dale Elfmont John Daniel Faneca Jenna Akemi Fasone Leah Jacoba Feder Gregory Friedman Samuel Addison Fuller Kenneth Elie Gittler Avarna Goenka
Rachael Goldstucker Christian Nicholas Hagedorn Nicole L. Hair Emma E. Hall Joshua A. Halpern Thomas Gaither Housley Ko W Im Carter A. Johns Jihyun Jennifer Kim Jung Won Kim Rachel Anne Simah Kozlow Seungha Ku Kelly Sullivan Landers Brooke Lauren Levenseller Clare Wanfee Li Mona Li Nyssa K. Liebermann Caleb S. Liu Mario Christian Lozada Michelle Sherry Lu Aleksandra Markovich Andrew Ross Marku Aurelio Marquez Antonio Martinez Castillo David Ian Mayland Rebecca Ashley McCarrie John P. McNulty David S. Moon Brendan Thomas Morrell Kira Muratova Jenelle Nurse Alec B. Ofsevit Lauren J. Picasso Jeremy Gordon Price Laura Elizabeth Romcevich Charles Rose Matthew Rosenbaum Noah M. Roswig Amanda Leigh Rubenstein Joseph K. Sandberg Robin Dawn Schleifer Renee Borah Seong Anne Brinten Sharp Artina Sheikh Stephanie M. Sklar In Hee Song Jesse Kalan Soslow Daniel Lee Spelman Sarah St. Julien Mark Allen Stagliano Jessica Rose Stoller Thomas Fitch Stone Evan K. Swain
Angemael Syldor Duwayne Vincent Terry Namita Thakker Corey B. Triebwasser Natasha Casanova Tyjer Elizabeth Mifflin Verney Jenna Bramley Weinstein Brock C. Wittmeyer Eileen T. Wu Sara Zetune Calderon May 19, 2008 Zoya Abdikulova Fatema Abdoolcarim Matthew Ungar Abess S. Faris AbiNader Sarah R. Abroms David Hideo Adamowicz Ainsley Hackett Adams Priya Agarwal Sabrina Aggarwal Tanushree Agrawal Cintia Aguilar Flores Christopher James Ahearn Zohra Ahmed Thura Al-Windawi Matthew Erin Albert Francesca Alcorn Carrie L. Alexander Peter M. Alexander Juliette Marie Alimena Justin B. Allen Michelle Lauren Alpert Adam Alexander Lee Altman Allison Ambrozy Clara Delali Amenyo Jesse Todd Amoroso Irene Leigh Amster Kirsten Britt Andersen Andrew J. Anderson David Anderson Amaka Vivian Anekwe Matthew David Anger Jill Elizabeth Applebaum Brian Douglas Appleby Matthew J. Aquiline Carmela Isabelle Francesca Aquino Rachel Elizabeth Aresty Kyle M. Armeny Andrew Bell Armstrong Jasminka S. Arnautovic
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Kelsey Michelle Arneson Lea E Artis Kelly Eiko Asao Sam Ashuraey Reuben Hillel Asia Kwabena I.N. Asiedu Daniel Jacob Atkins Carolyn M. Auwaerter Ross Tyler Avila Tala Fouad Ayyad Stephanie Reeves Bachula Christine Bae Nana Baffoe-Bonnie Kaitlin M. Baggott Sofia Anna Baglivo Amanda Nicole Bagnoli Saurabh Bajpai Daniel S. Balk Nancy Clarke Ballantyne James Ballas Eduardo R. Baltodano Zeledon Archita Banerjee Pauline L. Baniqued Christopher K. Banket Zachary D. Barasz Benjamin Barbash Slavena Veselinova Bardarova Sarah Bargmann Saint John Barned-Smith Brian Scott Barnett Katerina Barquet Stege Nicholas Steven Barr Jonas Barre Hayley Barton Ernest Baskin Marisa A. Bass Parisa Bastani Kacey R. Bayles Collin M. Beck Emily Rachel Behar Doug Behrman Maria Belenky Ron Belldegrun Gilad Benjamin Ben-David Bonetti Margaret Bender Shira Hinda Tamar Bender Kristen Louise Beneduce Edward Reeves Berchick Lauren Berg Elinor Neubauer Berkman Ronald W. Berkowsky Nicole Greer Berman Alydariz Nicole Betancourt Talin Bezmen Ravi Rajesh Bhagat Ashish Bhumbla Steve Bibu
Isabelle Bicaci Jacqueline Marie Bideau Stephen Andrew Biggans Alyssa Lauren Bindman Paul Phillip Birnbaum Iturrino Jeni Sue Birnbaum Keely Bisch Barbara Harlin Bispham Laura Catherine Black Lee Forest Black Melissa Ann Black Nicole Kristin Black Sophie Bland Simone Beth Blaser Christopher Bleakley Ryan Blicher Garrett Dwight Blomquist Eszter Boda Danielle Gail Boland-Brown Justin Hideo Boley Kara Lynne Bolger Mark K. Bollman Sarah Katherine Bolton Noelle M. Bond Brittany Giroux Bonnette Ashley Booker Ryan Joseph Borker Lindsey Jeanne Bornstein Ivona Boroje Paul Devine Bottone Martin Bouda Katryn Bowe Clara Lynn Bracke Lauren Elizabeth Bradley Emily Jones Brady Raman Brar Rebecca Daliah Braunstein Mollie Zeid Braverman Alexander Martin Bregman Brett Brenner Amanda Brooks Brezing Corissa J. Briglia Megan Kathleen Brindle Lindsay R. Brine Julia Brinjac Benjamin G. Brockwell, III Jennifer Eiseman Bronson Catherine Mara Broussard Anne Shirley Bruder Carly Talia Brush Rory Matthew Buck Alexandra M. Buder Shapiro Alyssa Ruth Budihas Kemiga Bunyasaranand Alexa R. Burakoff Rafael Mark Burde Monica Denise Burnett Jamie Lynn Burns
Uriah Bushey Alexia Marie Michelle Butcher Patricia Cabrera Francisco Jose Cadavid Jamie Lara Calahan Juliana Ruth Calhoun Huascar David Canaan Esquea Maxime Cancre Jesse Lea Carlin Megan Carlin Carine Rachelle Carmy Devon Alexander Carr Lance M. Carr Io Ana Carrion Simon Cartoon Marisa Casellas Alyssa Casey Taylor K. Cashwell Diane Frances Casteel Stephanie G. Castellano Daniel Castro Christina Elise Catanese Jessica G. Cauley David McLane Caulk Alexander Benjamin Cauterucci Stephen Cavaliero Gustavo Adolfo Centeno Perez Risa Michele Chalfin Albert Sai-Yu Chan Alexander C. Chan Alison Grace Chang Julietta Hona Chang Melissa Pui Shan Chang Michele Charles Chloe Charlet Natasha Chavdaroff Ashley Bao-Yi Chay Yewleh Chee Chuyin Mimi Chen Florence T. Chen Jeanne Chen Jennifer Chen Jennifer M. Chen Jennifer Qian Chen Yihan Chen Jerome Yiwei Chen Amy En-Yee Cheung Stefani Li Lin Cheung Nisha Chhabra Ilana T. Chilton Justine Lyndsay Chilvers Andrew Chima Courtney Anne Chin Kai Chin Kimberly Angela Chin
Samantha Ching Fiona S. Choi Ryan Christopher Kazu Choi William Chow Amy L. Chowansky Jaimmy S. Chun Yangie Yun Chi Chung Vanessa Cid Nicholas R. Cisler Catherine Renee Clair Joseph Thomas Clark Chava Lilit Cogan Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Aaron Benjamin Cohen Dimitry Cohen Jennifer L. Cohen Meryl Elaine Cohen Michelle L. Cohen Reuben Habousha Cohen Scott A. Cohen Cheryl Andrea Cohler Samuel J. Cohn Andrew Ruth Collins Rachel Colombana Janet Comenos Courtney Comstock Marielle Joan Conlon Maura Ashton Connell Rachel Christine Conrad Elizabeth Caldwell Conroy Andrew S. Console Joshua Robert Cook Thomas R. Cook Allaire V Corbett Nicholas J. Cordella Michael L. Costa Chandler Marie Craig Gabriel Sodetani Crane Molly Elizabeth Crane William Cravens Shomari D'Angelo Crawford Kelly Collins Croal Schuyler L. Crossman Vilma Marisela Cubias Joshua E. Culbertson Kathryn Marie Cunningham Megan Kimberly Curtiss Hayley Cusack Rachel M. Cymerman Christopher Cynn John D'Agostini Nitika Dabas Kara Daddario Meghan M. Daly Drew William Dampier Kofi D. Darkoh Sebastian Dassouli Joseph Alexander Datko Sujit Sankar Datta 1
Carolyn Elizabeth Daucher Shruti Dave Alicia Anessa Davidson Keely Carlen Davies Amanda Cate Davis Catherine V. Davis Jacqueline Marie Davis Matthew A. Davis Rebecca L. Davis Elizabeth Danielle Dawes Amy Dawson-Andoh Margaret Bridget DeAngelo Collette Jan DeBenedetto Francisco De La Concha Leonard Louis DeMalto Jessica L. Deimel Stephen Andrew Delgado Jessie Della Femina Ryan E. Dempsey Joy Yue Deng Erica Rose Denhoff Ryan A. Denholm Ruchi Anant Desai Matthew J. Deschler Nikita Deshpande Jennifer Louise Deuprey Caitlin Carey Devlin Amanda Sonali Dewundara Shangarab Rubun Dey Vikram Dhindsa Adrian Di Antonio Nicole Elizabeth Di Pauli Christian R. Diaz Timothy James Diiulio Stephen Daniel Dingley Nicholas Sol Director Joshua Ian Diskin Victoria Marie Aquino Divino Augustin Diz Anne Baumann Dobson KeAndra Denise Dodds Herman E. Dodson III Helene Majisha Doleyres Akua Asabre Domfe Elisabeth Dechen Dong Grant T. Donkervoet Matthew Ryan Donnally Katherine Eleanor Donohue Colleen E. Donovan Caroline Susan Dorfman Elizabeth Staffin Dorfman Sophie Douer Darlene J. Dougar Jessica Lynn Douglas Katherine Shields Draper Felice Miriam Dredze Lauren Stacie Drell Gregory Brandon Dreyfuss Christopher J. Driessen 20
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Tracy Rebecca Drossman Lauralynn Drury Martha B. Dua-Awereh Andrea B. Duggan Andrea Duguet Brad W. Dulay Adam L. Dulberg Ashley Elizabeth Dumoff Katherine Jean Duncan Johanna Dunn David Fitzgeorge Dunning Thaddeus Stephen Duprey Brendan Sullivan Dutch Ella Elizabeth Dutton Elizabeth Ellen Bird Eckels Kathleen Donnally Eckert Steven Edward Economou Alana Cheyenne Edelstein Kopke Christopher Edwab Jason Paul Edwards Bradley Scott Eisemann Arielle V. Eiser Adam R. Eisman Mostafa El-Hoshy Dominique Marie Elden Zachary Elkin Alexi-rae Ellington Lyric Enav Johanna Engel Brittany Nicole Erickson Erin Thornton Escoffery Fahed Essa Cecil Essien Simon R. Eth Daniel Alexander Evens Nova Kaelan Ewers Eric E. Fabara Emily S. Fabre Adam Harris Fachler Evan Michael Fain Christopher T. Falcone David M. Faleck Christopher Michael Faralli Joshua Andrew Farhadian Daniel James Faria Elizabeth McKim Farley Kaitlin M. Farmer John Garth Fasano Francine Michelle Felder Aleksandr Feldman Amanda Feldman Malika King Felix Evan Christopher Fenaroli Livingston Schuyler Ferguson Michael Alan Fernandez Pamela Ann Ferreira Andrew Ferrer Michael Ferrier
John Theodore Fetter Hannah Kennedy Feuerstein Sheira Hana Feuerstein Matthew D. W. Fiedler Michael Robert Fileti Katrina Marie Fincher James T. Finegan III Amanda Rebecca Fisher Amelia Frances Fisher Jessica Leigh Fisher Christiana E. Fitzgerald Patrick J. Fitzmaurice Warren T. Flesch Jamie Melissa Flesh Rachel Noelle Fletcher Sean Thomas Flood Justin M. Flores Richard C. Fong Ashley Nichole Font Melanie J. Foreman Benjamin Solomon Forman Jasmine Eleni Fournier Shannon Michelle Fouse Edward Hewitt Fox Laura Fox Soren Fox Ellen Miriam Fraint Koumiko France Amelie Francois Kimberly Lillyce Franklin Michael Lenhart Franklin Janine T. Fraser Laura Cone Freedlander Alissa Gail Friedman Jesse Saul Friedman Uri Lev Friedman Jeremy Michael Friedmar Kwame Frimpong Victoria Amanda Stephens Frings Eric Frisch Emilie Anne Froh Annafrancesca Luisa Fuchs Charles M. Funk III Patrick Furlong Elise Margaret Gabriel Patrick Gallagher Gabriel Galson Alexia C. Gangotena Amanda Gail Ganske Hernan Leandro Garcia Rhea Gisella Gargullo Amy Rachel Garlock Gisela Taylor Garrett Brian C. Gartner Mikhail P. Gasiorowski Michael Gatti
Kylie Marie Livingston Gattinella Arpan Gautam Justine E. Gayer Steven Gavin Brent Peter Gdula Aimee M. Gelinas Brian Patrick Gelletly Mira S. Gendy Szoa Zhi Geng Angela Erin Gentile Vanessa George Elizabeth Ilona Gerbner Genevieve Mirelle Gerngross Jonathan Daniel Gershon Pedro Gerson Alexandra Nattan Gewirtz Anna Elizbeth Geyer Carolina Sabbagh Gholmia Pia Marie Ghosh Saurav Ghosh Kristen Melissa Giacobbe Melissa Faith Gibbons Alexandra Joelle Gibson Aleksandar Giga Alexis S. Gilbert Rachel Gilbert Sarah Skye Gilbert Joseph F. Gill Jr. Alexander C. Girod Lyuba Gitman Andrew Easton Glantz Michael Gabrielle Glass Sydney Irene Glassman Lindsay Rebecca Glazer Katy Rose Glickman Kevin Glowalla Glenn Patrick Goebels Brian M. Goldberg Sara Beth Goldberg Emma Rachel Goldensohn Andrew Mark Goldsmith Daniel Adam Goldstein Joseph D. Goodell Rachel Glenna Goodman Mara Hales Gordon Rachael Anne Gordon Emily Gore Paul E. Gormisky Heather Danielle Gorn Melissa Eve Gottlieb Gaelle Marie-Joseph Gouraige Sarah Beth Christine Grabois Joseph Graff Aaron Grahmam II Brian M. Grandieri Camille Green Jane Greenberg
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Jeffrey Samuel Greenberg Joshua C. Greenberg James Harrison Greene III Abigail Sarah Greenwald Jordan Lev Greenwald Michael J. Greenwood Thais Nicole Gregg Mark Daniel Griffin Quinn Grimes Joseph W. Gross Robert H. Gross Robert J. Gross Jordan Mitchell Grossman Emily Kate Gruber Ben Karol Grunwald Minming Gu Theresa H. Gue Leonardo Antonio Guercio Deeksha Gulati James Michael Gunter Janice Mary Gunther Maya C. Gupta Naina Gupta Jonathan Bailey Gutman Stephanie Malia Guy John Niel Guzman Gregory Arthur Gyulai Monica Haak Peter W. Habegger Rebecca Beth Haendel Patrick Kyle Haffey April Jade Hall Caroline Ashley Haimm Franziska S. Hain Nathaniel J. Hake Jonathan Michael Hakim Eric Joseph Hall Michael Allen Hall Norva Gaye Hall Katharine Murray Hamlin Rachel-Xiaolu Han Yong S. Han William N. Hanafee, III David G. Handelman Jessica Gold Haralson Elizabeth Mary Harbison Cynthia Fumika Hardy Bryan Patrick Harris Chakiera Genelle Harris Christina Michelle Harris Naheem J. Harris Anna Elizabeth Hartley Rebecca Ivy Hartman Gregory Roy Harvey Alex Theodore Haskell Gabrielle Marie Haug Michael Summers Haugh Alisse Katherine Hauspurg Robert Hessenbruch Havens
Alicia Marie Hawkins Savannah Dunlevie Hayes Danielle Sarah Hayman Jarryd Paul Anthony Haynes Joseph Hedaya Arthur D. Heilbronn Laura Elizabeth Heintz David Philip Helfenbein Robert William Heller Charles Samuel Hellman Brian Samuel Henick Pedro Bor-Nian Her Carlos Hernandez Incháustegui Eduardo Hernandez Kristian M. Herrmann Steven Gregory Hershman John Wilson Senft Hershner Danielle Herzberg Alice Stewart Hickey Alexis Samantha Hill Andrew H. Hill Matthew Hill Yonatan Hillman Courtney Catherine Hilts Benjamin T. Himes Andrea Beth Himmel Adam Kornblatt Hirsch Alexander William Hirsch Laura Ruth Hirsch Robert C. Hitschler Timothy James Hlavin Yvonne Ho Derek Lee Hobson Sofie Elana Hodara J. Connor Hoesley Matthew John Hoffarth Elizabeth B. Hoffman Joshua M. Hoffman Dara Denise Holder Andrew M. Hollin Michael Homorody Kathleen Marjorie Hooks Mariyahl Mahilmany Hoole Matthew C. Hotsko Staci Ann Hou Regina A. Houston Curley B. Howard Daniel Robert Howard Molly Isadora Howard Krysten Renee Howey Sarah Elizabeth Hoyer Oo Htaik Darien Huang Terence Yi-Kang Huang Jordan Daniel Hudson Lottie Anne Hudspeth Alyssa Lea Huegel Kara Danielle Hughley
Dreysha N. Hunt Aubrey Elizabeth Hunter Abigail Haight Huntsman Ilario T. Huober Christine Hurtubise Lauren E. Hurwitz Eileen Elizabeth Hutchinson Christopher D. Hwang Ji Na Hwang Joanne Sun Hwang Jung Yub Hyun Nicholas P. Iacobelli Jennifer B. Insel Laura Ip Ayako Irikura Jidekene Amara Iruka Ayaka Jennifer Iwata Lee Jacobs Sarah Elizabeth Jacobs Shelley B. Jacobson Devan Jaganath Anand Jahi Reda Jalabi Adam James Janicki Arati V. Jasani Ashish K. Jatia Alexander F. Javelly Dan J. Jee Akilah Nunki Jeffers Elizabeth Beren Jefferson Karishma Jhalani Aaradhana Jhunjhunwala Jenny Cheng Jin Joyce Jin Kelly Xiayu Jin James K. Jo Stephanie Joco Raymond Sungmin John Allison Patrice Johnson David R. Johnson Nathan Harwood Johnson Stephen A. Johnson Brittany Danielle Jones Kelly Elizabeth Jones Laura Elizabeth Jones Lauren A. Jones Amanda L. Joseph Talia Joseph Nicholas Nayar Joy Jolanta E. Jozefara Adrienne Juarascio Malaika May Judd Amanda Judelson Anna Natasha Jurkevics Jill S. Kahn Scott D. Kahn Timothy John Kaijala Gurpreet Kalra Rebecca Tyng Kantor
Eric Kapenstein Rebecca Grace Kaplan-Stein Hilan Zev Kaplan Jeremy Kaplan Micah Bieber Kaplan Rachel E. Kaplan Rebecca G. Karnovitz Meredith Ashley Karpf Jason Adam Karsh Danielle E. Kasirer Brett Sanford Kasner Edward M. Katz Joseph M. Katz Lily Nicole Katz Erick Hill Katzenstein Aaron N. Katzman Michelle Lee Kauffman Alanna Kaufman Yumeko Kawano Joseph S. Kay Alexander Stone Keeney Melanie Ann Kehr Nathaniel Bohman Keller Brian Michael Kelly Scott Kelrick Alexandra J. Kendall Ian T. Kennard Elizabeth Kern Debra Michelle Kerr Laura Janet Kerr Rachel H. Kessler Sonakshi Khaitan Rezwana Khan Yashoda Ashok Khandkar Swasti Khemani Christina Shirin Khosravi Christopher Joshua Khouri Daniel Matthew Kiczek Megan Brenneman Kiernan J. Willis Kiessling Kerry L. Killeen Ah-Young J. Kim Christopher Youngjin Kim Connie Kim Evelyn Yerim Kim Iris Ha young Kim Jane Elizabeth Kim Ji Sun Kim Jooyeon Kim Patrick John Kimener Kevin Masao Kimura Michael Brett Kind Alexander G. King Mindy King Ann E. Kinsey Teri Ann Kirby Tarah J. Kirnan Jack Daniel Kitchen Anna Rachel Klein 21
Julia Klein Gittler Marnee Lee Klein Jacob William Kleinman Samantha A. Kleinman Joshua Michael Klosk Caleb Knedlik John A. Kneeland Danielle Marie Knight Jessica P. Knobloch Lara Gilla Kobrin Evan G. Koch Chelsea Alayne Kocis David Y. Koh Huanying Charmaine Koh Abigail Faye Kolker Brigette L. Kolson Militza Martinova Konova Freda A. Koomson Michael Koppel Michael Kornheiser Todd Bennett Kornreich Maxwell Arlie Halpern Kosman Shira Leah Koss Srikant Reddy Kothur Julia Koulbitskaya Ivan Koutsarov Daniel Paul Kozin Diane D. Kozlowski Saken Subhash Kulkarni Yu-Chi Lyra Kuo Stefanie Veronica Kuonen Zachary David Kuperman Yasser Kureshi Jonathan D. Kurland Spencer Harris Kurn Alison Lynn Kwiatkowski Ronald Gee Hong Kwok Abraham Jinmahn Kwon Christopher Ohjoon Kwon Angelika Kyrimi Rebecca Elizabeth Labov Anika Lakhani Luke C. H. Lam Regina Kai-Lai Lam Richard M. Lambert III Elizabeth Brett Lambos Stephen T. Landis Brian A. Lang Meredith Gray Laning Alexandra Heather Lapinsky Shannon Elizabeth Larson David Latov Rachel Lena Lavipour Shelly-Ann Lawes Jeffrey Todd Lawi Avery McQuaid Lawrence Susanna Kate Leaf Anna Lee 22
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Erin Haerim Lee Frances Lynn Lee Grace Sohee Lee Heywoo Lee Jin Lee Jonathan Lee Kathryn Lynn Lee Richard Z. Lee Sang Eun Lee Susan Chung Lee Tina Lee Bryan Daniel Leeds Aron Legler Melissa Marie Lehman Ralph Samuel Lehman Sarah Goldberg Leinwand Maria Andrea Lenis Roshelle Leatrice Lennon Sara Alyse Lenrow Allison M. Lentz Stefanie Fiona Lenz Daryl G. Leon Jennifer Leone Matthew Jason Leskowitz Ava Leung Peggy Patricia Leung Eric Leventhal Matthew Ryan Levin Deena Elyse Levine Heather Morgan Levine Justin Ryan Scott Levine Gillian Levinson Yonatan R. Levinson Alison Claire Levy Jenna Bass Levy Joshua Levy Lauren Lee Levy Rebecca Levy Malek Harrison Lewis Boning Li Jun Li Sha Li Sonya K. Li Terry S. Li Xiang Li Shirley Xiao Liang Michael Borisovich Liberson Jamie Liberti Stephanie Lichtinger Michael Lieberman Catherine Y. Lim Eunice Lim Jaclyn Alexis Limberakis Joyce Yi Lin Sinan Susan Lin Bonnie Jin Liu Lily Yanli Liu Jerricka Lo Verme Luz Selenia Loeb
Joseph Travis Logan Peter Li Logan Andrew Loh Lauren Allyson Lorberbaum Christina Julia Lordeman Alexander G. Lorenc Linda Lou Michael R. Lovejoy John Takashi Lowey Alexandra Lozanoff Jeffrey Kuan Jay Lu Tiffany Y. Lu Monaca Mbelu Luabeya Caroline Kilpatrick Lucas Katherine Dodge Ludlow Mia Lukic David Paul Lundmark Michael Isaac Lurie Dana Elizabeth Luther Arielle Celeste Lutterman Jonathan Braswell Lynch Annabelle Jean Lyons Robin S. Lyu Nawal K. Maalouf Allison Grace MacDonald Gaurav Madan Lucy A. Maddox David Lewis Mader Akshay Madhavan Mahesh Vasantha Madhavan Andrew Robert Magnes Leslie Mah Janhvi Maheshwari Lauren Cullen Malaspina Alexandra Malebranche Mubeen A. Malik Samir M. Malik Bryan D. Maliken Ryan T. Mallory Arthur Chong Wah Maloy Andrew C. Mangano Martin Joseph Mannion Rachel Smith Manson Cara Marie Marcantonio Rebecca Ariel Marcucci Lea Klara Marin Joshua A. Markman Emily Elizabeth Marmol John Andrew Marsh Laura Elyssa Martin Ellen Martino Alexandra Patricia Martins Benjamin Saadia Maslin Beckley Andrew Mason Justin Ross Masterman Jamie Elizabeth Mathew Gabrielle M. Matouk Sean-Tamba Matthew David Francis Matz
Joshua Adam Matz Kate Mollie Matzkin Jonathan Eric Matzner Katherine A. Maughan Maximilian Eugene Mauro Sarah Aviva Mayman Jeffrey Stuart McAlvay Ashley Laura McArthur Nicholas Alexander McAvoy Tara Jeanette McCafferty Alexander John McCobin Katharine Herring McCormick Jake Andrew McCrea Charles Joseph McCurdy Austin James McDaniel Crista Alexandra McDonald Joanna Caitlin McDonald Robin B. McDowell Jacqueline M. McEwan Ashley Alexis Marie McFarlane Dylan Blake McGarry Sheryl L. McGrann Kelley McGrath Erin Elizabeth McIntosh Karli Devin McIntyre Emilia Luisa Katharine McKee Alix Laurel McKenna Caroline S. McKernan Stephen Reid McLaughlin Claire Elizabeth McMurrian Jacquelyn Gay McNaughton Cameron Rolfe McQuale Robert E. Medina Devanshi Niranjan Mehta Doron Meizlik Samantha Melnick Jared Mendelsohn Joyce Shiann-Yun Meng William Edward Menkes Bruk Mensa Kristal Cassandra MentisCort Daniel William Mercer Anushka Merchant Renzo Merino Lozano Cristina M. Merkhofer Eric Dean Merrill Michael Messina Alexander J. Meyer Jack Morton Meyerhoff Ian Joseph Michaud Brittany Marie Middlebrooks Andrew Migdail Alexandra Catherine Milin Azalea Monica C. Milian Charles G. Miller
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Jason M. Miller Joshua Charles Miller Vanessa Leigh Miller David Lawrence Minkoff Matthew A. Mintzer Erica J. Minutella Jenna M. Mitby Michelle Mitchell Steven Charles Mitzner Ramon Andres Miyar Saadiq Azad Mohammed Elyse Kara Monti Seong-Jin Moon Seonghyun Moon Natasha L. Mooney Roberto Moreno Marisa Christina Moreta Brianna Elizabeth Morgan Shaunee V. Morgan Tyler Rohinton Morris Zachary Campbell Moscow Jonathan W. Moses Katharine R. Motyka Jeremy Mount Rachel L. Mowry Raha Mozaffari Daniel Steven Mozes Erica Mui Neil Bhagwan Mulchandani Matthew David Mulholland Adolph Brian Mullen James Eric Mullen Elizabeth Louise Mulligan Emily L. Muncy-Keller Ashlyn Eilis Murphy Lindsay Kathleen Jackson Murray Melody Murray Katherine A. Myers Morgan Myers Sathish P. Naadimuthu Benjamin Yale Nace Dean Trevor Nacey Maxwell D. Nacheman Tristan Xavier Nadal Archana Nadig Jason Ming Hung Nagata Dillon Michael Nakata Arwen Rose Victoria Nanson Cory Samuel Nanus Jessica Taryn Natbony Jennifer Amy Nath Nazlee Navabi M.M. Naveen Haren Sentil Nayagan Mooya Paulina Ndulo Matthew Craig Nerlinger Kamal Steven Ann Nesfield Caroline New
Stephen John Newark Beth Deborah Newton Chun Yin Ng Ly Thao Nguyen Timothy Nguyen Brian Scott Niblo Tiffany Marie Nichols Ekaterina Nick Kelsey Danielle Nickles Tara Anika Brierre Nicolas Chloe Marie Nielsen Patrick Ian Nikodem Danielle Akilah Noel Natasha Norman Adam Seth Novick Meredith Paige Nussbaum Paula J. O'Shaughnessy Chioma Adamma Odimegwu Olivia Kate Ofer Uchenna Kelenna Okoji Maura Elizabeth Olcese Nicki Elizabeth Olivier Rachel J. Omansky Maya Ondalikoglu Stephanie Nicole Ortiz Kofi Danso Osei Oluwatobi Osibodu Antonia-Angelina Maria Otero Amy Lynn Otttensmeyer Stephen A. Ottinger Sofia Elisabeth Owen Caitlin Bess Owens Lauren Taylor Owens Georgina Kirby Owino Ifeoluwa T. Oyedele Emily Jaclyn Ozan Cynthia Lynn Padera Laura Bradley Paine Jose M. Palau Jessica Caryn Palay Laura Rose Paliani Amoli Pandya Andres Panza Jennifer Marika Paquette Christen Suzanne Paras Rishabh Parekh Aneta Pariaszevski Pranav D. Parikh Lisel-Anne Gabrielle Parillon Juhee Park Michael Park Sunmin Park Sarah-Jane M. Parker Stinson Parks III Ricardo Daniel Parrondo Sonia A. Pascal Ami Patel Ashish Dinesh Patel
Jay J. Patel Sunny Harish Patel Vivek Amrut Patel Logan Britton Patrick Deanna Michelle Paul James Robert Payne Caroline Pearsall Jenny Ross Aquines Pelaez Tara E. Pellegrino Phedra Ulary Penn Victoria Elizabeth Perez Julie Gayle Perilstein Danielle Perlman Sara Anderson Perzley Colin Flynn Peterson Natasha V. Petiton Natasha K. Petrukhin Nicholas W. Petts Sergei Peysakhov Alison Tracy Peyser Thomas S. Philips Caroline Waisted Phillips Lisa Phuong Natasha Alessandra Piano Christopher L. Pickel Katherine Sarah Pier Jasmine D. Pierce Ingrid Maria Pimsner Ruth Jean Maxine Pinilla Samantha Pinkowitz Jason Pinsky Jonah Sezzin Platt Alan Plotzker Esther E. Polgar Michael Henry Poll Rebecca Kario Pollak Andrew Harris Pollen Heidi Erica Pollokoff Adrian Ponsen Nicole A. Pontes Philip Daniel Poorvu Anjeli Prabhu Brooke Lauren Prashker Christina Nicole Prassas Martina Myrtho Previl Shelby Renee Prindaville Lucy Prom Jonathan J. Pruchansky Jon E. Puckhaber Corey Morris Purcell Mahak Sarah Puri Rui Qin Jon Garrett Quatromoni Syril Keena Torreblanca Que Brian Walter Quimby Daniel Fitzpatrick Quinlan Azam A. Qureshi Yasmin Malekeh Radjy Adina Radu
Brian Richard Raike Jane Frances Raisch Riya Raj an Asheen Rama Neiman A. Ramjattan Abhinav Rampuria Ashwin Prakash Rao Jesse David Rao William Max Rapaport Anna Christine Raper Naveed Rashid Jonathan Alexander Paul Rassi Angela Borbala Redai Mark Richard Redding Abigail Reibman Jessica Reich Timothy Edward Reilly, Jr. Benjamin Reiss Roger Rengert Robert D. Repass III Caroline R. Repko Raisa E. Reyes Jessica Diana Ribeiro Andrew Scott Richardson Eve Richer Brooke Schapps Richman Jonathan Robert Richter Craig Michael Riley Nicolas Y. Riley David Rimoch Saraga Natalia Rimolo Rojas Caitrin Rinehimer Yulia Petra Rivelis Maria Esther Rivera Vinelli Anthony Edward Rizzo Daniel Richard Roberts Lindsay R. Roberts Soleil de Marsche Roberts Claire Alexandra Robertson Andrew James Robinson Charles Arthur Robinson Warner M. Robinson Curtis Roche William Charles Rodemer Daniel E. Rodrigo Bradley Rogers Jesse Jay Rogers Noah Rohrer Stephanie Rolland Amanda W. Rollins Pamela Davida Rook Nicholas Wilson Roosevelt Emma Nicole Rosen Lee Rosen Jessica Fallon Rosenbaum Joshua Ian Rosenbaum Elizabeth L. Rosenberg Emily Adah Rosenberg 23
Lauren Michelle Rosenberg Katherine Suzanne Domenica Rosenthal Karen E. Ross Stephanie Allen Ross Elizabeth Ascherman Roth Kale James Roth Robert Jeremy Rothrock Jessica Ashley Rotman Julia R. Roumm Robert Martin Routh John H. Rowan Marta Rozmyslowicz Mark Rubbo Lisa Rubin Todd Wayne Rubin Lauren Ann Rubinfeld Caroline Rubino Freddy Rumeci Kevin Michael Rurak Jeffrey Brian Russ Sean C. Ryan Nicholas Reed Ryder Shane Sabnani Stefan C. Sabo Dina Saginur Joseph Frank Sahid Shwetapadma Sahu James Francis Saksa Manuela Saldarriaga Lauren Jeanne Saling Deepak Sambhara Fares Samra Jordan A. Sanders Michael Sanders Kendra Leane Sandidge Arti A. Sanganeria Lindsey S. Sankin Amanda Pilar Santana James Santomauro Madhawa Saranadasa Matthew Craig Sargenti Garnik Sarkisian Hollis Ahmad Savage Robert Small Savitsky Jared Nathan Schachner Grace Marie Schaefer Lorine Schaefer Max Wolfson Schapiro Joseph Michael Scherban Paul Christopher Scherer Kathryn Elizabeth Schertz David George Levin Schiff Joelle Renee Schlang Rita Marie Schmidt Tiffany Schmitz Benjamin Martin Kanefield Schneider Paul S. Schoemaker 24
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Jeannette Phyllis Schroeder Sara Victoria Schulte Raimy J. Schutzman Eric Michael Schwartz Suzanne Allison Schwartz Morgan Claire Seag Sunaina Reddy Seelam Kelly Alyssa Selesnick Adreyo Sen Heather Michelle Serden Maria S. Seredina Ankit Shah Milan Balkrishna Shah Sidharth Shah Robert Shank Aaron M. Shapiro Seth Ian Shapiro Jamal Kahlil Shareef Laura Alicen Sharkey Arushi Sharma Neha Sharma Alexander William Shaw Kristen Marie Sheaffer Amelia Claire Sheehan Robert D. Sheehan Jahangir K. Sheikh Louise A. Sheldon Julia Yan Shen Alejandro G C Shephard Alison Beth Sher Sydney Jacquelin Sher Andrew Sherman Eden Sydney Sherman Yang S hi Jennifer Amy Shiao Maki Shibata Ah Rim Shin Hyun Tae Shin Julia Soojung Shin Bari Jill Shmerler Roman J. Shor Mujidat Tutu Shotonwa Ashish Shrestha Shawn Shroff Laura E. Sickles Laila Siddique Jessica Sidman David Jacob Siegel Sasha Margot Silcox Benjamin Harris Silverman Ashley Renee Silversmith Sara Ann Silverstein Helen H. Sim Elaine Nicole Simeon Alexandra Leigh Simon Katie Elizabeth Simon Masamba A. Sinclair Daniel Jeremy Singer Famid Sinha
Julia S. Sisti Benjamin Charles Swomley Donald Sivick Justin Thomas Sykes Kai Subic-Skattum Shani Jamila Syphrett Jacqueline Anne Slater David Jason Szerlip Jenna Slaughter Joshua Robert Taber Adam Nolan Tabor Elizabeth Ratner Slavitt Maija-Liisa Sletzinger Aleksey Tadevosyan Wun Ting Wendy Tai Lauren Sloss Alexander Charles Small Nicholas Tamaccio Emily Mellencamp Smith Jonathan W. Tamblyn Jarron Hampton Smith Michelle Benesch Tandler Meghan E. Smith Charlotte Trefsgar Tansill Geoffrey Potter Taylor Stacie Nicole Smith Samuel Lienhard Taylor Robert Seth Snitkof Graham Snow Shameeke Taylor Timothy Driscoll Taylor Jennifer Yujin So Melissa Teixeira Peter Sobieraj Alexander Solether Alexia Maria Temme Laura R. Tesoriero Elisa Solomon Mazell M. Tetruashvily Tavor Naomi Sondheimer Elizabeth Huan Song Brett Isac Thalmann Ashwin K. Thapar Wenjie Song Kimberly Anna Sorren Jennifer Cormack Thetford Panayiotis Elias Thomakos Jessica Lee Sousa Ashley Elizabeth Thomas Liana Soyfer Rina Thomas Jennifer Spector Michael Alexander Emily Spiegel Hema Srinivasan Thomashow Demetrie Thompson Amanda Stackman Brewster David Miles Eboni-Rose Noel Thompson Kelsey Rae Thomson Stanislaw Ian Gordon Starling Cecelia Claire Thornton-Alson Ariel Roth Tichnor Marina Staykova Staykova William Springfield Tierney Aaron Joseph Stein Benjamin Forester Stein Saffet Can Tinaztepe Emily To Justin Steinberg Mitchell I. Steinberg Katherine S. Toder Monica M. Toledo Nitzan Sternberg Rebecca Michelle Sternschein Joshua S. Tolkin Jessica Danielle Tollette Max Trevor Stevens Davianne Corine Toomer Rebekah T. Stevens Richard Harris Topaz Scott Stevenson William Ian Stewart Brittany Jessica Topilow Rafael Torres Ilana Stollow Robert Marshall Strain Judy Toung Daniel Anthony Strigenz Ryan Joseph Townsend Gaemia M. Tracy Erica Ann Stutius Monica Styles Orla Rose Treacy Lourdes Mariana Trevino Allen Su Canales Sathish Subramanian Heather Kathleen Suchorsky Shivika Trivedi Eric Sean Joni Sukumaran Manuel Enrique Trujillo Saad Sean E. Sullivan Hong Truong Trung Van Truong Peter Joseph Sundheim Kelly Margaret SuttonAlexis Tryon Skinner Hwa Wei Albert Tsai Kaned Suviwattanachai Yi-Chen Jasmine Tsai Jessica 0. Swiatlo Andrew Chin-Chak Tsang John Swierk Daniel Yu-Chun Tseng
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Eva Suet-Wa Tsui Catherine Mary TurcichKea ley Andrew B. Turner Jessica Katherine Turner Raoul Uberoi David Peter Umanoff Stephen Harold Unterberg Kathryn Rae Urban Javier Alejandro Urbina Morante Maya Vallabhaneni Bruno Valle Luccy Gabriela Vallejos Nadia Claire van de Walle Michael P. Van Hulle Janine Maria van Vliet Chandan Vangala Jessica Lynn Varzaly Michael Thomas Vassallo Nadine Marie Vassallo Alexander M. Vecchio Shara Christine VeneziaWalerstein Keith Glen Vereb Ryan Victor Thomas Scott Vierbuchen Elisabeth M. Villaseca Frishman Julia Vishnevetsky Elizabeth Anne Volkert Loren Michelle Voss Robert Michael Vrana David Vreeland Christine Lynn Vroome Matthew James Vucurevich Shane Devin Mortman Wagman Mark Randall Waldo, Jr. David A. Walker James Stanton Walker Bret Jerrold Wallace Brian Matthew Wang Connie K. Wang Daniel Wenlei Wang Hao Wang Wendy Wang Nattha Wannissorn Rana Jaipaul Wardlaw Bonnie Grace Waring Daniel Urbach Warsh Laura Wasserson Nicholas J. Watson Sarah Michal Waxman Jana Suzanne Wayne Brandon J. Weber Meredith Kimberly Weber Lillian XiLing Wei Lisa Wei
Ryan Weicker Jonathan Micah Weinblatt Alana Michelle Weiner Jonathan Z. Weiner Jessica Renee Weinstock Jake Aaron Weissman Christopher Wells Weitekamp Paul Gabriel Welfer Henry Galbraith Wellington Taylor Hathaway Yeager Wemmer Jeisun Charles Wen Sherry (Cai) Wen Craig Andrew Wenger Sarah Elizabeth Wensley Jane Sydney Wexler Joshua Wheeling Kenneth Grayson White Phillip A. Whitehead Ali Wiezbowski Elana Beth Wilf Jacqueline Alexandra Wilhelmy Leroy III Wilkes Alyssa Barrie Wilkins Jessica Lynn Williams Kristin Elisabeth Williams Mark Edward Williams Alex James Wilson Sara C. Wilson Martin Winik Rebecca Ann Wirakesuma Samuel Ariel Wisch Elizabeth May Wolf Catherine Scarlet Goodyear Wolff Alice Wong Haidee Hoi Yin Wong Kyle Wong Frances Fung San Woo Russell J. Woo Lillian Ives Wood Michael LeGrys Woodford Amber Rose Woodward Rico R. Worl Emily Goodridge Worth Lauren Marie Wozniak Cynthia Liisa Wright Jerome Benjamin Wright, Jr. Krystle G. Wright Eric Charles Wrigley Ada Bing Wu Allison Jane Wu Chloe C. Wynne Xiaomeng Xu Christopher S. Yam Cheryl Yang Phyllis Shan-Chun Yang Shiayin Frances Yang
Chetra Yean December 19, 2007 Stephanie Sesien Yee Kenneth J. Altman Chang-Min Yim Yoon Min Choi Y Anna Ran Ying Denise Kathryn Finley Elaine Yip Elizabeth Gabbard Casye Eyob Yohannes Chelsea R. Guzowski Elizabeth Emily Yolin Laura Mccarthy Hanes Irene Yoo Christy Chung Hevener Soo Jeong Youn Leticia Lee Young Corinn M. Jordan Namrita Khandelwal Michael Eugene Young Peter (Yang) T. Kim William Braden Young Levana Layendecker Catherine B. Yourougou John Fleming Murray Almandi M. Yousif Jelani Akim Newton Natalie Angela Youssef Jared Patrick Nixon James Chan Yu Mariam Ozaltin John F. Yuen Roberta Susan Petusky Rae Eden Yumul Sally Ann Schaeffer Michelle S. Yun Nona Tsotsoria Joshua Isaac Zakim Matthew Philip York Carly Brooke Zakin Jeffrey L. Zannetti May 19, 2008 Lauren Dell Zarzar David Adler Jillian Zavodnick Peter B. Anderson Adley Zayan Amanda Kaskey Berman Bo Zeng Rebecca Frances Binns Chao Zhang Luke Butler Grace Fei Zhang Melissa Charlene CastroYuhe Zhang Marmero Qiu Yi Zheng Alida Vanessa ChiappeLisa Linwen Zhou Soledad Xiaoye Zhu Francis A. Daly David Zhuang Michelle Sakura Zimmerman Garrick Torrence Davis Jessica N. Deckard Alison Jeanne Zinser Akira Drake Felina V Zolotarev Kelly J. Driscoll Jennifer Amy Zuckerman Jonathan W. Edelstein Samantha Pearl Zuckerman Brittany Nicole Erickson Lena Ahmed Zurkiya Daniel Alexander Evens Ashley Fletcher Frampton The Graduate Laurie A. Friedman Division of the Michelle García-Navarro Maria Elena Goravanchi School of Arts and Patrice Rayonia Green Sciences Amy Kristin Greene Laura Sutton Grossman Master of Kimberlee D. Hein Kristin Marie Johnson Governmental Seth G. Klempner Administration August 10, 2007 John S. Brenner Laronda Koffi Jennifer M. Walters
Bridget McGuire Kulik Kenneth E. Lawrence, Jr. Joseph Francis McGinn Norman Joel Moser Juan Antonio Nadal Ferrer& Erika Laine Orsulak Efe 0. Osagie Rovena Pando Carolyn C. Ryan 25
Timothy James Schmidt Ralitsa Slavenkova Nataliya Starostenko Brett E. Tanzman Ian Ferguson Verstegen Anna Wallace Christopher A. Wheeler
Master of Philosophy August 10, 2007 Joseph John Saggese
May 19, 2008 Tracey Danner-Odenwelder John W Forester William J. Greenwald David Michael Marciniszyn
Master of Science in Organizational Dynamics August 10, 2007 Cheryl A. Barber Karen Marie Graham Joseph J. Lynch
December 19, 2007 Paul James Bowles Richard W Emrich Michael D. Farmer Anthony Granato Samantha G. Howland Jeanne Leong H.J. Omar Mitchell Sandra E. Peopples Donna J. Showell Jennifer M. Simonsen William Charles Voros Susan Ndinda Wambua
May 19, 2008 Mohammed Meqdad Alsuwaidi Robin Anise Benns Christine C. Brady Karen Sabrina Chance Denise Cifelli Ijeoma Ines Codrington Linda S. DeLuca Debra L. Denis Jonathan Ross Deutsch Lisa A. Fitton Domenic Gallelli Janice L. Gaspari 26
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Marva L. Green Kathleen C. Gubanich Deanna L. Hiltner Andrew V Kaufman Robert J. Klaczak Jeanine M. Kleba Vanessa Marie Kraus Catherine G. Landherr Marie V Leiter Chantia Celeste Leonard Jessica Lea Lienert Kathryn Roberta Mackey John Peter Maiorana Thomas Michael McPoyle Ritwik Mishra Janice Marie Panesar Suzanne M. Perry Christopher W. Raab Chanel B. Rhoads-Reed Mahmonir Shahpari Susan L. Sheahan Jacqueline Smith Ralph J. Storti Rubina Vartanian Bruce Michael Warren John P. Winther
December 19, 2007 Rory Brendan Adair Susan Rebecca Conway Gary Colin Emerle G Sharon Maryanne Fernando Finta-Peterffy Craig Stuart Greenberg Kerri Anne Grimley Nina Nicole Monzack Michael Paiko Margaret A. Pederson Stephen Mark Petty Jr. Dana N. Tango Claire J. Voigt Mary-Knight Bell Young
May 19, 2008
Marnechia R. Alexander Summer Joy Banes Brian Patrick Berry Mecca S. Bey David Andrew Blome Jason Michael Brown Bige Chen Hwa Joon Choi Katrina Lorraine Coldren William L. Colsher The College of Susan Rebecca Conway General Studies Alexander Joseph Egan Alan Roy Fetterman Neil Prabir Ghosh Associate in Arts Constance Alberta Gordon Catherine C. Griffin May 19, 2008 Julie Diana Hench Joslyn Renee Robinson Jennie E. Johnson James P. Keane Bachelor of Arts Cho Sop Kim Bryndon I. Kline August 10, 2007 Christine Judith Koehler Edward James Leming Beale Carl Koves Ashton DeAun Lewis Joy Rene Bouldin Jeanne M. Marks James Andrew Bradley Antonio Martinez Jane Claire Branton Ashley E. Michael Susan J. Casey Vikki Carol Morris Tiffany Hope Collier Remy Nshimiyimana Ryan James Douglass Eugene Y. Nunoo Bonnie Ann Jacobs Matthew F. Paris Samantha Bennett Johnson Tracie Michelle Patroni Kori Allison Lambert Adam Gunars Rabinowitz Jennifer L. Landis Patricia Y. Ravenell Robert Silver Leshner Jessica Lauren Weisbrot Nicholas Anthony Jared Brandon Zeisler Miccarelli III Michael Joseph Zeoli Kelly Marie O'Donnell Zach Pelchat Lindsey Koo Pell Jonathan Tyler Retseck Lisa Serad
Bachelor of Fine
August 10, 2007 Seth Thomas Baldwin
December 19, 2007 Christopher L. DiOrio Leanne E. Grimes Melissa Elena Montiel Miriam Muldowney Debra Elaine Hughes Myer
May 19, 2008 Jena M. Campbell Alex J. Cohen Corey Elizabeth Hartman Christina Lynn Kelly Melissa Elena Montiel Natalie Shilstut Allison A. Wendt
Master of Applied Positive Psychology August 10, 2007 Iris Marie Bloom Sarah Elizabeth Campbell Derrick Owen Carpenter Joanne Cavanaugh Aren R. Cohen Deborah Ruth Cohen Anthony Joseph DeLuca Amy Rebecca Donovan John Albert Doyle, Jr. Christine Duvivier Helene Finizio Karen A. Garman, Ed.D. Debra Corley Giffen Yasmin Headley Edward R. Hubbard Richard Le Sandra C. Lewis Robert Anthony Mack Morgan McCarthy Carmella Miller Elizabeth Waters Peterson Leslie L. Pitner Radhika Punshi Gregory Roger Quinting Lola Rokni Marie-Josée Salvas Gail Alpern Schneider Julie B. Snyder Stig Magnus Soløy Robert Stanley Szybist Yee Ming Tan Joanna Thompson
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Kaori Uno Jason B. Zellner Emiliya Zhivotovskaya Karen Min Zong
Master of Liberal Arts August 10, 2007 Melvin Bernard Benson Susan Burt-Collins Traci M. Cardenas Joseph Coleman Catherine Daly Katherine S. Damsgaard Evelyn Elaine Kelly Max Robert Kimbrough Sevile George Mannickarottu Brenna M. McLaughlin Courtney Gail Neese Jose A. Roman Andrea Marie Samdahl Daniela A. Viale December 19, 2007 Arajua Backman Brian Dashefsky Nancy K. Hesford Ricardina Iwanyshyn Karen Mary Karuza Matthew William Landis Ryan T. Lauko Jessica Euna Lee Karalyn A. McGrorty eian more Patricia Russo Tasha T. Taylor Joann Tompkins Clementine Vitek May 19, 2008 Melissa Cordelia Arundel Michael Lewis Bergen Safeer Tariq Bhatti Priscilla Pettit Broomell Tracylea Byford Jennifer Marie Cassidy Denise Dahlhoff Bethany Erin Everson Mariapaz Carolina GomezJones Sean Matthew Green Edwin J. Greenlee Evan Marc Joblin Evelyn A. Jordan Stephen S. Jurewicz Deborah Julie Kostianovsky
James Lynn Jessica Leigh Manlove Patrick Charles McGinty Raj Mukherji Kathryn Elizabeth Richardson Shivani Sethi
Master of Chemistry Education
Krista E. Heinlen Carli Marie Koshal Niva G. Kramek Matthew Lewis Lambach Matthew Thomas Lee Reshmi Radhakrishnan Nair Matthew Craig Nerlinger Tara M. Sadak
Master of Science in Applied Geosciences
December 19, 2007 Shelley L. Baker Mary Theresa Cutillo Dania Z. Hall Katie Anne Higgins Mike Kinsey Jeffrey Thomas Kushner Patricia M. Mascolino Susan Wanjiru Mburu Moronge Ochwangi Moronge Steven E. Rulon III Scott David Seiple Jeffrey J. Thomas Catherine Whamond Walsh Richard Wilczewski Derrick C. Wood May 19, 2008 Raymond Burrell Hulse
Master of Environmental Studies August 10, 2007 Elizabeth January Megan Ann Malloy Costantinos Tsoukalis December 19, 2007 Shani Haleli Arbel Amy Freeze Arbuckle Mark Douglas Angela Marie Erat Bryan Tomas Benitez McClelland Uzma Nadeem Margaret Z. Warner Christine Michelle Wieben
May 19, 2008
Master of Medical Physics May 19, 2008 Matthew R. Dworsak Ryan Michael Scheuermann
Master of Urban Spatial Analytics August 10, 2007
Master of Integrated Science Education
Laura C. Blackstone Tricia Kristen Chai-Onn Jeanetta Elaine Churchill Kristen Linea Copeland Shimrit Keddem Benjamin Carl Mearns
December 19, 2007
December 19, 2007
Lauren Graham Beal Robert Martin Bonnet Jeffrey Anthony Bowes Amy Lynn Dewees Ryan L. Lenet Travis Lick Kathleen Mary Loftus Angela Palumbo Patricia A. McCarrin Paul Ryan McNally Tienne Moriniere-Myers Melissa Kate Parente Joy Ellen Paul Mary-Kate Perrone Cory Leigh Redding Cheryl D. H. Spencer Kathleen Patricia Tait Spring Michaela Williams
Elizabeth Ann Houser
Ricardi Duvil
Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy can be Found under the Graduate Faculties listing.
May 19, 2008 Trina Dorsey Allen Eilisha Joy Bryson Michele Joan Dixon Holly Anne Graham
May 19, 2008 Stefania A. Chiorean Joanne Denise Douglas Aileen Monique Gambescia Saba Negash Hailu 27
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE
Eduardo D. Glandt, Dean Bachelor of Applied Science August 10, 2007 Ruth Thevathana Benjamin Kelvin S. Kwong John Poruthur
December 19, 2007 Jung Eun Lee Yueling Loh Bhavna Muthangi Karim N. Nasr Jeremy Mark Ozen Shaan Sheikh Jason Marc Ursaner Mao Zhang Shawn Zhou
May 19, 2008 Edwin E. Akrong Thunyarat Amornpetchkul Anahita Arora Gyong Min Bak Scott Becker Jeffrey B. Benshetler Trivik R. Bhavnani Brandon Chen Reesa Stephanie Child Mark Gregory Chua Sakil Chundydyal Kimberly A. Coughlan Bari Robyn Dane Aron Gera Indranell Gowdar Dan Huy Hoang Brian Nathaniel Hom Han Hu Sri Harsha Jujjavarapu Armenio A. Keusseyan Hyun S. Kim Jae Yoon Kim Seungyon Kim Terry S. Li Karishma Ajay Mehta Sai Kiran Mukkamala Dianne Bo Na Dipal M. Patel Nishita P. Pawar Benjamin S. Peretz Adam Abraham Porroni
Brian Walter Quimby Jonathan Edward Reinstein Javier W. Rodriguez Anthony So Akhil Sobti Gordon Lay Su Jonathan Tzou Lena Virasch Raina Whitney Wallace Thomas John Werner, Jr. Zhao Yu Hannah R. Zelman Bo Zeng Shuo Zhang
Bachelor of Science in Engineering August 10, 2007 Thomas J. Acchione, Jr. Daanish Ali Ahmed Howard C. Bursch David Brett Kriesman Tania Mohd Nor Lizette M. St. Hilaire Eric L. Wahl Brian Alexander Weeks Ronald Larkin Williams Joan Zhongyu Xu
December 19, 2007 Teresa Chen Itir Güvenç Nicole L. Hair Jerome Hairston Jaymes F Hanna John Shen Li Warren Christopher Longmire Alexander Chow Mittal Christian P. Moore Scott James Ostrowski Calvin Peng Christopher Ray Arjun Daniel Srinivas Danielle Marie Toussie Canh T. Trinh Jareau Kenneth Wade Jason Zhuoran Wang Meng Yang Skyler K. York Alexander Joseph Zolan
Ian Justin Zuckerman
May 19, 2008 Riya Abraham Avidan Moshe Ackerson Suman Addya Rod Afshar Alison Nicole Agres Mustafa A. Al-Ammar Tsega Getachew Anbessie Ashley Blair Anton Esteban Patricio Argudo Valverde Vishrut Arya Andrew J. Bechta Neal Anton Behrend David Gordon Benelli Jared Eric Daniel Bernheim Jeffrey Boghosian Diana Maria Bowen Raman Brar Tova Miriam Brooks Tanner Scarborough Burke Sarah Lindsey Casey Kuong Heang Chiang Erica Chalmers Jeremy G. Chan Leslie Yuli Chen Matthew D. Chu Lorraine Chua Siok May Kathleen Y. Chung Ricky Ho-Wai Chung Vincent Dominick Cina Kevin Robert Clark Brian S. Cohen Ian R. Cohen Douglas Russell Colkitt Alexander F Conic E. Stephanie Conteh Michael L. Costa Daniel Charles Crowley Anthony Philip Curnes Patrick Michael Curran Michelle Victoria Czarniak Abraham A. Dauhajre Atish M. Davda Keely Carlen Davies Viraj Dayaram Nikhil Rajiv Deshmukh Matthew David Doka Lawrence Joseph Dooling Steven Doviak
Elisa K. Downey-Zayas Nicholas Terrence Drake Christopher J. Driessen Bernardo M. Elosúa Gomez Kristoher Eng Johanna Engel Daniel Anthony Falcone Alissa Claire Feldman Mark Westervelt Fickett Karl Patrick Fils-Aimé Eric Fisher Lisa M. Fleming Richard C. Fong Matthew David Ford Joseph Hallisey Frey, Jr. Danielle Tova Friedman Jeremy Michael Friedmar Zachary David Friess Dan Garzarella Brent Peter Gdula John J. Geewax, Jr. Galinos Giaglis Jason R. Ginsberg Michael Edward Glynn Wee Siong Goh Dmitry S. Golomidov Ernest Dennis Gomez David Andrew Gorski Matthew Reuben Gruskin Beshoy Guirguis Adarsh Gupta Radhika Gupta Andrew G. Haberman Anthony E. Haney Rafi Akhand Hasib Marc Jacob Hassan Driss Hassar Robin Whitney Havener Geoffrey Michael Hayes Michael J. Highland Bruce Phillip Hilman Elizabeth Magdelin Hines Inki Hong Ulrik Welle-S trand Horn Kevin Hou Alan Jeffrey Hsieh Liyang Peter Hua Barry Patrick Huang TsanYu Jay Huang Julianne Huegel David T. Hwang Niraj K. Inamdar Chrysta Reana Irolla
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official ream of the University
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Benjamin Daitey NarterWarren W. Jackson Lawer Divya Jayaraman Mari Chieko Oishi Andrew T. Jennings William Okech Sarah Heng Jiang Jay Alan Olman JaneIle Antionette Johnson Julia L. Onorato Steven Andrew Jones Duruhan Ozcelik Matthew G. Kalmus Jennifer J. Pan Gabriel Kaplan Ankur Ramanlal Patel Michael David Kaplan Jay J. Patel Ian T. Kennard Hal Robert Paver Michael Lawrence Kennedy Stephen Richard Peck Tushar Khanna Michael Richard Persson Amit Khasgiwala Ameya Makarand Phadke Joseph Andrew Kimmel Quang H. Pham Gabriel Shaul Kopin Christopher L. Pickel Eugene Kozorovitsky Christopher A. Pope Matthew Kuruc Lindsay Elizabeth Pordon Scott William Kyle Michael Louis Provenzano Brett Adam Lacher Richard Walter Prusak M. Ellis Lanaux Mridhula Raghupathy Francesca Nicola Lattanzio Preeti Rajendran Carlson Tse Chiang Lau Elizabeth E Ramos Rohenne L. Lee Abhinav Rampuria Ted T. Lee Montana L. Rathe Amanda M. Leicht Ryan David Rayfield Michael B. Lerman Christine Elizabeth Roche Patricia Ksenia Leskiw Martin King Rogers Kelvin K. Leung Theodore Rosenbaum George Zhe Lin Megan Kate Lizewski Michelle Rosenthal Ari Litan Rachel Heather Rothman Henry Andrew Watterson Andrea V. Loayza Samuel S. Sa Maureen P. Long Ash Sahin JunShi Lu Can Sahlan Nicholas Lupinetti Adam S. Saitowitz Carl Mackey Erika Sanchez Brian Daniel Mahoney May Thu Saung Keith A. Mangam Akriti Pradeep Saxena Jonathan Wesley Mark George Angelo Scangas Deepa Elizabeth Mathew Carson Schmiett Daniel D. McGinly Joseph Aaron Schorr Kyle James McGinnis Mariam Sebti R. Keith McKnight Ray M. Sehgal Valerie Meausoone Jonathan Michael Seigler 'Jena Mehta Bails M. Seven Nayan Nitin Mehta Anujit Shastri Robert Bruce Metter, Jr. Micah J. Sheppard Laura Daniela Michelis Hyun Tae Shin Spencer Drew Miller Roman J. Shor Steven B. Minnihan Ahsan A. Siddiqui Ravi Mishra David Jacob Siegel Parshant Mittal Christopher A. Simon Matthew A. Moore Polly Beth Sims Lindsay S. Motlin Jonathan Phillip Singer Arnav Mukherjee Sagar Singh Stephen Garrett Na Meredith A. Skolnick Vijay Nair Nicholas Andrew John Arwen Rose Victoria Nanson Smeets
David Michael Solomon Ward Cameron Sorrick Chelsea Nadine Specht Douglass R. Stewart Easwaran Padmanabhan Subbaraman Sriraman Padmanabhan Subbaraman Sandeep Subhedar Sunil Subramanian Kaned Suviwattanachai Sarah Michelle Sweimler John Swierk George Sworo Alexander Sztein Jonathan Jay Chaim Talor Ek Kia Tan Kathryn Elizabeth Theis Saffet Can Tinatepe Alex C. Tozzo John L. Tran Albert Tsang Felicia W. Tsaur Bilge S. Uz Katie Vasserman Clararose Faith Voigt Matthew James Vucurevich James Stanton Walker Daniel J. Wallman Darren Chishing Wang
Information Science) James C. Wong Chia Heng Wu Ping-Chien Wu Michael Eugene Young William Braden Young Jacky Yuen Jessica A. Zestar-Postrk
Master of Science in Engineering (Bioengineering) December 19, 2007 Jesse C. Beckstein Sampreet Niyogi
May 19, 2008 Steven J. Bernstein Alice S. Chau Salim Elias Darwiche Roshan A. Karunamuni Christina Palmer Kunal Praheladbhai Patel Samantha Surrey Victoria Tsai
Master of Science in Engineering (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) August 10, 2007 Wei Jiang
December 19, 2007 Satish Bodepu Tien Sylvia Chao Erin Lynn Cummings William Benjamin Rogers
May 19, 2008 Frederick R. Bidrawn Manash Shankar Chatterjee Eseoghene Jeroro Alex M. Nieves Olga Shebanova Marie T. Ung Alexis Jessica Wallen
Master of Science in Engineering (Computer and August 10, 2007 Louise Marguerite Avila David Birtwell Su-Ting Chuang William Mahlon Woodworth
December 19, 2007 Debajit Adhikary Naeem Ahmed Noorain Ahmed Benjamin Clayton Ashpole Savi Basavaraj Ketaki Mohan Bhawe Huang-Wen Chen Shirley Cohen Rosskyn Dsouza Vaios Kalpias-Ilias Karmalkar Vishal Anand Neha Kataria Ankita Kumar Michael A. Mattozzi Muhammad Salman Mehmood Ayesha Muntimadugu Dinesh Kumar J. Nadar Prasanth Narayan 29
Sridevi Narayanan Khader Naziruddin Sachin Sachdeva Gursharan Singh Varun Singhal Douglas R. Szperka Tarun Talwar Fei Wang
May 19, 2008 Kook Jin Ahn Mohammed Shaik Hussain Ali
Roy C. Anati Gilad Buchman Matthew D. Chu Daniel Donavanik Hao Yu Geng Steven Gregory Hershman Jian-Huan Hong Joseph Aaron Schorr Jeffrey Ryan Sherman Jiwoong Sim Brian Mark Summa Won Kok Sung Jeffrey Richard Waring Meng Yang Richard S. Zbeda Qi Zhang
Master of Science in Engineering (Computer Graphics and Game Technology) August 10, 2007 Alfred MacDonald Hanssen Aditya H. Toney
December 19, 2007 Ryan Parker Gardner Bára Gunnarsdóttir Kapil Subhash Kapre Smiral Milan Shah Ruhi Sinha Niel Alpha Stuver Ju Zhao
May 19, 2008 Ayinan Farooq Edward Kim Vadim Manvelyan
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering) August 10, 2007 Adaeze Nwugo Chilo-Offiah Clifford Nicholas Jessop Xinyu Liu Zhijun Liu Soumya Sen Ramesh Ramakrishnan Subbaraman
December 19, 2007 Vishvesh S. Agrawal Mohammed Awaidh Alotaibi Kaustubha Reddy Ananthasagar Christopher C. Biele Wee-Kuok Chieng Yuanming Chu Nishant Doshi Ankit Garg Abhishek Gupta Jaymes F Hanna Vivek Jain Silpa Jangalapalli Baurzhan Jumanov Michelle Lydia Kam Ye-Sien Kerry L. Kamon Lakshmi Devi Kancharla Chi Liu Xiao Lu Swetha Mandanapu Suresh Nagaraj Praful Nama Modupe Ibukunoluwa Okeowo Sreejith Parthasarathy Dipul K. Patel Fang Qian Akshay Rajhans Shah Jigar Bipinchandra Tejas Shah Daniel Shen-Yu Shih Ravi Rajesh Singh Joseph Spada Pramod Vaidyanathan Arvind Venkateswaran Kornkaew Visavavetmethee Neeraj Narendra Wadhwa Huiqing Wen Chi-Lin Yeh Li-Wei Yeh
May 19, 2008 Alireza Aram Yu-Chen Chang Yukun Chen Bradley Joseph Creado Yoonbum Huh Woo-Chae Jung Khalid Kalbat Kyung Koh Kiyoon Lee Che-Yun Lin Shih-Ki Liu Jennifer Y. Park Nakul Rau Kun Jin Ryu Chia-Jen Yang Yang Zhang
Master of Science in Engineering (Management of Technology) August 10, 2007 James A. Breen, Jr. Hengyi Michael Chu Daniel E. Connolly James William Dennis Maria Angela Ficchi Mario De Paula Leite Gouvea Michael Patrick Gunn Brett Adam Haber Xiaodan Huang Wing Ming Infante Brian Keller Joseph Christopher Kieffer Robert J. Klaczak John Joseph Koehler Robert Kevin Koski Sanjay T. Mathew Justin John McMurray Michael A. Miktus Satish Kumar Moorthy Michael J. Mumm Matthew T. O'Grady Timothy Donnell Ogden Sean M. Pales Carlo Palmas Ishpreet Singh Pandher Ganapathy Pemmanda Sanjay Phanse kpurva Rajkotia David H. Rich Brian Riely Daniel P. Ruppert Victoria Guadalupe Sanchez Pushpak Sarkar Pablo L. Schklowsky
Oodaye B. Shukla David F Smith Wyatt Beale Smith Liat Sverdlov Andrew James Talmadge Anthony Mark Troy Brian Frank Uher Isidore Venetos Stephen Edward Warker Donald P. Williams Wayne Anthony Wilson Zareh Stephen Zohrabian
Master of Science in Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering) August 10, 2007 Minfang Mu Maxim Nikiforov Jin Seok Seo Wenqin Wang
December 19, 2007 Puneet Agrawal Albert Bor Kai Chen Dong Kyun Ko Yongan Xu
May 19, 2008 Ping-Yao Lin Chih-I Yang Tyler Jacob Zimmerman
Master of Science in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics) August 10, 2007 John Paul MacDuffie Woodburn Nikhil Kiran Shaligram
December 19, 2007 Jonah P DeWall Salmaan M. Hasan Kevin Thomas McAuliffe Asit Kumar Mishra Christian P Moore Michael J. Shelley Kaustubh Uddhav Soman Jonathon Henry Yoder
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. May 19, 2008
May 19, 2008
Ali Soud Almandeel Nora Ayanian Spring Melody Berman Brian S. Cohen Michael Patrick Corrente Warren W Jackson Gabriel Shaul Kopin Yucun Lou Stephanie L. Rubino Xin Yang
Grace Jane Auyeung Joseph Larkin Bates, Jr. Indra J. Bhattacharya Paul D. Brugan Eileen M. Denz Peter Fortman Michael James Garrett Brent Peter Gdula Shannon Hannah Hedvat Chang-Ching Huang Marisa Irion Thomas E. Nasto Jr. Dawda Njie Jamol Jesse Pender Christina Noel Schindele Imo M. Udom
Master of Science in Engineering (Robotics) December 19, 2007 Alexander D. Stewart Nicholas John Vander Valk May 19, 2008 Ruoyao Wang
Master of Science in Engineering (Systems Engineering) August 10, 2007 Ryan Gerald Dobie Anthony Samuel Fargnoli David Brett Kriesman December 19, 2007 Xin Cao Drew Robert Donovan Mustafa Esen Unyime Effiong Eshiet Jacob Flomenberg Gregory Paul Fonder Lawrence J. Kolankiewicz, Jr. Ryann Michelle Lafrance Chaohua Li Frederick Li Murtaza Ismail Manaqibwala Caitlin Antonia McCann Christopher M. Moyer David Scott Munsky Paula Henriette Pascalia Rumamby David H. Scheraga Daniel B. Stephens Abhay Verma Fuzeng Wang Ju stin Matthew Waring
Master of Science in Engineering (Telecommunications and Networking) August 10, 2007 Amit Vivek Prabhu December 19, 2007 Anmol Ahuja Imad Allouch Khadij a Amin Gautam Babbar Ankush Bajaj Xiao Chen Stephanie C. Cross John Fiore Saurin Sanjiv Kamdar Usman Khan Rahul Satish Malegaonkar Mody Babul Mukesh Melzer Mohanish Pinto Sirinapa Premkamonmart Gavish Sharma Vishnu Sivakumar Zhuo Tian May 19, 2008 Jode Hendrick Beitler Rudolph Ivan Broomes Tao-Ching Cheng Chienhua Lai
Master of Biotechnology (This degree is conferred jointly with the School of Arts and Sciences.)
August 10, 2007 Yenyi Ho Christina B. Liu Pimchanok Pimton Alexander Peter Reynolds Jessica Rae Schroeck Aditi Sharma Harpreet K. Somal Way Se Wilson Steve Tsui Steve Yi-Fu Yen Lei Zhong December 19, 2007 Abhita Batra Sahil Batta George John Buchlis Andrea Margaret Busch Ghida El-Hassan Chamut Yun Ju Chen Jason R. Condon Monica A. Decamillo Stephanie L. Derohannessian Jeffrey P. Holt Zhenyu Huang Ankita Jhuraney Vidya Karunakaran Michael Travis Korn Dhara Mandavia Yousuf U. Mazhar Ronan Mc Daid David Ashley McGain Viraj P. Parekh Anjali Ponni Rajkumar Subramaniam Ramanathan Ashwin Sabanayagam Lama Reda Saleh Daniel J. Shanafelt Chiao-Chun Su William Wei-Ting Sung Yi-Wen Wang Krystal Marie Watkins Tsan hung Yu Fangping Zhao Lu Zheng
Reshmi Chowdhury Kristin Lee Gardiner Chen-Yu Lee Wayne D. Leonardi Angel Lin Timothy Jeffrey Maglione Yetunde D. Oni Amit G. Parikh Elana Leanne Pottorff Jennifer A. Richards Kristen Toriello SonnekSchmelz Cheng-Kuo Wang Daniel Yoo
Master of Computer and Information Technology August 10, 2007 Alexander Khvatov David A. Montalvo Randall A. Sindlinger December 19, 2007 Jeffrey Benjamin Doto Laxmi Nair Jonathan Scott Phillips Vincent Poon Shalin Jayeshkumar Shah Audrey R. Troutt May 19, 2008 Alexis Blevins Baird Fatima A. Boujarwah Andrew Frederick Jennings W. Craig Schroeder Daniel Sheiner Laurie Anne Sutherland Luke Walker Karoline Margaret Wallace Won Kok Sung
Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy can be found under the Graduate Faculties listing.
May 19, 2008 Elizabeth M. Aksim Eleni Argyropoulou Jared Eric Daniel Bernheim Shu-Kai Chang Hema Chordia 31
Thomas S. Robertson, Dean
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Sean Paul Estrada Thomas Walter Gaffney IV Brett Geoffrey Gibson Itir Güvenç Sung Jin Hahn Peter G. Handy Bachelor of Science Jonathan Glen Hong in Economics Xavier Francisco Ibánez Gene Jackson III August 10, 2007 Janet Jung In Kim Dasanj L.A. Aberdeen Sojung Lucia Kim Kwame Abubakarr Abrah Tracy Kosolcharoen Lior Agam Jason Ashok Kothari Mitchell C. Burgess II Bradley Aaron Krom Jason Michael Camps Virginia Kennedy Lachman Christina Lynn Celuzza Anthony Vu Lee Adam John Cooney Jung Eun Lee Nikolaus Hernowo John Shen Li Dharmawan Kevin King-Man Lo Brian Robert Fairbanks Yueling Loh Benjamin Alex Haefele Robert Anthony Lombardi H Matthew P. Herrington Ramon Francisco Janny Hu Marmolejos, Jr. Zach A. Kromer Alexander Chow Mittal Kelvin S. Kwong Bhavna Muthangi Anthony Chase Mallia Karim N. Nasr Donovan Claude McGill, Jr. Gabriel Jun Peng Ng Caroline Hyun Jung Oh Jeremy Mark Ozen Alvina Xiaohui Oo Federica Padilla Sada Prabesh Regmi Calvin Peng Myron Robinson Charles Bender-Masaki Shubhra Saxena Pensig Ryan Leslie James Shand Kyrylo 0. Ponomarenko Joseph James Smart Christopher Cody Rasmus Ryan Nicholas Stevens Christopher Ray Akash Vandan Trivedi Christina M. Samala Alexander Staunton Wheat Kelly Ann Schaefer Joan Zhongyu Xu Maria Ansela Jennifer Kirsten Paige Yee Setiawan Shaan Sheikh December 19, 2007 Rachit Shukla Laura E. Solie Jose Sebastian Apud Claudio Alexander Avendano Arjun Daniel Srinivas Nikhil Surana John Brandon Blake Zachary Daniel Tokar Alexander E. Braylan Canh T. Trinh Amy Leigh Buck Sujay Vennam Jakob Christoph Celnik Diexia Felix Wang Jeannette Toni Chang Ying-Sen Ruth Wang Lu Chen Jenny Zhirou Yang Teresa Chen Dayea Yeon Vincent Cho Jack Dacheng Zhou Dan Dvor
The Wharton Undergraduate Division
Alexander Joseph Zolan Ian Justin Zuckerman
May 19, 2008 Gayani Eranga Abeyasinghe Riya Abraham Olivier William Adler Tanushree Agrawal Lauren Marie Ahearn Waseem Alim Andrew John Allen Tomas Gabriel Altamirano Adam Alexander Lee Altman Gregory Christopher Ambrogi Rick Essam Ammar Thunyarat Amornpetchkul Joseph Paul Anastasio Justin Cohen Anderson Vanessa Mary Anderson Orestis Andrianis Maria G. Angelos Ashley Blair Anton Maria José Arias Jordán Jasminka S. Arnautovic Kelsey Michelle Arneson Anahita Arora Philomena Serwaa AsareBoateng Valentina Assenova Assenova Andrew Layne Baill Saurabh Bajpai Sanam Bakshi Amanda Isabel Ballate Alexandra Olga Paola Baltodano Archita Banerjee Michael J. Banks Zachary D. Barasz Slavena Veselinova Bardarova Ariel Barzideh Ernest Baskin Umber R. Bawa Mathias Belayneh Todd Alan Belles Sanja Benak Silvia Szu-Sien Bernardini Jared Eric Daniel Bernheim Anton Bernstein Amanda Lior Bicofsky Paul Phillip Birnbaum Iturrino Jonathon Mark Blackwell
Daniel Lawrence Bleicher David Thomas Bohman Swathi Bonda Ryan Joseph Borker Nadia Abdulazeez Boujarwah Brian Joseph Brazinski Atthena Breitton Andrew James Brennan Donna Pia Budica Kyle T. Calvo Kevin James Castellano Brian Wonho Chae Alexander C. Chan Daniel Karho Chan Sin Jill Chanbusarakum Melissa Pui Shan Chang William W. Chang Ananya Chatterjee Ayush Chaudhary Ashley Bao-Yi Chay Chuyin Mimi Chen Florence T. Chen Jeanne Chen Jennifer Chen Jennifer Qian Chen Margaret Chen Theresa Chen Jerome Yiwei Chen Jing (Jeanie) Cheng Marcello Chermisqui Zachary Brian Chodorow Laura Choi Christine H. Chou William Chow Ross Daniel Christiansen Mark Gregory Chua Kathleen Y. Chung Young Yi Chung Olivia Anne Ciardi Ashley Carolyn Clouser Cameron B. Coles Douglas Russell Colkitt Larry Contrella IV Brandon Losa Coo Letia Cherise Crisp Steven Michael Crowe Daniel Charles Crowley Albert Hans Chan Cua Lindsay Victoria Culkin Anthony Philip Curnes Jeffrey Daniel Czermanski Alicia Dai
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official record of the University
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Omar Joseph Koukaz Darien Huang Nicholas J. Francona Jeffrey Mark Danzig Meagan Kozhimala Jordan Daniel Hudson Mona Abou EL Yazeed Fahmy Matthew David Frankel Samuel L. Kraus Phillip Weston Hue Cheuk Yan A. Fung Darweesh Zhao Ming Kuang Shateesha Renee Huggins Patrick John Furlong Atish M. Davda Gregory Joseph Kuchinski John Patrick Hughes Amanda Gail Ganske Angela Lynette Davis Stefan Alexander Frianeza Pamela Suzanne Hughes Stephanie Michelle Gantos Erica Halley Davis Kullberg Albert Firman Hwang Peter Chengzhong Gao Tyler Hill Davis Derek Dow-Yuen Hwang David T. Kwon Ian Garcia Isaac Mitchell Dayan Michelle Lynn Iarkowski Chloe Kyprianou Marc Evan Garfinkle John Michael DeCosta Elizabeth Brett Lambos Jaclyn Ann Inglesby Sandip Garg Gregory Philip Nicholas de Brian Eric Lance Sarah Michaela Iosifescu Dan Garzarella Haydu Abraham Raul Landa Shruti R. Iyer Arpan Gautam Christopher Nathaniel Dean Brian Chase Hoffer Jesse N. Izak Si Rui (Sarah) Ge Eric Francis DeLone Landsman Matthew F. Jackson Szoa Zhi Geng Jonathan Lee Demchick Kevin Michael Wagner Jacobs Leah Christine Lang-Gluscic Aron Gera Joy Yue Deng Carlson Tse Chiang Lau Lauren Michelle Jacobson Lynne Ann Gerbehy Ryan A. Denholm Shelley B. Jacobson Gavin Todd Lazarus Lyssa Arielle Gerson Neha Sunil Desai Autumn Joy Learned Emily Beth Jaffe Jeffrey J. Gho Ruchi Anant Desai Danis Lonnie Lee Andrew Samuel Janet Kristen Melissa Giacobbe Samrat Suketu Desai Jenfu Lee Ashish K. Jatia Tyler Trice Giddings Shakti Suketu Desai Christopher Andrew Jauregui Vivian Chi-Wen Lee Sarah Skye Gilbert Myra Deshmukh Jordan William Leef Jennifer Suzanne Jazwinski Jon Gitman Jennifer Louise Deuprey Braden Robert Lepisto Lisa Jiang Allyson L. Goetschius Neetu K. Dhaliwal Mark-Philipp Lesjak Sarah Heng Jiang Scott Lee Goldin Nisha Dhingra Matthew Jason Leskowitz Dane Andrew Joella Kyle B. Goldman Erangi Prasadika Dias Christopher James Johnson Nicole A. Levi Ernest Dennis Gomez Gani Diwan Sha Li Dustin Morrison Johnson Joshua Gonzalez Steve Doan Sonya K. Li Stephen Matthew Johnson David Andrew Gorski Matthew David Doka Xiang Li Tyler F. Jones Scott Hassan Graham Michelle Marie Domanico Stephen Lieu Sri Harsha Jujjavarapu Shawn Green Elisabeth Dechen Dong Jamaal T. Justice George Zhe Lin Yoon Dong Holly C. Grimme Gloria Wei-Chih Lin Harrison J. Kahn Vikram Ganesh Doshetty Yijia Gu Joyce Yi Lin Cole Harrison Drotman Krishna Prasad Kantheti Beshoy Guirguis Michael Leibs Dworkis Craig Maupins Lindahl Zachary James Kaplan Adarsh C. Gupta Jan Marcel Eigenmann Benjamin Michael Linder Raakhe Kapoor Jason Daniel Gurwin Bernardo M. Elosúa Gómez Raine Halley Katz Michael Carl Lindh Bernard Gutmann Soto Robert Arthur Eroh Harry A. Kenning III Connie Yu Liu Thomas Lorenz Hagel Mariam M. Ezz Qing Talena Liu Armenio A. Keusseyan Brett Jason Hartman Jennifer Xiao Qian Fan Xiao Liu Sarah Eissa Khalaf Dina A. Hassen Faizaan A. Farookee Jeffrey Bruce Livingston Ashar Amir Khan Melissa Rena Hauptman Ashley Rachel Feinstein Talal A. Khan Maria Fernanda Llano Arthur Hayes Jonathan Scott Feintuch Espinosa Malvika R. Khatri Jiahao He Alissa Claire Feldman Swasti Khemani Michael Robert Lloyd Jingjing He Helen Feng Anthony Lo Claire W. Kim Mayra Hernández Christina Lynn Fernandez Edward Sungeun Kim Tyson K. Lo Seychelle Tiffany Hicks Ann Elizabeth Ferracane Eun Sung (Lapis) Kim Nigel Lobo Richard Lee Hillen Nicole Gal Ferszt Joseph Chi-Chong Lok Jae Yoon Kim Andrea Beth Himmel Sheldon Augustus Fields Jisun Kim Aileen Long Brian Laurence Hinkes Karl Patrick Fils-Aimé Linda Lou Valerie Felicia Ho Stacy Kyung Kim Steven Eric Finn Angela Lu Youngkyong Kim Yuan Hang Ellen Ho Maximilian Nicolas Fischer Michael Adam Kirstein Amanda W. Luskin Eric Brandon Hoffman Alison Presce Fisherman sherman Calvin Ronald Yan Ma John Raymond Holman Michael William Kiser Conor James Fitzpatrick Catherine Marie Klinchuch Gaurav Madan Feng J. Hong Alex David Flamm Joshua Benjamin Klivan Benjamin Babak Maerefat John Charles Hotz III Katherine M. Fleming Cara Yunming Hoy Donald Fredrick Koetting Lia Ann Maffia Sean Kevin Nicole KevinFoly Gabrielle Alan Jeffrey Hsieh Daniel Rickert Koffmann Xingchen Mai Francinie Gabrielle Pattee Joshua Arthur Hsu Huanying Charmaine Koh Igor A. Makar Han Hu Samir M. Malik Yuanyuan Vivian Kong Daniel Francis Barry Patrick Huang Arthur Chong Wah Maloy Nicolaas Paul Koster 33
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Mrinal Jagdish Todi Gerardo Olivier Mancia Brandon S. O'Gara Dar Sandler Justin M. Sapolsky Jason M. Toff Kevin Owen Manning Naz Okten Daniela Svetlozarova Toleva Andrei Vallejo Margarit Pamela Margret Orozco Viral Vinod Saraf Jaime Lauren Ortiz Garnik Sarkisian Joanne Raissa Khu Tong Michael Joseph Marinelli Christina Schaffer Jessica Beth Trief Scott Philip Martinho Jonathan Travis Ortiz Jeffrey Sean Truskin Raphael Bernard Osnoss Max Wolfson Schapiro Paul Benjamin Marx Raheem Palmer Andrea Schneider Daniel Yu-Chun Tseng Kavita Rebecca Mathews Yuishiro Tsujimoto Rahul Nitin Parikh Daniel Schoenbrun Adam Matthew Matos Robert Michael Tuchman Joseph Aaron Schorr Priscilla Elizabeth Matos Juhee Park Sunaina Reddy Seelam Nathaniel Snead Turner V Magaña Adam Harris Parker Robert William Alton Tiffany Ann Parnell Ethan Gilbert Senturia Peter John Mattia Maria S. Seredina Turnquest Megan Alexandria Mayer Brilynne Alexandra Parrish Bradford Watkins Uhlhorn Alejandro Daniel Paschalides Vrinda Hasendra Shah Ricardo Francisco Mayorga Khalid Hasan Usmani William Daniel Sheehan Lugo Mark Edward Pasha Samir Hemant Sheth Edwin Leonardo Velez Cheerag Bhupendra Patel Gregory Everett Mazlin Adam E.A. Victor Jr. Vishal Vikram Patel Ding Xin Shi Mark Thairu Mbugua Yang Shi Rachel Lauren Virany Kristen Leigh Patton Jontaé M. McCoy Sharon Hilary Volotzky Nishita P. Pawar Michael Roman Shiely Reid A. McEwen Daniel Hyunsung Shin Quynhnhu N. Vu Samuel Arthur McGarity Julie Brooke Pearne Bryan Taylor Walker Fernando Austin Peña Anna Michelle Shlimak Christopher Charles Virginia Shu Bret Jerrold Wallace McLaughlin Edward Peng Ashley Britt Wallach Lionel Peralta Quirós Anthony Michael Sibilia Charles Simeon Codrington Ahsan A. Siddiqui Hao Wang McMillan Benjamin S. Peretz Ashvarya Varun Sikri Jimmy Z. Wang Michael Krasney Meckler Matthew Harrison Perkal Lisha Wang Elizabeth Anne Silvia Devanshi Niranjan Mehta Brent Patrick Peterson Howard Matthew Singer Sida Wang Karishma Ajay Mehta Jessica Laura Petrus Yvonne Wang Samuel Madigan Pierce Puneet Singh Andrew Patrick Meiser Daniel Jason Ward Shari Dominique Singh Anthony Mark Melillo Erin Lynn Pirruccello Gregory Lawrence Warshaw Jennifer Elaine Pitera Vikram Singh Joyce Shiann-Yun Meng Lillian XiLing Wei Daniel William Mercer Mason Barth Gregory Poelker Lloyd George Singletary III Joseph Paul Weiler Andrew Harris Pollen Logan Daniel Slakter Anushka Merchant Brian N. Welch Maija Liisa Sletzinger Daniel Tevye Metrikin Shiv S. Prakash Abigail Lynn Otterness Smith Jeisun Charles Wen Sirisha Prathipati Michelle Irene Mighdoll Garrett Patrick Wentzell Stephen A. Smith Joshua Charles Miller Dustin M. Price Nathaniel Eisten Sokol David Michael Wernert William Edward Milne Aliya Puri Andrew Jesse White Elizabeth Huan Song Sandeep Pishu Mirani Stella A. Quarshie Gordon Elliot Williams Adina Radu Stuart L. Stein Jason Le-Gabriel Mischel Matthew Tack Williams Zachary Samuel Sternberg Ravi Mishra Alia Rafi Alex James Wilson Adam Stavis Rahn Scott Stevenson Parshant Mittal Natalie M. Wilson Gordon Lay Su Vanessa Marie Moore Jacqueline Esther Raich Connie Sumitra Wong Beatriz Alba Penteado Moraes Oscar Alberto Ramirez Garcia Sandeep Subhedar Kyle Wong Jessica Sullivan Michael Kevin Moran Young Ran Russell J. Woo Kenneth Lyttleton Morgan III Adam Tisdel Rapport Lucy Sun Michael LeGrys Woodford Yang Sun Gregory M. Morillo James Douglas Rastello Joanna Olivia Sung Jonathan Genewah Wu Katie Anne Moss Emily Boyce Ratcliffe Jenny Yujing Xiao Jessica 0. Swiatlo Erica Mui Harita Reddy Xi Nana Xu Sai Kiran Mukkamala Michelle Anne Rehm Justin Thomas Sykes Edan Moshe Yacobovsky Chun-Wai Nelson Tang Dianne Bo Na Jonathan Edward Reinstein Wesley Daniel Yamamoto Asuka M. Nakamura Robert Martin Reisenweber Jonathan Robert Tauber Sarah Frances Yanes Amanda J. H. Tay Gloria Rachel Nalitt Jonathan R. Richter Celica Yang Ryan A. Namdar Benjamin Joel Taylor Jesse Colt Rigler Shiayin Frances Yang Kai-Ting Neo Fand Othman Tazi Meghan E. Rose Shuo Yang Matthew Paul Newman Brett Isac Thalmann Joel Martin Rosenzweig Patrick Ian Nikodem Ashwin K. Thapar Elizabeth Ann Yates Matthew Drennan Ross Nikhil A. Nirmel Michael Joseph Yeager Rina Thomas Stefan C. Sabo Ben Richard Noll Tiffany Yeh Robert Michael Sadow Abigail Jane Tice Annie Nozawa Wei Kuo Yen Dorado Kirsten Olga Tillett Shawn A. Safvi Alex Daniel Nussbaum Li Yin David James Tillotson Dina Saginur Alex Amaechi Nwaka Anna Ran Ying Ankita Sancheti Keith Berk Timko 34
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Victor Chanhei Yiu Jongsue Yoon Kristen Courtney Young Almahdi Mohamed Yousif Natalie Angela Youssef Serina Fangfei Yu Zhao Yu Misun Yun Shahrzad Ali Zaidi Andres Zamudio Lauren Dell Zarzar Adley Zayan Jessica A. Zestar-Postrk Chao Zhang Fan Zhang Jenny Tianbi Zhang Shuo Zhang Yuchi Zhang Linda Han Zhao Ji Miao Zhou Lisa Linwen Zhou Matthew Ross Ziegler Derek Zoch Lena Ahmed Zurkiya
The Wharton Graduate Division Master of Business Administration August 10, 2007 Hiteshu Balwada Nicolas Bañados Scott Macphie Becker Mousumi Bhakta Jed Matthew Brawley Nigel Anthony Browne Stephen Michael Campagna Yoo Yeong Chang Nicolas Chaudron Chenard L. Cherilus Hoi Lam Cheuk Catherine Chu Shaw Verushka I. Cruz Cayce Denton Martin Louis Dillard Rana Ghahremanpour Edwin Goh Ee Yew Jonathan Clark Cyril Griswold Raffaele Guidi Denine Guy J ig Rao Rachel Yu. g Huang Vivekyer I qin Jose Natanael Jimenez
Gonzalo Bergé Thais Barros de Aleluia Eric Alexandre Alencar Michael Paul Bergen Prasad Alluri Jem G. Berke Angel S. Angelov, M.D. Keith W. Berry Michael Thomas Berry Antonio Alfonso Avello Natalie Rae Allen Biren Arvind Bhandari Ashish Bhatia Santiago Alonso Lord Patricia Alvarez-Martin Manish Bhatia Alexander Romeo Amezquita Rachana Bhatt Marc Kofi Ampaw Mohit S. Bhende Andres Bianchi Eugene Chong An Clifton Anderson, Jr. Gregory Marcus Bibas Wesley T. Bieligk David Earl Anderson Sophie Astrid Anderson Kerun Singh Bindra Derek Lundgren Bittar Eve Astrid Andersson Anna Lubomirova Andonova Matthew S. Blank Lindy Ann Blevins Cristiane Maria Benvenuto Andrade Justin James Bliffen César Bocanegra Sol Anitua Ravi Prasad Annavajjhala Sara Elizabeth Boehm William Wooding Bonifant Jr. Keith George Antonyshyn Gil Arditi R. Tom Boonyasai Clay Thornhill Armistead Brian Daniel Bowden Daniel Scott Bowermaster Angela Lee Arnold John Arnold Sara Elizabeth Braca December 19, 2007 Raymond Alan Aronoff Daniel de Moraes Branco Manikanda N Arunachalam Sean P. Brenan Amnon Fisch Stacey Rayelle Brenner Georgios Asmanis Ashu Jindal Heather Nicole Aspras Yaron Breski Ryuji Kojima Varun Asthana Viacheslav Breusov Rekia Laurence Maikarfi Alejandra Brizuela Richard J. Autieri Yousuf U. Mazhar Diana Axelrod Amanda Kate Bronesky Charles Pell Kedrick Brown Olivier Baetz Terry Alan Schmidt Jasmine (Dongming) Bai Kirk Michael Brown Jeanne C. Simon Justin David Baier Susanna Mock Brown Randeep K. Bajwa Melissa Rochelle Bryan May 19 , 2008 Ambal S. Balakrishnan Tyler C. Bryson Oluwatoyin Victor Abiola Elizabeth L. Baldwin Nilesh Kumar Bubna David Abrameto Marissa Joy Ballan Michael Buchbinder Adam Forrest Abramson Ayan Banerjee Michael Ethan Buchman Abhijit Arvind Acharya Madhumita Moina Banerjee Justin John Budd Cristian M. Acosta Arindam Bardhan Louis Henry Buell Jr. Prosper Kwesi Acquah Michael T. Barriere Steven Charles Burns David Nathanael Adams Patrick Barth Barbara A. Burtin David Weston Adams Andrew George Basile Buddy Buruku Reza Sherron Adams Santanu Basu Carrie Busch Isaac Olubunmi Adejemilua Rachna Butani Hans Paul Battle Lauren Beth Adelson Val Bauduin Brendan John Cahill Humera Afzal Scott C. Baxter David Douglas Hauser Amir M. Agam Keely Ann Beck Cameron Aryata Agarwal John Harman Becker Rafael de Oliveira Carlos Himanshu Agarwal Adam H. Bedard Alexandria Nicole Carroll Jamaine Kwesi Aggrey Jr. Johannes F. Beekman George Carystinos Elango Allwin Agnel Joshua Nathaniel Beer Christopher Wyatt Casgar Osama Muhammad Ahmad Eugene Vladimir Melissa Cayanni Cheolsoo Ahn Belashchenko Andrzej Piotr Cetnarski Andrew Sungbok Ahn Brandon Morris Belfor Ming Cha David Freeman Aisner Itai Ben-Zaken Preeti Chadha Baris Aksoy Chad Jonathan Berbert Edward John Chaglassian Philip W. Kang Vikram Kapur Daisuke Koh Serena Kohli Iván Leal Gayán Gloria H. Lee Sainath Divakar Lolayekar Alejandro Lopez Delgado Julia Mineeva At suko Otsuki Tomoe Morishima Gavin Anderson Pratt Xiaopeng Qu Jonathan Ross Saltzburg Shailendra Sapra Michelle Anne Schutz Jennifer Ann Seo Hee Song Sohn Sergiy Sosnov Wei-Chung Wang Sarah (Ying) Wang Jie Wu Benjamin Bruce Yu Danielle Zhu
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Robert L. Hall Thomas James Filip Anna Dayn Rittik Chakrabarthi Roshan Lenore Hall Crystal Marie Fisher Meton Barreto de Morais Pradipta Chakrabortty Albert Fenwick Fleury III Alissa Jean Haller Neto Adrian Hin Lut Chan Sabri Hamade Anthony Edouard Fluet Adilson Ramos de Oliveira Cindy Yen Ling Chan Micole Kathryn Hamburger Frank Hartman Forney Leo Lucky Chan Junior Terry Kent Hamer Katherine Oehrle French Wendy Lai Ching Chan Joel Alan Dearborn, Jr. Michael Brett Hamilton Cesareo Frias Sanmiguel Patricia DeBow Eileen Yeffin Chao Ross Elliot Hammer Zachary Adam Friedman Annie Hindley Charlesworth Manuel M. Delgado Jaejune Han Michele Friesz Seth Eric Demain Catherine Hsi-Yuen Chen Sangjun Han Takuya Furuta Niraj Vinod Desai Chia Chen Anurag Handa Sarah Jean DeSantis-Sullivan Javier Garay Eugenia Ruth Chen Daniel Baron Garcia-Pedrosa Aaron David Hankowski Geoffroy Descamps Guoding Chen Mir Nizamul Hague Joaquin A. Garcia de Juan Ignacio Devoto Jennifer Jianping Chen Josephine Naomi Harada Solminihac Amol Dhargalkar Kevin Hsien-Hsin Chen Kevin R. Harper Sukesh Kumar Garg Kumar Dhuvur Yi-Chen Chen Julian Joseph Harris Vivek Garg Christopher Dickey Zhang Chen Yuval Harry William Hartley Gaunt Amit Dighe Lifei Cheng Maya Elise Hartman Michael Ross Genho Brendan J. Dillon Thomas Cheng Hans Oliver Hartvickson Vivek Ghiya Lester E. Ding Wei Cheng Alexander Barrett Giambone Elizabeth Ann Havens Kevin Doilé Sue Yun Chi Sean Noel Havlin Eugenio Giancotti Michael Anthony Donofrio Lillian W. Chiang, Ph.D Tarek Fayssal Hayaly Shehnaz Singh Gill Janice Lynn Dornbush Tshoon Ket Chin Adam B. Hazlett Alexander Gitnik Amar B. Doshi Edward Duk Chin Julia Christine He Gisela Glandt Matthew Cleveland Drukker Peter H. Chin Lara Elise Gogolak Wei He Wayne (Liuwen) Duan Chansak Chirawatpongsa Christopher Michael Hefty David Alexander Golden Adam Durfee Kwang Yeon Cho Jan T. Hellmich John Lawrence Goldie Lisa Paulette Dughi Pia Cristina Chock Nolan Darnell Henry Asama Dumrongmongcolgul Russell Lawrence Goldman John Yonghyun Choi Tammy Cecilia Hensel Mark Gomez Henry Aaron Duncan Rosanna Choi Ganaka Bandara Herath Pallavi Reddy Gondipalli Senthil K Durairaj Sun Hwa Choi Raul Heraud G. Allison Gwendolyn Goodson David Allan Eagle Youngdo Choi Christopher Roger Hibbard Peter R. Gordon Nitin Chopra Bertrand Eding Christopher Ernest Hill Matthew A. Gotlin Jessica Ann Elengical Kiran Kumar Choudary Sean Anthony Hill Ashish Goyal Rami Elghandour Joyce Lai Chow Roger A. Hill Kumud Goyal Asaf Eliakim Michael Alexander Chowla Jennifer Jean Hirsch Daniel Adam Grabell Michael Ellis James Francis Christian Fiona C. Ho Laura Galyn Grable Peter Noah Chung Emil Eminov Niles KongHo Ho Richard Marc Grant Orie Endo David Joseph Cocagne Anne Bao Hoang Melissa Green Julian Raymond Cochran Ari Susanto Endrotomo Hee Jeong Hong John Martin Randolph Cameron S. Epard Janet Powell Cockey Richard Hope Grubor III Alexandra Lynn Coffey Jarett Keith Epstein Justin Elliot Howell John Scott Grueser Sarah Cohen Hammer Onur Erbay Alexandr M. Hromcenco Edouard Guerrand-Hermès Andrew Joshua Cohen Rodolfo F. Ergueta Lee-Shian Hsieh Mark Chien-Hsiung Earnest Sholto Douglas Cole Adam Jeffrey Erlebacher William Wen Pin Hsieh Guile Annabella Felicia Colletti Canset Ashgül Eroglu Eleanor Rechien Hsu John R. Collins Christina Borislavova Andres Escobar Elizabeth J. Hsu Gungova Charles L. Compton III Timothy John Essaye Jr. Stephanie Maria Hsu Michael P. Connelly Dana Nannan Guo James Cecil Evans Tony Dan Hsu Louise Anne Conroy Jason Paul Gupta Anastasia Georgievna Donato Cordeiro Hailin Hu Neelabh Gupta Evdokunina Alexandre Costabile Haitao Huang Rajat Gupta Jaime Falcones David John Cresci Philip Lin Huang Vishal Gupta Weikai Christopher Fang Quincy Etheridge Curry Xin Huang Eyal Gura Oluwole Oladapo Faroun Olga M. Czabaj-Shetty Lan Hui Guru, Shankar V. Andrew Louis Farris Jonathan Michael Dahlke Pei Hua Hung Seung Woong Gwak Nell E. Feather Amol Shamprakash Damle Robert Michael Hussey Kevin Y. Ha Jonathon Michael Fedders Troy Ryan Daniel Michael A. Insogna Andreas Hadjitheoris Jennifer Manning Feinberg Benjamin James Daverman Adrian R. Ironside Samra Saadia Haider Rachel Feingold Raffi P. Dawson Craig John Isakow Garrett Thomas Hall Craig Malcolm Ferguson 36
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Katrine Iversen Nicole Izzo Prabjot Jaaj Robert Edward Jahn Avikal Jain Sarika Jain Anna Jan Warren (Woo-Jin) Jang Joseph P. Jankowski William Edward Jarvis II Scott Matthew Javor Pradeep Jayaraman Todd Vernon Jerles Cheru Cherian John Christopher Kevin Johnson Gary L. Johnson II Russell C. Jones Nichole Starr Jordan Vikram Joshi Daniel Joye Steve Sungwon Jung Joao Junqueira Deepti Juturu Khalid Kabir Aydin Alper Kadaster Arjun Kakkar Gopal Kandalu Akila Kandasamy Liana Kaneti Kang, Jungwoo Adam Evan Kane Phillip H. Kang Raman Kapil Kaushik Kapisthalam Aaron Matthew Kaplan Amit Kumar Kapoor Pawan Kumar Kapoor Saquib Karamat Vidhi Kastuar Keiichiro Kayamori Srinivas Kaza Sadaf Khadija Kazmi Kent C. Keim Brian Carroll Kelleher Christopher W Kelly Christopher Earl Kemp Candice Kenney Weck Michael E. Kesselman Derek Keswakaroon Neel Suhas Ketkar Anirudh Khatri Vikas Khurana, M.D. Francis Kim Grace Kyu Ki m Joo Mi im Jooyoung Ti
. Kim
Myung Taekyu Kim Kim
Yeon Jin Kim Christopher A. King-Sidney Kristin Susan King Anthony Ndegwa Kiragu Laura Michele Kirschbaum Jaya S. Kirtane Maurice K. Munyore Alexander Klimenko Clayton David Knox Jaakko V. Kokko Timothy Joseph Komada Dana Elizabeth Komar Murat Korkmaz Joshua Daniel Korsower Marek R. Kotelba Vladimir Petrovitch Kravtchenko Ajit Krishnan Yu (Sophie) Kuang Deepak Kumar Tim Edward Lacey Nancy Nan-Chun Lai Mayur M. Lakhani Puja Lakhanpal Elizabeth Brett Lambos Jason A. Lange Robert Jay Larson Ronald Anthony LaSalvia Matthew Harris Lattman Elfreda Wai-Lin Lau Joan M. Lau, Ph.D Brian Richard Lauzon Mobolaji A. Lawal Le Minh Tai Ying Le Albert E. Lee Andrew Lee Enoch Lee Jee Eun Lee Jin Mann Lee Jung In Lee Sang Gyu Lee Pablo Sang Lee Serah Lee Seung-Yup Lee Young Joo Lee Yunjin Lee Sonam Leki Dorji Megan Lee Lemley Jesse Arguello Levey Guy Levy-Yurista, Ph.D Morris Ezekiel Levin Alicia Chen Li Hui Beth Li Jie Li Lian Li Li Xin Li Nora T. Liao
Joyce Yi-Chuan Liao Diego J. Lijtmaer Charles K. Lim Shervin Limbert Amy Lin Russell Victor Lindberg Igor Liskovets Chen Liu Eric Kay Hoi Liu Jacqueline Lu Liu Kelvin C. Liu Tommy G. Liu Ying Liu Melissa N. Lo Stella Loh Christopher Jason Lombardi Kevin M. Lord Vlada Lotkina Jiajin Lou Robert Owen Louka Matthew Ian Lozow David Lu Vivian Virginia Lubrano Heinsen Jesse Lucco Dennis P. Lun Dan Luo Stephanie L. Lyras Rachel Lyubovitzky Amit Madan Nicholas Matthew Maestas Ankit Atul Mahadevia Devi Kishore Mahadevia Salimeh Mahloudji Ayesha V Mansukhani Lucia Veronica Marquez Claros Catherine Marie Marsella Mark L. Martin Zoran Martinovic Kunal Vijay Mashruwala Isaac Aaron Mason Eulalia Massague Renato Matiolli Colby James Matthews Kevin Anson Matthews Barry Lynnfield Mattson Alejandro F. Mayer-Wolf Ifeoma Grace Mba Anne Fielding McComiskey James Brian McDonough Baltasar McMaster Susana Medina Valdivieso Rajat Mehta Kelly Nicole Meissner Robert F Mellema Travis Eugene Mells Yu Meng Maria A. Merchant
Samuel Lawrence Mercer Jamie Susan Merriman Edouard Meylan Meghan Sinnott Michels Erica Robyn Michelstein Cameron Miller Erik Matthew Miller Whitney A. Miller Shiva Mirhosseini Rajat Mishra Kuldeep Misri K. Gerald Mitchell Kyoko Miura Takanori Miyoshi Shinkichi Mizutani Ashish Kumar Modi Fareed Mohammed Vasanth Mohanraj Homa Mojtabai Robert Grey Montgomery Jason Moo Sloane Ashley Moore John Michael Mone Pierre Montpellier Paulo De Tarso Pires De Moraes Ignacio Morales De Velasco Frederic Halsey Morris, Jr. Joshua Morris Deika Morrison Zachary M. Mortensen Sergio Ricardo Ciavolih Mota Lisa Lan Mou Eleftheria Mourtzanou Marija Mozina P. Mackenzie Mudgett Neal Edward Mueller Namirembe E. Mukasa Sandeep Mukherjee Shilpi Mukherjee Kedar Hemant Muley Bernadette Murphy Brian Hayes Murphy Judith Warwinu Muturi Nihal Muzumdar Ramachandran Naageswaran Vivian Namazzi Nabeta Dana Nae Garcia Paramita Nag Roy Hareesh Vijayakumaran Nair Hisako Nakabayashi Christopher S. Nam Ham Mago Namakajjo Mona M. Nandedkar Ronen Nandi Sam Nayden Rajmohan Neervannan Gregory Adam Neichin James Norman Nelson, III 37
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Alberto Pierotti Matthew Brodie Ruland Yan Shu Tracie Neuhaus Michael Anthon Plotzker Fouad Fred Saad Ruchira Shukla Priya Venkatesh Nevrekar Beny Podlubny Christian Alexander Saarbach Gil Shulman Thaddeus R. Newcomb Rahim Heshamuddin Poonja Avnish Sabharwal Elena Sidelnikova Kenneth Dang Nguyen Kenneth Michael Pope Warawat Sabhavasu Catherine M. Silver John Nickel Kearney Marie Posner Akhil Sahai Stefani Topol Orland Naoko Elizabeth Nishitani Jessica Ligget Potts Gagan Saksena Silverstein Charles Kamau Njendu Darshan V. Prabhu Maria Claudia Salcedo Casas Loren D. Simon Matthew William Norton Neel Premkumar Elizabeth Dyott Salter Justin Samuel Simons Neeti Nundy Kwame Kyeretwie Prempeh Tunnee Sinburimsit Jonathan Thomas O'Day Marc Salvany Fenollosa Obinna Chimaobim Obilo Jason Aaron Presley Mitchell Salzberg Alok Sindher Julie Price Lindstrom Robert Lane Sammon Radhika Singh Bruno Occhipinti Sarabjit Singh Jamieson Meldal Odell David Pujades Rocamora Jonathan R. Samuels Swapna Putcha Payal Sanghrajka Urvashi Singh Gbemisola A. Ogunrinde Kevin J. Pyun Dennis Anthony Santare Amit Singhal Anthony Chinweuba Okoro Syed Ayaz Rabbi Wesley Adam Sapp Sumit Sinha Adedayo Olabisi Manel Oliva-Trastoy Sanjay Raghavan Paola Sardi Richard Wynn Skidmore B. Rajganesh Mallika Sasikumar Tal Slobodkin Bolaji Olutade Kang Lin Ong Manish Raj Joseph E. Savig Ashley MacKenzie Smith Samuel Mbabazi Ongwen Tamara Rajah Anthony Sawtell Brian William Smith Adriani Onie Sheetal Rajpal Apoory Ramprakash Saxena David Bennett Smith Chijioke Ogechi Onyewuchi Sangeetha G. Ramaswamy Vivek Saxena Nicole Rolanda Smith Dinmukhanbet Orazimbetov Harshith Samaga Ramesh Townsend U. Smith Jason Scheir David Seth Orowitz Sharad Ramesh Jennifer Feng Schoonmaker Aki Soda Roswell Wayne Osborne Parashar Prashant Ranade Gerald Patrick Schuck Neenu Sohi Erik Francis Ostrowski Laura Cynthia Rand Franck Schulders Evaristus Tolulope Sokenu Ichiro Osumi Priya Rangarajan Galia Schuster Sanjeev Kumar Somani Hatime Ouali Aparna Rao Kanchi Jacob William Schwartz Min Jung Song Charles M. Owen Sridevi Koneru Rao Jeffrey Lawrence Schwartz Misun Song Blake Sonnek-Schmelz Selin Ozcan Komal Rathi Stephen G. Scott Cengiz Özdemir Archana Ravichandran Giovanni A. Serrano Deepika Sood Fatih M. Ozluturk Hari K. Ravichandran Amit B. Shah Shant Sood Jennifer Paau Eric Keith Redline Cherishma Shah Andree Joelle Sosler Michael Pachos Kevin Christopher Reeves Kumar Shah Alok Kumar Srivastava Edwin Brian Padlan Zia Sabah Rehman Pranjal Shah David P. Stairs Chul Hwan Pae Alexander Jordan Rein Preetam H. Shah Scott Douglas Stallings George Carter Paine III Markus C. Reinmund Sanyogita Shamsunder, Ph.D James Matthew Stanford Sumita Pandit Robert Peter Reist Maz Sharafi Thomas David Stapleton Nusorn Pangsapa Philip Byron Renton Anshum Sharda John Thomas Steen III Jae Ha Park Kenneth Josué Reyes Noor Sharif Dharani Jon Stenberg Ronald Kenneth Park Leslie Denise Reyes de Ossa Deepak Sharma Omar Saeed Stevens So Young Park Renato Fairbanks N.S.S. Raghav Sharma Mimi Su Sohee Park Ribeiro Kyde Silas Sharp Karthik Subramanian Soyeon Park Ramon James Richards Joshua L.R. Shedroff Senthil Kumar Subramaniar. Michael D. Parker Avery Marie Sheffield Sundararaman Subramanian Pere Marc Rigo Haug Brian Christopher Parsons Emily Katherine Rizza Shafina Shehnaz Kenichiro Sue Nikul Navanitbhai Patel Sarah Paige Sugarman Shawnette Michaela Rochelle Lifan Shen Sachin Patel William Uhlmann Rock Paul Liang Shen Min Su Sung Abhijeet Vinod Patwardhan Manuel Leandro Rodriguez Michael C. Shenkman Fonny Surya Tin Man Tammy Pau Vera Daniel C. Sherwood Govind Suryanarayan Jay D. Pauley Stanley James Roe Sanjay Kadandale Shetty Irene Susantio Gregory P. Pavlik Adetokunbo Roluga Olabisi Willian Shiang Yoko Suwa Ryan Penn Natalie Romanoff Harunori Shigeyoshi Jordon Edwin Swain Richard Anthony Perez Frederick John Ronnau Jae Wook Shin Lavanya Swetharanyan Adrian Maurice Perry Charles H. Rose Karl Jaewon Shin Allison Elizabeth Sydlaske Jeffrey Keller Perry Samuel Wimble Rosenfeld Jongsoon Shin Jennie Sze Victor Petenkemani Amelia Yuk Shuen Shiu Ardis L. Tabb, Jr. Rebecca Dara Rosner Guillermo A. Petrei Michael John Roszak Anat Shiwak-Harry Sylvia Genevieve Taft Tabongkod Peunchob Karl Benjamin Ruff Mojisola Shoyinka Aki Takaesu 38
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Bernardo Villanueva Shohei Takahashi Vikram Viswanathan Damien Lip Wui Tan Andres Vogel Fernandez de Kelsey Liane Tanaka Castro Kerri Janelle Tanksley Matthew Vogel Zhen Tao Ethan Sinclair Diamond Ryan Martin L. Tapia Vogelhut Jonathan Taqqu Dana Trace Wade Jordan Marshall Tate Jason Scott Walker Wilson Keith Tauro John P. Wander Wutthiphon Taworntawat Joy Vivian Wang Preston J. Taylor Martina Wang Helcio Alexandre Tegeda Yi Jin Warburton, Ph.D Maoyong Teng Alton L. Washington Luis Ignacio Terife Sarria Yusuke Watanabe Bhishma V Thakkar David Howard Way Neal Jagat Thapar Scott William Weber David Thawley Imelda The-Nouaille-Degorce Peter Frank Weis Martha Paskoff Welsh Meena Denise Thever Achim Welter Megan S. Thomas Patricia Werhahn Vivek Thummala Marek Adam Wiernusz William Thomas Tilton Jennifer Jane Wilkinson Avnish Tiwari Travis Duane Wilson Mayank Tiwari Thomas Mark Wojcik Davids Tjhin Carl Jonathan Wojtaszek Vernon Tjon-Soei-Len Robert Yan Wolfman Andrew J. Tochterman Christopher M. Wong Pedro Neiva Tome Clarice Ann Wong Quanping Tong Joanie Zhongjie Xie Yan Tong Weihua (Michael) Xu Dror Topf Xiao Xu Fernando Trinidad Torres Dominique Toublan Hui Yan Rafael Eduardo Tovar Fuentes Mavis You Yao Kenneth Sin King Tsang Shingo Yatsui Ariel Tseitlin Youseph Yazdi Julie Tseng (Alice) Ping Ye George Tsiklauri Michael Ye Ryo Tsuchiya Emily Christine Yee Christopher Tynan Christina Sin Tian Yeh Supriya Uchil Eugene Yeh Matthew Gerald Ulman Peter Chu-Chan Yen Jonathan Andrew Usuka Jeannine Kelly Yep Katie A. Vahle S. Robert Yi Laxman Deepak Vaidya Li Ying Sumit A. Vakil Daniel Yip Alexander Ivan Valle Kara M. Yokley Jeroen van den Berge Eugene W. Yoo Chris Vanderwarker Suk Won Yoo Kirthi Vani Phil Koo Yoon Deepti Vashishtha Jared Edgar Young Pamela Velarde Munoz Andrew Scott Youngman Karthik Venkataraman Fred Yu Balaji Venkatesan Xin Yu Patrick Karel Andries Saleem Javed Zafar Verdonck Cleopatra Zagrean Richard J. Viens Chunhong Zhang Anil K. Vijendran Li Zhang G eralyn Villaflor Xiaoying (Alice) Zhang
Yinglu Zhang Xinhua Zhou Min Zhu Xiaohui Zhu Zhen Zhu Alexandra Behan Zipf Thomas Cartmell Zipp Shiry Zofnat Istvan Zöllei Xiaoming Zuo
Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy can be found under the Graduate Faculties listing.
Afaf I. Meleis, Dean Bachelor of Science in Nursing August 10, 2007 Samantha Ahn Sylvia Lynn Srisinthorn Casey Maureen Templin December 19, 2007
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Laura Salcido Sara Elisabeth Schewel Richard Edward Schoen Katherine Anne Seibert Meghan Elaine Snyder Modupeola 0. Sonuyi Rebecca Wilker Stephens Michelle Antonette Spell Tracy Statter Kimberly Anne Strain Cherise April Thompson Elsa Jennifer Waldman Anne Lavery Waligora Heather Airrien Walker Jenny Zhirou Yang
Heather A. Begun Anne B. Berkowitz Erica Grodd Bland Eric D. Bowles Jean Marie Carlston Teresa Cassidy May 19, 2008 Katharine Cassidy-Devito Jennifer Li-Chai Chang Sharon Abbady Mary Young Chang Jennifer Anne Addis Amanda Ford Cohen E sther Anton Rachel A Corbin Pheobe Nywreh Askie Elizabeth Cummings Anne-Marie Beitler Sheena Marie Curtin Mark Andrew Cavanaugh Caroline Jennie Cylkowski Kelly M. Convery Andrew Colin Dittmeier Alicia Costa Erica Featherstone Heather Leigh Cunningham Susan G. Floyd Jessie Daniel Amanda B Gordon Adela M. DiCamillo Emily L. Green Jean Catherine Digitale Elisabeth Patterson Griffin ger Kathleen M. Downes Emily J. Hansen Kathleen Elizabeth Bennett Katherine Brennan Hooley Feldman Colleen Kathryn Horowitz Rachel Mara Feldman Ukamaka I. Izuchi Kerith Ellen Finegan David Jensen Leia Joelle Frimmel Carolyn Marie Johns Micaela Abrenica Ganaden Katie Lauren Jungers Patricia Marie Gazzola Michelle Dana Kahn Sara Michele Geisler Janelle F Kennedy Anne Caffery Glassie Michael Patrick Kerns Bianca Gonzalez Alice Jane Liao Emily A. Harman Yi-Shin Jo-Ann Lin Nicole Ann Hitti Amanda Lee Mahoney Alysha C. Hoven Lakeetra Dashawn McClaine Malika Ebony Iton Jennifer Elizabeth Millman Shruti R. Iyer Wendy Richardson Miner Andrea Lynn Jackson Elizabeth Rose Murphy Frennie Victoria Jamshidian Daphne Clark Neilson Tania Michelle Jeanty Dan Stephanie Ortiga Julia Mercedes Jurkiewicz Caitlin Simpson Phillips Alexis Sylvia Kalman Kali Adia Rhodes Katherine Emma Kargus Rebecca R. Safley Laura Suzanne Kasmarzyk y
Danielle Klosiewicz Eden Marcelle Koko Alexandra Katerina Kotsovos Meagan Kozhimala Katelyn Anne Kuwata Blair Hawes Davies Lamb Debbie Lee Andrea Danielle Leverkus Justine Blythe Llop Amber L. Mattote Rachel A. McKee Gina Marie McShea Alison Whitney Merritt Chelsea Lauren Mintz Gwendolyn Calla Moore Galina Movshovich Charlotte Nagelberg Stephanie See-Mun Ng Jillian Elaine Noyes Amber Oberholzer Susan Yndo Paul Jasmine Perez Daniel Joseph Petrosky Rose-Therese Nazareno Rebustillo Danielle M. Redd Catherine M. Repetto Lindsay Dormer Robinson Halley W Ruppel Lauren M. Schleicher Vivian Stephanie Sha Emily E. Shaw Anne Elizabeth Shoemaker Chelsea Lyn Simkins Shweta Singh Abigail H. Smith Samantha Lauren Smith Jaclyn Amanda Sperling Nadine H. Spigel Nicole E. Stein Aminta Sthalekar Sarah Jane Strauss Regan Michele Trappler Alicia Catherine Travis Tabitha Mia Van Pelt Cassi Lea Wilbur Grace Jones Laura Kailey Winkleblack Sarah Laura Wittig Samantha Leigh Wood Sofia Wronski Wei Kuo Yen Dorado Carli Alexandra Young
Master of Science in Nursing August 10, 2007 Nicolle Renee Ahles-Moses Sara Elizabeth Atwater Patricia Banaszek Alexis Nicole Bartley Ashley Elizabeth Bartley Deanna L. Benner Marilyn Slavin Blumenstein Jennifer Ann Blumenthal Angie Marie Borne Elizabeth M. Brown Elizabeth Ann Burghen Fryman Kristin L. Corey Clare Elizabeth Cunningham Heather Jean Davidson Mary Angela Decena Gina Elizabeth Deitrick Paul Joseph Del Casino Erica Justine Delaney Sarah Jennifer Del Percio Amy Lynn Donnellan Courtney Dool Tiffany Louise Dovydaitis Elizabeth Dowling Erin Marie Dugan Melissa Anne Dunleavy Nancy Ann Erickson Adam Jason Funk Michele Francine Grocki Jacob Herman Grossman Amy E. Harding Kate Teresa Healy Nicole Marie Henderson Robin A. Herzog Liza Bette Hillel Kathleen Marie Hinkle Kristin M. Hittle Rhonda Marie Anne Hough Arrienne Lian Hudnall Jennifer Ann Hughes Jennifer Lynn Infanti Faith Shelby Jaslow Teresa Michelle John Keimah Wuyah Johnson Kellye Onita Jones-Ho Jin Jun Sarah Ann Kangas Jennifer M. Kennedy
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official ream of the University
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Lia J. Welsch Kathleen M. Kerstetter Kimberly Dawn Woody Amanda Ellen Krause Mark A. Zappone Kira Fenton Kuhn Erin Kathleen Lacey December 19, 2007 Regina Michelle Lacombe Briana Lafferty Sundyna Jean Beaven Marcy Lyn Lamonica Kate Elizabeth Becker Kiersten Lebar Gayley Blaine Jessica Katherine Leet Elizabeth Hardy Bowman Camille Lynn Lineberry Colleen Elizabeth Burke Jonathan Andrew Lowe Thamarah Crevecoeur Devon Amanda Lump Heather Elizabeth Daniel Beth J. Maletz Megan M. Donaghy Jennifer Amy Mann Elka W. Easter Wilhelmina J. Maslanek Ra nda Mitcheal Francis Josephine Kaarta Massaquon Audrey Donna Funt Erin S. McPherson Stephanie Marie Green Yasmeen Joan McPherson Tamara Susan Herold Ieachia Renee McQueen Marie Elaine Kelly Wendy L. Mercier Jennifer Kwok-Wing Lai Richard Miller Jr. Nancy Naichia Liu Joyce Y. Minakami Anne Pitts Londergan Erin Kathleen Mullaney Lisa Amy Marcus Monique Neault Alexandria N. McCluskey Kristina Leah Ng Paige Elizabeth McDaniel Adam Thomas Nicodemus Dorothy Hazel Mora Kathleen Mary Patrizzi Leah Moran Amanda Elizabeth Pavlock Kathryn Laura Murray Jeannie Mayim Peake Samantha Autumn Pavlick Christina L. Pherson Robin Elizabeth Proctor Michael A. Pisa Kirsten Berit Danette Smith Monica Marie Ploof Jenny Song Kate Elizabeth Pocius Helen L. Teng Lisa Francesca Polise Mai-Ahn Thi Tran Madare Emmanuel Previlor Stephanie Lynn Veasey Kristen Pyle Diana L. Warda Ramona Ratliff Jewell Elizabeth Whitmer Karen Lynn Regan Amanda Mytt Youngers Jacquelyn Renee Rencher Michelle R. Rendon May 19, 2008 Ludora Emmaline Riegel Kristen Leigh Alwine Matthew Paul Robertson Sally Atari Katrina Elizabeth Rodies Cynthia C. Baigis Kristen Joan Rosamilia Michael Bonelli Nicole Rouda Birgit Andrea Collier Kristin L. Rupich Jaclyn Dobrzynski Christine Marie Sabatino Colleen Anne Haas Angela Gail Santos Haewon Rita Han Jennifer Lee Sheehan Klisa Darlene Hargrove Jill M. Siegrist April Marie Hofmann Julie London Spears Diane Patricia Humbrecht Deborah Elizabeth Stein Jean Stern Jennifer Gwen Jagger Melissa Ann Kalinowski Fallon Kay Stewart Heidi Mary Kapustka Tracey Ann Streiff Hye-Jin Kim Allison Marie Thompson D annielle Bnn Diane Lora Leichter . a Toner Chika Ugwuoke Sagine Louis Erin B. Veenker Lisa M. Lupica
Janice Antonette Manaois Gayle A. Mitura Kristy Michelle Orr Carolyn Elizabeth Otto Frederick Joseph Isaac Peterson Danielle Marie Rawson Adrian Villanueva Rodrigo Levia Airall Sutton Joseph Tini Stephanie R. White-Evans Vanessa Sheila Williams Matthew Paul Wlostowski Stephanie Body Woodruff
Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy can be found under the Graduate Faculties listing.
Arthur H. Rubenstein, Dean
Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology December 19, 2007 Trisha L. Acri Steven Brunelli Adam Robert Burkey, M.D. Alexander Gabriel Fiks Rubeen K. Israni Heather Cecille Kaplan Scott Eric Kasner Patrick J. LaRiccia Laura W McCray, M.D. Andrea Dahlman Orsey Chirag Vijaykumar Shah Geoffrey Spencer
May 19, 2008 David H. Carnahan Luqi Chi Daniel Joseph Elliott, M.D. Judith Nadi ne Gracia Duane Kirksey Mark E. Mikkelsen Constance Oblanuju Okeke, M.D. Alec Bennet Platt, M.D. Chrysalyne Schmults, M.D. Michael Scott Schwartz Michael Joseph Smith Nananamibia Smith Sindhu Kikkeri Srinivas
Master of Science in Health Policy Research May 19, 2008 Aliya Esmail Hussaini Joanna L. Starrels
Master of Science in Translational Research December 19, 2007 David Edward Kaplan, M.D.
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Arthur Robinson Williams IV Sarah Elizabeth Dubner Rebecca Elizabeth EliasDesiree Wilson Marina Cuchel Bachrach Robert S. Fenning Master of Public Master of Bioethics Lauren Corte11 Fine Health Ana Flores August 10, 2007 Shalini Garg August 10, 2007 Jennie van Tress Garver Warren I. Brandwine Sameena V Azhar Boris Gershman Victoria M. Koszowski Eric Scott Griffin Paiman Peter Ghoroghchian James Allen Lambert Ericka Camille Gibson Barbara Michelle Preuninger December 19, 2007 Michael Girma Sattar Gojraty December 19, 2007 Emily Miller Hall Jason D. Goldman Michele Meltzer, M.D. Laurie Beth Gray May 19, 2008 Shelby Elizabeth Newland Judah Norman Greenberg Kyaw Kyaw Oo Joanna Elizabeth Holsten James Matthew Gregory Sarah Sinclair, R.N., B.S.N. J. Nicole Martin David A. Gudis Donna Taraborelli Michelle Legaspi Sánchez Anthony Paul Gulati Aung Myo Tun Meera Gupta Mariko Uetake Doctor of Medicine George M. Hanna Sherrie Marie Vassallo Julian Joseph Harris December 19, 2007 Anima Hewitt May 19, 2008 Lauren Marie Hill Matthew James Leoni Marc Steven Hoffmann Theresa Ellen Berger Lillias Christine Holmes Michael P. Donnelly, Jr. May 19, 2008 David Lee Holtzman Marie Elena Falcone Cynthia Marie Adams Daniel Edward Houseman Elnaz Farnam Ekunola Olamide Abimbola Vivian Min-Hwei Hsu Ariel Hart Feinberg Alade Frank Parker Hudson III Heidi Ruth Fisher Kiona Yasmin Allen Sarah C. Hull Steven Todd Gold Mously Almoza Kristen Anne Hyland Sarah Christine Hull Andrew Brian Avarbock Kimberly Elizabeth Idoko Soon Young Hwang Dania V Babushok André Michel Ilbawi Noel Kelly Eliza Hayes Bakken Marcie Imielinski Donya Khalili Caroline Amber Caro A b Banks B k Sanjay Iyer Julianna I-Ching Chou Jason David Berk Jerry Jacob Lipschutz Esther Rose Bisker Rebecca Caroline Jaffe Luigi Mastroianni, M.D. Andrew Ri Richard h Bon Bond An Joanne Wei-un Jang Thomas E. Mellon, Jr. Stacey Rayelle Brenner Brandon Boyd Johnson Alisa A. Padon C Bribriesco B ib i Deborah Jones Christina L. Papini-Tennyson Alejan dro Cano Mesha-Gay Melanie Brown Summer Lind Kaplan Lindsay Pfeffer Rebecca Allison Brown Jeffrey Alan Katz Lorraine Bohanske Possanza, Timothy L. Browne Autumn Michelle KieberD.P.M., J.D. Michael Hal Bucksten i Emmons Alyson Denise Powell Kimberly Joy Kinder Dana Marie Romano, D.M.D. Sarah Beck Busis Lee Arthur Coryell Scott Richard Kling Eris Rruka ruz Carlos Cruz Benjamin Wesley Kozyak Andrew P. Rusczek Nicole M. Dalton David Isaac Krieger Michelle J. Sahl Carl Walton Davis Philip Albert Lederer Shivram Kumar Sankar H t Julia Rebecca Ju R b den d Hartog Jonathan Myungsoo Lee Brandon Zachary Luke von Alison Hayley Downes Emily Ann LeVeen Tobel, M.D. Kevin James Downes John Sanford Limouze
May 19, 2008
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official recoru of the University.
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Kristen Sue Vierregger Kathy Bowen Lin Jonathan P. Wanderer John Nicholas Lukens Christina Annette Wilson Katherine Eladore Lynch Jonathan Benjamin Macknin Alysse Gail Wurcel Maulik S. Zaveri Gaurav Malhotra Daniela Cohen Ziskind Gabriela Marein-Efron Seth Shay Martin Neil M. Masangkay Candidates for the degrees of Jennifer Madeline Matro Master of Arts, Master of Kibwei A. McKinney Science or Doctor of Zina Meriden Philosophy can be found Amanda Brooke Methvin Melissa Kristine Middleton under the Graduate Faculties Jaime Leigh Moo-Young listing. Michelle Evelyn Morse Melinda Jane Morton Elliot Anthony Nacke Joshua John Ney John Kent Northrop Rachel Catherine Ochs Temitayo A. Ogunleye John James Openshaw Abraham Stephen Pachikara Landi Marie Parish Suketu J. Patel Timothy John Pirolli Charles Marshall Preston Anthony Alexander Prince Rebecca Frances Rabin Evan Cross Ray Kristy L. Reinert Evan Andrew Rieder Samuel Rodriguez Alexander Tuukka Ahti Ruutiainen Patricia Marie Salmon Faraz Samadi Laura Dawn Sander Miraj Kishor Sanghvi Fiorella Karina Saponara Kathryn Elizabeth Schmidt Justin Adam Schram Benjamin Alfred Schwarz Amit B. Shah Anand Jugalkishor Shah Arti D. Shah Asha Jayendrakumar Shah liana Michelle Sherer Karyn Rose Singer Rachel Lynne Slotcavage Kelly Smith Gibson Abraham Mead Spence Corrie Ann Stankiewicz David W. Swenson Marcy Kim Traum Joshua Udoetuk oetuk Sade Clarke Udoetuk Chris Vanderwarker Peter Bernard Veldman 43
Michael A. Fitts, Dean Master of Laws May 19, 2008 Obafami Richard Adewunmi Morteza Afshari Ghazvini Michal Amram Tomás Arankowsky Tamés Hidehisa Aruga Leonardo Azevedo Correa Paula Barrachina Esteban Sara Bergdahl Aurelio Bonfim Do Sacramento De Sousa Sonja Irene Brown Chao-ming Chen Bing Cheng Keunwoo Choi Tobias Chowdhury Dieter J. De Smet Clementine Duverne Aref El-Aref Ahmed El-Mohtadybellah Matteo Erede Celine Shiling Fang Yasunari Fuke Victor Braga Ferrão Galante Esther Gandin Tian Gao Fernando Gomes Hahn, Min Soo Françoise M. Haralamb Miao He Lital Heiman Yu Hiraga Bijun Huang Yumiko Ishii Karthik Jayashankar Hao Jin Joo, Sang Yong Suthatip Jullamon Thriyambak J. Kannan Kosuke Kawada Kim, Bong Won Tadashi Koizumi Mandy Lan Honghua Lao Jorge Lembeye Illanes Lorenzo Lentini Aji Li Wei Li Lei Liu Ruming Liu
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Yan Liu Yulin Liu Gang Luan Yoshinari Matsuda Colin McIntyre Fanny Moinel Martín Mois Freiwirth Luis Murray Arriaga Tomoko Nambu Christoph F. Naumann Emi Ogawa Carlo Osi Dana Peleg-Slobodkin Friedrich W. Prinz von Preussen Lu Qi Anne-Sophie Ract Raphael Richemond Sofia Rodriguez Moreno Jorge A. Romo Rodríguez Cong Shang Toshio Shimada Ken Shinohara Martin Joel Silverstein Shireen S.P. Singh Marco Spada Weilin Sun Shikhil Suri Christian Wiese Svanberg Marlene Wiese Svanberg Kimitoshi Takemura Ya Tao Hiroyuki Tsumori Fumiko Tsuneoka Beatriz Uribe Berrocal Junyu Wang Shaoxi Wang Xiaobing Wang Kanehisa Watanabe Nathalie Weil Ting Wu Yuanyuan Xin Takeshi Yoshizaki Carlos Zabala Haining Zhan
Juris Doctor August 10, 2007 Alexander N. M. Niejelow
December 19, 2007 Eliana Kaimowitz Rodriguez
May 19, 2008 Abraham Simcha Adler Brooke A. Alexander Brandis Chantal Anderson Keith George Antonyshyn Ijeoma Anusionwu Nermeen Saba Arastu Kyle A. Armstrong Meredith M. Armstrong Sarah Ashfaq Rana Bahri Raghav Bajaj Zayida Mariam Baker Vinoda B. Basnayake Elissa Bassini Mira Baylson Tricia Marie Beckles Lauren Bennett Rachel Berk José Vicente Bermúdez Magner Matthew S. Blank Megan Ann Bombick Andrew E. Borchini Michael J. Boyle Samantha S. Braunstein Paul H. Broer Meredith A. Brooks Michael Buchbinder Michael Ethan Buchman Andrew Thomas Budreika Allyson E. Burg Kathlene M. Burke Brett Adam Bush Youjung Byon David Douglas Hauser Cameron Matthew P. Cantor Chantelle Marie Cappa Joseph J. Carapiet Allison H. Carpenter Leslie Nicole Carter Michael Andrew Carter
Jennifer P. Casler Neil C. Cavanaugh Stephanie Ann Chambers Daysun Chang Timothy Chao Gaurav Chaudhari Emma Tiffany Chen Christina L. Cheng Eugene Chiu Margaret G. Cho Kathleen J. Choi Andrew N. Christopher Evan Chyun Siobhan Cole Brian M. Collins Charles T. Collins-Chase Marla Kristin Conley Laura Lisabeth Conn Stacy Sher Conroy William T. Conroy Sarah Meriam Cox Jocelyn Marie D'Ambrosio Harmony Honaker Decosimo Silvia C. Diaz Julie A. Dohm Colleen Mary Dougherty Benjamin R. Dryden Justin Duda Taly Dvorkis Leeran R. Factor Elnaz Farnam Gregory Charles Farrell Alexandra Olwen Fellowes Glen W. Fewkes Erin Helene Flynn Edwin J. Foster, Jr. Christopher M. Foulds Samantha B. Freedman Lawrence Friscia Christopher J. Fromherz Jesse Fuchs-Simon Rishikesh Gadhia Alissa D. Gafford Jason S. Gao Juan Carlos Garcia Megan Elizabeth Gatto William Hartley Gaunt Lauren Ashley Gee Gregory F. Gewirtz Seth S. Goldberg Sarah Jenya Shoshi Goldfus Rhiannon Naoma Haddad Charlotte Elisse Haldeman
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official record of the University
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Michael Jay Hartman Christopher Havener Allison Virginia Hawley Mehreen Hayat Min He Shan He Jennifer Rose Heger Craig A. Hirneisen Adam Sloan Hobson Sarah Cha Hong Lauren Hudecki Derek S. Huoth Oluwafunmilayo Angela Idowu Misha Isaak Eli Isak Adam Scott Jacobowitz Aleksander Janiszewski Lloyd Henry Johnson II Allen Jun Aaron Matthew Kaplan Khusro Karim Jennifer A. Karpe Gregory Kau Sadaf Khadija Kazmi Garrett Kennedy Doron P. Kenter Donya Khalili Alia Khan Kevin Andrew Khan Louis A. Kieran Heather J. Kilmartin Rebecca Kinburn Michael Kirkman Robert Kofsky Jason Samuel Kollander HimaBindu Kolli Jonathan Francis Korman Jonathan D. Kossak Asad I. Kudiya Matthew Kudzin Tomasz Kulawik Brandon Philip Ladoff Erica Courtney Lai Rachelle Leone Laroche Amna Latif Gilbert Lee Pou-I Bonnie Lee Amy Lynne Likoff Felicia Lin Maureen Elizabeth Linch Owen Finch Lipsett Scott M. Litvinoff 13 .13. U-Ning Liu Yiyun (Elaine) Liu Rachel C. Loftspring Angie Wingsze Louie Christopher Luise Bri elle Vanora Madej
Timothy D. Mainzer Robert T. Manzanares Benjamin Marcus Philip P. Mariani Anne Marter Amanda J. Marzullo Nishchay Harisingh Maskay Paul Brian Maslo John McClung Richard Mertl John Metzidis Neela Marie Mookerjee Carlo Mosoni Toyofuku Patrick Mark Mulvaney Aram Muradyan Nicholas U. Murphy Darth Newman Katie Norman Eugene Novikov Carla Nunziante Robert M. Oakes Judith Oheb John Palys Ami Prakash Patel Tashanna B. Pearson Carlos A. Pelaez Colleen E. Petroni Matthew H. Posivak Alyson Denise Powell Omar E. Pringle Ravi Purushotham Emily J. Rap Jason Reefer Scott David Reich Monica Rieder Daniel Patrick Riley William Uhlmann Rock Sionne C. Rosenfeld Andrew P. Rusczek Simon Michael Saddleton Paul Safier Brian Anthony Salazar Shivram K. Sankar Preston Daniel Satchell Brian Martin Schenker Anthony D. Scicchitano John Whitney Scudder Jaime Semensohn Tyler Sewell Daren Shaver Tyler A. Shewey Elizabeth R. Sheyn Mark Siegmund Abraham Joseph Sinensky Rajanpreet Singh Joanne Skerrett Suzanne Kenny Skinner Kyle Smith Erica Sollie
Julia G. Solomon Bradley D. Sorrels Daniel Alan Spitzer Brian Stevens Angela Stoner Lauren N. Strauss Stanley G. Stringfellow II Paul Dockstader Sullivan Jr. Charlene Sun Elizabeth Tate Korey Tyrone Taylor Tyson E. Taylor Vanessa A. Temple Haben Habte Tesfai Alexander D. Thaler Dustin Glenn Thompson Margaret Tong David Dean Troutman Avia M. Trower Jeanine Vanessa Turell Hayley M. Urkevich Cat-Uyen P. Vo Anjali Bipin Vyas Kristin L. Wainright Aaron Terrell Walker Bin Wang Edward Wedge Michael H. Weidenbaum Daniel Weiner Earl White Daniel Whitmore Nicholas Wille Desireé Wilson Yin Wu Yuting Wu Thomas S. Wyler Karina Yamada Lance Yang Michelle Yang Yi Yang Karen Yeh Donald Jonathan Ying Nabeel Ahmed Yousef Eric Yuen Sunni Yuen Jason S. Zack
Doctor of the Science of Law May 19, 2008 Huachun Dong Hsiao-Wei Kuan Chien-Chung Lin Bhamati Viswanathan Wan Ke
Gary Hack, Dean Master of Architecture August 10, 2007 Yi-Chun Stephanie Lee
December 19, 2007 Julie Hyun-Jung Cho Amy Wai Yan Choy Jonathan Kol Fogelson Jaeyoung Jang Lan Qin Isik Ulkun Neusser Dong Xu
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Boyu Hu Dong-wook Hwang Aaron Alexander Jezzi Kang, Jin Kyu Paul Kangas Miller Ryan Lee Keerns Kevin Gordon Kehler Matthew C. Kelly Jeeyun Kim Ki Myung Kim Kim, Siyoung Jonathan Asher Kowalkoski Matthew Douglas Lake Hollie Joy Landela Gerald Lang
Lee, Hwa-seop So Jung Lee Daniel E. Affleck Amanda Beth Lember Abdulla Abdul Aziz Al Jacob Andrew Levine Shamsi Hui Liu Faris Saad Al-Shathir Tau Liu Eva Baker Andrew Peter Lucia Carrie Ann Bergey Lauren Martin MacCuaig Yasmin Bhombal David John Madrid Megan M. Born Tonga Nicole Markiewicz Alexa Renee Bosse Morgan LeMae Martinson Quiona Aletha Renee Bryant Robert Andrew May Michael George Burlando Jeffrey F. Minor Anthony Caicco Benjamin Beck Muller Jean Pierre Casillas Murphy Charles James Nawoj William N. Caulin LaToya S. Nelson Kathleen Cella Chau Nguyen Kwok Tung Anthony Chan Jacob K. Nicoll-Stoltzfus Kwei Cheng Chang Jason Edward Niebish Ying-chu Chen TJ O'Keefe C.S. Meenakshi Sundaravelan Leanora M. Paniccia Todd Costain Nerijus Petrokas Dane Danielson Jean-Baptiste Abel Roufineau Raymond Gerard Demers H Andrew Gordon Ruggles Yuteki Dozono Gabriela Carmen Sarhos Jason Alexander Easter Sarah Janan Savage Santiago Adrian Eliaschev Andrew M. Schlatter Julia Kathleen Ewing Allison Kaye Schue Fan, Lok Kay David Matthew Schweim Alexander Paley Feldman Elizabeth Sweeney Hernaldo Ernesto Mendoza Wendy Ju-Yi Tsai Flores Russell Adam Vaccaro Carlos Alberto Fornos Tenorio Ashley Lynne Wendela Daniel Milton Hammerman Ann Carolyn Wright Joseph Paul Hang Hyunsung Yoo Lydia Nicole Hermo Joseph Michael Hoepp
May 19, 2008
John Christian Reinhardt Aaron Evan Ritz Kevin Michael Saavedra Jessica Rachel Schmidt August 10, 2007 Erika L. Service Jacqueline A. Spry Martin Alexander Smith Kathleen Maria Styger December 19, 2007 Eunice Kyuhee Suh Kyle Christopher Sundin Beth A. Falkof Kristina I. Vagen Jonathan Kol Fogelson Shekoofah Abdullah Khedhri John C. Wiener Melissa Grace Yoon Jason Patrick Lally Xiu Min Xu
Master of City and Regional Planning
May 19, 2008
Master of Fine Arts Laura Ahramjian ChristopeHybumL Paul Richard Aylesworth May 19, 2008 Maude Louisia Baggetto Anuj Bhandari Monica Anne Bodnar Caitlin Neill Bowler Warren James Corlett Anne K. Carson Rita Elizalde Crocker Stacey Yu Chen Jamal D. Cyrus Mon Gabriel Cohen Gianna Dorthea Delluomo Paul David Collins Jamie Diamond Crystal Marie Cummings Daniel Jacob Gerwin Paul DesRocher Travis Stephen Heck Thomas E. Eddington Jr. Deb Hoy Courtney Sebastian Edwards Leejin Kim Arrus I Farmer Shanjana Mahmud Ashley Jacksen Hahn Damon Carl Reaves Nathan Katz Megan Kelly Rogers Rafaela Kirloss Simon John Ferguson Slater Aaron Koch Ivanco Aleksandar Talevski Keya K. Kunte Molly Sarah Winston Jennifer C. Lai Anastasia Mary Wong, Chung Jared Michael Lang Chi Christina Marie Szczepanski Sarah M. Zimmer Patrick McGarrah Lynch Sarah Ann Lynch Master of Science in Collins Sasakah Makunda Historic Preservation Lauren Amelia Mattern Brendan McSheehy August 10, 2007 Douglas J. Meehan Christina A. Burris Maritza Elena Mercado Sabra L. Smith Zev Moses Michelle Mulcahy December 19, 2007 Josiah Neiderbach Emily Ann Oaksford David William O'Malley Seungjin Oh Shachi Pandey May 19, 2008 Andrea Ioana Pantor Tejaswini J. Aphale Kelly Kristian Porter Alexandra Bevk Andrew Lee Reback
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Jenna Cellini Caroline Sidney Cheong Nicole Sylvia Collum Sean McCarrick Fagan Marco J. Federico Alice Louise Finke Kimberly Diane Forman Anita Marie Franchetti Marlene Lauren Goeke Ashley Jacksen Hahn Catherine Wood Keller Elizabeth Ashlea Kleinfelder Paula Kristina Kulpa Valerie Herzfeld Magolan Maureen Ann McDougall Sara Beth McLaughlin John Viking Nelson Catherine Ann Rossetti Suzanne L. Segur Matthew Robert Shields Wan-Lin Tsai Aliya Ann Turner Sarah Lauren Wade Kristina Monique Witt Emily Lynn Wolf
Sally Anne Reynolds Adam Schatz Andrew M. Schlatter Allison Kaye Schue Shannon Victoria Scovell Amirah A. Shahid Nantawan Sirisup Elizabeth Treat Stetson Megan C. Studer Jing Wang Julia Margaret Wilk
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy can be found under the Graduate Faculties listing.
Master of Landscape Architecture August 10, 2007
Gregory Bien Doctor Sparks December 19, 2007
Amy Wai Yan Choy Masafumi Oka May 19, 2008
Daniel E. Affleck Irene Agriodimas Vance Megan M. Born Alexa Renee Bosse Jean Pierre Casillas Murphy Kathleen Cella Chen-Yin Chiu Shu - Hsien,Chou Colin Gardner Joseph Paul Hang Katherine C. Harvey Huai-Jen Hsu Jain Robert Wallace Johnson Huei-Ming Juang Wonchung Kim Lauren Martin MacCuaig Austin n Farley McInerny Douglas J. Meehan Sarah Kathleen Peck 47
Marjorie Jeffcoat, Dean Master of Science in Oral Biology August 10, 2007 Ciro Cabal, D.D.S. May 19, 2008 Sahng Gyoon Kim Martin K.K. Poon Vanessa Yu Wenkai Kao
Doctor of Dental Medicine December 19, 2007 Nicholas Kiplimo Bett May 19, 2008 Leyla Anne Abdulhay Zaliya Akbasheva Haitham Al Shetawi Meshari Othman AlAbdulhadi Rola E. Alkhatib Tiffany Allen Lilyana Angelova Nanna Ordibehesht Ariaban Michael Martin Armstrong Sylvester Chinweuba Awagu Abhishake Kumar Banda Kavitha Battula Ali Bayat Christine Lillian Bender Candice Nicole Carpenter Gregory 0. Catchings Diya Chadha Bilal Chaudhry Andrew T. Chen Chuen Chie Chiang Euree Choi Adrienne Marie Cicero Derek J. Conover James Thomas Corbett David Wellman Daniels Nathan Thomas Decker Saman Delgoei Mahima Dhussa Michelle DiStefano Havva Zeynep Ertugrul
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Kristen Diane Falanga Marie Elena Falcone Sanaz Farid Ajikwaga Batido Felli Robbie Geunes Amir Ghadiri Hadi Ghazzouli Mariana Gitron-Beer Jeffrey Mark Goodman Madeleine V. Goodman Miriam H. Habeeb Babak Hakimizadeh Soo-Hyun Han Alexandra Hazen Yuling He Katrina E. Hernandez Lisa Nguyen bang Jacqueline Anne-Marie Hogan Yueh Ju Hsiao Soon Young Hwang Arshad Kaleem Andrea Kapsou Susan Marie Kasper Sunita Kaul Kozue Kawakubo Blaine Adam Keister Sumra Shahin Khan Byounggon Kim Celeste H. Kim Ji Young Kim Min Kyu Kim Saehee Kim Suhn Kim Jesse Hyung Kwon Ko Adam M. Koppelman Brian In-Hyuk Lee Byong-Hwi Lee Ga Eun Lee Jung Hyun Lee Kang Min Lee Suphattra Lertruchikun Michael S. Levin Feiya Li Fuming Li Karrie T. Lin Jessica Rochelle Lynch Yolanda Ann Madison Sabrina Beth Magid Rachel L. Marmor Xiaoxian Meng Ying Meng Daeuk Moon
Yewande Olufunmilayo Tamisha Valcin Morgan Tsveta Vatcheva Pamela Jane Moses Divya Venkataraman Christian Umunna Nwokorie Quyen Ngoc Vu Dror Orbach Kai-Yi Wang Noah Philip Orenstein Steven Taishoff Weinstein Van Orenstein Fadra M. Whyte Lindi Orlin Jae Man Woo Ryan Pannorfi Kijin Woo Shabnam Parakhoodi Nozomi Yamate Monica Parekh Yedeh Paul Ying Kunjan Patel David S. Yoon Leigh D. Perlmutter Miao Xian Zhou Zina D. Petros Lindsay Pfeffer Brad Andrew Podray Alexander C. Quintner Robert Rabe Navreet Kaur Raju Indra Ramasubbu Carlos Ramos Justin Todd Rashbaum J. Mark Reichley Nermeen Amr Rifai Jeffrey Robinson Dana Marie Romano Amanda Romsa James Everett Ruckman Derek Paul Salony Rudy A. Santillana Meryl Allison Sava Jennifer Sara Schear Bradley Eric Schnebel Brian David Schobel Elliot Slomovits Schreiber Courtney Gale Seltzer Trina Sengupta Sweta Babulal Shah Farid Brian Shaikh Ryan Patrick Shaw Thomas Keun Ho Shin Lisa Joy Shoff Yolanda Alejandrino Short Diana Yinneth Silva Michael SimontacchiGbologah Inga Kazlauskaite Sloat Dustin Robert Snyder Tyler T. Sorensen Ioana Amna Mihaela Stoici Priyanka Vaddi Banafsheh Vahid Ami Girishkumar Vaidya
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Joan C. Hendricks, Dean
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine August 10, 2007 Cohen Marie Kane May 19, 2008 Nicole Lynn Ballon Laura Anne Barth Lisa Danielle Berman-Booty Megan Alexis Brace Karen Suzanne Brockman Tanya Lizzette Bruce-Seiple Daniel James Burke Linda Gwen Capewell Justin Arthur Carlson Dana Rose Came Tiffany Ann Catalino Mary Wendolyn Clark Stephanie Lauren Cohen Blair Irene Cornman Amanda Marie Donovan Carly Diane Dorazio Denae Robin-Bordeaux Ervin Kristen Erika Fenstermacher Alexandra Elizabeth Fischer Caleb Solomon Frankel Shelby Lynn Freda Jonathan Prime Gagnon Aimee Kristeen Gallardo Lisa Marie Germanis William Francis Gilsenan Kelly Lyn Giunta Michelle Deena Harris Mary Frances Heckscher Jennifer Kristie Heller Charlotte Hollinger Maureen Elizabeth Holowinski Jay Elias Hreiz Scott Evan Johnson Elizabeth Ann Keehner Sean Patrick Kelly Sheryl Ann Kepping Jennie Ann Kim Kay Kim Emily Tidd Kimberly Diana McGregor Knight Jennifer Lynne Koehl S halmalee Deepak Kotwal Darcie Ann Kunder
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Shoko Watanabe Casey Lynch Kurtz Deirdre Frey Weissman Catherine Marie Kusiak James Lawrence Widmann Ashley Lynn Leighton Kevin Robert Wray Jordan Alexander Lewis Connie Yun Yeh Clare Bernadette Lochstoer Megan Elizabeth Zeigler Ricardo José Loinaz Christopher Michael Lopresto Asya Zolotusky Marcia Sahlmark MacMillan Sarah Mallory Malone Karen Lynn Manhart Michelle Lynn Mannino Amy Rachael Marks Jennifer Robyn Mayer Sheila Marie McGettigan Katherine Presley McKeown Andrew William McManus John Francis Meagher Laura Ann Mitterman Daniel Richard Mones Michelle Joanne Mooney Sherry Lynne Moyer Kelly Anne Ng Megan Lyndsey Nunemacher Xuan Pan April Lin Powers David Adam Rapoport Maria Pennypacker Raymond Amanda Jane Reed Rebecca Ann Rizol Kathryn Ariel Rook Jennifer Lynne Scheidt Lori Ann Schluth Olivia Erin Schroeder Staci Scolavino Lesley Nell Shatkin Taryn Ann Sibley Micha Candice Simons Lisa Marie Singer Kristan Elizabeth Slotterback Amberly Michelle Sokoloff Rachel Leigh Somershoe Sara Marie Sprowls Matthew Lloyd Stock Maria Syska Erin Elizabeth Tennyson Lindsay Blake Thalheim Amanda Margaret Theodore LeAndra Aisha Marcelle Thompson Michelle Christine Trappler Kathy Forker Tuhacek Angharad Helena Knight Waite
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a me in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the abs ence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official record of the University
Andrew C. Porter, Dean
Master of Science in Education August 10, 2007
Marissa L. Shapiro Pei-Yu Shih Erica Renee Shippen Janell Kari Smith Chang Woo Sung Brianne M. Tangney Katherine Ann Theriault Emily Blair Townsend Rebecca Lynn Twiford Joan Marie Von Feldt Alison Laura Wintrode Nina Akiko Wojtowicz
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Valery Alta Annunzio Caitlin Anderson Whitney Bantz Ashworth Dominique Aubry Ashley Marie Babich Abby L. Baker Anita C. Barrett Kelley Olivia Benjamin Kemouy Le-Tisha Bhalai December 19, 2007 Lauren Bloch Husna Ali-Khan Colleen Lisa Bott Lionel Austin Anderson-Perez Alyshia Brooks Bowden Jung Yo Bae Lisa Brzezinski John Y. Baker Elyse Carlson Nisha Bahri Choon Young Choi Joanne Casseus Sheryl D. Clark Yu-Fang Chang Carla Marie D'Olio Wan-Tsen Claire Cheng Hebat El-Turk y Anita P. Chikkatur Michael P. Fowler Yuan-Li Chiu Amanda Leigh Freeman Ha-Young Choi Lindsay R. Gitlitz Jennifer S. Hong Chung Jason Vann Hamer Kathleen Clawson Everett Herman Cori M. Cuomo Kellyn Ruth Ann Hohnbaum Julia Deak Hae Sook Hong Francesca D. De La Torre Janette C. Jesse Roxanne Joy de Villava Michele Anne Kawood Ellen Kathleen Diebold Julia Klein Shani Adia Evans Sasha Lambert Joanna McIver Ferguson Lynne Ashley Lazor Lauren Fields Hyewon Lee Laura García Dávila Min-Jin Lee Amy F Golboro Sung Hee Lim Katheryn Antonia Guiliano Elizabeth Jean Martin Teppei Hayashi Aimee Susan Masters Annsley Myra Hillman David McCullough Chun-Huei Huang Danielle Lynn McKeown Szu-Chia Hung Raquel-Ann S. McNabb Alexander Willoughby Millar Yun-Hsiang Hung Melissa Yvette Hunter Ruby Nobuko Nagashima Sarah A. Keene William Thomas Oliver, Jr. Michelle Rae Kirchgraber Jaeduck Park Newton Swannee Park Chi-Chih Kuo Jose ph Michael Rabenstine Lee, Eun Jung Stephanie Elizabeth Raible Haejeong Lee Heidi Jo Ries Maria Cristina Limlingan Amy E. Romm Elaine Mun-Yee Liu Leigh Anne Scarborough
Michele Lord Robin Lynn Pick David Emery Moen Tiffany Khanh Nguyen Antonia P O'Planick Rebecca Gayle Orsini Nisha D. Patel Lisa Joy Shoff Jamie Alain Smith Douglas P. Stuart Hsien-Chun Tseng J. Michael Washburn Michael J Weaver Brittany A. Williams Pei-Ying Wu Dan Yang Ching Ching Yeh May 19, 2008 James A. Adame Seonyoung Ahn Benjamin F. Aiken Owen J. D. Alexander Sharon Elaine Anderson Ignacio Araujo Lizelle Marie Arellano Jessica Gelles Ariff Emily Boudinot Atterbury Michael Thomas Audevard Thomas M. Austin, Jr. Ryan A. Baggs Victoria Bulleck Bagosy Philip E. Bakerman Mohammad Yousef Baniomar Heather Lanet Bankhead Michael Guyon Barger Katharine Emily Bartow Michael Redmond Beazley Meredith M. Best Jeffrey Cole Birou Deborah Bishov Harry G Bissinger IV Nicole Marie Carrasco Anne Wittpenn Boig Julie Bokreta Jennifer Borck-Hadley Christopher Ralph Botti Leigh Botwinik Christopher Ryan Bowes Ashley Ann Brenner Laura Diane Brockman Sarah Michele Brody
Marissa Erin Burwell Sadiyah Atera Bynum Brian Lamont Byrd Kristin Renee Cain Michele Gianine Campodonico Louis N. Canelli III Hallie N. Caplan Jonathan Daniel Cetel Natasha N. Charles Ayan Chatterjee Chiung-Chun Chen Hsin-I Chen Kenny Kwan Chen Shih-Pei Chen Yen-Ling Chen Chun-Hao Chiu Julie Hwayoung Cho Cho Youn Ju Carlos James Clay Adam James Cobb Eva M. Colen Danielle K. Costo Bobby Cpin Anna McClelland Craig Stephanie E. Craig Jennifer A. Crewalk Kathleen M. Croft Matthew E. Crooke Andrew Crowe Elizabeth Kate Davidson Allison Amanda Jane Davis Mark Christopher Day Maysa Tuesnelda Ursula De Sousa Meriel L. DeLong Katelyn Delpriore Timothy Desnouee Lisa DiGangi Stacy Beth Driggin Heidi Lorene Elizabeth Ebbesson Rosalind Emma Echols Laurel Ruth Eckhouse Michael Joseph Edelman Francis Patrick Ellis Alyson Elaine Emrick Kiersten L. Franz Charles M. Friedman Amanda R. Frye Robert Raymond Gaiser Premsy Annamma George Hannah Molly Getz
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the officirecordcor of the University.
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. David B. Kurz Christopher Gleditsch Sarah Nemiah Ladd Merridy Marie Gnagey Kara Miriam Laing Nicole Goldstein Tia Debora Larese Laura Elizabeth Gorgol Betsy Lauren Lawson Elizabeth A. Gourlis Andrea H. Grannemann Jessica Ashley Lease Wendy Marie Green Amy Shih-Yun Lee Elaine Angela Lee Christopher P. Griggs Shivani Grover Thammineni Eui Rang Lee Lee Huei Chun Devalina Guha-Roy Kyoung Hee Lee Audrey S. Hahn Charlotte Elisse Haldeman Sandylara Sangeun Lee Gordon Emmett Hall Allison Elizabeth Leet Miriam Shifrah Leisman Angela M. Han Megan M. Harrington Chen-Ho, Lin Rasheena Harris, Esq. Ya-Hui Lin Yu-Ju Lin Heather Hartz Gasda Christine Amanda Haverly Lauren A. Linkowski Eduardo Jose Hernandez Eve Nora Cotterill Litt Chia-Ling Liu Erika V Hernandez Christopher Matthew Hinkle- Andrew D. Lounder Linda Colleen Lubranski Brown Alexandria Zoe Hiserman Stella Alicia Lui Dusti Michele Lyon Preul Melanie Renee Holmes Jason R. Holton Carl Wilde Mackey Dana Marie MacNamara Sunday Jolene Howe Meredith Leigh Howell Katrina Louise Magdol Alexis Penelope Mahon Cheng-Yi Hsu Marc Mancinelli I-Tsen Huang Shih-Chen Huang Brighid Anne Marquess Kevin C. Hudson Rebecca Jessica Massey Jasmine Elizabeth Hulin Julia Celeste Mazzeo Camille Cavaliere Introcaso Elspeth McAlister Lindhiem Melissa Claire Irving Scarlett Olivia McCahill Lauren Anne Jacob Elizabeth McDaid Stacie Brooke Jacoby Vanesha Rose McGee Nicole Fatima Javier Judith B. McHugh Katharina Ann Jenkins Kelly Christine McManus Gloria J. Johnson Amy Lynn Miller Jennifer Michelle Johnson Paridhi Mittal Kirsten Elizabeth JohnsonMackenzie Dror Moritz Standeven Kenneth Murphy III Pamela E. Johnson Jonathan Dwyer Murray Jou, Yu-Shiang Kumi Nakamura Janet Nary Kang Emily H. Neff Tracy Ann Kannry Ni, Ching-Tai Lindsay Sarah Karzon Christopher Poul Nielsen Rabiya Kassam-Adams Erin Kathleen Nielsen Sabrina Kay Archie Charles Odom Patrick Michael Kennison Aaron Edward Olson Esther Joon-Young Kim Della Omerbasic Hee Sun Kim James Pasquale Orlando Jeong Eun Kim Lauren Suzanne Pace Jessica Kyung Joo Kim Larissa Georgina Pahomov Miri Kim Alissa Joanne Palladinetti Rebecca Doreen Kirzner Patrick Norman Palus Andrew Duncan Knudsen Eunjin Park Matthew William Korobkin Joo Young Park Jesse Lynn Krohn Ju Yun Park
Kyunghee Park Yoko Tominaga So Young Park Dean Themistocles Topodas So Jung Park Lindsay Noel Turk Rachel Marie Pastore Daniel Stephen Turner Chi-Yu Peng Christopher Scott Van Orden Darcy M. Penrod Elizabeth Victoreen-Goldstein Isaac Mordecai Pollack Vikram Viswanathan Heather E. Potts Brianne Walsh Natalia C. Prociuk Hsin-Chiao Wang Shu-An Pu Rebecca Elyse Wanner Jill A. Purdy Ju-Chieh Wei Aamma Awais Qureshi Heather L. Weisse John Cunningham Raffetto Susan Irene West Rajesh P. Ramachandran Adrienne G. Whaley Katie Noel Rarick Meredith Virginia WilliamsRaechel C. Ratliff Earle Madeline M. Rawski Janet Naomi Williams Montserrat Rodà-Bencells Michael Steven Williams Kendra-Lee Rosati Jonathan Robert Wing Kimberly A. Rosato Grace Sue Wu Alexis Victoria Santone Hsing-Hua Wu Mark William Saunders Sojung Yun Karissa K. Schafer Rossana Admana Zapf Stephanie Josephine Schuetz Anneliese Zausner-Mannes Amy L. Schwartz Benjamin D. Zerante Brian Matthew Scott Katy Marie Zimmerman Tiffany J. Settles Douglas L. Shafer Master of Philosophy Julia Shaner Young in Education Michael Joseph Sharkey Sarah Shaw August 10, 2007 Jennifer McCarvel Sherman Sandra Joy Kray Yi-Chun Shieh Brooke Lauren Pavon Margaret Lyndsey Lynn Mei Ya Soh Shillingford Joel Richard Stewart Seung Yeon Shin Su Yeon Shin May 19, 2008 Jessica Genia Simon Rebecca Lee Sinclair Joanne Casseus Sarita Singh Kellyn Ruth Ann Hohnbaum Jessica Ramos Sarah A. Keene Alexa Smialowicz Elaine Mun-Yee Liu Elizabeth Marie Smith Cara Lisbeth Miller Nathaniel A. Snyder Jr. Rebecca L. Popkave Kristen Toriello SonnekJennifer Theresa Ross Schmelz Mary Squillace Doctor of Education Heather M. Stern Anthony Cornelius Stevenson August 10, 2007 Robert Stocker Mark C Franek Jameelah Monique Stovall Samuel Michael Lemon Elizabeth Johanna Strauss Amy Linda Maisterra Sara Louise Studebaker James Andrew Melchor Hae Wook Sung Sherrell Dianne Mickens Rebeccah J. Taber Joseph Anthony Petrosino Jordan Michael Tegtmeyer Lennox H. Small Kathryn Grace Thompson Jean R. Stewart Tanya Alea Thompson Diane Waff Alan D. Todd Caitlin Wood Sklar
December 19, 2007 Robert Jude Cannon Charles Robert Soriano Joseph D. Trybulski May 19, 2008 Marjorie Callahan Beck Stephen Michael Benson Jana L. Carlisle John B. Craig Ann Kathleen Crotty Sharon Beth DeVivo Jesse Nyce Dougherty Eleanor A. Fogarty Nancy E. Franklin Robert Joseph Fraser Ty A. Furman Kelly A. Grady Kenneth D. Grcich Susan M. Greenbaum Linda Ellen Grobman Gloria R. Hancock Clare Hansen-Shinnerl John Matthew Harrington Anne Jennifer Herron Stephen D. Immerman Danita Yolanda Ishibashi Tulane N. Ganges Jackson Peter Grant Jordan Michael Edward Karpyn Katharin L. Kiefer Candy Lee Janet Elaine Lindner Jeanne Fielding Lord Espinel Paul Philip Marthers Robert Alan McGarry Christopher W. McGinley Elizabeth C. McKeaney Khalid Nabeeh Mumin Christopher Francis Murphy Marc Andre Nivet Charles D. O'Duor Cary Page Lisa A. Palmer Amir Rahnamay-Azar Mary Isabel Ramirez Mark Charles Reed Scott Harlin Reikofski Sharlene Valeria Roberson Rona Rosenberg Tamara Anne Rozhon M. Gary Sayed Erin Marie Servillo Robert I. Shaps Lori D. Spears Spencer Stewart Lisa Bridget Thomas Kathleen Marie Thompson 52
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Charles Allan Warfield Jennifer Marie Warren Suzanne J. Wasiolek Byron P White Michael David Williams Princess Williams Stephanie Elizabeth WoodGarnett Yung-Chiam Wu
Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy can be found under the Graduate Faculties listing.
Richard J. Gelles, Dean
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Belinda H. Juang Jill Ann Appleheimer Kelly M. Jude Stephanie Alma Arku Leslie Elizabeth Keebler Hope Courtney Axelrod Elissa Maria Christina Bargas Bonita A. Kershaw-Dawkins Catherine Ann Khayati Felicia Helene Barnack May 19, 2008 Betty Eunjee Kim Emily Barracano Carrie Lynn Kirsch Kathleen Constance Jessica Fawn Blum Rebecca Rose Knab Bartolucci Eileen Alison Bryson Elina Kogan Rose Elizabeth Becker Jill Ashley Helme Liat Shayna Kriegel Erin Lynn Beebe Daniel Taylor Hubbell Renee Nicole Lambert Joshua E. Behrle Michelle E. Johnson Jaclyn Marion Lampman Andrea Lorraine Bell Kimberly Ann Kindig Robin Faith Levine Jean Marie Bi Gozan Kouassi Melissa Berrios Trinity Amber Lubneuski Scott Birdsall Erin M. McQuade Crystal M. Lucas Joanna Bisgaier Johnny Pimentel Mendoza Cara Rosemary Magrogan Johanna Broll-Hernandez Tilak Mishra Melissa Maisonet Rachel Nicole Chandler Pei-An Peng Cherie JoElyn Marcus Stephanie Corinne Chando Robin Lynn Rich Christin Ann Markelwitz Tara M. Christie Elizabeth Nicole Roche Courtney Elizabeth McCuen Ma.Luisa Lim Chua Sarorng Sorn Mairéad Ann McInerney Laura Lisabeth Conn Jonathan Baidell Spack Katharine Elizabeth Jessica Leigh Coppol Katherine Guinn Truitt Mecklenburg Georgette Cox Catherine Anne Ward Elizabeth Tilden Meyer Jane Carrie Csir Kimmie L. Weeks Kristen Marie Meyer Jacqueline Queen Curry Jennine Louise Miller Brian Daily Master of Science in Kimberly Mae Najito Tessa Darlington Social Policy Caila Fitts Nickerson Scott Laurence Davis Okeoma Blessing Nwajuaku Clare Deering De Loskey August 10, 2007 Maryann Margaret O'Leary Marjorie Luce Dorime Sarah Elizabeth Bainton Salas Kimberley A. Duff Regina Marie Gendusa Kurt Wilhelm Oster Lindsey Royce Ehrenwerth Noa Lisa Padowitz Brian David Gralnick Rashetta Michelle Fairnot Suzie Lee Sooyoung Park Edward Randall Faulkner Kara A. Mergl Erika Wells Parker Sara Rebecca Folks Alisha Karena Scruggs Megha M. Patel Latasha M. Forteau Jennifer A. Pellicano Megan Anne Garrett May 19, 2008 Elizabeth Pelly Talia Christine Giordano Emily Evans Price Sarah Jenya Shoshi Goldfus Amy Rachel Greene Christen Joesell Radford Verna Greenaway Lindsay Jordan Lawer Melissa Anne Rock Amy Janet Griffin Glynnis Patrice Rutland Angela Swartzendruber Master of Social Lina Moharib Salameh Hackman Work Michelle Legaspi Sánchez Latoya Nichole Hampton Clelia Angela Scaccia Abram Preston Harris May 19, 2008 Haley Schwartz Rachel J. Heyman David Anthony Scotti Amber Jelena Hikes Dushinka Schania Rebecca Sue Selvin Lauren Parke Hill Abayasekara Steven William Shea Kiasha Danielle Huling Kate Mara Abramson Kimberly Elyse Sherman Danielle Alana Jackson Aseye Rebecca Allah Kate Shira Siegel Mary Ann Anderson Rachelle Jean-Baptiste Karell Melissa Cherie Jenkins Sarah Brook Singletary Sharlis Alicea Anthony Sarah Blair Smith Andrew Anthony Johnson
Master of Science in Nonprofit/NGO Leadership
Shayna Jodeana Anita Smith Katie Jane Sobiech Tiffany Frances Southerland Michael J. Spears Avital Spiegel Jessica Lynn Steltz Kelly Lynn Stolberg Ade Reno Sudiarno Kathleen Anne Sweeney Lisa Paige Sydney Amanda Wittler Tuffli Lauren Rebecca Tuman Carla Rose Velarde Lauren Elizabeth Wagner Katherine Amelia Walker Briana D'Annibale Weigand John Michael Wenger II Claire Michelle West Ahmed Whitt Kimberly Ashley Wiegand Susan Elizabeth Wiernusz Rasheen Andrew Young
Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy can be found under the Graduate Faculties listing.
me action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the abs ence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official record na
of the University
Michael X. Delli Carpini, Dean Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy for the Annenberg School for Communication can be found under the Graduate Faculties listing.
As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the officialrecord of the University.
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Candidates will be presented by Andrew N. Binns, Associate Provost
Master of Science August 10, 2007 Asseel Mohammad Al-Ragam Alison Jane Barnstable Maria Del Rocio Bonet Loscertales Joydeep Chatterjee Rafael Alberto Corredoira Phoyn Noah Eisenkraft Peter J. Godlewski Joseph Bernard Hyde Adam Seth Kamlet Tara Laura Kaufmann Jaewon Kim Christine Marie Kosman Jaime Michelle Lee Elizabeth Libby Jianqiang Ma Vida Markovitz-Landau Kathryn A. Matthias Ian J. Musselman Osbert C. Pang Matthew Pelc Rachel Perl Petya Dimitrova Radoeva Ghana A. Reiss Eddy Santosa Nicholas Warischalk Michael Wentzel Lauren Ja Yung Willis Yuan Yuan Mark Andrew Zolandz
December 19, 2007 Jonathan Apple Kaitlyn Baraldi Federica Bettina Bianco Ariella Raquel Blejer Patrick Joseph Brett James A. Flowers Anna Grassellino Xu Han Han-Joo Kim Karaa Lynn Kray Congzhou Liu John Robert Meyer Ellyn L.S. Micco JWe ennifer Lynn Muth nli O uyang Janie L. Planck
Michael Rheam Emily Lynn Rudomin Sounak Sarkar Kandaswamy Vijayan Jannce L. Watch Vijay Yerubandi
May 19, 2008
Jonathan D. Rubright Samantha L. Salkin John Frank Sands, Jr. Kristin Elizabeth Schmidt Andrew Treatner Segan Gregory David Shapiro Fu-Rong Shih Josh Silverman Monica Mullick Stallings Sathish Subramanian Katherine Elizabeth Sweet
Jean Marie Lutkenhouse Alexa Hilary Mater Noah Eddy Mayer Matthew T. Merlino Visontai Mirkó Keri Monahan Rebekah Hillary Nagler Felix Arthur Okoboi Serdar Ozkan Marla Isabel Pagán-Mattos Jane Catherine Penner JonathT.Pgc Brigitte Mary Radigan Joanna Mariel Radin Michael P. Ryan Nima Safabakhsh Jana V Schmidt Sira Schulz Michael Serazio Adrienne Shaw Gabriella Maria Skwara Margaret P. Sullivan Karen M. Tani Keren Tenenboim Weinblatt Robert Mark Thompson Matthias Weisheit Kristoffer J. Whitney Luo Xiao Jinghua Yan
Aykut Ahlatcioglu Seunghee Baek Amitai Yisrael Bin-Nun Jamie Lynn Burns Meghan Elizabeth Toles Holly Burns-La Riche Hong Truong James P. Casey Clare Waterman Alexis Morgan Castellani Simone Weichselbaum Robey Brooks Champine Sarah E. Wensley Fen Chen Jacqueline Alexandra Hsing-Chia Cheng Wilhelmy Alice Chong Lauren Marie Wozniak Sujit Sankar Datta Jichun Xie Shervin Dhanani Xiaoman Xing Amelia F Fisher Weihao Bryan Yip Kendra Irona Gentry Yuhui Zeng Andrea M. Grigg Lin Zhao Matthew W. Guerra Janice Mary Gunther Master of Arts Rhiannon Naoma Haddad Steffanie Marie Halberstadt Soren T. Harvard August 10, 2007 Jing He Sucharita Adluri December 19, 2007 Kathrin Hennig Anne-Katrin Arnold Raquel Albarrán Steven Gregory Hershman Caroline Frances Brennan Alexis Samantha Hill Maximiliano Barbosa da Silva Michael Christian Bulboff Anne N. Bornschein Paul C. Howard Joshua Capitanio Mark G. Brennan Ayaka Jennifer Iwata Paola M. Cereghetti Biaggio Jacob Daniel Bryce Robert R. Johnson Jamie Ho-Gee Chan Ah-Young J. Kim Sandra M. Casanova-Vizcaíno Jun Yu Chan Meeri Nam Kim Chakraborty U-TeeIndraneel Cheah Rohitashya Chattopadhyay Jennifer R. Kirchner Leah Elizabeth Comeau Yiling Chen Damon Niles Knauss Felipe Csaszar Yimei Li Cristiano Machado Costa Dominic E. Draye Anna Cox Dongyu Lin Johannes Paul Ehrmann Cherie J. Marcus Anne-Marie D' Aoust David Harris Gold ll Itamar Drechsler Amana d JJ.Marzuo Seth K. Goldman Samuel Franklin Elizabeth Tilden Meyer Ksenia Gorbenko Caroline Caitlin Nobo Ezgi Gülbas Charles C. Hsieh Michael Gene Housman Evelyn Nunez Jose Natanael Jimenez Andrea Elise Nurko Ting Fong Hui Geena Kim Sunmin Park Kasie Rachel Jean Catherine Wanyoung Kim Amelia I. Chin Peng Li Jiang Elizabeth Lee Rebecca Draper Pfeffer Seoljoo Kim Nina Elisheva Lior Hyojung Koo Laura Elizabeth Romcevich Jessica Anne Lowenthal
11. : final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The appearance of a
'erne in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person has received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Conversely, the absence o f of a student's name herein does not necessarily mean that the person has not been awarded a Penn degree. The student's transcript is the official record J the University
Masha Kowell Laura F Lanza Kate Liszka Edward Lybeer Samuel Edward Martin Jessica Lynne Martucci Chintan M. Mehta Christen Mucher Gavin James Oxman Jaffa Panken Jungjae Park Kelli V Peoples Gerardo Pignatiello Becky J. Raschke Jeremy A. Sather Victor Seow Charles Wesley Sharpe, Jr. Tomoko Shibuya Judith Sierra-Rivera Andrew Silberman Lucy Swanson Ning Tang Miya Tokumitsu Cedric R. Tolliver Ryan L. Tool Laura Torres Carissa A. 'Townsend Nicole Myers Turner Caroline N. Whitbeck Yuyu Zeng Pamela B. Zinn May 19, 2008 Theimann H. Ackerson Melanie Jessica Adley Larbi Alaoui Peter Nikolov Alexiev David Alff Ann Ang Su Lee Sol Anitua Claire Burgess Barshied Hans Paul Battle John Harman Becker Chad Jonathan Berbert Cabral Bigman-Galimore Elizabeth Blum Agyeman Siriboe Boateng Daniel Scott Bowermaster Alexander Fredric Braunstein Amanda Kate Bronesk y Marie Grace Brown Ruth Hannah Burke Peter Busse Seung Ah Byun David Douglas Hauser Cameron Richard Owen Carli Andrzej Piotr Cetnarski Joanna R. Champney 56
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Yi-Chen Chen Christina Cheng Yae Jin Cho Latoya Baldwin Clark Peter Joseph Clericuzio Miriam G. Clinton Sholto Douglas Cole John R. Collins Alexandre Costabile Sophie Marie Coulombeau Carla Cué Edouard Patrick Derom Hilary E. Dingfelder Janice Lynn Dornbush Enestor da Rosa dos Santos Junior Ethan K. Dougherty Brooke Erin Duffy Rodolfo F Ergueta David Fernandes Ferreira Anne Marie Friedrich Michael Ross Genho Robert E. Gerhardt Eugenio Giancotti Robert Ross Israel Goldberg Min Gong Michael Adam Gottfried Ryan Daniel Grauer Caralyn M. Green Kurt Guldentops Daniel A. Hackman Leah Hagler Jihun Hamm Aaron David Hankowski Nicholas Grant Harris Richara Leona Heyward Christopher Ernest Hill Samuel John Hirst Angel Ho Matthew Tyler Hubbell Shawnika J. Hull Syed Ejaz Hussain Alexander Jerneck Laura Ann Kane Vincent Michael Kane Erin Kelley Anthea Elizabeth Rose Kelsick Christopher Earl Kemp Jisun Kim Christopher A. King-Sidney Timothy Gilbert Knoth Neil Christopher Kuster Nancy Nan-Chun Lai Elizabeth Brett Lambos Matthew A. Lapierre Thomas Yao-Yu Lee Jingge Li Tian Liang
Sarah E. Vaala Julian Lim Alexander Valle Edith Liu Adhemar Villani Junior Eric Kay Hoi Liu Tommy G. Liu Rafael Devon Walker Lucia Veronica Marquez Catherine Warner Frank W. Wenger Claros Stephanie Joy Mathis Madeleine S. Wilcox Robert Yan Wolfman Renato Matiolli Michael Vincent McLaughlin Robert Wood Peter Y. Yang Carla Beth Medalia Mavis You Yao Leonardo Melosi Michelle Yi Kyung Yoon Benjamin Adam Meyer Whitney A. Miller Alyson Kay Zalta Shiva Mirhosseini Antonio J. Morales Doctor of Philosophy Kei Muraki Rachael Loxley Nichols August 10, 2007 Laura K. Nüffer Marie Donnell Adamson Rex Jonathan Thomas O'Day Salvatore Joseph Agosta Bruno Occhipinti Theresa J. Alenghat Daniel Preston Parker Alan Allport Antonio Penta Karthik Balasubramaniam Jeffrey Keller Perry Michele Ann Belliveau Melissa Peskin Jennifer Lyn Bellot Victor Petenkemani Randall J. Brerski Dolores Pizarro Mateusz B. Bryning David Pujades Rocamora Sebastian Carl Burckhardt Jesse David Rao Zachary Ryan Calo Arthur Charles Richards IV Andrew Richard Casper Ryan Maurice Rittenberg Cassia N. Cearley Mario George Rodriguez Fabiana Cecchini Stanley James Roe Swarat Chaudhuri Rebecca Dara Rosner Guang Chen José Luis Ruiz Vergara Laura K. Conlin Stephanie R. Ryberg Alper Çorlu Marc Salvany Fenollosa Serafín M. Coronel-Molina Robert Lane Sammon Brigit Crowell Paola Sardi Maia Bloomfield Cucchiara Jakob Friedrich Scherer Jamaine Saydu C. Davis Willian Shiang William Sloan Denney Ashley Mackenzie Smith Ranjan Deepak Deshmukh Emlen Matthew Smith Max Vincent Dionisio Margaret Elizabeth Smith Taeyoung Doh Ian So Jamie Mihoko Doyle Song, Min Jung Jennifer Dunn Kelley A. C. Riley Snorton Evans Panayiotis E. Stavrinides Jonathan Fisher John Thomas Steen III Jonathan Aaron Nastasi Juan Sui Fisher erban M. uvãgãu Sophie Alexine Bonin Fleck Ewa J. Szymanska Jennifer María Freeman Julia E. Szymczak Feng Gao Tatsuya Tamagawa Peng Gao Prasanna B. Tambe Fan Ge Jonathan Taqqu Ahu Gemici Megan S. Thomas Rafael Eduardo Tovar Fuentes Tania Gentic Mary Eckenrode Gibson Craig Brian Trachtenberg Robbie Glen Kelly Nadine Tuttle
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Susana Novais Santos Pallavi Padmapriya Gopal Shannon Jennifer Sauro Adam John Graves Amy M. Sawyer Michael D. Gross Kurt A. Schreyer Ratul Kumar Guha Lucy Charlotte Minett Csaba Guthy Shanno Michael Gyda, III Kenneth Edward Shirley Rachel Gail Handwerger Lauren J. Silver Sheri L. Hanna Sandile E. Simelane Jian He Lee Allen Smith Laura Ann Heffernan Victoria Stanhope Stéphane Helleringer Lucy Hemsley-Faulconbridge Deborah Ellen Stern Carrie Tompkins Stricker Brandon Kay Howard T. N. Swaminathan Jonathan Horng Hsy Lee Humphreys Niederdeppe Mate Nikola Tokic Stephen Chun-To Tse Kara Jones Jackson Jennifer A. Schumacher Yang Jin Tucker Daniel Ezra Johnson Kathleen Ann Van Citters Jung, Sukwon Elizabeth Vaquera Matthew Alan Katz L. Sangeetha Vedula Johanna Micaela Jacobsen Timothy W Victor Dae-Shik Kim Lodewijk Visschers Onyoo Elizabeth Kim Puyue Wang Valerie Elizabeth Klein Kilian Weinberger Alexie M. Kolpak Betty Won Robert Todd Krafty Elyssa Beth Wood Xiaotao Lang Xun Wu Julia G. Lavenberg Anastasia M. Wyce Richard William Lucas Yaling Xie Xiaojing Ma Jun-Tian Xu Tristan James Mabry Jinghua Yan Jody Lyneé Madeira Lingfeng Yang Joseph R. Mazzulli Thomas J. Yannuzzi Andrew Iain Shaw Szu-ting Yi McGregor Anjana Meel Niti Yongvanich Molly S. Megraw Dannagal Goldthwaite Peter Justin Mikochik Young Guang Zeng Sadie Mae Mitchell Shannon Claire Monahan Min Zhang Yuping Zhang Nicholas Anthony Montfort Erin K. Moodie Chao Zhou Jon Jungbien Moon Nancy Chenxin Zhou Rebecca Ann Moran December 19, 2007 Marcelo Olivares Acuña Vanessa Ortiz Torres Michael J. Abrams Sejal Bhatt Patel Mohamad Alkhayer Hemal Raman Pathak Prin X Amorapanth Evelyn Joy Diane Patterson Philip Anglewicz Dahlia Porter Wendy J. Bacon Christopher Martin Laura H. E Barde Puchalsky Katherine F Bartley Julia A. Rabig Charles Natalie A. Bezman Patrick Ratliff Maria del Rocio Bonet Riju Ra y Loscertales Kyle B. Roberts MaryCary Bradley Joy Elizabeth Rohde Francesca Bregoli James Niels Rosenquist Matthew Adam Carlson Mari Sakudo
Cortney E. Chaffin Rohitashya Chattopadhyay Ariel Chernin Jinyoung Choi Carolyn Esther Clark Yanshan Fang Paul R. Frail Denis Charles Gainty Stacey Lynn Garrett Joseph John Gerakos Kartikeya S. Ghia Mina Glick John D. Gordan Merrilee Fay Guenther Dexter Devanand Hadley Barr Halevi Shaman Hatley Frances Arianwen High David E. Hokanson Mong-Ying A. Hsieh Cheng Huang Kristín Ingvarsdóttir Andrew Michael Intlekofer Papot Jaroenapibal Baoming Ji Leanne M. Johnson Ryuichi Kaneko Matthew Stern Kayser Bridget J. Kelly Younghyun Kim Bradford Andrew Kirkegaard Eric A. Klein Keshav Kumar Upal Kusari Ann Kutney Lee Joshua Willard Lampe Alan Wai Lau Jingjing Li Wenkai Li Douglas Ian Lin Xin Liu Susanna Elizabeth McFadden Erika Lynn Mein Matthew T. Merlino M. Timothy Iwao Miyashiro Nader Motee Olivia Ng Ronald Eugene Stuart Noble Erin M. O'Brien Uzoma Michelle Okorie Francis Obare Onyango Jennifer Lauren OrthmannMurphy Ramin Pashaie Caroline Patten Marlo A. A Perry Stephen Richard Phillips
Cristina Pina Maria Cozzo Picca Teresa Pegeen Raczek Mahsa Ranji Joshua Aaron Roberson Stephen I. Rudnick Nicholas Sawicki Shamik Sen Amanda Leanne Sheldon Ekaterina Yurievna Shishova Joanna Sarah Slusky Yehuda Snir Nancy Saet Byul Srebro José Suárez-Lledó Xiaochun Sun Xiaoli Sun Stephen M. Sykes Aranee Techawiboonwong Omar Nicolas Torrens Andrew Daniel Trister Serdar Türkarslan Angel M. Varela-Rohena Kandaswamy Vijayan Jing Wang Geoffrey Alan Washburn Edward WE Webb Mary Elizabeth Wetli Jonathan Douglas Wright Ryan Michael Wyatt Hsao Wei Yap Fangfu Ye Ka Lai Yee Omar Zgheib Hui Zhang Peijuan Zhu Yi-rong Zhu
May 19, 2008 Lukasz Abramowicz Sara Elizabeth Achenbach Thomas Alan Adams II Christina Athena Aktipis James M. Alexander Mohammad Raziq Al Imam Asseel Mohammad AlRagam Faye Louise Allard Jan M. Allbeck Leslie H. Altena Louis Anthony Altamura René Luis Alvarez Madhukar Anand Mark E. Arsenault Aubrey Baadsgaard Amit Bahl Vida Bajc Kira Joell Baker-Doyle Gregory A. Barker 57
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Gretchen Marie Bender Beck Feibelman Ekta Khurana Osbert C. Pang Eran Noah Ben-Porath Michael D. Fischbein Anika Kiehne Tae-Hong Park Mikhail I. Bernadsky David Allen Fithian Hun Young Kim Matthew J. Paszek Arvind Bhusnurmath Thomas James Robert Ford Sung Shin Kim Elena Pavelescu Catherine Keelan Blaine Beverly D. Frazier Jesse M. Kinder Mu Peng John C. Blitzer Rachel A. Fusco Donna Harel Kirschner Irma L. Pérez-Johnson Anne Weinberger Bracy Erica C. Gelser Daryl Edward Klein Andrew Perrin Edward Allyn Matthew Michael Giampoala Soren David Konecky Stephanie Perry Brockenbrough III Catherine Elizabeth Gleason Jeffrey Michael Kralik Daniel Edward Petrillo Keith R. Brown Louis Daniel Glotzer Chana Kraus-Friedberg Andrew Stephen Pike Deborah Busch Javier Gonzalez Janine Suzanne Ladislaw Lusine Poghosyan Cynthia Anne Byrd Alwyn E. Goodloe Elena Elisabeth Lahr-Vivaz Mihaela Popescu Joshua Capitanio Tyhesha Goss Elmore Enkeleida Lakuriqi Alessandro Pratesi Kelly Elizabeth Caputo Evan Michael Goulet Klaus A. Larjo Haijiang Qi Joel Matthew Caplan Margaret Marie Greco Josh Lauer Amy M. Quinn Charles Daniel Carson Kennen S. Gross Esther Cheng Yin Lee Saithiwa Ramasoot Catherine Burnette Chamblee Abhishek Gupta Kun-Chun Lee Christopher Rankin Erwin Chan Tamar Lea Gur Mark Levitch Ashlan Paige Reid Daniel Tien-Nang Chen Burcu Gürsel Jennifer Rachel Levy Gregory Joseph Robinson Michelle Hsiu-Yu Chen Crystal J. Hall Dongbo Li Meredith R. Rossner Hong Chong Cho Jihun Hamm Yuqi Li Edward B. Royzman Sarah M. Choi Bruce W. Hardy Ke Liang Karl Edward Russo Wonho Choi Daniel Evan Harris-McCoy Julie G. Lieber Noah C. Roy Alice I. Chou Jered Brackston Haun Claire Seon Hye Lim Matthew Thaddius Rutz Natalie Aronson Christian Bing He Shih-Wen Lin Jennifer E. Ryan Janet A. Chrzan Andrew David Heath Yuanqing Lin Sara Dutton Sackett Michael Clapper John Patrick Heon Carole Anne Linderman Esra Sahm Yarman Jessica Noelle Cleck Jane Hickman Qian Liu Ritesh Saini Malcolm Clendenin Michele M. Hickey Robert James Lucero Raul Santaeulàlia-Llopis D'Maris Dalton Coffman Karen Rowley Hogan Xiaoyi Ma Jill Marie See Linda M. Cohen Armin Holschbach Michael Masci Praveen Sethupathy Naftali Shemaryah Cohn Rong-Syh Huang Janet E. Mass Tingting Sha Russell P. Cole Raymond D. Hubbard Michael J. May Parag Pinakin Shah Patrick Martin Connolly Brian Joseph Hudson Sarah Elizabeth McCarthy Melissa Julie Saunders Sarah Christen Costelloe Ka-Chuen (Sam) Hui Jonathan Nicholas Porter Lee Klohr Shaker Stephen Cranstoun Alan D. Humm Mekinda Barbara A. Shepperson Brenda L. Curtis Erin Purcell Hughes Liliana V Milkova Laura Sicola Jianguo Dai Cleopatra Yolanda Jacobs Eddis Nelson Miller III Neel S. Singhal Peter Dalakov Jennifer E. Jacobs Julia Carolyn Miller Jan Smidrkal Konstantinos Danas Katherine M. Janssen Susan Emily Mills Hilary Allison Smith Shoshana R. Daniel Se Hoon Jeong Adam Mohr Erica Soler Hampejsek Adrian Daub Amy Katherine Johnson Christopher J. Monte Margaret Cooney Souders Tabítha Dell'Angelo Danvers Errol Johnston Mary Rita Zorn Moonsammy Franz Ludwig Augustin Peter John Descioli Cheryl Jones-Walker Kathleen Adare Moran Speyer Leandra Therese DeSilva Seongjung Joo Nima Moshtagh Hans Friedrich Stabenau Saverimuttu Heon Joo Jung Jonathon E. Mote Carrie Morgan Steinberg Aminata J. Diallo Benjamin Kahan Jason Thomas Moyer Raymond T. Stock Justin Robert DiAngelo Tarek Kahlaoui Stephennie Faye Mulder Todd Ian Strochlic Celeste M. Dinucci Simo J. Kalla Thomas Michael Murphy Earl P. Stoddard, III Christine Monika Rapp Radhakrishna C. Kamath Garin Smith Muskiet Hari Sundar Dombrowski Sarah Beth Kaplan Reiko Nakajima Lori Ann Sundberg Enestor da Rosa dos Santos Romilla Karnati Louis Theodore Neff Curtis S. Swope Junior Rebecca Michelle Karpay Chung-Chun Ni Prasanna B. Tambe Sharon J. Diskin Diwas Singh Kc Maxim Nikiforov Khaled Aly Tarabieh Noah Daniel Drezner Erin Kearney Jennie Noakes Katharine S. Thomas Jamie Patrick Eggers Constance Keefe Nathaniel Vincent Nucci Nicola Tosini Edward Epsen David Keleti Kathryn E. O'Rourke Jeff Hongming Tsai Jamie J. Fader Martin P. Kern Robin Joy Kietlinski Joe-Kai Tsay Jennifer A. Faerber Fariha Irshad Khan Marjorie Pak Russell Milton Tisinger 58
Jeannine Marie Uribe Shravan Kumar Veerapaneni Adhemar Villani Junior Suzanne Evans Wagner Xiaobo Wan Chen-Shan Wang Ching-Jen Wang Yudi Wang Zhenlin Wang Tamara Juliette Warhol Zhi Weí Michael Joseph Weiss Ellen R. Welch Michael Alexander Wiedorn Douglas S. Williams Lucy Fowler Williams Anika Wilson Elizabeth Morley Woodburn William Martin Wuest Xie, Peng Chen Xu Zheng Yang Joshua D. Yarden Yun Kyu Yi Lu Yin Jianfeng Yu Jiangsheng Yu Valerie Puig-Antich Zediak Hui Zhao Xiuqin Zhou King Zong Paul Zurek
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Glenn L. Wagner Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps Director, Naval Officer Education Program
Albert L. Flood, III Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army Professor, Military Science
The following graduates in the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, who have completed the course of instruction in Naval Science, are being commissioned as Ensigns in the United States Navy.
The following students, members of the Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps, are being commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army Reserve.
Michelle Victoria Czarniak Christopher John Conway Kaysie Lauren Daggett Sandra Marie Deering Michael Edward Glynn Ross Jesse Notz Kathryn Elizabeth Schertz
The following graduates in the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, who have completed the course of instruction in Naval Science, are being commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Marine Corps. Hannah Kennedy Feuerstein Jason Thomas Pigan Michael Allen Szampruch Robert Alexander Urankar
Bryan T. Bet Eric J. Clever John E. Ferry Jr Joseph J. Gouryeb Sean M. Harkins Geofferey C. Horvath Joseph D. Levin Alexander L. Martinez Lorne L. Maser Brian McKenna Sandy Sanchez Dennis R. Sullivan Giang Tu Steven V. Tuccio
phi Beta Kappa Delta of Pennsylvania
Janet Waimin Lee Sarah Goldberg Leinwand Matthew Jason Leskowitz Gillian Levinson Jun Li Lily Yanlí Liu Christina Julia Lordeman Lucy A. Maddox Alexandra Patricia Martins Benjamin Saadia Maslin Joshua Adam Matz Robert E. Medina Joyce Shiann-Yun Meng Elyse Kara Monti Kira Muratova Jason Ming Hung Nagata Nazlee Navabi Rachel J. Omansky Maya Ondalikoglu Eve E. Overton Cynthia Lynn Padera Sunmin Park Sonia A. Pascal Megan Kristine Peppel Therese Maria Peron Alan Plotzker Michael Henry Poll Jeremy Gordon Price Jane Frances Raisch Naveed Rashid Jessica Fallon Rosenbaum Lauren Michelle Rosenberg Marta Rozmyslowicz Todd Wayne Rubin Jeffrey Brian Russ Joseph Michael Scherban Paul Christopher Scherer Jeannette Phyllis Schroeder Eric Michael Schwartz Sidharth Shah Alexander William Shaw David Jacob Siegel Rebekah T. Stevens Robert Marshall Strain Adam Nolan Tabor Timothy Driscoll Taylor Melissa Teixeira Andrew B. Turner Daniel Urbach Warsh Jacqueline Alexandra Wilhelmy Frances Fung San Woo Amber Rose Woodward Lauren Marie Wozniak Rena Zheng
priya Agarwal Kelly Eiko Asao Nicholas Steven Barr Ernest Baskin Shira Hinda Tamar Bender David A. Biome Martin Bouda Kemiga Bunyasaranand Simon Cartoon Any En-Yee Cheung Clara Mihee Choo Any L. Chowansky Aaron Benjamin Cohen Jennifer L. Cohen Meryl Elaine Cohen Scott A. Cohen Joshua Robert Cook Julia Mary Cox Meghan M. Daly Sujit Sankar Datta Elizabeth Ellen Bird Eckels Johanna Engel Daniel Evens Christopher T. Falcone David M. Faleck Sheira Hana Feuerstein Ellen Miriam Fraint Uri Lev Friedman Emilie Anne Froh Paul E. Gormisky Heather Danielle Gorn Jordan Lev Greenwald Jordan Mitchell Grossman Ben Karol Grunwald Caroline Ashley Haimm Emma E. Hall Rebecca Ivy Hartman Steven Gregory Hershman Alexis Samantha Hill Cameron S. Hu Rebecca A. Hughes Devan Jaganath Nathan Harwood Johnson Laura Elizabeth Jones Adrienne Juarascio Anna Natasha Jurkevics Lily Nicole Katz Megan Brenneman Kiernan Ah-Young J. Kim Jane Elizabeth Kim Kevin Masao Kimura Michael Brett Kind Al exandra Kougentakis Yu-Chi Lyra Kuo Baris Seven Grace Sohee Lee
Omicron Kappa Upsilon (Dental Medicine) Michael Martin Armstrong Sylvester Chinweuba Awagu Marie Elena Falcone Madeleine V Goodman Miriam H. Habeeb Blaine Adam Keister Suhn Kim Feiya Li Noah Philip Orenstein Lindi Orlin Amanda Romsa Bradley Eric Schnebel Sweta Babulal Shah Ryan Patrick Shaw Divya Venkataraman Quyen Ngoc Vu Yedeh Paul Ying
Matthew Cryer Honor Society (Dental Medicine) Rola E. Alkhatib Candice Nicole Carpenter Marie Elena Falcone Madeleine V Goodman Miriam H. Habeeb Soo-Hyun Han Katrina E. Hernandez Blaine Adam Keister Ga Eun Lee Jessica Rochelle Lynch
(Electrical Engineering) Thunyarat (Barn) Amornpetchkul hku l Tova Broos k LeslieY Yuli u Chen Ch Les Atishh M. At M Davda D d David Gorski Gors Gabriel Kopin Matt Kuruc Carlson Lau au Carl Mackey Hal Paver Mridhula Raghupathy Preeti Rajendran Michelle Rosenthal Meredith Skolnick Darren Wang
Tau Beta Pi (Engineering) Tova Brooks Matthew D. Chu Stephen Cifelli Anthony Curnes Atish Davda Samrat Desai Shakti Desai Lawrence Dooling Alissa Feldman Andrew Fisher Ernest Gomez David Gorski Robin Havener Geoffrey Hayes Alan Hsieh Han Hu Barry Huang Sarah Jiang Matthew Kalmus Joseph Kimmel Francesca Lattanzio Amanda Leicht Michael B. Lerman Megan Liszewski Stephen Nagy Ankur Patel Suraj Patel Benjamin Scott Peretz Ameya Phadke Mridhula Raghupathy Preeti Rajendran Martin Rogers George Scangas Micah Sheppard Jonathan Singer EtaKpNu Nicholas Smeets David Solomon Gordon Su Sandeep Subhedar Neil Tenenholtz Felicia Tsaur Katie Vasserman Chia Wu Jessica Zestar-Postrk
Alpha Omega Alpha (Medicine) Beta of Philadelphia Cynthia M. Adams Kiona Yasmin Allen Dania (Dasha) V Babushok Andrew Richard Bond Robert S. Fenning Boris Gershman
Laurie Beth Gray James Matthew Gregory Amma Nzinga Amete Hewitt Lillias Christine Holmes Daniel Edward Houseman André Michel Ilbawi Deborah Jones Autumn KieberMichelle Emmons John Nicholas Lukens Landi M. Parish Ross Hamilton Parker Rebecca Rabin-Bloomberg Alexander T. Ruutiainen Patricia Marie Salmon Ilana Sherer Peter B. Veldman Jonathan P. Wanderer
Sigma Theta Tau (Nursing) Xi of Pennsylvania Leah C. Antin Elizabeth A. Burghen Fryman Kimberly N. Burleigh Virginia A. 'Cary Jean C. Digitale Amy L. Donnellan Anne C. Glassie Bianca Gonzalez Kathleen M. Harle Meili I. Hau Linda L. Herrmann Nancy G. Hesse Michelle L. Holshue Maura T. Holt Katelin Hoskins Michelle D. Kahn Emily R. Kass Danielle Klosiewicz Alexandra K. Kotsovos Elizabeth F. Kusturiss-Ward Catherine K. Lee Andrea D. Leverkus Jenny C. Lynn Angela M. MacMillan Emily L. Masson Sarah J. McNally Gina M. McShea Lauren N. Mennine Galina Movshovich Sarah J. Ogílvie Victoria M. Pak Susan Y. Paul Colin M. Plover Kali A. Rhodes LeeAnn M. Sandberg 62
Emily E. Shaw Anne E. Shoemaker Shweta Singh Samantha L. Smith Roksolana Starodub Christianne C. Supan Thomas C. Tonya Alexis T. Udalovas Tabitha M. Van Pelt Kristine A. Villapando Rebecca K. White Sarah L. Wittig Felicia N. Wrice
Phi Zeta (Veterinary Medicine) Beta Chapter Laura Anne Barth Lisa Danielle Berman-Booty Tiffany Ann Catalino Blair Irene Cornman Lisa Marie Germanis Charlotte Hollinger Maureen Elizabeth Holowinski Elizabeth Ann Keehner Kay Kim Emily Tidd Kimberly Diana McGregor Knight Jennifer Lynne Koehl Marcia Sahlmark MacMillan Michelle Lynn Mannino Amy Rachael Marks Katherine Presley McKeown Maria Pennypacker Raymond Kathryn Ariel Rook Olivia Erin Schroeder Staci Scolavino Taryn Ann Sibley Kristan Elizabeth Slotterback Lindsay Blake Thalheim Amanda Margaret Theodore Angharad Helena Knight Waite
Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Administration) Alpha of Pennsylvania Kelsey Michelle Arneson Ariel Barzideh Ernest Baskin Nadia Boujarwah Jed G. Cairo Kevin James Castellano Daniel Karho Chan
Steven Michael Crowe Jeffrey Danzig Shakti Suketu Desai Ruchi Anani Desai Elisabeth D. Dong Jonathan Feintuch Alissa Feldman Chengzhoug Gao David Andrew Gorski Scott Hassan Graham Jason Daniel Gurwin Brett Jason Hartman John Raymond Holman Cara Yunming Hoy Han Hu Zachary James Kaplan Catherine M. Klinchuch Carlson Tse Chiang Lau Anthony Vu Lee Matthew Jason Leskowitz Sha Li Xíao Liu Gregory E. Mazlin Michael Krasney Meckler Joyce Shiann-Yun Meng Joshua Charles Miller Gloria Nalitt Benjamin Peretz Brent Patrick Peterson Young Ran Jonathan Robert Richter Ethan Gilbert Senturia Daniel H. Shin Gordon Lay Su Yang Sun Chun-Wai Nelson Tang Neil Arturo Tenenholtz Ashwin Kumar Thapar Kirsten Olga Tillett Daniel Yu-Chun Tseng Sida Wang Brian N. Welch Sarah Frances Yanes Tiffany Yeh Jongsue Yoon Jack Dacheng Zhou
PRIZES AND AWARDS Senior Class Awards Spoon Award: Puneet Singh Bowl Award: Jason A. Karsh Cane Award: David P. Helfenbein Spade Award: Matthew R. Levin Althea K. Hottel Award: Sarah R. Abroms Gaylord P. Harnwell Award: Colleen E. Donovan David R. Goddard Award: Beth Newton R. Jean Brownlee Award: Shirley Liang
Leadership Awards Asian Alumni Network Student Leadership Award: Jun Li Association of Alumnae Continuing Education Award: Julie Hench Association of Alumnae Fathers' Trophy: Jesse L. Carlin Association of Latino Alumni Student Leadership Award: Jasmine Perez Black Alumni Society Student Leadership Award: Davianne C. Toomer James Brister Society Student Leadership Award: Pheobe N. Askie Class of 1915 Award: Timothy J. Kaijala Sol Feinstone Undergraduate Awards: KeAndra Dodds, Malek H. Lewis, Samir M. Malik, Kevin M. Rurak, Jonathan Z. Weiner
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Aaron Rock and Melissa Treixiera Thouron Awards (British Fellows): Faye Allard, Luke Butler, Sophie Coulombeau, Deb Hoy, Elízabeth Hurst, Colin McIntyre, Dominique Tobbell and Suzanne Evans Wagner Trustees' Council of Penn Women Michele Huber and Bryan D. Giles Award: Ernest Dennis Gomez Trustees' Council of Penn Women Student Leadership Stu d hi Award: d Arus hi Sharma, Stacie Smith Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit: Carrie Alexander, Robert Medina, Julie G. Perilstein, Stacie N. Smith, Jessica Trief Penn Student Agencies Award: Heather L. Cunningham James Howard Weiss Memorial Award: Joyce S. Meng
Benjamin Franklin Scholars Anna E. Hartley, Yumeko Kawano, Jane E. Kim, Matthew J. Leskowitz, Alison C. Levy, Sheryl L. McGrann, Jessica T. Natbony, Jeremy Gordon Price, Syril Keena T. Que, Rebekah T. Stevens, Sean E. Sullivan
The School of Arts and Sciences
Alumni Association Student Graduate Awards Leadership Award: KeAndra Dodds William A. Levi Kite and Key Award for Dean's Awards for Service and Scholarship: Matthew R. Distinguished Teaching Levin by Graduate Students Paul F Miller, Jr. Scholarship: Garrett James Bedison, Earth and Environmental Blomquist, Brian J. Brazinski, Science Christie M. Gutierrez, Bilal Raja Malik Elena Bogdan, Mathematics Judith Seitz Rodin Prize for Innovative D'Maris Coffman, History Leadership: Jun Li Ellery Foutch, History of Art Matthew Gaetano, History Fellowships and Awards Athanasios Geromichalos, Economics Gates Cambridge Scholarships: Joshua Ryan Grauer, Political Science R. Cook Adrian Khactu, English George H. Frazier Prize: Austin J. Joanna Radin, History and Sociology of McDaniel Science Norman J. Goldring Prize: Carolyn M. Roberto Salguero-Gomez, Biology Auwaerter, Michael A. Hall Lance Wahlert, English Marshall Scholarship: Stephen Danley Rhodes Scholarship: Joyce S. Meng Dean's Scholars — Doctoral WW Smith Charitable Trust Scholarship Programs Prize: Christopher Falcone, Uygar Abaci, Philosophy Genevieve M. Gerngross Paul Babb, Anthropology Thouron Awards (American Fellows): Jay Fournier, Psychology Kimberly Hsu, Harry J. Lee, Jin Lee, Ellery Foutch, History of Art Ruth Masterson, Jason Nagata, This
Jeremy Lefkowitz, Classical Studies Andrew McPherson, Music Andrew Pike, Earth and Environmental Science
Norah Simpson, Psychology Gavin Steingo, Music
Dean's Scholar — Master's Programs Patrick McGinty, Master of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Awards College Dean's Scholars Jennifer Cohen, Biology Jane Kim, French Studies and English Cynthia Padera, English Elizabeth Raposa, Psychology and Comparative Literature
Naveed Rashid, Political Science Alex Shaw, Psychology Serena Stein, Anthropology and Comparative Literature
Lauren Wozniak, Physics Zhe Xu, Biochemistry and Hispanic Studies
CGS Undergraduate Dean's Scholar David Blome, Classical Studies School Prizes Association of Alumnae Rosemary D. Mazzatenta Scholars Award: Rachel LesbianGyBxulTrged Conrad, Xiaolu (Rachel) Han Charles W. Burr Book Prize: Jane E Raisch Abraham D. Cohn Prize: Nicholas W Roosevelt College Alumni Society 250th Commemoration Award: Samir CWiC Emerging Scholar: Sujit Sankar Datta Gantz Family Undergraduate Research Award: Ariel Fischer, Max Reibman William A. Levi Travel Fellowship: Asia Lampley, Jasmine Saxton-Mariah, Roderick Miller, Balvir Singh Rose Award: William Colsher Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Challenge Award: Steven G. Hershman, Sujit Sankar Datta, Lauren M. Wozniak Vagelos Fund for Undergraduate Research: Kelly Asao, Emily Behar, Ashish Bhumbla, Gabriel Crane, Sujit Sankar Datta, Savannah Hayes, Dan Jee, Jenny Jin, Grace Lee, Lauren M. Rosenberg
Partial list of recipients of prizes and awards. A number of awards are not announced prior to the time the Commencement program goes to press.
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, PRIZES AND AWARDS (CONTINUED) these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. American Institute of Chemists Medal College Alumni Society Biological Basis of Behavior Award: John Swierk Undergraduate Research Grants Program Ernest M. Brown, Jr., M.D. /CAS Undergraduate Research Grant: Jason Nagata College Alumni Society Board of Managers and Presidents/CAS Undergraduate Research Grant: Priya Agarwal, Sarah Gilbert, Alice Hickey Dean's Endowed Research Award: Joshua Cook Goldfeder Family Undergraduate Research Grant: Maxwell Elia, Seong-Jin Moon Class of 1971 Robert J. Holtz Endowed Fund for Undergraduate Research: Amber Woodward Ruth Marcus Kanter/CAS Undergraduate Research Grant: Zohra Ahmed, Kelly Asao, Alex Shaw Kelson Family College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant: Fei Fang Louis H. Castor M.D., C'48 Undergraduate Research Grant: Stephanie Yee Millstein Family Undergraduate Research Grant: Pauline Baniqued, Amy Chowansky Derish M. Wolff Undergraduate Research Grant: Rachel Omansky, Melissa Teixeira Pincus-Magaziner Family Undergraduate Research and Travel Fund: Jonathan Weiner
College of General Studies Ronald J. Caridi Award: William L. Colsher Linda Bowen Santoro Award: Remy Nshimiyimana Departmental, Center and Program Awards
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Louis Vederman Prize: Hannah Paltiel
Anthropology Department Anthropology Senior Thesis Prize: Ernest Baskin
Biochemistry Program Chair's Award: Steven Hershman Founder's Prize: Jason Reminick Helix Prize: Steven Hershman, Mazell Tetruashvily John C. Makris Memorial Award: Sunmin Park 64
Edward N. Pugh, Jr. Award: Devan Jaganath Eliot Stellar Award: Jeremy Price
Flagbearer: Hilan Kaplan Merck & Co. Award: Bryan Maliken Priestly Club Award: Michael Hall
Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing
Classical Studies Department
Writing Apprenticeships in the Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing: Sherene Joseph, Hillary Levine, Allison Stadd Berhman Scholar: Rebecca A. Fogel Caterfino Scholar: Kristen M. Martin Eisenberg Literary Journalism Fellowships: Alicia Puglionesi RealArts@Penn Internships: Kerry Golds, Joyce Lee, Kevin McMullin, Heather Schwedel, Margaret Bor John Borden, onVil anova
Creative Writing Program College Alumni Society Poetry Prizes First: Julie B. Steinberg Second: Kara Daddario Third: Valeria Tsygankova Creative Writing Program Prize for Creative Nonfiction First: Shira Bender Second: Eric Karlan Third: St. John Barned-Smith Judy Lee Award for Dramatic Writing: Katherine A. Myers Lillian and Benjamin Levy Award: Evan Koch Phi Kappa Sigma Fiction Prize First: Danny Goldstein Second: Sanae Lemoine Third: Gabriel Oppenheim Ezra Pound Prize for Literary Translation First: Emlen Smith Second: Zackary Wainer Third: Valeria Tsygankova Alexander Lessie William Carlos Williams Prize of the Academy of American Poets: Adrian Khactu Joan Harrison Award: Steve McLaughlin Terry B. Heled Travel and Research Grant: Alicia Puglionesi Kerry Sherin Wright Prize: Matthew Abess
Chemistry Department
Allen Prize in Latin: Barbara Bispham, David Nguyen Allen Prize in Greek: Alex Lessie, Curtis Roche
Communication Program Charles Morris Price Award: Jordan Grossman, Jessica Tollette
Communication within the Curriculum Emerging Scholar Talks: Sujit Dana
Earth and Environmental Science Department Undergraduate Prizes Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden Award: Christina E. Catanese Henry Darwin Rogers Award: Dominique M. Poncelet Graduate Prizes Institute for Environmental Studies Award: Niva G. Kramek
East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department Adele Austin Rickett Memorial Prize: Amber R. Woodward
Economics Department Undergraduate Prizes Bernard Shanbaum Prize for Excellence in Economics: Rebekah Stevens Graduate Prizes William Polk Carey Prize in Economics: Ahu Gemici Hiram C. Haney Fellowship Award in Economics: Larbi Aloui Beth Hayes Prize: Roberto Pinheiro Edwin Mansfield Teaching Prize in Economics: Nirav Mehta Joel Popkin Graduate Student Teaching Prize in Economics: Antonio Penta KelyWritsHou Lawrence Robbins Prize: Xi Weng Paul Taubman Memorial Prize for Empirical Economics Research: Claire Lim Sidney Weintraub Memorial Fellowship Chao Fu
Penn Institute for Economic Research
Alpha Chi Sigma Award: Jacqueline Undergraduate Prizes Wilhelmy American Chemical Society Award: Paul Lawrence R. Klein Prize for Outstanding Research ín Economics: Robert Gormisky, Lauren Zarzar Medina
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to PRIZES AND AWARDS (CONTINUED) press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Honorable mention: Bryndon Kline Henrietta M. Keller Prize: Anastasiya L. Organizational Dynamics Program
Elfimova Simon Kuznets Fellowship Award in Economics: Aaron Rosenbaum, Anna Max Kade Foundation Prize: Boris L. Glazman, Emily C. Price Tuchman Adolf D. Klarmann Prize: Allegra M. Graduate Prize Marchione Maloof Family Dissertation Fellowship Daniel B. Shumway Prize: Anca Popovici in Economics: KyungMin Kim Otto Springer Prize: Anna N. Jurkevics English Department Petronella van Weezel Prize: Jonathan Phillip E. Goldfein Class of '34 M. De Jong Shakespearean Prize: Kevin M. Workmen's Circle/Arbiter Ring Prize: Kimura Gabriella Skwara College Alumni Society Henry Reed Health and Societies Program Prize: Alexandra J. Gibson College Alumni Society Prize in Health Dosoretz Prize: Richard Z. Lee and Society: Jason Nagata Nancy Rafetto Leach P. Sweeten Prize: Society of the College Prize: Maria Alexandra J. Gibson Rivera
Fels Institute of Government
Audrey Miller Poritzky Leadership Award: Carolyn C. Ryan Executive Leadership Award: Amy Kristin Greene, Joseph Francis McGinn Service Award: Ashley Fletcher Frampton, Laura McCarthy Hanes, Seth G. Klempner Performance Management and Accountability Award: Francis A. Daly, Kristin Marie Johnson Stephen B. Sweeney Award: Michelle Schultz John K. Parker Award: Meredith Guillot Politics Award: Kenneth J. Altman, Luke Butler Public Finance Award: Jelani Akim Newton, Ralitsa Slavenkova
Fine Arts Program Kelly Senior Research Grants: Fatema Abdoolcarim, Katy Rose Glickman, Sofie Hodara, Angelika Kyrimi, Lea Marin, Tara McCafferty, Robin McDowell, Ingrid Pimsner, Shelby Prindaville, Wun Ting Wendy Tai, Irene Yoo
Folklore and Folklife Program Kenneth S. Goldstein Prize: Dana Hercbergs MacEdward Leach Prize: Erin Gautsche Don Yoder Prize: Yonah Esterson
German Department Arthur M. Daemmrich and Alfred Guenther Memorial Prize: Mara Taylor Erich Friedmann Memorial Prize: Anna _e N. Jurkevics, Richard M. Lambert, III a Man Ger m n Society of Pennsylvania Prize: Arden M. Rienas Adolph C. Gorr Delta Phi Alpha Prize: Michael J. Wojcik
History Department Lynn M. Case Prize: Rachel J. Omansky Thomas C. Cochran Prize: Daniel Warsh Hillary Conroy Prize: Priya Agarwal Adolph G. Rosengarten, Jr. Prize: Joshua Matz, Melissa Teixeira Captain Victor Gondos Jr., Prize: Alice Stewart Hickey Gussie Wachs Prize: Natalie Hamilton Kelly Jack Reece Prize: Kojo Minta James V. Saporito Memorial Prize: Uri Friedman
Dr. Paul J. Korshin Award: Kathleen C. Gubanich
Penn Humanities Forum Undergraduate Humanities Forum Research Fellowships: Priya Agarwal, Rajiv Bhagat, Li Chen, Sheira Feuerstein, Jordan Greenwald, Alice Hickey, Jason Nagata, Rachel Omansky, Alicia Puglionesi, David Reinecke, David Rimoch, Curtis Roche, Serena Stein, Melissa Teixeira, Samuel (Ari) Wisch
Philosophy Department Elizabeth F Flower Undergraduate Essay Prize in Philosophy: Daniel J. Singer
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program College Alumni Society Prize in Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Sonia Pascal, Colleen Donovan Goldstone Prize for Academic Excellence: Brett Wallace
Physics and Astronomy Department
Norman D. Palmer Award: Maxwell Kosman
Arnold M. Denenstein Prize: Peter Yunker Elias Burstein Prize: Michael Fischbein Herbert B. Callen Prize: Vincenzo Vitelli Chairman's Teaching Award: Jennifer Mosher William E. Stephens Memorial Prize: Sujit S. Datta Werner B. Teutsch Prize: Chi Yan Jeffrey Teo Thomas H. Wood Prize: Michael E. Abboud
Jewish Studies Program
Political Science Department
Samuel and Esther Goldin Endowment Award: David Faleck
College Alumni Society Robert Holtz Memorial Prize: Micah Kaplan, Naveed Rashid Philo Bennett Prize: Natasha Piano Leo S. Rowe Prize: Alyssa Casey, Robert Strain
History and Sociology of Science Department Society of the College Prize: L. Schuyler Ferguson
International Relations Program
Music Department David Halstead Music Prize: David Gottlieb, Michael Kleinman Hilda K. Nitzsche Prize in Music: Efstratios Minakakis, Matthew Schreibeis Helen L. Weiss Music Prize: Andrew McPherson, Allen McCullough
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department Judah Goldin Memorial Prize for Excellence in Advanced Hebrew Studies: Julia A. Paris Moshe Greenberg Prize: Benjamin M. Mundel
Religious Studies Department Merle Saunders Schaff Memorial Award: Undergraduate Prizes Yael Landman, Hart Levine Graduate Prizes David Shyovitz
Romance Languages Department Clifton C. Cherpack Prize in French Studies (Thesis Option): Nitzan Sternberg, Remy Nshimiyimana Runner Up: Jane Kim 65
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Clifton C. Cherpack Prize in French Studies (Paper Option): Jordan Greenwald, Samantha Ching Lina A. Ruiz Y Ruiz Memorial Award: Alyssa Sclafani Edwin B. Williams Memorial Award: Robert Medina
Maxillofacial Pathology Award: Implantology Award: Blaine Adam Keister Derek Paul Salony American Academy of Oral and Dentsply Student Clinician Award: Maxillofacial Radiology Award: Lindsay Pfeffer Candice Nicole Carpenter Drabkin Memorial Prize for Research in American Academy of Orofacial Pain Biochemistry: Meryl Allison Sava, Award: Arshad Kaleem Banafsheh Vahid American Academy of Periodontology Joseph E. Ewing Award in Fixed Women's Studies Program Award: Jesse Hyung Kwon Ko Prosthodontics: Nermeen Amr Rifai Carroll Smith-Rosenberg Senior Thesis American Association of Endodontics Pierre Fauchard Foundation Dental Prize in Women's Studies: Sonia A. Award: Derek J. Conover Student Scholarship Award: Derek Pascal American Association of Oral Biologists J. Conover The Lynda Hart Prize in Gender and Award: Derek J. Conover Pierre Fauchard Senior Student Award: Sexuality Studies: Jordan Jessica Rochelle Lynch American Association of Oral & Greenwald, Robert Medina Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Henry M. Goldman Award in Pathology: Bradley Eric Schnebel Implant Award: Carlos Ramos The School of Dental American Association of Orthodontics Louis I. Grossman Award in Award: Miriam H. Habeeb Endodontics: Quyen Ngoc Vu Medicine American College of Dentists Dr. Earle Banks Hoyt Teaching Award: 2008 AAPD Certificate of Merit Outstanding Leader Award: Derek J. Sweta Babulal Shah Predoctoral Student Award: Suhn Conover International College of Dentists Kim American College of Prosthodontists Student Leadership Award: Blaine 2008 HANAU TM Best of the Best Adam Keister Award: Quyen Ngoc Vu Prosthodontic Award: Jessica American Dental Society of International Congress of Oral Rochelle Lynch Implantologists Award/Sullivan Anesthesiology/Horace Wells 2008 2008 Delta Dental Student Leadership Schein Dental Predoctoral Senior Student Award: Yedeh Paul Award: Christine Lillian Bender, Ying Achievement Award: Rachel L. Jessica Rochelle Lynch, Farid Brian Marmor American Equilibration Society Award: Adrian R. and Regina Kristeller Prize in Shaikh, Michael SimontacchiSoon Young Hwang Gbologah Radiology: Jae Man Woo American Student Dental Association 2008 Judith Rodin Award: Lindsay Award of Excellence: Lindsay Pfeffer Limoli Practice Management Award and Pfeffer Scholarship: Derek J. Conover Professor Morton Amsterdam Award: Academic Affairs Award: Gregory 0. Martin J. Loeb Leadership Award: Derek Quyen Ngoc Vu Catchings Theodor Blum Oral Surgery Award: J. Conover Academy of Dental Materials Award: Abhishake Kumar Banda Eisa Mozaffari Prize: Lilyana Angelova Madeleíne V Goodman Dr. Morris Bradin Award in Periodontics: Northeastern Society of Periodontists, Academy of General Dentistry Award: Inc. Award: Havva Zeynep Ertugrul Gregory 0. Catchings Inga Kazlauskaite Sloat Outstanding Dental Student in Implant George Bronkovic Service Award: David Academy of Operative Dentistry Award: Dentistry Award: Blaine Adam Wellman Daníels Sylvester Chinweuba Awagu Keister Eleanor Bushee Senior Woman Dental Achievement Award in Pharmacology Award: Soon Young Hwang Pass-International Dentist Award: and Therapeutics Award: Lindi Orlin, Certificate of Merit and Award in Oral Haitham Al Shetawi, Sylvester Derek Paul Salony, Bradley Eric Medicine: David Wellman Daniels Chinweuba Awagu, Zina D. Petrol, Schnebel, Diana Yinneth Silva, Sweta Babulal Shah Abram Cohen Award in Periodontics: Priyanka Vaddi Pathology Award: Madeleine V. Miao Xian Zhou, Feiya Li Alpha Omega International Dental Goodman Columbia Dento-Form Corp. Award: Fraternity Scholarship: Ga Eun Lee, Michelle DiStefano Predoctoral Endodontics Award: Madeleine V Goodman, Rola E. Suphattra Lertruchikun Communíty Dentistry and Dental Public Alkhatib Quintessence Award for Clinical Health Award: Farid Brian Shaikh American Academy of Cranio-Facial Pain Community Dentistry and Pediatric Achievement in Periodontics: Steve Award: Michael SimontacchiDental Health Award: Christine Taishoff Weinstein Gbologah Quintessence Award for Clinical Lillian Bender American Academy of Dental Practice Achievement in Restorative J. George Coslet Award in Periodontics: Administration Award: Sumra Min Kyu Kim Dentistry: Ga Eun Lee Shahin Khan Matthew H. Cryer Society Award in Oral Quintessence Award for Research American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Achievement: Lindsay Pfeffer Medicine: Lisa Joy Shoff Award: Sweta Babulal Shah Henry B. Robinson Award in Restorative Delaware Valley Society of Oral and American Academy of Implant Dentistry Dentistry: Lilyana Angelova Maxillofacial Surgeons Excellence Student Award: James Everett Herman Segal Emergency Care Award: Award: Alexander C. Quintner Ruckman Divya Venkataraman Delaware Valley Society of Oral and American Academy of Oral and E. Howell Smith Award in Prosthetic Maxillofacial Surgeons Oral 66
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Dentistry: Sweta Babulal Shah Anna and Dr. Louis Wolf Scholarship: Rola E. Alkhatib, Madeleine V. Goodman
The School of Design Albert F Schenck-Henry Gillette Woodman Scholarship: First Príze: Rebecca S. Popowsky; Second Prize: Joseph M. Littrell; Third Prize: Virginia E. Melnyk Christopher Leland Lyon Memorial Fund Award: Travis Heck E. Lewis Dales Traveling Fellowships: Emily Bernstein, Young-Suk Choi, Kyu Ho Chun, Kimberly A. Cooper, David A. Ettinger, Joshua J. Freese, Kenta Fukunishi, Michael L. Jacobs, Yosuke Kawai, Hyunsoo Kim, Pablo D. Kohan, Jaeyoung Lee, Jongwon Lee, Joseph B. Leffelman, Noah Z. Levy, Danisha A. Lewis, Kristi Loui, Christopher M. Mackowiak, Kara B. Medow, Todd H. Montgomery, Vahit K. Muskara, Bridget E. Schmelzer, Angela C. Spadoni, Wei Wang, Daniel C. Whipple, Difeng Zhou John Stewardson Memorial Scholarshi p: Winners of PennDesign's internal competition: First Place: Ryan L. g M. Keerns; Second Place: Mean Born; Honorable Mention: Andrew G. Ruggles Mr. and Mrs. William L. Van Alen Traveling Fellowship: Ryan Keerns, Megan C. Studer Pennsylvania Planning Association, Pitkin and S paulding Fund Scholarship: Christina Arlt, John C. Reinhardt, Amanda Wagner Pennsylvania Planning Association, Student Paper Award Winner: Christina Lindsey Pennsylvania Planning Association Student Project Award Winner: Noah Chrismer, David Gest, Nathan Katz, Lauren Mattern, Shachi Pandey, Kyle Sundin Pennsylvania Planning Association Student Project Merit Award: Katie Goodrum, Stephanie Jennings, Tamara Jovovic, Tara Krueger, Kristin LaBuz, Amanda Miller, Donald Pecano, Sarah Showalter, George Smith, Jon Stover, Andrea Wong, Ashley Hahn, Imogen WirthGranlund fV ont Studio Scholarship Award: Kimberly Brickley and Jules Joseph
Skolnick, Daniel Wallman, Jeffrey Weinstein, David Winchell, Jessica Zestar-Postrk William K. Gemmill Memorial Award: William E. Arnold Award for Francesca Lantazio, Elyse Newman Outstanding Contributions by a Doctoral Student: Noah Drezner and Albert Giandomenico Award: Joseph Kimmel, George Lin, Laura Michelis, Shannon Sauro Ameya Phadke The Phi Delta Kappa Award for Albert P. Godsho Engineering Prize: Outstanding Dissertation: Mario Matthew Chu Per Ben and Bertha Gomberg Kirsch Prize: Han Hu The School of Engineering Institute of Electrical and Electronics and Applied Science Engineers' Student Award: Leon Hermans Graduate Awards A. Atwater Kent Prize: David Siegel John A. Goff Prize: Richard Springman Walter Korn Award: Joseph Schorr Victor W K. Ku Memorial Award in Richard K. Dentel Memorial Prize in Mechanical Engineering: Dov Urban Transportation: Devin Fischer Plantamura Victor W. K. Ku Memorial Award in Morris and Dorothy Rubinoff Award: Systems Engineering: Saurabh Jalan Swarat Chaudhuri Management and Technology S. J. Stein Prize: Yudi Wang Scholarshíp Award: Neil Tenenholtz Solomon R. Pollack Award: Raymond D. Mechanical Engineering and Applied Hubbard Mechanics Senior Design Best Poster
The Graduate School of Education
Undergraduate Awards Manfred Altman Memorial Award: Nathan Lee American Chemical Society Award: Martin Rogers American Institute of Chemical Engineers Delaware Valley Section Awards: Lawrence Dooling, Alex Fick, Charles Slominski American Institute of Chemists' Medal Award: Katie Vasserman American Society of Mechanical Engineers Award: Matthew Ford Dawn and Welton Becket Digital Media Designn Achievement Awards: Matthew Kuruc Bioengineering Student Leadership Award: Christine Roche, Chia Wu John Grist Brainerd Award: Carlson Lau R. M. Brick Award: Jonathan Singer John Couloucoundis Prize: Esteban Argudo, Brian Cohen, Matthew F Ford, Kimberley Gallant, Patricia Liskiw E. Stuart Eichert, Jr. Memorial Prize: Saurabh Jalan, Anil Venkatesh, Luke Zarko Engineering Alumni Society E. Stuart Eichert, Jr. Award: Daniel Wallman Faculty Appreciation Award: Kiresten Craig, Matthew Evans, Chrysta Irolla, Ernest Gomez, Michael Lerman, Carl Mackey, Robert Metter, Suraj Patel, Baris Seven, Anujit S Shastri, Jonathan Singer, Meredith
Prize: Mari Oishi, Montana Rathe, Rachel Rothman Moore School Council Cwikla Award: Samuel Sa Donald F. Othmer Sophomore Academic Excellence Award: Ao Xu Herman P. Schwan Bioengineering Award: Wee Siong Goh Sidney Shore Award: James Wong Francis G. Tatnall Prize: Warren Jackson Ralph Teetor Award: Matthew Kalmus Naren Udayagiri Scholarship Award: Saurabh Jalan, Carlson Lau Cornelius N. Weygandt Award: Matthew Kalmus Hugo Otto Wolf Memorial Prize: Esteban Argudo, Bari Dane, Preeti Rajendran, George Scangas, Micah Sheppard, Johanna Engel Wolf Family Award in Systems Engineering: David Gorski Wolf-Hallac Award: Megan Liszewski
The Law School Law students are acknowledged for a variety of awards, including Order of the Coif, at Commencement ceremonies.
The School of Medicine AAN Medical Student Prize: Mesha-Gay Melanie Brown Kenneth E. Appel Award: Laurie Beth Gray
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Financial Executives Institute Award: Michelle M. Battistini, M.D. Award: Horatio C. Wood Prize in Pharmacology: George M. Hanna Jonathan Feintuch Ericka Gibson Nikitas J. Zervanos, M.D. Prize in Family David K. Hildebrand Award: Ariel Clyde R Barker Research Prize: Landi Medicine: Autumn Michelle KieberBarzideh, Jeremy Grant, Christine Marie Parish Emmons Guo, Morgan Hennessy, David Nancy C. Bell, M.D. Memorial Prize in Dermatology: Andrew Brian Gurian-Peck, Christopher Schiavetta, Neelam Shah, Lok-ka Yeung Avarbock The School of Nursing Emily and Francis Botehlo Prize for John J. Holahan Memorial Fund Award: Brandon Dunn Excellence in Basic Science: Eugene Alumni Award: Phoebe N. Askie Ellen D. Baer Award: Susan Y. Paul S. Loveman Prize for Excellence in Khandros Dean's Award: Bianca Gonzalez Entrepreneurial Decision-Making: Anna Marie Chirico Award: Marc Claire M. Fagin Award: Heather L. Kenneth Morgan Hoffmann Cunningham Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award: Helen 0. Dickens, M.D. Award: Kiona Marion R. Gregory Award: Ann Kutney Ed Padlan Yasmin Allen, Kibwei A. McKinney Lee Beth Schachter Memorial Scholarship Gertrude M. & Ezra M. Eise Prize: Seth Jeanne Frances Hopkins Award: Rachel Award: Gregory Ambrogi, Olivia Shay Martin M. Feldman Ciardi, Alex Flamm Lillie M. Erk Prize: Deborah Jones Theresa I. Lynch Award: Rose-Therese Robert J. Schweich Prize in Security William T. Fitts, Jr. Memorial Prize: Rebustillo Analysis: Ethan Senturia Lillias Christine Holmes Shils-Zeidman Award: Fei Fang, Joanna Jesse H. Frank, M.D. Prize in Pathology: Wealtha McGurn Research Award: Elizabeth H. Bowman Raissa Tong Zina Meriden Dorothy Mereness Award: Melissa A. Snider Seed Award: Jason Gurwin, Peter Theodore Friedmann Prize: Sarah C. Kalinowski Handy, Nikhil Nirmel , Boris Silver Hull Mary D. Naylor Undergraduate Research Herbert S. Steuer Memorial Fund: The Ken Ginsburg Soul of Medicine Award: Rachel A. Corbin Vasant Natarajan, Kelly Schaefer Award: Karyn Rose Singer Henry 0. Thompson Prize in Ethics: Naren Udayagiri Scholarship Award: Dr. Morris Ginsburg Prize: Robert S. Dorothy H. Mora Fenning Saurabh Jalan, Carlson Lau Joyce E. Thompson Award in Women's Wharton Entrepreneurial Intern Rose and Hershel Kanovsky Prize in Health: Jennifer G. Jagger Fellowship: Nathaniel Turner Internal Medicine: Dania V. Joseph Warner Yardley Prize: Richard Babushok Hillen Marie Leebron Prize in Pediatrics: The School of Social Policy Beth Schachter Memorial Scholarship Cynthia Marie Adams & Practice Award: Daniel Berstein, Stefon Q. Henrietta and Jacob Lowenberg Prize in Burns, Sonia Kothari Pediatrics: Kiona Yasmin Allen D Hal Levin Award for Outstanding Ph.. Robert J. Schweich Prize in Security Merck Manual Award: Andrew Richard Student: Sara Wiesel Cullen Analysis: Benjamin S. Peretz, Bond, Alexander Tuukka Ahti Rosa Wessel Award for Meritorious Gregory Slavin Ruutiainen, Jonathan P. Wanderer MSW Student: Noa Padowitz Shils-Zeidman Award: Joseph Aigboboh, Joel Gordon Miller Award: Jonathan P. Dr. Ruth E. Smalley Award in Fei Fang, Joanne Raissa Tong Wanderer International Social Welfare: Lina Snider Seed Award: Claudio Alexander Dr. Spencer Morris Prize: Boris Salameh Avendano, Joshua Feinberg, Eric Gershman Lesser, Corey Lorinsky, Nikhil Charles A. Oliver Memorial Prize: Peter The Wharton Nirmel, Lee Tobey, Michael Tolkin Bernard Veldman Herbert S. Steuer Memorial Fund: Senior: Nathan and Pauline Pincus Prize for Undergraduate Division Stephen Goldstein, Junior: Yuanyuan Outstandíng Achievement as a Kong Clinician: Landi Marie Parish Elias B. Cohen Scholarship: Jeffrey Naren Udayagiri Scholarship Award: Eric C. Raps Memorial Prize: MeshaDanzig Kathleen Chung Gay Melanie Brown Dean's Award for Excellence: Gordon L. Wharton Entrepreneurial Intern Dr. I.S. Ravdin Prize: Boris Gershman Su Fellowship: Nathaniel Turner Society for Academic Emergency Dean's Award for Innovation: Joseph E Joseph Warner Yardley Prize: Havy Le Medicine Excellence Award: Kathy Leary Jr. Bowen Lin Dean's Award for Service to Wharton: Dr. Freddy Stark Award for Gross Seychelle T. Hicks, Jessica Trief Anatomy: Alexander Tuukka Ahti Dean's Award for Service to Ruutiainen Penn/Philadelphia Community: Lisa The Leonard Tow Humanism in Jiang Medicine Award presented by the Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key: Joyce S. Arnold P. Gold Foundation: André Meng Michel Ilbwai 68
FACULTY HONORS Lindback Awards Under terms of a gift from the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation, grants the faculty as Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Awards for Distinguished Teaching:
Michael Atchison, Veterinary Medicine Emma Dillon, SAS Stanley Goldfarb, Medicine Avery Goldstein, SAS Robert Hornik, Annenberg School for Communication
Joshua Metlay, Medicine Therese Richmond, Nursing Carol Spigner, Social Policy & Practice
Provost's Award for Teaching Excellence by Non-Standing Faculty Thomas Faust, Medicine Anne Drury Hall, SAS Provost's Award for Distinguished Ph.D. Teaching and Mentoring Nancy Hornberger, Education Robert Schuyler, SAS
The Annenberg School for Communication Joseph Cappella, Kathleen Hall Jamieson: American Political Science Association book award Michael X. Delli Carpini: Book Award, American Association of Public Opinion Research Keith Hampton: American Sociological Association section on Communication and Information Technologies Award Richard Johnston: American Political Science Association book award Elihu Katz: University of Rome seminar in his name Caryn Lerman: American Cancer Society's Alton Ochsner Award Diana Mutz: Warren J. Mitofsky Innovators Award, American Association of Public Opinion Research; Robert E. Lane Book Award, American Political Science Association Carlin Romano: named Commonwealth Speaker by state of Pennsylvania Barbie Zelizer: elected President of International Communication Association
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. an Early Career Contribution to Human Behavior and Evolution, Human Behavior and Evolution Society Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status: arenoucdthflwigmebrso Michael Leja, History of Art: Guggenheim Barry L. Eichler Fellowship Robert F. Giegengack Mark Liberman, Linguistics: Elected a Igor Kopytoff Fellow of the American Association Vicki L. Mahaffey for the Advancement of Science Eugene Narmour Julia Lynch, Political Science: American Gregory L. Possehl Political Science Association Award John J. Richetti for Best Book Published on European Gino C. Segre Frank Trommler Politics and Society Susan C. Watkins Victor Mair, East Asian Languages and Civilizations: Elected to American Tobias Baumgart, Chemistry: Alfred P. Philosophical Society Sloan Research Fellowship Diana Mutz, Political Science: American Jeff Bode, Chemistry: American Chemical Political Science Association Robert Society Arthur C. Cope Scholar E. Lane Award for best book on Award political psychology Ruth Schwartz Cowan, History and Kristine Rabberman, College of General Sociology of Science: John Desmond Studies: College of General Studies Bernal Prize, Society for the Social Distinguished Teaching Award for Study of Science Affiliated Faculty Emma Dillon, Music: Ira H. Abrams Simon Richter, German: Ira H. Abrams Memorial Award for Distinguished Memorial Award for Distinguished Teaching Teaching Marija Drndic, Physics and Astronomy: C. Brian Rose, Classical Studies: President, Edmund J. and Louise W Kahn Archaeological Institute of America Award for Distinguished Teaching by Paul Rozin, Psychology: Award for an Assistant Professor Distinguished Scientific Ronald Granieri, History: College of Contributions, American General Studies Distinguished Psychological Association Teaching Award for Standing Faculty James Schlatter, Theatre Arts: Dean's Robin M. Hochstrasser, Chemistry: Elected Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Fellow of the Royal Society of Affiliated Faculty Edinburgh Rogers Smith, Political Science: Dean's Dan Janzen, Biology: Elected to Award for Mentorship of American Philosophical Society Undergraduate Research Richard Johnston, Political Science: Peter Stallybrass, English: Elected to American Political Science American Philosophical Society Association Award for Best Book Peter Struck, Classical Studies: American Published on Race, Ethnicity and Philological Association Goodwin Politics Award of Merit Donald Kettl, Political Science: John Gaus Anna Weesner, Music: American Award, American Political Science Academy of Arts and Letters' Association; Stockberger Academy Award in Music Achievement Award, International Public Management Association for The School of Dental Human Resources Medicine Michael Klein, Chemistry: Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry, Markus B. Blatz, Preventive and Restorative American Chemical Society Sciences: Associate Editor of Quintessence International and Joachim Krieger, Mathematics: Alfred P. Associate Editor, Quintessence of Sloan Research Fellowship Dental Technology Robert Kurzban, Psychology: Distinguished Scientific Award for
The School of Arts and Sciences
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Pennsylvania Dental Association Recognition Award Claude F Krummenacher, Biochemistry: The Joseph and Josephine Rabinowitz Award for Scientific Excellence Arthur S. Kuperstein, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: 2007 Senior Outstanding Teaching Award Rochelle G. Lindemeyer, Pediatrics: American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, Consultant to the Oral Clinical Examination Andres Pinto, Oral Medicine: American Dental Association's Research and Center for Evidence Based Dentistry, Selected as an ADA Evidence Reviewer Alan M. Poison, Periodontics: Distinguished Alumni Award 2007University of Rochester and Eastman Dental Center Peter D. Quinn, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: 2008 President of the American Society of Temporomandibular Joint Surgeons (ASTMJS) Antonino G. Secchi, Orthodontics: 20072008 Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award by the American Association of Orthodontists Foundation
The School of Design Anita Berrizbeitia, Landscape Architecture: 2007 J.B Jackson Book Prize for "Roberto Burle Marx in Caracas: Parque del Este, 1956-1961" Laurie Churchman, Fine Arts: Creativity 37, Silver Award, 2007; American Graphic Design Awards, 2007; University & College Designers Association Excellence Award, 2007 John Moore, Fine Arts: Elected Academician, National Academy of Design, 2006 Joshua Mosley, Fine Arts: Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Media Arts Fellowship, 2007 Laurie Olin, Landscape Architecture: 2007 Honorary Doctor of Letters from Franklin and Marshall College Lynne B. Sagalyn, City Planning: Ballard Scholar Award, The Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center at the Wharton School Julie Saecker Schneider, Fine Arts: University Research Foundation Grant, 2007; 5-Country Arts Council 70
Grant, 2007 Domenic Vitiello, City Planning: Michael B. Katz Award for Excellence in Teaching Marion Weiss, Architecture: 2007 Veronica Rudge Green International Urban Design Award, Harvard University: Olympic Sculpture Park; AIA New York City, Gold Medal of Honor
The Graduate School of Education Sigal Ben-Porath: 2008 University Representative to Salzburg Seminar John Fantuzzo: Albert M. Greenfield Professor of Human Relations; Participant, Congressional Expert Panel on Head Start Marybeth Gasman: 2008 American Education Research Association Outstanding Book Award; GSE Excellence in Teaching Award Nancy Hornberger: 2008 Distinguished Service and Scholarship Award; 2008 Provost's Award for Distinguished Ph.D. Teaching and Mentoring Margaret Beale Spencer: AERA/Brown Lecturer Robert Zemsky: Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Franklin and Marshall College
The School of Engineering and Applied Science Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status: John E. Fischer Rajeev Alur, Computer and Information Science: Elected Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM); Elected Fellow of the IEEE Portonovo S. Ayyaswamy, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics:
2007 Worcester Reed Warner Medal Haim Bau, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics: Department of octoraeowsp l F ll hi Education Doctoral Award for Lab-on-Chip Technology Joseph Bordogna, Electrical and Systems Engineering: 2008 IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal Jason A. Burdick, Bioengineering: David and Lucile Packard Fellowship
Peter Davies, Materials Science and Engineering: S. Reid Warren, Jr. Award for Distinguished Teaching Scott Diamond, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering: Plenary Lecture, 2007 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Life Sciences Fundamentals Lecture Paul Ducheyne, Bioengineering: 2008 C. William Hall Award Nader Engheta, Electrical and Systems Engineering: George H. Heilmeier Faculty Award for Excellence in Research Leif Finkel, Bioengineering, Ford Motor Company Award for Outstanding Faculty Advising Ali Jadbabaie, Electrical and Systems Engineering: 2008 Hugo Schuck Award Sanjeev Khanna, Computer and Information Science: 2007 Guggenhein Fellowship; 2007 IBM Faculty Aware Campbell Laird, Material Science and Engineering: Elected Fellow of The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society Insup Lee, Computer and Information Science: 2007 CIMIT Edward M. Kennedy Award for Health Care Innovation (Team Member) Susan S. Margulies, Bioengineering: 200'; Elizabeth W Bingham Award from the Philadelphia Chapter of the Association for Women in Science Steven B. Nicoll, Bioengineering: Nations Science Foundation Career Award Jan Van der Spiegel, Electrical and Systems Engineering: IEEE's Major Educational Innovation Award E John M. Vohs, Chemical and Biomolecula Engineering: Catalysis Club of Philadelphia Award Vukan R. Vuchic, Electrical and Systems Engineering: Wilbur Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator
The Law School Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status: Curtis Reitz William Burke-White: Robert A. Gorman Award for Excellence in Teaching
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
Eric Feldman: Article Prize, Law and Jody Foster, Pediatrics: Blockley-Osler The School of Nursing Society Association Award Linda Aiken: Modern Healthcare's 100 Alan Lerner: Social Justice Award, Douglas Fraker, Surgery: Penn Pearls Most Powerful (3rd year) Jewish Social Policy Network Alexander Fuld, Internal Medicine: Penn Cliff Akiyama: Citation for Service to Serena Mayeri: Lerner-Scott Prize, The Pearls Philadelphia from the Organization of American Historians; Eli Glatstein, Radiation Oncology: Robert Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Jane Rainie Opel Young Alumna Dunning Dripps Memorial Award for House of Representatives Award, the Radcliffe Institute, Excellence in Graduate Medical Kathy Bowles: Fellow, American Harvard University Education Academy of Nursing Stephen Morse: MacArthur Award, as Stanley Goldfarb, Medicine: Christian R. Deborah Bruner: Fellow, American part of The Law and Neuroscience and Mary F. Lindback Award for Academy of Nursing Project; A. Leo Levin Award for Distinguished Teaching Christopher Coleman: Fellow, American Excellence in an Introductory Course John Glick, Medicine: I. S. Ravdin Master Academy of Nursing Edward Rock: 2007 De Brauw Prize, Clinician Award Charlene Compher: Distinguished European Corporate Governance Todd Hecht, Internal Medicine: Penn Service Award, American Dietetic Institute's Law Working Paper Series Pearls Association David Rudovsky: Harvey Levin Memorial Mariell L. Jessup, Medicine: Louis Loretta Sweet Jemmott: Kiyoski Award for Teaching Excellence Duhring Outstanding Clinical Kuromiya Award, Philadelphia Stacey Sobel: Adjunct Teaching Award Specialist Award FIGHT; Episteme Award, Sigma Jack Ludmir, Obstetrics & Gynecology: Theta Tau International Honor Alfred Stengel Health System The School of Medicine Society of Nursing; Distinguished Champion Award Daughters of Pennsylvania Award, Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status: Francis E. Marchlinski, Medicine: Luigi Pennsylvania Governor's Office and Paul E. Atkins Mastroianni, Jr., Clinical Innovator the Distinguished Daughters of Murray K. Dalinka Award Pennsylvania Clara Franzini-Armstrong Joshua Metlay, Biostatistics & Rodolfo Godinez Epidemiology: Christian R. and Mary F. Sarah Kagan: Centennial Wall of Fame, University of California-San DuPont Guerry IV Lindback Award for Distinguished Francisco Donato Larossa Teaching Terri Lipman: Lillian Sholtis Brunner Gilberto Pereira Kevin Meyers, Pediatrics: Dean's Award Award, School of Nursing Alumni John Rombeau for Excellence in Clinical Teaching at James C. Saunders Society; Dean's Award for an affiliated hospital Undergraduate Scholarly Mentorship Valerianna Amorosa, Medicine: Penn Kevin Osterhoudt, Pediatrics: Scott Therese Richmond: Pioneering Spirit Pearls Mackler Award for Excellence in Award, GE Healthcare-American Thomas Bader, Obstetrics and Gynecology: Substance Abuse Teaching Association of Critical Care Nursing; Sylvan Eisman Outstanding Primary Sean Pickering, Internal Medicine: Penn Outstanding Alumni Award, School Care Physician Award Pearls of Nursing Alumni Society Aaron Beck, Psychiatry: William Osler Robert Sadoff, Psychiatry: Special Dean's Jacqueline Scharff: Award for Teaching Patient-Oriented Research Award Award Excellence by Non-Standing Faculty Jeffrey Berns, Medicine: Leonard Berwick Babak Sarani, Surgery: Penn Pearls Julie Sochalski: Dean's Award for Memorial Teaching Award M. Celeste Simon, Cell & Developmental Exemplary Teaching Warren Bilker, Biostatistics e Epidemiology: Biology: Stanley N. Cohen Biomedical Marilyn Sommers: 2007 Presidential Dean's Award for Excellence in Basic Research Award Award and 2008 Senior Scientist Science Teaching Kenneth Sullivan, Psychiatry: Dean's Recognition Award, Midwest Nursing Lawrence F. Brass, Medicine: MSG Basic Award for Excellence in Medical Research Society; Claire M. Fagin Science Teaching Award Student Teaching by an Allied Health Distinguished Researcher Award Yongwon Choi, Pathology e Laboratory Professional Diane Spatz: Fellow, American Academy Medicine: Lady Barbara Colyton Phong T. Tran, Cell & Developmental of Nursing; Research Utilization Autoimmune Research Award Biolo MichaelS.BrownJu ogy: Award, Sigma Theta Tau Steve DiNardo, Cell & Developmental Faculty Research Award International Honor Society of Biology: Dean's Award for Excellence Kevin Volpp, Medicine: Marjorie A. Nursing in Graduate Student Training Bowman New Investigator Research Neville Strumpf: Fellow, Gerontological Dennis R. Durbin, Pediatrics: Samuel Award Society of America Martin Health Evaluation Sciences Thomas A. Wadden, Psychiatry: Arthur Terri Weaver: University of Pittsburgh Research Award Asbury Outstanding Faculty Mentor Alumni Award Thomas W. Faust, Internal Medicine: Award Provost's Award for Distinguished Teaching and MSG Clinical Teaching Award 71
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University.
The School of Social Policy & Practice Mark Stern: School of Social Policy & Practice Excellence in Teaching Award in the MSW Program, Standing Faculty Andrew Fussner: School of Social Policy & Practice Excellence in Teaching Award in the MSW Program, Parttime Faculty
The School of Veterinary Medicine David Artis, Pathobiology: Dean's Award for Leadership in Basic Science Education Peter Chapman, Clinical Studies — Philadelphia: Class of 2008 Teaching Award; Class of 2011 Teaching Award Kenneth Drobatz, Clinical Studies — Philadelphia: Dean's Award for Leadership in Clinical Science Education Rebecka Hess, Clinical Studies — Philadelphia: Class of 2009 Teaching Award David Holt, Clinical Studies — Philadelphia: Class of 2008 Teaching Award Rose Nolen-Walston, Clinical Studies — New Bolton Center: Class of 2009 Teaching Award Raymond Sweeney, Clinical Studies — New Bolton Center: Class of 2008 Teaching Award
The Wharton School Faculty Accorded Emeritus Status: Gerald Faulhaber Franklin Allen, Finance: Honorary Doctorate from the Stockholm School of Economics; Miller-Sherrerd Core Teaching, 2007 Martin Asher, Finance: William G. Whitney Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Affiliated Faculty, 2008 Leigh Bauer, Legal Studies e Business Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Affiliated Faculty, 2008 David Bell, Marketing: Miller-Sherrerd Core Teaching, 2007; WEMBA West Excellence in Teaching Award
Lisa Bolton, Marketing: 2007 AMA Sheth Witold Henisz, Management: Wharton Foundation Doctoral Consortium Undergraduate Excellence in Faculty Teaching Award in the Standing Robert Borghese, Legal Studies & Business Faculty, 2008 Ethics: Miller-Sherrerd Core Teaching, Shawndra Hill, Operations and Information 2007 Management: Herman E. Kroos Award Lorin Hitt, Operations and Information Eric Bradlow, Marketing: Miller-Sherrerd Core Teaching, 2007; American Management: Wharton Undergraduate Marketing Association : EXPLOR Excellence in Teaching Award in the Award, 2007; "Goes Above and Standing Faculty, 2008; Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007; "Tough, but Teaching Award, Wharton, 2007 we'll thank you in 5 years", MBA Robert Holthausen, Accounting: Wharton Teaching Award, 2007; Named Undergraduate Excellence in Editor-in-Chief, Marketing Science; Teaching Award in the Standing MBA Core Teaching Award, 2007 Faculty, 2008 Kartik Hosanager, Operations and Brian Bushee, Accounting: MBA Information Management: MBA Excellence in Teaching, 2007 Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007; Mary Ellen Carter, Accounting: "Tough, but We'll Thank You in Five Years", "Goes Above and Beyond the Call of MBA Teaching Award, 2007 Duty", MBA Teaching Award, 2007 Larry Hrebiniak, Management: MBA Core Gavin Cassar, Accounting: David W. Hauck Award for Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007 Nien-he Hsieh, Legal Studies e Business Teaching in the Standing Faculty, 2008 Ethics: Faculty Fellowship, Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics; Morris Cohen, Operations and Information MBA Excellence in Teaching Award, Management: Inaugural POMS 2007 International Distinguished David Hsu, Management: Named a Sloan Lectureship Award, 2007 Stuart Diamond, Legal Studies t9 Business Industry Studies Fellow Wes Hutchinson, Marketing: "Association Ethics: MBA Excellence in Teaching for Consumer Research Working Award, 2007 Thomas Donaldson, Legal Studies & Paper Best Poster Award." Robert Inman, Finance: Wharton Business Ethics: MBA Excellence in Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching, 2007; MBA Core Teaching Teaching Award in the Standing Award, 2007 Faculty, 2008 Gary Dushnitsky, Management: Sumantra Howard Kaufold, Finance: "Goes Above Ghoshal Practice and Research and Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA Award, Academy of Management, August 2007; Best Paper Award. The Teaching Award, 2007 Israel Strategy Conference, December Katherine Klein, Management: Named a Fellow in the Association for 2007 Alex Edmans, Finance: MBA Core Psychological Science Margaret Lambires, Management: MBA Teaching Award, 2007; "Goes Above Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007 and Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA Peggy Bishop Lane, Accounting: "Tough, Teaching Award, 2007 but We'll Thank You in Five Years", Peter Fader, Marketing: MBA Excellence MBA Teaching Award, 2007 in Teaching, 2007; 2007 Robert B. Chris Lee, Operations and Information Clarke Outstanding Educator Award; 2007 David K. Hardin Award; Management: "Goes Above and American Marketing Association: Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA EXPLOR Award, 2007 Teaching Award, 2007 Marshall Fisher, Operations and Jean Lemaire, Insurance and Risk Management: 2007 Undergraduate Information Management: INFORMS Excellence in Teaching Award; David George E. Kimball Medal - for distinW. Hauck Award for Excellence in guished service to the Institute and Teaching in the Standing Faculty, to the profession of OR/MS. 2008
Note: As final action cannot always be taken by the time this program goes to press, these lists of degree and prize recipients are tentative only. The student's transcript is the official record of the University. Jerrilyn Greene Marston, Legal Studies c9 Business Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Affiliated Faculty, 2008 Stephen Miller, Legal Studies 07 Business Ethics: William G. Whitney Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Affiliated Faculty, 2008 Olivia Mitchell, Insurance and Risk Management: Fidelity Pyramid Research Institute Award, 2007; Carolyn Shaw Bell Award of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, 2008 Asuka Nakahara, Real Estate: Class of 1984 Award, 2007; MBA Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007 Mary O'Sullivan, Management: "Goes Above and Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA Teaching Award, 2007; "Tough, but we'll thank you in 5 years", MBA Teaching Award, 2007; MillerSherrerd Core Teaching, 2007; MBA Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007; Mark Pauly, Health Care Systems: National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation's Research Award, May 2007; John M. Eisenberg Excellence in Mentorship Award, June 2007; Distinguished Investigator Award, Academy Health, June 2007 Evan Rawley, Management: Best paper award, strategy, 2007 EURAM conference David Reibstein, Marketing: MillerSherrerd Core Teaching, 2007; "Goes Above and Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA Teaching Award, 2007; Elected to the Board of the American Marketing Association; MBA Core Teaching Award, 2007 Michael Roberts, Finance: Wharton Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award in the Standing Faculty, 2008 Mark Schwartz, Legal Studies e1 Business Ethics: MBA Core Teaching Award, 2007 G. Richard Shell, Legal Studies & Business Ethics: Wharton Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award in the Standing Faculty, 2008 Kenneth Shropshire, Legal Studies e1 Business Ethics: Named one of the 100 Most Influential Sports Educators in America
Jeremy Siegel, Finance: "Goes Above and Justin Wolfers, Business and Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA "Tough, but we'll thank Teaching Award, 2007; "Tough, but years", MBA Teaching A we'll thank you in 5 years", MBA Gal Zauberman, Marketing: Teaching Award, 2007; MillerAward for Distinguished Sherrerd Core Teaching, 2007 Contributions to Consur. Nicolaj Siggelkow, Management: MBA Psychology, American Ps Excellence in Teaching, 2007 Association Kent Smetters, Insurance and Risk Management: Wharton Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award in the Standing Faculty, 2008 Nicholas Souleles, Finance: Wharton Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award in the Standing Faculty, 2008 Robert Stambaugh, Finance: Goldman Sachs Asset Management Award, 2007 (Western Finance Association) Robert Stine, Statistics: Miller-Sherrerd Core Teaching, 2007 Christian Terwiesch, Operations and Information Management: MillerSherrerd Core Teaching, 2007; MBA Core Teaching Award, 2007; "Goes Above and Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA Teaching Award, 2007 William Tyson, Legal Studies & Business Ethics: MBA Excellence in Teaching, 2007 Karl Ulrich, Operations and Information Management: Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award, Wharton, 2007 Michael Useem, Management: MBA Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007; "Goes Above and Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA Teaching Award, 2007 Joel Waldfogel, Business and Public Policy: Marc and Sheri Rapaport Undergraduate Core Teaching Award, 2008 Richard Waterman, Statistics: MillerSherrerd Core Teaching, 2007; MBA Core Teaching Award, 2007 David Wessel, Finance: William G. Whitney Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Affiliated Faculty, 2008 Matthew White, Business and Public Policy: MBA Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007; "Tough, but We'll Thank You in Five Years", MBA Teaching Award, 2007; "Goes Above and Beyond the Call of Duty", MBA Teaching Award, 2007 Yoram (Jerry) Wind, Marketing: MIT Buck Weaver Award, 2007 73
ALUMNI RE PRE SENTATIVE S Classes of 1958 and 1983 and Alumni Representatives The Class of 1958 President and Gift Chair: Richard J. Censits Vice President: Julie Dill Williams Reunion Chairs: Richard P. Albertson, MD Julie Dill Williams The Class of 1983 President: Laurie Dameshek Participation Chair: Inge Bancroft Webster Gift Chairs: Jeffrey L. Goldberg Peter G. LaFleche Lori Tarnopol Moore Denise Green Winner Alumni Representatives
The Old Guard B. Franklin Reinauer II
Alumni Class Leadership Council 1934 Jay Furman 1935 J. Milton Sklaroff 1936 Louis B. Dietz 1938 B. Franklin Reinauer H 1939 Grace Cole Jones 1941 David C. Melnicoff 1942 Joseph Straus, Jr. 1943 John A. Lawler, Jr. 1944 Mildred K. Keil 1945 Jerome M. Zaslow 1946 Mary McKinney Loughran 1947 Roslyn Silverman Hahn 1948 Philip M. Shiekman, Esq. 1949 Maryanna Worrell Jean Axelrod 1950 John C. Hackney 1951 Bernard Lemonick 1952 Charles T. Hill, Jr. 1953 Mae Agnes Pasquariello Carol Pasquariello 1954 Barbara J. Deuber 1955 Norm J. Schonfeld 1956 John C. T. Alexander 1957 Albert Perlstein 1958 Richard J. Censits 1959 Carl Cyril Hoyler, MD 1960 Stephen R. Weber 74
1961 Nancy Peters Ryan 1962 Barrett W. Freedlander, Esq. Bonnie Stein Squires 1963 Jonas A. Stiklorius 1964 John R. Rockwell 1965 Vicki Douglass Bendit 1966 Howard Coonley II 1967 Howard S. Freedlander Elizabeth S. Freedlander 1968 William H. Herrmann, Jr. 1969 Mary Ellen Cianfrani Miller 1970 Robert A. Levin, MD Martin P. Kaplan, MD Cynthia Gordon Kaplan, MD 1971 Ellen Marder Pries 1972 Henry Gutman 1973 Jack Levy 1974 Richard D. Feintuch, Esq. Merry Henig Feintuch 1975 Gregory S. Suss 1976 June Brownstein Gottlieb Sharon J. Wolinsky-Price Marvin A. Price 1977 Keith W Vass Eric M. Benshetler 1978 Edgar 0. Grossman Robert A. Fox 1979 Ford Jeffrey Levy 1980 Jayne Davis Perilstein Ronald P. Perilstein Cynthia Frank Edelson 1981 Dale Borenstein Bell 1982 Sally Lyn Katz 1983 Laurie Dameshek 1984 Andrew S. Margolis, Esq. Kara Weiss Maser 1985 Corinne G. Keller 1986 Susan Dreier Wishnow 1987 Lee Scott Zimmerman, Esq. 1988 Melissa Weiss Simon, Esq. 1989 Robert Steve Tinter, Esq. Lolita K. Jackson 1990 Judith Silverman Hodara 1991 Orville Russel Walls III, Esq. 1992 Marek D. Gootman 1993 Kiera Reilly Jennfier Spandano-Gasbarro 1995 Jennifer L. Gordon 1996 Edward P. Kelly, Esq. Dawn Lanzalotti O'Croinin 1997 John E. Freedlander 1998 Cindy Young 1999 David M. Koller 2000 Joshua M. Karetny
2001 Raymond G. Valerio 2002 Joshua D. Klein 2003 William D. Moore III 2004 Meredith M. Seidel 2005 Erin L. Springer 2006 Pierre Gooding 2007 Andrew T. Kaplan Alumni Class Leadership Council: Allan C. Bell, Esq. Association of Alumnae: Deborah H. Wolff, Esq. Association of Latino Alumni: Clemson Smith Muñiz Association of Native Alumni: Ann Martin Dapice Black Alumni Society: Christopher B. Sample Global Alumni Network: Melissa Wu James Brister Society: Darryll M. Oliver Penn Diversity Alliance: Laura Lin PennGALA (LGBT Alumni Association): Nicholas G. Setteducato Trustees' Council of Penn Women: Susan T. Marx Asian Alumni Network: Franklin Shen
Andrea Allison-Williams Janet Ansert Mollie Ashley Jennifer Balsama Alfred F. Beers Suzanne Bellan Melvin Benson Valerie Benson Elise Betz Denise Bowden Brenda Brand Charles Bronk Glenn D. Bryan John Burk Heather Butz Lynn Carroll Jessica Carswell Nona Carter Chris J. Cataldo Fanny Chu Fong Carolann Clark Paula Clark Doris S. Cochran-Fikes Myrna L. Cohen Paul S. Cribbins Erin Cross Elizabeth Cummings Judith Currano Ginny Davis Mary Lou Day Dawn Maglicco Deitch Sue Kauffman DePuyt Dennis Disbrow Janet Dwyer Stephen Elwell Beverly Emonds Annie Ensign Amy Everwine Troy Everwine Jeffrey Flynn Jennifer Furlong Ty A. Furman Jane Gallen James L. Gardner Joe Gasiewski John T. Gillespie Harry Gillin Kelly Graf Charlie Grafman Elizabeth M. Griffin Sonya Gwak Steve Hamilton Katie Hanlon Joann e M. Hanna
Cynthia Harrison Harold J. Haskins Loretta Hauber Margaret Heer Robert E. Helfman Aviva Hirschfeld Alexis Ruby Howe Cora M. Ingrum Meg Insall Stephanie Ives Revathy Iyer Monica Jones Kate Judge Alice Kelley Max King Jean-Marie Kneeley Mary Kononenko Walter Kononenko Peggy Kowalski Judith Kurnick Mary Ann Lafferty-Dellavalle Sheris se Laud-Hammond Edwin M. Ledwell Jack Lewis Mark Frazier Lloyd Stacey Lopez Irene Lukoff Delores Magobet Troy Majnerick Nicole Maloy Jessica Manlove Mary Mazzola Nancy McCue John McGarry Alison McGhie Judith McKee Ken Meehan Adam Michaels Patrice D. Miller Susan L. Miller Bart Miltenberger Lynn Moller Yve-Car Momperous se Joanne Murray Alice Nagle Elizabeth B. O'Brien Gail Oberton Amanda Parlett Maria Perkins Burton Ploener Charles Price Allyson Randolph Anne Reedstrom Scott H. Reikofski
Scott Reynolds Jennifer Rizzi Afi Roberson-Heywood Rodney Robinson Allison Rose Patricia Rose Colleen Becht Rotindo Sarah Ruegger Casey Ryan Isabel Sampson-Mapp Donna M. Samuel Linda Satchell Hannah Schlesinger Robert Schoenberg Evelyn Schwartz Beth Schwartz Megan Shannon Susan Shapiro Adam Sherr Rachel Sigman Susan Smith Lynn Sniffen Jules Spaeth Ann-Marie Staples Stephen P. Steinberg Kenneth Stewart Glenn Stieffenhofer Sara Jane Stone Elizabeth Neaves Straw Jason Strohl Joseph Sun Gregory Tausz Patricia Tillson Robert Tisot Matthew F Tominey Lisa Vaccarelli Duncan W. Van Dusen Julia Miller Vick Francine F Walker James Walton Sue Weber Susan L. White Linda A. Wiedmann Janean Williams Wayles Wilson Dilys Winegrad Crystal Wyatt
The student ushers are members of the Kite and Key Society, the undergraduate service organization founded in 1924. Their participation is coordinated by Danny Lustig and Brittany Bell.
TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY Mark L. Alderman, Esq., L'78 Robert S. Blank, Esq., L'65 Dr. Mitchell J. Blutt, C'78, M'82, WG'87 Scott L. Bok, Esq., C'81, W'81, L'84 Mrs. Judith Bollinger, WG'81 Mr. Christopher H. Browne, C'69 Mr. David Brush, C'82 Gilbert F. Casellas, Esq., L'77 Mrs. Susan W. Catherwood William W.M. Cheung, DMD, D'81, GD'82 Dr. Raymond K.F. Ch'ien, GR'78 Mr. L. John Clark, W'63, WG'68 David L. Cohen, Esq., L'81 Ms. Lisa Crutchfield Pamela Daley, Esq., L'79 Susan F. Danilow, Esq., CW'74, G'74 Mrs. Lee Spelman Doty, W'76 Mr. James D. Dunning, Jr., W'70 Mr. William P. Egan II, WG'69 Mr. Jay S. Fishman, W'74, WG'74 Mr. Robert A. Gleason, Jr., W'61 Perry Golkin, Esq., W'74, WG'74, L'78 Mr. Joel M. Greenblatt, W'79, WG'80 Dr. Amy Gutmann, Ex Officio Mr. Alan G. Hassenfeld, C'70 Mr. Andrew R. Heyer, W'79, WG'79 Mr. Michael A. Karp, C'64 Mr. Paul K. Kelly, C'62, WG'64 Dr. Laurie J. Landeau, V'84, WG'84 Mr. William P. Lauder, W'83 Mr. Robert M. Levy WG'74 Paul S. Levy Esq., L'72 M. Claire Lomax, Esq., C'84 Mr. William L. Mack, W'61, Vice Chair Mr. Howard S. Marks, W'67 Dr. Deborah Marrow, CW'70, GR'78 Mr. Edward J. Mathias, C'64 Mr. Marc F. McMorris, C'90, WG'94 Ms. Andrea Mitchell, CW'67 Mr. Ronald 0. Perelman, W'64, WG'66 Mr. Egbert L. J. Perry, CE'76, WG'78, GCE'79 Mr. Richard C. Perry, W'77 Mrs. Julie Beren Platt, C'79 Mr. Mitchell I. Quain, EE'73 Mr. Andrew S. Rachleff, W'80 Hon. Edward Rendell, C'65, Hon'00, Ex Officio Mr. James S. Riepe, W65, WG'67, Chair Mrs. Katherine Stein Sachs, CW'69 Dr. Marie A. Savard, Nu'72, M'76 Mr. Alvin V. Shoemaker, W'60, Hon'95 Mr. David M. Silfen, C'66 Mr. J. Peter Skirkanich, W'65 Dr. Susan C. Taylor, C'79 Robert I. Toll, Esq., L'66
As of May, 2008 76
Mr. George A. Weiss, W'65 Mr. Paul Williams, W'67 Mr. Mark 0. Winkelman, WG'73
Emeritus Mrs. Madlyn K. Abramson, Ed'57, GEd'60 Hon. Arlin M. Adams, L'47, Hon'98 Hon. Leonore Annenberg, Hon'85 Mr. Walter G. Arader, W'42 Mr. Gordon S. Bodek, C'42 Richard P. Brown, Jr., Esq., L'48 Dr. Gloria Twine Chisum, Gr'60, Hon'94 Mr. Robert A. Fox, C'52 Mr. Bruce J. Graham, FAIA, Ar'49 John G. Harkins, Jr., Esq., C'53, L'58 Mr. Stephen J. Heyman, W'59 Mr. Jon M. Huntsman, W'59, Hon'96 Mr. James J. Kim, W'59, G'61, Gr'63 Mr. Leonard A. Lauder, W'54 Mr. Robert P. Levy C'52 Mr. A. Bruce Mainwaring, C'47 Mr. Paul R Miller, Jr., W'50, Hon'81 Mr. John B. Neff, Hon'84 Mr. Russell E. Palmer, Hon'84 Mrs. Adele K. Schaeffer, CW'55 Mr. Saul P. Steinberg, W'59 Myles H. Tanenbaum, Esq., W'52, L'57 Dr. P. Roy Vagelos, C'50, Hon'99 Mr. Raymond H. Welsh, W'53 Dr. Charles K. Williams II, Gr'78, Hon'97
Honorary Mr. Henry M. Chance II, CE'34, Hon'83 Mr. Charles D. Dickey, Jr., Hon'88 Mr. G. Morris Dorrance, C'49, WG'51 Dr. Carl Kaysen, C'40, Hon'76 Mrs. Margaret R. Mainwaring, Ed'47, Hon'85 Mrs. Jacqueline G. Wexler, Hon'79
OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY President Dr. Amy Gutmann Provost Ronald J. Daniels, J.D., LL.M Executive Vice President of the University of Pennsylvania for the Health System and Dean, School of Medicine Dr. Arthur H. Rubenstein Executive Vice President Mr. Craig R. Carnaroli Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Pennsylvania Health System Wendy S. White, Esq. Vice President for Budget and Management Analysis Ms. Bonnie Gibson Vice President and Chief of Staff Mr. Gregory S. Rost Vice President for Communications Ms. Lori N. Doyle Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations Mr. John H. Zeller Vice President for Facilities and Real Estate Services Ms. Anne Papageorge Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Mr. Stephen D. Golding Vice President for Human Resources Dr. John J. Heuer Vice President for Information Systems and Computing Ms. Robin H. Beck Vice President for Institutional Affairs Ms. Joann Mitchell Vice President for Public Safety Ms. Maureen Rush Secretary of the University Ms. Leslie Laird Kruhly Comptroller Mr. John Horn
SCHOOL CEREMONIES Graduates will participate in school ceremonies immediately following Commencement or as noted. Family and friends are welcome.
The Annenberg School for Communication Ceremony:
Monday, May 19, 1:30 p.m., Room 110, Annenberg School
Monday, May 19, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m., Annenberg School Plaza Lobby
The Law School Ceremony:
Reception on May 18
The School of Arts and Sciences
The School of Medicine
College of Arts and Sciences Ceremony on May 18
Monday, May 19, 8:00 p.m., Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, Broad and Spruce Streets
Immediately following the ceremony
Graduate Division, School of Arts and Sciences Ceremony: Monday, May 19, 1:00 p.m., Reception:
Hill Field, 33rd and Walnut Street
The School of Nursing
Immediately following the ceremony
Monday May 19, 3:00 p.m., Verizon Hall at the Kimmel Center, Broad and Spruce Streets
Monday, May 19, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m., Carol Ware Gates Lobby, Fagin Hall
College of General Studies Ceremony on May 18
The School of Dental Medicine Ceremony:
Monday, May 19, 1:00 p.m., Irvine Auditorium
Robert Schattner Center, 240 S. 40th Street, immediately following the ceremony
The School of Design
The School of Social Policy Er Practice Ceremony:
Monday, May 19, 6:30 p.m., Irvine Auditorium
Hall of Flags, Houston Hall, immediately following the ceremony
The School of Veterinary Medicine
Monday, May 19, 12:00 noon, Meyerson Hall
Monday, May 19, 2:30 p.m., Zellerbach Theatre, Annenberg Center
Monday, May 19, 1:30 p.m., Furness Plaza, 34th and Locust Walk
Annenberg Center Courtyard, immediately following the ceremony
The Graduate School of Education Ceremony on May 17
The School of Engineering and Applied Science Doctoral and Master's Ceremonies on May 18
Monday, May 19, 3:00 p.m., Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Streets
Undergraduate Ceremony:
Monday, May 19, 2:30 p.m., Franklin Field
West Towne Lawn and Levine Hall, immediately following Main University Commencement ceremony
The Wharton School Wharton Undergraduate Division Ceremony on May 18 Wharton Graduate Division Ceremony on May 18 Wharton Doctoral Division Ceremony on May 18
The Commencement Program is produced by the Office of the University Secretary: Leslie Laird Kruhly, University Secretary and Alison McGhie, Director of Boards for Operations and Technology. For additional copies, please call 215/898-7005 or email
[email protected]. 79
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THE IVY DAY STONES Since June 7, 1873, every senior class graduating from the University of Pennsylvania has placed at least one Ivy Day stone somewhere on the university campus. Each stone is unveiled during a ceremony, held a few days prior to Commencement, in which a sprig of ivy is planted. This tradition, called Ivy Day, seems to have started as a way for the graduating class to commemorate its time at the University. Locations of selected Ivy Day stones are noted below
1889 1881 College Hall
1885 - Arts*
Jerome and Anne Fisher Fine Arts Library
College Hall
1895 Houston Hall
1928 Women's** -
Fisher-Bennett Hall
1939 Men's
College Hall
Francis Hopkinson Dormitory, Fisher-Hassenfeld College House, Quadrangle
Irvine Auditorium
1980 Palestra
Irvine Auditorium
1981 W.E.B. DuBois College House
* There are two stones for 1885—one for Arts and one for Sciences. ** For each year between 1926-1961 there are two stones—one placed by women and one by men.
1983 Franklin Field